// ==UserScript==
// @name 网页截屏
// @namespace https://github.com/CListery
// @version 0.9
// @description 将选中元素截屏
// @license MIT
// @author CListery
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/html2canvas@1/dist/html2canvas.min.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jquery@3/dist/jquery.min.js
// @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/luna-dom-highlighter.js
// @resource lunaDomHighlighterCSS https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/luna-dom-highlighter/luna-dom-highlighter.css
// @match *://*/*
// @icon 
// @grant GM.getResourceUrl
// @grant GM.getResourceText
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
;(function () {
'use strict',
// licia libraries
// Built by eustia.
// included: h toBool evalCss root cssSupports $ contain defaults
(function (root, factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
define([], factory)
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory()
} else {
root._licia = factory()
})(this, function () {
/* eslint-disable */
var _licia = {}
if (typeof window === 'object' && window._licia) _licia = window._licia
/* ------------------------------ last ------------------------------ */
var last = (_licia.last = (function (exports) {
/* Get the last element of array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-------------------------|
* |arr |The array to query |
* |return|The last element of array|
/* example
* last([1, 2]); // -> 2
/* typescript
* export declare function last(arr: any[]): any;
exports = function (arr) {
var len = arr ? arr.length : 0
if (len) return arr[len - 1]
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isUndef ------------------------------ */
var isUndef = (_licia.isUndef = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is undefined.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|--------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is undefined|
/* example
* isUndef(void 0); // -> true
* isUndef(null); // -> false
/* typescript
* export declare function isUndef(val: any): val is undefined;
exports = function (val) {
return val === void 0
return exports
/* ------------------------------ types ------------------------------ */
var types = (_licia.types = (function (exports) {
/* Used for typescript definitions only.
/* typescript
* export declare namespace types {
* interface Collection<T> {}
* interface List<T> extends Collection<T> {
* [index: number]: T;
* length: number;
* }
* interface ListIterator<T, TResult> {
* (value: T, index: number, list: List<T>): TResult;
* }
* interface Dictionary<T> extends Collection<T> {
* [index: string]: T;
* }
* interface ObjectIterator<T, TResult> {
* (element: T, key: string, list: Dictionary<T>): TResult;
* }
* interface MemoIterator<T, TResult> {
* (prev: TResult, curr: T, index: number, list: List<T>): TResult;
* }
* interface MemoObjectIterator<T, TResult> {
* (prev: TResult, curr: T, key: string, list: Dictionary<T>): TResult;
* }
* type Fn<T> = (...args: any[]) => T;
* type AnyFn = Fn<any>;
* type PlainObj<T> = { [name: string]: T };
* }
* export declare const types: {};
exports = {}
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isObj ------------------------------ */
var isObj = (_licia.isObj = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is the language type of Object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|--------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is an object|
* [Language Spec](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/6.0/#sec-ecmascript-language-types)
/* example
* isObj({}); // -> true
* isObj([]); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isObj(val: any): boolean;
exports = function (val) {
var type = typeof val
return !!val && (type === 'function' || type === 'object')
return exports
/* ------------------------------ splitCase ------------------------------ */
var splitCase = (_licia.splitCase = (function (exports) {
/* Split different string case to an array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------|
* |str |String to split|
* |return|Result array |
/* example
* splitCase('foo-bar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
* splitCase('foo bar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
* splitCase('foo_bar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
* splitCase('foo.bar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
* splitCase('fooBar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
* splitCase('foo-Bar'); // -> ['foo', 'bar']
/* typescript
* export declare function splitCase(str: string): string[];
var regUpperCase = /([A-Z])/g
var regSeparator = /[_.\- ]+/g
var regTrim = /(^-)|(-$)/g
exports = function (str) {
str = str
.replace(regUpperCase, '-$1')
.replace(regSeparator, '-')
.replace(regTrim, '')
return str.split('-')
return exports
/* ------------------------------ camelCase ------------------------------ */
var camelCase = (_licia.camelCase = (function (exports) {
/* Convert string to "camelCase".
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------|
* |str |String to convert |
* |return|Camel cased string|
/* example
* camelCase('foo-bar'); // -> fooBar
* camelCase('foo bar'); // -> fooBar
* camelCase('foo_bar'); // -> fooBar
* camelCase('foo.bar'); // -> fooBar
/* typescript
* export declare function camelCase(str: string): string;
/* dependencies
* splitCase
exports = function (str) {
var arr = splitCase(str)
var ret = arr[0]
arr.forEach(capitalize, arr)
ret += arr.join('')
return ret
function capitalize(val, idx) {
this[idx] = val.replace(/\w/, function (match) {
return match.toUpperCase()
return exports
/* ------------------------------ kebabCase ------------------------------ */
var kebabCase = (_licia.kebabCase = (function (exports) {
/* Convert string to "kebabCase".
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------|
* |str |String to convert |
* |return|Kebab cased string|
/* example
* kebabCase('fooBar'); // -> foo-bar
* kebabCase('foo bar'); // -> foo-bar
* kebabCase('foo_bar'); // -> foo-bar
* kebabCase('foo.bar'); // -> foo-bar
/* typescript
* export declare function kebabCase(str: string): string;
/* dependencies
* splitCase
exports = function (str) {
return splitCase(str).join('-')
return exports
/* ------------------------------ has ------------------------------ */
var has = (_licia.has = (function (exports) {
/* Checks if key is a direct property.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|--------------------------------|
* |obj |Object to query |
* |key |Path to check |
* |return|True if key is a direct property|
/* example
* has({ one: 1 }, 'one'); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function has(obj: {}, key: string): boolean;
var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
exports = function (obj, key) {
return hasOwnProp.call(obj, key)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ keys ------------------------------ */
var keys = (_licia.keys = (function (exports) {
/* Create an array of the own enumerable property names of object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------------|
* |obj |Object to query |
* |return|Array of property names|
/* example
* keys({ a: 1 }); // -> ['a']
/* typescript
* export declare function keys(obj: any): string[];
/* dependencies
* has
if (Object.keys && !false) {
exports = Object.keys
} else {
exports = function (obj) {
var ret = []
for (var key in obj) {
if (has(obj, key)) ret.push(key)
return ret
return exports
/* ------------------------------ idxOf ------------------------------ */
var idxOf = (_licia.idxOf = (function (exports) {
/* Get the index at which the first occurrence of value.
* |Name |Desc |
* |---------|--------------------|
* |arr |Array to search |
* |val |Value to search for |
* |fromIdx=0|Index to search from|
* |return |Value index |
/* example
* idxOf([1, 2, 1, 2], 2, 2); // -> 3
/* typescript
* export declare function idxOf(arr: any[], val: any, fromIdx?: number): number;
exports = function (arr, val, fromIdx) {
return Array.prototype.indexOf.call(arr, val, fromIdx)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ create ------------------------------ */
var create = (_licia.create = (function (exports) {
/* Create new object using given object as prototype.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------------|
* |proto |Prototype of new object|
* |return|Created object |
/* example
* const obj = create({ a: 1 });
* console.log(obj.a); // -> 1
/* typescript
* export declare function create(proto?: object): any;
/* dependencies
* isObj
exports = function (proto) {
if (!isObj(proto)) return {}
if (objCreate && !false) return objCreate(proto)
function noop() {}
noop.prototype = proto
return new noop()
var objCreate = Object.create
return exports
/* ------------------------------ inherits ------------------------------ */
var inherits = (_licia.inherits = (function (exports) {
/* Inherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another.
* |Name |Desc |
* |----------|-----------|
* |Class |Child Class|
* |SuperClass|Super Class|
/* example
* function People(name) {
* this._name = name;
* }
* People.prototype = {
* getName: function() {
* return this._name;
* }
* };
* function Student(name) {
* this._name = name;
* }
* inherits(Student, People);
* const s = new Student('RedHood');
* s.getName(); // -> 'RedHood'
/* typescript
* export declare function inherits(
* Class: types.AnyFn,
* SuperClass: types.AnyFn
* ): void;
/* dependencies
* create types
exports = function (Class, SuperClass) {
Class.prototype = create(SuperClass.prototype)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ memoize ------------------------------ */
var memoize = (_licia.memoize = (function (exports) {
/* Memoize a given function by caching the computed result.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------------------|
* |fn |Function to have its output memoized|
* |hashFn|Function to create cache key |
* |return|New memoized function |
/* example
* const fibonacci = memoize(function(n) {
* return n < 2 ? n : fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);
* });
/* typescript
* export declare function memoize(
* fn: types.AnyFn,
* hashFn?: types.AnyFn
* ): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* has types
exports = function (fn, hashFn) {
var memoize = function (key) {
var cache = memoize.cache
var address = '' + (hashFn ? hashFn.apply(this, arguments) : key)
if (!has(cache, address)) cache[address] = fn.apply(this, arguments)
return cache[address]
memoize.cache = {}
return memoize
return exports
/* ------------------------------ cssSupports ------------------------------ */
_licia.cssSupports = (function (exports) {
/* Check if browser supports a given CSS feature.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------|
* |name |Css property name |
* |val |Css property value|
* |return|True if supports |
/* example
* cssSupports('display', 'flex'); // -> true
* cssSupports('display', 'invalid'); // -> false
* cssSupports('text-decoration-line', 'underline'); // -> true
* cssSupports('grid'); // -> true
* cssSupports('invalid'); // -> false
/* typescript
* export declare function cssSupports(name: string, val?: string): boolean;
/* dependencies
* memoize isUndef camelCase
exports = memoize(
function (name, value) {
if (isUndef(value)) {
name = camelCase(name)
return !isUndef(style[name])
style.cssText = ''
style.cssText = name + ':' + value
return !!style.length
function (name, value) {
return name + ' ' + value
var style = document.createElement('p').style
return exports
/* ------------------------------ optimizeCb ------------------------------ */
var optimizeCb = (_licia.optimizeCb = (function (exports) {
/* Used for function context binding.
/* typescript
* export declare function optimizeCb(
* fn: types.AnyFn,
* ctx: any,
* argCount?: number
* ): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* isUndef types
exports = function (fn, ctx, argCount) {
if (isUndef(ctx)) return fn
switch (argCount == null ? 3 : argCount) {
case 1:
return function (val) {
return fn.call(ctx, val)
case 3:
return function (val, idx, collection) {
return fn.call(ctx, val, idx, collection)
case 4:
return function (accumulator, val, idx, collection) {
return fn.call(ctx, accumulator, val, idx, collection)
return function () {
return fn.apply(ctx, arguments)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ evalCss ------------------------------ */
_licia.evalCss = (function (exports) {
/* Load css into page.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-------------|
* |css |Css code |
* |return|Style element|
/* example
* evalCss('body{background:#08c}');
/* typescript
* export declare function evalCss(css: string): HTMLStyleElement;
exports = function (css) {
var style = document.createElement('style')
style.textContent = css
style.type = 'text/css'
return style
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isEl ------------------------------ */
var isEl = (_licia.isEl = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is a DOM element.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is a DOM element|
/* example
* isEl(document.body); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isEl(val: any): val is Element;
exports = function (val) {
return !!(val && val.nodeType === 1)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ startWith ------------------------------ */
var startWith = (_licia.startWith = (function (exports) {
/* Check if string starts with the given target string.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------------------------|
* |str |String to search |
* |prefix|String prefix |
* |return|True if string starts with prefix|
/* example
* startWith('ab', 'a'); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function startWith(str: string, prefix: string): boolean;
exports = function (str, prefix) {
return str.indexOf(prefix) === 0
return exports
/* ------------------------------ identity ------------------------------ */
var identity = (_licia.identity = (function (exports) {
/* Return the first argument given.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------|
* |val |Any value |
* |return|Given value|
/* example
* identity('a'); // -> 'a'
/* typescript
* export declare function identity<T>(val: T): T;
exports = function (val) {
return val
return exports
/* ------------------------------ objToStr ------------------------------ */
var objToStr = (_licia.objToStr = (function (exports) {
/* Alias of Object.prototype.toString.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------------------|
* |val |Source value |
* |return|String representation of given value|
/* example
* objToStr(5); // -> '[object Number]'
/* typescript
* export declare function objToStr(val: any): string;
var ObjToStr = Object.prototype.toString
exports = function (val) {
return ObjToStr.call(val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isArr ------------------------------ */
var isArr = (_licia.isArr = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is an `Array` object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|----------------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is an `Array` object|
/* example
* isArr([]); // -> true
* isArr({}); // -> false
/* typescript
* export declare function isArr(val: any): val is any[];
/* dependencies
* objToStr
if (Array.isArray && !false) {
exports = Array.isArray
} else {
exports = function (val) {
return objToStr(val) === '[object Array]'
return exports
/* ------------------------------ castPath ------------------------------ */
var castPath = (_licia.castPath = (function (exports) {
/* Cast value into a property path array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-------------------|
* |path |Value to inspect |
* |obj |Object to query |
* |return|Property path array|
/* example
* castPath('a.b.c'); // -> ['a', 'b', 'c']
* castPath(['a']); // -> ['a']
* castPath('a[0].b'); // -> ['a', '0', 'b']
* castPath('a.b.c', { 'a.b.c': true }); // -> ['a.b.c']
/* typescript
* export declare function castPath(path: string | string[], obj?: any): string[];
/* dependencies
* has isArr
exports = function (str, obj) {
if (isArr(str)) return str
if (obj && has(obj, str)) return [str]
var ret = []
str.replace(regPropName, function (match, number, quote, str) {
ret.push(quote ? str.replace(regEscapeChar, '$1') : number || match)
return ret
// Lodash _stringToPath
var regPropName =
var regEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g
return exports
/* ------------------------------ safeGet ------------------------------ */
var safeGet = (_licia.safeGet = (function (exports) {
/* Get object property, don't throw undefined error.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-------------------------|
* |obj |Object to query |
* |path |Path of property to get |
* |return|Target value or undefined|
/* example
* const obj = { a: { aa: { aaa: 1 } } };
* safeGet(obj, 'a.aa.aaa'); // -> 1
* safeGet(obj, ['a', 'aa']); // -> {aaa: 1}
* safeGet(obj, 'a.b'); // -> undefined
/* typescript
* export declare function safeGet(obj: any, path: string | string[]): any;
/* dependencies
* isUndef castPath
exports = function (obj, path) {
path = castPath(path, obj)
var prop
prop = path.shift()
while (!isUndef(prop)) {
obj = obj[prop]
if (obj == null) return
prop = path.shift()
return obj
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isFn ------------------------------ */
var isFn = (_licia.isFn = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is a function.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is a function|
* Generator function is also classified as true.
/* example
* isFn(function() {}); // -> true
* isFn(function*() {}); // -> true
* isFn(async function() {}); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isFn(val: any): val is Function;
/* dependencies
* objToStr
exports = function (val) {
var objStr = objToStr(val)
return (
objStr === '[object Function]' ||
objStr === '[object GeneratorFunction]' ||
objStr === '[object AsyncFunction]'
return exports
/* ------------------------------ getProto ------------------------------ */
var getProto = (_licia.getProto = (function (exports) {
/* Get prototype of an object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------------------------------------|
* |obj |Target object |
* |return|Prototype of given object, null if not exists|
/* example
* const a = {};
* getProto(Object.create(a)); // -> a
/* typescript
* export declare function getProto(obj: any): any;
/* dependencies
* isObj isFn
var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf
var ObjectCtr = {}.constructor
exports = function (obj) {
if (!isObj(obj)) return
if (getPrototypeOf && !false) return getPrototypeOf(obj)
var proto = obj.__proto__
if (proto || proto === null) return proto
if (isFn(obj.constructor)) return obj.constructor.prototype
if (obj instanceof ObjectCtr) return ObjectCtr.prototype
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isMiniProgram ------------------------------ */
var isMiniProgram = (_licia.isMiniProgram = (function (exports) {
/* Check if running in wechat mini program.
/* example
* console.log(isMiniProgram); // -> true if running in mini program.
/* typescript
* export declare const isMiniProgram: boolean;
/* dependencies
* isFn
/* eslint-disable no-undef */
exports = typeof wx !== 'undefined' && isFn(wx.openLocation)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isNum ------------------------------ */
var isNum = (_licia.isNum = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is classified as a Number primitive or object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-------------------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is correctly classified|
/* example
* isNum(5); // -> true
* isNum(5.1); // -> true
* isNum({}); // -> false
/* typescript
* export declare function isNum(val: any): val is number;
/* dependencies
* objToStr
exports = function (val) {
return objToStr(val) === '[object Number]'
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isArrLike ------------------------------ */
var isArrLike = (_licia.isArrLike = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is array-like.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is array like|
* Function returns false.
/* example
* isArrLike('test'); // -> true
* isArrLike(document.body.children); // -> true;
* isArrLike([1, 2, 3]); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isArrLike(val: any): boolean;
/* dependencies
* isNum isFn
var MAX_ARR_IDX = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1
exports = function (val) {
if (!val) return false
var len = val.length
return isNum(len) && len >= 0 && len <= MAX_ARR_IDX && !isFn(val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ each ------------------------------ */
var each = (_licia.each = (function (exports) {
/* Iterate over elements of collection and invokes iterator for each element.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|------------------------------|
* |obj |Collection to iterate over |
* |iterator|Function invoked per iteration|
* |ctx |Function context |
/* example
* each({ a: 1, b: 2 }, function(val, key) {});
/* typescript
* export declare function each<T>(
* list: types.List<T>,
* iterator: types.ListIterator<T, void>,
* ctx?: any
* ): types.List<T>;
* export declare function each<T>(
* object: types.Dictionary<T>,
* iterator: types.ObjectIterator<T, void>,
* ctx?: any
* ): types.Collection<T>;
/* dependencies
* isArrLike keys optimizeCb types
exports = function (obj, iterator, ctx) {
iterator = optimizeCb(iterator, ctx)
var i, len
if (isArrLike(obj)) {
for (i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) iterator(obj[i], i, obj)
} else {
var _keys = keys(obj)
for (i = 0, len = _keys.length; i < len; i++) {
iterator(obj[_keys[i]], _keys[i], obj)
return obj
return exports
/* ------------------------------ createAssigner ------------------------------ */
var createAssigner = (_licia.createAssigner = (function (exports) {
/* Used to create extend, extendOwn and defaults.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|------------------------------|
* |keysFn |Function to get object keys |
* |defaults|No override when set to true |
* |return |Result function, extend... |
/* typescript
* export declare function createAssigner(
* keysFn: types.AnyFn,
* defaults: boolean
* ): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* isUndef each types
exports = function (keysFn, defaults) {
return function (obj) {
each(arguments, function (src, idx) {
if (idx === 0) return
var keys = keysFn(src)
each(keys, function (key) {
if (!defaults || isUndef(obj[key])) obj[key] = src[key]
return obj
return exports
/* ------------------------------ extendOwn ------------------------------ */
var extendOwn = (_licia.extendOwn = (function (exports) {
/* Like extend, but only copies own properties over to the destination object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-----------|------------------|
* |destination|Destination object|
* |...sources |Sources objects |
* |return |Destination object|
/* example
* extendOwn({ name: 'RedHood' }, { age: 24 }); // -> {name: 'RedHood', age: 24}
/* typescript
* export declare function extendOwn(destination: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
/* dependencies
* keys createAssigner
exports = createAssigner(keys)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ values ------------------------------ */
var values = (_licia.values = (function (exports) {
/* Create an array of the own enumerable property values of object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------|
* |obj |Object to query |
* |return|Array of property values|
/* example
* values({ one: 1, two: 2 }); // -> [1, 2]
/* typescript
* export declare function values(obj: any): any[];
/* dependencies
* each
exports = function (obj) {
var ret = []
each(obj, function (val) {
return ret
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isStr ------------------------------ */
var isStr = (_licia.isStr = (function (exports) {
/* Check if value is a string primitive.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------------------------|
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is a string primitive|
/* example
* isStr('licia'); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isStr(val: any): val is string;
/* dependencies
* objToStr
exports = function (val) {
return objToStr(val) === '[object String]'
return exports
/* ------------------------------ contain ------------------------------ */
var contain = (_licia.contain = (function (exports) {
/* Check if the value is present in the list.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------------------|
* |target|Target object |
* |val |Value to check |
* |return|True if value is present in the list|
/* example
* contain([1, 2, 3], 1); // -> true
* contain({ a: 1, b: 2 }, 1); // -> true
* contain('abc', 'a'); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function contain(arr: any[] | {} | string, val: any): boolean;
/* dependencies
* idxOf isStr isArrLike values
exports = function (arr, val) {
if (isStr(arr)) return arr.indexOf(val) > -1
if (!isArrLike(arr)) arr = values(arr)
return idxOf(arr, val) >= 0
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isBrowser ------------------------------ */
var isBrowser = (_licia.isBrowser = (function (exports) {
/* Check if running in a browser.
/* example
* console.log(isBrowser); // -> true if running in a browser
/* typescript
* export declare const isBrowser: boolean;
exports =
typeof window === 'object' && typeof document === 'object' && document.nodeType === 9
return exports
/* ------------------------------ isMatch ------------------------------ */
var isMatch = (_licia.isMatch = (function (exports) {
/* Check if keys and values in src are contained in obj.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|----------------------------------|
* |obj |Object to inspect |
* |src |Object of property values to match|
* |return|True if object is match |
/* example
* isMatch({ a: 1, b: 2 }, { a: 1 }); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function isMatch(obj: any, src: any): boolean;
/* dependencies
* keys
exports = function (obj, src) {
var _keys = keys(src)
var len = _keys.length
if (obj == null) return !len
obj = Object(obj)
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var key = _keys[i]
if (src[key] !== obj[key] || !(key in obj)) return false
return true
return exports
/* ------------------------------ matcher ------------------------------ */
var matcher = (_licia.matcher = (function (exports) {
/* Return a predicate function that checks if attrs are contained in an object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|----------------------------------|
* |attrs |Object of property values to match|
* |return|New predicate function |
/* example
* const filter = require('licia/filter');
* const objects = [
* { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
* { a: 4, b: 5, c: 6 }
* ];
* filter(objects, matcher({ a: 4, c: 6 })); // -> [{a: 4, b: 5, c: 6}]
/* typescript
* export declare function matcher(attrs: any): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* extendOwn isMatch types
exports = function (attrs) {
attrs = extendOwn({}, attrs)
return function (obj) {
return isMatch(obj, attrs)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ restArgs ------------------------------ */
var restArgs = (_licia.restArgs = (function (exports) {
/* This accumulates the arguments passed into an array, after a given index.
* |Name |Desc |
* |----------|---------------------------------------|
* |function |Function that needs rest parameters |
* |startIndex|The start index to accumulates |
* |return |Generated function with rest parameters|
/* example
* const paramArr = restArgs(function(rest) {
* return rest;
* });
* paramArr(1, 2, 3, 4); // -> [1, 2, 3, 4]
/* typescript
* export declare function restArgs(
* fn: types.AnyFn,
* startIndex?: number
* ): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* types
exports = function (fn, startIdx) {
startIdx = startIdx == null ? fn.length - 1 : +startIdx
return function () {
var len = Math.max(arguments.length - startIdx, 0)
var rest = new Array(len)
var i
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) rest[i] = arguments[i + startIdx]
// Call runs faster than apply.
switch (startIdx) {
case 0:
return fn.call(this, rest)
case 1:
return fn.call(this, arguments[0], rest)
case 2:
return fn.call(this, arguments[0], arguments[1], rest)
var args = new Array(startIdx + 1)
for (i = 0; i < startIdx; i++) args[i] = arguments[i]
args[startIdx] = rest
return fn.apply(this, args)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ mergeArr ------------------------------ */
var mergeArr = (_licia.mergeArr = (function (exports) {
/* Merge the contents of arrays together into the first array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------------------------|
* |first |Array to merge |
* |arrays|Arrays to merge into the first array|
* |return|First array |
/* example
* const a = [1, 2];
* mergeArr(a, [3, 4], [5, 6]);
* console.log(a); // -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
/* typescript
* export declare function mergeArr<T, U>(
* first: ArrayLike<T>,
* ...arrays: ArrayLike<U>[]
* ): ArrayLike<T | U>;
/* dependencies
* restArgs
exports = restArgs(function (first, arrays) {
var end = first.length
for (var i = 0, len = arrays.length; i < len; i++) {
var arr = arrays[i]
for (var j = 0, _len = arr.length; j < _len; j++) {
first[end++] = arr[j]
first.length = end
return first
return exports
/* ------------------------------ upperFirst ------------------------------ */
var upperFirst = (_licia.upperFirst = (function (exports) {
/* Convert the first character of string to upper case.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------|
* |str |String to convert|
* |return|Converted string |
/* example
* upperFirst('red'); // -> Red
/* typescript
* export declare function upperFirst(str: string): string;
exports = function (str) {
if (str.length < 1) return str
return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ prefix ------------------------------ */
var prefix = (_licia.prefix = (function (exports) {
/* Add vendor prefixes to a CSS attribute.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|----------------------|
* |name |Property name |
* |return|Prefixed property name|
* ### dash
* Create a dasherize version.
/* example
* prefix('text-emphasis'); // -> 'WebkitTextEmphasis'
* prefix.dash('text-emphasis'); // -> '-webkit-text-emphasis'
* prefix('color'); // -> 'color'
/* typescript
* export declare namespace prefix {
* function dash(name: string): string;
* }
* export declare function prefix(name: string): string;
/* dependencies
* memoize camelCase upperFirst has kebabCase
exports = memoize(function (name) {
name = name.replace(regPrefixes, '')
name = camelCase(name)
if (has(style, name)) return name
var i = prefixes.length
while (i--) {
var prefixName = prefixes[i] + upperFirst(name)
if (has(style, prefixName)) return prefixName
return name
exports.dash = memoize(function (name) {
var camelCaseResult = exports(name)
return (regPrefixes.test(camelCaseResult) ? '-' : '') + kebabCase(camelCaseResult)
var prefixes = ['O', 'ms', 'Moz', 'Webkit']
var regPrefixes = /^(O)|(ms)|(Moz)|(Webkit)|(-o-)|(-ms-)|(-moz-)|(-webkit-)/g
var style = document.createElement('p').style
return exports
/* ------------------------------ property ------------------------------ */
var property = (_licia.property = (function (exports) {
/* Return a function that will itself return the key property of any passed-in object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|---------------------------|
* |path |Path of the property to get|
* |return|New accessor function |
/* example
* const obj = { a: { b: 1 } };
* property('a')(obj); // -> {b: 1}
* property(['a', 'b'])(obj); // -> 1
/* typescript
* export declare function property(path: string | string[]): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* isArr safeGet types
exports = function (path) {
if (!isArr(path)) return shallowProperty(path)
return function (obj) {
return safeGet(obj, path)
function shallowProperty(key) {
return function (obj) {
return obj == null ? void 0 : obj[key]
return exports
/* ------------------------------ safeCb ------------------------------ */
var safeCb = (_licia.safeCb = (function (exports) {
/* Create callback based on input value.
/* typescript
* export declare function safeCb(
* val?: any,
* ctx?: any,
* argCount?: number
* ): types.AnyFn;
/* dependencies
* isFn isObj isArr optimizeCb matcher identity types property
exports = function (val, ctx, argCount) {
if (val == null) return identity
if (isFn(val)) return optimizeCb(val, ctx, argCount)
if (isObj(val) && !isArr(val)) return matcher(val)
return property(val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ filter ------------------------------ */
var filter = (_licia.filter = (function (exports) {
/* Iterates over elements of collection, returning an array of all the values that pass a truth test.
* |Name |Desc |
* |---------|---------------------------------------|
* |obj |Collection to iterate over |
* |predicate|Function invoked per iteration |
* |ctx |Predicate context |
* |return |Array of all values that pass predicate|
/* example
* filter([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function(val) {
* return val % 2 === 0;
* }); // -> [2, 4]
/* typescript
* export declare function filter<T>(
* list: types.List<T>,
* iterator: types.ListIterator<T, boolean>,
* context?: any
* ): T[];
* export declare function filter<T>(
* object: types.Dictionary<T>,
* iterator: types.ObjectIterator<T, boolean>,
* context?: any
* ): T[];
/* dependencies
* safeCb each types
exports = function (obj, predicate, ctx) {
var ret = []
predicate = safeCb(predicate, ctx)
each(obj, function (val, idx, list) {
if (predicate(val, idx, list)) ret.push(val)
return ret
return exports
/* ------------------------------ unique ------------------------------ */
var unique = (_licia.unique = (function (exports) {
/* Create duplicate-free version of an array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------------------|
* |arr |Array to inspect |
* |cmp |Function for comparing values|
* |return|New duplicate free array |
/* example
* unique([1, 2, 3, 1]); // -> [1, 2, 3]
/* typescript
* export declare function unique(
* arr: any[],
* cmp?: (a: any, b: any) => boolean | number
* ): any[];
/* dependencies
* filter
exports = function (arr, cmp) {
cmp = cmp || isEqual
return filter(arr, function (item, idx, arr) {
var len = arr.length
while (++idx < len) {
if (cmp(item, arr[idx])) return false
return true
function isEqual(a, b) {
return a === b
return exports
/* ------------------------------ allKeys ------------------------------ */
var allKeys = (_licia.allKeys = (function (exports) {
/* Retrieve all the names of object's own and inherited properties.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|---------------------------|
* |obj |Object to query |
* |options|Options |
* |return |Array of all property names|
* Available options:
* |Name |Desc |
* |------------------|-------------------------|
* |prototype=true |Include prototype keys |
* |unenumerable=false|Include unenumerable keys|
* |symbol=false |Include symbol keys |
* Members of Object's prototype won't be retrieved.
/* example
* const obj = Object.create({ zero: 0 });
* obj.one = 1;
* allKeys(obj); // -> ['zero', 'one']
/* typescript
* export declare namespace allKeys {
* interface IOptions {
* prototype?: boolean;
* unenumerable?: boolean;
* }
* }
* export declare function allKeys(
* obj: any,
* options: { symbol: true } & allKeys.IOptions
* ): Array<string | Symbol>;
* export declare function allKeys(
* obj: any,
* options?: ({ symbol: false } & allKeys.IOptions) | allKeys.IOptions
* ): string[];
/* dependencies
* keys getProto unique
var getOwnPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames
var getOwnPropertySymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols
exports = function (obj) {
var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {},
_ref$prototype = _ref.prototype,
prototype = _ref$prototype === void 0 ? true : _ref$prototype,
_ref$unenumerable = _ref.unenumerable,
unenumerable = _ref$unenumerable === void 0 ? false : _ref$unenumerable,
_ref$symbol = _ref.symbol,
symbol = _ref$symbol === void 0 ? false : _ref$symbol
var ret = []
if ((unenumerable || symbol) && getOwnPropertyNames) {
var getKeys = keys
if (unenumerable && getOwnPropertyNames) getKeys = getOwnPropertyNames
do {
ret = ret.concat(getKeys(obj))
if (symbol && getOwnPropertySymbols) {
ret = ret.concat(getOwnPropertySymbols(obj))
} while (prototype && (obj = getProto(obj)) && obj !== Object.prototype)
ret = unique(ret)
} else {
if (prototype) {
for (var key in obj) ret.push(key)
} else {
ret = keys(obj)
return ret
return exports
/* ------------------------------ defaults ------------------------------ */
_licia.defaults = (function (exports) {
/* Fill in undefined properties in object with the first value present in the following list of defaults objects.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|------------------|
* |obj |Destination object|
* |...src|Sources objects |
* |return|Destination object|
/* example
* defaults({ name: 'RedHood' }, { name: 'Unknown', age: 24 }); // -> {name: 'RedHood', age: 24}
/* typescript
* export declare function defaults(obj: any, ...src: any[]): any;
/* dependencies
* createAssigner allKeys
exports = createAssigner(allKeys, true)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ extend ------------------------------ */
var extend = (_licia.extend = (function (exports) {
/* Copy all of the properties in the source objects over to the destination object.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-----------|------------------|
* |destination|Destination object|
* |...sources |Sources objects |
* |return |Destination object|
/* example
* extend({ name: 'RedHood' }, { age: 24 }); // -> {name: 'RedHood', age: 24}
/* typescript
* export declare function extend(destination: any, ...sources: any[]): any;
/* dependencies
* createAssigner allKeys
exports = createAssigner(allKeys)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ map ------------------------------ */
var map = (_licia.map = (function (exports) {
/* Create an array of values by running each element in collection through iteratee.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|------------------------------|
* |object |Collection to iterate over |
* |iterator|Function invoked per iteration|
* |context |Function context |
* |return |New mapped array |
/* example
* map([4, 8], function(n) {
* return n * n;
* }); // -> [16, 64]
/* typescript
* export declare function map<T, TResult>(
* list: types.List<T>,
* iterator: types.ListIterator<T, TResult>,
* context?: any
* ): TResult[];
* export declare function map<T, TResult>(
* object: types.Dictionary<T>,
* iterator: types.ObjectIterator<T, TResult>,
* context?: any
* ): TResult[];
/* dependencies
* safeCb keys isArrLike types
exports = function (obj, iterator, ctx) {
iterator = safeCb(iterator, ctx)
var _keys = !isArrLike(obj) && keys(obj)
var len = (_keys || obj).length
var results = Array(len)
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var curKey = _keys ? _keys[i] : i
results[i] = iterator(obj[curKey], curKey, obj)
return results
return exports
/* ------------------------------ toArr ------------------------------ */
var toArr = (_licia.toArr = (function (exports) {
/* Convert value to an array.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|----------------|
* |val |Value to convert|
* |return|Converted array |
/* example
* toArr({ a: 1, b: 2 }); // -> [{a: 1, b: 2}]
* toArr('abc'); // -> ['abc']
* toArr(1); // -> [1]
* toArr(null); // -> []
/* typescript
* export declare function toArr(val: any): any[];
/* dependencies
* isArrLike map isArr isStr
exports = function (val) {
if (!val) return []
if (isArr(val)) return val
if (isArrLike(val) && !isStr(val)) return map(val)
return [val]
return exports
/* ------------------------------ Class ------------------------------ */
var Class = (_licia.Class = (function (exports) {
/* Create JavaScript class.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|---------------------------------|
* |methods|Public methods |
* [statics|Static methods |
* |return |Function used to create instances|
/* example
* const People = Class({
* initialize: function People(name, age) {
* this.name = name;
* this.age = age;
* },
* introduce: function() {
* return 'I am ' + this.name + ', ' + this.age + ' years old.';
* }
* });
* const Student = People.extend(
* {
* initialize: function Student(name, age, school) {
* this.callSuper(People, 'initialize', arguments);
* this.school = school;
* },
* introduce: function() {
* return (
* this.callSuper(People, 'introduce') +
* '\n I study at ' +
* this.school +
* '.'
* );
* }
* },
* {
* is: function(obj) {
* return obj instanceof Student;
* }
* }
* );
* const a = new Student('allen', 17, 'Hogwarts');
* a.introduce(); // -> 'I am allen, 17 years old. \n I study at Hogwarts.'
* Student.is(a); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare namespace Class {
* class Base {
* toString(): string;
* }
* class IConstructor extends Base {
* constructor(...args: any[]);
* static extend(methods: any, statics: any): IConstructor;
* static inherits(Class: types.AnyFn): void;
* static methods(methods: any): IConstructor;
* static statics(statics: any): IConstructor;
* [method: string]: any;
* }
* }
* export declare function Class(methods: any, statics?: any): Class.IConstructor;
/* dependencies
* extend toArr inherits safeGet isMiniProgram types
exports = function (methods, statics) {
return Base.extend(methods, statics)
function makeClass(parent, methods, statics) {
statics = statics || {}
var className = methods.className || safeGet(methods, 'initialize.name') || ''
delete methods.className
var ctor = function () {
var args = toArr(arguments)
return this.initialize ? this.initialize.apply(this, args) || this : this
if (!isMiniProgram) {
// unsafe-eval CSP violation
try {
ctor = new Function(
'return function ' +
className +
'()' +
'{' +
'var args = toArr(arguments);' +
'return this.initialize ? this.initialize.apply(this, args) || this : this;' +
} catch (e) {
/* eslint-disable no-empty */
inherits(ctor, parent)
ctor.prototype.constructor = ctor
ctor.extend = function (methods, statics) {
return makeClass(ctor, methods, statics)
ctor.inherits = function (Class) {
inherits(ctor, Class)
ctor.methods = function (methods) {
extend(ctor.prototype, methods)
return ctor
ctor.statics = function (statics) {
extend(ctor, statics)
return ctor
return ctor
var Base = (exports.Base = makeClass(Object, {
className: 'Base',
callSuper: function (parent, name, args) {
var superMethod = parent.prototype[name]
return superMethod.apply(this, args)
toString: function () {
return this.constructor.name
return exports
/* ------------------------------ Select ------------------------------ */
var Select = (_licia.Select = (function (exports) {
/* Simple wrapper of querySelectorAll to make dom selection easier.
* ### constructor
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|-------------------|
* |selector|Dom selector string|
* ### find
* Get desdendants of current matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|-------------------|
* |selector|Dom selector string|
* ### each
* Iterate over matched elements.
* |Name|Desc |
* |----|------------------------------------|
* |fn |Function to execute for each element|
/* example
* const $test = new Select('#test');
* $test.find('.test').each(function(idx, element) {
* // Manipulate dom nodes
* });
/* typescript
* export declare class Select {
* constructor(selector: string | Element | Document);
* find(selector: string): Select;
* each(fn: types.AnyFn): Select;
* }
/* dependencies
* Class isStr each types mergeArr
exports = Class({
className: 'Select',
initialize: function (selector) {
this.length = 0
if (!selector) return this
if (isStr(selector)) return rootSelect.find(selector)
if (selector.nodeType) {
this[0] = selector
this.length = 1
find: function (selector) {
var ret = new exports()
this.each(function () {
mergeArr(ret, this.querySelectorAll(selector))
return ret
each: function (fn) {
each(this, function (element, idx) {
fn.call(element, idx, element)
return this
var rootSelect = new exports(document)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $safeEls ------------------------------ */
var $safeEls = (_licia.$safeEls = (function (exports) {
/* Convert value into an array, if it's a string, do querySelector.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------|
* |val |Value to convert |
* |return|Array of elements|
/* example
* $safeEls(document.querySelector('.test'));
* $safeEls(document.querySelectorAll('.test'));
* $safeEls('.test'); // -> Array of elements with test class
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $safeEls {
* type El = Element | Element[] | NodeListOf<Element> | string;
* }
* export declare function $safeEls(val: $safeEls.El): Element[];
/* dependencies
* isStr toArr Select
exports = function (val) {
return toArr(isStr(val) ? new Select(val) : val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $attr ------------------------------ */
var $attr = (_licia.$attr = (function (exports) {
/* Element attribute manipulation.
* Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|--------------------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate |
* |name |Attribute name |
* |return |Attribute value of first element|
* Set one or more attributes for the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |name |Attribute name |
* |val |Attribute value |
* |Name |Desc |
* |----------|--------------------------------------|
* |element |Elements to manipulate |
* |attributes|Object of attribute-value pairs to set|
* ### remove
* Remove an attribute from each element in the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |name |Attribute name |
/* example
* $attr('#test', 'attr1', 'test');
* $attr('#test', 'attr1'); // -> test
* $attr.remove('#test', 'attr1');
* $attr('#test', {
* attr1: 'test',
* attr2: 'test'
* });
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $attr {
* function remove(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): void;
* }
* export declare function $attr(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* name: string,
* value: string
* ): void;
* export declare function $attr(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* attributes: types.PlainObj<string>
* ): void;
* export declare function $attr(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): string;
/* dependencies
* toArr isObj isStr each isUndef $safeEls types
exports = function (els, name, val) {
els = $safeEls(els)
var isGetter = isUndef(val) && isStr(name)
if (isGetter) return getAttr(els[0], name)
var attrs = name
if (!isObj(attrs)) {
attrs = {}
attrs[name] = val
setAttr(els, attrs)
exports.remove = function (els, names) {
els = $safeEls(els)
names = toArr(names)
each(els, function (node) {
each(names, function (name) {
function getAttr(el, name) {
return el.getAttribute(name)
function setAttr(els, attrs) {
each(els, function (el) {
each(attrs, function (val, name) {
el.setAttribute(name, val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $css ------------------------------ */
var $css = (_licia.$css = (function (exports) {
/* Element css manipulation.
* Get the computed style properties for the first element in the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|--------------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate |
* |name |Property name |
* |return |Css value of first element|
* Set one or more CSS properties for the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |name |Property name |
* |val |Css value |
* |Name |Desc |
* |----------|--------------------------------|
* |element |Elements to manipulate |
* |properties|Object of css-value pairs to set|
/* example
* $css('#test', {
* color: '#fff',
* background: 'black',
* opacity: 0.5
* });
* $css('#test', 'display', 'block');
* $css('#test', 'color'); // -> #fff
/* typescript
* export declare function $css(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): string;
* export declare function $css(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* name: string,
* val: string
* ): void;
* export declare function $css(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* properties: types.PlainObj<string | number>
* ): void;
/* dependencies
* isStr isObj kebabCase isUndef contain isNum $safeEls prefix each types
exports = function (nodes, name, val) {
nodes = $safeEls(nodes)
var isGetter = isUndef(val) && isStr(name)
if (isGetter) return getCss(nodes[0], name)
var css = name
if (!isObj(css)) {
css = {}
css[name] = val
setCss(nodes, css)
function getCss(node, name) {
return node.style[prefix(name)] || getComputedStyle(node, '').getPropertyValue(name)
function setCss(nodes, css) {
each(nodes, function (node) {
var cssText = ';'
each(css, function (val, key) {
key = prefix.dash(key)
cssText += key + ':' + addPx(key, val) + ';'
node.style.cssText += cssText
var cssNumProps = [
function addPx(key, val) {
var needPx = isNum(val) && !contain(cssNumProps, kebabCase(key))
return needPx ? val + 'px' : val
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $data ------------------------------ */
var $data = (_licia.$data = (function (exports) {
/* Wrapper of $attr, adds data- prefix to keys.
/* example
* $data('#test', 'attr1', 'eustia');
/* typescript
* export declare function $data(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* name: string,
* value: string
* ): void;
* export declare function $data(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* attributes: types.PlainObj<string>
* ): void;
* export declare function $data(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): string;
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* dependencies
* $attr isStr isObj each $safeEls types
exports = function (nodes, name, val) {
var dataName = name
if (isStr(name)) dataName = 'data-' + name
if (isObj(name)) {
dataName = {}
each(name, function (val, key) {
dataName['data-' + key] = val
return $attr(nodes, dataName, val)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $insert ------------------------------ */
var $insert = (_licia.$insert = (function (exports) {
/* Insert html on different position.
* ### before
* Insert content before elements.
* ### after
* Insert content after elements.
* ### prepend
* Insert content to the beginning of elements.
* ### append
* Insert content to the end of elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|-----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate |
* |content|Html strings or element|
/* example
* // <div id="test"><div class="mark"></div></div>
* $insert.before('#test', '<div>licia</div>');
* // -> <div>licia</div><div id="test"><div class="mark"></div></div>
* $insert.after('#test', '<div>licia</div>');
* // -> <div id="test"><div class="mark"></div></div><div>licia</div>
* $insert.prepend('#test', '<div>licia</div>');
* // -> <div id="test"><div>licia</div><div class="mark"></div></div>
* $insert.append('#test', '<div>licia</div>');
* // -> <div id="test"><div class="mark"></div><div>licia</div></div>
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $insert {
* type IInsert = (element: $safeEls.El, content: string | Element) => void;
* }
* export declare const $insert: {
* before: $insert.IInsert;
* after: $insert.IInsert;
* append: $insert.IInsert;
* prepend: $insert.IInsert;
* };
/* dependencies
* each $safeEls isStr
exports = {
before: insertFactory('beforebegin'),
after: insertFactory('afterend'),
append: insertFactory('beforeend'),
prepend: insertFactory('afterbegin'),
function insertFactory(type) {
return function (nodes, val) {
nodes = $safeEls(nodes)
each(nodes, function (node) {
if (isStr(val)) {
node.insertAdjacentHTML(type, val)
} else {
var parentNode = node.parentNode
switch (type) {
case 'beforebegin':
if (parentNode) {
parentNode.insertBefore(val, node)
case 'afterend':
if (parentNode) {
parentNode.insertBefore(val, node.nextSibling)
case 'beforeend':
case 'afterbegin':
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $offset ------------------------------ */
var $offset = (_licia.$offset = (function (exports) {
/* Get the position of the element in document.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to get offset|
* |return |Element position |
/* example
* $offset('#test'); // -> {left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0}
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $offset {
* interface IOffset {
* left: number;
* top: number;
* width: number;
* height: number;
* }
* }
* export declare function $offset(element: $safeEls.El): $offset.IOffset;
/* dependencies
* $safeEls
exports = function (els) {
els = $safeEls(els)
var el = els[0]
var clientRect = el.getBoundingClientRect()
return {
left: clientRect.left + window.pageXOffset,
top: clientRect.top + window.pageYOffset,
width: Math.round(clientRect.width),
height: Math.round(clientRect.height),
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $property ------------------------------ */
var $property = (_licia.$property = (function (exports) {
/* Element property html, text, val getter and setter.
* ### html
* Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements or
* set the HTML contents of every matched element.
* ### text
* Get the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched
* elements, including their descendants, or set the text contents of the
* matched elements.
* ### val
* Get the current value of the first element in the set of matched elements or
* set the value of every matched element.
/* example
* $property.html('#test', 'licia');
* $property.html('#test'); // -> licia
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $property {
* interface IProperty {
* (element: $safeEls.El, value: string): void;
* (element: $safeEls.El): string;
* }
* }
* export declare const $property: {
* html: $property.IProperty;
* val: $property.IProperty;
* text: $property.IProperty;
* };
/* dependencies
* isUndef each $safeEls
exports = {
html: propFactory('innerHTML'),
text: propFactory('textContent'),
val: propFactory('value'),
function propFactory(name) {
return function (nodes, val) {
nodes = $safeEls(nodes)
var node = nodes[0]
if (isUndef(val)) {
return node ? node[name] : ''
if (!node) return
each(nodes, function (node) {
node[name] = val
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $remove ------------------------------ */
var $remove = (_licia.$remove = (function (exports) {
/* Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|------------------|
* |element|Elements to delete|
/* example
* $remove('#test');
/* typescript
* export declare function $remove(element: $safeEls.El);
/* dependencies
* each $safeEls
exports = function (els) {
els = $safeEls(els)
each(els, function (el) {
var parent = el.parentNode
if (parent) parent.removeChild(el)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $show ------------------------------ */
var $show = (_licia.$show = (function (exports) {
/* Show elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------|
* |element|Elements to show|
/* example
* $show('#test');
/* typescript
* export declare function $show(element: $safeEls.El): void;
/* dependencies
* each $safeEls
exports = function (els) {
els = $safeEls(els)
each(els, function (el) {
if (isHidden(el)) {
el.style.display = getDefDisplay(el.nodeName)
function isHidden(el) {
return getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('display') == 'none'
var elDisplay = {}
function getDefDisplay(elName) {
var el, display
if (!elDisplay[elName]) {
el = document.createElement(elName)
display = getComputedStyle(el, '').getPropertyValue('display')
display == 'none' && (display = 'block')
elDisplay[elName] = display
return elDisplay[elName]
return exports
/* ------------------------------ delegate ------------------------------ */
var delegate = (_licia.delegate = (function (exports) {
/* Event delegation.
* ### add
* Add event delegation.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|--------------|
* |el |Parent element|
* |type |Event type |
* |selector|Match selector|
* |cb |Event callback|
* ### remove
* Remove event delegation.
/* example
* const container = document.getElementById('container');
* function clickHandler() {
* // Do something...
* }
* delegate.add(container, 'click', '.children', clickHandler);
* delegate.remove(container, 'click', '.children', clickHandler);
/* typescript
* export declare const delegate: {
* add(el: Element, type: string, selector: string, cb: types.AnyFn): void;
* remove(el: Element, type: string, selector: string, cb: types.AnyFn): void;
* };
/* dependencies
* Class contain types
function retTrue() {
return true
function retFalse() {
return false
function trigger(e) {
var handlers = this.events[e.type]
var handler
var handlerQueue = formatHandlers.call(this, e, handlers)
e = new exports.Event(e)
var i = 0,
while ((matched = handlerQueue[i++]) && !e.isPropagationStopped()) {
e.curTarget = matched.el
j = 0
while ((handler = matched.handlers[j++]) && !e.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) {
ret = handler.handler.apply(matched.el, [e])
if (ret === false) {
function formatHandlers(e, handlers) {
var current = e.target
var ret = []
var delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount
var selector
var matches
var handler
var i
if (current.nodeType) {
for (; current !== this; current = current.parentNode || this) {
matches = []
for (i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++) {
handler = handlers[i]
selector = handler.selector + ' '
if (matches[selector] === undefined) {
matches[selector] = contain(this.querySelectorAll(selector), current)
if (matches[selector]) matches.push(handler)
if (matches.length)
el: current,
handlers: matches,
if (delegateCount < handlers.length) {
el: this,
handlers: handlers.slice(delegateCount),
return ret
exports = {
add: function (el, type, selector, fn) {
var handler = {
selector: selector,
handler: fn,
var handlers
if (!el.events) el.events = {}
if (!(handlers = el.events[type])) {
handlers = el.events[type] = []
handlers.delegateCount = 0
function () {
trigger.apply(el, arguments)
? handlers.splice(handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handler)
: handlers.push(handler)
remove: function (el, type, selector, fn) {
var events = el.events
if (!events || !events[type]) return
var handlers = events[type]
var i = handlers.length
var handler
while (i--) {
handler = handlers[i]
if ((!selector || handler.selector == selector) && handler.handler == fn) {
handlers.splice(i, 1)
if (handler.selector) {
Event: Class({
className: 'Event',
initialize: function Event(e) {
this.origEvent = e
isDefaultPrevented: retFalse,
isPropagationStopped: retFalse,
isImmediatePropagationStopped: retFalse,
preventDefault: function () {
var e = this.origEvent
this.isDefaultPrevented = retTrue
if (e && e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault()
stopPropagation: function () {
var e = this.origEvent
this.isPropagationStopped = retTrue
if (e && e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation()
stopImmediatePropagation: function () {
var e = this.origEvent
this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = retTrue
if (e && e.stopImmediatePropagation) e.stopImmediatePropagation()
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $event ------------------------------ */
var $event = (_licia.$event = (function (exports) {
/* bind events to certain dom elements.
/* example
* function clickHandler() {
* // Do something...
* }
* $event.on('#test', 'click', clickHandler);
* $event.off('#test', 'click', clickHandler);
/* typescript
* export declare const $event: {
* on(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* event: string,
* selector: string,
* handler: types.AnyFn
* ): void;
* on(element: $safeEls.El, event: string, handler: types.AnyFn): void;
* off(
* element: $safeEls.El,
* event: string,
* selector: string,
* handler: types.AnyFn
* ): void;
* off(element: $safeEls.El, event: string, handler: types.AnyFn): void;
* };
/* dependencies
* delegate isUndef $safeEls each types
exports = {
on: eventFactory('add'),
off: eventFactory('remove'),
function eventFactory(type) {
return function (nodes, event, selector, handler) {
nodes = $safeEls(nodes)
if (isUndef(handler)) {
handler = selector
selector = undefined
each(nodes, function (node) {
delegate[type](node, event, selector, handler)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ some ------------------------------ */
var some = (_licia.some = (function (exports) {
/* Check if predicate return truthy for any element.
* |Name |Desc |
* |---------|----------------------------------------------|
* |obj |Collection to iterate over |
* |predicate|Function to invoked per iteration |
* |ctx |Predicate context |
* |return |True if any element passes the predicate check|
/* example
* some([2, 5], function(val) {
* return val % 2 === 0;
* }); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare function some<T>(
* list: types.List<T>,
* iterator?: types.ListIterator<T, boolean>,
* context?: any
* ): boolean;
* export declare function some<T>(
* object: types.Dictionary<T>,
* iterator?: types.ObjectIterator<T, boolean>,
* context?: any
* ): boolean;
/* dependencies
* safeCb isArrLike keys types
exports = function (obj, predicate, ctx) {
predicate = safeCb(predicate, ctx)
var _keys = !isArrLike(obj) && keys(obj)
var len = (_keys || obj).length
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var key = _keys ? _keys[i] : i
if (predicate(obj[key], key, obj)) return true
return false
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $class ------------------------------ */
var $class = (_licia.$class = (function (exports) {
/* Element class manipulations.
* ### add
* Add the specified class(es) to each element in the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |names |Classes to add |
* ### has
* Determine whether any of the matched elements are assigned the given class.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|-------------------------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate |
* |name |Class name |
* |return |True if elements has given class name|
* ### toggle
* Add or remove one or more classes from each element in the set of matched elements, depending on either the class's presence or the value of the state argument.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |name |Class name to toggle |
* ### remove
* Remove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from each element in the set of matched elements.
* |Name |Desc |
* |-------|----------------------|
* |element|Elements to manipulate|
* |name |Class names to remove |
/* example
* $class.add('#test', 'class1');
* $class.add('#test', ['class1', 'class2']);
* $class.has('#test', 'class1'); // -> true
* $class.remove('#test', 'class1');
* $class.has('#test', 'class1'); // -> false
* $class.toggle('#test', 'class1');
* $class.has('#test', 'class1'); // -> true
/* typescript
* export declare const $class: {
* add(element: $safeEls.El, name: string | string[]): void;
* has(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): boolean;
* toggle(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): void;
* remove(element: $safeEls.El, name: string): void;
* };
/* dependencies
* toArr some $safeEls isStr each
exports = {
add: function (els, name) {
els = $safeEls(els)
var names = safeName(name)
each(els, function (el) {
var classList = []
each(names, function (name) {
if (!exports.has(el, name)) classList.push(name)
if (classList.length !== 0) {
el.className += (el.className ? ' ' : '') + classList.join(' ')
has: function (els, name) {
els = $safeEls(els)
var regName = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + name + '(\\s|$)')
return some(els, function (el) {
return regName.test(el.className)
toggle: function (els, name) {
els = $safeEls(els)
each(els, function (el) {
if (!exports.has(el, name)) return exports.add(el, name)
exports.remove(el, name)
remove: function (els, name) {
els = $safeEls(els)
var names = safeName(name)
each(els, function (el) {
each(names, function (name) {
function safeName(name) {
return isStr(name) ? name.split(/\s+/) : toArr(name)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ $ ------------------------------ */
_licia.$ = (function (exports) {
/* jQuery like style dom manipulator.
* ### Available methods
* offset, hide, show, first, last, get, eq, on, off, html, text, val, css, attr,
* data, rmAttr, remove, addClass, rmClass, toggleClass, hasClass, append, prepend,
* before, after
/* example
* const $btn = $('#btn');
* $btn.html('eustia');
* $btn.addClass('btn');
* $btn.show();
* $btn.on('click', function() {
* // Do something...
* });
/* typescript
* export declare namespace $ {
* class $ extends Select {
* find(selector: string): $;
* each(fn: types.AnyFn): $;
* offset(): $offset.IOffset;
* hide(): $;
* show(): $;
* first(): $;
* last(): $;
* get(index: number): Element;
* eq(index: number): $;
* on(event: string, selector: string, handler: types.AnyFn): $;
* on(event: string, handler: types.AnyFn): $;
* off(event: string, selector: string, handler: types.AnyFn): $;
* off(event: string, handler: types.AnyFn): $;
* html(): string;
* html(value: string): $;
* text(): string;
* text(value: string): $;
* val(): string;
* val(value: string): $;
* css(name: string): string;
* css(name: string, value: string): $;
* css(properties: types.PlainObj<string | number>): $;
* attr(name: string): string;
* attr(name: string, value: string): $;
* attr(attributes: types.PlainObj<string>): $;
* data(name: string): string;
* data(name: string, value: string): $;
* data(attributes: types.PlainObj<string>): $;
* rmAttr(name: string): $;
* remove(): $;
* addClass(name: string | string[]): $;
* rmClass(name: string): $;
* toggleClass(name: string): $;
* hasClass(name: string): boolean;
* parent(): $;
* append(content: string | Element): $;
* prepend(content: string | Element): $;
* before(content: string | Element): $;
* after(content: string | Element): $;
* }
* }
* declare function $(selector: string | Element | Document): $.$;
/* dependencies
* Select $offset $show $css $attr $property last $remove $data $event $class $insert isUndef isStr types
exports = function (selector) {
return new Select(selector)
offset: function () {
return $offset(this)
hide: function () {
return this.css('display', 'none')
show: function () {
return this
first: function () {
return exports(this[0])
last: function () {
return exports(last(this))
get: function (idx) {
return this[idx]
eq: function (idx) {
return exports(this[idx])
on: function (event, selector, handler) {
$event.on(this, event, selector, handler)
return this
off: function (event, selector, handler) {
$event.off(this, event, selector, handler)
return this
html: function (val) {
var result = $property.html(this, val)
if (isUndef(val)) return result
return this
text: function (val) {
var result = $property.text(this, val)
if (isUndef(val)) return result
return this
val: function (val) {
var result = $property.val(this, val)
if (isUndef(val)) return result
return this
css: function (name, val) {
var result = $css(this, name, val)
if (isGetter(name, val)) return result
return this
attr: function (name, val) {
var result = $attr(this, name, val)
if (isGetter(name, val)) return result
return this
data: function (name, val) {
var result = $data(this, name, val)
if (isGetter(name, val)) return result
return this
rmAttr: function (name) {
$attr.remove(this, name)
return this
remove: function () {
return this
addClass: function (name) {
$class.add(this, name)
return this
rmClass: function (name) {
$class.remove(this, name)
return this
toggleClass: function (name) {
$class.toggle(this, name)
return this
hasClass: function (name) {
return $class.has(this, name)
parent: function () {
return exports(this[0].parentNode)
append: function (val) {
$insert.append(this, val)
return this
prepend: function (val) {
$insert.prepend(this, val)
return this
before: function (val) {
$insert.before(this, val)
return this
after: function (val) {
$insert.after(this, val)
return this
var isGetter = function (name, val) {
return isUndef(val) && isStr(name)
return exports
/* ------------------------------ h ------------------------------ */
_licia.h = (function (exports) {
/* Create html with JavaScript.
* |Name |Desc |
* |--------|---------------|
* |tag |Tag name |
* |attrs |Attributes |
* |...child|Children |
* |return |Created element|
/* example
* const el = h(
* 'div#test.title',
* {
* onclick: function() {},
* title: 'test'
* },
* 'inner text'
* );
* document.body.appendChild(el);
/* typescript
* export declare function h(
* tag: string,
* attrs?: types.PlainObj<any>,
* ...child: Array<string | HTMLElement>
* ): HTMLElement;
/* dependencies
* isEl isStr startWith $class $css each isFn types
exports = function (tag, attrs) {
for (
var _len = arguments.length, children = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2;
_key < _len;
) {
children[_key - 2] = arguments[_key]
if (isEl(attrs) || isStr(attrs)) {
attrs = null
if (!attrs) attrs = {}
var _parseTag = parseTag(tag),
tagName = _parseTag.tagName,
id = _parseTag.id,
classes = _parseTag.classes
var el = document.createElement(tagName)
if (id) el.setAttribute('id', id)
$class.add(el, classes)
each(children, function (child) {
if (isStr(child)) {
} else if (isEl(child)) {
each(attrs, function (val, key) {
if (isStr(val)) {
el.setAttribute(key, val)
} else if (isFn(val) && startWith(key, 'on')) {
el.addEventListener(key.slice(2), val, false)
} else if (key === 'style') {
$css(el, val)
return el
function parseTag(tag) {
var tagName = 'div'
var id = ''
var classes = []
var words = []
var word = ''
for (var i = 0, len = tag.length; i < len; i++) {
var c = tag[i]
if (c === '#' || c === '.') {
word = c
} else {
word += c
for (var _i = 0, _len2 = words.length; _i < _len2; _i++) {
word = words[_i]
if (!word) continue
if (startWith(word, '#')) {
id = word.slice(1)
} else if (startWith(word, '.')) {
} else {
tagName = word
return {
tagName: tagName,
id: id,
classes: classes,
return exports
/* ------------------------------ root ------------------------------ */
_licia.root = (function (exports) {
/* Root object reference, `global` in nodeJs, `window` in browser. */
/* typescript
* export declare const root: any;
/* dependencies
* isBrowser
exports = isBrowser ? window : global
return exports
/* ------------------------------ toBool ------------------------------ */
_licia.toBool = (function (exports) {
/* Convert value to a boolean.
* |Name |Desc |
* |------|-----------------|
* |val |Value to convert |
* |return|Converted boolean|
/* example
* toBool(true); // -> true
* toBool(null); // -> false
* toBool(1); // -> true
* toBool(0); // -> false
* toBool('0'); // -> false
* toBool('1'); // -> true
* toBool('false'); // -> false
/* typescript
* export declare function toBool(val: any): boolean;
/* dependencies
* isStr
exports = function (val) {
if (isStr(val)) {
val = val.toLowerCase()
return val !== '0' && val !== '' && val !== 'false'
return !!val
return exports
return _licia
let domHighlighter
let highlightConfig
let isCssLoaded = false
let $container
let isHighlighterInited = false
const showInfo = _licia.cssSupports('clip-path', 'polygon(50% 0px, 0px 100%, 100% 100%)')
const hasTouchSupport = 'ontouchstart' in _licia.root
function initDomHighlighter() {
if (isHighlighterInited) {
let container = _licia.h('div', {
class: '__chobitsu-hide__',
style: {
all: 'initial',
$container = _licia.$(container)
let domHighlighterContainer = null
let shadowRoot = null
if (container.attachShadow) {
shadowRoot = container.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' })
} else if (container.createShadowRoot) {
shadowRoot = container.createShadowRoot()
if (shadowRoot) {
if (typeof GM_getResourceText == 'undefined') {
GM.getResourceText = GM_getResourceText = async function (aResourceName) {
let res = await (await fetch(await GM.getResourceUrl(aResourceName))).text()
let saveRes = await GM.getValue(aResourceName)
if (typeof saveRes === 'undefined') {
GM.setValue(aResourceName, res)
} else {
return saveRes
return res
// console.log('111111111', GM.getResourceText);
// console.log('222222222', GM_getResourceText);
const css = GM_getResourceText('lunaDomHighlighterCSS').replace(
'/*# sourceMappingURL=luna-dom-highlighter.css.map*/',
// console.log(css);
const style = document.createElement('style')
style.textContent = css
style.type = 'text/css'
domHighlighterContainer = document.createElement('div')
} else {
domHighlighterContainer = document.createElement('div')
if (!isCssLoaded) {
isCssLoaded = true
highlightConfig = {
showRulers: false,
showExtensionLines: false,
contrastAlgorithm: 'aa',
showInfo: showInfo,
showStyles: true,
showAccessibilityInfo: false,
colorFormat: 'hex',
contentColor: 'rgba(111, 168, 220, .66)',
paddingColor: 'rgba(147, 196, 125, .55)',
borderColor: 'rgba(255, 229, 153, .66)',
marginColor: 'rgba(246, 178, 107, .66)',
monitorResize: _licia.toBool(_licia.root.ResizeObserver),
domHighlighter = new LunaDomHighlighter(domHighlighterContainer, highlightConfig)
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler)
isHighlighterInited = true
const viewportSize = _licia.h('div', {
class: '__chobitsu-hide__',
style: {
position: 'fixed',
right: 0,
top: 0,
background: '#fff',
fontSize: 13,
opacity: 0.5,
padding: '4px 6px',
let showViewportSizeOnResize = false
function resizeHandler() {
if (!showViewportSizeOnResize) return
$viewportSize.text(`${window.innerWidth}px × ${window.innerHeight}px`)
if (viewportSizeTimer) {
} else {
viewportSizeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
viewportSizeTimer = null
}, 1000)
const $viewportSize = _licia.$(viewportSize)
let viewportSizeTimer
function getElementFromPoint(e) {
if (hasTouchSupport) {
const touch = e.touches[0] || e.changedTouches[0]
return document.elementFromPoint(touch.clientX, touch.clientY)
return document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY)
function isValidNode(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 1) {
const className = node.getAttribute('class') || ''
if (
_licia.contain(className, '__chobitsu-hide__') ||
_licia.contain(className, 'html2canvas-container')
) {
return false
const isValid = !(node.nodeType === 3 && trim(node.nodeValue || '') === '')
if (isValid && node.parentNode) {
return isValidNode(node.parentNode)
return isValid
function moveListener(e) {
const node = getElementFromPoint(e)
if (!node || !isValidNode(node)) {
if (node.nodeType !== 1 && node.nodeType !== 3) return
_licia.defaults(highlightConfig, {
contentColor: 'transparent',
paddingColor: 'transparent',
borderColor: 'transparent',
marginColor: 'transparent',
if (!showInfo) {
_licia.extend(highlightConfig, {
showInfo: false,
domHighlighter.highlight(node, highlightConfig)
function outListener() {
function clicklistener(event) {
html2canvas(event.target, { scale: 3, allowTaint: true, useCORS: true }).then((canvas) => {
canvas.toBlob(function (blob) {
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