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let reviews = {"Enduring Angel": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "Without removal, you're basically dead to this. It kills the opponent incredibly quickly and stabilizes the board no matter how precarious of a situation you're in. The only reason this isn't getting a 5/5 is the somewhat prohibitive mana cost."}, "Brutal Cathar": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "A Banisher Priest that can brawl? Sign me up! A fantastic piece of removal that heavily rewards you for flipping it back and forth makes this a must answer threat that's slowly gonna answer every threatening creature your opponent plays. Brutal Cathar addresses the biggest issue with Banisher Priest, which was that you could rarely attack or block with it because the body was so small. Moonrage Brute is a great attacker and an even better blocker, and with Brutal Cathar clearing the way for its werewolf form, it shouldn't be too hard to beat the opponent up with it. The single white mana cost makes this easy to cast and splash, which makes it an even better first pick because you'll always be able to play it."}, "Gavony Dawnguard": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Day and Night is a cool mechanic to utilize in this version of Innistrad. It kind of existed in original Innistrad but was only used for werewolves and not cool cards like this. Gavony Dawnsguard's value depends on how many cheap creatures you're playing since playing this and consistently hitting is going to quickly bury your opponent in card advantage. This is a four drop that I'm pretty high on because it's giving me major Militia Bugler vibes and boy did I love that card."}, "Adeline, Resplendent Cathar": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Adeline alone will often be a huge threat, and curving a two drop into her will immediately put your opponent into an awful position. It's not great that the 1/1 she makes is attacking since that means it'll often die, but just the threat of that ability triggering as soon as she enters will make your combat step very scary at most points in the game."}, "Intrepid Adversary": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A 3/1 Lifelink for two is solid, but the fact that this is a must answer threat once you \u201ckick\u201d it at least once means that I'll be happily taking this over every common and uncommon pack one pick one. Adversary pumping itself is also quite nice, since it becomes a pretty beefy threat in the late game. My only complaint is how awkward combat can be when this is in play. If your opponent has mana up, you could get blown mid-combat out once your creatures lose their buff."}, "Sigardian Savior": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A five mana 3/3 Flier is a great floor, and once you're returning at least one creature you're going to quickly pull ahead of your opponent. Returning two is obviously the dream, but what I really like about this card is that when you have it in hand, you can be way more aggressive with your trades in the early game. In a less aggressive deck with only a few two drop creatures Sigardian Savior would drop down to a 3-3.5/5."}, "Vanquish the Horde": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "I love me a wrath effect in limited. Your opponent is pretty much never going to play around it assuming that you don't play too suspiciously, which makes it pretty easy to get a two or three-for-one off of this. Most of the times that you'll be casting this it'll probably be three-five mana, which makes is more or less the same as Wrath of God in my eyes. It'll be gross in the late game though when you wrath for two mana and follow up with a seven drop!"}, "Duelcraft Trainer": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Almost every white card is looking to beat down and Duelcraft Trainer is only aiding that plan. A 3/3 First Strike is a great attacker and blocker, and once you get Coven you'll be able to make any creature you want into a huge threat. Giving double strike to a flier seems incredibly gross, and I can see lots of games where you're hopelessly chumping against this effect."}, "Borrowed Time": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Banishing Light is great and you're always looking to get as many of these as possible. Being easily splashable is just the chef's kiss."}, "Ambitious Farmhand": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Great two drops will always be at a premium, and Ambitious Farmhand is just that. Playing this on turn two guarantees your third land drop, which will allow you to flip this into a pretty fantastic midgame threat. Sylvan Ranger is great, and Ambitious Farmhand is just a way better version of it even if it only gets plains. I don't plan on passing this one very often."}, "Search Party Captain": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "What the heck this common is nuts! Worst case scenario it's a Striped Bear, but when you're beating down it'll be easy to double spell this and something else. Creatures that draw a card are always at a premium in limited, and this is no different."}, "Sungold Sentinel": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A 3/2 for two ain't bad, but it's the Coven ability that makes this a potent threat throughout the entire game. I love two drops that do something at every point in the game because it allows you to have a good curve, but also makes you less prone to having nothing to do in the late game. Triggering Coven in limited seems very doable since the games will often get to board stalls in addition to there being way less removal and board wipes in limited. Keep in mind that the distribution of power amongst the creatures in your deck will matter a lot since most cards with Coven are pretty anemic if you're unable to reliably trigger it."}, "Gavony Silversmith": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Saddleback Lagac\u2018s human brethren! Since when did white start getting such good creatures? You only need one other creature in play for this to be good, but I can just imagine the eye rolls from my opponent when I go two drop into three drop into this and just KO them on turn four."}, "Beloved Beggar": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Now this card is solid in pretty much every deck, but it's especially brutal to face down when you're an aggressive deck. Killing this gives your opponent a Serra's Angel in the late game, but leaving this blunts some of your offense. Zero power is also perfect for triggering Coven. The flavor here is absolute dynamite, it just shows how important it is to be nice to everyone!"}, "Loyal Gryff": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I love these aggressive creatures with an extra relevant ability. Flashing this in and beating down with Vexing Gull is fine, but the times where you reset an ETB, get to save a blocker, or blow out removal gives Loyal Gryff so much potential upside."}, "Odric's Outrider": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Creatures have gotten so good in modern limited that a 2/4 for four just won't cut it. However, Odric's Outrider has a really powerful effect that especially shines in aggressive decks. Getting a little bit of value when it dies also doesn't hurt. Ultimately I'm pretty low on four and five drops in modern limited sets since it's always easy to pick late game plays up, but I think that this ability is powerful enough to make it a solid four drop in creature heavy deck that's looking to beat down."}, "Sigarda's Splendor": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Drawing cards and gaining life in Magic is like combining chocolate and peanut butter. It seems easy to net at least 1-3 cards off of this assuming that you're heavy white and/or have some forms of lifegain. My only issue is how bad of a top deck this can be when you're empty handed and behind/at a low life total."}, "Gavony Trapper": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A worse Fan Bearer is still going to be good in most decks. Tapping down their best threat every turn or setting up an end of turn tap into tap, then attack with everything means that Gavony Trapper has a lot more utility than you would think. Also don't underestimate that zero power for Coven!"}, "Chaplain of Alms": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "One drops normally underperform in limited, and the front side of Chaplain of Alms being so low impact is why it has a surprisingly low rating. It's a good blocker against X/1's, but you're rarely ever attacking with this. Being able to chump, gain some life and then get access to a flier that protects your team is pretty nice though and gives this card some good midgame potential."}, "Candletrap": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "What an awesome design! This will especially shine when you have a bunch of Fliers, but even in the aggressive decks this can be played early to stop an attacker while eventually exiling the creature for good once you fulfill Coven. The fact that the damage the creature deals is prevented is also great since it allows you to continue to attack in with your horde of creatures without the fear of one dying in combat. This stopping Disturbed is just the cherry on top, and there's a good chance I'm valuing this too low."}, "Candlegrove Witch": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Solid two drop right here since it beats down early and then flies over the opponent's defenses in the late game. Aggressive decks will be looking to load up on these."}, "Lunarch Veteran": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "This is a weird hybrid Soul Warden/Doomed Traveler, though having to pay two to get the spirit is a little lame. Both sides of this card are pretty weak, but this does do a lot for one mana so I'm going to go with my gut and give this a 2.5 instead of a 2. It gains some life, trades with something, and then pecks in while gaining more life so that can only be so bad."}, "Mourning Patrol": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "What a stellar name. It's a simple design that nicely showcases the Disturb mechanic and being able to trade this and be left with a flier reminds me a lot of Dauntless Cathar, which was a solid common in Shadows Over Innistrad."}, "Soul-Guide Gryff": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "3/4 Flier with minimal upside? Sign me up, this type of creature is in pretty much every set and is always solid."}, "Fateful Absence": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Sure it's non-conditional removal, but getting two-for-one'd in limited is the exact opposite of what you want to be doing. This is great if you see some crazy bomb from your opponent or if you're aggressive to the point that you can kill your opponent before they have the time to crack the Clue. Otherwise this is so much worse than Doom Blade that the two are barely comparable in my eyes."}, "Clarion Cathars": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Daysquad Marshall is back and as mediocre as ever. There are a lot better four drops than this, but it's still got okay stats so don't beat yourself up too much if you need this to get to 23."}, "Cathar Commando": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "A 3/1 for two on turn two is fine, but being able to trade this up in the late game while also still being able to answer problematic Artifacts and Enchantments makes this versatile enough where most decks will be very interested in this."}, "Bereaved Survivor": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "A three mana 2/1 is really bad, and while it's easy to flip, a worse Devoted Crop Mate doesn't have me the most excited to play this. The fact that the creature coming back has to attack means that a lot has to go right for this to work out in your favor. You have to flip this, have a creature to return, and still have a profitable attack when Bereaved Survivor brings the creature back."}, "Ritual of Hope": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Some decks will really want this sort of effect. White is looking like it's the aggressive color of this set, which means that a two mana Inspired Charge will be exactly what you're looking for. The only thing I fear is when you cast this with Coven and your opponent responds with removal causing you to lose it and you to get potentially blown out in combat."}, "Sungold Barrage": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "I'm happy to maindeck one copy of this with all the werewolves around, but it's mostly just going to be a great board card for the green strategies."}, "Unruly Mob": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Unruly Mob seems better this time around because of Decayed, but overall this isn't the best two drop. How good it is goes hand in hand with how many creatures are in your deck, so keep that in mind."}, "Celestus Sanctifier": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "3/2 for three just ain't what they used to be in limited. Mediocre body with a Scry 2 slapped on is very far from exciting. This gets better the more Disturbed cards you have though so keep that in mind."}, "Flare of Faith": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "I hate bad clunky pump spells like Gift of Strength, and this feels even worse than that since sometimes you're only getting +2/+2 for two mana, which is very disappointing. It's playable in aggressive Human based decks but I'd never actively seek this effect out."}, "Cathar's Call": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Cool effect, but I'd rather not get opened up for a two-for-one. If this gave Flying it would be a different story, but Vigilance just isn't the most useful keyword and this has to be around for a really long time before you can start to overwhelm the opponent. The risk just ain't worth the reward here."}, "Homestead Courage": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Travel Preparations this is not. I want my combat tricks to be an instant, and when they're not I want them to affect the board more than this does."}, "Ritual Guardian": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "This is just Celestus Sanctifier with a way worse effect! What a scam, you can do better than this at the three drop slot."}, "Sunset Revelry": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "This is an example of a just okay board card. Since white is mostly looking to beat down, you'll pretty rarely have a slower white deck that could make good use of this. It's mostly worse Timely Reinforcements since you'll rarely have less cards in hand than an aggro deck which is where you'll want this, but still, a Krenko's Command that gains four is decent."}, "Thraben Exorcism": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "This is kind of just a reprint of Urgent Exorcism, except it's an even better board card. If you see a bunch of spirit's and Disturbed cards (Azorius seems the most vulnerable to this effect), then board this in a enjoy your somewhat situational Terminate."}, "Hedgewitch's Mask": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "Awful equipment, pretty much just a way worse Short Sword. Don't play this."}, "Blessed Defiance": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "Looks like Make Your Mark is back, however this one seems better to me since at least you get to gain some life while you trade up. A 1/1 flier is worse than a 3/2 on most boards, but +2+0 and Lifelink means that you can also pull ahead in a race with this when you need to. Just keep in mind that you really don't want many of this effect and there are almost always going to be better combat tricks to be playing than this."}, "Curse of Silence": {"Rate": "0.0", "Desc": "There's just no room from these incredibly narrow effects in your limited decks. The only time I could ever see this serving a purpose is if you're sure that your opponent has like 5-6 copies of one card in their deck and you want to tax them while also still being able to eventually recoup the card you invested. I pretty much never see that happening, which means that you shouldn't touch this 99.99% of the time."}, "Liesa, Forgotten Archangel": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "Liesa immediately catches you back up no matter the board state, kills the opponent very quickly, and completely dominates combat. This is a better Baneslayer Angel and we all know how good she was in limited."}, "Arlinn, the Pack's Hope": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "This comes down, protects itself, and then flips and straight up murders the opponent. You'd have to be crazy far ahead or have a board full of fliers to stand a chance against Arlinn, though it is possible which is what keeps this from being a 5/5."}, "Katilda, Dawnhart Prime": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "Wait, so this is a mana creature that makes your other humans into mana creatures, buffs all your creatures every turn, and has protection from a very relevant creature type of the format? My god that's good! This seems near unbeatable if it lives, but it's fragile so all of the burn and most of the removal in the format should take Katilda down. At least you have to tap it to buff your team so that there's a small window where you can kill this before dying to it."}, "Sigarda, Champion of Light": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "A huge flier that buffs most of your team while also finding more creatures seems very tough to beat. I've always been a big Sigarda, Host of Herons fan and I'm glad that she didn't get Anguished Unmaking'd like Avacyn did."}, "Angelfire Ignition": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "You deal extra damage with this, save your creature, and gain a bunch of life and if that isn't enough, you get to do it all again later on. It being a sorcery is pretty lame, but it boosts your creature up so much that it's still worth it."}, "Bladestitched Skaab": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "In a normal set this would be way worse, but there's infinite cards that make Decayed tokens in Dimir. A 3/2 Decayed token is so much better than a 2/2 that even this minimal stat boost is going to go a long way."}, "Florian, Voldaren Scion": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This seems like a nightmare to play against. A 3/3 First Strike is really hard to attack into and really hard to block, so I would think that this is going to connect a lot. Rakdos has so many ways to deal damage that I would imagine that this will be drawing a powerful spell on almost every one of your second main phases until the opponent is defeated."}, "Rite of Oblivion": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Rite of Oblivion is crazy powerful with Decayed tokens because at that point it's two great removal spells with very little downside. Being able to target any nonland is just the cherry on top for this all-star removal spell."}, "Slogurk, the Overslime": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "The second and third ability are whatever here. What I really care about is milling myself with this in play and then killing my opponent with a huge trampler. Even as a 3/3 Trample this is great, so take this early and enjoy building around it because it's a sweet design!"}, "Tovolar, Dire Overlord": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A 3/3 for three that is a Coastal Piracy for werewolves is already great. Once this flips into a huge creature that can Kessig Wolf Run any werewolf at any point, your opponent better hope they have removal ready otherwise they're never going to be able to keep up in combat."}, "Vampire Socialite": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Now this is a fantastic vampire lord. Early on this should connect often and ensure that all your vampires enter with an extra counter, whereas later in the game it should be easy to deal some sort of damage and then play this and buff all your vampires. First picking this is going to be a huge reason to want to be an aggressive Rakdos deck."}, "Dennick, Pious Apprentice": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "The front side of this is already above rate and once you bring it back with Disturb it's going to start accruing a lot of Clues and value. Nearly every Disturb card in the set has been good, and Dennick is no exception."}, "Fleshtaker": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Fleshtaker is incredibly difficult to block and race. It puts your opponent in an awkward position because of how hard it is to block, yet your opponent will often need to block it due to the risk of dying from you sacrificing your board and making this huge. Gaining life and Scrying from the creatures that get sacrificed makes Fleshtaker a top notch blocker as well."}, "Galvanic Iteration": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Teach by Example with Flashback?! My goodness is this going to be disgusting when combined with Rise of the Ants and Seize the Storm. Even just copying cheap removal twice is going to be hard to beat."}, "Grizzly Ghoul": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Sometimes this will be a 4/3, and other times it will be a 9/8. What makes me optimistic that this will usually be huge is the abundance of Decayed enablers. Sending in your undead squad and then following up with this is going to immediately demand removal from the opponent, otherwise this grizzly fellow is going to trample right over them."}, "Kessig Naturalist": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Needing to attack to get the mana is a little awkward, but what I'm really after with this is the backside which should add a ton of power to the board of most Gruul decks."}, "Ludevic, Necrogenius": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This has to be the creepiest card in the set by far. Olag reminds me of when that little girl from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood gets turned into a chimera by her father (Editor's Note: Spoiler Alert!). Talk about spooky! The front side of Ludivec is whatever, but being able to flip this into a huge threat once the 2/3 get's outclassed is great. I love early creatures that have late game capabilities, and Olag is without a doubt going to be a major headache for the opponent once the game gets to that point."}, "Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A 2/3 Haste for three is already quite good, and Rem Karolus offers even more. It provides a nice little boost to your burn spells while also being a flagbearer for your opponent's burn spells. This is a classic aggressive Boros threat that I'll rarely be passing."}, "Rootcoil Creeper": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This is going to be good in any Simic deck, but it's going to be especially insane in the Flashback heavy decks. Rootcoil Creeper powers out all your spells early on and once it's no longer that useful, you can just get back your Seize the Storm or whatever busted Flashback spell you have chilling in the exile zone."}, "Sacred Fire": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "The Firebolt\u2013Lightning Helix combo right here is going to be a great piece of recursive removal that your aggressive opponents are going to have nightmares about."}, "Siphon Insight": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Since limited is way less about synergies, this is often going to be a Sleight of Hand with Flashback. Nothing crazy powerful here, but the fun factor alone is going to make me want to take this whenever I see it. Who doesn't love hitting their opponent with the Gonti, Lord of Luxury ability?"}, "Sunrise Cavalier": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This is like a Hulking Bugbear on steroids! It hits hard and then slowly takes over the board once the game reaches a standstill. Another very powerful multicolored card that I'll be more than happy to commit to early in a draft."}, "Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Talk about a novel on a card. Teferi seems powerful but not unbeatable, which is a good place to be for planeswalkers from a limited perspective. The +1 is nice because it can help you double spell the turn you cast Teferi, which in a way helps protect him. Anticipate as a -2 is fine, but not amazing, and the ultimate is mediocre and far from game winning. Still, adding some mana, gaining some life, and drawing some cards all add up to make me believe that Teferi is going to be taken early and perform decently."}, "Can't Stay Away": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Two Unearths out of one card is a pretty sweet deal, but you do need a couple things to go right in order to be bringing back decent creatures both times. The Flashback is also a little expensive, and all that combines to make this a card that I'm happy to play but not all that excited about."}, "Dawnhart Wardens": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is a good beater on its own that will occasionally Orcish Oriflamme up your creatures, which is pretty nice in the Selesnya go-wide aggressive deck."}, "Devoted Grafkeeper": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is another good Disturb card that becomes even better with the more Disturb and Flashback cards you have. It milling two is nice since that helps to fuel your graveyard and its second ability."}, "Diregraf Rebirth": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This reminds me a lot of Unburial Rites, though Diregraf Rebirth is slightly more expensive and way harder to splash. Still, two Zombify off one card is a good deal and this is an especially nice one to mill in the Golgari graveyard matters deck."}, "Storm Skreelix": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "All the Flashback cards in the set in conjunction with this reducing the cost of spells means that I wouldn't be surprised to see this hitting for 6-8 damage most turns. I unfortunately foresee myself getting Skreelix'd out of way too many games."}, "Vadrik, Astral Archmage": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Vadrik will grow as the game goes on, but it unfortunately starts off rather underwhelming. If you have a ton of instants and sorceries you'll be interested in the cost reduction, and I'd like to think that most Izzet decks are going to have a high spell count."}, "Winterthorn Blessing": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Any sort of aggressive deck is going to be happy to play this. I can see a lot of games ending in the midgame after you play this, flash this back, and then attack with all your creatures. It's situational but I think that the effect is powerful enough at dominating combat."}, "Arcane Infusion": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Assuming that your deck is built around this (you have at least 12+ spells) then this will be a decent enabler for the Flashback heavy decks. Do keep in mind that some Izzets decks won't be interested in this sort of effect if they're too spell light. Missing on this is very brutal and way too likely to happen if you don't have the proper spell count."}, "Corpse Cobble": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Another great payoff for amassing a ton of Decayed Tokens. A cool trick with this is that you can attack with all your Decayed tokens and after damage resolves, but before combat ends, sacrifice them to this and get a huge creature!"}, "Dire-Strain Rampage": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "If your opponent has some busted artifacts and enchantments then I guess this does the job, but giving them lands means that this isn't going to be good to cast until the very late game. What really interests me with Dire-Strain Rampage is when it's used as a sorcery speed Harrow with Flashback in the Temur Flashback decks. While land thinning is very much overrated in Magic, getting four lands out your 17 land deck is sustainable and gives me some Dreamscape Artist vibes from this. Ramp that can pop off an Unnatural Growth actually seems pretty darn solid in the right deck."}, "Ghoulcaller's Harvest": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Assuming you build around this, it's a really powerful top end that'll be easy to find if you're self milling. I would imagine making 5+ Decayed tokens to be enough to overrun the opponent. This is such a unique effect and I'm sure some Golgari decks will be able to abuse it."}, "Join the Dance": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Good early, good late, and a lot of bodies out of one card. This isn't the most powerful multicolored card around, but it does good work and synergizes well with what Selesnya is trying to accomplish."}, "Old Stickfingers": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "If you have a lot of creature based graveyard synergies this can be better, but it often will just be a big dumb vanilla creature in the late game. Old Stickfingers probably has one of the best names in the set though!"}, "Croaking Counterpart": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Somewhat similar to Cackling Counterpart from original Innistrad, except Croaking Counterpart lets you copy any creature while also having the best art and flavor in the entire set! Assuming that you have any creatures with decent ETB's, this should be solid."}, "Hallowed Respite": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "It sucks that this can't protect your creatures from removal, but giving them a small buff and retriggering ETB's multiple times is still powerful enough for this to be valuable. You can also reset Disturb which is pretty neat!"}, "Unnatural Moonrise": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "The only time I would be excited about this is if I had a ton of werewolves in my deck. If you do then this is going to crush the opponent once you flip 2-3, but otherwise it seems potentially very underwhelming. Not every Gruul deck will want this, but the ones that do should be able to get a good combat step and draw a card off of this."}, "Faithful Mending": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This seems fantastic for constructed, but lackluster in limited. Looting is card disadvantage and while you can get value off the cards you're discarding, you would need a very specific deck for the mana you're spending on this to end up providing enough value. You really don't want to spin your wheels in limited, and I fear that that is all this is going to accomplish."}, "Hungry for More": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "There are just way too many board states where this won't do anything. Limited isn't about Lava Spikes; it's about building a board presence and leveraging it. Maybe some crazy aggressive Rakdos deck will want this, but for the most part this is supposed to be for Constructed, not limited."}, "Wake to Slaughter": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "I hate cards that give my opponents options because their best interest will always be at odds with yours! It's nice that this has Flashback, but getting a Raise Dead and some mediocre attacker for the turn just doesn't seem worth five mana. Also, this does nothing unless you have a decent amount of creatures in your graveyard. I'm unsure of this card and I want to try it before I lock in that it's mediocre/bad."}, "Rite of Harmony": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "I want to give this a 0/5, but maybe there's a situation with this that I'm not thinking of. This feels like a Think Twice that you have to work for, which I'm personally good on."}, "Poppet Stitcher": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "Yeah I don't see how you ever beat this if it flips. Amassing enough Decayed tokens seems easy enough in general and once it flips your opponent will be facing down at least three 3/3's. Well what if all your tokens get answered? Have no fear, you can just flip Poppet Factory into Poppet Stitcher and just do it all over again!"}, "Grafted Identity": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Control Magic will always be one of the best effects in the history of limited because it answers the best creature your opponent has and then forces them to answer it themselves. In a normal format this may only be a 4/5, but the existence of Decayed tokens makes it incredibly easy to have the sacrifice fodder needed to cast this. Always take this and enjoy squishing your opponent with it."}, "Lier, Disciple of the Drowned": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This grade comes with the assumption that you're already a spell heavy deck. It seems really easy to run away with the game and bury the opponent once Lier lives for a turn or two. The existence of Fading Hope and Geistwave makes Lier that much better since you could even situate the game to the point that you're able to protect Lier with one of the bounce spells in your graveyard. A 3/4 also ain't a bad blocker so you should have plenty of time to cast all those sweet spells in your graveyard!"}, "Spectral Adversary": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A 2/1 Flying, Flash is already very good and being a great mana sink as well pushes Spectral Adversary over the edge. Large Flash threats always overperform in limited because you'll often get to ambush an unsuspecting creature. Not only that, but it can save your creatures or stop the opponent's creatures from attacking and blocking. There's just so much versatility here that there's no chance I'm taking a common or uncommon over Spectral Adversary."}, "Suspicious Stowaway": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A Looter Ill-Kor that can block is already very good, but adding Seafaring Werewolf to that brings this card to an entirely different level. Assuming that this flips and lives, you'll easily out card your opponent while you beat them down. Once you're up 2-3 cards, it should be really easy to win."}, "Malevolent Hermit": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "The comparisons between Voidmage Prodigy and Malevolent Hermit have been all over Twitter. What's had me cracking up is people comparing Kai Budde to Malevolent Hermit, and after examining the card the resemblance is pretty spot on. Regardless of that, this card seems great. It makes your opponents removal way more awkward and in the worst case scenario you can just trade this in combat and be left with a Flashback Wind Drake."}, "Memory Deluge": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Now this is a draw spell. Getting a four-for-one in limited is amazing, even if it is slow. The best part about Memory Deluge is how good it is at drawing your high impact spells/bombs. By the time you cast this for four or seven, you probably aren't interested in drawing many more lands, so instead of that you can just take whatever decent spells that show up. You better be the aggressor when your opponent casts this because I don't see how you're going to keep up in the late game once this is cast."}, "Organ Hoarder": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "I'm not sure if I'm rating some of these four drops too highly, but Loxodon Line Breaker with a better Anticipate attached just seems great to me. My goodness there's so many good Striped Bears in this set!"}, "Overwhelmed Archivist": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A classic bread-and-butter card that you're happy to fill your deck with. These Disturbed creatures are mostly great, and the looting effect from Archive Haunt will be especially awesome when you bring this back in the late game."}, "Patrician Geist": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A Wind Drake that pumps your fellow spirits while making Disturb and Flashback cheaper is unsurprisingly great and an awesome early pick that gets even better when built around."}, "Phantom Carriage": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A huge flier that draws a relevant spell every time is absolutely backbreaking.This is a crazy powerful six drop and not one I'd ever expect to see later than second or third pick. I just can't get over how much better this card is than all the dragons in the DnD set. You'll see what I'm talking about the first time you play this spooky dragon."}, "Skaab Wrangler": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "It's obvious that the Decayed tokens are going to provide way more value than just attacking. An early creature that especially shines during board stalls is a good place to be for a two mana 2/1."}, "Sludge Monster": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Sludge Monster weakens the opponent's best threat and has a big body itself, but what stops this card from being great is that the creature with the Sludge counter returns to normal once Sludge Monster is answered. Still a very powerful late game play and a card I'm happy to take early."}, "Triskaidekaphile": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Azure Mage has always been great and a 1/3 with that effect seems way better than a 2/1 to me. Unfortunately I don't think it'll be possible to live the dream with this one, but having a great mana sink in the late game is still more than good enough in my opinion."}, "Curse of Surveillance": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I don't know how many good curses are in the format, but even if just Curse of Surveillance is attached you're still going to be drawing at least two cards a turn. That effect is very powerful, but also a little clunky which is why this isn't rated higher. It's also nice that the draw trigger is a may, so you don't have to worry about milling out with this."}, "Falcon Abomination": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "So many Wind Drakes with value in this set! Falcon Abomination will be a key decay enabler and is one of the main reasons why Vivisection is going to be so good in this set."}, "Firmament Sage": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Flipping between night and day doesn't seem the most difficult throughout a long game, so I could see this being a huge headache for the opponent if you have a high density of instants. A 2/3 for four that draws at least one card is quite good, and the fact that you can trigger it multiple times throughout the game makes this a pretty nice four drop in my eyes."}, "Galedrifter": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Assault Griffin is already pretty decent. The worst thing about low toughness fliers like that is when they trade down, but that's not an issue for Galedrifter since after you trade you can still get an expensive Wind Drake later in the game. I assume that you'll be seeing a lot of Galedrifters during your time drafting Innistrad: Midnight Hunt."}, "Mysterious Tome": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Half Icebind Pillar, half Arcane Encyclopedia?! This seems excellent to me since it buys you time while also drawing your cards. Assuming that the format isn't lightning fast, then this very high rating should hold up and Mysterious Tome should take over many games."}, "Nebelgast Intruder": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Flying always overperforms in limited and I especially like fliers like Faerie Duelist that find a way to ambush a creature for free. Even as just a three mana 2/1 Flying this is fine and having both a high floor and ceiling is what makes for a consistent and overall good limited card."}, "Revenge of the Drowned": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Run Aground but with the opponent getting the option to bottom the creature is still quite solid, and the Decayed token makes me believe that this is slightly better than most instant speed Time Ebb effects of the past. The value of the Decayed token heavily depends on what ways you have to get value out of the extra creatures, so try to build your deck in a way where they can be used for more than just two damage."}, "Baithook Angler": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "I love a two drop that gets value from trading. Both sides are pretty anemic, but together they make a decent two drop that I'll almost always be happy to play. There's lots of milling in blue, so milling this and getting some extra value is going to be pretty darn sweet."}, "Covetous Castaway": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "The front side of this is pretty poor, but having a huge flier on the backside is really going to decentivize your opponent from attacking. Milling three also isn't the worst with all the Flashback and Disturb cards floating around."}, "Fading Hope": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Either tempo your opponent out or save your own threat all while potentially Scrying one? Now that's a solid deal. I'm pretty much always happy to main deck the first Unsummon effect unless I'm a really slow, controlling deck."}, "Locked in the Cemetery": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "It seems pretty trivial in blue to get this to be a two mana Claustrophobia. There's a decent amount of bounce and a lot of creatures with ETB's and activated abilities, so while this is a decent removal spell, it's not something I'll ever value too highly."}, "Vivisection": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Vivisection is way better this time around than it was on Mirrodin Besieged. Decayed tokens should be easy to get, so most of the time this should be comparable to Concentrate."}, "Dissipate": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Cancel is rarely particularly good or bad in a format and I believe that Dissipate will follow this trend. Getting rid of Flashback and Disturb cards for good is a nice little bonus though. Dissipate is probably closer to a 3/5 in sealed so keep that in mind during the prerelease."}, "Flip the Switch": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Convolute with Decay isn't stellar, but it's definitely got some sweet synergies in this set. Again, counters like these are much, much better in sealed than draft."}, "Geistwave": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Disperse with upside is pretty sweet. I could definitely see this being a great board card against removal like Candletrap."}, "Startle": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "There's a lot going on here, but for the most part this is really just a slightly better Shocking Grasp. Not something I want to be main decking, but a great board card against fight spells like Clear Shot!"}, "Stormrider Spirit": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "This card will be great the first week of the format since you'll probably be able to ambush a creature from some unsuspecting opponents. Later on in the format everyone will know when to play around this, which will more or less make it a five mana 3/3 flier, which is fine but not exciting."}, "Unblinking Observer": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Most sets have this sort of creature and it's consistently mediocre. I don't see much of a difference here, but the existence of Flashback means that players will be casting more instants and sorceries in this format, which bodes well for this wide-eyed little dude."}, "Consider": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "It's not that Consider is bad; there's just very few times that you would actually want to play it. Maybe if you had a bunch of Delver of Secrets and a Poppet Stitcher you'd be interested in it, but for the most part I'm of the camp that Opt is only ever good in limited if you have a ton of cards that synergize with it. Do keep in mind that this does become very good once you get a couple Thermo-Alchemist and Seize the Storm in your deck!"}, "Drownyard Amalgam": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "Five drops are way too replaceable, though this one has enough abilities that I wouldn't be too upset if I had to run it. A better Ashiok's Skulker can only be so bad after all."}, "Larder Zombie": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "A 1/3 Defender for one is awful in modern limited. The Scry 1 that you really have to work for isn't adding much either. I'd basically never play this."}, "Shipwreck Sifters": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "I can't see this ever getting bigger than a 2/3, but it's kind of nice if you play this and loot away a card with Disturb. This still just seems too low impact to ever actively seek out during a draft."}, "Component Collector": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Some decks will want a 1/4 for three, but most won't. The tapping ability is a pretty aggressive effect which feels kind of out of place on a solely defensive creature like this."}, "Delver of Secrets": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "You need a ton of Instants and Sorceries before this gets good, which seems difficult to do when most decks have 17 lands and 12-17 creatures. I wouldn't touch Delver unless I had at least 10 instants/sorceries in my deck, however that does seem doable considering all the great Flashback spells in this set. Normally I would avoid Delver, but if you have an incredibly spell heavy deck I say go for it and cross your fingers that it flips!"}, "Devious Cover-Up": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Devious Cover-Up was a hallmark of Guilds of Ravnica draft and played a role in Dimir being so dominant. If the games end up being incredibly grindy, then looping these could end up being the go-to win condition. Most decks won't be interested in an expensive Dissipate, but the ones that do will rely heavily on Devious Cover-Up."}, "Secrets of the Key": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "This is beyond slow. I like it in the Ominous Roost deck and that's pretty much it. There's so many two-for-one creatures in blue, so just play those over this and actually impact the board in some way instead of durdling around."}, "Ominous Roost": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This score assumes that you're actively building around Birding Vengeance. There are just so many Flashback and Disturb cards in this set that it seems pretty easy to get 3+ birds out of this, which is fantastic. I'm very much looking forward to opening this and trying my hardest to relive some of the glory days of original Innistrad and Burning Vengeance."}, "Otherworldly Gaze": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "This deserves a 0/5, however there is a small percentage of the time where this could be good. If your deck has like four Ominous Roost and a bunch of Disturb and Flashback spells, then maybe I can see playing this. The lack of Laboratory Maniac in the format really makes a world of a difference though and even in original Innistrad I was never a Dream Twist fan, which this is somewhat similar to. I'd recommend steering clear of nonsense cards like this unless you have complete mastery of the format and are able to identify the very few spots where this card can be good."}, "The Celestus": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "There's a lot going on here, but for the most part this is just Manalith with some upside. Flipping Day and Night with this is very clunky though, which makes me unsure of what deck would even want this. Maybe some multicolored green deck could use the fixing or some Gruul werewolves deck would want access to a card that can keep it Night for most of the game. "}, "Silver Bolt": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A slightly better Scalding Cauldron is not where I want to be, but it's still playable if you're really low on removal/playables."}, "Crossroads Candleguide": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "This isn't terrible, but boy did something go wrong during the draft if you end up having to play this. Also, please don't use this as a form of mana fixing."}, "Mystic Skull": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "It fixes early on, but it's honestly way too clunky for my liking. There are so many good five drops in this set, so why would I pay an additional two early on for one that is only okay?"}, "Jack-o'-Lantern": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "This is a really awful board card, but maybe your opponent has a couple Diregraf Rebirth and you're just in desperate need of any answer you can find."}, "Moonsilver Key": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "Moonsilver Key is way too slow to be a source of mana fixing and there are literally no good artifacts in the set that this can find. Wait I take it back! Maybe, and I mean maybe this is playable if you're a three color deck with Mask of Griselbrand. Even then, I very much have my doubts though."}, "Pithing Needle": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "Maybe your opponent has a Mask of Griselbrand or a Arlinn, the Pack's Hope that you desperately need some sort of answer too. I prefer to not bank on Pithing Needle because it normally does nothing unless your opponent draws the specific card you're targeting, but if you face a deck with a lot of juicy targets then this could have it's place."}, "Stuffed Bear": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "This doesn't synergize well with anything in the set and is also pricey to activate. I feel like a lot of players are going to waste their early turns casting this and activating it instead of just committing actual creatures that can attack and block without costing you mana. This is better than Mimic, but only by the tiniest bit so still don't play it!"}, "The Meathook Massacre": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "A wrath that drains the opponent and then sticks around continuing to drain them does not seem remotely beatable."}, "Lord of the Forsaken": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "The classic untap and win type of bomb. Once you untap with this, it'll be incredibly easy to either kill your opponent in the air or just mill them out. Three cards is a lot, and having random creatures lying around is very easy to accomplish in this set. Thank goodness this is a mythic. "}, "Mask of Griselbrand": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "This turns any random creature into a fantastic threat while also being busted with Decayed tokens. It's a little clunky to equip, but the life you're gaining will catch you up and help prevent your equipment from getting out-tempoed. There's not a chance that I'm taking anything over this pack one pick one (except for a foil bomb mythic of course!)"}, "Tainted Adversary": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "A 2/3 Deathtouch for two is already great! The fact that this adds so much power onto the board in the late game makes it a versatile bomb in my eyes. It's also nice that if you're falling behind early on you can play Tainted Adversary and have it be a good blocker. If the game goes late, then this should easily overwhelm the opponent with Decayed tokens."}, "Bloodline Culling": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Just a Murder that can clean up some Decayed tokens every now and then. Unconditional removal will always be an incredibly high priority in limited. However, I could see this be a 3.5/5 considering that there are so many cards with Disturb running around. I would guess that most non-exile removal spells will end up being worse in this set than they normally would be."}, "Curse of Leeches": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Your opponent can avoid casting spells in order to flip this and get some reprieve from the upkeep drain, but if they do that they'll still be facing down a huge lifelinking leech! This card has a really cool play pattern and offers a lot for only three mana."}, "Gisa, Glorious Resurrector": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Yeah this seems very hard to beat if it lives. This reminds me of Draugr Necromancer from Kaldheim, and I could see Gisa especially shining in this set because of how good exile is against Disturb. The creature tokens getting Decayed is kind of lame, but it should be easy to overrun the opponent even if the creature's you're gaining can't block and are dying at the end of combat. "}, "Graveyard Trespasser": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Being hard to answer while having a solid body and a great effect is the perfect recipe for a limited powerhouse. This stops any graveyard synergies your opponent has while also killing them quickly, so I wouldn't expect to ever be passing this."}, "Jerren, Corrupted Bishop": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "You get two bodies at the very worst here which is already pretty great. All these abilities combine well to make it easier than it seems to get to 13 life, and once you do flip this you'll be rewarded with a near unbeatable threat that will still draw you a bunch of cards before it's answered. Obviously never pass this."}, "Morbid Opportunist": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This rating may be high, but this seems like the Skullport Mercenary of the set to me. If this sticks around, all your Decayed tokens become nuts while all your opponents become near useless. Since this triggers on each turn and creatures are always dying in limited, it seems incredibly easy to bury the opponent in card advantage with Morbid Opportunist. I would definitely not sleep on this unassuming powerhouse."}, "Champion of the Perished": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Decayed tokens is what makes this awesome. Obviously there's already zombie support because this is Innistrad, but amassing Decayed tokens seems really easy so I would expect this to get out of hand very quickly, especially if you end up in Dimir. Worst case scenario, this is still most often a one mana 2/2 or 3/3, which is still great."}, "Covert Cutpurse": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This is going to be hard to play around since it's an uncommon. The powerful effect and good flipped side more than make up for the 2/1 body here. All of the life loss matters cards in black incentivize your opponent to block, which should make Covert Cutpurse perform better than it would in other sets."}, "Defenestrate": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This is close to Murder, but not being able to chuck large fliers out of a window is a pretty substantial drawback. I'll play as many of these as I can get my hands on, but I know that I'm going to die to some geist or demon while this is rotting in my hand."}, "Eaten Alive": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "With all the Decayed tokens around this will almost always be an incredibly cheap piece of removal that perfectly answers all the Disturbed creatures in the format. At the moment I would assume that this is going to be by far the best common."}, "Foul Play": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Situtational removal like this rarely kills what you want it to and Foul play is especially awkward because it's a sorcery. I do imagine that it will still be very solid though because the times you do kill an early creature and get a two-for-one for such a cheap cost will be absolutely backbreaking for the opponent. "}, "Infernal Grasp": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Losing two is a very real drawback, which makes this worse than the average Doom Blade in my eyes. Efficient removal is still great though, even if it doesn't line up the best against Disturb."}, "Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Your opponent better have a 2/3 lying around otherwise these Zombies are gonna shamble right over them! So many cards have Decayed, so it's likely that this won't do much in the late game since you're likely to have a token or two lying around. If you have a powerful sacrifice outlet then this becomes way better. As is, it seems good early and middling later on."}, "Olivia's Midnight Ambush": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Cheap removal early that can be situated in the late game to answer whatever you need? This is great removal that I never see cutting."}, "Baneblade Scoundrel": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is a really hard creature to block, especially once it flips. You only need so many four drops, but this seems like it'll be one of the better ones."}, "Bloodtithe Collector": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I'm always down for a Shining Aerosaur and the little bit of value that's tacked on here helps to push Bloodtithe Collector over the edge. It's nice too because by the time you're casting this, it should be pretty easy to trigger and your opponent should already be down to their last few cards. That makes it more likely that you snag a spell from their hand."}, "Diregraf Horde": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "You get a lot of temporary power here, so assuming that you have ways to make use of the tokens, then this seems like an okay five drop. If your opponent is behind they could also just die from the attack for seven on your next turn."}, "Dreadhound": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is some very good top end right here. Dreadhound will come in and often deal 1-2 damage from the mill in addition to making combat near impossible for the opponent. It's also just a huge creature that dodges a lot of the removal in the set. Hissing Iguanar effects always overperformed in Limited because there is constant creature combat going on, and I see Dreadhound doing the same."}, "Ecstatic Awakener": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is great assuming you have a decent amount of Decayed token producers. The Decayed tokens provide so little value that I'd be ecstatic to trade one in for a card and a buffed up creature. This also hits very hard if you're able to flip it on turn three."}, "Stromkirk Bloodthief": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "A Gray Ogre that scales well into the late game is going to be solid. This also snowballs pretty quickly if you have an sort of aggressive start."}, "Vampire Interloper": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Only the very aggressive decks will want this, but it's going to overperform with how much black values life loss in this set. Who needs to block when the opponent is always on the backfoot? In Magic, a good offense really is a good defense!"}, "Crawl from the Cellar": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Assuming you have some zombies lying around, double Raise Dead that adds to the board actually seems pretty decent to me. You don't want too many of this sort of effect, but with all the mill that's around I'd be happy to play a couple copies of these in my creature heavy black decks."}, "Hobbling Zombie": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Daggerback Basilisk is always just fine. This reminds me of Yuan-Ti Fang-Blade, which was an unexciting, but fine playable."}, "No Way Out": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Mind Rot with minimal upside will make for a good board card against slower decks with powerful late game bombs"}, "Shady Traveler": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "I've come across way too many of these during my travels to Magic events. Both sides are fine, and like stated earlier being able to connect early on will help power out some of those life loss matters vampires."}, "Siege Zombie": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A fine aggressive early play. I like how this will beat in early and then slowly ping the opponent in the late game. Nothing particularly special here but a fine curve filler."}, "Vengeful Strangler": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Your opponent is going to be forced to trade with this at some point, and when they do they're going to more or less be forced to sacrifice whatever creature you enchant. The bad thing about this card is how awkward it is at answering bombs, but that's just a small issue with an overall solid card."}, "Arrogant Outlaw": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "A situational Vampire Spawn just ain't gonna cut it. Not being able to trigger this will leave you with an awful 3/2 for three, and even when you do trigger it, it's nothing special. Arrogant Outlaw is playable in the very aggressive decks, but is never going to be exciting."}, "Bat Whisperer": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "The payoff here is at least better than Arrogant Outlaw. The problem is that when you don't trigger this, it's just a Giant Cockroach, which will just trade down in combat. If you can ensure that you're consistently triggering this then go ahead and play it, but the floor here is just too low for me to be interested in this. Keep in mind that the stock of this does go way up the more Vampire Interlopers you have."}, "Novice Occultist": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This is pretty much just Oculus from Mirrodin Besieged so I don't see Novice Occulist being anything more than bad filler. A two mana 1/2 just doesn't do much, especially in a set where three toughness seems key (because you want to be able to block Decayed tokens with ease)."}, "Bladebrand": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Bladebrand was surprisingly good in Ravnica Allegiance limited because of how good it was with Footlight Fiend. I don't see a card in this set that's similar to Goblin Arsonist, which means that Bladebrand will mostly be mediocre unless you can combine it with some Decayed tokens or something. "}, "Blood Pact": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Three mana Sign in Blood? I thought that the power creep was supposed to be making cards more powerful, not less. This just looks like a really bad Divination to me, even though it's an instant and can deal the final two to the opponent. I would just play a random creature over this."}, "Morkrut Behemoth": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "It's just hard to get me excited about a five drop. The times where you don't have a creature lying around this is going to be way too slow and expensive. Menace is also one of the worst keywords for a big creature like this to have since it's almost always going to be double blocked in combat. "}, "Rotten Reunion": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Main decking this should be out of the question since it is so low impact. However, if the card you're exiling is valuable then this could be a decent sideboard option against Flashback and Disturb heavy decks."}, "Duress": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "Awful main deck card, but a decent sideboard option against planeswalkers and other non-creatures bombs. Missing with Duress is incredibly bad, so I'd under no circumstances ever have this in my main deck."}, "Ghoulish Procession": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This is a really difficult effect to evaluate. On one hand, it doesn't seem too hard to trigger this at least once every turn cycle. On the other hand, your opponent can play around it and the creatures you get mostly suck. I still think that this effect is unique and powerful enough to include in creature/removal heavy decks. Plus, all these Decayed tokens with any sort of anthem or Blood Artist effect seem pretty fantastic to me."}, "Heirloom Mirror": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "You get to rummage three times, fill up the graveyard, and then get a huge demon. That sounds like a good deal to me! The frontside even fuels the backside, so once this flips it'll make short work of the opponent. In my opinion the payoff here more than makes up for the clunkiness. Losing life to activate the mirror is a bit of a bummer though."}, "Necrosynthesis": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "One of the few auras that's actually pretty nice in limited! If this stays on your creature, it should become a big threat in no time and if it happens to get killed at some point at least you get back the card you invested. Just be wary about casting this into your opponent's open mana."}, "Slaughter Specialist": {"Rate": "0.0", "Desc": "Man do I hate to play cards that give the opponent any form of value. This only getting bigger off your opponent's creatures dying gives your opponent a lot of agency over just how big this gets. I would just try to steer clear of playing this, but if your opponent doesn't show you any removal in the first game then maybe this is worth boarding in. Keep in mind that just because a card is a rare does not mean that it's good!"}, "Hostile Hostel": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "This isn't a 5/5 on power level; it's a 5/5 because you'll always first pick this over anything because of its versatility. It's also gotta be a 5/5 from the sweet name alone. This flips into a near unbeatable threat in the late game, and all you have to do is feed it a few Decayed tokens. Hostile Hostel is amazing and under no circumstances should you pass it. I'm definitely looking forward to crushing my opponents with a good ol' fashioned Monster House!"}, "Overgrown Farmland": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Fixing is important in limited because there is so little of it, and these lands are especially nice since they'll almost always come into play untapped. If I'm in the same colors as a land that's being passed to me, I'll usually only take the absolute best commons and uncommons over it."}, "Deserted Beach": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Fixing is important in limited because there is so little of it, and these lands are especially nice since they'll almost always come into play untapped. If I'm in the same colors as a land that's being passed to me, I'll usually only take the absolute best commons and uncommons over it."}, "Shipwreck Marsh": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Fixing is important in limited because there is so little of it, and these lands are especially nice since they'll almost always come into play untapped. If I'm in the same colors as a land that's being passed to me, I'll usually only take the absolute best commons and uncommons over it."}, "Haunted Ridge": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Fixing is important in limited because there is so little of it, and these lands are especially nice since they'll almost always come into play untapped. If I'm in the same colors as a land that's being passed to me, I'll usually only take the absolute best commons and uncommons over it."}, "Rockfall Vale": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Fixing is important in limited because there is so little of it, and these lands are especially nice since they'll almost always come into play untapped. If I'm in the same colors as a land that's being passed to me, I'll usually only take the absolute best commons and uncommons over it."}, "Evolving Wilds": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Not as good as the dual lands since this has the cost of always coming into play tapped. Regardless of that, I always try to end a draft with 1-2 Evolving Wilds because a manabase like that is so much more consistent than a classic 9/8 split mana base."}, "Field of Ruin": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "This is literally only to be brought in if you see Hostile Hostel, and even then I'm not sure that it's correct to do so."}, "Moonveil Regent": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "This is splashable, a huge flier, draws you a ton of cards, and punishes your opponent for killing it. I think this might be one of the best cards to open in the entire set. It's Experimental Frenzy on a dragon and your opponent better hope they have an exile effect in hand or else they're goose is gonna get cooked real quick."}, "Burn Down the House": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "A wrath that's never bad is a great place to be. If you're behind you can kill everything and if you're ahead you can add a ton of pressure to the board. I would be ecstatic to start a draft with this bomb."}, "Sunstreak Phoenix": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "A big, near unkillable flier is going to end the game incredibly quickly and is not something you should ever pass."}, "Bloodthirsty Adversary": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This is more or less just a better Goblin Dark-Dwellers and that card is already pretty nuts in limited. I don't see casting Bloodthirsty Adversary early, but at five mana this is fantastic and at eight it should be game winning if you built around it properly."}, "Light Up the Night": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Fireball has and always will be great in limited, so take this and enjoy burning your opponent for nine in the late game after they thought they stabilized."}, "Reckless Stormseeker": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This is a 3/3 haste the turn it comes in and then from there basically gives all your creatures haste assuming that you're only playing one creature a turn. If you ever flip this then your opponent is going to be in pretty bad shape since this turns any of your creatures into a hard hitting threat."}, "Seize the Storm": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This grade assumes that you're heavily built around Seize the Storm. By the time the late game rolls around it seems easy to get at least two 6/6 Trample out of this, which is crazy good. If you wanted a reason to play Consider and a low land count, then this is it because you are going to get paid off heavily for being a spells matter deck when this is at your top end."}, "Smoldering Egg": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Flipping this seems very easy and even if it takes awhile, Smoldering Egg is a great blocker. Once you flip this, your opponent might have a turn before they get their board and life total gunned down by Ashmouth Dragon. You of course want to build around this, but even if you don't you should be able to flip Smoldering Egg with like two spells, which is kind of insane."}, "Cathartic Pyre": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "To me this is just a deal three since I can almost never see using this to loot. It's like You Find the Villains Lair from the DND set. Sure it's a Cancel and a Careful Study, but I think I used the latter maybe once in my entire time playing the format. I see that being the same with Cathartic Pyre. It's still a good, cheap removal spell that you should take highly though."}, "Fangblade Brigand": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This hits hard and once it flips your opponent is going to be in a world of hurt assuming that you have a couple creatures lying."}, "Geistflame Reservoir": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This is a little slow, but it offers a ton of value over the course of the game. Two mana to kind of draw a card is solid, and before you know it this will have enough charge counters on it to straight up kill the opponent. Keep in mind that you do need to build around this, and if you do you're going to be rewarded handsomely."}, "Moonrager's Slash": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "A deal three is great whether it's one or three mana. This card is obviously awesome and every deck will be trying to get as many copies of this as possible."}, "Thermo-Alchemist": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Another fantastic payoff for the spells matters deck. Thermo-Alchemist provides reach and can deal a ton of damage in a spell heavy deck, while still being good if you have little to no spells.. Not to mention that it's a great blocker early on and makes it easy to trigger all the life loss matters vampires that might be in your deck."}, "Ardent Elementalist": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I have always loved Archaeomancer, and this is just an easier to cast version of it with better stats. This is one of the few common four drops that I see prioritizing highly because it will likely be essential for the control and Flashback based decks."}, "Burn the Accursed": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "The classic five mana burn spell of the set, except this one has some major upside. A guaranteed two to the opponent while also turning off Disturb makes this a solid addition to any red deck."}, "Flame Channeler": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "The front side of this is fine, but the backside pays you off nicely for throwing any sort of burn at the opponent. It shouldn't be so hard to flip this with a Neonate's Rush or something, and even if you don't a 2/2 for two can only be so bad."}, "Lunar Frenzy": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Now this is a trick that is going to end a lot of games. While it can be pretty clunky early on, later in the game this becomes a Fireball to the face that also saves your creature. Aggressive decks are going to love playing this and I'm very excited to try this out for myself."}, "Play with Fire": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I doubt you'll ever be sending this upstairs unless it's for lethal, which means this is just a Shock. Shock is good in every format it's been in though and is always a card that I'm happy to play multiple of."}, "Purifying Dragon": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Now this is a five drop that's worth taking highly. A four power flier kills the opponent incredibly quickly and it shouldn't be too hard to get value from the ping effect."}, "Voldaren Ambusher": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "A lot has to go right here to get fully paid off, but even if this only deals two damage it's still a very good card. This feels like a worse Mardu Heart-Piercer to me, which is still a more than fine place to be because considering that that card was fantastic in Khans of Tarkir."}, "Falkenrath Pit Fighter": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A one mana 2/1 is okay but not stellar, but I like how this can somewhat protect your vampires from the opponents removal. Vampires in this set look like they're trying their hardest to be on the beatdown now that's for sure. "}, "Immolation": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A strange yet surprisingly fitting reprint. For the most part this is a worse Dead Weight and Lash of Malice, but killing early creatures for that cheap is hard to come by in limited so I would imagine that most decks are happy to play 1-2 of these."}, "Lambholt Harrier": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A fine aggressive two drop. I can see this effect over performing in the late game when you're the aggressor and the opponent is just starting to catch back up."}, "Obsessive Astronomer": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A 2/2 for two is fine and its ability to rummage away excess lands in the late game is going to be very useful. "}, "Spellrune Painter": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A nice little prowess threat that becomes especially problematic once it flips. I don't see cutting this very often."}, "Tavern Ruffian": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "The front side of Tavern Ruffian is mediocre, but dear lord is this big when it flips. The 2/5 body will also drag the game on and get it to the point where a player runs out of spells and coincidentally causes Tavern Ruffian to flip."}, "Village Watch": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "When evaluating these werewolves, it's important that the front side is good on its own. A 4/3 haste for five is okay, but three toughness for five mana means that you're almost always going to be trading this down. I'm not very high on Village Watch, but I suppose that it does get a little better if your deck is full of werewolves."}, "Famished Foragers": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "A four mana 4/3 ain't bad, but what's really got me excited about Famished Foragers is how easy it is to double spell when you trigger it's mana ability. You can put your opponent really far behind if you play seven mana worth of spells on turn four and I'm looking forward to playing this in my aggressive vampire decks and popping off with all that mana!"}, "Festival Crasher": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "I have doubts that this will be good even if my deck has 10-12 spells in it. A two mana 1/3 can only be so bad though and this will often trade up in the late game. Maybe this would make some waves if some sort of Artful Dodge effect was in the format."}, "Harvesttide Infiltrator": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Once this flips it's great, but until then a 3/2 for three just isn't going to cut it. This is okay filler but try not to get tricked into playing werewolves just because their flipside is good."}, "Mounted Dreadknight": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "This is a pretty good curve topper to any aggressive deck. A 6/5 Trample for five is above rate, and even if it's only a 5/4 that's far from embarrassing. "}, "Neonate's Rush": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "This is a great board card and I wouldn't mind playing the first one of these main deck regardless of the number of vampires I have. This seems like a slightly better Blinding Blast to me, which I had great success with against certain types of decks in the postboard games of War of the Spark draft."}, "Stolen Vitality": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "This is the type of combat trick I like to play. It pushes damage on offense and makes your creature a great blocker when you need to be on defense. The set designers just took Brute Strength, removed its main weakness, and made a super sweet and solid card."}, "Abandon the Post": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "What the heck this is just a reprint of Nightbird's Clutches but without the sweet name and art! I think that modern limited formats have gotten so good that these Falter effects just don't quite cut it anymore. It's nice that this helps push Decayed tokens through, but only the most aggressive decks will be interested in this sort of effect and even then I don't see it being all that impressive."}, "Brimstone Vandal": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "The Night/Day ability here is pretty anemic, and a 2/3 Menace for three isn't that great either. This seems like fine filler for an aggressive deck and that's about it."}, "Electric Revelation": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "A more expensive Tormenting Voice with Flashback is interesting, but I fear that by casting this you'll just be spinning your wheels and not accomplishing much. The lack of Madness makes me doubt the usefulness of Electric Revelation. You would need a lot of Flashback and spell matters synergies before I would want to play this."}, "Falkenrath Perforator": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This is worse than a two mana 3/1 by a fair amount and I wouldn't play this unless I was insanely aggressive or in desperate need of a two drop. A two mana 2/1 with a mediocre ability just doesn't do much at any point in the game. The only redeeming factor is how good this is at dealing damage and making your other vampires trigger their ETB's."}, "Raze the Effigy": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "I never like one mana +2+2 combat tricks unless they offer an additional effect that's actually good. Blossoming Defense is the type of quality that I look for, and this isn't even close to that. It's so easy to get enough playables nowadays so please just play anything else over this."}, "Voldaren Stinger": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This is a slightly better Fearless Pup that's going to be solid if you have good pieces of equipment. Aggressive decks will probably be happy enough to play this on it's own since it's so good at pecking in for damage, but it's far from stellar and not a card that should be taken highly."}, "Pack's Betrayal": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "A common Act of Treason means one thing; Rakdos Sacrifice is very much possible in this format. Most decks won't be interested in this sort of effect, but if you can get rid of the creature you take then the value of Pack's Betrayal skyrockets. The Scry 2 is also a nice little bonus for the aggressive decks that are trying to find more gas in the late game."}, "Curse of Shaken Faith": {"Rate": "0.0", "Desc": "Please do not play this, do not bring it in, don't even take it unless you need those 20 gems. This card is meant to be a constructed board card, not a limited playable."}, "Consuming Blob": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "This is a better Biogenic Ooze, and that card wasn't remotely beatable either. If this triggers twice the game pretty much ends, so never pass Consuming Blob and if you end up opening it late in the draft, try your absolute best to include it in your deck because it really is that good."}, "Tovolar's Huntmaster": {"Rate": "5.0", "Desc": "Alright, so this kinda just looks like Grave Titan to me. Yep, not remotely beatable, ya got that right. This might be the best card in the entire set, but it's hard to say. If not that, then it's definitely in the top three. Ten power when it comes into play should alone win the game and if it ever flips you'll make even quicker work of your opponents board and life total. If you face this you better hope that you're blue and can counter it because once this sticks you're gonna lose. Never, ever pass it."}, "Primal Adversary": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "Primal Adversary spews a ton of power onto the board. At five mana this is fantastic and at seven or nine it's basically unbeatable. What I love about this card is that even for three mana you get a powerful creature that's immediately going to put the opponent on the backfoot. Never pass this, it's far and away the best Adversary of the bunch when it comes to limited."}, "Wrenn and Seven": {"Rate": "4.5", "Desc": "The ability I'm most interested here in is the -3. Making a huge treefolk protects Wrenn well, and before you know it you'll be able to -3 twice and crush your opponent with your army of huge creatures. Just try your best to not mill yourself out with that +1 though."}, "Augur of Autumn": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "The longer this lives, the more cards you'll incidentally draw and the further you'll pull ahead. It'll be rare to get land screwed when you have this in play, and after consistently hitting your lands for a few turns you'll eventually enable Coven and then Experimental Frenzy your opponent into the dust."}, "Briarbridge Tracker": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "A 4/3 Vigilance for three is a great deal and even if this dies you'll still be left with a Clue and be guaranteed an eventual two-for-one. Not a bomb or anything, but a way above rate creature that I rarely, if ever, will be passing."}, "Hound Tamer": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "This card is crazy good. The body on both halves of it are good enough already and the activated ability will make combat near impossible for the opponent to navigate well while also making it a breeze to fulfill Coven. This is great at every point in the game and especially shines later on, so keep all that in mind and realize that this is one of the best uncommons in the entire set. Also just look at that art it's perfect!"}, "Rise of the Ants": {"Rate": "4.0", "Desc": "Holy beans now this card at uncommon is very questionable! Four 3/3's and four life out of one card is insane, and I see the game ending very quickly once this is cast. It blows my mind that this isn't seven mana what the heck!"}, "Clear Shot": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "This more or less is the green Murder. You do run the risk of getting blown out by an opposing removal spell when you try to cast this, but that is more than made up for by the number of times where you'll use this mid-combat and get a two-for-one."}, "Contortionist Troupe": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Ivy Elemental is already playable, but this Coven ability makes Contortionist Troupe absolute dynamite. It'll also be easy to fulfill Coven with this because you can set it to whatever power you need at the time. Great early, great late, and slowly takes over the game with a recursive ability that triggers almost immediately. Sign me up for the circus!"}, "Duel for Dominance": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Pounce is fine, but once you're consistently putting a counter on your fighting creature this becomes awesome. I think that Coven won't be that hard to enable if you build your deck keeping the power levels of your creatures in mind, which means that this should be one of green's best commons."}, "Saryth, the Viper's Fang": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "Wow ,so this protects your other creatures and makes combat a nightmare for the opponent. Thank goodness this can't protect itself and doesn't really do much unless you have other creatures. The fact that this card kind of has a fail rate is what's keeping it from being a busted bomb."}, "Unnatural Growth": {"Rate": "3.5", "Desc": "The restrictive mana cost is the killer here, but once you stick this your opponent might as well just pick up their cards. What pushes this over the edge is it triggers each combat, so your opponent will be totally outclassed both offensively and defensively. Better hope that you have a Return to Nature or two in the board for this!"}, "Brood Weaver": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "A worse Penumbra Spider is still great in my book. I love when a creature has a death trigger in limited because you are constantly attacking and blocking and trading creatures. Green also historically struggles against fliers, so do keep that in mind and evaluate creatures with Reach accordingly."}, "Burly Breaker": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "An above rate five drop with a little protection that becomes especially enormous once it flips sounds good to me. This is some solid top end and not something that I plan on cutting often."}, "Dawnhart Mentor": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "This almost fulfills Coven by itself and getting two bodies for three mana is simply a great deal. In the late game this will make combat near impossible, and it isn't even that unreasonable for the game to drag on to the point where you're able to activate this twice. Most of green's creatures really have been fantastic so far!"}, "Deathbonnet Sprout": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "The award for the cutest card in the set definitely goes to this little dude! Milling one every turn is a little dangerous in limited, but this becomes a massive threat once this flips so I'd still always be happy to play this. "}, "Defend the Celestus": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "A little expensive, but still very much capable of massacring the opponent in combat. This reminds me of a slightly better Common Bond, which was very solid back in the day. The four drop slot often gets filled up quickly when you're drafting, but this effect is unique and powerful enough to prioritize early."}, "Eccentric Farmer": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "Wow green is continuing to impress. I think that this is slightly worse than Borderland Ranger since you don't get to pick the specific basic that you want, but the extra buff in toughness and the fueling of graveyard synergies leads me to believe that this is a very good common that I'm never going to be cutting. The only rough thing about this is the rare instances where you aren't returning a land to your hand."}, "Outland Liberator": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "I'm always down to play a two drop with some good utility. There are some powerful artifacts and enchantments in the format and this answers all of them incredibly well, especially once it flips."}, "Shadowbeast Sighting": {"Rate": "3.0", "Desc": "The powerful green four drop creature of the set. Obviously this will be great in every strategy, but what worries me about having this in the set is how good it will make the Flashback decks. By having a critical mass of great spells that make great creatures, you're able to draft decks with crazy high spell counts and make it so cards like Seize the Storm are consistently spitting out 10/10 Tramplers. "}, "Bird Admirer": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "Both sides of this are fine but not great. I'd pretty much always play this though since it's a good blocker early on that scales well into the late game."}, "Candlelit Cavalry": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "By the time this will be cracking in I'd like to assume that you have Coven fulfilled. If you do this will be a big issue for the opponent, and even if you don't Colossapede can only be so bad."}, "Howl of the Hunt": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "This is a significantly better Feral Invocation, which I was already a fan of. There's no Heroic like there was in Theros, but making a huge threat and ambushing an opponent's creature sounds like living the dream to me. Do keep in mind that this effect will get worse later in the format when players start to play around it better."}, "Might of the Old Ways": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A high creature count with diverse power levels will increase your chances of fulfilling and maintaining Coven, which will allow this card to really shine. This is pretty weak when you're not drawing the card, so don't be afraid to board it in or out based on how much removal you see from the opponent."}, "Tireless Hauler": {"Rate": "2.5", "Desc": "A big body that's good on offense and defense is a good place to be for a five drop. It's easy to come across five drops but this is still one that I'd be happy to play."}, "Dawnhart Rejuvenator": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Centaur Nurturer from War of the Spark is back, and while rarely amazing, I really like this sort of card. It facilitates the multicolored green decks very well while also being great at keeping you alive and powering out your late game. Green has some great activated abilities as well that would make great use of the extra mana from this."}, "Dryad's Revival": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Recollect is whatever in limited but getting two out of one card is very promising. While this will be decent in pretty much any deck, I can see it being especially potent in some sort of Temur Flashback deck with Ominous Roost and Seize the Storm. There's also a lot of self mill in the set and if you're ever fortunate enough to hit a powerful effect like this, it's almost like drawing a card."}, "Harvesttide Sentry": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "A good early Coven enabler that trades up in the late game once you fulfill Coven is the exact kind of two drop that I'm happy to play in most of my decks."}, "Pestilent Wolf": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Beats in early and trades up in the late game. Nothing special, but playable nonetheless."}, "Storm the Festival": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "Assuming that you have a critical mass of powerful creatures then this seems quite strong to me. However, I would leave this on the sidelines if your deck is loaded with Rise of the Ants and Shadowbeast Sighting. This seems at its best in Gruul since there are so many beefy werewolves that synergize well together in that color combination."}, "Timberland Guide": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "An Avacyn Restored staple right here. It's surprising how this type of creature is still able to hold its own in powerful modern limited formats. This is okay at pretty much any stage of the game, so while not super exciting I'm always fine with playing a couple of these."}, "Willow Geist": {"Rate": "2.0", "Desc": "In most decks this will just be okay, but in the dedicated Flashback decks Willow Geist will grow out of hand very quickly. Keep that in mind if you first pick this, since it really makes a world of a difference when this is built around."}, "Bounding Wolf": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "Flash and Reach are not the best abilities to have on a 3/2. This being a Plummet some of the time is fine, but it still just feels like a Pouncing Cheetah which is not where I want to be with my three drop slot in modern limited."}, "Snarling Wolf": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This is fine but unexciting. Don't feel bad if you have to include this because it does beat down somewhat decently early on in the game, but there are much better green creatures that I would prefer to play over this."}, "Path to the Festival": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Another multicolored green enabler. I just know that three color Flashback is going to be a sweet deck to draft and I can't wait to do it with this as one of my main color fixers. Keep in mind though that very few decks will be interested in a Rampant Growth effect like this."}, "Tapping at the Window": {"Rate": "1.0", "Desc": "Missing on this is way too likely for my liking. Spending two mana to do nothing is the absolute nightmare, and even when this does work it's a five mana draw two. I wouldn't play this unless I had disgusting bombs in my deck like Consuming Blob and Primal Adversary."}, "Bramble Armor": {"Rate": "1.5", "Desc": "This is almost identical to Rosethorn Halberd, so I assume that it will perform similarly. If you're incredibly aggressive and low on combat tricks/removal, then this seems fine. For most decks though this will just be too slow and underwhelming. Two mana is way more than one, and unlike Rosethorn Halberd it's much harder to double spell early on in the game with Bramble Armor."}, "Plummet": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "I'd try not to main deck this unless you're low on playables for whatever reason, but like in every set prior this is a very potent board card."}, "Return to Nature": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "Another solid board card that you should never main deck."}, "Turn the Earth": {"Rate": "0.5", "Desc": "If you see a ton of Disturb and Flashback cards I guess you can bring this in, but this does so little that I wouldn't value this highly as a sideboard card. This is only good against such a specific subset of decks that you'll almost never bring it in. The only time that I would main deck this is and be happy about it is if you have a really wonky Flashback deck that needs this sort of effect in order to not mill out. Memory's Journey had its uses after all, and this is a much better version of that."}};
let reviews2 = {"Enduring Angel":{"Rate":"A+","Desc":""},"Intrepid Adversary":{"Rate":"A","Desc":""},"Sigardian Savior":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Brutal Cathar":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Adeline, Resplendent Cathar":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Fateful Absence":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Gavony Dawnguard":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Sungold Sentinel":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Lunarch Veteran":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Borrowed Time":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Duelcraft Trainer":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Ambitious Farmhand":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Mourning Patrol":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Gavony Silversmith":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Candletrap":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Odric's Outrider":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Homestead Courage":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Bereaved Survivor":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Loyal Gryff":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Chaplain of Alms":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Search Party Captain":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Beloved Beggar":{"Rate":"C+","Desc":""},"Candlegrove 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Out":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Morkrut Behemoth":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Champion of the Perished":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Bladebrand":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Arrogant Outlaw":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Vengeful Strangler":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Heirloom Mirror":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Novice Occultist":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Bloodtithe Collector":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Bat Whisperer":{"Rate":"C","Desc":""},"Blood Pact":{"Rate":"C-","Desc":""},"Duress":{"Rate":"备","Desc":""},"Necrosynthesis":{"Rate":"备","Desc":""},"Moonveil Regent":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Sunstreak Phoenix":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Reckless Stormseeker":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Bloodthirsty Adversary":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Light Up the Night":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Cathartic Pyre":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Geistflame Reservoir":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Purifying Dragon":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Play with Fire":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Moonrager's Slash":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Burn the 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Earth":{"Rate":"C-","Desc":""},"Dawnhart Mentor":{"Rate":"C-","Desc":""},"Bramble Armor":{"Rate":"C-","Desc":""},"Sigarda, Champion of Light":{"Rate":"A","Desc":""},"Arlinn, the Pack's Hope":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Ludevic, Necrogenius":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Dennick, Pious Apprentice":{"Rate":"A-","Desc":""},"Tovolar, Dire Overlord":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Liesa, Forgotten Archangel":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Katilda, Dawnhart Prime":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Florian, Voldaren Scion":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Rite of Oblivion":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Fleshtaker":{"Rate":"B+","Desc":""},"Rem Karolus, Stalwart Slayer":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Can't Stay Away":{"Rate":"B","Desc":""},"Vadrik, Astral Archmage":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Sunrise Cavalier":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Slogurk, the Overslime":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Sacred Fire":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Old Stickfingers":{"Rate":"B-","Desc":""},"Kessig 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'<div><a target="_blank" href="https://www.17lands.com/tier_list/1aad3a0ee4024d08b3ce4724bca1b2f1">刘Pro:MID轮抓评分</a></div>'+
'<div><a target="_blank" href="https://www.17lands.com/user_history/759c958e3deb40feb7ee5a7a853aa056">刘Pro轮抓实录</a></div>'+
'<div><a target="_blank" href="https://mtgazone.com/innistrad-midnight-hunt-limited-set-review-white/">MTGAZone:Innistrad: Midnight Hunt Limited Set Review</a></div>'+
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