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l.js is another simple/tiny javascript/css loader

Tính đến 07-10-2018. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

Script này sẽ không được không được cài đặt trực tiếp. Nó là một thư viện cho các script khác để bao gồm các chỉ thị meta // @require

;(function(window, undefined){
* script for js/css parallel loading with dependancies management
* @author Jonathan Gotti < jgotti at jgotti dot net >
* @licence dual licence mit / gpl
* @since 2012-04-12
* @todo add prefetching using text/cache for js files
* @changelog
*            - 2016-08-22 - remove global eval and fix issue #13
*            - 2014-06-26 - bugfix in css loaded check when hashbang is used
*            - 2014-05-25 - fallback support rewrite + null id bug correction + minification work
*            - 2014-05-21 - add cdn fallback support with hashbang url
*            - 2014-05-22 - add support for relative paths for stylesheets in checkLoaded
*            - 2014-05-21 - add support for relative paths for scripts in checkLoaded
*            - 2013-01-25 - add parrallel loading inside single load call
*            - 2012-06-29 - some minifier optimisations
*            - 2012-04-20 - now sharp part of url will be used as tag id
*                         - add options for checking already loaded scripts at load time
*            - 2012-04-19 - add addAliases method
* @note coding style is implied by the target usage of this script not my habbits
	var isA =  function(a,b){ return a instanceof (b || Array);}
		//-- some minifier optimisation
		, D = document
		, getElementsByTagName = 'getElementsByTagName'
		, length = 'length'
		, readyState = 'readyState'
		, onreadystatechange = 'onreadystatechange'
		//-- get the current script tag for further evaluation of it's eventual content
		, scripts = D[getElementsByTagName]("script")
		, scriptTag = scripts[scripts[length]-1]
		, script  = scriptTag.innerHTML.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'')
	//avoid multiple inclusion to override current loader but allow tag content evaluation
	if( ! window.ljs ){
		var checkLoaded = scriptTag.src.match(/checkLoaded/)?1:0
			//-- keep trace of header as we will make multiple access to it
			,header  = D[getElementsByTagName]("head")[0] || D.documentElement
			, urlParse = function(url){
				var parts={}; // u => url, i => id, f = fallback
				parts.u = url.replace(/#(=)?([^#]*)?/g,function(m,a,b){ parts[a?'f':'i'] = b; return '';});
				return parts;
			,appendElmt = function(type,attrs,cb){
				var e = D.createElement(type), i;
				if( cb ){ //-- this is not intended to be used for link
						e[onreadystatechange] = function(){
							if (e[readyState] === "loaded" || e[readyState] === "complete"){
								e[onreadystatechange] = null;
						e.onload = cb;
				for( i in attrs ){ attrs[i] && (e[i]=attrs[i]); }
				// return e; // unused at this time so drop it
			,ajaxExec = function (url,success,error) {

					method: "GET",
						error && error();

			,load = function(url,cb){
				if( this.aliases && this.aliases[url] ){
					var args = this.aliases[url].slice(0);
					isA(args) || (args=[args]);
					cb && args.push(cb);
					return this.load.apply(this,args);
				if( isA(url) ){ // parallelized request
					for( var l=url[length]; l--;){
					cb && url.push(cb); // relaunch the dependancie queue
					return this.load.apply(this,url);
				if( url.match(/\.css\b/) ){
					return this.loadcss(url,cb);
				return this.loadjs(url,cb);
			,exec = function(url,cb){
				if( this.aliases && this.aliases[url] ){
					var args = this.aliases[url].slice(0);
					isA(args) || (args=[args]);
					cb && args.push(cb);
					return this.exec.apply(this,args);
				if( isA(url) ){ // parallelized request
					for( var l=url[length]; l--;){
					cb && url.push(cb); // relaunch the dependancie queue
					return this.exec.apply(this,url);
				if( url.match(/\.css\b/) ){
					return this.loadcss(url,cb);
				return this.execJs(url,cb);
			,loaded = {}  // will handle already loaded urls
			,loader  = {
				,loadjs: function(url,cb){
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					if( loaded[url] === true ){ // already loaded exec cb if any
						cb && cb();
						return this;
					}else if( loaded[url]!== undefined ){ // already asked for loading we append callback if any else return
						if( cb ){
							loaded[url] = (function(ocb,cb){ return function(){ ocb && ocb(); cb && cb(); }; })(loaded[url],cb);
						return this;
					// first time we ask this script
					loaded[url] = (function(cb){ return function(){loaded[url]=true; cb && cb();};})(cb);
					cb = function(){ loaded[url](); };
						if( parts.f ){
							var c = error.currentTarget;
					return this;
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					if( loaded[url] === true ){ // already loaded exec cb if any
						cb && cb();
						return this;
					}else if( loaded[url]!== undefined ){ // already asked for loading we append callback if any else return
						if( cb ){
							loaded[url] = (function(ocb,cb){ return function(){ ocb && ocb(); cb && cb(); }; })(loaded[url],cb);
						return this;
					// first time we ask this script
					loaded[url] = (function(cb){ return function(){loaded[url]=true; cb && cb();};})(cb);
					cb = function(){ loaded[url](); };
						if( parts.f ){
							var c = error.currentTarget;
						if( parts.f ){
					return this;
				,loadcss: function(url,cb){
					var parts = urlParse(url);
					url = parts.u;
					loaded[url] || appendElmt('link',{type:'text/css',rel:'stylesheet',href:url,id:parts.i});
					loaded[url] = true;
					cb && cb();
					return this;
				,load: function(){
					var argv=arguments,argc = argv[length];
					if( argc === 1 && isA(argv[0],Function) ){
						return this;
					},argv[0], argc <= 1 ? undefined : function(){ loader.load.apply(loader,[],1));} );
					return this;
					var argv=arguments,argc = argv[length];
					if( argc === 1 && isA(argv[0],Function) ){
						return this;
					},argv[0], argc <= 1 ? undefined : function(){ loader.exec.apply(loader,[],1));} );
					return this;
					for(var i in aliases ){
						this.aliases[i]= isA(aliases[i]) ? aliases[i].slice(0) : aliases[i];
					return this;
		if( checkLoaded ){
			var i,l,links,url;
				(url = scripts[i].getAttribute('src')) && (loaded[url.replace(/#.*$/,'')] = true);
			links = D[getElementsByTagName]('link');
				(links[i].rel==='stylesheet' || links[i].type==='text/css') && (loaded[links[i].getAttribute('href').replace(/#.*$/,'')]=true);
		//export ljs
		window.ljs = loader;
		// eval inside tag code if any
	// eval script tag content if needed
	scriptTag.src && script && appendElmt('script', {innerHTML: script});