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Qidian International/Webnovel Dark Theme

A dark theme for Webnovel

2020-05-12 يوللانغان نەشرى. ئەڭ يېڭى نەشرىنى كۆرۈش.

/* ==UserStyle==
@name        Qidian International/Webnovel Dark Theme
@namespace   ew0345
@version     2.9f
@description A dark theme for Webnovel
@license     CC BY-NC Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
* Author: Ew0345
* Version: 2.9f

@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
* Note: I seriously need to go through and fully rewrite this section *sigh*

/* Main Page + Anything else I don't have a section for */
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} {
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.p20 .g_h3 {
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/*.p20 .g_score small,*/
.g_star_num small {
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.p20 p {
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.g_col_2 .g_h4,
.g_h4.ell2row {
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.g_col_2 a._type {
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.swiper-wrapper.hom-books .g_h4 {
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.swiper-wrapper.hom-books a._type {
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.w100p tr td a._tit,
.w100p td a._rel {
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.g_lang p a._on {
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.g_lang p a._on:hover {
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a._on[title="About"] span,
a._on[title="Table of Contents"] span,
a._on[title="About"]:active span,
a._on[title="Table of Contents"]:active span {
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/*._score .g_score small {
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.det-hd.mb48 {
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.g_bread.fs16.c_strong.pt25.pb25.ell span.vam {
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svg.mr5 {
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.g_mod_chat_reply .g_mod_hd {
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.j_catalog li a {
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a[title="Power Ranking"],
a[title="Power Ranking"] strong {
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.g_drop_hd svg {
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.m-thoughts ._tit span {
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.rank-chk span svg {
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._score small {
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} {
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svg.mr8 {
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.mb48.c_strong {
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a._more {
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a[href="/vote"] strong.vam,
a[href="/vote"] span.vam {
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.fs16.fl.mt20 {
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/* links w/ span that have broken underlining in firefox */
.det-hd-detail a:hover,
.j_reportStory:hover {
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.det-hd-detail a:hover span,
.j_getApp:hover span,
.j_reportStory:hover span {
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.j_synopsis p {
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@-moz-document url(""), url(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Library + History Pages */
.db.ell {
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a[title="History"] {
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a[title="History"]:hover {
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.his-list li::before {
    filter: invert(85%);
.his-list h3.g_h3 {
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@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Category Search Page */
h3.mb8 {
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@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Search Page */
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.g_h3 a strong {
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.g_star small {
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.g_ells {
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.ser-rec a {
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@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* Login Page */
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/* Login w/ Email Page */
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@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
/* Novel Voting Page */
h4 a.c_strong {
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.g_star_num small {
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@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
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.book-item .tal {
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.mod .rule h3 {
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@-moz-document url-prefix(""), url-prefix("") {
.fl a,
.pro-card-ft a span {
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@-moz-document url(""), url("") {
#badgeMod .g_mod_hd {
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/* Shoulda really added this section a long time ago rip me */
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.det-hd-detail strong svg,
.mb12 span,
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