
1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager

< Feedback on AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2019-01-24
Edited: 2019-01-24


我自己已经添加了(我没加开关功能,自用),希望作者也能添加个开关,支持手动开关是否过滤百家好的功能。 自己主要修改了这里: var DealRedirect = function (request, curNodeHref, respText, RegText) { if (respText == null || typeof(respText) == "undefined") return; var resultResponseUrl = ""; if (RegText != null) { resultResponseUrl = RegGet(respText, RegText); } else { resultResponseUrl = respText; } if (resultResponseUrl != null && resultResponseUrl != "" && resultResponseUrl.indexOf("") < 0) { try { if (curSite.SiteTypeID == SiteType.SOGOU) curNodeHref = curNodeHref.replace(/^https:\/\/, ""); var changeNodeList = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='" + curNodeHref + "']"); for (var i = 0; i < changeNodeList.length; i++) { changeNodeList[i].setAttribute("acredirectStatus", "2"); changeNodeList[i].setAttribute("href", resultResponseUrl); } //添加百家号过滤功能 if(resultResponseUrl.indexOf("baijiahao") !=-1){ changeNodeList[0].parentNode.parentNode.remove(); } request.abort(); } catch (e) { } } };

Posted: 2019-01-24


Posted: 2019-01-26

非常感谢老哥的研究和对代码的编辑及建议,希望以后能有更多的人参与到GM脚本的编写中来,为大家谋福利,为祖国谋复兴 最新版的已经加入了过滤功能,应该可以顾虑百家号了,试试看呢

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