Greasy Fork is available in English. mods

Change your stats(kills,and score) (use keys 1, 2, 3, and 4), once refreshed scores no longer apply/show.

2020-10-08 يوللانغان نەشرى. ئەڭ يېڭى نەشرىنى كۆرۈش.

// ==UserScript==
// @name mods
// @namespace
// @version      8.0
// @description  Change your stats(kills,and score) (use keys 1, 2, 3, and 4), once refreshed scores no longer apply/show.
// @author       shed_modz_
// @match
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

//press use numbers 1-5 for mods to use the mods
//|                        Updates (VERSION 9.0 being made)                           |
//|                     -made mod                                                     |
//|                     -updated mod                                                  |
//|                     -patch update                                                 |
//|                     -mega mod update includes, new hot keys(read desc),           |
//|                     -patch hot KEYS                                               |
//|                     -patch hot KEYS                                               |
//|                     -new hot KEYS                                                 |
//|                     -New mod features                                         |

///////Hot keys are 1, 2, 4, 5, 6  ///////////////////


window.addEventListener("keydown", mod, false);
//score mods
//kd mods

function mod (i){

   if (i.keyCode == "49") {
       var a = window.prompt("How much score do you want?");
       document.getElementById("stat-length").innerHTML = a;
    if (i.keyCode == "50") {
     var b = window.prompt("How many kills do you want?");
     document.getElementById("stat-ks").innerHTML = b;
   if (i.keyCode == "51") {
     var c = window.prompt("What do you wnat to set your best score to?");
     document.getElementById("stat-blength").innerHTML = c;
   if (i.keyCode == "52") {
    var d = window.prompt("What do you want you best kills to be?");
    document.getElementById("stat-bks").innerHTML = d;
   if (i.keyCode == "53") {
     var txt = window.prompt("What wwould you like the chat box to say?");
     document.getElementById("firstRightBox").innerHTML = txt;
   if (i.keyCode == "54") {
     var death = window.prompt("Who would you like to have eliminated you?");
     document.getElementById("stat-title").innerHTML = death;
   if (i.keyCode == "72") {
     var help ="", "", "width=500", "height=1000");
     help.document.write("<h1 text-align='center'>Help</h1");
     help.document.write("<div id='help'></div>");
     help.document.write("<p text-align='center'>Use keys 1-6 to change/edit stuff.(Works if your at the death menu that displays your stats)Press key h for help");
document.getElementById("topGuiConnecting").innerHTML = "Finding non scripted server(this may take 2 minutes)";

document.getElementsByClassName("basic-text2").innerHTML = "Please you this just as a troll. Go in a game and die. Then before you spawn press 1,2,3, or four. Then enter the value and be amazed.";
document.getElementsByTagName("title").innerHTML = "*TROLL*";
document.getElementById("mainDialog").src = "arrow.png";
document.getElementById("linktext").innerHTML = "Once you press enter you will lose all of you progress";
