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violent monkey already supports google chrome now, user scripts installation guide needs some update

Posted: 2016-02-09
Edited: 2016-02-09

violent monkey already supports google chrome now, user scripts installation guide needs some update

it seems that violent monkey already supports google chrome now:

violent monkey for google chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/violent-monkey/jinjaccalgkegednnccohejagnlnfdag

am using it and it works perfect for me.

https://greasyfork.org/en/help/installing-user-scripts needs some update.

other related links:
violent monkey for opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/violent-monkey/
violent monkey for maxthon: http://extension.maxthon.com/detail/index.php?view_id=1680
violent monkey github repo: https://github.com/Violentmonkey/violentmonkey

Posted: 2016-12-11

I've added more Violentmonkey links as it appears to be a credible alternative.

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