Greasy Fork is available in English.

Linkify Plus Plus

Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.

Від 13.11.2014. Дивіться остання версія.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Linkify Plus Plus
// @version     3.0.4
// @namespace
// @description Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
// @include     http*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @exclude*
// @require
// @grant       GM_addStyle
// @grant       GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant       GM_getValue
// @grant       GM_setValue
// ==/UserScript==

"use strict";

var config = {
	excludingTag: [
		'a', 'code', 'head', 'noscript', 'option', 'script', 'style',
		'title', 'textarea', "svg", "canvas", "button", "select", "template",
		"meter", "progress", "math", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "time"
	excludingClass: [
		"highlight", "editbox", "code", "brush:", "bdsug"
	includingClass: [
	useImg: true


// 1=protocol, 2=user, 3=domain, 4=port, 5=path
var urlRE = /\b([-a-z*]+:\/\/)?(?:([\w:\.]+)@)?([a-z0-9-.]+\.[a-z0-9-]+)\b(:\d+)?([/?#][\w-.~!$&*+;=:@%/?#()]*)?/gi;

var re = {
	excludingTag: new RegExp(config.excludingTag.join("|"), "i"),
	excludingClass: new RegExp(config.excludingClass.join("|")),
	includingClass: new RegExp(config.includingClass.join("|"))

var tlds = {
	// generated from
"AC": true, "ACADEMY": true, "ACCOUNTANTS": true, "ACTIVE": true, "ACTOR": true, "AD": true, "AE": true, "AERO": true, "AF": true, "AG": true, "AGENCY": true, "AI": true, "AIRFORCE": true, "AL": true, "AM": true, "AN": true, "AO": true, "AQ": true, "AR": true, "ARCHI": true, "ARMY": true, "ARPA": true, "AS": true, "ASIA": true, "ASSOCIATES": true, "AT": true, "ATTORNEY": true, "AU": true, "AUCTION": true, "AUDIO": true, "AUTOS": true, "AW": true, "AX": true, "AXA": true, "AZ": true, "BA": true, "BAR": true, "BARGAINS": true, "BAYERN": true, "BB": true, "BD": true, "BE": true, "BEER": true, "BERLIN": true, "BEST": true, "BF": true, "BG": true, "BH": true, "BI": true, "BID": true, "BIKE": true, "BIO": true, "BIZ": true, "BJ": true, "BLACK": true, "BLACKFRIDAY": true, "BLUE": true, "BM": true, "BMW": true, "BN": true, "BNPPARIBAS": true, "BO": true, "BOO": true, "BOUTIQUE": true, "BR": true, "BRUSSELS": true, "BS": true, "BT": true, "BUILD": true, "BUILDERS": true, "BUSINESS": true, "BUZZ": true, "BV": true, "BW": true, "BY": true, "BZ": true, "BZH": true, "CA": true, "CAB": true, "CAMERA": true, "CAMP": true, "CANCERRESEARCH": true, "CAPETOWN": true, "CAPITAL": true, "CARAVAN": true, "CARDS": true, "CARE": true, "CAREER": true, "CAREERS": true, "CASH": true, "CAT": true, "CATERING": true, "CC": true, "CD": true, "CENTER": true, "CEO": true, "CERN": true, "CF": true, "CG": true, "CH": true, "CHEAP": true, "CHRISTMAS": true, "CHURCH": true, "CI": true, "CITIC": true, "CITY": true, "CK": true, "CL": true, "CLAIMS": true, "CLEANING": true, "CLICK": true, "CLINIC": true, "CLOTHING": true, "CLUB": true, "CM": true, "CN": true, "CO": true, "CODES": true, "COFFEE": true, "COLLEGE": true, "COLOGNE": true, "COM": true, "COMMUNITY": true, "COMPANY": true, "COMPUTER": true, "CONDOS": true, "CONSTRUCTION": true, "CONSULTING": true, "CONTRACTORS": true, "COOKING": true, "COOL": true, "COOP": true, "COUNTRY": true, "CR": true, "CREDIT": true, "CREDITCARD": true, "CRUISES": true, "CU": true, "CUISINELLA": true, "CV": true, "CW": true, "CX": true, "CY": true, "CYMRU": true, "CZ": true, "DAD": true, "DANCE": true, "DATING": true, "DAY": true, "DE": true, "DEALS": true, "DEGREE": true, "DEMOCRAT": true, "DENTAL": true, "DENTIST": true, "DESI": true, "DIAMONDS": true, "DIET": true, "DIGITAL": true, "DIRECT": true, "DIRECTORY": true, "DISCOUNT": true, "DJ": true, "DK": true, "DM": true, "DNP": true, "DO": true, "DOMAINS": true, "DURBAN": true, "DZ": true, "EAT": true, "EC": true, "EDU": true, "EDUCATION": true, "EE": true, "EG": true, "EMAIL": true, "ENGINEER": true, "ENGINEERING": true, "ENTERPRISES": true, "EQUIPMENT": true, "ER": true, "ES": true, "ESQ": true, "ESTATE": true, "ET": true, "EU": true, "EUS": true, "EVENTS": true, "EXCHANGE": true, "EXPERT": true, "EXPOSED": true, "FAIL": true, "FARM": true, "FEEDBACK": true, "FI": true, "FINANCE": true, "FINANCIAL": true, "FISH": true, "FISHING": true, "FITNESS": true, "FJ": true, "FK": true, "FLIGHTS": true, "FLORIST": true, "FM": true, "FO": true, "FOO": true, "FOUNDATION": true, "FR": true, "FRL": true, "FROGANS": true, "FUND": true, "FURNITURE": true, "FUTBOL": true, "GA": true, "GAL": true, "GALLERY": true, "GB": true, "GBIZ": true, "GD": true, "GE": true, "GENT": true, "GF": true, "GG": true, "GH": true, "GI": true, "GIFT": true, "GIFTS": true, "GIVES": true, "GL": true, "GLASS": true, "GLOBAL": true, "GLOBO": true, "GM": true, "GMAIL": true, "GMO": true, "GN": true, "GOP": true, "GOV": true, "GP": true, "GQ": true, "GR": true, "GRAPHICS": true, "GRATIS": true, "GREEN": true, "GRIPE": true, "GS": true, "GT": true, "GU": true, "GUIDE": true, "GUITARS": true, "GURU": true, "GW": true, "GY": true, "HAMBURG": true, "HAUS": true, "HEALTHCARE": true, "HELP": true, "HERE": true, "HIPHOP": true, "HIV": true, "HK": true, "HM": true, "HN": true, "HOLDINGS": true, "HOLIDAY": true, "HOMES": true, "HORSE": true, "HOST": true, "HOSTING": true, "HOUSE": true, "HOW": true, "HR": true, "HT": true, "HU": true, "ID": true, "IE": true, "IL": true, "IM": true, "IMMO": true, "IMMOBILIEN": true, "IN": true, "INDUSTRIES": true, "INFO": true, "ING": true, "INK": true, "INSTITUTE": true, "INSURE": true, "INT": true, "INTERNATIONAL": true, "INVESTMENTS": true, "IO": true, "IQ": true, "IR": true, "IS": true, "IT": true, "JE": true, "JETZT": true, "JM": true, "JO": true, "JOBS": true, "JOBURG": true, "JP": true, "JUEGOS": true, "KAUFEN": true, "KE": true, "KG": true, "KH": true, "KI": true, "KIM": true, "KITCHEN": true, "KIWI": true, "KM": true, "KN": true, "KOELN": true, "KP": true, "KR": true, "KRD": true, "KRED": true, "KW": true, "KY": true, "KZ": true, "LA": true, "LACAIXA": true, "LAND": true, "LAWYER": true, "LB": true, "LC": true, "LEASE": true, "LGBT": true, "LI": true, "LIFE": true, "LIGHTING": true, "LIMITED": true, "LIMO": true, "LINK": true, "LK": true, "LOANS": true, "LONDON": true, "LOTTO": true, "LR": true, "LS": true, "LT": true, "LTDA": true, "LU": true, "LUXE": true, "LUXURY": true, "LV": true, "LY": true, "MA": true, "MAISON": true, "MANAGEMENT": true, "MANGO": true, "MARKET": true, "MARKETING": true, "MC": true, "MD": true, "ME": true, "MEDIA": true, "MEET": true, "MELBOURNE": true, "MEME": true, "MENU": true, "MG": true, "MH": true, "MIAMI": true, "MIL": true, "MINI": true, "MK": true, "ML": true, "MM": true, "MN": true, "MO": true, "MOBI": true, "MODA": true, "MOE": true, "MONASH": true, "MORTGAGE": true, "MOSCOW": true, "MOTORCYCLES": true, "MOV": true, "MP": true, "MQ": true, "MR": true, "MS": true, "MT": true, "MU": true, "MUSEUM": true, "MV": true, "MW": true, "MX": true, "MY": true, "MZ": true, "NA": true, "NAGOYA": true, "NAME": true, "NAVY": true, "NC": true, "NE": true, "NET": true, "NETWORK": true, "NEUSTAR": true, "NEW": true, "NF": true, "NG": true, "NGO": true, "NHK": true, "NI": true, "NINJA": true, "NL": true, "NO": true, "NP": true, "NR": true, "NRA": true, "NRW": true, "NU": true, "NYC": true, "NZ": true, "OKINAWA": true, "OM": true, "ONG": true, "ONL": true, "OOO": true, "ORG": true, "ORGANIC": true, "OTSUKA": true, "OVH": true, "PA": true, "PARIS": true, "PARTNERS": true, "PARTS": true, "PE": true, "PF": true, "PG": true, "PH": true, "PHOTO": true, "PHOTOGRAPHY": true, "PHOTOS": true, "PHYSIO": true, "PICS": true, "PICTURES": true, "PINK": true, "PIZZA": true, "PK": true, "PL": true, "PLACE": true, "PLUMBING": true, "PM": true, "PN": true, "POST": true, "PR": true, "PRAXI": true, "PRESS": true, "PRO": true, "PROD": true, "PRODUCTIONS": true, "PROPERTIES": true, "PROPERTY": true, "PS": true, "PT": true, "PUB": true, "PW": true, "PY": true, "QA": true, "QPON": true, "QUEBEC": true, "RE": true, "REALTOR": true, "RECIPES": true, "RED": true, "REHAB": true, "REISE": true, "REISEN": true, "REN": true, "RENTALS": true, "REPAIR": true, "REPORT": true, "REPUBLICAN": true, "REST": true, "RESTAURANT": true, "REVIEWS": true, "RICH": true, "RIO": true, "RO": true, "ROCKS": true, "RODEO": true, "RS": true, "RSVP": true, "RU": true, "RUHR": true, "RW": true, "RYUKYU": true, "SA": true, "SAARLAND": true, "SARL": true, "SB": true, "SC": true, "SCA": true, "SCB": true, "SCHMIDT": true, "SCHULE": true, "SCOT": true, "SD": true, "SE": true, "SERVICES": true, "SEXY": true, "SG": true, "SH": true, "SHIKSHA": true, "SHOES": true, "SI": true, "SINGLES": true, "SJ": true, "SK": true, "SL": true, "SM": true, "SN": true, "SO": true, "SOCIAL": true, "SOFTWARE": true, "SOHU": true, "SOLAR": true, "SOLUTIONS": true, "SOY": true, "SPACE": true, "SPIEGEL": true, "SR": true, "ST": true, "SU": true, "SUPPLIES": true, "SUPPLY": true, "SUPPORT": true, "SURF": true, "SURGERY": true, "SUZUKI": true, "SV": true, "SX": true, "SY": true, "SYSTEMS": true, "SZ": true, "TATAR": true, "TATTOO": true, "TAX": true, "TC": true, "TD": true, "TECHNOLOGY": true, "TEL": true, "TF": true, "TG": true, "TH": true, "TIENDA": true, "TIPS": true, "TIROL": true, "TJ": true, "TK": true, "TL": true, "TM": true, "TN": true, "TO": true, "TODAY": true, "TOKYO": true, "TOOLS": true, "TOP": true, "TOWN": true, "TOYS": true, "TP": true, "TR": true, "TRADE": true, "TRAINING": true, "TRAVEL": true, "TT": true, "TV": true, "TW": true, "TZ": true, "UA": true, "UG": true, "UK": true, "UNIVERSITY": true, "UNO": true, "UOL": true, "US": true, "UY": true, "UZ": true, "VA": true, "VACATIONS": true, "VC": true, "VE": true, "VEGAS": true, "VENTURES": true, "VERSICHERUNG": true, "VET": true, "VG": true, "VI": true, "VIAJES": true, "VILLAS": true, "VISION": true, "VLAANDEREN": true, "VN": true, "VODKA": true, "VOTE": true, "VOTING": true, "VOTO": true, "VOYAGE": true, "VU": true, "WALES": true, "WANG": true, "WATCH": true, "WEBCAM": true, "WEBSITE": true, "WED": true, "WF": true, "WHOSWHO": true, "WIEN": true, "WIKI": true, "WILLIAMHILL": true, "WORKS": true, "WS": true, "WTC": true, "WTF": true, "XN--1QQW23A": true, "XN--3BST00M": true, "XN--3DS443G": true, "XN--3E0B707E": true, "XN--45BRJ9C": true, "XN--4GBRIM": true, "XN--55QW42G": true, "XN--55QX5D": true, "XN--6FRZ82G": true, "XN--6QQ986B3XL": true, "XN--80ADXHKS": true, "XN--80AO21A": true, "XN--80ASEHDB": true, "XN--80ASWG": true, "XN--90A3AC": true, "XN--C1AVG": true, "XN--CG4BKI": true, "XN--CLCHC0EA0B2G2A9GCD": true, "XN--CZR694B": true, "XN--CZRU2D": true, "XN--D1ACJ3B": true, "XN--FIQ228C5HS": true, "XN--FIQ64B": true, "XN--FIQS8S": true, "XN--FIQZ9S": true, "XN--FPCRJ9C3D": true, "XN--FZC2C9E2C": true, "XN--GECRJ9C": true, "XN--H2BRJ9C": true, "XN--I1B6B1A6A2E": true, "XN--IO0A7I": true, "XN--J1AMH": true, "XN--J6W193G": true, "XN--KPRW13D": true, "XN--KPRY57D": true, "XN--KPUT3I": true, "XN--L1ACC": true, "XN--LGBBAT1AD8J": true, "XN--MGB9AWBF": true, "XN--MGBA3A4F16A": true, "XN--MGBAAM7A8H": true, "XN--MGBAB2BD": true, "XN--MGBAYH7GPA": true, "XN--MGBBH1A71E": true, "XN--MGBC0A9AZCG": true, "XN--MGBERP4A5D4AR": true, "XN--MGBX4CD0AB": true, "XN--NGBC5AZD": true, "XN--NQV7F": true, "XN--NQV7FS00EMA": true, "XN--O3CW4H": true, "XN--OGBPF8FL": true, "XN--P1AI": true, "XN--PGBS0DH": true, "XN--Q9JYB4C": true, "XN--RHQV96G": true, "XN--S9BRJ9C": true, "XN--SES554G": true, "XN--UNUP4Y": true, "XN--VHQUV": true, "XN--WGBH1C": true, "XN--WGBL6A": true, "XN--XHQ521B": true, "XN--XKC2AL3HYE2A": true, "XN--XKC2DL3A5EE0H": true, "XN--YFRO4I67O": true, "XN--YGBI2AMMX": true, "XN--ZFR164B": true, "XXX": true, "XYZ": true, "YACHTS": true, "YANDEX": true, "YE": true, "YOKOHAMA": true, "YOUTUBE": true, "YT": true, "ZA": true, "ZM": true, "ZONE": true, "ZW": true


function valid(node) {
	return node.nodeType == 1 &&
		(!re.excludingTag.test(node.nodeName) &&
		!re.excludingClass.test(node.className) ||
		re.includingClass.test(node.className)) &&
		node.contentEditable != "true" &&
		node.className.indexOf("linkifyplus") < 0;

var traverser = {
	queue: [],
	running: false,
	start: function(){
		if (traverser.running) {
		traverser.running = true;
	container: function(){
		var root = traverser.queue.shift();

		if (!root) {
			traverser.running = false;

		if (!root.childNodes || !root.childNodes.length || !valid(root)) {
			root.inTraverserQueue = false;
			setTimeout(traverser.container, 0);

		// remove wbr element

		var state = {
			currentNode: root.childNodes[0],
			lastMove: 1,	// 1=down, 2=left, 3=up
			loopCount: 0,

		function traverse(){
			var i = 0, child, sibling, parent;

			while (state.currentNode != root) {

				// Cache elements since linkified node will be detach from DOM
				child = state.currentNode.childNodes[0];
				sibling = state.currentNode.nextSibling;
				parent = state.currentNode.parentNode;

				if (state.currentNode.nodeType == 3) {

				// State transfer
				if (valid(state.currentNode) && state.lastMove != 3 && child) {
					state.currentNode = child;
					state.lastMove = 1;
				} else if (sibling) {
					state.currentNode = sibling;
					state.lastMove = 2;
				} else if (parent) {
					state.currentNode = parent;
					state.lastMove = 3;
				} else {

				// Loop counter
				if (i > 50) {
					setTimeout(traverse, 0);

				"Traversal end! Traversed %d nodes in %dms.",
				state.loopCount + 1, - state.timeStart
			root.inTraverserQueue = false;
		setTimeout(traverse, 0);
	add: function(node) {
		if (node.inTraverserQueue) {
		node.inTraverserQueue = true;

function configInit(config){
		"Linkify Plus Plus",
			useImg: {
				label: "Parse image url to <img>:",
				type: "checkbox",
				default: true
			classBlackList: {
				label: "Add classes to black-list (Separate by space):",
				type: "textarea",
				default: ""
			classWhiteList: {
				label: "Add classes to white-list (Separate by space):",
				type: "textarea",
				default: ""
		"body{margin:0}.config_header{background-color:#eee;padding:17px 0;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc}.section_header_holder{margin:0;padding:0 15px}#buttons_holder{margin:0;padding:7px 15px}.section_header{font-size:1.5em;color:#000;border:none;background-color:transparent;margin:12px 0 7px;display:block;text-align:left}.saveclose_buttons{margin:0}.saveclose_buttons+.saveclose_buttons{margin-left:7px;margin-bottom:7px}input,label{vertical-align:middle}textarea{display:block;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit}"
	config.useImg = GM_config.get("useImg", true);
	config.includingClass = config.includingClass.concat(
		getArray(GM_config.get("classWhiteList", ""))
	config.excludingClass = config.excludingClass.concat(
		getArray(GM_config.get("classBlackList", ""))

function getArray(s) {
	s = s.trim();
	if (!s) {
		return [];
	return s.split(/\s+/);

function remove(node) {

function removeWBR(node) {
	var l = node.querySelectorAll("wbr"), i, p, t, n;

	for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
		t = l[i];
		p = t.previousSibling;
		n = t.nextSibling;

		if (p && n && p.nodeType == 3 && n.nodeType == 3) {
			p.nodeValue += n.nodeValue;


function isIP(s) {
	var m, i;
	if (!(m = s.match(/^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/))) {
		return false;
	for (i = 1; i < m.length; i++) {
		if (m[i] * 1 > 255 || (m[i].length > 1 && m[i][0] == "0")) {
			return false;
	return true;

function inAngular(text, start, end) {
	if (!unsafeWindow.angular) {
		return false;

	var l, r;
	l = text.lastIndexOf("{{", start);
	r = text.lastIndexOf("}}", start);
	if (l < r || l < 0) {
		return false;

	l = text.indexOf("{{", end);
	r = text.indexOf("}}", end);
	if (l > 0 && l < r || r < 0) {
		return false;

	return true;

function stripSingleParenthesis(str) {
	var i, pos, c = ")";
	for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
		if (str[i] == "(") {
			if (c != ")") {
				return str.substring(0, pos);
			pos = i;
			c = "(";
		if (str[i] == ")") {
			if (c != "(") {
				return str.substring(0, i);
			pos = i;
			c = ")";
	if (c != ")") {
		return str.substring(0, pos);
	return str;

function imgFailed(){
	this.parentNode.textContent = this.alt;
	this.error = null;

function linkifyTextNode(node) {
	if (!node.parentNode){
	var l, m, mm;
	var txt = node.textContent;
	var span = null;
	var p = 0;
	var protocol, user, domain, port, path;
	var a, img, url;

	while (m = urlRE.exec(txt)) {
		protocol = m[1] || "";
		user = m[2] || "";
		domain = m[3] || "";
		port = m[4] || "";
		path = m[5] || "";

		// valid domain
		if (domain.indexOf("..") > -1) {
		if (!isIP(domain) && (mm = domain.match(/\.([a-z0-9-]+)$/i)) && !tlds[mm[1].toUpperCase()]) {

		// angular directive
		if (!protocol && !user && !port && !path && inAngular(txt, m.index, urlRE.lastIndex)) {

		if (!span) {
			// Create a span to hold the new text with links in it.
			span = document.createElement('span');
			span.className = 'linkifyplus';

		l = m[0];

		// get the link without trailing dots
		l = l.replace(/\.*$/, '');
		path = path.replace(/\.*$/, '');

		// Get the link without single parenthesis
		l = stripSingleParenthesis(l);
		path = stripSingleParenthesis(path);

		if (!protocol && user && (mm = user.match(/^mailto:(.+)/))) {
			protocol = "mailto:";
			user = mm[1];

		if (protocol && protocol.match(/^(hxxp|h\*\*p|ttp)/)) {
			protocol = "http://";

		//put in text up to the link
		span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt.substring(p, m.index)));
		//create a link and put it in the span
		a = document.createElement('a');
		a.className = 'linkifyplus';
		if (/(\.jpg|\.png|\.gif)$/i.test(path) && config.useImg) {
			img = document.createElement("img");
			img.alt = l;
			img.onerror = imgFailed;
		} else {

		if (!protocol) {
			if (mm = domain.match(/^(ftp|irc)/)) {
				protocol = mm[0] + "://";
			} else if (domain.match(/^(www|web)/)) {
				protocol = "http://";
			} else if (user && user.indexOf(":") < 0 && !path) {
				protocol = "mailto:";
			} else {
				protocol = "http://";
		url = protocol + (user ? user + "@" : "") + domain + port + path;
		a.setAttribute('href', url);
		if (img) {
			img.src = url;
			img = null;
		//track insertion point
		p = m.index + l.length;
	if (span) {
		//take the text after the last link
		span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt.substring(p, txt.length)));
		//replace the original text with the new span
		node.parentNode.replaceChild(span, node);

//var linkifyDelay = function(){
//	var time = 3000, timer = null;
//	var delay = {
//		waiting: false,
//		delay: function(){
//			clearTimeout(timer);
//			timer = setTimeout(delay.linkify, time);
//			delay.waiting = true;
//		},
//		linkify: function(){
//			linkifyContainer(document.body);
//			delay.waiting = false;
//		}
//	};
//	return delay;

var observer = {
	handler: function(mutations){

//		console.log("Cought mutations! Total %d mutations.", mutations.length);

		var i;

		for (i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
			if (!mutations[i].addedNodes.length) {


	config: {
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