Greasy Fork is available in English.

mb. FUNKEY ILLUSTRATED RECORDS CAA front cover art archive pictures/images (release groups and releases) Big illustrated discography and/or inline everywhere possible without cluttering the pages

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  • v2016.6.15 19.11.2023

    FIX. javascript error, can’t find sibling in

    remove chrome work-arounds and advocate Tampermonkey instead when needed (#17)

    Merge branch 'master' of

    Conflicts: jasrac-mb-minc_WORK-IMPORT-CROSS-LINKING.user.js

    aligning metadata block keys

    decoding some more unicode

    NEW. support NEW. forceHTTP turbo option also applies to MBS images now

    NEW. allow forceHTTP (CAA super speed) on and

    FIX. returnto=… kind of URLs are blocking user scripts ☞ excluding* instead of just* (to allow

    stopped using geeky looking, function(node) {}); completely.

    Merge branch 'master' of

    CHG. no more limit on any image width.

    FIX. small pictures increase height of table rows. CHG. small pictures 2×bigger.

    FIX. hovering small pictures makes big pictures jump around.

    NEW. small pictures are now completely CRAZEY (and more readable)!

    REVERT. the funkey crazey got too sick (back to static small images). FIX. FUNKEY CAA is too crazy on thin little images (#39).

    FIX. some pagination buttons get an image (e.g.

    Merge branch 'master' of

    NEW. clicking outside images reduces all images.

    testing compatibility metadata from

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12

    FIX. first click on a link, when an image is expanded, is blocked

    using .classList(.add/.remove/.toggle/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate. replacing clss() and cssClass(), I didn’t know I reinvented the weel.

    CR + LF → LF


    LF → CR+LF back to Windows (my OS) good old end of line characters. clipboard made it too prone to mistake for too few bytes gained.


    Add series support @Hawke request in

    use lib

    Use relative paths following MBS change (closes #155 again).

    Revert "MBS relative paths" (#155) Keeping those changes in the beta branch (good @bricas advice in #156). This reverts commit 4c6166ffc284974e58adbc70873d295fbbc1a524. This reverts commit ba1b4406232bcc568ec24192682022fb972302ed. This reverts commit 8785f7f65498dec43dea2eb43a02bf5874c9d74a.

    Marking #155 MBS beta changes as “-beta” version in my beta branch.

    Warning: minify feature would break my metadata block parser (#158).

    Merge branch “beta” (#155)










    FIX #150: smallpics appear in some edit page tabs.

    Updating some @changelog, @supportURL and @compatible meta data.

    Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert:

    • Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window”
    • Explicit “self” on location
    • No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.

    Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.

    Report #253 regression fix

    Merge branch 'master' into #244y-van-zall-shook-up-links



  • v2022.2.4 04.02.2022 Fix: Pending edits RG grey CAA icons are not hidden #635
  • v2021.12.20 20.12.2021 Display each bigpics only once on Recordings page #642 Reuse 64fec5b2c87c71ed88c1f791ff352df75c91b6be
  • v2021.11.11.238 11.11.2021 Clean unused variable up
  • v2021.11.11 11.11.2021 Hide MBS release group CAA icon, once loading started #635 This MBS-11059 serves as placeholder makes the script less jumpy!, Show in all edit history lists #56 Added user edits and entity edit histories, Don’t limit BIG_PICS to first occurrence only #56, Remove MBS-11327 (#527) workaround is fixed I can revert c8d737a3b3982bf42085251197b914df8f347641, Fix big pic yellow highlight in react-hydrate pages #605 Move event listener from react-hydrate TR to clean TABLE
  • v2021.2.12 28.07.2021 Script ID linked in other scripts - mb_HIDE-DIGITAL-RELEASES #603 - mb_MERGE-HELPOR-2 #492 - mb_PRINT-ALL-PAGES
  • v2021.2.12 12.02.2021 Use innerText for AC cell that can contain <script> textContent is faster but shows <script> content Closes #559
  • v2021.1.12.2099 03.02.2021 Metadata block clean-up (#510) - Use Web Archive for userscripts(-mirror).org for safety - Use same namespace and namespace everywhere
  • v2021.1.12.2099 01.02.2021 eslint recommended: last pass, CRLF→LF Redoing this whole replace now that I use Linux, First wave of custom eslint rules, Bump versions post ESLint clean-up, Merge branch 'eslint'
  • v2021.1.12 13.01.2021 Show CAA icons on release search page Implements (dirty) fixes
  • v2020.9.24.1420 25.11.2020 Use // (allowed by GF) … for require(d) libraries instead of // One dependency less towards #396 (abandon mirrors). Also give less emphasis on mirrors and update compatibilities in README files.
  • v2020.9.24.1419 18.11.2020 Remove * support Freso said: Sandboxes have been discontinued and are not coming back, Make all triggers regex include I had a mix of match and include.
  • v2020.9.24.1418 24.09.2020 Remove obsolete OpenUserJS comment This is bogus since I removed my meta function in 0df27588053dbe3e2c71f5ae7c4da8bc53d3e997 See for explanation of OpenUserJS unstableMinify comment, Make release group CAA icons visible during loading
  • v2020.9.24.1353 24.09.2020 Show pending front covers as well @aerozol told me that release groups with only pending front cover arts would not show their icon.
  • v2020.9.24.1312 24.09.2020 Show how many images the front cover release holds
  • v2020.9.24 24.09.2020 Fix bad interaction with MERGE HELPOR 2 MERGE HELPOR 2 briefly saw /release-group/ HREF on CAA icons that are only supposed to contain /release/ HREF.
  • v2020.9.2.1710 21.09.2020 Remove RG CAA icon if error Usually a "page not found" error means that there are no cover arts, Display errors in JavaScript console This also adds enough delay to improve the cover art loading success rate!
  • v2020.9.2 02.09.2020 Add CAA icons to release groups Fixes #514.
  • v2020.6.16 16.06.2020 Display cover in new CAA icons CAA icons were added by Closes #505
  • v2020.3.11 11.03.2020 Don’t clone FUNKEY CAA in medium headers Those thumbnails require some JavaScript that cannot be cloned easily with the tag and its children. Thus I only saw sand glasses (see #482 screen captures).
  • v2020.2.25 25.02.2020 Use only \n for new lines in tooltips, stop using compatibility \r\n (#490) Recent Chrome update displays a small CR ␍ sign instead of \r. I initially put \r for compatibility with MAC/LINUX but it seems there is no need any more and \n alone works.
  • v2019.6.18 18.06.2019 Fix include regex syntax error
  • v2019.6.11.1213 11.06.2019 Show cover art on release merge pages (#435), Show cover art on release group merge pages (#435), Replace 10 @match by 3 regex @include: release, release group and search Update compatibility Version bump Closes #435, missing spacing, Stop using HTTP CAA from HTTPS MB Performance clean‐ups, Add edit (list) search pages but not edit pages. Don’t show smallpics in edit list pages. Part of “Fix edit list page display” #56.
  • v2019.6.4 04.06.2019 FIX #434: Server changed blocked script on release group page I don’t know if this box does still exist sometimes afer server update 2019-06-03
  • v2018.4.4 27.09.2018 FIX #358: has still been blocking my licences for months… I didn’t notice. Continuing ☞ I’m really wondering again: Abandon or continue to adapt to GF and OUJS (#396). Previous fix (GPL-3.0+) 3161796570372feb4f48a4f71f4b2d8848d7e8dc did work but no more. Now GPL-3.0-or-later deb8c4b2081ac328d7403df2b401746a32b21b56 seems to be accepted.
  • v2018.4.4 04.04.2018 FIX #396: GF and OUJS: Abandon or continue to adapt GF mirror should now update back again as I’ve reverted to GF hosted libraries. OUJS mirror support was already fixed by new licences (#358).
  • v2016.6.15 04.12.2017 update browser support
  • v2016.6.15 16.06.2016 Synced from GitHub - Security improvement: using match instead of include (closes #192). Added //* support where it was missing.
  • v2016.2.25 17.05.2016 Synced from GitHub - Revert my too hasty changes after a false alert: - Putting back favourite “self” instead of less explicit “window” - Explicit “self” on location - No self on prompt Closes #218. More info at violentmonkey/violentmonkey-oex#45.
  • v2016.2.25 11.05.2016 Synced from GitHub - Updating some `@changelog`, `@supportURL` and `@compatible` meta data.
  • v2016.2.25 25.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - FIX #150: smallpics appear in some edit page tabs.
  • v2016.2.23 23.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Marking #155 MBS beta changes as “-beta” version in my beta branch. - Merge branch “beta” (#155) # Conflicts: # mb_COLLECTION-HIGHLIGHTER.user.js # mb_FUNKEY-ILLUSTRATED-RECORDS.user.js # mb_INLINE-STUFF.user.js # mb_MASS-MERGE-RECORDINGS.user.js # mb_PENDING-EDITS.user.js # mb_PLAIN-TEXT-TRACKLIST.user.js # mb_REVIVE-DELETED-EDITORS.user.js # mb_SUPER-MIND-CONTROL-II-X-TURBO.user.js
  • v2016.2.22 21.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Warning: minify feature would break my metadata block parser (#158).
  • v2016.2.22 21.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Revert "MBS relative paths" (#155) Keeping those changes in the beta branch (good @bricas advice in #156). This reverts commit 4c6166ffc284974e58adbc70873d295fbbc1a524. This reverts commit ba1b4406232bcc568ec24192682022fb972302ed. This reverts commit 8785f7f65498dec43dea2eb43a02bf5874c9d74a.
  • v2016.2.9 09.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Use relative paths following MBS change (closes #155 again).
  • v2015.10.16 16.10.2015 Synced from GitHub - cleanup - Add series support @Hawke request in - use lib
  • v2015.6.4.1626 07.08.2015 Synced from GitHub - metadata
  • v2015.6.4.1626 04.06.2015 Synced from GitHub - using .classList(.add/.remove/.contains) instead of .className where opportunate
  • v2015.5.27.1310 27.05.2015 Synced from GitHub - FIX. first click on a link, when an image is expanded, is blocked
  • v2015.3.20.1553 10.04.2015 Synced from GitHub - @downloadURL and @updateURL fixed: // → //…/raw/ @author normalised: PATATE12
  • v2015.3.20.1553 20.03.2015 Synced from GitHub - NEW. clicking outside images reduces all images. - testing compatibility metadata from
  • v2015. 27.02.2015 Synced from GitHub - FIX. some pagination buttons get an image (e.g.
  • v2015. 23.02.2015 Synced from GitHub - REVERT. the funkey crazey got too sick (back to static small images). FIX. FUNKEY CAA is too crazy on thin little images (#39).
  • v2015. 20.02.2015 Synced from GitHub - CHG. no more limit on any image width. - FIX. small pictures increase height of table rows. CHG. small pictures 2×bigger. - FIX. hovering small pictures makes big pictures jump around. - NEW. small pictures are now completely CRAZEY (and more readable)!
  • v2014.11.17.1803 17.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - &lt;ninja&gt; stopped using geeky looking, function(node) {}); completely.
  • v2014.11.16.2015 16.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - NEW. allow forceHTTP (CAA super speed) on and
  • v2014.11.16.2014 16.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - NEW. support NEW. forceHTTP turbo option also applies to MBS images now
  • v2014.11.14.2207 15.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - &lt;ninja&gt; decoding some more unicode
  • v2014.11.12.1616 13.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - Merge branch &#39;master&#39; of Conflicts: jasrac-mb-minc_WORK-IMPORT-CROSS-LINKING.user.js &lt;ninja&gt; aligning metadata block keys - @icon with a cute kirby gif I animated long time ago (as suggested by ScitJav - @version Chromium bug #1 - @since researched for all - @downloadURL/@updateURL explicit everywhere
  • v2014.11.12.1616 12.11.2014 Synced from GitHub - remove chrome work-arounds and advocate Tampermonkey instead when needed (#17)

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