Greasy Fork is available in English.
This script combines the chapter texts into one text.
Це версії цього скрипту, де код був змінений. Показати всі версії.
change: the url path has changed from ".../new-reader/..." to ".../reader/..."
fix: extra line breaks could be included at the end of the documentchange: A link to download the combined text as a txt file is now also shown below the audio file links at the last chapter page
change: audio file links now disappear again after 15 minutes because Blinkist lets these links expire after this time period.When you click on an audio file link after this time, you would only see a note from the Blinkist website telling you that the audio file link has expired.To generate new working links, just reload the website to let the script run again.
change: Links to the audio files of the segments are listed in the top right corner of the page.
fix: text of button below last main text segment was included in the scraped text (German text version only)
change: script start is now triggered by MutationObserver instead of onload event and timeout to make the start of the script more reliable.
change: no more button clicking is needed for this script to start and to view the combined text in the popup window at the final text segmentchange: code simplified
fix: "COPY" button was created twicechange: slight adjustment of position of buttons and size of popup windows
change: button "START AUTO-SCRAPER" is now yellowchange: button "COPY" is now greenchange: button "START AUTO-SCRAPER" does not disappear after a few seconds automatically (timeout removed)change: Updated manual
fix: last chapter was added to complete text twice