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C&C Tiberium Alliances Title Mod

Displays your player name in the browser title bar. Also shows the number of whispers you've received when in another tab or window.

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Tiberium Alliances Extension : Title Mod

Server Patch 17.4 function-status: Fine

Displays your player name in the browser title bar. Shows the number of whispers received when using other windows/tabs. Plays sounds

Simple function that puts your player name in the title bar.
Useful if you sub for alliance members often or have a few accounts.
function added to play sounds.

To make your own sounds: base64 encode an OGG file, replace the parts "data:video/ogg;base64,T2dnUwACAAAAAAAAAAD..."
edit your file and change playNotificationSounds = false if you are tired of the sounds, but still want title/favicon notification.

Shows the number of whispers received while the window is minimized or you are browsing in another tab.

Example: (3)YourPlayerName - C&C: Tiberium Alliances

Credits : DR01
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