Greasy Fork is available in English.
Remove tracking parameters and redirect to original URL. This Userscript uses the URL Interface instead of RegEx.
Це версії цього скрипту, де код був змінений. Показати всі версії.
Ageneral update
Do not blacklist nor whitelist parameter si
Temporarily set parameter si as a whitelisted parameter.
@name CleanURLs
Replace file:// by file:///
Fix metablock
Change the fashion of ref manipulation.
- .replace('/ref=', '/?ref='); + .replace('/ref=', '?ref=');
Handle /ref=.
Coding like a Japanese
Metablock correction (again)
Fix duplicate and false positive issue.
All parameters with single character are treated as whitelisted parameters.
P.S. The duplicate and false positive issue was suspected to be due to decoding/encoding, and it turned out that it wasn't a matter of decode/encode.
That is a good lesson that smaller tasks are just as important as bigger tasks.
Modify position more further away from the mouse cursor/pointer
Correct last update
Add more arguments
Enhance duplicate detection/filter
Display bar only when potential url or non-whitelisted parameter was found
change title
- Clean URL Improved + CleanURLs
Protect intended CSS style with CSS property `all: unset;`
Improve appearance of discovered URLs
Improve duplicate detection
Fix double scan. Details: Processed link nodes were scaned twice by parameter checker and blacklist parameter checker, hence leading to parameter loss.
Extract and guess URLs from certain parameters
Generate tooltip to any link with parameters
Do not create buttons with identical links and display a unique selection