Show Character Codes

Display a dialog showing the character code(s) of the selected character(s). This script is instended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:scc_ujs()

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On the character code popup, hovering the mouse over a character table cell will display the larger version of the character.

The displayed columns on the table are:

  • Char: Character glyph.

  • Hex: Unicode code point (Unicode character index) in hexadecimal. This is same as raw DWORD character data.

  • Dec: Unicode code point (Unicode character index) in decimal.

  • UTF-16 Codes: One or more UTF-16 code points in hexadecimal. This is same as raw WORD character data.

  • UTF-8 Codes: One or more UTF-8 code points in hexadecimal. This is same as raw BYTE character data.

The checkboxes above the table defines which character categories are displayed on the table.

  • 1-Byte: Includes characters which consist of only 1 byte of data.

  • 2-Bytes: Includes characters which consist of 2 bytes of data.

  • 4-Bytes: Includes characters which consist of 4 bytes of data.

  • White-Space: Includes white space characters such as tabs, spaces, new lines, no-break spaces, zero-width spaces, etc.