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Old Design for VK

Companion script for using with Old Design VK CSS

Від 31.08.2016. Дивіться остання версія.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Old Design for VK
// @namespace
// @version      0.27
// @description  Companion script for using with Old Design VK CSS
// @author       Kesantielu Dasefern and others
// @match        *://*
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://
// @exclude      *://*
// @exclude      *://*
// @grant        none
// @require
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
	document.querySelector("link[rel*='icon']").href = "";
	var check = false;
	$('#top_notify_btn').attr('style','display: none !important');
	$("#top_audio").attr('style','display: none !important');
	$("#top_profile_link").attr('style','display: none !important');
	$("#top_audio_player").attr('style','display: none !important');
	var feed_count = $("#top_notify_count").text();

	$("#l_nwsf a span span.inl_bl").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_msg a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_fr a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_gr a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_ph a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_aud a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
	$("#l_vid a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
    $("#l_ap a span span.left_label").empty();
	$("#l_ap a span span.left_label").prepend('Приложения');
    $("#l_fav a span span.left_label").prepend('Мои ');
    $('<li id="l_apm" class=""><a href="/settings" class="left_row"><span class="left_fixer" id="sett"><span class="left_label inl_bl">Мои Настройки</span></span></a></div></li>').insertAfter('#l_fav');

	var attrr = $('#top_logout_link').attr('href');
	$('#top_nav').prepend('<span style="float:right;"><a id="people_link_td" class="top_nav_link" href="/search?c[section]=people">люди</a><a id="communities_link_td" class="top_nav_link" href="/search?c[section]=communities">сообщества</a><a id="games_link_td" class="top_nav_link" href="/apps">игры</a><a id="music_link_td" class="top_nav_link" href="#" onmouseover="prepareAudioLayer()" onmousedown="return (checkKeyboardEvent(event) ? false : showAudioLayer(event, this))" onclick="return (checkKeyboardEvent(event) ? showAudioLayer(event, this) : false);" aria-label="Аудиоплеер" aria-haspopup="true" accesskey="3">музыка</a><a id="support_link_td" class="top_nav_link" href="/support?act=home">помощь</a><a class="top_nav_link" href="'+ attrr +'">выйти</a></span>');

    $("#ads_left").css({'display': 'none'});

function check_feed_count(){
		feed_count = $("#top_notify_count").text();
		if (feed_count > '0'){ //иначе показывает всегда что есть новые ответы, но пофакту новых нет (не красиво, когда светится плюсик всегда)
			$("#feed_li").html('<span class="left_count_wrap fl_r"><span class="inl_bl left_count" id="feed_count">'+ feed_count +'</span></span><span class="left_label inl_bl">Мои Ответы</span>');
		else {
			$("#feed_li").html('<span class="left_label inl_bl">Мои Ответы</span>');
setTimeout(check_feed_count, 0);
setInterval(check_feed_count, 2*1000);

$('<li id="l_ntf" class=""><a href="/feed?section=notifications" class="left_row"><span class="left_fixer" id="feed_li"></span></a></div></li>').insertAfter('#l_nwsf');

var addCSS = function () {/*

.page_post_sized_thumbs, .post_thumbed_media {
	zoom: 100% !important;
	-moz-transform: scale(1) !important;
	-moz-transform-origin: left center;

#public .narrow_column.fixed, #group .narrow_column.fixed, #profile .narrow_column.fixed {
	position: absolute !important;

var head = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0];
var styleElement = document.createElement("style"); 
styleElement.type = 'text/css'; // Тип

var nonZoom = true;
var Factor, FindCont;
document.onscroll = function() { // Сравнение высоты и прокрутки, расширение/сужение если требуется, где надо
    ge("narrow_column").setAttribute("style", "display: fixed;");
    var cc = ge("narrow_column");
    if (!cc) return;
    if (cc.offsetHeight && (cur.module == "profile" || cur.module == "group" || cur.module == "public" || cur.module == "event")) {
        if (cc.offsetHeight <= -cc.getBoundingClientRect().top) {
            if (nonZoom) {
                ge("wide_column").style.width = "597px";
                nonZoom = false;
                $("[ResMin=true]").each(function() {
                    zWin(this, 1);
        } else if (!nonZoom) {
            ge("wide_column").style.width = "397px";
            nonZoom = true;
            $("div.page_album_wrap[ResMin=false], div.reply_text div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin=false], div.copy_quote > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin=false], div._wall_post_cont > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin=false]").each(function() {
                for (var i = 0; i < FindCont.length; i++) {
                    var Factor = this[i].parentNode.offsetWidth / this[i].offsetWidth;
                    zWin(this[i], Factor + 0.01);
                    $("[ResMin=false]", this[i]).each(function() {
                        var inCont = this;
                        zWin(inCont, Factor);
                        return true;
        if (nonZoom) {
            FindCont = inWin("div.page_album_wrap[ResMin!=true], div.reply_text div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true], div.copy_quote > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true], div._wall_post_cont > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true]");
            for (var i = 0; i < FindCont.length; i++) {
                var Factor = FindCont[i].parentNode.offsetWidth / FindCont[i].offsetWidth;
                zWin(FindCont[i], Factor + 0.01);
                $("div[ResMin!=true],a[ResMin!=true]", FindCont[i]).each(function() {
                    var inCont = this;
                    zWin(inCont, Factor);
                    return true;

function zWin(c, Factor) {
    if (c.getAttribute('ResMin') !== nonZoom || (nonZoom && c.getAttribute('ResMin') !== false))
        if (Factor < 1) {
            var w, h;
            if (!c.hasAttribute("OiginalSize")) {
                w = c.offsetWidth;
                h = c.offsetHeight;
                c.setAttribute("OiginalSize", w + "," + h);
            } else {
                sz = c.getAttribute("OiginalSize").split(",");
                w = parseInt(sz[0]);
                h = parseInt(sz[1]);
            c.setAttribute("ResMin", true);
   = Math.round(w * Factor) + "px";
   = Math.round(h * Factor) + "px";
        } else if (c.hasAttribute("OiginalSize")) {
        sz = c.getAttribute("OiginalSize").split(","); = sz[0] + "px"; = sz[1] + "px";
        c.setAttribute("ResMin", false);

setTimeout(function() {
    FindCont = inWin("div.page_album_wrap[ResMin!=true], div.reply_text div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true], div.copy_quote > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true], div._wall_post_cont > div.page_post_sized_thumbs[ResMin!=true]");
    for (var i = 0; i < FindCont.length; i++) {
        var Factor = FindCont[i].parentNode.offsetWidth / FindCont[i].offsetWidth;
        zWin(FindCont[i], Factor + 0.01);
        $("div[ResMin!=true],a[ResMin!=true]", FindCont[i]).each(function() {
            var inCont = this;
            zWin(inCont, Factor);
            return true;
}, 1000);


function inWin(s) {
    var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop() < 500 ? 0 : $(window).scrollTop() - 500;
    var windowHeight = $(window).height() + 1000;
    var currentEls = $(s);
    var result = [];
    currentEls.each(function() {
        var el = $(this);
        var offset = el.offset();
        if (scrollTop <= && (el.height() + < (scrollTop + windowHeight))
    return $(result);