Greasy Fork is available in English.


Setup the amount from each win to be sent to Vaulet in the line(66) /////////// Setup Profit here in Decimal: 50 % = 0.50 - 75 % = 0.75 - 15 % = 0.15

Від 13.08.2020. Дивіться остання версія.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [0]Balance-Wingman
// @description  Setup the amount from each win to be sent to Vaulet in the line(66) /////////// Setup Profit here in Decimal: 50 % = 0.50 - 75 % = 0.75 - 15 % = 0.15 
// @description  Cryptocurrency is shown in Crypto and $
// @description  Create your acc here to support my work
// @version      2.0
// @author       Dauersendung
// @namespace
// @match*
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==
var accessToken = localStorage.getItem('session').replace(/"/g, '');
var oldBal = '';
function getCurrency() {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("v2_currency")).currency;
function getRate(cur) {
    return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('v2_currency')).conversions.rates[cur];
function convertCurrency(cur, val) {
    return val * getRate(cur);
function getConversionElem() {
    var ele = document.querySelector("#conversionElem");
    if(ele == null) {
        ele = document.createElement("span"); = "conversionElem";
        ele.innerText = "$0.000";
        document.querySelector(".styles__Wrap-rlm06o-0.bGSyHm").insertBefore(ele, null);

    return ele;
window.onload = function loadpage(){
if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
var oldBal = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
var curBalEle = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
function tresor(){
oldBal = curBalEle
if (oldBal = curBalEle){
function depositBal(depositAmount) {
var curr = getCurrency();
var data = [{
operationName: "CreateVaultDeposit",
query: "mutation CreateVaultDeposit($amount: Float!, $currency: CurrencyEnum!) { createVaultDeposit(amount: $amount, currency: $currency) { id amount currency user { id balances { available { amount currency __typename } vault { amount currency __typename } __typename } __typename } __typename } } ",
variables: {
amount: depositAmount,
currency: curr,}}]
return fetch("", {
"credentials": "omit",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json",
'x-access-token': accessToken,
'x-lockdown-token': undefined},
"referrer": "" + curr + "&modal=vault&operation=deposit",
"body": JSON.stringify(data),
"method": "POST",
"mode": "cors"});}
function checkBalance() {
var curBalEle=document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG");
if(document.getElementsByClassName('styles__Content-rlm06o-1 ixoRjG').length > 0){
curBalEle = document.getElementsByClassName('styles__Content-rlm06o-1 ixoRjG')[0].innerText;
if(curBalEle != '') {
//console.log('balance changed');
//console.log('old balance : ' + oldBal);
//console.log('current balance : ' + curBalEle);
if (curBalEle > oldBal) {
var depositAmount = ((curBalEle - oldBal) * 0.75); /////////// Setup Profit here in Decimal: 50 % = 0.50 - 75 % = 0.75 - 15 % = 0.15 
depositBal(depositAmount).then(() => {
oldBal = document.querySelector(".styles__Cashier-puey40-2.dMSTdD .styles__Content-rlm06o-1.ixoRjG").innerText;
localStorage.setItem("oldBal", oldBal);
oldBal = curBalEle;
oldBal = curBalEle;
getConversionElem().innerText = "$" + convertCurrency(getCurrency(), curBalEle).toFixed(3);setInterval(4000);//show crypto in $
}}}window.setInterval(checkBalance, 1111);}//timerspeed read send to tresor
tresor();//if different balance run func tresor
}}var myTimer = setTimeout(tresor, 5500);}}; //timer func(tresor)