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通用自动点击脚本 (优化版)

简介 / Introduction

通用自动点击脚本是一款功能强大的浏览器自动化工具,可在任何网站上定时自动点击指定的目标元素。用户可以通过友好的图形界面设置点击时间、目标元素选择器,并支持 CSS选择器XPath 两种方式精准定位目标元素。

The Universal Auto Click Script is a powerful browser automation tool that allows scheduled auto-clicking of specified elements on any website. Users can configure the click time and target selectors through an intuitive interface, with support for CSS Selectors and XPath for precise element targeting.

功能特点 / Features

  1. 支持任意网站 / Works on Any Website

    • 脚本适配所有网页,兼容性强。
    • Works seamlessly across all websites.
  2. CSS选择器和XPath支持 / CSS and XPath Support

    • 用户可选择使用CSS选择器或XPath定位目标元素,满足不同需求。
    • Offers both CSS Selectors and XPath for flexible element targeting.
  3. 定时执行 / Scheduled Execution

    • 用户可设置具体的执行时间,脚本会自动运行。
    • Allows setting specific execution times for automated operations.
  4. 自动查找与点击 / Automatic Search and Click

    • 自动查找目标元素并进行指定次数的点击操作。
    • Automatically locates target elements and performs specified click operations.
  5. 实时状态显示 / Real-time Status Display

    • 界面显示当前状态、匹配的目标元素数量、已点击次数等信息。
    • Displays current status, number of matched elements, and click counts.
  6. 友好控制面板 / Intuitive Control Panel

    • 提供简单直观的用户界面,支持启动、停止和配置操作。
    • Includes an easy-to-use interface for starting, stopping, and configuring operations.

使用方法 / Usage Instructions

  1. 安装脚本到浏览器(推荐使用 Tampermonkey 插件)。 Install the script on your browser (use Tampermonkey).
  2. 启用脚本后,访问任意目标网站。 Enable the script and visit any target website.
  3. 在页面右上角的控制面板中: In the control panel at the top-right corner:
    • 设置 执行时间(精确到秒)。 Set the execution time (to the second).
    • 输入目标元素的 CSS选择器XPath。 Enter the target element's CSS Selector or XPath.
    • 勾选是否启用 XPath 模式。 Check whether to enable XPath mode.
  4. 点击 “开始” 按钮,脚本将在指定时间自动运行。 Click "Start", and the script will run automatically at the specified time.
  5. 可随时通过 “停止” 按钮终止操作。 Use the "Stop" button to terminate the operation at any time.

法律免责声明 / Legal Disclaimer

  1. 脚本用途声明 / Usage Purpose

    • 本脚本仅供用户个人学习、研究或实验使用,禁止将其用于任何非法用途。 This script is intended solely for personal learning, research, or experimentation. It must not be used for any illegal purposes.
    • 使用本脚本的过程中,用户应严格遵守中华人民共和国的相关法律法规,包括但不限于《网络安全法》、《民法典》、《反不正当竞争法》和《计算机信息系统安全保护条例》。 Users must comply with the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, including but not limited to the Cybersecurity Law, Civil Code, Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and Regulations on Computer Information System Security Protection.
  2. 平台合规性 / Platform Compliance

    • 用户在使用本脚本时,需确保其行为符合目标网站的用户协议或服务条款。 Users must ensure their actions comply with the terms of service or user agreements of the target website.
    • 任何因违反目标网站规则导致的账号限制或法律责任,均由用户自行承担。 Any account restrictions or legal liabilities caused by violating the website's rules are the user's sole responsibility.
  3. 信息安全与隐私保护 / Data Privacy and Security

    • 本脚本不会收集用户的个人信息或敏感数据。 This script does not collect personal information or sensitive data.
    • 若因用户在使用过程中主动提供个人信息或支付信息导致的安全问题,作者不承担任何责任。 The author is not liable for security issues caused by the user's voluntary disclosure of personal or payment information.
  4. 版权声明 / Copyright

    • 本脚本遵循 MIT 开源许可协议,禁止任何形式的恶意篡改或再发布。 This script follows the MIT open-source license and prohibits malicious modifications or redistribution.
    • 脚本中涉及的任何第三方标志、内容或平台名称均为其权利方所有,与本脚本无关。 Any third-party logos, content, or platform names referenced by this script belong to their respective owners and are unrelated to this script.
  5. 收费服务声明 / Paid Services

    • 本脚本高级功能为付费解锁模式。用户需确保支付过程的合法性。 This script offers paid features for advanced functionality. Users must ensure the legality of payment processes.
    • 用户在购买授权时,需明确高级功能的运行取决于目标网站的支持。 Users must acknowledge that advanced features depend on the target website's support.
  6. 风险自负 / Use at Your Own Risk

    • 用户应充分理解使用本脚本可能的风险,包括但不限于账号封禁、网站访问受限等。 Users should fully understand the potential risks of using this script, including account bans or restricted website access.
    • 因使用本脚本导致的任何直接或间接损失,均由用户自行承担。 Any direct or indirect losses caused by using this script are at the user's sole responsibility.
  7. 争议解决 / Dispute Resolution

    • 本脚本及相关服务适用中华人民共和国法律。 This script and its services are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
    • 如因使用本脚本产生任何争议,提交至开发者所在地有管辖权的法院进行诉讼解决。 Any disputes arising from using this script will be submitted to the competent court in the developer's jurisdiction.

许可协议 / License

  • 开源协议 / Open Source:MIT License
  • 用户可以自由复制、修改和分发,但需注明原作者。 Users may copy, modify, and distribute freely, provided the original author is credited.

作者信息 / Author Info

  • 作者 / Author: Jackssp
  • 版本 / Version: 1.0
  • 发布日期 / Release Date: 2024年11月23日 / November 23, 2024