Цей скрипт не слід встановлювати безпосередньо. Це - бібліотека для інших скриптів для включення в мета директиву // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/407743/830687/jquery-simple-websocket.js
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* jQuery Simple Websocket
* https://github.com/jbloemendal/jquery-simple-websocket
(function (factory) {
if ('object' === typeof module && typeof 'object' === module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(jQuery);
} else {
}(function($) {
var SimpleWebSocket = function(opt) {
if (this._isEmpty(opt, 'url')) {
throw new Error('Missing argument, example usage: $.simpleWebSocket({ url: "ws://" }); ');
this._opt = opt;
this._ws = null;
this._reConnectTries = 60;
this._reConnectDeferred = null;
this._dataType = this._prop(this._opt, 'dataType', 'json');
this._listeners = [];
var self = this;
this._api = (function() {
return {
connect: function() {
return $.extend(self._api, self._reConnect.apply(self, []));
isConnected: function(callback) {
if (callback) {
callback.apply(this, [self._isConnected.apply(self, [])]);
return self._api;
} else {
return self._isConnected.apply(self, []);
send: function(data) {
return $.extend(self._api, self._send.apply(self, [data]));
listen: function(listener) {
return $.extend(self._api, self._listenReconnect.apply(self, [listener]));
remove: function(listener) {
self._remove.apply(self, [listener]);
return self._api;
removeAll: function() {
self._removeAll.apply(self, []);
return self._api;
close: function() {
self._close.apply(self, []);
self._reset.apply(self, []);
return self._api;
return this._api;
SimpleWebSocket.prototype = {
_createWebSocket: function(opt) {
var ws = null;
if (opt.protocols) {
if ('undefined' === typeof window.MozWebSocket) {
if (window.WebSocket) {
ws = new WebSocket(opt.url, opt.protocols);
} else {
throw new Error('Error, websocket could not be initialized.');
} else {
ws = new MozWebSocket(opt.url, opt.protocols);
} else {
if ('undefined' === typeof window.MozWebSocket) {
if (window.WebSocket) {
ws = new WebSocket(opt.url);
} else {
throw new Error('Error, websocket could not be initialized.');
} else {
ws = new MozWebSocket(opt.url);
return ws;
_bindSocketEvents: function(ws, opt) {
var self = this;
$(ws).bind('open', opt.open)
.bind('close', opt.close)
.bind('message', function(event) {
try {
if ('function' === typeof opt.message) {
if (self._dataType && 'json' === self._dataType.toLowerCase()) {
var json = JSON.parse(event.originalEvent.data);
opt.message.call(this, json);
} else if (self._dataType && 'xml' === self._dataType.toLowerCase()) {
var domParser = new DOMParser();
var dom = domParser.parseFromString(event.originalEvent.data, 'text/xml');
opt.message.call(this, dom);
} else {
opt.message.call(this, event.originalEvent.data);
} catch (exception) {
if ('function' === typeof opt.error) {
opt.error.call(this, exception);
}).bind('error', function(exception) {
if ('function' === typeof opt.error) {
opt.error.call(this, exception);
_webSocket: function(opt) {
var ws = this._createWebSocket(opt);
this._bindSocketEvents(ws, opt);
return ws;
_getSocketEventHandler: function(attempt) {
var self = this;
return {
open: function(e) {
var sock = this;
if (attempt) {
close: function(e) {
if (attempt) {
message: function(message) {
for (var i=0, len=self._listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
try {
self._listeners[i].deferred.notify.apply(self, [message]);
} catch (error) {
error: function(e) {
self._ws = null;
for (var i=0, len=self._listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
self._listeners[i].deferred.reject.apply(self, [e]);
if (attempt) {
attempt.rejectWith.apply(self, [e]);
_connect: function() {
var attempt = $.Deferred();
if (this._ws) {
if (2 === this._ws.readyState) {
// close previous socket
} else if (3 === this._ws.readyState) {
// close previous socket
} else if (0 === this._ws.readyState) {
return attempt.promise();
} else if (1 === this._ws.readyState) {
return attempt.promise();
this._ws = this._webSocket($.extend(this._opt, this._getSocketEventHandler(attempt)));
return attempt.promise();
_reset: function() {
this._reConnectTries = this._prop(this._opt, 'attempts', 60); // default 10min
this._reConnectDeferred = $.Deferred();
_close: function() {
if (this._ws) {
this._ws = null;
_isConnected: function() {
if (null === this._ws) {
return false;
} else if (1 === this._ws.readyState) {
return true;
return false;
_reConnectTry: function() {
var self = this;
this._connect().done(function() {
self._reConnectDeferred.resolve.apply(self, [self._ws]);
}).fail(function(e) {
if (self._reConnectTries > 0) {
window.setTimeout(function() {
self._reConnect.apply(self, []);
}, self._prop.apply(self, [self._opt, 'timeout', 10000]));
} else {
self._reConnectDeferred.rejectWith.apply(self, [e]);
_reConnect: function() {
var self = this;
if (null === this._reConnectDeferred) {
} else if ('resolved' === this._reConnectDeferred.state()) {
} else if ('rejected' === this._reConnectDeferred.state()) {
if (this._ws && this._ws.readyState === 1) {
} else {
return self._reConnectDeferred.promise.apply(self, []);
_preparePayload: function(data) {
var payload;
if (this._opt.dataType && 'text' === this._opt.dataType.toLowerCase()) {
payload = data;
} else if (this._opt.dataType && 'xml' === this._opt.dataType.toLowerCase()) {
payload = data;
} else if (this._opt.dataType && 'json' === this._opt.dataType.toLowerCase()) {
payload = JSON.stringify(data);
} else {
payload = JSON.stringify(data); // default
return payload;
_send: function(data) {
var self = this;
var attempt = $.Deferred();
(function(json) {
self._reConnect.apply(self, []).done(function(ws) {
attempt.resolve.apply(self, [self._api]);
}).fail(function(e) {
attempt.rejectWith.apply(self, [e]);
return attempt.promise();
_indexOfListener: function(listener) {
for (var i=0, len=this._listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
if (this._listeners[i].listener === listener) {
return i;
return -1;
_isEmpty: function(obj, property) {
if (typeof 'undefined' === obj) {
return true;
} else if (null === obj) {
return true;
} else if ('undefined' === typeof property) {
return true;
} else if (null === property) {
return true;
} else if ('' === property) {
return true;
} else if ('undefined' === typeof obj[property]) {
return true;
} else if (null === obj[property]) {
return true;
return false;
_prop: function(obj, property, defaultValue) {
if (this._isEmpty(obj, property)) {
return defaultValue;
return obj[property];
_listen: function(listener) {
var self = this;
var dInternal = $.Deferred();
self._reConnect.apply(self, []).done(function() {
dInternal.progress(function() {
listener.apply(this, arguments);
self._remove.apply(self, [listener]);
self._listeners.push({ 'deferred': dInternal, 'listener': listener });
}).fail(function(e) {
return dInternal.promise();
_listenReconnect: function(listener) {
var dExternal = $.Deferred();
var self = this;
.fail(function() {
self._listenReconnect.apply(self, [listener]);
}).done(function() {
return dExternal.promise();
_remove: function(listener) {
var index = this._indexOfListener(listener);
if (0 <= index) {
this._listeners.splice(index, 1);
_removeAll: function() {
for (var i=0, len=this._listeners.length; i<len; i++) {
this._listeners = [];
simpleWebSocket: function(opt) {
return new SimpleWebSocket(opt);
return $.simpleWebSocket;