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Forum Quote seems a not intuitive system...

Posted: 2014-12-07
Edited: 2014-12-07

Forum Quote seems a not intuitive system...

i test the blockquote function of the site :

1- We can't just select a part of the discussion to quote it, because it quote all the discussion (select or not a part of the original post is without effect)
2- We need to edit this result (delete

    to delete the "auto numbering" in quote.
    2- If we want remove the Author of the post in the quote , the quote became a "normal quote" (with another sytle (less bigger than the original)

    After thought, maybe for it a Markdown effect... i don't know.

    Here an example :
    Forum Quote test

    Can we have some different way to quote here ?:
    - 1 - Selection (without numbering and author ref)
    - 2 - All original post (with author ref but without list numbering )
    - 3 - All like yet

    Posted: 2014-12-07

    +1, good ideas, currently the quoting process is messy.

    Posted: 2014-12-07

    We use the Quotes plugin, which is available in vanilla/addons. There's also the QuoteSelection plugin which I used for a while on forum.userstyles.org. I don't know if they make much sense to use together, but I can see what happens...

    Posted: 2014-12-07

    Quote Selection doesn't seem functional with 2.1. If anyone wants to revive it or augment Quotes, go ahead and I'd be happy to apply the changes.

    Posted: 2014-12-08
    Edited: 2014-12-08

    What they say on vanilla forum ?

    I found this plugin - less older i think:
    Quotes 1.6.9 (21 Nov 2014).
    And a related discussion:
    Quoting just the selected text if there's text selected on the page.

    Posted: 2014-12-08

    Quotes 1.6.9 is what we're using right now. The other thread suggests QuoteSelection, which doesn't work, as mentioned above.

    I think augmenting Quotes to do selections would be a JS-only change, so it should be right in everyone's wheelhouse. If someone makes it, I'll try it out, and if it works good I'll even champion it to be included with Quotes.

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