- // ==UserScript==
- // @name wsmud_pluginss
- // @namespace cqv1
- // @version
- // @date 01/07/2018
- // @modified 07/03/2024
- // @homepage https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/371372
- // @description 武神传说 MUD 武神脚本 武神传说 脚本 qq群367657589
- // @author fjcqv(源程序) & zhzhwcn(提供websocket监听)& knva(做了一些微小的贡献) &Bob.cn(raid.js作者)
- // @match http://*.wsmud.com/*
- // @match http://*.wamud.com/*
- // @run-at document-start
- // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/vue/2.2.2/vue.min.js
- // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js
- // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/store.js/2.0.12/store.modern.min.js
- // @require https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/jquery-contextmenu/3.0.0-beta.2/jquery.contextMenu.min.js
- // @grant unsafeWindow
- // @grant GM_addStyle
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // ==/UserScript==
- (function () {
- 'use strict';
- Array.prototype.baoremove = function (dx) {
- if (isNaN(dx) || dx > this.length) {
- return false;
- }
- this.splice(dx, 1);
- };
- Array.prototype.remove = function (val) {
- var index = this.indexOf(val);
- if (index > -1) {
- this.splice(index, 1);
- }
- };
- String.prototype.replaceAll = function (s1, s2) {
- return this.replace(new RegExp(s1, "gm"), s2);
- };
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- var textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
- textarea.value = text;
- document.body.appendChild(textarea);
- textarea.select();
- document.execCommand("Copy");
- textarea.parentNode.removeChild(textarea);
- };
- function dateFormat(fmt, date) {
- let ret;
- const opt = {
- "Y+": date.getFullYear().toString(), // 年
- "m+": (date.getMonth() + 1).toString(), // 月
- "d+": date.getDate().toString(), // 日
- "H+": date.getHours().toString(), // 时
- "M+": date.getMinutes().toString(), // 分
- "S+": date.getSeconds().toString() // 秒
- // 有其他格式化字符需求可以继续添加,必须转化成字符串
- };
- for (let k in opt) {
- ret = new RegExp("(" + k + ")").exec(fmt);
- if (ret) {
- fmt = fmt.replace(ret[1], (ret[1].length == 1) ? (opt[k]) : (opt[k].padStart(ret[1].length, "0")))
- };
- };
- return fmt;
- }
- //滚动 -- fork from Suqing funny ---------------fixed
- function AutoScroll(name) {
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- setTimeout(function () {
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- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * 为数字加上单位:万或亿
- *
- * 例如:
- * 1000.01 => 1000.01
- * 10000 => 1万
- * 99000 => 9.9万
- * 566000 => 56.6万
- * 5660000 => 566万
- * 44440000 => 4444万
- * 11111000 => 1111.1万
- * 444400000 => 4.44亿
- * 40000000,00000000,00000000 => 4000万亿亿
- * 4,00000000,00000000,00000000 => 4亿亿亿
- *
- * @param {number} number 输入数字.
- * @param {number} decimalDigit 小数点后最多位数,默认为2
- * @return {string} 加上单位后的数字
- */
- function addWan(integer, number, mutiple, decimalDigit) {
- var digit = getDigit(integer);
- if (digit > 3) {
- var remainder = digit % 8;
- if (remainder >= 5) { // ‘十万’、‘百万’、‘千万’显示为‘万’
- remainder = 4;
- }
- return Math.round(number / Math.pow(10, remainder + mutiple - decimalDigit)) / Math.pow(10, decimalDigit) + '万';
- } else {
- return Math.round(number / Math.pow(10, mutiple - decimalDigit)) / Math.pow(10, decimalDigit);
- }
- }
- function getDigit(integer) {
- var digit = -1;
- while (integer >= 1) {
- digit++;
- integer = integer / 10;
- }
- return digit;
- }
- function addChineseUnit(number, decimalDigit) {
- decimalDigit = decimalDigit == null ? 2 : decimalDigit;
- var integer = Math.floor(number);
- var digit = getDigit(integer);
- // ['个', '十', '百', '千', '万', '十万', '百万', '千万'];
- var unit = [];
- if (digit > 3) {
- var multiple = Math.floor(digit / 8);
- if (multiple >= 1) {
- var tmp = Math.round(integer / Math.pow(10, 8 * multiple));
- unit.push(addWan(tmp, number, 8 * multiple, decimalDigit));
- for (var i = 0; i < multiple; i++) {
- unit.push('亿');
- }
- return unit.join('');
- } else {
- return addWan(integer, number, 0, decimalDigit);
- }
- } else {
- return number;
- }
- }
- function getQueryVariable(variable) {
- var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
- var vars = query.split("&");
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
- var pair = vars[i].split("=");
- if (pair[0] == variable) { return pair[1]; }
- }
- return (false);
- }
- var CanUse = false;
- if (WebSocket) {
- console.log('插件可正常运行,Plugins can run normally');
- CanUse = true;
- function show_msg(msg) {
- ws_on_message({
- type: "text",
- data: msg
- });
- }
- var _ws = WebSocket,
- ws, ws_on_message;
- unsafeWindow.WebSocket = function (uri) {
- ws = new _ws(uri);
- //document.getElementsByClassName("signinfo")[0].innerHTML = "<HIR>武神传说SS插件正常运行! QQ群 367657589</HIR>"
- //$('.signinfo').on('click', function () {
- // ProConsole.init();
- //});
- };
- unsafeWindow.WebSocket.prototype = {
- OPEN: _ws.OPEN,
- get url() {
- return ws.url;
- },
- get protocol() {
- return ws.protocol;
- },
- get readyState() {
- return ws.readyState;
- },
- get bufferedAmount() {
- return ws.bufferedAmount;
- },
- get extensions() {
- return ws.extensions;
- },
- get binaryType() {
- return ws.binaryType;
- },
- set binaryType(t) {
- ws.binaryType = t;
- },
- get onopen() {
- return ws.onopen;
- },
- set onopen(fn) {
- ws.onopen = fn;
- },
- get onmessage() {
- return ws.onmessage;
- },
- set onmessage(fn) {
- ws_on_message = fn;
- ws.onmessage = WG.receive_message;
- if (unsafeWindow.funny) {
- if (unsafeWindow.funny.API != null) {
- unsafeWindow.funny.API.ws_on_message = fn
- unsafeWindow.funny.API.websocket = ws
- }
- }
- },
- get onclose() {
- return ws.onclose;
- },
- set onclose(fn) {
- ws.onclose = (e) => {
- WG.online = false;
- G.connected = false;
- auto_relogin = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_relogin", auto_relogin);
- fn(e);
- if (auto_relogin == "开") {
- setTimeout(() => {
- console.log(new Date());
- KEY.do_command("score");
- }, 10000);
- }
- }
- },
- get onerror() {
- return ws.onerror;
- },
- set onerror(fn) {
- ws.onerror = fn;
- },
- send: function (text) {
- if (G.cookie == undefined) {
- G.cookie = text;
- }
- if (text.indexOf(G.id) > -1 && !G.connected) {
- text = G.cookie + ' ' + G.id
- }
- if (G.cmd_echo) {
- show_msg('<hiy>' + text + '</hiy>');
- }
- if (text[0] == "$") {
- WG.SendCmd(text);
- return;
- }
- if (text[0] == '@') {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(text);
- return;
- } else {
- messageAppend("插件未安装,请访问 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375851-wsmud-raid 下载并安装");
- window.open("https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375851-wsmud-raid ", '_blank').location;
- }
- }
- if (text.indexOf('drop') == 0) {
- var itemids = text.split(' ');
- var itemid = itemids[itemids.length - 1];
- WG.getItemNameByid(itemid, function (name) {
- if (lock_list.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
- messageAppend(`已锁物品${name},无法丢弃,请解锁后重试`);
- return;
- } else {
- ws.send(text);
- }
- })
- return;
- }
- if (text.indexOf('jh ') == 0 || text.indexOf("go ") == 0) {
- if (auto_rewardgoto == "开") {
- WG.Send("tm " + text);
- }
- }
- switch (text) {
- case 'sm':
- T.sm();
- break;
- case 'wk':
- WG.zdwk();
- break;
- case 'backup':
- WG.make_config();
- break;
- case 'load':
- WG.load_config();
- break;
- default:
- ws.send(text);
- break;
- }
- },
- close: function () {
- ws.close();
- }
- };
- var cmd_queue = [],
- cmd_busy = false,
- echo = false;
- var _send_cmd = function () {
- if (!ws || ws.readyState != 1) {
- cmd_busy = false;
- cmd_queue = []
- } else if (cmd_queue.length > 0) {
- cmd_busy = true;
- var t = new Date().getTime();
- for (var i = 0; i < cmd_queue.length; i++) {
- if (!cmd_queue[i].timestamp || cmd_queue[i].timestamp >= t - 1300) {
- cmd_queue.splice(0, i);
- break
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < Math.min(cmd_queue.length, 5); i++) {
- if (!cmd_queue[i].timestamp) {
- try {
- ws.send(cmd_queue[i].cmd);
- cmd_queue[i].timestamp = t
- } catch (e) {
- cmd_busy = false;
- cmd_queue = [];
- return
- }
- }
- }
- if (!cmd_queue[cmd_queue.length - 1].timestamp) {
- setTimeout(_send_cmd, 100)
- } else {
- cmd_busy = false
- }
- } else {
- cmd_busy = false
- }
- };
- var send_cmd = function (cmd, no_queue) {
- if (ws && ws.readyState == 1) {
- cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';');
- if (no_queue) {
- for (var i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
- if (G.cmd_echo) {
- show_msg('<hiy>' + cmd[i] + '</hiy>')
- }
- ws.send(cmd[i])
- }
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) {
- cmd_queue.push({
- cmd: cmd[i],
- timestamp: 0
- })
- }
- if (!cmd_busy) {
- _send_cmd()
- }
- }
- }
- };
- } else {
- console.log("插件不可运行,请访问: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/41547/x");
- }
- var L = {
- msg: function (msg) {
- const interval = setInterval(() => {
- if (typeof layer !== 'undefined') {
- clearInterval(interval);
- layer.msg(msg, {
- offset: '50%',
- shift: 5
- });
- } else {
- var server = document.createElement('script');
- server.setAttribute('src', 'https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/layer/2.3/layer.js');
- document.head.appendChild(server);
- }
- }, 500); // 每500毫秒检查一次
- },
- isMobile: function () {
- var ua = navigator.userAgent;
- var ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/),
- isIphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/),
- isAndroid = ua.match(/(Android)\s+([\d.]+)/),
- isMobile = isIphone || isAndroid;
- return isMobile;
- }
- };
- var roomItemSelectIndex = -1;
- var timer = 0;
- var cnt = 0;
- var zb_npc;
- var zb_place;
- var next = 0;
- var roomData = [];
- var packData = []; // 背包数据
- var storeData = [];// 仓库数据
- var eqData = [];
- var store_list = [];
- var lock_list = [];
- var needfind = {
- "武当派-林间小径": ["go south"],
- "峨眉派-走廊": ["go north", "go south;go south", "go north;go east;go east"],
- "丐帮-暗道": ["go east", "go east;go east", "go east"],
- "逍遥派-林间小道": ["go west;go north", "go south;go south", "go north;go west"],
- "少林派-竹林": ["go north"],
- "逍遥派-地下石室": ["go up"],
- "逍遥派-木屋": ["go south;go south;go south;go south"]
- };
- var pgoods = {};
- var goods = {
- "米饭": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "包子": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "鸡腿": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "面条": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "扬州炒饭": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "米酒": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "花雕酒": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "女儿红": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "醉仙酿": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "hig",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "神仙醉": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "hiy",
- "sales": "店小二",
- "place": "扬州城-醉仙楼"
- },
- "布衣": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "钢刀": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "木棍": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "英雄巾": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "布鞋": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "铁戒指": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "簪子": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "长鞭": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "钓鱼竿": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "鱼饵": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "杂货铺老板 杨永福",
- "place": "扬州城-杂货铺"
- },
- "铁剑": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "钢刀": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "铁棍": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "铁杖": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "铁镐": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "飞镖": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "wht",
- "sales": "铁匠铺老板 铁匠",
- "place": "扬州城-打铁铺"
- },
- "hig金创药": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "hig",
- "sales": "药铺老板 平一指",
- "place": "扬州城-药铺"
- },
- "hig引气丹": {
- "id": null,
- "type": "hig",
- "sales": "药铺老板 平一指",
- "place": "扬州城-药铺"
- },
- };
- var equip = {
- "铁镐": 0,
- };
- var npcs = {
- "店小二": 0,
- "铁匠铺老板 铁匠": 0,
- "药铺老板 平一指": 0,
- "杂货铺老板 杨永福": 0
- };
- var place = {
- "住房": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter",
- "住房-卧室": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter;go north;store",
- "住房-小花园": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter;go northeast",
- "住房-炼药房": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter;go east",
- "住房-练功房": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go north;go enter;go west",
- "扬州城-钱庄": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go west;store",
- "扬州城-广场": "jh fam 0 start",
- "扬州城-书院": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go north",
- "扬州城-醉仙楼": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go east",
- "扬州城-杂货铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go south",
- "扬州城-打铁铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go east;go south",
- "扬州城-药铺": "jh fam 0 start;go east;go east;go north",
- "扬州城-衙门正厅": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go north;go north",
- "扬州城-镖局正厅": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go south;go south",
- "扬州城-矿山": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go west;go west;go west",
- "扬州城-喜宴": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go east;go up",
- "扬州城-擂台": "jh fam 0 start;go west;go south",
- "扬州城-当铺": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go east",
- "扬州城-帮派": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east",
- "扬州城-有间客栈": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go east",
- "扬州城-赌场": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go west",
- "帮会-大门": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east",
- "帮会-大院": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east;go east",
- "帮会-练功房": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east;go east;go north",
- "帮会-聚义堂": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east;go east;go east",
- "帮会-仓库": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east;go east;go east;go north",
- "帮会-炼药房": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go east;go east;go east;go south",
- "扬州城-扬州武馆": "jh fam 0 start;go south;go south;go west",
- "扬州城-武庙": "jh fam 0 start;go north;go north;go west",
- "武当派-广场": "jh fam 1 start;",
- "武当派-三清殿": "jh fam 1 start;go north",
- "武当派-石阶": "jh fam 1 start;go west",
- "武当派-练功房": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go west",
- "武当派-太子岩": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup",
- "武当派-桃园小路": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north",
- "武当派-舍身崖": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go east",
- "武当派-南岩峰": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west",
- "武当派-乌鸦岭": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup",
- "武当派-五老峰": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup",
- "武当派-虎头岩": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup",
- "武当派-朝天宫": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north",
- "武当派-三天门": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north",
- "武当派-紫金城": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north",
- "武当派-林间小径": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north",
- "武当派-后山小院": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north",
- "少林派-广场": "jh fam 2 start;",
- "少林派-山门殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north",
- "少林派-东侧殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go east",
- "少林派-西侧殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go west",
- "少林派-天王殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north",
- "少林派-大雄宝殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northup",
- "少林派-钟楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northeast",
- "少林派-鼓楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest",
- "少林派-后殿": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast",
- "少林派-练武场": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north",
- "少林派-罗汉堂": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go east",
- "少林派-般若堂": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go west",
- "少林派-方丈楼": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north",
- "少林派-戒律院": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go east",
- "少林派-达摩院": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go west",
- "少林派-竹林": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north",
- "少林派-藏经阁": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north;go west",
- "少林派-达摩洞": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north",
- "华山派-镇岳宫": "jh fam 3 start;",
- "华山派-苍龙岭": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup",
- "华山派-舍身崖": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup",
- "华山派-峭壁": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown",
- "华山派-山谷": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup",
- "华山派-山间平地": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup;go south",
- "华山派-林间小屋": "jh fam 3 start;go eastup;go southup;jumpdown;go southup;go south;go east",
- "华山派-玉女峰": "jh fam 3 start;go westup",
- "华山派-玉女祠": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go west",
- "华山派-练武场": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north",
- "华山派-练功房": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go east",
- "华山派-客厅": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north",
- "华山派-偏厅": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north;go east",
- "华山派-寝室": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north;go north;go north",
- "华山派-玉女峰山路": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south",
- "华山派-玉女峰小径": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup",
- "华山派-思过崖": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup",
- "华山派-山洞": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter",
- "华山派-长空栈道": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup",
- "华山派-落雁峰": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup;go westup",
- "华山派-华山绝顶": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go south;go southup;go southup;break bi;go enter;go westup;go westup;jumpup",
- "峨眉派-金顶": "jh fam 4 start",
- "峨眉派-庙门": "jh fam 4 start;go west",
- "峨眉派-广场": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south",
- "峨眉派-走廊": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west",
- "峨眉派-休息室": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go east;go south",
- "峨眉派-厨房": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go east;go east",
- "峨眉派-练功房": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go west",
- "峨眉派-小屋": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go north;go north",
- "峨眉派-清修洞": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go south;go south",
- "峨眉派-大殿": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go south",
- "峨眉派-睹光台": "jh fam 4 start;go northup",
- "峨眉派-华藏庵": "jh fam 4 start;go northup;go east",
- "逍遥派-青草坪": "jh fam 5 start",
- "逍遥派-林间小道": "jh fam 5 start;go east",
- "逍遥派-练功房": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go north",
- "逍遥派-木板路": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go south",
- "逍遥派-工匠屋": "jh fam 5 start;go east;go south;go south",
- "逍遥派-休息室": "jh fam 5 start;go west;go south",
- "逍遥派-木屋": "jh fam 5 start;go north;go north",
- "逍遥派-地下石室": "jh fam 5 start;go down;go down",
- "丐帮-树洞内部": "jh fam 6 start",
- "丐帮-树洞下": "jh fam 6 start;go down",
- "丐帮-暗道": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east",
- "丐帮-破庙密室": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east",
- "丐帮-土地庙": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east;go up",
- "丐帮-林间小屋": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east;go east;go east;go up",
- "杀手楼-大门": "jh fam 7 start",
- "杀手楼-大厅": "jh fam 7 start;go north",
- "杀手楼-暗阁": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up",
- "杀手楼-铜楼": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up",
- "杀手楼-休息室": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go east",
- "杀手楼-银楼": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go up;go up",
- "杀手楼-练功房": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go up;go up;go east",
- "杀手楼-金楼": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up",
- "杀手楼-书房": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up;go west",
- "杀手楼-平台": "jh fam 7 start;go north;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up;go up",
- "襄阳城-广场": "jh fam 8 start",
- "襄阳城-南城门": "jh fam 8 start;go south;go south;go south;go south",
- "襄阳城-北城门": "jh fam 8 start;go north;go north;go north;go north;",
- "襄阳城-西城门": "jh fam 8 start;go west;go west;go west;go west",
- "襄阳城-东城门": "jh fam 8 start;go east;go eastgo east;go east",
- "武道塔": "jh fam 9 start"
- };
- var mpz_path = {
- "武当派": "jh fam 1 start;go west;go northup;go north;go west;go northup;go northup;go northup;go north;go north;go north;go north;go north",
- "华山派": "jh fam 3 start;go westup;go north",
- "少林派": "jh fam 2 start;go north;go north;go northwest;go northeast;go north",
- "峨眉派": "jh fam 4 start;go west;go south;go west;go south",
- "逍遥派": "jh fam 5 start;go west;go east;go down",
- "丐帮": "jh fam 6 start;go down;go east;go east;go east;go east;go east",
- };
- var diff_colors = {
- 'normal': '',
- 'access': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mapleobserver/wsmud-script/plugins/wsmud_color_accessibility.css',
- 'flat': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mapleobserver/wsmud-script/plugins/wsmud_color_flat.css'
- };
- var fb_path = [];
- var drop_list = [];
- var fenjie_list = [];
- //boss黑名单
- var blacklist = "";
- //pfm黑名单
- var blackpfm = [];
- //角色
- var role;
- var roleid;
- //门派
- var family = null;
- //师门自动放弃
- var sm_loser = "开";
- //师门自动牌子
- var sm_price = null;
- //师门自动取
- var sm_getstore = null;
- //师门无视稀有程度
- var sm_any = "开";
- //
- var wudao_pfm = "";
- //boss战斗前等待(ms)
- var ks_pfm = "2000";
- //boss等待时间(s)
- var ks_wait = "120";
- //自动婚宴
- var automarry = null;
- //自动boss
- var autoKsBoss = null;
- //系列自动
- var stopauto = false;
- //获得物品战士
- var getitemShow = null;
- //自命令展示方式
- var zmlshowsetting = 0;
- //背包已满提示方式
- var bagFull = 0;
- //通知推送开关、方式、Token、Url
- var pushSwitch = "关";
- var pushType = "0";
- var pushToken = "";
- // var pushUrl = "https://";
- //停止后动作
- var auto_command = null;
- //装备列表
- var eqlist = {};
- //{'unarmed':'','force':'','dodge':'','sword':'','blade':'','club':'','staff':'','whip':'','parry':''}
- var skilllist = {};
- //自动施法黑名单
- var unauto_pfm = '';
- //自动施法开关
- var auto_pfmswitch = "开";
- // 自动施法模式 开:智能施法,关:顺序施法
- var auto_pfm_mode = "开";
- //自动转发路径
- var auto_rewardgoto = "关";
- //显示昏迷信息
- var busy_info = "关";
- //仓库位置
- var saveAddr = "关";
- //自动更新仓库数据
- var auto_updateStore = "关";
- //自动重连
- var auto_relogin = "关";
- var autoeq = "";
- //自命令数组 type 0 原生 1 自命令 2js
- //[{"name":"name","zmlRun":"zzzz","zmlShow":"1","zmlType":"0"}]
- var zml = [];
- //自定义存取
- var zdy_item_store = '';
- //自定义存取
- var zdy_item_store2 = '';
- //自定义锁
- var zdy_item_lock = '';
- //自定义丢弃
- var zdy_item_drop = '';
- //自定义分解
- var zdy_item_fenjie = '';
- //状态监控 type 类型 ishave 0 =其他任何人 1= 本人 2 仅npc send 命令数组
- //[{"name":"","type":"status","action":"remove","keyword":"busy","ishave":"0","send":"","isactive":"1","maxcount":10,"pname":"宋远桥","istip":"1"}]
- var ztjk_item = [];
- // 自定义技能开关
- var zdyskills = "关";
- var zdyskilllist = "";
- //欢迎语
- var welcome = '';
- //屏蔽开关
- var shieldswitch = "开"
- //屏蔽列表
- var shield = '';
- //屏蔽关键字列表
- var shieldkey = '';
- //当你学习,练习,打坐中断后,自动去挖矿或以下操作
- var statehml = '';
- //背景图片
- var backimageurl = '';
- //登录后执行
- var loginhml = '';
- //定时任务
- //名称 类型 一次 1 每天 0 发送命令 触发时间 24小时制
- //[{"name":"","type":"0","send":"","h":"","s":"","m":""}]
- var timequestion = [];
- //安静模式
- var silence = '开';
- //dps统计信息
- var pfmnum = 0;
- var pfmdps = 0;
- var dpssakada = '开'
- var critical = 0;
- var criticalnum = 0;
- var dpslock = 0;
- var battletime = 0;
- var lastcri = 0, lastpfm = 0;
- //funny计算
- var funnycalc = '关'
- //自定义btn
- //[{"name":名称,"send":""},]
- var inzdy_btn = false;
- var zdy_btnlist = [];
- //自动购买
- var auto_buylist = "";
- //自动回收残页清单
- var auto_skillPaperSelllist = "";
- //配色
- var color_select = "normal";
- //死亡提示
- var die_str = "菜";
- //快捷键功能
- var exit1 = undefined;
- var exit2 = undefined;
- var exit3 = undefined;
- var KEY = {
- keys: [],
- roomItemSelectIndex: -1,
- init: function () {
- //添加快捷键说明
- $("span[command=stopstate] span:eq(0)").html("S");
- $("span[command=showcombat] span:eq(0)").html("A");
- $("span[command=showtool] span:eq(0)").html("C");
- $("span[command=pack] span:eq(0)").html("B");
- $("span[command=tasks] span:eq(0)").html("L");
- $("span[command=score] span:eq(0)").html("O");
- $("span[command=jh] span:eq(0)").html("J");
- $("span[command=skills] span:eq(0)").html("K");
- $("span[command=message] span:eq(0)").html("U");
- $("span[command=shop] span:eq(0)").html("P");
- $("span[command=stats] span:eq(0)").html("I");
- $("span[command=setting] span:eq(0)").html(",");
- $(document).on("keydown", this.e);
- this.add(27, function () {
- KEY.dialog_close();
- });
- this.add(192, function () {
- $(".map-icon").click();
- });
- this.add(32, function () {
- KEY.dialog_confirm();
- });
- this.add(83, function () {
- KEY.do_command("stopstate");
- });
- this.add(13, function () {
- KEY.do_command("showchat");
- });
- this.add(65, function () {
- KEY.do_command("showcombat");
- });
- this.add(67, function () {
- KEY.do_command("showtool");
- });
- this.add(66, function () {
- KEY.do_command("pack");
- });
- this.add(76, function () {
- KEY.do_command("tasks");
- });
- this.add(79, function () {
- KEY.do_command("score");
- });
- this.add(74, function () {
- KEY.do_command("jh");
- });
- this.add(75, function () {
- KEY.do_command("skills");
- });
- this.add(73, function () {
- KEY.do_command("stats");
- });
- this.add(85, function () {
- KEY.do_command("message");
- });
- this.add(80, function () {
- KEY.do_command("shop");
- });
- this.add(188, function () {
- KEY.do_command("setting");
- });
- this.add(81, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(0) : WG.sm_button();
- });
- this.add(87, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(1) : WG.go_yamen_task();
- });
- this.add(69, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(2) : WG.kill_all();
- });
- this.add(82, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(3) : WG.get_all();
- });
- this.add(84, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(4) : WG.sell_all();
- });
- this.add(89, function () {
- inzdy_btn ? WG.zdybtnfunc(5) : WG.zdwk();
- });
- this.add(9, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemSelect();
- return false;
- });
- //方向
- this.add(102, function () {
- // NumPad 6 等同于→
- exit1 = G.exits.get("east");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("eastup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("eastdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go east")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go eastup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go eastdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(39, function () {
- exit1 = G.exits.get("east");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("eastup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("eastdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go east")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go eastup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go eastdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(100, function () {
- exit1 = G.exits.get("west");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("westup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("westdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go west")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go westup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go westdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(37, function () {
- exit1 = G.exits.get("west");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("westup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("westdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go west")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go westup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go westdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(98, function () {
- // NumPad 2 等同于↓
- exit1 = G.exits.get("south");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("southup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("southdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go south")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go southup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go southdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(40, function () {
- // Down Arrow↓
- exit1 = G.exits.get("south");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("southup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("southdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go south")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go southup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go southdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(101, function () {
- // NumPad 3 控制down,按住alt时为up
- WG.Send("go down");
- });
- this.add(101 + 512, function () {
- // NumPad 3 控制down,按住alt时为up
- WG.Send("go up");
- });
- this.add(104, function () {
- exit1 = G.exits.get("north");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("northup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("northdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go north")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go northup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go northdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(38, function () {
- exit1 = G.exits.get("north");
- exit2 = G.exits.get("northup");
- exit3 = G.exits.get("northdown");
- if (exit1) {
- WG.Send("go north")
- } else if (exit2) {
- {
- WG.Send("go northup")
- }
- } else if (exit3) {
- {
- WG.Send("go northdown")
- }
- }
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(99, function () {
- WG.Send("go southeast");
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(97, function () {
- WG.Send("go southwest");
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(105, function () {
- WG.Send("go northeast");
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(103, function () {
- WG.Send("go northwest");
- KEY.onChangeRoom();
- });
- this.add(49, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(0);
- });
- this.add(50, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(1);
- });
- this.add(51, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(2);
- });
- this.add(52, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(3);
- });
- this.add(53, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(4);
- });
- this.add(54, function () {
- KEY.combat_commands(5);
- });
- this.add(55, function () {//7
- KEY.combat_commands(6);
- });
- this.add(56, function () {//8
- KEY.combat_commands(7);
- });
- this.add(57, function () {//9
- KEY.combat_commands(8);
- });
- this.add(48, function () {//0
- KEY.combat_commands(9);
- });
- this.add(45, function () {//-
- KEY.combat_commands(10);
- });
- this.add(61, function () {//=
- KEY.combat_commands(11);
- });
- //alt
- this.add(49 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(0);
- });
- this.add(50 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(1);
- });
- this.add(51 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(2);
- });
- this.add(52 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(3);
- });
- this.add(53 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(4);
- });
- this.add(54 + 512, function () {
- KEY.onRoomItemAction(5);
- });
- //ctrl
- this.add(49 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(0);
- });
- this.add(50 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(1);
- });
- this.add(51 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(2);
- });
- this.add(52 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(3);
- });
- this.add(53 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(4);
- });
- this.add(54 + 1024, function () {
- KEY.room_commands(5);
- });
- },
- add: function (k, c) {
- var tmp = {
- key: k,
- callback: c,
- };
- this.keys.push(tmp);
- },
- e: function (event) {
- if ($(".channel-box").is(":visible")) {
- KEY.chatModeKeyEvent(event);
- return;
- }
- if ($(".dialog-confirm").is(":visible") &&
- ((event.keyCode >= 48 && event.keyCode <= 57) || (event.keyCode >= 96 && event.keyCode <= 105)))
- return;
- if ($('input').is(':focus') || $('textarea').is(':focus')) {
- return;
- }
- var kk = (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? 1024 : 0) + (event.altKey ? 512 : 0) + event.keyCode;
- for (var k of KEY.keys) {
- if (k.key == kk)
- return k.callback();
- }
- },
- isallow: true,
- dialog_close: function () {
- $(".dialog-close").click();
- },
- dialog_confirm: function () {
- if ($(".dialog-confirm").attr("style").indexOf("block") >= 0) {
- if (this.isallow) {
- this.isallow = false
- $(".dialog-btn.btn-ok").click();
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.isallow = true;
- }, 500);
- }
- }
- },
- do_command: function (name) {
- $("span[command=" + name + "]").click();
- },
- room_commands: function (index) {
- $("div.combat-panel div.room-commands span:eq(" + index + ")").click();
- },
- combat_commands: function (index) {
- $("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + index + ")").click();
- },
- chatModeKeyEvent: function (event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 27) {
- KEY.dialog_close();
- } else if (event.keyCode == 13) {
- if ($(".sender-box").val().length) $(".sender-btn").click();
- else KEY.dialog_close();
- }
- },
- onChangeRoom: function () {
- KEY.roomItemSelectIndex = -1;
- },
- onRoomItemSelect: function () {
- if (KEY.roomItemSelectIndex != -1) {
- $(".room_items div.room-item:eq(" + KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + ")").css("background", "#000");
- }
- KEY.roomItemSelectIndex = (KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + 1) % $(".room_items div.room-item").length;
- var curItem = $(".room_items div.room-item:eq(" + KEY.roomItemSelectIndex + ")");
- curItem.css("background", "#444");
- curItem.click();
- },
- onRoomItemAction: function (index) {
- //NPC下方按键
- $(".room_items .item-commands span:eq(" + index + ")").click();
- },
- }
- function textBecomeImg(text, fontsize, fontcolor) {
- var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- //小于32字加1 小于60字加2 小于80字加4 小于100字加6
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- else if (fontsize > 32 && fontsize <= 60) { $buHeight = 2; }
- else if (fontsize > 60 && fontsize <= 80) { $buHeight = 4; }
- else if (fontsize > 80 && fontsize <= 100) { $buHeight = 6; }
- else if (fontsize > 100) { $buHeight = 10; }
- //对于g j 等有时会有遮挡,这里增加一些高度
- canvas.height = fontsize + $buHeight;
- var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- // 擦除(0,0)位置大小为200x200的矩形,擦除的意思是把该区域变为透明
- context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
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- context.font = fontsize + "px KaiTi";
- //top(顶部对齐) hanging(悬挂) middle(中间对齐) bottom(底部对齐) alphabetic是默认值
- context.textBaseline = 'middle';
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- context.fillText(text, 0, fontsize / 2)
- var dataUrl = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');//注意这里背景透明的话,需要使用png
- return dataUrl;
- }
- function messageClear() {
- $(".WG_log pre").html("");
- }
- var log_line = 0;
- function textShow(text) {
- imgShow(textBecomeImg(text, 90, 'red'))
- }
- function imgShow(url, t = 2000) {
- $('.container > .content-message').css('background', 'url(' + url + ') no-repeat center center')
- setTimeout(() => {
- $('.container > .content-message').css('background', '')
- }, t);
- }
- function messageAppend(m, t = 0, area = 0) {
- if (area) {
- var ap = m + "\n";
- if (t == 1) {
- ap = "<hiy>" + ap + "</hiy>";
- } else if (t == 2) {
- ap = "<hig>" + ap + "</hig>";
- } else if (t == 3) {
- ap = "<hiw>" + ap + "</hiw>";
- } else if (t == 4) {
- ap = "<hir>" + ap + "</hir>";
- }
- $('.content-message pre').append(ap)
- } else {
- 100 < log_line && (log_line = 0, $(".WG_log pre").empty());
- var ap = m + "\n";
- if (t == 1) {
- ap = "<hiy>" + ap + "</hiy>";
- } else if (t == 2) {
- ap = "<hig>" + ap + "</hig>";
- } else if (t == 3) {
- ap = "<hiw>" + ap + "</hiw>";
- } else if (t == 4) {
- ap = "<hir>" + ap + "</hir>";
- }
- $(".WG_log pre").append(ap);
- log_line++;
- $(".WG_log")[0].scrollTop = 99999;
- }
- }
- var sm_array = {
- '武当': {
- "place": "武当派-三清殿",
- "npc": "武当派第二代弟子 武当首侠 宋远桥",
- "sxplace": "武当派-太子岩",
- "sx": "首席弟子"
- },
- '华山': {
- "place": "华山派-镇岳宫",
- "npc": "市井豪杰 高根明",
- "sxplace": "华山派-练武场",
- "sx": "首席弟子"
- },
- '少林': {
- "place": "少林派-天王殿",
- "npc": "少林寺第三十九代弟子 道觉禅师",
- "sxplace": "少林派-练武场",
- "sx": "大师兄"
- },
- '逍遥': {
- "place": "逍遥派-青草坪",
- "npc": "聪辩老人 苏星河",
- "sxplace": "-jh fam 5 start;go west",
- "sx": "首席弟子"
- },
- '丐帮': {
- "place": "丐帮-树洞下",
- "npc": "丐帮七袋弟子 左全",
- "sxplace": "丐帮-破庙密室",
- "sx": "首席弟子"
- },
- '峨眉': {
- "place": "峨眉派-庙门",
- "npc": "峨眉派第五代弟子 苏梦清",
- "sxplace": "峨眉派-广场",
- "sx": "大师姐"
- },
- '武馆': {
- "place": "扬州城-扬州武馆",
- "npc": "武馆教习",
- "sxplace": "扬州城-扬州武馆"
- },
- '杀手楼': {
- "place": "杀手楼-大厅",
- "npc": "杀手教习 何小二",
- "sxplace": "杀手楼-练功房",
- "sx": "金牌杀手"
- },
- };
- var WG = {
- online: false,
- sm_state: -1,
- sm_item: null,
- sm_store: null,
- init: function () {
- $("li[command=SelectRole]").on("click", function () {
- WG.login();
- });
- },
- inArray: function (val, arr) {
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- let item = arr[i];
- if (item[0] == "<") {
- if (item == val) return true;
- } else {
- if (item != "") {
- if (val.indexOf(item) >= 0) return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- hasStr: function (val, arr) {
- if (arr.length == null) {
- for (let item in arr) {
- for (let i of arr[item]) {
- if (i == val) return true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
- let item = arr[i];
- if (item == val) return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- set_value(key, value) {
- return GM_setValue(key, value);
- },
- get_value(key) {
- return GM_getValue(key);
- },
- login: function () {
- role = $('.role-list .select').text().split(/[\s\n]/).pop();
- roleid = $('.role-list .select').attr('roleid')
- GM_listValues().map(function (key) {
- if (key.indexOf(role + "_") == 0) {
- var tmpVal = key.split(role + "_")[1];
- console.log(tmpVal)
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_" + tmpVal, GM_getValue(key, null))
- GM_deleteValue(key)
- }
- });
- $(".bottom-bar").append("<span class='item-commands' style='display:none'><span WG='WG' cmd=''></span></span>"); //命令行模块
- var html = UI.wgui();
- $(".content-message").after(html);
- $('.content-bottom').after("<div class='zdy-commands'></div>");
- var css = `.zdy-item{
- display: inline-block;border: solid 1px gray;color: gray;background-color: black;
- text-align: center;cursor: pointer;border-radius: 0.25em;min-width: 2.5em;margin-right: 0em;
- margin-left: 0.4em;position: relative;padding-left: 0.4em;padding-right: 0.4em;line-height: 24px;}
- .WG_log{flex: 1;overflow-y: auto;border: 1px solid #404000;max-height: 15em;width: calc(100% - 40px);}
- .WG_log > pre{margin: 0px; white-space: pre-line;}
- .WG_button { width: calc(100% - 40px); overflow-x: auto;display: block;line-height:2em;}
- .WG_button > .zdy-item:active {background-color: gray;color:black;}
- .item-plushp{display: inline-block;float: right;width: 100px;}
- .item-dps{display: inline-block;float: right;width: 100px;}
- .settingbox {margin-left: 0.625 em;border: 1px solid gray;background-color: transparent;color: unset;resize: none;width: 80% ;height: 3rem;}
- .runtest textarea{display:block;width:300px;height:160px;border:10px solid #F8F8F8;border-top-width:0;padding:10px;line-height:20px;overflow:auto;background-color:#3F3F3F;color:#eee;font-size:12px;font-family:Courier New}
- .layui-btn,.layui-input,.layui-select,.layui-textarea,.layui-upload-button{outline:0;-webkit-appearance:none;transition:all .3s;-webkit-transition:all .3s;box-sizing:border-box}
- .layui-btn{display:inline-block;height:38px;line-height:38px;padding:0 18px;background-color:#009688;color:#fff;white-space:nowrap;text-align:center;font-size:14px;border:none;border-radius:2px;cursor:pointer}
- .layui-btn-normal{background-color:#1E9FFF}
- .layui-layer-moves{background-color:transparent}
- .switch2 {display: inline-block;position: relative;height: 1.25em;width: 3.125em;line-height: 1.25em;
- border-radius: 0.875em;background: #dedede;cursor: pointer;-ms-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;user-select: none;vertical-align: middle;text-align: center;}
- .switch2 > .switch-button {position: absolute;left: 0px;height: 1.25em;width: 1.25em;
- border-radius: 0.875em;background: #fff;box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- transition: 0.3s;-webkit-transition: 0.3s;left: 0px;}
- .switch2 > .switch-text {color:#898989;margin-left: 0.625em;}
- .on>.switch-button {right:0px;left:auto;}
- .on>.switch-text {color:#ffffff;margin-right: 0.625em; margin-left: 0px;}
- .on {background-color:#008000;}
- .crit{
- height:24px;
- position:relative;
- animation:myfirst 1s;
- -webkit-animation:myfirst 0.4s; /* Safari and Chrome */
- }
- @keyframes myfirst
- {
- 0% {background:red; left:0px; top:0px;}
- 33% {background:red; left:0px; top:-14px;}
- 66% {background:red; left:0px; top:14px;}
- 100% {background:red; left:0px; top:0px;}
- }
- @-webkit-keyframes myfirst /* Safari and Chrome */
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- 0% {background:red; left:0px; top:0px;}
- 33% {background:red; left:0px; top:-30px;}
- 100% {background:red; left:0px; top:0px;}
- }
- .rainbow-text{
- color:red;
- background-image: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, violet);
- background-size:800% 800%;
- -webkit-background-clip: text;
- -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
- animation: rainbow 8s ease infinite;
- -webkit-animation: rainbow 8s ease infinite;
- }
- @keyframes rainbow
- {
- 0%{background-position:0% 50%}
- 50%{background-position:100% 25%}
- 100%{background-position:0% 50%}
- }`;
- GM_addStyle(css);
- npcs = GM_getValue("npcs", npcs);
- pgoods = GM_getValue("goods", goods);
- equip = GM_getValue(roleid + "_equip", equip);
- //初始化角色配置
- GI.configInit();
- if (backimageurl != '') {
- GM_addStyle(`body{background-color:rgb(0,0,0,.25)}
- div{ opacity:1;}
- html{background:rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
- background-image:url('${backimageurl}');
- background-repeat:no-repeat;
- background-size:100% 100%;
- -moz-background-size:100% 100%;} `);
- }
- color_select = GM_getValue("color_select", color_select);
- let link = document.createElement("link");
- link.rel = "stylesheet";
- link.type = "text/css";
- link.href = diff_colors[color_select];
- let head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- head.appendChild(link);
- setTimeout(() => {
- try {
- if (GM_registerMenuCommand) {
- GM_registerMenuCommand("初始化", WG.update_id_all)
- GM_registerMenuCommand("设 置", WG.setting)
- GM_registerMenuCommand("调 试", WG.cmd_echo_button)
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- }
- role = role;
- roleid = roleid;
- var logintext = '';
- document.title = role + "-MUD游戏-武神传说";
- L.msg(`欢迎使用 ${welcome} 版本号${GM_info.script.version}`);
- KEY.do_command("showtool");
- KEY.do_command("pack");
- KEY.do_command("score");
- WG.SendCmd("score2");
- WG.SendCmd("party load");
- setTimeout(() => {
- //bind settingbox
- KEY.do_command("score");
- var rolep = role;
- if (G.level) {
- rolep = G.level + role;
- if (G.isGod()) {
- $('.zdy-item.zdwk').html("修炼(Y)");
- }
- }
- rolep = welcome + "" + rolep;
- if (CanUse) {
- if (shieldswitch == "开" || silence == '开') {
- messageAppend('已注入屏蔽系统', 0, 1);
- }
- if (npcs['店小二'] == 0) {
- logintext = `
- <hiy>欢迎${rolep},插件已加载!第一次使用,请在设置中,初始化ID,并且设置一下是否自动婚宴,自动传送boss
- 插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version}
- </hiy>`;
- } else {
- $.get("https://wsmud.ii74.com/hello/" + role, (result) => {
- let tmp = `
- <hiy>欢迎${rolep},插件已加载!
- 插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version}
- 更新日志: ${result}
- </hiy>`;
- messageAppend(tmp);
- });
- }
- WG.ztjk_func();
- WG.zml_showp();
- WG.dsj_func();
- setTimeout(() => {
- WG.wsdelaytest();
- }, 1000)
- if (G.level && G.isGod()) {
- WG.ytjk_func()
- }
- } else {
- logintext = `
- <hiy>欢迎${role},插件未正常加载!
- 当前浏览器不支持自动喜宴自动boss,请使用centbrowser浏览器
- 谷歌系浏览器,请在network中勾选disable cache,多刷新几次,直至提示已加载!
- 多次刷新无法仍然出现本提示,请打开tampermonkey 插件设置
- 开启高级设置,在最下方实验 设置 “注入模式:即时”“严格模式:禁用”
- 实在不会用加群交流
- 插件版本: ${GM_info.script.version}
- </hiy>`;
- }
- messageAppend(logintext);
- }, 500);
- KEY.do_command("showcombat");
- //执行记忆面板
- var closeBorad = localStorage.getItem("closeBorad");
- if (closeBorad === "true") {
- WG.showhideborad()
- }
- WG.runLoginhml();
- //开启定时器
- var systime = setInterval(() => {
- var myDate = new Date();
- let timeTips = {
- data: JSON.stringify({
- type: "time",
- h: myDate.getHours(),
- m: myDate.getMinutes(),
- s: myDate.getSeconds(),
- time: myDate.toTimeString()
- })
- };
- WG.receive_message(timeTips);
- }, 1000);
- }, 1000);
- },
- update_goods_id: function () {
- var lists = $(".dialog-list > .obj-list:first");
- var id;
- var name;
- var gtype;
- if (lists.length) {
- messageAppend("检测到商品清单");
- for (var a of lists.children()) {
- a = $(a);
- id = a.attr("obj");
- name = $(a.children()[0]).html();
- gtype = a.children()[0].localName;
- if (name == "金创药" || name == "引气丹") {
- if (pgoods[gtype + name]) {
- pgoods[gtype + name].id = id;
- } else {
- pgoods[gtype + name] = {
- "id": id,
- "type": gtype,
- "sales": "药铺老板 平一指",
- "place": "扬州城-药铺"
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- pgoods[name].id = id;
- }
- messageAppend(`<${gtype}>${name}</${gtype}>:${id}`);
- }
- GM_setValue("goods", pgoods);
- return true;
- } else {
- messageAppend("未检测到商品清单");
- return false;
- }
- },
- update_npc_id: function () {
- var lists = $(".room_items .room-item");
- for (var npc of lists) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.indexOf("[") >= 0) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nodeType == 3 &&
- npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == "SPAN") {
- npcs[npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0]] = $(npc).attr("itemid");
- messageAppend(npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0] + " 的ID:" + $(npc).attr("itemid"));
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) {
- npcs[npc.lastElementChild.innerText] = $(npc).attr("itemid");
- messageAppend(npc.lastElementChild.innerText + " 的ID:" + $(npc).attr("itemid"));
- }
- }
- }
- GM_setValue("npcs", npcs);
- },
- update_id_all: function () {
- GM_setValue("goods", goods);
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate")
- var t = [];
- Object.keys(pgoods).forEach(function (key) {
- if (t[pgoods[key].place] == undefined)
- t[pgoods[key].place] = pgoods[key].sales;
- });
- var keys = Object.keys(t);
- var i = 0;
- var state = 0;
- var place, sales;
- //获取
- var timer = setInterval(() => {
- switch (state) {
- case 0:
- if (i >= keys.length) {
- messageAppend("初始化完成");
- WG.go("武当派-广场");
- clearInterval(timer);
- return;
- }
- place = keys[i];
- sales = t[place];
- WG.go(place);
- state = 1;
- break;
- case 1:
- WG.update_npc_id();
- var id = npcs[sales];
- WG.Send("list " + id);
- state = 2;
- break;
- case 2:
- if (WG.update_goods_id()) {
- state = 0;
- i++;
- } else
- state = 1;
- break;
- }
- }, 1000);
- },
- clean_id_all: function (jm = true) {
- GM_setValue("goods", goods);
- pgoods = goods
- if (jm) {
- alert("清空完毕,请刷新一下页面")
- }
- },
- update_store_hook: undefined,
- wsdelaytest: async function () {
- G.wsdelaySetTime = new Date().getTime();
- G.wsdelaySetCount = 1;
- G.wsdelay = undefined;
- WG.SendCmd("test");
- },
- update_store: async function () {
- WG.update_store_hook = WG.add_hook(['dialog', 'text'], (data) => {
- if (data.dialog == 'list' && data.max_store_count) {
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库信息获取</hio>开始");
- var stores = data.stores;
- store_list = [];
- for (let store of stores) {
- store_list.push(store.name.toLowerCase());
- }
- zdy_item_store = store_list.join(',');
- $('#store_info').val(zdy_item_store);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store);
- } else if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '没有这个玩家。') {
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库信息获取</hio>完成");
- $('.dialog-close').click();
- WG.remove_hook(WG.update_store_hook);
- WG.update_store_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd("$to 扬州城-广场;$to 扬州城-钱庄;look3 1");
- },
- clean_dps: function () {
- if (dpslock && battletime != 0) {
- let allpfmnum = pfmnum + criticalnum;
- let alldps = pfmdps + critical;
- let battle_t = (new Date().getTime() - battletime.getTime()) / 1000;
- let real_dps = alldps / battle_t;
- let real_act = allpfmnum / battle_t;
- if (battle_t < 1) {
- real_dps = alldps;
- real_act = allpfmnum;
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- messageAppend(`⚔️战斗过程分析:
- ⏱️战斗时长:${battle_t}秒
- ⚔️普通攻击:${pfmnum}次
- ⚔️普通伤害:${addChineseUnit(pfmdps)}
- 🌟暴击攻击:${criticalnum}次
- 🌟暴击伤害:${addChineseUnit(critical)}
- ⚔️总计攻击:${(allpfmnum)}次
- ⚔️总计伤害:${addChineseUnit(alldps)}
- ⏱️每秒伤害:${addChineseUnit(real_dps)}
- ⏱️每秒攻击:${Math.round(real_act)}次`, 4);
- pfmdps = 0;
- pfmnum = 0;
- critical = 0;
- criticalnum = 0;
- dpslock = 0;
- }, 100);
- }
- },
- Send: async function (cmd) {
- if (CanUse) {
- send_cmd(cmd, true);
- } else {
- if (cmd) {
- cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';');
- for (var c of cmd) {
- $("span[WG='WG']").attr("cmd", c).click();
- };
- }
- }
- },
- SendStep: async function (cmd) {
- if (cmd) {
- cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';');
- for (var c of cmd) {
- WG.SendCmd(c);
- await WG.sleep(12000);
- };
- }
- },
- SendCmd: async function (cmd) {
- if (cmd) {
- if (cmd.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
- if (cmd instanceof Array) {
- cmd = cmd;
- } else {
- if (cmd.indexOf(";") >= 0) {
- cmd = cmd.split(";");
- } else {
- cmd = cmd.split(",");
- }
- }
- } else {
- cmd = cmd instanceof Array ? cmd : cmd.split(';');
- }
- let idx = 0;
- let cmds = '';
- for (var c of cmd) {
- if (c.indexOf("$") >= 0) {
- if (c[0] == "$") {
- c = c.replace("$", "");
- let p0 = c.split(" ")[0];
- let p1 = c.split(" ")[1];
- cmds = cmd.join(";");
- eval("T." + p0 + "(" + idx + ",'" + p1 + "','" + cmds + "')");
- return;
- } else {
- var p_c = c.split(" ");
- p_c = p_c[p_c.length - 1];
- // buy $sitem from $snpc
- if (p_c) {
- if (p_c[0] == "$") {
- p_c = p_c.replace("$", "");
- let patt = new RegExp(/\".*?\"/);
- let result = patt.exec(p_c)[0];
- cmds = cmd.join(";");
- eval("T." + p_c.split('(')[0] + "(" + idx + "," + result + ",'" + cmds + "')");
- return;
- } else {
- p_c = c.split(" ");
- if (p_c[1].indexOf('$') >= 0) {
- p_c = p_c[1].replace("$", "");
- let patt = new RegExp(/\".*?\"/);
- let result = patt.exec(p_c)[0];
- cmds = cmd.join(";");
- eval("T." + p_c.split('(')[0] + "(" + idx + "," + result + ",'" + cmds + "')");
- return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //npc id解析
- if (c.indexOf("%") >= 0) {
- var rep = c.match("\%([^%]+)\%");
- if (npcs[rep[1]] != undefined) {
- var subStr = new RegExp('\%([^%]+)\%'); //创建正则表达式对象
- c = c.replace(subStr, npcs[rep[1]]);
- } else {
- for (let item of roomData) {
- if (item != 0) {
- if (item.name.indexOf(rep[1]) >= 0) {
- var subStr = new RegExp('\%([^%]+)\%');
- c = c.replace(subStr, item.id);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //商店 id解析
- if (c.indexOf("*") >= 0) {
- var rep = c.match("\\*([^%]+)\\*");
- if (pgoods[rep[1]] != undefined) {
- var subStr = new RegExp('\\*([^%]+)\\*');
- c = c.replace(subStr, pgoods[rep[1]].id);
- }
- }
- WG.Send(c);
- idx = idx + 1;
- };
- }
- },
- sleep: function (time) {
- return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
- },
- stopAllAuto: function () {
- stopauto = true;
- },
- reSetAllAuto: function () {
- stopauto = false;
- },
- go: async function (p) {
- if (saveAddr == '开' && p == '扬州城-钱庄') {
- p = '住房-卧室'
- }
- if (needfind[p] == undefined) {
- if (WG.at(p)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (place[p] != undefined) {
- G.ingo = true;
- await WG.SendCmd(place[p]);
- G.ingo = false;
- }
- },
- at: function (p) {
- if (saveAddr == '开' && p == '扬州城-钱庄') {
- p = '住房-卧室'
- }
- var w = $(".room-name").html();
- return w.indexOf(p) == -1 ? false : true;
- },
- getIdByName: function (n) {
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf(n) >= 0) {
- return roomData[i].id;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- smhook: undefined,
- ythook: undefined,
- ungetStore: false,
- kala_count: 0,
- doSmTask: async function (action) {
- return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
- try {
- switch (action) {
- case 0:
- //前往师门接收任务
- WG.go(sm_array[family].place);
- WG.sm_state = 1;
- // 如果kala_count大于5,则重置id
- if (WG.kala_count > 2) {
- WG.clean_id_all(false);
- if (WG.kala_count > 5) {
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- messageAppend('错误:师门任务错误,脚本将重试')
- }
- }
- resolve();
- break;
- case 1:
- // 接受任务
- var lists = $(".room_items .room-item");
- var id = null;
- for (var npc of lists) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.indexOf("[") >= 0) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nodeType == 3 &&
- npc.lastElementChild.firstChild.nextSibling.tagName == "SPAN") {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText.split('[')[0] == sm_array[family].npc)
- id = $(npc).attr("itemid");
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.lastElementChild == null) {
- if (npc.lastElementChild.innerText == sm_array[family].npc) {
- id = $(npc).attr("itemid");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (id != undefined) {
- WG.Send("task sm " + id);
- WG.Send("task sm " + id);
- WG.sm_state = 2;
- } else {
- WG.update_npc_id();
- WG.clean_id_all(false);
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = WG.kala_count + 1;
- }
- resolve();
- break;
- case 2:
- // 获取师门任务物品
- var mysm_loser = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_loser", sm_loser);
- //获取师门任务物品
- var item = $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").parent().prev();
- if (item.length == 0) {
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = WG.kala_count + 1
- };
- var itemName = item.html();
- let _gtype = item[0].localName;
- item = item[0].outerHTML;
- if (WG.ungetStore) {
- if (mysm_loser == "开") {
- $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").click();
- messageAppend("放弃任务");
- WG.ungetStore = false;
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- resolve()
- break;
- } else if (mysm_loser == "关") {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- resolve()
- break;
- }
- }
- //能上交直接上交
- var tmpObj = $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").prev();
- for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (tmpObj.children().html()) {
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf(item) >= 0) {
- tmpObj.click();
- messageAppend("自动上交" + item);
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- resolve()
- return;
- }
- tmpObj = tmpObj.prev();
- }
- }
- //不能上交自动购买
- if (itemName == "金创药" || itemName == "引气丹") {
- WG.sm_item = pgoods[_gtype + itemName];
- } else {
- WG.sm_item = pgoods[itemName];
- }
- if (item != undefined) {
- WG.sm_itemx = item;
- if (WG.inArray(item, store_list) && sm_getstore == "开") {
- if (item.indexOf("hiz") >= 0 || item.indexOf("hio") >= 0) {
- sm_any = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_any", sm_any);
- if (sm_any == "开") {
- messageAppend("自动仓库取" + item);
- WG.sm_store = item;
- WG.sm_state = 4;
- resolve()
- return;
- } else {
- var a = window.confirm("您确定要交稀有物品吗");
- if (a) {
- messageAppend("自动仓库取" + item);
- WG.sm_store = item;
- WG.sm_state = 4;
- resolve()
- return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- messageAppend("自动仓库取" + item);
- WG.sm_store = item;
- WG.sm_state = 4;
- resolve()
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (WG.sm_item != undefined && item.indexOf(WG.sm_item.type) >= 0) {
- if (WG.smbuyNum == null) {
- WG.smbuyNum = 0;
- WG.kala_count = WG.kala_count + 1;
- } else if (WG.smbuyNum > 3) {
- WG.sm_state = 5;
- }
- WG.go(WG.sm_item.place);
- messageAppend("自动购买" + item);
- WG.sm_state = 3;
- } else {
- WG.sm_state = 5;
- }
- resolve();
- break;
- case 3:
- // 前往商店购买任务物品
- WG.go(WG.sm_item.place);
- if (WG.buy(WG.sm_item)) {
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- if (WG.smbuyNum == 0) {
- WG.lastBuy = WG.sm_item
- }
- if (WG.lastBuy == WG.sm_item) {
- WG.smbuyNum = WG.smbuyNum + 1;
- }
- }
- resolve();
- break;
- case 4:
- // 前往钱庄取出仓库中的任务物品
- var mysm_loser = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_loser", sm_loser);
- WG.go("扬州城-钱庄");
- WG.qu(WG.sm_store, (res) => {
- if (res) {
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- } else {
- messageAppend("无法取" + WG.sm_store);
- if (WG.sm_item != undefined && WG.sm_store.indexOf(WG.sm_item.type) >= 0) {
- WG.go(WG.sm_item.place);
- messageAppend("自动购买" + WG.sm_store);
- WG.sm_state = 3;
- } else {
- if (mysm_loser == "开") {
- WG.ungetStore = true;
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- } else {
- WG.sm_state = 5;
- // $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- }
- }
- }
- resolve();
- });
- break;
- case 5:
- // 判断是否需要上交牌子
- var mysm_loser = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_loser", sm_loser);
- if (sm_price == "开") {
- let pz = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}]
- tmpObj = $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").prev();
- for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- if (tmpObj.children().html()) {
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('放弃') == -1 &&
- tmpObj.html().indexOf('令牌') >= 0) {
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('hig') >= 0) {
- pz[0] = tmpObj;
- }
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('hic') >= 0) {
- pz[1] = tmpObj;
- }
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('hiy') >= 0) {
- pz[2] = tmpObj;
- }
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('hiz') >= 0) {
- pz[3] = tmpObj;
- }
- if (tmpObj.html().indexOf('hio') >= 0) {
- pz[4] = tmpObj;
- }
- }
- }
- tmpObj = tmpObj.prev();
- }
- let _p = false;
- for (let p of pz) {
- if (p.html != undefined) {
- p.click();
- messageAppend("自动上交牌子");
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- _p = true;
- resolve()
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!_p) {
- messageAppend("没有牌子并且无法购买");
- WG.smbuyNum = null;
- if (mysm_loser == "开") {
- $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").click();
- messageAppend("放弃任务");
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- resolve()
- return;
- } else {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- resolve()
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- messageAppend("无法提交" + WG.sm_itemx);
- WG.smbuyNum = null;
- if (mysm_loser == "关") {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- } else if (mysm_loser == "开") {
- $("span[cmd$='giveup']:last").click();
- messageAppend("放弃任务");
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- WG.kala_count = 0;
- }
- }
- resolve();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- resolve();
- }
- });
- },
- smTask: async function () {
- if (!WG.smhook) {
- WG.smhook = WG.add_hook('text', function (data) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("辛苦了, 你先去休息") >= 0 ||
- data.msg.indexOf("和本门毫无瓜葛") >= 0 ||
- data.msg.indexOf("你没有") >= 0
- ) {
- WG.Send("taskover signin");
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.smhook);
- WG.smhook = undefined;
- }
- });
- }
- while (WG.sm_state != -1) {
- try {
- await WG.doSmTask(WG.sm_state);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- } catch (e) {
- console.error(e);
- break;
- }
- }
- },
- sm_button: async function () {
- if (WG.sm_state >= 0) {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- } else {
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- $(".sm_button").text("停止(Q)");
- await WG.smTask()
- }
- },
- buy: function (good) {
- var tmp = npcs[good.sales];
- if (tmp == undefined) {
- WG.update_npc_id();
- return false;
- }
- WG.Send("list " + tmp);
- WG.Send("buy 1 " + good.id + " from " + tmp);
- return true;
- },
- qu_hook: undefined,
- qu: function (good, callback) {
- let storestatus = false;
- // $(".obj-item").each(function () {
- // if ($(this).html().toLowerCase().indexOf(good) != -1) {
- // storestatus = true;
- // var id = $(this).attr("obj")
- // WG.Send("qu 1 " + id);
- // return;
- // }
- // })
- WG.qu_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", async function (data) {
- if (data.dialog != undefined & data.stores != undefined) {
- for (let item of data.stores) {
- if (item.name.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(good) != -1) {
- storestatus = true;
- var id = item.id;
- WG.Send("qu 1 " + id);
- break;
- }
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- callback(storestatus);
- }, 300);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.qu_hook)
- WG.qu_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd('store')
- },
- Give: function (items) {
- var tmp = npcs["店小二"];
- if (tmp == undefined) {
- WG.update_npc_id();
- return false;
- }
- WG.Send("give " + tmp + " " + items);
- return true;
- },
- eq: function (e) {
- WG.Send("eq " + equip[e]);
- },
- ask: function (npc, i) {
- npc = npcs[npc];
- npc != undefined ? WG.Send("ask" + i + " " + npc) : WG.update_npc_id();
- },
- yamen_lister: undefined,
- yamen_err_no: 0,
- go_yamen_task: async function () {
- if (!WG.yamen_lister) {
- WG.yamen_lister = WG.add_hook('text', function (data) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("最近没有在逃的逃犯了,你先休息下吧。") >= 0) {
- clearInterval(WG.check_yamen_task);
- WG.check_yamen_task = 'over';
- WG.remove_hook(WG.yamen_lister);
- WG.yamen_lister = undefined;
- WG.yamen_err_no = 0;
- } else if (data.msg.indexOf("没有这个人") >= 0) {
- WG.update_npc_id();
- }
- });
- }
- WG.go("扬州城-衙门正厅");
- await WG.sleep(200);
- WG.update_npc_id();
- WG.ask("扬州知府 程药发", 1);
- if (WG.check_yamen_task == 'over') {
- return;
- }
- window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000);
- },
- check_yamen_task: function () {
- if (WG.check_yamen_task == 'over') {
- return;
- }
- messageAppend("查找任务中");
- var task = $(".task-desc:eq(-2)").text();
- for (let idx = 3; idx < 10; idx++) {
- if (task.indexOf("扬州知府") == -1) {
- task = $(".task-desc:eq(-" + idx + ")").text();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (task.length == 0) {
- KEY.do_command("tasks");
- window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000);
- return;
- }
- try {
- zb_npc = task.match("犯:([^%]+),据")[1];
- zb_place = task.match("在([^%]+)出")[1];
- messageAppend("追捕任务:" + zb_npc + " 地点:" + zb_place);
- KEY.do_command("score");
- WG.go(zb_place);
- window.setTimeout(WG.check_zb_npc, 1000);
- } catch (error) {
- messageAppend("查找衙门追捕失败");
- if (WG.yamen_err_no < 4) {
- KEY.do_command("tasks");
- window.setTimeout(WG.check_yamen_task, 1000);
- WG.yamen_err_no = WG.yamen_err_no + 1;
- } else {
- clearInterval(WG.check_yamen_task);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.yamen_lister);
- WG.yamen_lister = undefined;
- WG.yamen_err_no = 0;
- }
- }
- },
- zb_next: 0,
- check_zb_npc: function () {
- var lists = $(".room_items .room-item");
- var found = false;
- for (var npc of lists) {
- if (npc.innerText.indexOf(zb_npc) != -1) {
- found = true;
- WG.Send("kill " + $(npc).attr("itemid"));
- messageAppend("找到" + zb_npc + ",自动击杀!!!");
- WG.zb_next = 0;
- return;
- }
- }
- var fj = needfind[zb_place];
- if (!found && needfind[zb_place] != undefined && WG.zb_next < fj.length) {
- messageAppend("寻找附近");
- WG.Send(fj[WG.zb_next]);
- WG.zb_next++;
- }
- if (!found) {
- window.setTimeout(WG.check_zb_npc, 1000);
- }
- },
- kill_all: function () {
- var lists = $(".room_items .room-item");
- for (var npc of lists) {
- if ($(npc).html().indexOf("尸体") == -1) {
- WG.Send("kill " + $(npc).attr("itemid"));
- }
- }
- },
- get_all: function () {
- var lists = $(".room_items .room-item");
- for (var npc of lists) {
- WG.Send("get all from " + $(npc).attr("itemid"));
- }
- },
- clean_all: function () {
- WG.go("扬州城-打铁铺");
- WG.Send("sell all");
- },
- sort_hook: undefined,
- sort_all: function () {
- var storeset = [
- ];
- if (WG.sort_hook) {
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库排序</hio>运行中");
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库排序</hio>手动结束");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sort_hook);
- WG.sort_hook = undefined;
- return;
- }
- var sortCmd = "";
- var getandstore = function (set) {
- var cmds = [];
- for (let s of set) {
- cmds.push("qu " + s.count + " " + s.id + ";$wait 350;");
- }
- set = set.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.name.length - b.name.length;
- })
- for (let s of set) {
- cmds.push("store " + s.count + " " + s.id + ";$wait 350;");
- }
- return cmds.join("");
- }
- WG.sort_hook = WG.add_hook(['dialog', 'text'], (data) => {
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'list') {
- if (data.stores == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- const colorSet = ['wht', 'hig', 'hic', 'hiy', 'hiz', 'hio', 'red', 'hir', 'ord'];
- for (let store of data.stores) {
- let num = 0;
- for (let cx of colorSet) {
- if (store.name.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(cx) >= 0) {
- if (storeset[num]) {
- storeset[num].push(store);
- } else {
- storeset[num] = [store];
- }
- }
- num++;
- }
- }
- for (let item of storeset) {
- if (item) {
- sortCmd += getandstore(item);
- }
- }
- sortCmd += "look3 1";
- WG.SendCmd(sortCmd);
- } else if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '没有这个玩家。') {
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库排序</hio>完成");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sort_hook);
- WG.sort_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- messageAppend("<hio>仓库排序</hio>开始");
- if (WG.at("扬州城-钱庄")) {
- WG.Send("store");
- } else {
- WG.go("扬州城-钱庄");
- }
- },
- sort_all_bag: function () {
- var storeset = [
- ];
- if (WG.sort_hook) {
- messageAppend("<hio>背包排序</hio>运行中");
- messageAppend("<hio>背包排序</hio>手动结束");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sort_hook);
- WG.sort_hook = undefined;
- return;
- }
- var sortCmd = "";
- var getandstore = function (set) {
- var cmds = [];
- for (let s of set) {
- cmds.push("store " + s.count + " " + s.id + ";$wait 350;");
- }
- set = set.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.name.length - b.name.length;
- })
- for (let s of set) {
- cmds.push("qu " + s.count + " " + s.id + ";$wait 350;");
- }
- return cmds.join("");
- }
- WG.sort_hook = WG.add_hook(['dialog', 'text'], (data) => {
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'pack') {
- if (data.items == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- const colorSet = ['wht', 'hig', 'hic', 'hiy', 'hiz', 'hio', 'red', 'hir', 'ord'];
- for (let store of data.items) {
- let num = 0;
- for (let cx of colorSet) {
- if (store.name.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(cx) >= 0) {
- if (storeset[num]) {
- storeset[num].push(store);
- } else {
- storeset[num] = [store];
- }
- }
- num++;
- }
- }
- for (let item of storeset) {
- if (item) {
- sortCmd += getandstore(item);
- }
- }
- sortCmd += "look3 1";
- WG.SendCmd(sortCmd);
- } else if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '没有这个玩家。') {
- messageAppend("<hio>背包排序</hio>完成,执行后请刷新并重新登录");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sort_hook);
- WG.sort_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- messageAppend("<hio>背包排序</hio>开始");
- if (WG.at("扬州城-钱庄")) {
- WG.Send("pack");
- KEY.dialog_close();
- //WG.Send("store");
- } else {
- WG.go("扬州城-钱庄");
- }
- },
- packup_listener: null,
- packup_ready: false,
- sell_all: function (store = 1, fenjie = 1, drop = 1) {
- if (WG.packup_listener) {
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>运行中");
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>手动结束");
- WG.packup_ready = false;
- WG.remove_hook(WG.packup_listener);
- WG.packup_listener = undefined;
- return;
- }
- let stores = [];
- WG.packup_listener = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], (data) => {
- if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "list") {
- if (data.stores == undefined || WG.packup_ready) {
- return;
- }
- stores = [];
- //去重
- for (let i = 0; i < data.stores.length; i++) {
- let s = null;
- for (let j = 0; j < stores.length; j++) {
- if (stores[j].name == data.stores[i].name.toLowerCase()) {
- s = stores[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (s != null) {
- s.count += data.stores[i].count;
- } else {
- stores.push(data.stores[i]);
- }
- }
- } else if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "pack") {
- let cmds = [];
- let dropcmds = [];
- if (data.items == undefined || WG.packup_ready) {
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- //仓库
- if (store_list.length != 0) {
- if (WG.inArray(data.items[i].name.toLowerCase(), store_list) && store) {
- if (data.items[i].can_eq) {
- //装备物品,不能叠加,计算总数
- let store = null;
- for (let j = 0; j < stores.length; j++) {
- if (stores[j].name == data.items[i].name.toLowerCase()) {
- store = stores[j];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (store != null) {
- if (store.count < 4) {
- store.count += data.items[i].count;
- cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id);
- cmds.push("$wait 350");
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库");
- } else {
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "超过设置的储存上限");
- }
- } else {
- stores.push(data.items[i]);
- cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id);
- cmds.push("$wait 350");
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库");
- }
- } else {
- cmds.push("store " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id);
- cmds.push("$wait 350");
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "储存到仓库");
- }
- }
- }
- //丢弃
- if (WG.inArray(data.items[i].name.toLowerCase(), drop_list) && drop && (data.items[i].name.indexOf("★") == -1 || data.items[i].name.indexOf("☆") == -1)) {
- if (lock_list.indexOf(data.items[i].name.toLowerCase()) >= 0) { continue; }
- if (data.items[i].count == 1) {
- dropcmds.push("drop " + data.items[i].id);
- dropcmds.push("$wait 350");
- } else {
- dropcmds.push("drop " + data.items[i].count + " " + data.items[i].id);
- dropcmds.push("$wait 350");
- }
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "丢弃");
- }
- //分解
- if (fenjie_list.length && WG.inArray(data.items[i].name.toLowerCase(), fenjie_list) && data.items[i].name.indexOf("★") == -1 && fenjie) {
- cmds.push("fenjie " + data.items[i].id);
- cmds.push("$wait 350");
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>" + data.items[i].name + "分解");
- }
- }
- cmds.push("$wait 1000")
- cmds.push("$to 扬州城-杂货铺");
- cmds.push("sell all");
- cmds.push("$wait 1000");
- cmds = cmds.concat(dropcmds);
- // cmds.push("$zxbuy");
- cmds.push("look3 1");
- if (cmds.length > 0 || WG.packup_ready) {
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- WG.packup_ready = true;
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '没有这个玩家。') {
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>完成");
- WG.packup_ready = false;
- WG.remove_hook(WG.packup_listener);
- WG.packup_listener = undefined;
- }
- });
- messageAppend("<hio>包裹整理</hio>开始");
- WG.go("扬州城-钱庄");
- WG.Send("store;pack");
- },
- cmd_echo_button: function () {
- if (G.cmd_echo) {
- G.cmd_echo = false;
- messageAppend("<hio>命令代码关闭</hio>");
- } else {
- G.cmd_echo = true;
- ProConsole.init();
- messageAppend("<hio>命令代码显示</hio>");
- }
- },
- getItemNameByid: (id, callback) => {
- packData.forEach(function (item) {
- if (item != 0) {
- if (item.id == id) {
- callback(item.name);
- return;
- }
- }
- })
- },
- addstore: (itemname) => {
- if (zdy_item_store2 == "") {
- zdy_item_store2 = itemname;
- } else {
- zdy_item_store2 = zdy_item_store2 + "," + itemname;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store2", zdy_item_store2);
- $('#store_info2').val(zdy_item_store2);
- if (zdy_item_store2) {
- store_list = zdy_item_store2.split(",");
- }
- messageAppend("添加存仓成功" + itemname);
- },
- addlock: (itemname) => {
- if (zdy_item_lock == "") {
- zdy_item_lock = itemname;
- } else {
- zdy_item_lock = zdy_item_lock + "," + itemname;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_lock", zdy_item_lock);
- $('#lock_info').val(zdy_item_lock);
- if (zdy_item_lock) {
- lock_list = zdy_item_lock.split(",");
- }
- messageAppend("添加物品锁成功" + itemname);
- },
- dellock: (itemname) => {
- lock_list.remove(itemname);
- zdy_item_lock = lock_list.join(',');
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_lock", zdy_item_lock);
- $('#lock_info').val(zdy_item_lock);
- messageAppend("解锁物品锁成功" + itemname);
- },
- addfenjieid: (itemname) => {
- if (zdy_item_fenjie == "") {
- zdy_item_fenjie = itemname;
- } else {
- zdy_item_fenjie = zdy_item_fenjie + "," + itemname;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_fenjie", zdy_item_fenjie);
- if (zdy_item_fenjie) {
- fenjie_list = zdy_item_fenjie.split(",");
- }
- messageAppend("添加分解成功" + itemname);
- $('#store_fenjie_info').val(zdy_item_fenjie);
- },
- adddrop: (itemname) => {
- if (itemname.indexOf("hio") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("hir") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("ord") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("高级物品,不添加整理时丢弃" + itemname);
- return;
- }
- if (zdy_item_drop == "") {
- zdy_item_drop = itemname;
- } else {
- zdy_item_drop = zdy_item_drop + "," + itemname;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_drop", zdy_item_drop);
- if (zdy_item_drop) {
- drop_list = zdy_item_drop.split(",");
- }
- messageAppend("添加丢弃成功" + itemname);
- $('#store_drop_info').val(zdy_item_drop);
- },
- addzxbuy: (itemname) => {
- if (itemname.indexOf("hio") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("hir") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("ord") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("高级物品,不添加" + itemname);
- return;
- }
- if (auto_skillPaperSelllist == "") {
- auto_skillPaperSelllist = itemname;
- } else {
- auto_skillPaperSelllist = auto_skillPaperSelllist + "," + itemname;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_skillPaperSelllist", auto_skillPaperSelllist);
- messageAppend("添加成功" + itemname);
- $('#autoSkillPaperSell').val(auto_skillPaperSelllist);
- },
- zdwk: async function (v, x = true) {
- if (x) {
- if (G.level) {
- if (G.isGod()) {
- WG.go("住房-练功房");
- WG.Send("xiulian");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (CanUse) {
- if (v == "remove") {
- if (G.wk_listener) {
- WG.remove_hook(G.wk_listener);
- G.wk_listener = undefined;
- }
- return;
- }
- if (G.wk_listener) return;
- let tiejiang_id;
- let wk_busy = false;
- G.wk_listener = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], async function (data) {
- if (data.type == "dialog" && data.dialog == "pack") {
- //检查是否装备铁镐
- let tiegao_id;
- if (data.name) {
- if (data.name == "<wht>铁镐</wht>") {
- WG.Send("eq " + data.id);
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- WG.go("扬州城-矿山");
- WG.Send("wa");
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- return;
- }
- } else if (data.items) {
- if (data.eqs[0] && data.eqs[0].name.indexOf("铁镐") > -1) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- WG.go("扬州城-矿山");
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- WG.Send("wa");
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- return;
- } else {
- for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- let item = data.items[i];
- if (item.name.indexOf("铁镐") > -1) {
- tiegao_id = item.id;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (tiegao_id) {
- WG.Send("eq " + tiegao_id);
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- WG.go("扬州城-矿山");
- WG.Send("wa");
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- return;
- } else {
- WG.go("扬州城-打铁铺");
- WG.Send("look 1");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '你要看什么?') {
- let id = WG.getIdByName('铁匠');
- if (id) {
- tiejiang_id = id;
- WG.Send('list ' + id);
- } else {
- messageAppend("<hio>自动挖矿</hio>未发现铁匠");
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg == '你挥着铁镐开始认真挖矿。') WG.zdwk("remove");
- else if ((data.msg == "你现在正忙。" || data.msg == "你正在战斗,待会再说。" || data.msg.indexOf("不要急") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("这个方向没有出路") >= 0) && wk_busy == false) {
- wk_busy = true;
- messageAppend('卡顿,五秒后再次尝试操作', 0, 1);
- setTimeout(() => {
- wk_busy = false;
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- WG.zdwk();
- }, 5000);
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'list' && data.seller == tiejiang_id) {
- let item_id;
- for (let i = 0; i < data.selllist.length; i++) {
- let item = data.selllist[i];
- if (item.name == "<wht>铁镐</wht>") {
- item_id = item.id;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (item_id) {
- WG.Send('buy 1 ' + item_id + ' from ' + tiejiang_id);
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- } else {
- messageAppend("<hio>自动挖矿</hio>无法购买<wht>铁镐</wht>");
- WG.zdwk("remove", false);
- }
- }
- });
- WG.Send("stopstate;pack");
- } else {
- var t = $(".room_items .room-item:first .item-name").text();
- t = t.indexOf("<挖矿");
- if (t == -1) {
- messageAppend("当前不在挖矿状态");
- if (timer == 0) {
- console.log(timer);
- WG.go("扬州城-矿山");
- WG.eq("铁镐");
- WG.Send("wa");
- timer = setInterval(WG.zdwk, 5000);
- }
- } else {
- WG.timer_close();
- }
- if (WG.at("扬州城-矿山") && t == -1) {
- //不能挖矿,自动买铁镐
- WG.go("扬州城-打铁铺");
- WG.buy(pgoods["铁镐"]);
- //买完等待下一次检查
- messageAppend("自动买铁镐");
- return;
- }
- if (WG.at("扬州城-打铁铺")) {
- var lists = $(".dialog-list > .obj-list:eq(1)");
- var id;
- var name;
- if (lists.length) {
- messageAppend("查找铁镐ID");
- for (var a of lists.children()) {
- a = $(a);
- id = a.attr("obj");
- name = $(a.children()[0]).html();
- if (name == "铁镐") {
- equip["铁镐"] = id;
- WG.eq("铁镐");
- break;
- }
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_equip", equip);
- WG.go("扬州城-矿山");
- WG.Send("wa");
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- },
- timer_close: function () {
- if (timer) {
- clearInterval(timer);
- timer = 0;
- }
- },
- wudao_hook: undefined,
- wudao_auto: function () {
- //创建定时器
- if (timer == 0) {
- timer = setInterval(WG.wudao_auto, 1000);
- }
- if (!WG.at("武道塔")) {
- //进入武道塔 对于武神塔不知道咋操作
- if (CanUse) {
- if (!WG.wudao_hook) {
- WG.wudao_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- var item = data.items
- for (var ii of item) {
- if (ii.id == "signin") {
- WG.go("武道塔");
- //var pattern = "/-?[1-9]\d*/-?[1-9]\d*/", str = ii.desc;//写不来正则
- var reg = new RegExp("进度([^%]+),<");
- var wudaojindu = (ii.desc.match(reg))[1];
- if (wudaojindu != null) {
- messageAppend("爬塔 : " + wudaojindu);
- var index = wudaojindu.indexOf('<');
- var wudao = wudaojindu.substring(0, index).split('/')
- var wudaocongz = ii.desc.indexOf("武道塔可以重置") != -1;
- // messageAppend("测试结果 : "+wudaocongz+"__" + wudao [0]+ "__" + wudao [1] );
- if (wudao[0] == wudao[1]) {
- messageAppend("爬塔完成! ");
- if (wudaocongz) { //重置
- WG.ask("守门人", 1);
- messageAppend("爬塔重置完成! ");
- WG.Send("go enter");
- } else {
- messageAppend("爬塔已经重置过了!");
- WG.timer_close();
- }
- } else { //没爬完
- messageAppend("爬塔未完成!");
- WG.Send("go enter");
- }
- //messageAppend(" ii "+ wudaojindu +" ____" + wudaocongz);
- } else {
- messageAppend("获取爬塔信息失败 : " + ii.desc);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- WG.remove_hook(WG.wudao_hook);
- WG.wudao_hook = undefined;
- })
- }
- WG.Send("tasks");
- } else {
- WG.go("武道塔");
- WG.ask("守门人", 1);
- WG.Send("go enter");
- }
- } else {
- //武道塔内处理
- //messageAppend("武道塔");
- var w = $(".room_items .room-item:last");
- var t = w.text();
- if (t.indexOf("守护者") != -1) {
- WG.Send("kill " + w.attr("itemid"));
- WG.wudao_autopfm();
- } else {
- WG.Send("go up");
- }
- }
- },
- wudao_autopfm: function () {
- var pfm = wudao_pfm.split(',');
- for (var p of pfm) {
- if ($("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + p + ") span").css("left") == "0px")
- $("div.combat-panel div.combat-commands span.pfm-item:eq(" + p + ") ").click();
- }
- },
- xue_auto: function () {
- var t = $(".room_items .room-item:first .item-name").text();
- t = t.indexOf("<打坐") != -1 || t.indexOf("<学习") != -1 || t.indexOf("<练习") != -1;
- //创建定时器
- if (timer == 0) {
- if (t == false) {
- messageAppend("当前不在打坐或学技能");
- return;
- }
- timer = setInterval(WG.xue_auto, 1000);
- }
- if (t == false) {
- //学习状态中止,自动去挖矿
- WG.timer_close();
- WG.zdwk();
- } else {
- messageAppend("自动打坐学技能");
- }
- },
- fbnum: 0,
- needGrove: 0,
- oncegrove: function () {
- this.fbnum += 1;
- messageAppend("第" + this.fbnum + "次");
- WG.Send("cr yz/lw/shangu;cr over");
- if (this.needGrove <= this.fbnum) {
- WG.Send("taskover signin");
- messageAppend("<hiy>" + this.fbnum + "次副本小树林秒进秒退已完成</hiy>");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.daily_hook);
- WG.daily_hook = undefined;
- this.timer_close();
- //WG.zdwk();
- this.needGrove = 0;
- this.fbnum = 0;
- }
- },
- grove_ask_info: function () {
- return prompt("请输入需要秒进秒退的副本次数", "");
- },
- grove_auto: function (needG = null) {
- if (timer == 0) {
- if (needG == null) {
- this.needGrove = this.grove_ask_info();
- } else {
- this.needGrove = needG;
- }
- if (this.needGrove) //如果返回的有内容
- {
- if (parseFloat(this.needGrove).toString() == "NaN") {
- messageAppend("请输入数字");
- return;
- }
- messageAppend("开始秒进秒退小树林" + this.needGrove + "次");
- timer = setInterval(() => {
- this.oncegrove()
- }, 1000);
- }
- }
- },
- showhideborad: function () {
- if ($('.WG_log').css('display') == 'none') {
- window.localStorage.setItem("closeBorad", "false")
- $('.WG_log').show();
- } else {
- window.localStorage.setItem("closeBorad", "true")
- $('.WG_log').hide();
- }
- },
- showhidebtn: function () {
- if ($('.WG_button').css('display') == 'none') {
- window.localStorage.setItem("closeBtn", "false")
- $('.WG_button').show();
- } else {
- window.localStorage.setItem("closeBtn", "true")
- $('.WG_button').hide();
- }
- },
- calc: function () {
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.jsquivue;
- messageAppend(html);
- const jsqset = new Vue({
- el: '.JsqVueUI',
- data: {
- status: 1
- },
- methods: {
- qnjs_btn: function () {
- WG.qnjs();
- },
- lxjs_btn: function () {
- WG.lxjs();
- },
- khjs_btn: function () {
- WG.khjs();
- },
- zcjs_btn: function () {
- WG.zcjs();
- },
- getskilljson: function () {
- WG.getPlayerSkill();
- },
- autoAddLianxi: function () {
- // 询问修炼到多少级
- var level = prompt("请输入修炼到多少级", "1");
- if (level == null) {
- return;
- }
- if (parseFloat(level).toString() == "NaN") {
- messageAppend("请输入数字");
- return;
- }
- WG.selectLowKongfu(level);
- },
- onekeydaily: function () {
- WG.SendCmd("$daily");
- },
- onekeypk: function () {
- WG.auto_fight();
- },
- onekeysansan: function () {
- let mlh = `//~silent
- // 导入三三懒人包流程,方便后续导入操作
- // 自命令类型选 Raidjs流程
- // 四区白三三
- ($f_ss)={"name":"三三懒人包","source":"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mapleobserver/wsmud-script/三三懒人包.flow.txt","finder":"根文件夹"}
- @js var time=Date.parse(new Date());var f=(f_ss);var n=f["name"];var s=f["source"];var fd=f["finder"];WorkflowConfig.removeWorkflow({"name":n,"type":"flow","finder":fd});$.get(s,{stamp:time},function(data,status){WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(n,data,fd);});
- @await 2000
- tm 【三三懒人包】流程已导入,如果曾用早期版本的懒人包导入过流程,请先删除这些流程后再使用。`;
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(mlh);
- } else {
- messageAppend("请先安装Raid.js");
- }
- },
- onelddh: function () {
- let mlh = `//
- ($f_ss)={"name":"来点动画","source":"http://ii74.oss-cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/gif.txt","finder":"根文件夹"}
- @js var time=Date.parse(new Date());var f=(f_ss);var n=f["name"];var s=f["source"];var fd=f["finder"];WorkflowConfig.removeWorkflow({"name":n,"type":"flow","finder":fd});$.get(s,{stamp:time},function(data,status){WorkflowConfig.createWorkflow(n,data,fd);});
- @awiat 2000
- tm 来点动画已导入`;
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(mlh);
- } else {
- messageAppend("请先安装Raid.js");
- }
- },
- onekeystore: function () {
- WG.SendCmd("$store")
- },
- onekeysell: function () {
- WG.SendCmd("$drop")
- },
- onekeyfenjie: function () {
- WG.SendCmd("$fenjie")
- },
- updatestore: function () {
- WG.update_store();
- },
- cleandps: function () {
- WG.clean_dps();
- },
- sortstore: function () {
- WG.sort_all();
- },
- sortbag: function () {
- WG.sort_all_bag();
- },
- dsrw: function () {
- WG.dsj();
- },
- zdybtnset: function () {
- WG.zdy_btnset();
- },
- cleankksboss: function () {
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_autoKsBoss", null);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_automarry", null);
- L.msg("操作成功");
- },
- onekeydelaytest: function () {
- WG.wsdelaytest();
- },
- yuanshen: function () {
- //增加询问确实是否离开
- layer.confirm('将要退出,确定吗?', function(index){
- // do something
- // …
- window.location.href = 'https://ys.mihoyo.com/cloud/?utm_source=default#/'
- layer.close(index);
- });
- },
- onekeyyaota: function () {
- T.goyt();
- }
- }
- })
- },
- dsj_hook: undefined,
- dsj_func: function () {
- if (WG.dsj_hook) {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.dsj_hook);
- }
- messageAppend("已注入定时任务", 0, 1);
- timequestion = GM_getValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- WG.dsj_hook = WG.add_hook("time", (data) => {
- if (data.type == 'time') {
- let i = 0;
- for (let p of timequestion) {
- if ((p.h == data.h && p.m == data.m && p.s == data.s) ||
- (p.h == "" && p.m == data.m && p.s == data.s) ||
- (p.h == "" && p.m == "" && p.s == data.s)) {
- messageAppend("已触发计划" + p.name, 1, 0);
- WG.SendCmd(p.send);
- if (p.type == 1) {
- messageAppend("一次性任务,已移除" + p.name, 1, 0);
- timequestion.baoremove(i);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- }
- }
- i = i + 1;
- }
- }
- })
- },
- dsj: function () {
- WG.dsj_func();
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.timeoutui;
- messageAppend(html);
- $(".startQuest").off('click');
- $(".removeQuest").off('click');
- //[{"name":"","type":"0","send":"","h":"","s":"","m":""}]
- timequestion = GM_getValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- for (let q of timequestion) {
- let phtml = `<span class='addrun${q.name}'>编辑${q.name}</span>
- <span class='stoprun${q.name}'>删除${q.name}</span>
- <br/>
- `
- $('.questlist').append(phtml);
- $("." + `addrun${q.name}`).on("click", () => {
- $("#questname").val(q.name);
- $("#rtype").val(q.type);
- $("#ht").val(q.h);
- $("#mt").val(q.m);
- $("#st").val(q.s);
- $("#zml_info").val(q.send);
- });
- $("." + `stoprun${q.name}`).on("click", () => {
- let questname = q.name;
- let i = 0
- for (let p of timequestion) {
- if (p.name == questname) {
- timequestion.baoremove(i);
- }
- i = i + 1;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- WG.dsj();
- });
- }
- $(".startQuest").on("click", () => {
- let questname = $("#questname").val();
- let type = $("#rtype").val();
- let h = $("#ht").val();
- let m = $("#mt").val();
- let s = $("#st").val();
- let send = $("#zml_info").val();
- questname = questname.replaceAll(" ", "_");
- let item = {
- "name": questname,
- "type": type,
- "send": send,
- "h": h,
- "m": m,
- "s": s
- };
- let i = 0;
- for (let p of timequestion) {
- if (questname == p.name) {
- timequestion[i] = item;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- WG.dsj();
- return;
- }
- i = i + 1;
- }
- timequestion.push(item);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- WG.dsj();
- });
- $(".removeQuest").on("click", () => {
- let questname = $("#questname").val();
- let i = 0
- for (let p of timequestion) {
- if (p.name == questname) {
- timequestion.baoremove(i);
- return;
- }
- i = i + 1;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- WG.dsj();
- });
- },
- qnjs: function () {
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.qnjsui;
- messageAppend(html);
- const qnvue = new Vue({
- el: ".QianNengCalc",
- data: {
- qnsx: {
- m: 0,
- c: 0,
- color: 0
- }
- },
- methods: {
- qnjscalc: function () {
- $.each(this.qnsx, (key, value) => {
- this.qnsx[key] = Number(value);
- })
- messageAppend("需要潜能:" + WG.dian(this.qnsx.c, this.qnsx.m, this.qnsx.color));
- }
- }
- })
- },
- lxjs: function () {
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.lxjsui;
- messageAppend(html);
- const lxjsvue = new Vue({
- el: ".StudyTimeCalc",
- data: {
- jsqsx: {
- xtwx: 0,
- htwx: 0,
- lxxl: 0,
- clevel: 0,
- mlevel: 0,
- color: 0
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.jsqsx.xtwx = G.score.int;
- this.jsqsx.htwx = G.score.int_add;
- this.jsqsx.lxxl = parseInt(G.score2.lianxi_per.replaceAll("%", ""));
- },
- methods: {
- lxjscalc: function () {
- $.each(this.jsqsx, (key, value) => {
- this.jsqsx[key] = Number(value);
- })
- const lxObj = WG.lx(this.jsqsx.xtwx, this.jsqsx.htwx, this.jsqsx.lxxl,
- this.jsqsx.clevel, this.jsqsx.mlevel, this.jsqsx.color);
- messageAppend("需要潜能:" + lxObj.qianneng + " 所需时间:" + lxObj.time);
- }
- }
- })
- },
- khjs: function () {
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.khjsui;
- messageAppend(html);
- const khvue = new Vue({
- el: ".KaihuaCalc",
- data: {
- khsx: {
- nl: 0,
- xg: 0,
- hg: 0
- }
- },
- created() {
- this.khsx.nl = G.score.max_mp;
- this.khsx.xg = G.score.con;
- this.khsx.hg = G.score.con_add;
- },
- methods: {
- khjscalc: function () {
- $.each(this.khsx, (key, value) => {
- this.khsx[key] = Number(value);
- })
- messageAppend("你的分值:" + WG.gen(this.khsx.nl, this.khsx.xg, this.khsx.hg));
- }
- }
- })
- }, zcjs: function () {
- messageClear();
- var html = UI.zcjsui;
- messageAppend(html);
- const khvue = new Vue({
- el: ".ZiChuangCalc",
- data: {
- zcsx: {
- level: 0,
- percentage: 0
- }
- },
- methods: {
- zcjscalc: function () {
- messageAppend("自创" + this.zcsx.level + "级,词条百分比:" + this.zcsx.percentage + " 需要词条等级:" +
- Math.ceil((this.zcsx.percentage - 4 - 2.5e-3 * this.zcsx.level) / this.zcsx.level / 2.5e-5));
- }
- }
- })
- },
- switchReversal: function (e) {
- let p = e.hasClass("on");
- if (!p) {
- return "开";
- }
- return "关";
- },
- auto_preform_switch: function () {
- if (G.auto_preform) {
- G.auto_preform = false;
- messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>关闭");
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- } else {
- G.auto_preform = true;
- messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>开启");
- WG.auto_preform();
- }
- },
- forcebufskil: '',
- bufskill: {},
- xubuf: null,
- pfmskill: null,
- is_free: function () {
- if (WG.hasStr("faint", G.selfStatus) || WG.hasStr("busy", G.selfStatus) || WG.hasStr("rash", G.selfStatus) || WG.hasStr("bss", G.selfStatus)) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- },
- is_zero_releasetime: function () {
- return G.score2.releasetime.indexOf('0秒') >= 0;
- },
- auto_preform: function (v) {
- if (v == "stop") {
- G.selfStatus = [];
- WG.xubuf = null;
- WG.pfmskil = null;
- if (G.preform_timer) {
- clearInterval(G.preform_timer);
- G.preform_timer = undefined;
- $(".auto_perform").css("background", "");
- WG.forcebufskil = ''
- WG.bufskill = {}
- }
- return;
- }
- if (G.preform_timer || G.auto_preform == false) return;
- $(".auto_perform").css("background", "#3E0000");
- //出招时重新获取黑名单
- unauto_pfm = GM_getValue(roleid + "_unauto_pfm", unauto_pfm);
- var unpfm = unauto_pfm.split(',');
- for (var pfmname of unpfm) {
- if (!WG.hasStr(pfmname, blackpfm))
- blackpfm.push(pfmname);
- }
- // if (family.indexOf("逍遥") >= 0) {
- // if (!WG.hasStr("force.duo", blackpfm)) {
- // blackpfm.push('force.duo');
- // }
- // }
- if (!WG.hasStr("force.tuoli", blackpfm)) {
- blackpfm.push('force.tuoli');
- }
- // 如果 auto_pfm_mode 等于 true 则使用智能施法
- if (G.auto_pfm_mode) {
- let force_buff_skill = ['force.cui', 'force.power', 'force.xi',
- 'force.xin', 'force.chu', 'force.ztd', 'force.zhen', 'force.busi', 'force.wang'];
- let buff_skill_dict = {
- "weapon": ['sword.wu', 'blade.shi', 'sword.yu'],
- "ztd": ["force.ztd"],
- "mingyu": ["force.wang"],
- "force": ["*"],
- "dodge": ["dodge.power", "dodge.fo", "dodge.gui", "dodge.lingbo", "dodge.zhui"]
- }
- WG.xubuf = null;
- WG.pfmskill = null
- G.preform_timer = setInterval(() => {
- if (G.in_fight == false) { WG.auto_preform("stop"); return; }
- var alreay_pfm = [];
- if (WG.xubuf == null) {
- WG.xubuf = setTimeout(async () => {
- for (var skill of G.skills) {
- if (WG.hasStr(skill.id, blackpfm)) {
- continue;
- }
- for (let buf in buff_skill_dict) {
- for (let ski of buff_skill_dict[buf]) {
- if (ski == skill.id) {
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id) && !WG.hasStr(buf, G.selfStatus)) {
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- // break;
- await WG.sleep(200);
- while (!G.cds.get(skill.id)) {
- if (G.in_fight == false) { WG.auto_preform("stop"); return; }
- if (!WG.is_free()) break;
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- if (WG.hasStr(buf, G.selfStatus)) {
- console.log('buf技能' + skill.id)
- WG.bufskill[buf] = skill.id;
- }
- // alreay_pfm.push(skill.id)
- }
- // alreay_pfm.push(skill.id)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (WG.hasStr(skill.id, force_buff_skill)) {
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id) && !WG.hasStr("force", G.selfStatus)) {
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- // break;
- await WG.sleep(200);
- while (!G.cds.get(skill.id) && !WG.hasStr("force", G.selfStatus)) {
- if (G.in_fight == false) { WG.auto_preform("stop"); return; }
- if (!WG.is_free()) break;
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- if (WG.hasStr("force", G.selfStatus)) {
- console.log('内功buf技能' + skill.id)
- WG.forcebufskil = skill.id;
- }
- alreay_pfm.push(skill.id)
- }
- // alreay_pfm.push(skill.id)
- }
- }
- WG.xubuf = null;
- }, 10);
- }
- if (WG.pfmskill == null) {
- WG.pfmskill = setTimeout(async () => {
- for (var skill of G.skills) {
- if (WG.hasStr(skill.id, blackpfm)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (G.gcd) break;
- // console.log(skill);
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id) && !(WG.hasStr(skill.id, force_buff_skill) || WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict))) {
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- if (WG.is_zero_releasetime()) break; // 非0出招者只放一个技能
- await WG.sleep(20);
- if (!WG.is_free()) break;
- }
- if (WG.forcebufskil != '') {
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id) && WG.hasStr(skill.id, force_buff_skill) && skill.id != WG.forcebufskil &&
- !WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict['mingyu']) && !WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict['ztd'])) {
- console.log('使用无buf的内功技能' + skill.id)
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- if (!WG.is_free()) break;
- }
- }
- // if (WG.bufskill.hasOwnProperty('weapon') && WG.bufskill['weapon'] != '') {
- // if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id) && WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict) && skill.id != WG.bufskill['weapon'] &&
- // !WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict['mingyu']) && !WG.hasStr(skill.id, buff_skill_dict['ztd'])) {
- // console.log('使用无buf的武器技能' + skill.id)
- // WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- // if (!WG.is_free()) break;
- // }
- // }
- }
- WG.pfmskill = null
- }, 10);
- }
- }, 300);
- }
- else {
- G.preform_timer = setInterval(() => {
- if (G.in_fight == false) WG.auto_preform("stop");
- for (var skill of G.skills) {
- if (WG.inArray(skill.id, blackpfm)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(skill.id)) {
- WG.Send("perform " + skill.id);
- break;
- }
- }
- }, 350);
- }
- },
- formatCurrencyTenThou: function (num) {
- num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g, '');
- if (isNaN(num)) num = "0";
- var sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
- num = Math.floor(num * 10 + 0.50000000001); //cents = num%10;
- num = Math.floor(num / 10).toString();
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length - (1 + i)) / 3); i++) {
- num = num.substring(0, num.length - (4 * i + 3)) + ',' + num.substring(num.length - (4 * i + 3));
- }
- return (((sign) ? '' : '-') + num);
- },
- gen: function (nl, xg, hg) {
- var jg = nl / 100 + xg * hg / 10;
- var sd = this.formatCurrencyTenThou(jg);
- return sd;
- },
- dian: function (c, m, se) {
- var j = c + m;
- var jj = m - c;
- var jjc = jj / 2;
- var z = j * jjc * se * 5;
- var sd = this.formatCurrencyTenThou(z);
- return sd;
- },
- lx: function (xtwx, htwx, lxxl, dqdj, mbdj, k) {
- var qianneng = (mbdj * mbdj - dqdj * dqdj) * 2.5 * k;
- var time = qianneng / (xtwx + htwx) / (1 + lxxl / 100 - xtwx / 100) / 12;
- var timeString = time < 60 ? `${parseInt(time)}分钟` : `${parseInt(time / 60)}小时${parseInt(time % 60)}分钟`;
- return { qianneng: qianneng, time: timeString };
- },
- //找boss,boss不在,-1,
- findboss: function (data, bossname, callback) {
- for (let i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- if (data.items[i] != 0) {
- if (data.items[i].name.indexOf(bossname) >= 0) {
- callback(data.items[i].id);
- }
- }
- }
- callback(-1);
- },
- ksboss: undefined,
- kksBoss: function (data) {
- var boss_place = data.content.match("出现在([^%]+)一带。")[1];
- var boss_name = data.content.match("听说([^%]+)出现在")[1];
- if (boss_name == null || boss_place == null) {
- return;
- }
- blacklist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_blacklist", blacklist);
- blacklist = blacklist instanceof Array ? blacklist : blacklist.split(",");
- if (WG.inArray(boss_name.replace("/<(.*?)>/g", ""), blacklist)) {
- messageAppend("黑名单boss,忽略!");
- return;
- }
- autoKsBoss = GM_getValue(roleid + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss);
- ks_pfm = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm);
- ks_wait = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ks_wait", ks_wait);
- autoeq = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_eq", autoeq);
- console.log("boss");
- console.log(boss_place);
- var c = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'closeauto'>关闭自动执行后命令</span></div>";
- messageAppend("自动前往BOSS地点 " + c);
- $('#closeauto').off('click');
- $('#closeauto').on('click', () => {
- if (timer != 0) {
- WG.timer_close();
- messageAppend("已停止后命令");
- } else {
- messageAppend("已经停止");
- }
- });
- WG.Send("stopstate");
- WG.go(boss_place);
- WG.ksboss = WG.add_hook(["items", "itemadd", "die", "room"], function (data) {
- if (data.type == "items") {
- if (!WG.at(boss_place)) {
- return;
- }
- WG.findboss(data, boss_name, function (bid) {
- if (bid != -1) {
- next = 999;
- if (autoeq != "") {
- WG.eqhelper(autoeq);
- }
- setTimeout(() => {
- WG.Send("kill " + bid);
- //WG.Send("select " + bid);
- next = 0;
- }, Number(ks_pfm));
- } else {
- if (next == 999) {
- console.log('found');
- return;
- }
- let lj = needfind[boss_place];
- if (needfind[boss_place] != undefined && next < lj.length) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- console.log(lj[next]);
- WG.Send(lj[next]);
- next++;
- }, 1000);
- } else {
- console.log("not found");
- }
- }
- });
- }
- if (data.type == "itemadd") {
- if (data.name.indexOf(boss_name) >= 0) {
- next = 0;
- WG.Send("get all from " + data.id);
- WG.remove_hook(this.index);
- }
- }
- if (data.type == "die") {
- next = 0;
- WG.Send('relive');
- WG.remove_hook(this.index);
- }
- if (data.type == 'room') {
- if (next == 999) {
- next = 0;
- }
- }
- });
- timer = setTimeout(() => {
- console.log("复活挖矿");
- WG.Send('relive');
- WG.remove_hook(this.ksboss);
- auto_command = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_command", auto_command);
- if (auto_command && auto_command != null && auto_command != "" && auto_command != "null") {
- WG.SendCmd(auto_command);
- } else {
- WG.zdwk();
- }
- next = 0;
- WG.timer_close();
- }, 1000 * ks_wait);
- },
- marryhy: undefined,
- xiyan: async function () {
- var c = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'closeauto'>关闭自动执行后命令</span></div>";
- messageAppend("自动喜宴 " + c);
- $('#closeauto').off('click');
- $('#closeauto').on('click', () => {
- if (timer != 0) {
- WG.timer_close();
- messageAppend("已停止后命令");
- } else {
- messageAppend("已经停止");
- }
- });
- WG.Send("stopstate");
- WG.go("扬州城-喜宴");
- WG.marryhy = WG.add_hook(['items', 'cmds', 'text', 'msg'], function (data) {
- if (data.type == 'items') {
- for (let idx = 0; idx < data.items.length; idx++) {
- if (data.items[idx] != 0) {
- if (data.items[idx].name.indexOf(">婚宴礼桌<") >= 0) {
- console.log("拾取");
- WG.Send('get all from ' + data.items[idx].id);
- console.log("xy" + WG.marryhy);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.marryhy);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg == "你要给谁东西?") {
- console.log("没人");
- }
- if (/^店小二拦住你说道:怎么又是你,每次都跑这么快,等下再进去。$/.test(data.msg)) {
- console.log("cd");
- messageAppend("<hiy>你太勤快了, 1秒后回去挖矿</hiy>")
- }
- if (/^店小二拦住你说道:这位(.+),不好意思,婚宴宾客已经太多了。$/.test(data.msg)) {
- console.log("客满");
- messageAppend("<hiy>你来太晚了, 1秒后回去挖矿</hiy>")
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'cmds') {
- for (let idx = 0; idx < data.items.length; idx++) {
- if (data.items[idx].name == '1金贺礼') {
- WG.SendCmd(data.items[idx].cmd + ';go up;$wait 2000;go down;go up');
- console.log("交钱");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- timer = setTimeout(() => {
- console.log("挖矿");
- WG.remove_hook(this.marryhy);
- if (auto_command && auto_command != null && auto_command != "" && auto_command != "null") {
- WG.SendCmd(auto_command);
- } else {
- WG.zdwk();
- }
- next = 0;
- WG.timer_close();
- }, 30000);
- },
- saveRoomstate(data) {
- roomData = data.items;
- },
- haspack: function (name, callback) {
- WG.Send('pack');
- for (let item of packData) {
- if (item.name.indexOf(name) >= 0) {
- callback(item.id);
- return;
- }
- }
- callback('');
- },
- eqx: null,
- eqxp: null,
- eqhelper(type, enaskill = 0, realy = false) {
- var deepCopy = function (source) {
- var result = {};
- for (var key in source) {
- result[key] = typeof source[key] === 'object' ? deepCopy(source[key]) : source[key];
- }
- return result;
- }
- if (type == undefined || type == 0 || type > eqlist.length) {
- return;
- }
- if (eqlist == null || eqlist[type] == null || eqlist[type] == "") {
- if (enaskill == 1) {
- return;
- }
- messageAppend("套装未保存,保存当前装备作为套装" + type + "!", 1);
- WG.eqx = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.eqs != undefined) {
- eqlist[type] = deepCopy(data.eqs);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_eqlist", eqlist);
- messageAppend("套装" + type + "保存成功!", 1);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.eqx);
- WG.eqx = null;
- }
- });
- WG.eqxp = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- if (data.dialog == 'skills' && data.items != null) {
- var nowskill = { 'throwing': '', 'unarmed': '', 'force': '', 'dodge': '', 'sword': '', 'blade': '', 'club': '', 'staff': '', 'whip': '', 'parry': '' };
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (nowskill[item.id] != null) {
- if (item.enable_skill == null) {
- nowskill[item.id] = 'none';
- } else {
- nowskill[item.id] = item.enable_skill;
- }
- }
- }
- skilllist[type] = nowskill;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_skilllist", skilllist);
- messageAppend("技能" + type + "保存成功!", 1);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.eqxp);
- WG.eqxp = null;
- }
- });
- WG.Send("cha");
- WG.Send("pack");
- } else {
- if (WG.eqx != null || WG.eqxp != null) {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.eqx);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.eqxp);
- WG.eqx = null;
- WG.eqxp = null;
- }
- eqlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_eqlist", eqlist);
- skilllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_skilllist", skilllist);
- if (realy) {
- var eqdata = ""
- if (enaskill == 0) {
- //从eqlist第一项开始遍历
- for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
- if (eqlist[type][i] != null && eqlist[type][i] != "") {
- eqdata += "eq " + eqlist[type][i].id + ";";
- }
- }
- // 将eqlist第一项的id添加到eqdata
- eqdata += "eq " + eqlist[type][0].id + ";";
- } else {
- //使用for in遍历skilllist 获取其中的id
- for (let i in skilllist[type]) {
- if (skilllist[type][i] != null && skilllist[type][i] != "") {
- eqdata += "enable " + i + " " + skilllist[type][i] + ";";
- }
- }
- }
- copyToClipboard(eqdata);
- messageAppend(type + "已复制到剪贴板!", 1);
- return
- }
- var p_cmds = "";
- // console.log(G.enable_skills)
- let mySkills = [];
- let myEqs = "";
- for (let ski of G.eqs) {
- if (ski) {
- myEqs = myEqs + ski.id;
- }
- }
- let tsMsg = "套装"
- if (enaskill === 0) {
- for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
- if (eqlist[type][i] != null && myEqs.indexOf(eqlist[type][i].id) < 0) {
- p_cmds += ("$wait 20;eq " + eqlist[type][i].id + ";");
- }
- }
- if (eqlist[type][0] != null && myEqs.indexOf(eqlist[type][0].id) < 0) {
- p_cmds += ("$wait 40;eq " + eqlist[type][0].id + ";");
- }
- }
- if (enaskill === 1) {
- for (var key in skilllist[type]) {
- for (let ski of G.enable_skills) {
- if (ski.name != skilllist[type][key] && ski.type == key) {
- p_cmds += (`$wait 40;enable ${key} ${skilllist[type][key]};`);
- break
- }
- }
- }
- tsMsg = "技能"
- $("span[command=skills]").click();
- }
- p_cmds = p_cmds + '$wait 40;cha;look3 1';
- WG.eqx = WG.add_hook('text', function (data) {
- if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg.indexOf('没有这个玩家') >= 0) {
- messageAppend(tsMsg + "装备成功" + type + "!", 1);
- if (enaskill == 1) {
- $("span[command=skills]").click();
- }
- WG.remove_hook(WG.eqx);
- }
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd(p_cmds);
- }
- },
- eqhelperdel: function (type) {
- eqlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_eqlist", eqlist);
- skilllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_skilllist", skilllist);
- delete eqlist[type];
- delete skilllist[type];
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_eqlist", eqlist);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_skilllist", skilllist);
- messageAppend("清除套装 技能" + type + "设置成功!", 1);
- },
- uneqall: function (isskill = "0") {
- if (isskill == "0") {
- this.eqx = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.eqs != undefined) {
- for (let i = 0; i < data.eqs.length; i++) {
- if (data.eqs[i] != null) {
- WG.Send("uneq " + data.eqs[i].id);
- }
- }
- WG.remove_hook(this.eqx);
- }
- });
- WG.Send("pack");
- messageAppend("取消所有装备成功!", 1);
- } else {
- const enaNone = "enable unarmed none;enable blade none;enable force none;enable parry none;enable dodge none;enable sword none;enable throwing none;enable whip none;enable club none;enable staff none";
- const enalist = enaNone.split(";");
- for (let i = 0; i < enalist.length; i++) {
- WG.sleep(10);
- WG.Send(enalist[i]);
- }
- messageAppend("取消所有技能成功!", 1);
- }
- },
- eqloader: function () {
- let tmp_eqlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_eqlist", null);
- var subItems = {
- };
- for (let item in tmp_eqlist) {
- subItems[item] = { name: "装备" + item, icon: "fa-compress", callback: function () { WG.eqhelper(item, 0) } }
- subItems[item + "sk"] = { name: "技能" + item, icon: "fa-magic", callback: function () { WG.eqhelper(item, 1) } }
- subItems[item + "del"] = { name: "删除组" + item, icon: "fa-remove", callback: function () { WG.eqhelperdel(item) } }
- }
- subItems['setting'] = { name: "套装管理", icon: "edit", callback: function () { WG.eqhelperui() } }
- var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
- setTimeout(function () {
- dfd.resolve(subItems);
- }, 20);
- //setTimeout(function () {
- // dfd.reject(errorItems);
- //}, 1000);
- return dfd.promise();
- },
- eqhelperui: function () {
- messageClear();
- var a = UI.skillsPanel;
- messageAppend(a);
- new Vue({
- el: "#skillsPanelUI",
- data: {
- role: role,
- roleid: roleid,
- eqlist: {},
- cpeqlist: {},
- eqlistdel: {},
- covereqlist: {},
- eqskills_id: "none"
- },
- created() {
- },
- mounted() {
- this.eqlist = GM_getValue(this.roleid + "_eqlist", {});
- },
- methods: {
- eq: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelper(name, 0)
- },
- eqs: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelper(name, 1)
- },
- copyeq: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelper(name, 0, true)
- },
- copyeqs: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelper(name, 1, true)
- },
- save: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelper(name)
- setTimeout(() => {
- this.eqlist = GM_getValue(this.roleid + "_eqlist", {});
- WG.eqhelperui()
- }, 300);
- },
- covereq: function (name) {
- // var that = this;
- this.deleq(name)
- this.save(name)
- },
- deleq: function (name) {
- WG.eqhelperdel(name)
- setTimeout(() => {
- WG.eqhelperui()
- }, 200);
- },
- show: function () {
- WG.eqhelperui()
- },
- saveUI: function () {
- var that = this
- layer.prompt({ title: '请输入套装名...', formType: 2 }, function (text, index) {
- layer.close(index);
- if (text != null) {
- that.save(text)
- }
- });
- },
- eqskills_opts_change: function (eqskills_id) {
- switch (eqskills_id) {
- case "save":
- this.saveUI();
- break;
- case "copyeq":
- this.covereqlist = {}
- this.eqlist = {};
- this.eqlistdel = {};
- this.cpeqlist = GM_getValue(this.roleid + "_eqlist", {});
- this.role = "<< 返回";
- break
- case "delete":
- this.cpeqlist = {}
- this.eqlist = {};
- this.covereqlist = {};
- this.eqlistdel = GM_getValue(this.roleid + "_eqlist", {});
- this.role = "<< 返回";
- break;
- case "covereq":
- this.cpeqlist = {}
- this.eqlist = {};
- this.eqlistdel = {};
- this.covereqlist = GM_getValue(this.roleid + "_eqlist", {});
- this.role = "<< 返回";
- break;
- case "uneqall":
- WG.uneqall();
- break;
- case "none":
- default:
- break;
- };
- },
- }
- });
- },
- fight_listener: undefined,
- auto_fight: function () {
- if (WG.fight_listener) {
- messageAppend("<hio>自动比试</hio>结束");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.fight_listener);
- WG.fight_listener = undefined;
- return;
- }
- let name = prompt("请输入NPC名称,例如:\"高根明\"");
- let id = WG.find_item(name);
- if (id == null) return;
- WG.fight_listener = WG.add_hook(["text", "sc", "combat"], async function (data) {
- if (data.type == "combat" && data.end) {
- let item = G.items.get(G.id);
- if (item.mp / item.max_mp < 0.8) {
- WG.SendCmd("dazuo");
- }
- WG.SendCmd("liaoshang");
- } else if (data.type == "sc" && data.id == id) {
- let item = G.items.get(id);
- if (item.hp >= item.max_hp) {
- WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id);
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'sc' && data.id == G.id) {
- if (data.hp >= data.max_hp) {
- WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id);
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你先调整好自己的状态再来找别人比试吧") >= 0) {
- WG.SendCmd("liaoshang");
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你想趁人之危吗") >= 0) {
- WG.SendCmd("dazuo");
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf(">你疗伤完毕,深深吸了口气") >= 0) {
- WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id);
- }
- }
- });
- WG.Send("stopstate;fight " + id);
- messageAppend("<hio>自动比试</hio>开始");
- },
- find_item: function (name) {
- for (let [k, v] of G.items) {
- if (v.name == name) {
- return k;
- }
- }
- return null;
- },
- recover: function (hp, mp, cd, callback) {
- //返回定时器
- if (hp == 0) {
- if (WG.recover_timer) {
- clearTimeout(WG.recover_timer);
- WG.recover_timer = undefined;
- }
- return;
- }
- WG.Send("dazuo");
- WG.recover_timer = setInterval(function () {
- //检查状态
- let item = G.items.get(G.id);
- if (item.mp / item.max_mp < mp) { //内力控制
- if (item.state != "打坐") {
- WG.Send("stopstate;dazuo");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (item.hp / item.max_hp < hp) {
- //血满
- if (item.state != "疗伤") {
- WG.Send("stopstate;liaoshang");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (item.state) WG.Send("stopstate");
- if (cd) {
- for (let [k, v] of G.cds) {
- if (k == "force.tu") continue;
- if (v) return;
- }
- }
- clearInterval(WG.recover_timer);
- callback();
- }, 1000);
- },
- useitem_hook: undefined,
- auto_useitem: async function () {
- var useflag = true;
- if (!WG.useitem_hook) {
- WG.useitem_hook = WG.add_hook("text", function (data) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你身上没有这个东西") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("太多") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("不能使用") >= 0) {
- useflag = false;
- WG.remove_hook(WG.useitem_hook);
- WG.useitem_hook = undefined;
- }
- })
- }
- let name = prompt("请输入物品id,在背包中点击查看物品,即可在提示窗口看到物品id输出");
- if (!name) {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.useitem_hook);
- WG.useitem_hook = undefined;
- return;
- }
- let num = prompt("请输入物品使用次数,例如:\"10\"", '10');
- if (name) {
- if (name.length != 11) {
- L.msg('id不合法');
- WG.remove_hook(WG.useitem_hook);
- WG.useitem_hook = undefined;
- return;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
- if (useflag) {
- WG.Send('use ' + name);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- } else {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.useitem_hook);
- WG.useitem_hook = undefined;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- WG.remove_hook(WG.useitem_hook);
- WG.useitem_hook = undefined;
- },
- auto_Development_medicine: function () {
- messageClear();
- var a = UI.lyui;
- messageAppend(a);
- const lianyaovue = new Vue({
- el: "#LianYao",
- data: {
- level: 0,
- num: 1,
- info: ""
- },
- created() {
- this.info = GM_getValue("lastmed", $('#medicint_info').val());
- this.level = GM_getValue("lastmedlevel", $('#medicine_level').val());
- },
- methods: {
- startDev: function () {
- if (WG.at('住房-炼药房') || WG.at('帮会-炼药房')) {
- WG.auto_start_dev_med(this.info.replace(" ", ""), this.level, this.num);
- } else {
- L.msg("请先前往炼药房");
- }
- },
- stopDev: function () {
- WG.Send("stopstate");
- }
- }
- });
- },
- findMedItems_hook: undefined,
- auto_start_dev_med: function (med_item, level, num) {
- GM_setValue("lastmed", med_item);
- GM_setValue("lastmedlevel", level);
- if (med_item) {
- if (med_item.split(",").length < 2) {
- L.msg("素材不足");
- return;
- }
- } else {
- L.msg("素材不足");
- return;
- }
- var tmpitme = med_item.split('|');
- var med_items = [];
- for (let pitem of tmpitme) {
- //去除空格
- pitem = pitem.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
- med_items.push(pitem.split(","));
- }
- WG.findMedItems_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.items != undefined && data.items.length >= 0) {
- let med_items_ids = [];
- let med_haves = [];
- for (let item of med_items) {
- let med_items_id = [];
- let med_have = [];
- for (let med_item of item) {
- if (JSON.stringify(data.items).indexOf(med_item) >= 0) {
- for (let pitem of data.items) {
- if (pitem.name.indexOf(med_item) >= 0) {
- med_items_id.push(pitem.id);
- med_have.push(med_item);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- med_haves.push(med_have);
- med_items_ids.push(med_items_id);
- }
- let idx = 0;
- for (let med_items_id of med_items_ids) {
- if (med_items_id.length != med_items[idx].length) {
- var temp = [];
- var temparray = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < med_haves[idx].length; i++) {
- temp[med_haves[idx][i]] = typeof med_haves[idx][i];;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < med_items[idx].length; i++) {
- var type = typeof med_items[idx][i];
- if (!temp[med_items[idx][i]]) {
- temparray.push(med_items[idx][i]);
- } else if (temp[med_items[idx][i]].indexOf(type) < 0) {
- temparray.push(med_items[idx][i]);
- }
- }
- let arr = [];
- for (const item of new Set(temparray)) {
- arr.push(item)
- }
- L.msg("素材不足,请检查背包是否存在" + arr.join('.'));
- WG.remove_hook(WG.findMedItems_hook);
- WG.findMedItems_hook = null;
- return;
- }
- idx = idx + 1;
- }
- var p_Cmd = WG.make_med_cmd(med_items_ids, level, num);
- console.log(p_Cmd);
- WG.SendStep(p_Cmd);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.findMedItems_hook);
- }
- });
- WG.Send('pack');
- },
- make_med_cmd: function (medItem_ids, level, num) {
- let result = "";
- for (let medItem_id of medItem_ids) {
- for (let i = 0; i < parseInt(num); i++) {
- let startCmd = "lianyao2 start " + level + ";";
- let endCmd = "lianyao2 stop;";
- let midCmd = "lianyao2 add ";
- for (let medid of medItem_id) {
- result += startCmd + midCmd + medid + ";"
- }
- result += endCmd;
- }
- }
- return result + "$syso 炼制完成;";
- },
- zmlfire: async function (zml) {
- if (zml) {
- messageAppend("运行" + zml.name, 2);
- if (zml.zmlType == 0 || zml.zmlType == "" || zml.zmlType == undefined) {
- await WG.SendCmd(zml.zmlRun);
- } else if (zml.zmlType == 1) {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(zml.zmlRun);
- }
- } else if (zml.zmlType == 2) {
- eval(zml.zmlRun);
- }
- }
- },
- zmlztjk: function () {
- zml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- if (! typeof zml instanceof Array) {
- zml = [];
- }
- messageClear();
- var a = UI.zmlandztjkui;
- messageAppend(a);
- const zmlvue = new Vue({
- el: "#zmlandztjk",
- data: {
- },
- created() {
- this.zmldata = zml;
- },
- methods: {
- run: function (v) {
- WG.zmlfire(v);
- },
- zml: function () {
- WG.zml_edit();
- },
- ztjk: function () {
- WG.ztjk_edit();
- },
- startjk: function () {
- WG.ztjk_func();
- },
- stopjk: function () {
- if (WG.ztjk_hook) {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.ztjk_hook);
- WG.ztjk_hook = undefined;
- messageAppend("已取消注入", 2);
- return;
- }
- messageAppend("未注入", 2);
- }
- }
- })
- },
- zml_edit: function () {
- zml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- if (! typeof zml instanceof Array) {
- zml = [];
- }
- messageClear();
- var edithtml = UI.zmlsetting;
- messageAppend(edithtml);
- const zmlvue = new Vue({
- el: "#zmldialog",
- data: {
- singnalzml: {
- name: "",
- zmlType: "0",
- zmlRun: ""
- },
- zmldata: zml
- },
- created() {
- this.zmldata = zml;
- },
- methods: {
- add: function () {
- let zmljson = {
- "name": this.singnalzml.name,
- "zmlRun": this.singnalzml.zmlRun,
- "zmlShow": 0,
- "zmlType": this.singnalzml.zmlType
- };
- let _flag = true;
- for (let item of this.zmldata) {
- if (item.name == zmljson.name) {
- zmljson.zmlShow = item.zmlShow;
- item = zmljson;
- _flag = false;
- }
- }
- if (_flag) {
- this.zmldata.push(zmljson);
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zml", this.zmldata);
- L.msg("保存成功");
- },
- del: function () {
- this.zmldata.forEach((v, k) => {
- if (v.name == this.singnalzml.name) {
- this.zmldata.baoremove(k);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zml", this.zmldata);
- L.msg("删除成功");
- }
- });
- },
- getShare: function () {
- var id = prompt("请输入分享码");
- S.getShareJson(id, (res) => {
- let v = JSON.parse(res.json);
- if (v.zmlRun != undefined) {
- this.singnalzml = v;
- } else {
- L.msg("不合法")
- }
- });
- },
- edit: function (v) {
- this.singnalzml = v;
- },
- showp: function (v) {
- zmlshowsetting = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zmlshowsetting", zmlshowsetting);
- //<span class="zdy-item act-item-zdy" zml="use j8ea35f34ce">大还丹</span>
- let a = $(".room-commands");
- if (zmlshowsetting == 1) {
- a = $(".zdy-commands");
- }
- for (let item of a.children()) {
- if (item.textContent == v.name) {
- item.remove();
- v.zmlShow = 0;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- messageAppend("删除快速使用" + v.name, 1);
- return;
- }
- }
- a.append("<span class=\"zdy-item act-item-zdy act-item\">" + v.name + "</span>")
- v.zmlShow = 1;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- messageAppend("设置快速使用" + v.name, 0, 1);
- //绑定事件
- $('.act-item-zdy').off('click');
- $(".act-item-zdy").on('click', function () {
- T.usezml(0, this.textContent, "");
- });
- },
- share: function (v) {
- S.shareJson(G.id, v);
- }
- }
- })
- },
- isseted: false,
- zml_showp: function () {
- $(".zdy-commands").empty();
- $('.act-item-zdy').remove();
- zmlshowsetting = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zmlshowsetting", zmlshowsetting);
- for (let zmlitem of zml) {
- let a = $(".room-commands");
- if (zmlshowsetting == 1) {
- for (let item of a.children()) {
- if (item.textContent == zmlitem.name) {
- item.remove();
- }
- }
- a = $(".zdy-commands");
- if (!WG.isseted) {
- let px = $('.tool-bar.right-bar').css("bottom");
- px.replace("px", "");
- px = parseInt(px);
- px = px + 24;
- $('.tool-bar.right-bar').css("bottom", px + "px");
- WG.isseted = true;
- }
- } else {
- for (let item of $(".zdy-commands").children()) {
- if (item.textContent == zmlitem.name) {
- item.remove();
- }
- }
- }
- if (zmlitem.zmlShow == 1) {
- a.append("<span class=\"zdy-item act-item-zdy act-item\">" + zmlitem.name + "</span>")
- messageAppend("设置快速使用" + zmlitem.name, 0, 1);
- //绑定事件
- $('.act-item-zdy').off('click');
- $(".act-item-zdy").on('click', function () {
- T.usezml(0, this.textContent, "");
- });
- }
- }
- },
- ztjk_edit: function () {
- //[{"name":"","type":"state","action":"remove","keyword":"busy","ishave":"0","send":""}]
- ztjk_item = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- messageClear();
- var edithtml = UI.ztjksetting;
- messageAppend(edithtml);
- $(".ztjk_sharedfind").on('click', () => {
- var id = prompt("请输入分享码");
- S.getShareJson(id, (res) => {
- let v = JSON.parse(res.json);
- if (v.type != undefined) {
- $('#ztjk_name').val(v.name);
- $('#ztjk_type').val(v.type);
- $('#ztjk_action').val(v.action);
- $('#ztjk_keyword').val(v.keyword);
- $('#ztjk_ishave').val(v.ishave);
- $('#ztjk_send').val(v.send);
- $('#ztjk_senduser').val(v.senduser);
- $("#ztjk_maxcount").val(v.maxcount);
- $("#ztjk_istip").val(v.istip);
- } else {
- L.msg("不合法")
- }
- });
- });
- $('.ztjk_editadd').on("click", function () {
- var ztjk = {
- name: $('#ztjk_name').val(),
- type: $('#ztjk_type').val(),
- action: $('#ztjk_action').val(),
- keyword: $('#ztjk_keyword').val(),
- ishave: $('#ztjk_ishave').val(),
- send: $('#ztjk_send').val(),
- senduser: $('#ztjk_senduser').val(),
- isactive: 1,
- maxcount: $('#ztjk_maxcount').val(),
- istip: $('#ztjk_istip').val()
- };
- let _flag = true;
- ztjk_item.forEach(function (v, k) {
- if (v.name == $('#ztjk_name').val()) {
- ztjk_item[k] = ztjk;
- _flag = false;
- }
- });
- if (_flag) {
- ztjk_item.push(ztjk);
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_edit();
- messageAppend("保存成功", 2);
- WG.ztjk_func();
- });
- $(".ztjk_editdel").on('click', function () {
- let name = $('#ztjk_name').val();
- ztjk_item.forEach(function (v, k) {
- if (v.name == name) {
- ztjk_item.baoremove(k);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_edit();
- messageAppend("删除成功", 2);
- WG.ztjk_func();
- }
- });
- })
- ztjk_item.forEach(function (v, k) {
- var btn = "<span class='addrun" + k + "'>编辑" + v.name + "</span>";
- $('#ztjk_show').append(btn);
- var tmptext = "注入";
- if (v.isactive && v.isactive == 1) {
- tmptext = "暂停";
- }
- var setbtn = "<span class='setaction" + k + "'>" + tmptext + v.name + "</span>";
- $('#ztjk_set').append(setbtn);
- var btn3 = "<span class='shareztjk" + k + "'>分享" + v.name + "</span>";
- $('#ztjk_show').append(btn3);
- });
- ztjk_item.forEach(function (v, k) {
- $(".addrun" + k).on("click", function () {
- $('#ztjk_name').val(v.name);
- $('#ztjk_type').val(v.type);
- $('#ztjk_action').val(v.action);
- $('#ztjk_keyword').val(v.keyword);
- $('#ztjk_ishave').val(v.ishave);
- $('#ztjk_send').val(v.send);
- $('#ztjk_senduser').val(v.senduser);
- $("#ztjk_maxcount").val(v.maxcount);
- if (v.istip == null) {
- $("#ztjk_istip").val(1);
- } else {
- } $("#ztjk_istip").val(v.istip);
- });
- $('.setaction' + k).on('click', function () {
- if (this.textContent.indexOf("暂停") >= 0) {
- ztjk_item[k].isactive = 0;
- } else {
- ztjk_item[k].isactive = 1;
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_func();
- WG.ztjk_edit();
- });
- $('.shareztjk' + k).on('click', function () {
- S.shareJson(G.id, v);
- });
- });
- },
- ytjk_func: function () {
- WG.add_hook("room", async function (data) {
- if (G.yaotaFlag && data.path != 'zc/mu/shishenta') {
- $('.channel pre').append("<hig>【插件】" + "第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次妖塔共获得 " + G.yaoyuan + " 点妖元,结束时间: " + dateFormat("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", new Date()) + "。<br><hig>")
- $('.tm').append("<hig>【插件】" + "第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次妖塔共获得 " + G.yaoyuan + " 点妖元,结束时间: " + dateFormat("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", new Date()) + "。<br><hig>")
- setTimeout(async function () {
- while (!WG.is_free()) {
- await WG.sleep(1000)
- }
- if (G.yaoyuan == 261) {
- WG.SendCmd("tm 第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次妖塔圆满完成,撒花~~~~~")
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd("tm 第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次妖塔遗憾收场,撒花~~~~~")
- }
- $('#yt_prog').remove()
- G.yaotaFlag = false;
- G.yaoyuan = 0;
- }, 0)
- }
- if (data.path == 'zc/mu/shishenta') {
- $(`.state-bar`).before(`<div id=yt_prog>开始攻略妖塔</div>`)
- G.yaotaCount = G.yaotaCount + 1;
- $('.channel pre').append("<hig>【插件】" + "开始第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次攻略妖塔,现在时间是:" + dateFormat("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", new Date()) + "。<br><hig>")
- $('.tm').append("<hig>【插件】" + "开始第 " + G.yaotaCount + " 次攻略妖塔,现在时间是:" + dateFormat("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", new Date()) + "。<br><hig>")
- G.yaoyuan = 0;
- G.yaotaFlag = true;
- }
- })
- },
- ztjk_hook: undefined,
- ztjk_func: function () {
- if (WG.ztjk_hook) {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.ztjk_hook);
- }
- WG.ztjk_hook = undefined;
- ztjk_item = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_hook = WG.add_hook(["dispfm", "enapfm", "dialog", "room", "itemadd", "itemremove", "status", "text", "msg", "die", "combat", "sc"], function (data) {
- ztjk_item.forEach(function (v, k) {
- if (v.isactive != 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (data.type == v.type) {
- let keywords = v.keyword.split("|");
- switch (v.type) {
- case "status":
- if (!data.name) {
- if (v.action == data.action) {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.sid.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.ishave == "0" && data.id != G.id) {
- if (v.istip == "1") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- } else if (v.ishave == "1" && data.id == G.id) {
- if (data.count != undefined && v.maxcount) {
- if (parseInt(data.count) < parseInt(v.maxcount)) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (v.action == data.action) {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.sid.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0 || data.name.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.ishave == "0" && data.id != G.id) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- } else if (v.ishave == "1" && data.id == G.id) {
- if (data.count != undefined && v.maxcount) {
- if (parseInt(data.count) < parseInt(v.maxcount)) {
- messageAppend("当前层数" + data.count + ",已触发" + v.name, 1);
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "text":
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.msg) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{content}", data.msg.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll(";", ""));
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "msg":
- if (!v.senduser || v.senduser == "" || v.senduser == null) {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.content.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.content) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{content}", data.content.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll(";", ""));
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- let sendusers = v.senduser.split("|");
- for (let item of sendusers) {
- if (data.name == item) {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.content.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.content) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{content}", data.content);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if ((item == "谣言" && data.ch == "rumor") ||
- (item == "系统" && data.ch == 'sys') ||
- (item == "门派" && data.ch == 'fam') ||
- (item == "帮派" && data.ch == 'pty')) {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.content.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.content) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{content}", data.content);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // else if (item == "系统" && data.ch == 'sys') {
- // for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- // if (data.content.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- // messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- // WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- // }
- // }
- // }
- }
- break;
- case "die":
- if (data.commands != null) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- break;
- case "itemadd":
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.name.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.ishave == 2) {
- if (data.p != null) {
- break
- }
- }
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- if (data.id) {
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "room":
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.name.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- let p = v.send.replace("{name}", data.name);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- return;
- }
- for (let roomItem of roomData) {
- if (roomItem == 0) { return; }
- if (roomItem.name.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0 && roomItem.p == undefined) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- let p = v.send.replace("{name}", data.name);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "dialog":
- if (data.dialog && data.dialog == "pack") {
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (data.name && data.name.indexOf(keyworditem) >= 0) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- let p = v.send.replace("{id}", data.id);
- WG.SendCmd(p);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case "combat":
- for (var keyworditem of keywords) {
- if (keyworditem == "start" && data.start == 1) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- } else if (keyworditem == "end" && data.end == 1) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "sc":
- let item = G.items.get(G.id);
- if (v.ishave == "0") {
- //查找id
- if (!v.senduser) { }
- let pid = WG.find_item(v.senduser);
- item = G.items.get(pid);
- }
- if (item && item.hp) {
- if ((item.hp / item.max_hp) * 100 < (parseInt(keywords[0]))) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- if (item && item.mp) {
- if ((item.mp / item.max_mp) * 100 < (parseInt(keywords[1]))) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "enapfm":
- for (let item of keywords) {
- if (item == data.id) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- break;
- case "dispfm":
- for (let item of keywords) {
- if (item == data.id) {
- if (v.istip != "0") {
- messageAppend("已触发" + v.name, 1);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(v.send);
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- });
- messageAppend("已重新注入自动监控", 0, 1);
- },
- daily_hook: undefined,
- oneKeyDaily: async function () {
- messageAppend("本脚本会自动执行师门及自动进退小树林,请确保精力足够再执行,请不要点击任务菜单", 1);
- var fbnums = 0;
- WG.daily_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", async function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == "tasks") {
- if (data.items) {
- let dailylog = "";
- let dailystate = "";
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.id == "signin") {
- dailylog = item.desc;
- dailystate = item.state;
- }
- }
- if (dailystate == 3) {
- messageAppend("日常已完成", 1);
- //WG.zdwk();
- setTimeout(() => {
- WG.remove_hook(WG.daily_hook);
- WG.daily_hook = undefined;
- }, 1);
- return;
- } else {
- let str = dailylog;
- str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, '');
- let str1 = str.split("精力消耗");
- let n = str1[0].match(":([^%]+)/20")[1];
- let n1 = str1[1].match(":([^%]+)/200")[1];
- n = 20 - parseInt(n);
- fbnums = 20 - parseInt(n1) / 10;
- messageAppend("还需要" + n + "次师门任务," + fbnums + "次副本,才可签到");
- if (n != 0) {
- //$(".sm_button").click();
- $(".sm_button").text("停止(Q)");
- WG.sm_state = 0;
- setTimeout(WG.smTask, 200);
- return
- } else {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- }
- //WG.remove_hook(WG.daily_hook);
- //WG.daily_hook = undefined;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd("tasks");
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- while (WG.sm_state >= 0) {
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- }
- if (fbnums <= 0) {
- WG.Send("taskover signin");
- messageAppend("<hiy>任务完成</hiy>");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.daily_hook);
- WG.daily_hook = undefined;
- this.timer_close();
- //WG.zdwk();
- this.needGrove = 0;
- this.fbnum = 0;
- } else {
- WG.grove_auto(fbnums);
- }
- // var sxplace = sm_array[family].sxplace;
- // var sx = sm_array[family].sx;
- // if (sxplace.indexOf("-") == 0) {
- // WG.Send(sxplace.replace('-', ''));
- // } else {
- // WG.go(sxplace);
- // }
- // await WG.sleep(1000);
- // WG.SendCmd("ask2 $findPlayerByName(\"" + sx + "\")");
- // await WG.sleep(1000);
- },
- oneKeyQA: async function () {
- WG.Send("stopstate");
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- var sxplace = sm_array[family].sxplace;
- var sx = sm_array[family].sx;
- if (sxplace.indexOf("-") == 0) {
- WG.Send(sxplace.replace('-', ''));
- } else {
- WG.go(sxplace);
- }
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- WG.SendCmd("select $findPlayerByName(\"" + sx + "\");$wait 200;ask2 $findPlayerByName(\"" + sx + "\")");
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- },
- sd_hook: undefined,
- oneKeySD: function () {
- var n = 0;
- messageAppend("本脚本自动执行购买扫荡符,进行追捕扫荡,请确保元宝足够,请不要点击任务菜单\n注意! 超过上限会自动放弃", 1);
- WG.sd_hook = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], async function (data) {
- var id = 0;
- var loop = 2;
- if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg) {
- id = WG.getIdByName("程药发");
- if (data.msg.indexOf("无法快速完") >= 0) {
- WG.Send("select " + id);
- await WG.sleep(200);
- WG.Send("ask1 " + id);
- await WG.sleep(200);
- WG.Send("ask2 " + id);
- await WG.sleep(200);
- while (loop) {
- loop--;
- console.log("ask3 " + id);
- WG.Send("ask3 " + id);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- //messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1);
- //WG.Send("ask3 " + id);
- //WG.zdwk();
- //WG.remove_hook(WG.sd_hook);
- //WG.sd_hook = undefined;
- }
- //<hig>你的追捕任务完成了,目前完成20/20个,已连续完成40个。</hig>
- if (data.msg.indexOf("追捕任务完成了") >= 0) {
- let str = data.msg;
- str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, '');
- n = str.match("目前完成([^%]+)/20")[1];
- if (n == "20") {
- messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1);
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sd_hook);
- WG.sd_hook = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("多历练一番") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("没有那么多元宝") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("等级太低无法接取追捕,自动取消", 1);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sd_hook);
- WG.sd_hook = undefined;
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你的追捕任务已经完成了") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1);
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sd_hook);
- WG.sd_hook = undefined;
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你的扫荡符不够。") >= 0) {
- id = WG.getIdByName("程药发");
- messageAppend("还需要" + n + "次扫荡,自动购入" + n + "张扫荡符");
- WG.Send("shop 0 " + n);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- while (loop) {
- loop--;
- console.log("ask3 " + id);
- WG.Send("ask3 " + id);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.dialog == "tasks") {
- if (data.items) {
- let dailylog = "";
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.id == "yamen") {
- dailylog = item.desc;
- }
- }
- let str = dailylog;
- str = str.replace(/<(?!\/?p\b)[^>]+>/ig, '');
- n = str.match("完成([^%]+)/20")[1];
- n = 20 - parseInt(n);
- if (n == 0) {
- messageAppend("追捕已完成", 1);
- //WG.zdwk();
- WG.remove_hook(WG.sd_hook);
- WG.sd_hook = undefined;
- return;
- } else {
- do {
- WG.go("扬州城-衙门正厅");
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- while (!WG.getIdByName("程药发"))
- WG.SendCmd("ask3 $pname(\"程药发\")");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- WG.Send("stopstate");
- WG.SendCmd("tasks");
- },
- gpSkill_hook: undefined,
- getPlayerSkill: async function () {
- WG.gpSkill_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- if ((data.dialog && data.dialog == 'skills') && data.items && data.items != null) {
- var html = `<div class="item-commands ">
- <span class = "copycha" data-clipboard-target = ".target1" >
- 技能详情复制到剪贴板 </span></div> `;
- messageAppend(html);
- $(".copycha").on('click', () => {
- var dd = G.level.replace(/<\/?.+?>/g, "");
- var dds = dd.replace(/ /g, "");
- var copydata = {
- player: role,
- roleid: roleid,
- level: dds,
- family: G.pfamily,
- items: data.items
- };
- copyToClipboard(JSON.stringify(copydata));
- messageAppend("复制成功");
- });
- WG.remove_hook(WG.gpSkill_hook);
- WG.gpSkill_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- KEY.do_command("skills");
- KEY.do_command("skills");
- WG.Send("cha");
- },
- make_config: async function () {
- let _config = {};
- let keys = GM_listValues();
- keys.forEach(key => {
- if (key.indexOf(roleid) >= 0) {
- _config[key] = GM_getValue(key);
- }
- });
- _config._shieldswitch = GM_getValue("_shieldswitch", shieldswitch);
- _config._shield = GM_getValue("_shield", shield);
- _config._shieldkey = GM_getValue("_shieldkey", shieldkey);
- _config._pushSwitch = GM_getValue("_pushSwitch", pushSwitch);
- _config._pushType = GM_getValue("_pushType", pushType);
- _config._pushToken = GM_getValue("_pushToken", pushToken);
- // _config._pushUrl = GM_getValue("_pushUrl", pushUrl);
- S.uploadUserConfig(G.id, _config, (res) => {
- if (res == "true") {
- L.msg("已成功上传");
- }
- });
- },
- load_config: async function () {
- S.getUserConfig(G.id, (res) => {
- if (res != "") {
- let _config = JSON.parse(res);
- for (const key in _config) {
- GM_setValue(key, _config[key]);
- }
- GI.configInit();
- WG.setting();
- WG.ztjk_func();
- WG.zml_showp();
- WG.dsj_func();
- L.msg("已成功加载");
- }
- });
- }, //设置
- setting: function () {
- KEY.do_command("setting");
- $('.footer-item')[$('.footer-item').length - 1].click();
- // GI.configInit();
- if ($('.dialog-custom .zdy_dialog').length == 0) {
- var a = UI.syssetting();
- $(".dialog-custom").prepend(a);
- }
- $(".dialog-custom").off('click');
- $("#family").off('change');
- $('#wudao_pfm').off('focusout');
- $(".savebtn").off('click')
- $('.clear_skillJson').off('click')
- $('.backup_btn').off('click')
- $('.clean_dps').off('click')
- $('.load_btn').off('click')
- $(".update_store").off('click')
- $(".update_id_all").off('click')
- $(".clean_id_all").off('click')
- $('#autobuy').off('change')
- $('#autoSkillPaperSell').off('change')
- $('#loginhml').off('change')
- $('#backimageurl').off('change')
- $('#statehml').off('change')
- $('#shieldkey').off('focusout');
- $('#shield').off('focusout');
- $('#funnycalc').off('click')
- $('#dpssakada').off('click')
- $('#silence').off('click')
- $('#zdyskilllist').off('change')
- $('#zdyskillsswitch').off('click')
- $('#shieldswitch').off('click')
- $('#welcome').off('focusout');
- $('#die_str').off('focusout');
- $('#blacklist').off('change')
- $('#auto_command').off('change')
- $('#store_fenjie_info').off('change')
- $('#store_drop_info').off('change')
- $('#lock_info').off('change')
- $('#store_info2').off('change')
- $('#store_info').off('change')
- $('#unauto_pfm').off('change')
- $('#getitemShow').off('click')
- $("#zmlshowsetting").off('change')
- $("#bagFull").off('change')
- $("pushSwitch").off('click');
- $("pushType").off('change');
- $("pushToken").off('change');
- // $("pushUrl").off('change');
- $('#autorelogin').off('click')
- $('#autoupdateStore').off('click')
- $('#saveAddr').off('click')
- $('#autorewardgoto').off('click')
- $('#autopfmswitch').off('click')
- $('#auto_eq').off('change')
- $('#ks_Boss').off('click')
- $('#marry_kiss').off('click')
- $('#ks_wait').off('focusout');
- $('#ks_pfm').off('focusout');
- $('#sm_getstore').off('click')
- $('#sm_price').off('click')
- $('#sm_any').off('click')
- $('#sm_loser').off('click')
- $(".dialog-custom").on("click", ".switch2", UI.switchClick);
- $("#family").change(function () {
- family = $("#family").val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_family", family);
- });
- $('#wudao_pfm').focusout(function () {
- wudao_pfm = $('#wudao_pfm').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_wudao_pfm", wudao_pfm);
- });
- $('#sm_loser').click(function () {
- sm_loser = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_sm_loser", sm_loser);
- });
- $('#sm_any').click(function () {
- sm_any = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_sm_any", sm_any);
- });
- $('#sm_price').click(function () {
- sm_price = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_sm_price", sm_price);
- });
- $('#sm_getstore').click(function () {
- sm_getstore = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_sm_getstore", sm_getstore);
- });
- $('#ks_pfm').focusout(function () {
- ks_pfm = $('#ks_pfm').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm);
- });
- $('#ks_wait').focusout(function () {
- ks_wait = $('#ks_wait').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ks_wait", ks_wait);
- });
- $('#marry_kiss').click(function () {
- automarry = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_automarry", automarry);
- });
- $('#ks_Boss').click(function () {
- autoKsBoss = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss);
- });
- $('#auto_eq').focusout(function () {
- autoeq = $('#auto_eq').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_eq", autoeq);
- });
- $('#autopfmswitch').click(function () {
- auto_pfmswitch = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_pfmswitch", auto_pfmswitch);
- if (auto_pfmswitch == "开") {
- G.auto_preform = true;
- } else {
- G.auto_preform = false;
- }
- });
- $('#autopfmmode').click(function () {
- auto_pfm_mode = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_pfm_mode", auto_pfm_mode);
- if (auto_pfm_mode == "开") {
- G.auto_pfm_mode = true;
- } else {
- G.auto_pfm_mode = false;
- }
- });
- $('#autorewardgoto').click(function () {
- auto_rewardgoto = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_rewardgoto", auto_rewardgoto);
- });
- $('#busyinfo').click(function () {
- busy_info = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_busy_info", busy_info);
- });
- $('#saveAddr').click(function () {
- saveAddr = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_saveAddr", saveAddr);
- });
- $('#autoupdateStore').click(function () {
- auto_updateStore = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_updateStore", auto_updateStore);
- });
- $('#autorelogin').click(function () {
- auto_relogin = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_relogin", auto_relogin);
- });
- $("#zmlshowsetting").change(function () {
- zmlshowsetting = $('#zmlshowsetting').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zmlshowsetting", zmlshowsetting);
- WG.zml_showp();
- });
- $("#bagFull").change(function () {
- bagFull = $('#bagFull').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_bagFull", bagFull);
- });
- $("#pushSwitch").click(function () {
- pushSwitch = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue("_pushSwitch", pushSwitch);
- });
- $("#pushType").change(function () {
- pushType = $('#pushType').val();
- GM_setValue("_pushType", pushType);
- });
- $("#pushToken").focusout(function () {
- pushToken = $('#pushToken').val();
- GM_setValue("_pushToken", pushToken);
- });
- // $("#pushUrl").focusout(function () {
- // pushUrl = $('#pushUrl').val();
- // GM_setValue("_pushUrl", pushUrl);
- // });
- $("#color_select").change(function () {
- color_select = $('#color_select').val();
- GM_setValue("color_select", color_select);
- });
- $('#getitemShow').click(function () {
- getitemShow = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_getitemShow", getitemShow);
- if (getitemShow == "开") {
- G.getitemShow = true;
- } else {
- G.getitemShow = false;
- }
- });
- $('#unauto_pfm').change(function () {
- unauto_pfm = $('#unauto_pfm').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_unauto_pfm", unauto_pfm);
- var unpfm = unauto_pfm.split(',');
- blackpfm = [];
- for (var pfmname of unpfm) {
- if (pfmname)
- blackpfm.push(pfmname);
- }
- });
- $('#store_info').change(function () {
- zdy_item_store = $('#store_info').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store);
- store_list = zdy_item_store.split(",");
- store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store2.split(","));
- });
- $('#store_info2').change(function () {
- zdy_item_store2 = $('#store_info2').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store2", zdy_item_store2);
- store_list = zdy_item_store2.split(",");
- store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store.split(","));
- });
- $('#lock_info').change(function () {
- zdy_item_lock = $('#lock_info').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_lock", zdy_item_lock);
- lock_list = zdy_item_lock.split(",");
- });
- $('#store_drop_info').change(function () {
- zdy_item_drop = $('#store_drop_info').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_drop", zdy_item_drop);
- drop_list = zdy_item_drop.split(",");
- });
- $('#store_fenjie_info').change(function () {
- zdy_item_fenjie = $('#store_fenjie_info').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_fenjie", zdy_item_fenjie);
- fenjie_list = zdy_item_fenjie.split(",");
- });
- $('#auto_command').change(function () {
- auto_command = $('#auto_command').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_command", auto_command);
- });
- $('#blacklist').change(function () {
- blacklist = $('#blacklist').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_blacklist", blacklist);
- });
- $('#welcome').focusout(function () {
- welcome = $('#welcome').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_welcome", welcome);
- });
- $('#die_str').focusout(function () {
- die_str = $('#die_str').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_die_str", die_str);
- });
- $('#shieldswitch').click(function () {
- shieldswitch = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue("_shieldswitch", shieldswitch);
- if (shieldswitch == "开") {
- messageAppend('已注入屏蔽系统', 0, 1);
- }
- });
- $('#zdyskillsswitch').click(function () {
- zdyskills = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskills", zdyskills);
- if (zdyskills == "开") {
- messageAppend('已开启自定义技能顺序,填写顺序后,请刷新游戏生效', 0, 1);
- }
- });
- $('#zdyskilllist').change(function () {
- let x = JSON.parse($("#zdyskilllist").val());
- if (!typeof x instanceof Array) {
- alert("无效的输入")
- return false;
- } else {
- zdyskilllist = $("#zdyskilllist").val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", zdyskilllist);
- }
- });
- $('#silence').click(function () {
- silence = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_silence", silence);
- if (silence == "开") {
- messageAppend('已开启安静模式', 0, 1);
- }
- });
- $('#dpssakada').click(function () {
- dpssakada = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_dpssakada", dpssakada);
- if (dpssakada == "开") {
- messageAppend('已开启战斗统计', 0, 1);
- }
- });
- $('#funnycalc').click(function () {
- funnycalc = WG.switchReversal($(this));
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_funnycalc", funnycalc);
- if (funnycalc == "开") {
- messageAppend('已开启FUNNY计算', 0, 1);
- }
- });
- $('#shield').focusout(function () {
- shield = $('#shield').val();
- GM_setValue("_shield", shield);
- });
- $('#shieldkey').focusout(function () {
- shieldkey = $('#shieldkey').val();
- GM_setValue("_shieldkey", shieldkey);
- });
- $('#statehml').change(function () {
- statehml = $('#statehml').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_statehml", statehml);
- });
- $('#backimageurl').change(function () {
- backimageurl = $('#backimageurl').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_backimageurl", backimageurl);
- if (backimageurl != '') {
- WG.SendCmd("setting backcolor none");
- GM_addStyle(`body{
- background-color:rgb(0,0,0,.25)
- }
- div{
- opacity:1;
- }
- html{
- background:rgba(255,255,255,0.25);
- background-image:url('${backimageurl}');
- background-repeat:no-repeat;
- background-size:100% 100%;
- -moz-background-size:100% 100%;
- }
- `);
- }
- });
- $('#loginhml').change(function () {
- loginhml = $('#loginhml').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_loginhml", loginhml);
- });
- $('#autobuy').change(function () {
- auto_buylist = $('#autobuy').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_buylist", auto_buylist);
- });
- $('#autoSkillPaperSell').change(function () {
- auto_skillPaperSelllist = $('#autoSkillPaperSell').val();
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_auto_skillPaperSelllist", auto_skillPaperSelllist);
- });
- $(".update_id_all").on("click", WG.update_id_all);
- $(".clean_id_all").on("click", WG.clean_id_all);
- $(".update_store").on("click", WG.update_store);
- $('.backup_btn').on('click', WG.make_config);
- $('.load_btn').on('click', WG.load_config);
- $('.clean_dps').on('click', WG.clean_dps);
- $('.clear_skillJson').on('click', () => {
- zdyskilllist == "";
- messageAppend("已关闭自定义,请刷新重新获取技能数据!");
- zdyskills = "关";
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", "");
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskills", zdyskills);
- });
- $(".savebtn").on("click", function () {
- let tmp = [];
- for (let item of keyitem) {
- let zdybtnitem = {
- name: '无',
- send: ''
- };
- let pname = $(`#name${item}`).val();
- let psend = $(`#send${item}`).val();
- if (pname != '') {
- zdybtnitem.name = pname;
- zdybtnitem.send = psend;
- }
- tmp.push(zdybtnitem);
- }
- zdy_btnlist = tmp;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_btnlist", zdy_btnlist);
- messageAppend("保存自定义按钮成功");
- WG.zdy_btnListInit();
- });
- $('#family').val(family);
- $('#wudao_pfm').val(wudao_pfm);
- $('#sm_loser').val(sm_loser);
- $('#sm_any').val(sm_any);
- $('#sm_price').val(sm_price);
- $('#sm_getstore').val(sm_getstore);
- $('#ks_pfm').val(ks_pfm);
- $("#ks_wait").val(ks_wait);
- $('#marry_kiss').val(automarry);
- $('#ks_Boss').val(autoKsBoss);
- $('#auto_eq').val(autoeq);
- $('#autopfmswitch').val(auto_pfmswitch);
- $('#autopfmmode').val(auto_pfm_mode);
- $('#autorewardgoto').val(auto_rewardgoto);
- $('#busyinfo').val(busy_info);
- $('#saveAddr').val(saveAddr);
- $('#autoupdateStore').val(auto_updateStore);
- $('#autorelogin').val(auto_relogin);
- $("#zmlshowsetting").val(zmlshowsetting);
- $("#bagFull").val(bagFull);
- $("#pushSwitch").val(pushSwitch);
- $("#pushType").val(pushType);
- $("#pushToken").val(pushToken);
- // $("#pushUrl").val(pushUrl);
- $("#color_select").val(color_select);
- $('#getitemShow').val(getitemShow);
- $('#unauto_pfm').val(unauto_pfm);
- $('#store_info').val(zdy_item_store);
- $('#store_info2').val(zdy_item_store2);
- $('#lock_info').val(zdy_item_lock);
- $('#store_drop_info').val(zdy_item_drop);
- $('#store_fenjie_info').val(zdy_item_fenjie);
- $('#auto_command').val(auto_command);
- $("#blacklist").val(blacklist);
- $('#welcome').val(welcome);
- $('#die_str').val(die_str);
- $('#shieldswitch').val(shieldswitch);
- $('#silence').val(silence);
- $('#dpssakada').val(dpssakada);
- $('#funnycalc').val(funnycalc);
- $('#shield').val(shield);
- $('#shieldkey').val(shieldkey);
- $('#statehml').val(statehml);
- $("#backimageurl").val(backimageurl);
- $("#loginhml").val(loginhml);
- $("#autobuy").val(auto_buylist);
- $("#autoSkillPaperSell").val(auto_skillPaperSelllist);
- $("#zdyskillsswitch").val(zdyskills);
- $("#zdyskilllist").val(zdyskilllist);
- //自定义按钮刷新
- var keyitem = ["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y"];
- let zdybtni = 0;
- for (let item of keyitem) {
- $(`#name${item}`).val(zdy_btnlist[zdybtni].name);
- $(`#send${item}`).val(zdy_btnlist[zdybtni].send);
- zdybtni = zdybtni + 1;
- }
- for (let w = $(".setting>.setting-item2"), t = 0; t < w.length; t++) {
- var s = $(w[t]),
- i = s.attr("for");
- if (i) {
- var n = eval(i);
- switch (i) {
- default:
- "开" == n && (s.find(".switch2").addClass("on"), s.find(".switch-text").html("开"))
- }
- }
- }
- },
- zdybtnfunc: function (type) {
- WG.SendCmd(zdy_btnlist[type].send);
- },
- zdy_btnset: function () {
- zdy_btnlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_btnlist", zdy_btnlist);
- messageClear();
- let html = UI.zdyBtnsetui();
- messageAppend(html);
- var keyitem = ["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y"];
- let i = 0;
- for (let item of keyitem) {
- $(`#name${item}`).val(zdy_btnlist[i].name);
- $(`#send${item}`).val(zdy_btnlist[i].send);
- i = i + 1;
- }
- $(".savebtn").off('click');
- $(".savebtn").on("click", function () {
- let tmp = [];
- for (let item of keyitem) {
- let zdybtnitem = {
- name: '无',
- send: ''
- };
- let pname = $(`#name${item}`).val();
- let psend = $(`#send${item}`).val();
- if (pname != '') {
- zdybtnitem.name = pname;
- zdybtnitem.send = psend;
- }
- tmp.push(zdybtnitem);
- }
- zdy_btnlist = tmp;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_btnlist", zdy_btnlist);
- messageAppend("保存成功");
- WG.zdy_btnListInit();
- });
- },
- zdy_btnListInit: function () {
- zdy_btnlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_btnlist", zdy_btnlist);
- inzdy_btn = GM_getValue(roleid + "_inzdy_btn", inzdy_btn);
- if (zdy_btnlist.length == 0) {
- for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- zdy_btnlist.push({
- "name": "无",
- "send": ""
- });
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_btnlist", zdy_btnlist);
- }
- if (inzdy_btn) {
- WG.zdy_btnshow();
- } else {
- WG.zdy_btnshow('off');
- }
- },
- zdy_btnshow: function (type = 'on') {
- if (type == 'on') {
- inzdy_btn = true;
- var html = UI.zdybtnui();
- $('.WG_button').remove();
- $(".WG_log").after(html);
- let keyitem = ["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y"];
- for (let i = 0; i < keyitem.length; i++) {
- $(`#keyin${keyitem[i]}`).on('click', function () {
- WG.zdybtnfunc(i);
- });
- }
- $(".auto_perform").on("click", WG.auto_preform_switch);
- $(".cmd_echo").on("click", WG.cmd_echo_button);
- } else if (type == 'off') {
- inzdy_btn = false;
- var html = UI.btnui();
- $('.WG_button').remove();
- $(".WG_log").after(html);
- $(".sm_button").on("click", WG.sm_button);
- $(".go_yamen_task").on("click", WG.go_yamen_task);
- $(".kill_all").on("click", WG.kill_all);
- $(".get_all").on("click", WG.get_all);
- $(".sell_all").on("click", WG.sell_all);
- $(".zdwk").on("click", WG.zdwk);
- $(".auto_perform").on("click", WG.auto_preform_switch);
- $(".cmd_echo").on("click", WG.cmd_echo_button);
- if (G.isGod()) {
- $('.zdy-item.zdwk').html("修炼(Y)");
- }
- }
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_inzdy_btn", inzdy_btn);
- },
- runLoginhml: function () {
- WG.SendCmd(loginhml);
- },
- tnBuy_hook: null,
- tnBuy: function () {
- WG.tnBuy_hook = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], (data) => {
- let _seller;
- let _itemids = new Map();
- let _sendcmd = ""
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.title != null && data.title.indexOf("唐楠正在贩卖") >= 0) {
- _seller = data.seller;
- for (let item of data.selllist) {
- if (WG.inArray(item.name, auto_buylist.split(","))) {
- _itemids.set(item.id, item.count);
- }
- }
- _itemids.forEach((val, key, map) => {
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "buy " + val + " " + key + " from " + _seller + ";";
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "$wait 500;";
- });
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "look3 1;"
- WG.SendCmd(_sendcmd);
- }
- if (data.type == "text" && data.msg.indexOf("没有这个玩家") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("执行结束");
- $(".dialog-close").click();
- WG.remove_hook(WG.tnBuy_hook);
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd("$to 扬州城-广场;$wait 100;$to 扬州城-当铺;$wait 200;list %唐楠%");
- },
- zxBuy_hook: null,
- zxBuy: function () {
- WG.zxBuy_hook = WG.add_hook(["dialog", "text"], (data) => {
- let _seller = WG.getIdByName("朱熹")
- let _itemids = new Map();
- let _sendcmd = ""
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'pack') {
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (WG.inArray(item.name.toLowerCase(), auto_skillPaperSelllist.split(","))) {
- _itemids.set(item.id, item.count);
- }
- }
- _itemids.forEach((val, key, map) => {
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "sell " + val + " " + key + " to " + _seller + ";";
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "$wait 500;";
- });
- _sendcmd = _sendcmd + "look3 1;"
- WG.SendCmd(_sendcmd);
- }
- if (data.type == "text" && data.msg.indexOf("没有这个玩家") >= 0) {
- //messageAppend("执行结束");
- $(".dialog-close").click();
- WG.remove_hook(WG.zxBuy_hook);
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd("$to 扬州城-广场;go east;go north;$wait 100;$wait 200;pack");
- },
- selectLowKongfu: function (n = 0) {
- WG.gpSkill_hook = WG.add_hook("dialog", (data) => {
- if ((data.dialog && data.dialog == 'skills') && data.items && data.items != null) {
- var lianxiCodeStart = "jh fam 0 start,go west,go west,go north,go enter,go west,";
- var lianxiCode = "";
- var lianxiCodeMin = "";
- var lianxiCodeEnd = "wakuang";
- if (G.isGod()) {
- lianxiCodeEnd = "xiulian";
- }
- var __skillNameList = [];
- var __skillMinNameList = [];
- var maxSkill = n;
- if (n == 0 || isNaN(n)) {
- maxSkill = data.limit;
- }
- var nowCount = 0;
- var __enaSkill = [];
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (nowCount > 5) {
- break;
- }
- if (item.enable_skill) {
- __enaSkill.push(item.enable_skill);
- }
- if (WG.inArray(item.id, __enaSkill) || item.name.indexOf("基本") >= 0) {
- if (parseInt(item.level) < parseInt(maxSkill)) {
- lianxiCode = lianxiCode + `lianxi ${item.id} ${maxSkill},`
- if (nowCount < 4) {
- lianxiCodeMin = lianxiCodeMin + `lianxi ${item.id} ${maxSkill},`
- __skillMinNameList.push(item.name);
- }
- __skillNameList.push(item.name);
- nowCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- var __code = `setting auto_work ${lianxiCodeStart}${lianxiCode}${lianxiCodeEnd}`
- if (__code.length <= 200) {
- WG.Send(`setting auto_work ${lianxiCodeStart}${lianxiCode}${lianxiCodeEnd}`);
- messageAppend(`添加` + __skillNameList.join(",") + `到${maxSkill}`);
- } else {
- WG.Send(`setting auto_work ${lianxiCodeStart}${lianxiCodeMin}${lianxiCodeEnd}`);
- messageAppend(`添加` + __skillMinNameList.join(",") + `到${maxSkill}`);
- }
- messageAppend("添加成功,数据刷新后显示");
- WG.remove_hook(WG.gpSkill_hook);
- WG.gpSkill_hook = undefined;
- }
- });
- KEY.do_command("skills");
- KEY.do_command("skills");
- WG.Send("cha");
- },
- hooks: [],
- hook_index: 0,
- add_hook: function (types, fn) {
- var hook = {
- 'index': WG.hook_index++,
- 'types': types,
- 'fn': fn
- };
- WG.hooks.push(hook);
- return hook.index;
- },
- remove_hook: function (hookindex) {
- var that = this;
- for (var i = 0; i < that.hooks.length; i++) {
- if (that.hooks[i].index == hookindex) {
- that.hooks.baoremove(i);
- }
- }
- },
- run_hook: function (type, data) {
- //console.log(data);
- for (var i = 0; i < this.hooks.length; i++) {
- // if (this.hooks[i] !== undefined && this.hooks[i].type == type) {
- // this.hooks[i].fn(data);
- // }
- try {
- var listener = this.hooks[i];
- if (listener.types == data.type || (listener.types instanceof Array && $
- .inArray(data.type, listener.types) >= 0)) {
- listener.fn(data);
- }
- }
- catch (e) {
- console.error('hook error', e);
- }
- }
- },
- receive_message: function (msg) {
- if (!msg || !msg.data) return;
- var data;
- var deepCopy = function (source) {
- var result = {};
- for (var key in source) {
- result[key] = typeof source[key] === 'object' ? deepCopy(source[key]) : source[key];
- }
- return result;
- }
- if (msg.data[0] == '{' || msg.data[0] == '[') {
- var func = new Function("return " + msg.data + ";");
- data = func();
- } else {
- data = {
- type: 'text',
- msg: msg.data
- };
- }
- if (G.cmd_echo && data.type != 'time') {
- console.log(data);
- }
- if (G.yaotaFlag && typeof (data.msg) == 'string') {
- let ytdata = data.msg;
- if (ytdata.indexOf("一股奇异的能量涌入你的体内,你获得") >= 0) {
- G.yaoyuan = G.yaoyuan + parseInt(ytdata.replace(/[^0-9]/ig, ""))
- $('#yt_prog').html("<hiy>目前已获得 " + G.yaoyuan + " 妖元</hiy>")
- if (G.yaoyuan == 261) {
- $('#yt_prog').html("<hiy>目前已获得 " + G.yaoyuan + " 妖元,boss出现!</hiy>")
- }
- }
- }
- if (silence == "开") {
- if (data.type == 'state') {
- if (data.silence == undefined) {
- if (data.desc != []) {
- data.desc = [];
- data.silence = 1;
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text') {
- let pdata = data.msg;
- let a = pdata.split(/.*造成<wht>|.*造成<hir>|<\/wht>点|<\/hir>点/);
- if (a[2]) {
- let b = a[2].split(/伤害|\(|</);
- messageAppend(`造成<wht>${a[1]}</wht>点<hir>${b[0]}</hir>伤害!`, 0, 1);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'msg') {
- if (shieldswitch == '开') {
- if (shield != undefined &&
- (shield.indexOf(data.name) >= 0 ||
- shield.indexOf(data.uid) >= 0))
- return;
- var skey = shieldkey.split(",");
- for (let keyword of skey) {
- if (keyword != "" && data.content.indexOf(keyword) >= 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (shieldswitch == '开') {
- var skey = shieldkey.split(",");
- for (let keyword of skey) {
- if (keyword != "" && data.msg.indexOf(keyword) >= 0) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.t == 'fam' && data.k == undefined) {
- if (UI.toui[data.index] != undefined) {
- data.desc += "\n";
- data.desc += UI.toui[data.index];
- data.k = 'knva';
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text' && data.msg == '什么?' && G.wsdelaySetTime != undefined) {
- if (G.wsdelaySetCount <= 3) {
- G.wsdelaySetCount += 1;
- if (G.wsdelay == undefined) {
- G.wsdelay = new Date().getTime() - G.wsdelaySetTime;
- } else {
- G.wsdelay = (new Date().getTime() - G.wsdelaySetTime + G.wsdelay) / 2
- }
- G.wsdelaySetTime = new Date().getTime()
- WG.SendCmd("test")
- } else {
- G.wsdelay = (new Date().getTime() - G.wsdelaySetTime + G.wsdelay) / 2
- WG.SendCmd("tm 服务器到本地来回延迟约 " + G.wsdelay + " 毫秒")
- G.wsdelaySetTime = undefined;
- G.wsdelaySetCount = undefined;
- setTimeout(() => {
- let content = $(".content-message pre").html();
- content = content.replaceAll('什么?\n', '');
- $(".content-message pre").html(content);
- }, 10);
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.t == 'fb' && data.k == undefined) {
- data.desc += "\n";
- data.desc += UI.fbui(fb_path[data.index], data.is_multi, data.is_diffi)
- data.k = 'knva';
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'pack' && data.from == 'item' && data.k == undefined) {
- let itemname = data.desc.split("\n")[0];
- data.desc += "\n";
- data.desc += UI.itemui(itemname);
- data.k = 'knva';
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- if (data.type == "perform") {
- if (zdyskills == "开") {
- zdyskilllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", zdyskilllist);
- data.skills = JSON.parse(zdyskilllist);
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'cmds') {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- if (JSON.stringify(data.items).indexOf('进入副本') >= 0) {
- let cr_path = data.items[0].cmd
- let sd_path = ''
- if (cr_path.indexOf("1 0") >= 0) {
- sd_path = cr_path.replaceAll('1 0', '1')
- } else {
- sd_path = cr_path + " 0"
- }
- let cp = {}
- cp.name = '扫荡指定次数';
- cp.cmd = `@js ($sdnum) =prompt("请输入次数,注意:若副本掉落物品过多,请不要输入超过50次,否则可能号没了","10")
- [if] (sdnum)!=null
- ${sd_path} (sdnum)`;
- data.items.push(cp);
- let toudu = {}
- toudu.name = '偷渡指定次数';
- toudu.cmd = `@js ($sdnum) =prompt("请输入次数","10")
- [if] (sdnum)!=null
- [while] (sdnum) !=0
- ($sdnum) = (sdnum)-1
- ${cr_path}
- cr over`;
- data.items.push(toudu);
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //任务进度 -- fork from Suqing funny
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'tasks' && data.items) {
- let jl, fb, qa, wd, wd1, wd2, wd3, xy, mpb, boss, wdtz, syt, ys, sm1, sm2, ym1, ym2, yb1, yb2;
- data.items.forEach(task => {
- if (task.state === 2) WG.SendCmd(`taskover ${task.id}`);//自动完成
- if (task.id === 'signin') {
- //精力消耗
- const a = task.desc.match(/精力消耗:<...>(\d+)\/200<....>/);
- if (a) {
- jl = parseInt(a[1]) < 200 ? `<hig>${a[1]}</hig>` : a[1];
- }
- //武道塔进度
- const b = task.desc.match(/武道塔(.+),进度(\d+)\/(\d+)<....>/);
- if (b) {
- wd1 = b[2];
- wd2 = b[3];
- if (wd1 < wd2) wd1 = `<hig>${wd1}</hig>`;
- /可以重置/.test(b[1]) ? wd3 = "<hig>可以重置</hig>" : wd3 = "已经重置";
- wd = wd1 + "/" + wd2 + " " + wd3
- } else { wd = "只打塔主" }
- //首席请安
- const c = task.desc.match(/<.+?>(.+)首席请安<.+?>/);
- if (c) {
- /已经/.test(c[1]) ? qa = "已经请安" : qa = "<hig>尚未请安</hig>";
- } else { qa = "无需请安" }
- //今日副本次数
- const d = task.desc.match(/今日副本完成次数:(\d+)。/);
- if (d) {
- fb = d[1];
- }
- //襄阳
- const e = task.desc.match(/尚未协助襄阳守城/);
- (e) ? xy = `<hig>0</hig>` : xy = 1;
- //门派BOSS
- const f = task.desc.match(/尚未挑战门派BOSS/);
- (f) ? mpb = `<hig>0</hig>` : mpb = 1;
- //武神BOSS
- const g = task.desc.match(/挑战(\d+)次武神BOSS/);
- if (g) {
- boss = 5 - parseInt(g[1]);
- boss = `<hig>${boss}</hig>`;
- } else {
- if (G.level && /武神|剑神|刀皇|兵主|战神/.test(G.level)) boss = 5;
- }
- //武道塔主
- const h = task.desc.match(/尚未挑战武道塔塔主/);
- (h) ? wdtz = `<hig>0</hig>/1` : wdtz = `已打或未解锁`;
- //妖塔
- const i = task.desc.match(/挑战弑妖塔(\d+)\/50/);
- if (i) {
- syt = i[1];
- }
- //妖神
- const j = task.desc.match(/尚未挑战妖神/);
- (j) ? ys = `<hig>0</hig>/1` : ys = `已打或未解锁`;
- } else if (task.id === 'sm') {
- //师门任务
- let a = task.desc.match(/目前完成(.*)\/20个,共连续完成(.*)个。/);
- (parseInt(a[1]) < 20) ? sm1 = `<hig>${a[1]}</hig>` : sm1 = a[1];
- sm2 = a[2];
- } else if (task.id === 'yamen') {
- //追捕
- let a = task.desc.match(/目前完成(.*)\/20个,共连续完成(.*)个。/);
- (parseInt(a[1]) < 20) ? ym1 = `<hig>${a[1]}</hig>` : ym1 = a[1];
- ym2 = a[2];
- } else if (task.id === 'yunbiao') {
- //运镖
- let a = task.desc.match(/本周完成(.*)\/20个,共连续完成(.*)个。/);
- (parseInt(a[1]) < 20) ? yb1 = `<hig>${a[1]}</hig>` : yb1 = a[1];
- yb2 = a[2];
- }
- });
- //合并生成进度数据
- let taskprog = `门派请安 => ${qa}\n武道之塔 => ${wd}\n`;
- taskprog += `精力消耗 => ${jl}/200 副本次数 => ${fb}次\n师门任务 => ${sm1}/20 ${sm2}连\n`;
- taskprog += `衙门追捕 => ${ym1}/20 ${ym2}连\n每周运镖 => ${yb1}/20 ${yb2}连\n`;
- taskprog += `襄阳守城 => ${xy}/1 门派BOSS => ${mpb}/1\n`;
- taskprog += `武道塔主 => ${wdtz}\n`;
- if (boss) taskprog += `武神BOSS => ${boss}/5\n`;
- if (syt) taskprog += `挑战弑妖塔 => ${syt}/50 挑战妖神 => ${ys}\n`;
- $(".remove_taskprog").remove();
- $(".content-message pre").append(`<span class="remove_taskprog">${taskprog}</span>`);
- AutoScroll(".content-message");
- }
- //按指定顺序排序背包 -- fork from Suqing funny
- let ITEMS = [
- "师门补给包", "背包扩充石", "小箱子", "随从礼包",
- "神魂碎片", "武道</hio>", "武道残页", "元晶", "帝魄碎片", "ord", "hir",
- "玄晶", "养精丹</hig>", "养精丹", "培元丹", "玫瑰花",
- "扫荡符", "天师符", "叛师符", "洗髓丹", "<hig>喜宴", "<hic>喜宴", "<hiy>喜宴",
- "师门令牌</hig>", "师门令牌</hic>", "师门令牌</hiy>", "师门令牌</HIZ>", "师门令牌</hio>",//师门令牌排序
- "碎裂的红宝石", "碎裂的绿宝石", "碎裂的蓝宝石", "碎裂的黄宝石",//宝石排序
- "红宝石</hic>", "绿宝石</hic>", "蓝宝石</hic>", "黄宝石</hic>",
- "精致的红宝石", "精致的绿宝石", "精致的蓝宝石", "精致的黄宝石",
- "完美的红宝石", "完美的绿宝石", "完美的蓝宝石", "完美的黄宝石",
- "聚气丹</hig>", "聚气丹</hic>", "聚气丹</hiy>", "聚气丹</HIZ>", "聚气丹</hio>",//聚气丹排序
- "突破丹</hig>", "突破丹</hic>", "突破丹</hiy>", "突破丹</hiz>", "突破丹</hio>",//突破丹排序
- "残页</hio>", "残页</HIZ>", "残页</hiy>", "残页</hic>", "残页</hig>",//残页排序
- "鲤鱼", "草鱼", "鲢鱼", "鲮鱼", "鳊鱼", "鲂鱼", "黄金鳉", "黄颡鱼", "太湖银鱼", "虹鳟", "孔雀鱼", "反天刀",//鱼排序
- "银龙鱼", "黑龙鱼", "罗汉鱼", "巨骨舌鱼", "七星刀鱼", "帝王老虎魟",
- "当归", "芦荟", "山楂叶", "柴胡", "金银花", "石楠叶", "茯苓", "沉香", "熟地黄", "九香虫", "络石藤", "冬虫夏草",//药材排序
- "人参", "何首乌", "凌霄花", "灵芝", "天仙藤", "盘龙参",
- "秘籍</wht>", "秘籍",
- "四十二章经一", "四十二章经二", "四十二章经三", "四十二章经四", "四十二章经五", "四十二章经六", "四十二章经七", "四十二章经八",
- ];
- if (data.type == 'dialog' && data.dialog == 'pack') {
- //生成快速使用按钮 -- fork from Suqing funny
- function autoUse(item) {
- if (/养精丹|朱果|潜灵果|背包扩充石|小箱子|师门补给包|随从礼包|技能重置包/.test(item.name)) {
- let cmd = ["stopstate"];
- let count = item.count;
- let zl = "use";
- if (/小箱子|师门补给包|随从礼包|技能重置包/.test(item.name)) zl = "open";
- for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- cmd.push(`$wait 250;${zl} ${item.id}`);
- }
- $(".content-message pre").append(
- $(`<div class="item-commands"><span class="autouse">使用 ${item.name} ${count}次</span></div>`).click(() => WG.SendCmd(cmd)),
- );
- AutoScroll(".content-message");
- }
- }
- //获得物品后检测生成快速使用按钮 -- fork from Suqing funny
- if (data.name) {
- autoUse(data);
- }
- //按指定顺序排序 -- fork from Suqing funny
- // if (data.items) {
- // let pack_items = [];
- // ITEMS.forEach(name => {
- // for (let i =0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- // let item = data.items[i];
- // if (item !==0 && item.name.includes(name)) {
- // pack_items.push(data.items[i]);
- // data.items[i] = 0;
- // }
- // }
- // });
- // data.items.forEach(item => {
- // if (item !== 0) pack_items.push(item);
- // });
- // pack_items.forEach(item => autoUse(item));
- // data.type = "dialog";
- // //data.dialog = "pack";
- // data.items = pack_items;
- // let p = deepCopy(msg);
- // p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- // WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- // ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- // return;
- // }
- }
- if (data.type == 'room') {
- if (!(/桃花岛|慈航静斋/).test(data.name)) {
- //精简房间描述、生成功能按钮 -- fork from Suqing funny
- let room_desc = data.desc;
- if (room_desc.length > 30) {
- let desc0 = room_desc.replace(/<([^<]+)>/g, "");
- let desc1 = desc0.substr(0, 30);
- let desc2 = desc0.substr(30);
- data.desc = `<span id="show">${desc1} <hic>»»»</hic></span><span id="more" style="display:none">${desc0}</span><span id="hide" style="display:none"> <hiy>«««</hiy></span>`
- //data.desc = `${desc1}<span id="show"> <hic>»»»</hic></span><span id="more" style="display:none">${desc2}</span><span id="hide" style="display:none"> <hiy>«««</hiy></span>`;
- }
- if (room_desc.includes("cmd")) {
- room_desc = room_desc.replace("<hig>椅子</hig>", "椅子");//新手教程的椅子
- room_desc = room_desc.replace("<CMD cmd='look men'>门(men)<CMD>", "<cmd cmd='look men'>门</cmd>");//兵营副本的门
- room_desc = room_desc.replace(/span/g, "cmd"); //古墓里的画和古琴是<span>标签
- room_desc = room_desc.replace(/"/g, "'"); // "" => ''
- room_desc = room_desc.replace(/\((.*?)\)/g, "");//去除括号和里面的英文单词
- //console.log(room_desc);
- let cmds = room_desc.match(/<cmd cmd='([^']+)'>([^<]+)<\/cmd>/g);
- //console.log(cmds);
- cmds.forEach(cmd => {
- let x = cmd.match(/<cmd cmd='(.*)'>(.*)<\/cmd>/);
- data.commands.unshift({ cmd: x[1], name: `<hic>${x[2]}</hic>` });
- });
- // room_desc = room_desc.replace(/<([^<]+)>/g, "");
- cmds.forEach(desc => data.desc = `<hic>${desc}</hic> ${data.desc}`);
- }
- let p = deepCopy(msg);
- p.data = JSON.stringify(data);
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, [p]);
- $("#show").click(() => { $("#more").show(); $("#show").hide(); $("#hide").show(); });
- $("#hide").click(() => { $("#more").hide(); $("#show").show(); $("#hide").hide(); });
- return;
- }
- }
- WG.run_hook(data.type, data);
- ws_on_message.apply(this, arguments);
- if (unsafeWindow.funny) {
- if (unsafeWindow.funny.API != null) { unsafeWindow.funny.API.onmessage(msg); }
- }
- },
- };
- //助手函数
- var T = {
- //private
- _recmd: function (cmds) {
- if (cmds) {
- cmds = cmds instanceof Array ? cmds : cmds.split(';');
- cmds.baoremove(0);
- cmds = cmds.join(";");
- return cmds;
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- },
- recmd: function (idx, cmds) {
- for (let i = 0; i < idx + 1; i++) {
- cmds = T._recmd(cmds);
- }
- return cmds;
- },
- findhook: undefined,
- _findItem: async function (itemname, callback) {
- console.log("finditem" + itemname);
- T.findhook = WG.add_hook("dialog", async function (data) {
- if (data.items) {
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.name == itemname) {
- callback(item.id);
- WG.remove_hook(T.findhook);
- }
- }
- callback("");
- }
- WG.remove_hook(T.findhook);
- });
- WG.Send("pack");
- },
- //public
- pname: function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- T.findPlayerByName(idx, n, cmds);
- },
- findPlayerByName: function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx - 1, cmds);
- if (cmds.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
- cmds = cmds.split(",");
- } else {
- cmds = cmds.split(";");
- }
- let p = cmds[0].split("$")[0];
- cmds = T.recmd(0, cmds);
- p = p.replaceAll("-", " ");
- if (p[p.length - 1] == " ") {
- p = p.substring(0, p.length - 1)
- }
- console.log("findPlayerByName" + n);
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf(n) >= 0) {
- WG.Send(p + " " + roomData[i].id);
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- findItem: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx - 1, cmds);
- if (cmds.indexOf(",") >= 0) {
- cmds = cmds.split(",");
- } else {
- cmds = cmds.split(";");
- }
- let p = cmds[0].split(" ")[0];
- cmds = T.recmd(0, cmds);
- console.log("finditem" + n);
- WG.Send("pack");
- // console.log(packData)
- for (let item of packData) {
- if (item.name == n) {
- if (p == "fenjie" || p == "drop") {
- if (item.name.indexOf("★") >= 0) {
- messageAppend("高级物品 ,不分解");
- continue;
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd(p + " " + item.id);
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- wait: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- console.log("延时:" + n + "ms,延时触发:" + cmds);
- await WG.sleep(parseInt(n));
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- batwait: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- if (G.in_fight) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- console.log("延时:" + n + "ms,延时触发:" + cmds);
- await WG.sleep(parseInt(n));
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }
- },
- goyt: async function () {
- WG.SendCmd("jh fam 9 start;go enter;go up;")
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- var ltId = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf("疯癫的老头") >= 0) {
- ltId = roomData[i].id
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd("ggdl " + ltId + ";go north;go north;go north;go north;$wait 250;go north;go north;look shi;tiao1 shi;tiao3 shi;$wait 250;tiao1 shi;tiao3 shi;tiao2 shi;go north;")
- },
- gogzm: async function () {
- WG.SendCmd("jh fam 9 start;go enter;go up;")
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- var ltId = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf("疯癫的老头") >= 0) {
- ltId = roomData[i].id
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd("ggdl " + ltId + ";go north;go north;go north;go north;$wait 250;go north;go north;$wait 250;look shi;tiao1 shi;tiao1 shi;tiao2 shi;$wait 250;jumpdown;")
- },
- godddb: async function () {
- WG.SendCmd("jh fam 9 start;go enter;go up;")
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- var ltId = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf("疯癫的老头") >= 0) {
- ltId = roomData[i].id
- }
- }
- WG.SendCmd("ggdl " + ltId + ";go north;go north;go north;go north;$wait 250;go north;go down;")
- },
- killall: async function (idx = 0, n = null, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- console.log("叫杀");
- WG.kill_all();
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- getall: async function (idx = 0, n = null, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- console.log("拾取");
- WG.get_all();
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- cleanall: async function (idx = 0, n = null, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- console.log("清包");
- WG.clean_all();
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- to: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.go(n);
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- eq: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (n == "0") {
- WG.uneqall();
- } else {
- WG.eqhelper(n);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- eqskill: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (n == "0") {
- WG.uneqall(1);
- } else {
- WG.eqhelper(n, 1);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- eqdel: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.eqhelperdel(n);
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- zdwk: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.zdwk();
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- rzdwk: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.zdwk("", false);
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- killhook: undefined,
- killw: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- var killid = "";
- for (let i = 0; i < roomData.length; i++) {
- if (roomData[i].name && roomData[i].name.indexOf(n) >= 0) {
- killid = roomData[i].id;
- }
- }
- T.killhook = WG.add_hook('itemremove', function (data) {
- if (data.id == killid) {
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- WG.remove_hook(T.killhook);
- T.killhook = undefined;
- }
- });
- WG.SendCmd("kill " + killid);
- },
- eqhook: undefined,
- eqw: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- var pcmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (n.indexOf("<") >= 0) {
- T._findItem(n, async function (id) {
- let p_itemid = id;
- let p_flag = true;
- if (p_itemid == "") {
- p_flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(pcmds);
- return;
- }
- T.eqhook = WG.add_hook('dialog', function (data) {
- if (data.eq == 0 && data.id == p_itemid) {
- p_flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(pcmds);
- WG.remove_hook(T.eqhook);
- T.eqhook = undefined;
- }
- });
- while (p_flag) {
- WG.Send("pack");
- WG.SendCmd('eq ' + p_itemid);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- });
- } else {
- let p_itemid = n;
- let p_flag = true;
- if (p_itemid == "") {
- p_flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(pcmds);
- return;
- }
- T.eqhook = WG.add_hook(['text', 'dialog'], function (data) {
- if (data.type == 'dialog') {
- if (data.eq == 0 && data.id == p_itemid) {
- p_flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(pcmds);
- WG.remove_hook(T.eqhook);
- T.eqhook = undefined;
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你要装备什么") >= 0) {
- p_flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(pcmds);
- WG.remove_hook(T.eqhook);
- T.eqhook = undefined;
- }
- }
- });
- while (p_flag) {
- WG.Send("pack");
- WG.SendCmd('eq ' + p_itemid);
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- },
- usezml: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- zml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- for (var zmlitem of zml) {
- if (zmlitem.name == n) {
- await WG.zmlfire(zmlitem);
- }
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- waitpfm: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- let _flag = true;
- let pfmnum = 0;
- while (_flag) {
- if (!G.gcd && !G.cds.get(n)) {
- WG.Send("perform " + n);
- pfmnum++;
- if (G.cds.get(n) && _flag) {
- _flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }
- if (!G.in_fight && _flag) {
- _flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }
- if (pfmnum >= 1 && _flag) {
- _flag = false;
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }
- }
- pfmnum++;
- await WG.sleep(350);
- }
- },
- startjk: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- ztjk_item = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- for (var item of ztjk_item) {
- if (item.name == n) {
- item.isactive = 1;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_func();
- messageAppend("已注入" + item.name, 0, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- stopjk: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- ztjk_item = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- for (var item of ztjk_item) {
- if (item.name == n) {
- item.isactive = 0;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- WG.ztjk_func();
- messageAppend("已暂停" + item.name);
- break;
- }
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- sm: async function (idx = 0, n = 0, cmds = '') {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.sm_button();
- while ($('.sm_button').text().indexOf("停止") >= 0) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- daily: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- KEY.do_command("tasks");
- messageAppend("执行请安.", 1);
- await WG.oneKeyQA();
- WG.oneKeyDaily();
- await WG.sleep(2000);
- while (WG.daily_hook != undefined) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- WG.Send('tasks');
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- WG.oneKeySD();
- while (WG.sd_hook) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- xiyan: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.xiyan();
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- while (WG.marryhy) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- yamen: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.go_yamen_task();
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- while (WG.yamen_lister) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- wudao: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.wudao_auto();
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- boss: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.kksBoss({
- content: "听说xxx出现在逍遥派-青草坪一带。"
- });
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- while (WG.ksboss) {
- await WG.sleep(1000);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- stoppfm: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (G.auto_preform) {
- G.auto_preform = false;
- messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>关闭");
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- startpfm: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (!G.auto_preform) {
- G.auto_preform = true;
- messageAppend("<hio>自动施法</hio>开启");
- WG.auto_preform();
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- stopautopfm: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- var dellist = n.split(",");
- for (let p of dellist) {
- if (!WG.inArray(p, blackpfm)) {
- blackpfm.push(p);
- }
- }
- console.log("当前自动施法黑名单为:" + blackpfm);
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- startautopfm: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- let dellist = n.split(",");
- for (var i = 0; i < blackpfm.length; i++) {
- for (var item of dellist) {
- if (item == blackpfm[i]) {
- blackpfm.baoremove(i);
- }
- }
- }
- console.log("当前自动施法黑名单为:" + blackpfm);
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- store: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- await WG.sell_all(1, 0, 0);
- while (WG.packup_listener) {
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- fenjie: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- await WG.sell_all(0, 1, 0);
- while (WG.packup_listener) {
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- drop: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- await WG.sell_all(0, 0, 1);
- while (WG.packup_listener) {
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- sellall: async function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- await WG.sell_all(1, 1, 1);
- while (WG.packup_listener) {
- await WG.sleep(200);
- }
- await WG.sleep(100);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- callcontextMenu: function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- $('.container').contextMenu({
- x: 1,
- y: 1
- })
- },
- stopallauto: function (idx = 0, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.stopAllAuto();
- messageAppend("暂停自动喜宴及自动BOSS", 0, 1);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- startallauto: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.reSetAllAuto();
- messageAppend("恢复自动喜宴及自动BOSS", 0, 1);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- roll: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- if (n == 1) {
- WG.SendCmd("pty " + Math.random() * 100);
- } else if (n == 2) {
- WG.SendCmd("chat " + Math.random() * 100);
- } else if (n == 3) {
- WG.SendCmd("say " + Math.random() * 100);
- }
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- addstore: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.addstore(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, addlock: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.addlock(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, dellock: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.dellock(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, tnbuy: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.tnBuy();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, zxbuy: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.zxBuy();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, atlx: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.selectLowKongfu(parseInt(n));
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- addfenjieid: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.addfenjieid(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- adddrop: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.adddrop(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }, addzxbuy: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.addzxbuy(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- clsSakada: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.clean_dps();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- cls: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- messageClear();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- syso: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- messageAppend(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- stop: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- WG.timer_close();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- tts: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- FakerTTS.playtts(n);
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- beep: async function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- Beep();
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- },
- music: function (idx, n, cmds) {
- cmds = T.recmd(idx, cmds);
- var music = new MusicBox({
- loop: false, // 循环播放
- musicText: '6 - - 5 - 3 2 - 1 - - - 3 - - 2 1 - ·6 ·5 - - - ·5 - ·6 - ·5 - ·6 - 1 - - 2 - 3 5 6 - - 3 2 1 - 2', // 绿色
- autoplay: 6, // 自动弹奏速度
- type: 'triangle', // 音色类型 sine|square|triangle|sawtooth
- duration: 2 // 键音延长时间
- });
- WG.SendCmd(cmds);
- }
- };
- var ProConsole = {
- init: function () {
- //判断
- if (!L.isMobile()) {
- layer.open({
- type: 1,
- title: "运行命令",
- shade: false,
- offset: "rb",
- zIndex: 961024,
- success: function (layero, index) {
- $(".runtesta").show();
- },
- content: $(".runtest"),
- end: function () {
- $(".runtesta").off("click");
- $(".runtesta").hide();
- }
- });
- var lastrun = GM_getValue("_lastrun", "");
- if (lastrun != "") {
- $("#testmain").val(lastrun);
- }
- $(".runtesta").off("click");
- $(".runtesta").on('click', function () {
- if ($('#testmain').val().split("\n")[0].indexOf("//") >= 0) {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform($('#testmain').val());
- }
- } else if ($('#testmain').val().split("\n")[0].indexOf("#js") >= 0) {
- var jscode = $('#testmain').val().split("\n");
- jscode.baoremove(0)
- eval(jscode.join(""));
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd($('#testmain').val());
- }
- });
- $("#testmain").focusout(function () {
- GM_setValue("_lastrun", $('#testmain').val());
- })
- } else {
- layer.prompt({ title: '请输入...', formType: 2 }, function (text, index) {
- layer.close(index);
- if (text != null) {
- if (text.split("\n")[0].indexOf("//") >= 0) {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(text);
- }
- } else if (text.split("\n")[0].indexOf("#js") >= 0) {
- var jscode = text.split("\n");
- jscode.baoremove(0)
- eval(jscode.join(""));
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(text);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- },
- close: function () {
- layer.close();
- }
- }
- //UI
- var UI = {
- codeInput: `<div class="runtest layui-layer-wrap" style="display: none;">
- <textarea class="site-demo-text" id="testmain" data-enpassusermodified="yes">
- //<-第一行输入双斜杠即可运行流程命令 ,第一行输入#js 即可运行JS\n
- </textarea>
- <a class="layui-btn layui-btn-normal runtesta" style="position:absolute;right:20px;bottom:20px" >立即运行</a>
- </div>`,
- zdybtnui: function () {
- let ui = `<div class='WG_button'>`;
- let keyitem = ["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y"];
- let i = 0;
- for (let item of zdy_btnlist) {
- ui = ui + ` <span class='zdy-item' id = 'keyin${keyitem[i]}'>${item.name}(${keyitem[i]})</span>`;
- i = i + 1;
- }
- return ui + `<span class="zdy-item auto_perform" style="float:right;"> 自动攻击 </span>
- <span class="zdy-item cmd_echo" style="float:right;">代码</span> </div>`;
- },
- btnui: function () {
- return `<div class='WG_button'><span class='zdy-item sm_button'>师门(Q)</span>
- <span class='zdy-item go_yamen_task'>追捕(W)</span>
- <span class='zdy-item kill_all'>击杀(E)</span>
- <span class='zdy-item get_all'>拾取(R)</span>
- <span class='zdy-item sell_all'>清包(T)</span>
- <span class='zdy-item zdwk'>挖矿(Y)</span>
- <span class="zdy-item auto_perform" style="float:right;"> 自动攻击 </span>
- <span class="zdy-item cmd_echo" style="float:right;">代码</span> </div>`
- },
- wgui: function () {
- let p;
- if (inzdy_btn) {
- p = UI.zdybtnui();
- } else {
- p = UI.btnui();
- }
- return ` <div class='WG_log'>
- <pre></pre>
- </div>` +
- p;
- },
- zdyBtnsetui: function () {
- let ui = '';
- let keyitem = ["Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y"];
- for (let item of keyitem) {
- ui = ui + `<div class="setting-item setting-item2 ">
- <div style='width:10%'>${item}:</div><span>名称:<input style='width:20%' id='name${item}' /></span> <span style='margin-left:5px'>命令:<input id='send${item}'/></span>
- </div>`
- }
- ui = ui + `
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="savebtn">保存自定义按钮设置</span></div>
- </div>
- `;
- return ui;
- },
- html_lninput: function (prop, title) {
- return `
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <span><label for="${prop}">${title}</label><input id="${prop}" name="${prop}" type="text" style="width:80px" value>
- </span> </div> `;
- },
- html_input: function (prop, title) {
- return `
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <span><label for="${prop}"> ${title}</label> </span>
- </div>
- <textarea class="settingbox hide zdy-box" id="${prop}" name="${prop}" style="display: inline-block;"> </textarea>
- `;
- },
- html_switch: function (prop, title, pfor) {
- return `<div class="setting-item setting-item2 " for="${pfor}" style='display: inline-block;'>
- <span class="title"> ${title}</span>
- <span class="switch2" id="${prop}" >
- <span class="switch-button"></span>
- <span class="switch-text">关</span>
- </span>
- </div>
- `;
- },
- switchClick: function (e) {
- let t = $(this),
- s = t.parent().attr("for");
- if (t.is(".on")) {
- t.removeClass("on");
- t.find(".switch-text").html("关")
- } else {
- t.addClass("on");
- t.find(".switch-text").html("开");
- }
- },
- syssetting: function () {
- return `<h3>插件</h3>
- <div class="setting-item zdy_dialog" >
- 有空的话请点个star,您的支持是我最大的动力<a href="https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins" target="_blank">https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins</a>
- </div> `+
- UI.html_lninput("welcome", "欢迎语句: ") +
- UI.html_lninput("die_str", "死亡提示: ") + `
- <div class="setting-item">
- <span> <label for="color_select"> 界面配色: </label><select id="color_select" style="width:80px">
- <option value="normal"> 原版 </option>
- <option value="flat"> flat模式 </option>
- <option value="access"> 色若模式</option>
- </select> *此功能刷新后生效
- </span></div>
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <span><label for="family">门派选择:</label><select id="family" style="width:80px">
- <option value="武当">武当</option>
- <option value="华山">华山</option>
- <option value="少林">少林</option>
- <option value="峨眉">峨眉</option>
- <option value="逍遥">逍遥</option>
- <option value="丐帮">丐帮</option>
- <option value="武馆">武馆</option>
- <option value="杀手楼">杀手楼</option>
- </select>
- </span>
- </div>`
- + UI.html_switch('autorelogin', '自动重连: ', 'auto_relogin')
- + UI.html_switch('shieldswitch', '聊天频道屏蔽开关: ', 'shieldswitch')
- + UI.html_switch('silence', '安静模式:', 'silence')
- + UI.html_switch('dpssakada', '战斗统计:', 'dpssakada')
- + UI.html_switch('funnycalc', 'funny计算:', 'funnycalc')
- + `<h3>屏蔽选项</h3>`
- + UI.html_lninput("shield", "屏蔽人物名(用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_lninput("shieldkey", "屏蔽关键字(用半角逗号分隔):")
- + `<h3>师门任务配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('sm_loser', '师门自动放弃:', "sm_loser")
- + UI.html_switch('sm_any', '师门任务提交稀有:', "sm_any")
- + UI.html_switch('sm_price', '师门自动牌子:', 'sm_price')
- + UI.html_switch('sm_getstore', '师门自动仓库取:', "sm_getstore")
- + `<h3>自命令配置</h3>
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <span> <label for="zmlshowsetting"> 自命令显示位置: </label><select id="zmlshowsetting" style="width:80px">
- <option value="0"> 物品栏 </option>
- <option value="1"> 技能栏下方 </option>
- </select>
- </span></div> `
- + `<h3>武道塔配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_lninput("wudao_pfm", "武道释放技能(用半角逗号分隔):")
- + `<h3>杂项配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('autorewardgoto', '开启转发路径:', 'auto_rewardgoto')
- + UI.html_switch('busyinfo', '显示昏迷信息:', 'busy_info')
- + UI.html_switch('saveAddr', '使用豪宅仓库:', "saveAddr")
- + UI.html_switch('getitemShow', '显示获得物品:', 'getitemShow')
- + UI.html_input("statehml", "当你各种状态中断后,自动以下操作(部分地点不执行):")
- + UI.html_input("backimageurl", "背景图片url(建议使用1920*1080分辨率图片):")
- + UI.html_input("loginhml", "登录后执行命令:") + `
- <div class="setting-item">
- <span> <label for="bagFull"> 背包已满提示: </label><select id="bagFull" style="width:80px">
- <option value="0"> 文字提醒 </option>
- <option value="1"> 提示音 </option>
- <option value="2"> 语音提醒 </option>
- </select>
- </span></div>`
- + `<h3>推送配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('pushSwitch', '远程通知推送开关(使用@push推送通知,语法参考@print):', 'pushSwitch') + `
- <div class="setting-item">
- <span> <label for="pushType"> 通知推送方式(使用方法加群看): </label><select id="pushType" style="width:80px">
- <option value="0"> Server酱(限32字符) </option>
- <option value="1"> Bark iOS </option>
- <option value="2"> PushPlus.plus(支持html标签) </option>
- <option value="3"> 飞书机器人 </option>
- <option value="4"> Qmsg私聊 </option>
- <option value="5"> Qmsg群聊 </option>
- </select>
- </span></div> `
- + UI.html_lninput("pushToken", "推送方式对应的Token或Key(只要Key不要填整个网址):")
- //+ UI.html_lninput("pushUrl", "推演方式对应的推送网址(末尾不要加斜杠/):")
- + `<h3>自动BOSS配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('marry_kiss', '自动喜宴:', "automarry")
- + UI.html_switch('ks_Boss', '自动传到boss:', "autoKsBoss")
- + UI.html_lninput("auto_eq", "BOSS击杀时自动换装:")
- + UI.html_lninput("ks_pfm", "BOSS叫杀延时(ms): ")
- + UI.html_lninput("ks_wait", "BOSS击杀等待延迟(s): ")
- + UI.html_input("auto_command", "输入喜宴及boss后命令(留空为自动挖矿或修炼):")
- + UI.html_input("blacklist", "输入黑名单boss名称(黑名单boss不会去打,中文,用半角逗号分隔):")
- + `<h3>自动施法配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_input("unauto_pfm", "自动施法黑名单(填技能代码,使用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_switch('autopfmswitch', '自动施法开关:', 'auto_pfmswitch')
- + UI.html_switch('autopfmmode', 'AI施法模式:', 'auto_pfm_mode')
- + `<h3>仓库存储配置</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('autoupdateStore', '自动更新仓库数据:', 'auto_updateStore')
- + UI.html_input("store_info", "自动存储的物品名称(自动获得的物品信息,随仓库内容更新):")
- + UI.html_input("store_info2", "手动添加的自动存仓物品信息(不会随仓库内容更新,使用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_input("lock_info", "已锁物品名称(锁定物品不会自动丢弃,使用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_input("store_drop_info", "输入自动丢弃的物品名称(使用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_input("store_fenjie_info", "输入自动分解的物品名称(使用半角逗号分隔):")
- + UI.html_input("autobuy", "自动当铺购买清单:(用半角逗号分隔)")
- + UI.html_input("autoSkillPaperSell", "自动回收残页清单:(用半角逗号分隔)")
- + `<h3>技能自定义</h3>`
- + UI.html_switch('zdyskillsswitch', '自定义技能顺序开关:', 'zdyskills')
- + UI.html_input("zdyskilllist", "自定义技能顺序json数组:")
- + ` <div class="setting-item" ><div class="item-commands"><span class="clear_skillJson">清空技能json数组</span></div></div>`
- + `
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="update_id_all">初始化ID</span>
- <span class="clean_id_all">清空商品ID配置</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="update_store">更新存仓数据(覆盖)</span><span class="clean_dps">重置伤害统计</span></div>
- </div>
- <div class="setting-item" >
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="backup_btn">备份到云</span><span class="load_btn">加载云配置</span></div>
- </div>
- <h3>自定义按钮</h3>`
- + UI.zdyBtnsetui() +
- ` <h3>系统</h3> `
- },
- skillsPanel: `<div class="item-commands" style="text-align:center" id='skillsPanelUI'>
- <div style="margin-top:0.5em">
- <div style="width:8em;float:left;text-align:left;padding:0px 0px 0px 2em;height:1.23em" id="wsmud_raid_left" @click='show'><wht>{{role}}</wht></div>
- <div style="width:calc(100% - 16em);float:left;height:1.23em"><hig>套装列表</hig></div>
- <div style="width:8em;float:left;text-align:right;padding:0px 2em 0px 0px;height:1.23em" id="wsmud_raid_right">
- <select style="width:80px" id="eqskills-opts" @change="eqskills_opts_change(eqskills_id)" v-model="eqskills_id">
- <option value="none">选择操作</option>
- <option value="save">新建套装</option>
- <option value="covereq">覆盖套装</option>
- <option value="copyeq">复制命令</option>
- <option value="delete">删除套装</option>
- <option value="uneqall">脱光装备</option>
- </select></div>
- </div>
- <br><br>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in eqlistdel" @click='deleq(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width: 100%;">删除{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in eqlist" @click='eq(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width:100%;">装备套装:{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in covereqlist" @click='covereq(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width:100%;">覆盖套装:{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <br>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in eqlist" @click='eqs(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width: 100%;">装备技能:{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in cpeqlist" @click='copyeq(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width:100%;">复制装备套装:{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <br>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span class="zdy-item" v-for="(item, index) in cpeqlist" @click='copyeqs(index)'
- style="width: 120px;">
- <div class="eqsname" style="width: 100%;">复制装备技能:{{index}}</div>
- </span>
- </div>
- <br>
- </div>
- `,
- zmlsetting: `<div class='zdy_dialog' style='text-align:right;width:280px' id="zmldialog">
- <div class="setting-item"><span><label for="zml_name"> 输入自定义命令名称:</label></span><span><input id="zml_name"
- style='width:80px' type="text" name="zml_name" value="" v-model="singnalzml.name"></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <label for="zml_type"> 自命令类型: </label><select id="zml_type" style="width:80px"
- v-model="singnalzml.zmlType">
- <option value="0"> 插件原生 </option>
- <option value="1"> Raidjs流程 </option>
- <option value="2"> JS原生 </option>
- </select> </div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <label for="zml_info"> 输入自定义命令(用半角分号(;)分隔):</label></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><textarea class="settingbox hide zdy-box" style="display: inline-block;" id='zml_info'
- v-model="singnalzml.zmlRun"></textarea></div>
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="getSharezml" @click="getShare"> 查询分享 </span> <span class="editadd"
- @click="add"> 保存 </span> <span class="editdel" @click="del"> 删除 </span> </div>
- <div class="item-commands" id="zml_show">
- <span v-for="(item, index) in zmldata" @click="edit(item)">
- 编辑{{item.name}}
- </span>
- <br />
- <span v-for="(item, index) in zmldata" @click="showp(item)">
- <label v-if="item.zmlShow == '1'">取消快速使用</label><label v-else>快速使用</label>{{item.name}}
- </span>
- <br />
- <span v-for="(item, index) in zmldata" @click="share(item)">
- 分享{{item.name}}
- </span>
- <br />
- </div>
- </div> `,
- zmlandztjkui: `<div class='zdy_dialog' style='text-align:right;width:280px' id="zmlandztjk">
- <div class="item-commands"> <span class="editzml" @click="zml"> 编辑自命令 </span> </div>
- <div class="item-commands"> <span class="editztjk" @click="ztjk"> 编辑自定义监控 </span>
- <div class="item-commands"> <span class="startzdjk" @click="startjk"> 注入所有监控 </span> <span class="stopzdjk"
- @click="stopjk"> 暂停所有监控
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands" id="zml_show">
- <span v-for="(item, index) in zmldata" @click="run(item)">
- {{item.name}}
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>`, ztjksetting: `<div class='zdy_dialog' style='text-align:right;width:280px'>
- <div class="setting-item"> <label> 请打开插件首页,查看文档及例子,本人血量状态监控 请按如下规则输入关键字 90|90 这样监控的是hp 90% mp 90% 以下触发</label></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <label for="ztjk_name"> 名称:</label><input id="ztjk_name" style='width:80px' type="text"
- name="ztjk_name" value=""></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><label for="ztjk_type"> 类型(type):</label><select style='width:80px' id="ztjk_type">
- <option value="status"> 状态(status) </option>
- <option value="text"> 文本(text) </option>
- <option value="msg"> 聊天(msg) </option>
- <option value="die"> 死亡(die) </option>
- <option value="itemadd"> 人物刷新(itemadd) </option>
- <option value="room"> 地图名与房间人物(room) </option>
- <option value="dialog"> 背包监控(dialog) </option>
- <option value="combat"> 战斗状态(combat) </option>
- <option value="sc"> 血量状态(sc) </option>
- <option value="enapfm"> 技能监控(enapfm) </option>
- <option value="dispfm"> 技能监控(dispfm) </option>
- </select></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><span id='actionp' style='display:block'><label for="ztjk_action">
- 动作(action):</label><input id="ztjk_action" style='width:80px' type="text" name="ztjk_action"
- value=""></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><span><label for="ztjk_keyword"> 关键字(使用半角 | 分割):</label><input id="ztjk_keyword"
- style='width:80px' type="text" name="ztjk_keyword" value=""></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><span><label for="ztjk_ishave"> 触发对象: </label><select style='width:80px' id="ztjk_ishave">
- <option value="0"> 其他人 </option>
- <option value="1"> 本人 </option>
- <option value="2"> 仅NPC </option>
- </select></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span id='senduserp' style='display:block'><label for="ztjk_senduser"> MSG/其他人名称(使用半角 |
- 分割):</label><input id="ztjk_senduser" style="width:80px;" type="text" name="ztjk_senduser"
- value=""></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span style='display:block'><label> Buff层数:</label><input id="ztjk_maxcount"
- style="width:80px;" type="text" name="ztjk_maxcount" value=""></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span style='display:block'><label> 状态监控提示:</label><select style='width:80px'
- id="ztjk_istip">
- <option value="1"> 提示 </option>
- <option value="0"> 不提示 </option>
- </select></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><span><label for="ztjk_send"> 输入自定义命令(用半角分号(;)分隔):</label></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <textarea class="settingbox hide zdy-box" style="display: inline-block;"
- id='ztjk_send'></textarea></div>
- <div class="item-commands"><span class="ztjk_sharedfind"> 查询分享 </span> <span class="ztjk_editadd"> 保存 </span> <span
- class="ztjk_editdel"> 删除 </span></div>
- <div class="item-commands" id="ztjk_show"></div>
- <div class="item-commands" id="ztjk_set"></div>
- </div> `,
- jsquivue: `
- <div class="JsqVueUI">
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span @click='qnjs_btn'>潜能计算</span>
- <span @click='lxjs_btn'>练习时间及潜能计算</span>
- <span @click='khjs_btn'>开花计算</span>
- <span @click='zcjs_btn'>自创等级计算</span>
- <span @click='getskilljson'>提取技能属性(可用于苏轻模拟器)</span>
- <span @click='autoAddLianxi'>自动将最低等级技能添加到离线练习</span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span @click='onekeydaily'>一键日常</span>
- <span @click='onekeypk'>自动比试</span>
- <span @click='onekeysansan'>导入白三三懒人包(依赖raid.js)</span>
- <span @click='onelddh'>来点动画(依赖raid.js)</span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span @click="onekeystore">存仓及贩卖</span>
- <span @click='onekeysell'>丢弃及贩卖</span>
- <span @click='onekeyfenjie'>分解及贩卖</span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span @click='updatestore'>更新仓库数据(覆盖)</span>
- <span @click='sortstore'>排序仓库</span>
- <span @click='sortbag'>排序背包</span>
- <span @click='dsrw'>定时任务</span>
- <span @click='cleandps'>清空伤害</span>
- <span @click='cleankksboss'>不再提示婚宴及boss传送信息</span>
- </div>
- <div class="item-commands">
- <span @click='onekeyyaota'>一键妖塔</span>
- <span @click='onekeydelaytest'>延迟测试</span>
- <span @click='yuanshen'>原神</span>
- </div>
- </div>`,
- lxjsui: `
- <div style="width:50%;float:left" class='StudyTimeCalc'>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span>练习时间计算器</span></div>
- <div class="setting-item">先天悟性:<input type="number" placeholder="先天悟性" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model=jsqsx.xtwx></div>
- <div class="setting-item">后天悟性:<input type="number" placeholder="后天悟性" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model=jsqsx.htwx></div>
- <div class="setting-item">练习效率:<input type="number" placeholder="练习效率" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model=jsqsx.lxxl></div>
- <div class="setting-item">初始等级:<input type="number" placeholder="初始等级" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model=jsqsx.clevel></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 目标等级:<input type="number" placeholder="目标等级" style="width:50%"
- v-model=jsqsx.mlevel></div>
- <div class="setting-item">技能颜色: <select style="width:50%" v-model=jsqsx.color>
- <option value='0'>选择技能颜色</option>
- <option value='1' style="color: #c0c0c0;">白色</option>
- <option value='2' style="color:#00ff00;">绿色</option>
- <option value='3' style="color:#00ffff;">蓝色</option>
- <option value='4' style="color:#ffff00;">黄色</option>
- <option value='5' style="color:#912cee;">紫色</option>
- <option value='6' style="color: #ffa600;">橙色</option>
- <option value='7' style="color: #CC0000;">红色</option>
- </select></div>
- <div class="setting-item">
- <div class="item-commands"><span @click="lxjscalc">计算</span></div>
- </div>
- </div>`,
- qnjsui: ` <div style="width:50%;float:left" class="QianNengCalc">
- <div class="setting-item"> <span>潜能计算器</span></div>
- <div class="setting-item">初始等级:<input type="number" placeholder="初始等级" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model='qnsx.c'>
- </div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 目标等级:<input type="number" v-model='qnsx.m' placeholder="目标等级" style="width:50%">
- </div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 技能颜色:<select id="se" style="width:50%" v-model='qnsx.color'>
- <option value='0'>选择技能颜色</option>
- <option value='1' style="color: #c0c0c0;">白色</option>
- <option value='2' style="color:#00ff00;">绿色</option>
- <option value='3' style="color:#00ffff;">蓝色</option>
- <option value='4' style="color:#ffff00;">黄色</option>
- <option value='5' style="color:#912cee;">紫色</option>
- <option value='6' style="color: #ffa600;">橙色</option>
- </select>
- </div>
- <div class="setting-item">
- <div class="item-commands"><span @click="qnjscalc">计算</span></div>
- </div>
- </div>`,
- khjsui: `<div style="width:50%;float:left" class="KaihuaCalc">
- <div class="setting-item"><span>开花计算器</span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 当前内力:<input type="number" placeholder="当前内力" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model="khsx.nl"></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 先天根骨:<input type="number" placeholder="先天根骨" style="width:50%"
- v-model="khsx.xg"></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 后天根骨:<input type="number" placeholder="后天根骨" style="width:50%"
- v-model="khsx.hg"></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <div class="item-commands"><span @click="khjscalc" >计算</span></div></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <label>人花分值:5000 地花分值:6500 天花分值:8000</label></div>
- </div>`,
- zcjsui: `<div style="width:50%;float:left" class="ZiChuangCalc">
- <div class="setting-item"><span>自创等级计算器</span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 自创等级:<input type="number" placeholder="自创等级" style="width:50%"
- class="mui-input-speech" v-model="zcsx.level"></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 目标属性百分比:<input type="number" placeholder="目标属性百分比" style="width:50%"
- v-model="zcsx.percentage"></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <div class="item-commands"><span @click="zcjscalc" >计算</span></div></div>
- </div>`,
- lyui: `<div class='zdy_dialog' id="LianYao" style='text-align:right;width:280px'> 有空的话请点个star,您的支持是我最大的动力 <a target="_blank"
- href="https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins">https://github.com/knva/wsmud_plugins</a> 药方链接:<a target="_blank"
- href="https://emeisuqing.github.io/wsmud.old/yaofang/">https://emeisuqing.github.io/wsmud.old/yaofang/</a>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span> <label for="medicine_level"> 级别选择: </label><select style='width:80px'
- id="medicine_level" v-model="level">
- <option value="1">绿色</option>
- <option value="2">蓝色</option>
- <option value="3">黄色</option>
- <option value="4">紫色</option>
- <option value="5">橙色</option>
- <option value="6">红色</option>
- </select></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> 数量:<span><input id="mednum" v-model="num" style="width:80px;" type="number" name="mednum" value="1">
- </span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"> <span><label for="medicint_info"> 输入使用的顺序(使用半角逗号分隔,多配方使用 | 分割):</label></span></div>
- <div class="setting-item"><textarea v-model="info" class="settingbox hide zdy-box" style="display: inline-block;"
- id='medicint_info'>石楠叶,金银花,金银花,金银花,当归</textarea></div>
- <div class="item-commands"> <span class="startDev" @click="startDev"> 开始 </span><span class="stopDev" @click="stopDev"> 停止 </span> </div>
- </div>`,
- timeoutui: `<div class='zdy_dialog' style='text-align:right;width:280px'> 注意,可以留空的时或者分,这样就是每分钟/小时 的x秒触发任务,秒为必填项目 <div class="setting-item"> <span>任务名:<input type="text" id="questname" placeholder="任务名" style="width:50%"></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <label for = "rtype"> 运行次数 </label><select style='width:80px' id="rtype"></div> <option value="1">一次</option> <option value="2">每天</option> </select></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <span>时:<input type="number" id="ht" placeholder="时" style="width:50%"></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <span>分:<input type="number" id="mt" placeholder="分" style="width:50%"></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <span>秒:<input type="number" id="st" placeholder="秒" style="width:50%"></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <span><label for="zml_info"> 输入自定义命令(用半角分号(;)分隔):</label></span></div> <div class="setting-item"> <textarea class = "settingbox hide zdy-box"style = "display: inline-block;"id = 'zml_info'></textarea></div> <div class = "item-commands"> <span class = "startQuest"> 开始 </span><span class = "removeQuest"> 删除 </span> </div> <div class='questlist item-commands'></div> </div>`,
- toui: [
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 扬州城-衙门正厅" > 衙门 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-当铺" > 当铺 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-醉仙楼" > 醉仙 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-杂货铺" > 杂货 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-打铁铺" > 打铁 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-钱庄" > 钱庄 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-药铺" > 药铺 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-扬州武馆" > 武馆 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-镖局正厅" > 镖局 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 住房" > 住房 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-武庙" > 武庙 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 帮会-大院" > 帮派 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-赌场" > 赌场 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-有间客栈" > 客栈 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-擂台" > 擂台 </span>
- <span cmd = "$to 扬州城-矿山" > 矿山 </span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 武当派-后山小院" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 武当派-石阶" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 武当派-三清殿" >三清殿</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 少林派-方丈楼" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 少林派-山门殿" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 少林派-天王殿" >天王殿</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 华山派-客厅" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 华山派-练武场" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 华山派-落雁峰" >落雁峰</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 华山派-林间小屋" >封不平</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 峨眉派-清修洞" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 峨眉派-走廊" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 峨眉派-小屋" >周芷若</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 峨眉派-大殿" >静心</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 逍遥派-地下石室" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 逍遥派-林间小道" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 逍遥派-木屋" >薛慕华</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 逍遥派-练功房" >木桩</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 丐帮-林间小屋" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 丐帮-暗道;go east;" >后勤</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 丐帮-土地庙" >土地庙</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "$to 杀手楼-书房" >掌门</span>
- <span cmd = "$to 杀手楼-休息室;" >后勤</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "@call 自动襄阳" >自动襄阳</span></div>`,
- `<div class='item-commands'><span cmd = "@call 自动武道塔" >自动武道塔</span>
- <span cmd = "$goyt">妖塔</span>
- <span cmd = "$gogzm">古宗门</span>
- <span cmd = "$godddb">大殿底部</span></div>`
- ],
- fbui: function (name, mulit, diffi) {
- let ui = `<div class='item-commands'>`;
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- if (ToRaid.existAutoDungeon(`${name} 0`)) {
- ui = ui + `<span cmd = "@fb ${name} 0" >自动副本-${name}</span>`;
- }
- if (diffi) {
- if (ToRaid.existAutoDungeon(`${name} 1`)) {
- ui += `<span cmd = "@fb ${name} 1" >自动副本-${name}-困难</span>`;
- }
- }
- if (mulit) {
- if (ToRaid.existAutoDungeon(`${name} 2`)) {
- ui += `<span cmd = "@fb ${name} 2" >自动副本-${name}-组队</span>`;
- }
- }
- } else {
- ui += `未安装Raid.js插件`;
- }
- if (ui == `<div class='item-commands'>`) {
- return `<div>暂无自动副本脚本,欢迎共享。可以到三三仓库寻找更多脚本。</div>`
- } else {
- return ui + `</div>`;
- }
- },
- itemui: function (itemname) {
- itemname = itemname.toLowerCase();
- let ui = `<div class="item-commands ">
- <span class = "addstore" cmd='$addstore ${itemname}'> 添加到存仓 </span>`;
- if (lock_list.indexOf(itemname) >= 0) {
- ui = ui + `<span class = "dellock" cmd='$dellock ${itemname}'> 移除物品锁 </span>`;
- } else {
- ui = ui + `<span class = "addlock" cmd='$addlock ${itemname}'> 添加物品锁 </span>`;
- }
- if (itemname.indexOf("★") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("☆") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("hio") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("hir") >= 0 || itemname.indexOf("ord") >= 0) {
- ui = ui + `</div>`;
- } else {
- if (itemname.indexOf("残页") >= 0 && itemname != "武道残页") {
- ui = ui + `<span class = "addzxbuy" cmd='$addzxbuy ${itemname}'> 添加到回收 </span>`;
- } else {
- ui = ui + `<span class = "addfenjieid" cmd='$addfenjieid ${itemname}'> 添加到分解 </span>`;
- }
- if (lock_list.indexOf(itemname) == -1) {
- ui = ui + `<span class = "adddrop" cmd='$adddrop ${itemname}'> 添加到丢弃 </span>`;
- }
- ui = ui + `</div>`;
- }
- return ui;
- },
- }
- //全局变量
- var G = {
- id: undefined,
- state: undefined,
- room_name: undefined,
- family: undefined,
- items: new Map(),
- stat_boss_success: 0,
- stat_boss_find: 0,
- stat_xiyan_success: 0,
- stat_xiyan_find: 0,
- cds: new Map(),
- in_fight: false,
- fight_id: "",
- auto_preform: false,
- auto_pfm_mode: false,
- can_auto: false,
- level: undefined,
- getitemShow: undefined,
- wk_listener: undefined,
- status: new Map(),
- score: undefined,
- party: '',
- yaoyuan: 0,
- yaotaFlag: false,
- yaotaCount: 0,
- jy: 0,
- qn: 0,
- selfStatus: [],
- wsdelaySetTime: undefined,
- wsdelaySetCount: undefined,
- wsdelay: undefined,
- enable_skills: [{ type: "unarmed", name: "none" },
- { type: "force", name: "none" },
- { type: "parry", name: "none" },
- { type: "dodge", name: "none" },
- { type: "sword", name: "none" },
- { type: "throwing", name: "none" },
- { type: "blade", name: "none" },
- { type: "whip", name: "none" },
- { type: "club", name: "none" },
- { type: "staff", name: "none" },],
- eqs: [],
- isGod: function () {
- if (G.level != null) {
- if (G.level.indexOf('武帝') >= 0 ||
- G.level.indexOf('武神') >= 0 ||
- G.level.indexOf('剑神') >= 0 ||
- G.level.indexOf('刀皇') >= 0 ||
- G.level.indexOf('兵主') >= 0 ||
- G.level.indexOf('战神') >= 0) {
- return true
- } else {
- return false
- }
- } else {
- return false
- }
- },
- cookie: undefined,
- connected: false
- };
- //GlobalInit
- var GI = {
- gcdThread: null,
- init: function () {
- WG.add_hook("items", function (data) {
- WG.saveRoomstate(data);
- });
- var sendStore = false;
- WG.add_hook(['dialog', 'text'], function (data) {
- if (data.type == "dialog") {
- if (WG.packup_listener == null && data.id != null && data.store != null) {
- if (sendStore) {
- WG.SendCmd("store")
- sendStore = false;
- }
- }
- var stores = data.stores;
- if (stores != null) {
- store_list = [];
- for (let store of stores) {
- store_list.push(store.name.toLowerCase());
- }
- zdy_item_store = store_list.join(',');
- $('#store_info').val(zdy_item_store);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store);
- store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store2.split(","));
- }
- }
- else {
- auto_updateStore = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_updateStore", auto_updateStore);
- if (WG.sort_hook == null && auto_updateStore == "开" && data.msg.indexOf("书架") < 0 &&
- (/^你把(.+)存入仓库。$/.test(data.msg) || /^你从仓库里取出(.+)。$/.test(data.msg))) {
- sendStore = true;
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.items != undefined) {
- packData = data.items;
- eqData = data.eqs;
- G.eqs = data.eqs
- }
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.uneq != undefined) {
- G.eqs[data.uneq] = null;
- }
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.eq != undefined) {
- G.eqs[data.eq] = { id: data.id, name: "" };
- }
- if (data.dialog == "skills") {
- if (data.enable != null && zdyskills == "开") {
- zdyskilllist == "";
- messageAppend("检测到更换技能,请刷新重新获取技能数据!");
- zdyskills = "关";
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", "");
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskills", zdyskills);
- }
- if (data.items) {
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.name.indexOf("基本") >= 0) {
- if (item.enable_skill) {
- for (let eitem of G.enable_skills) {
- if (eitem.type == item.id) {
- eitem.name = item.enable_skill
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (let eitem of G.enable_skills) {
- if (eitem.type == item.id) {
- eitem.name = 'none'
- break;
- }
- }
- // G.enable_skills.push({ name: 'none', type: item.id })
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.enable != undefined) {
- for (let item of G.enable_skills) {
- if (item.type == data.id) {
- item.name = data.enable
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.dialog == 'party') {
- G.party = data.name;
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook(["status", "login", "exits", "room", "items", "itemadd", "itemremove", "sc", "text", "state", "msg", "perform", "clearDistime", "dispfm", "combat", "die"], function (data) {
- switch (data.type) {
- case "login":
- G.id = data.id;
- G.connected = true;
- WG.online = true;
- break;
- case "exits":
- G.exits = new Map();
- if (data.items["north"]) {
- G.exits.set("north", {
- exits: data.items["north"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["south"]) {
- G.exits.set("south", {
- exits: data.items["south"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["east"]) {
- G.exits.set("east", {
- exits: data.items["east"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["west"]) {
- G.exits.set("west", {
- exits: data.items["west"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["northup"]) {
- G.exits.set("northup", {
- exits: data.items["northup"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["southup"]) {
- G.exits.set("southup", {
- exits: data.items["southup"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["eastup"]) {
- G.exits.set("eastup", {
- exits: data.items["eastup"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["westup"]) {
- G.exits.set("westup", {
- exits: data.items["westup"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["northdown"]) {
- G.exits.set("northdown", {
- exits: data.items["northdown"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["southdown"]) {
- G.exits.set("southdown", {
- exits: data.items["southdown"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["eastdown"]) {
- G.exits.set("eastdown", {
- exits: data.items["eastdown"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["westdown"]) {
- G.exits.set("westdown", {
- exits: data.items["westdown"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["up"]) {
- G.exits.set("up", {
- exits: data.items["up"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["down"]) {
- G.exits.set("down", {
- exits: data.items["down"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["enter"]) {
- G.exits.set("enter", {
- exits: data.items["enter"]
- });
- }
- if (data.items["out"]) {
- G.exits.set("out", {
- exits: data.items["out"]
- });
- }
- break;
- case "room":
- let tmp = data.path.split("/");
- G.map = tmp[0];
- G.room = tmp[1];
- if (G.map == 'home' || G.room == 'kuang')
- G.can_auto = true;
- else
- G.can_auto = false;
- G.room_name = data.name;
- //强制结束pfm
- if (G.in_fight) {
- G.in_fight = false;
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- WG.clean_dps();
- }
- break;
- case "items":
- G.items = new Map();
- for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- let item = data.items[i];
- if (item.id) {
- if (item.id == G.id && item.status != null) {
- G.selfStatus = []
- for (var x = 0; x < item.status.length; x++) {
- G.selfStatus.push(item.status[x].sid)
- }
- }
- let n = $.trim($('<body>' + item.name + '</body>').text());
- let i = n.lastIndexOf(' ');
- let j = n.lastIndexOf('<');
- let t = "";
- let s = "";
- if (j >= 0) {
- s = n.substr(j + 1, 2);
- }
- if (i >= 0) {
- t = n.substr(0, i);
- n = n.substr(i + 1).replace(/<.*>/g, '');
- }
- G.items.set(item.id, {
- name: n,
- title: t,
- state: s,
- max_hp: item.max_hp,
- max_mp: item.max_mp,
- hp: item.hp,
- mp: item.mp,
- p: item.p,
- damage: 0,
- status: item.status
- });
- }
- }
- break;
- case "itemadd":
- if (data.id) {
- let n = $.trim($('<body>' + data.name + '</body>').text());
- let i = n.lastIndexOf(' ');
- let j = n.lastIndexOf('<');
- let t = "";
- let s = "";
- if (i >= 0) {
- t = n.substr(0, i);
- if (j >= 0) {
- s = n.substr(j + 1, 2);
- }
- n = n.substr(i + 1).replace(/<.*>/g, '');
- }
- G.items.set(data.id, {
- name: n,
- title: t,
- state: s,
- max_hp: data.max_hp,
- max_mp: data.max_mp,
- hp: data.hp,
- mp: data.mp,
- p: data.p,
- damage: 0,
- status: data.status
- });
- }
- break;
- case "itemremove":
- G.items.delete(data.id);
- break
- case "sc":
- let xitem = G.items.get(data.id);
- if (data.hp !== undefined) {
- xitem.hp = data.hp;
- if (data.id != G.id) {
- G.scid = data.id; //伤害统计需要
- }
- // WG.showallhp();
- }
- if (data.mp !== undefined) {
- xitem.mp = data.mp;
- }
- if (data.id != G.id) break;
- if (data.hp != null) G.hp = data.hp;
- if (data.max_hp != null) G.maxHp = data.max_hp;
- if (data.mp != null) G.mp = data.mp;
- if (data.max_mp != null) G.maxMp = data.max_mp;
- break
- case "perform":
- G.skills = data.skills;
- if (zdyskilllist == "") {
- zdyskilllist = JSON.stringify(data.skills);
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", zdyskilllist);
- }
- break
- case 'clearDistime':
- G.cds.forEach(function (v, k) {
- G.cds.set(k, false);
- });
- case 'dispfm':
- if (data.id) {
- if (data.distime) { }
- G.cds.set(data.id, true);
- var _id = data.id;
- setTimeout(function () {
- G.cds.set(_id, false);
- //技能cd时间到
- let pfmtimeTips = {
- data: JSON.stringify({
- type: "enapfm",
- id: _id
- })
- };
- WG.receive_message(pfmtimeTips);
- }, data.distime);
- }
- if (data.rtime) {
- if (G.gcd) {
- clearTimeout(GI.gcdThread);
- }
- G.gcd = true;
- GI.gcdThread = setTimeout(function () {
- G.gcd = false;
- }, data.rtime);
- }
- break
- case "combat":
- if (data.start) {
- G.in_fight = true;
- battletime = new Date();
- WG.auto_preform();
- }
- if (data.end) {
- G.in_fight = false;
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- WG.clean_dps();
- }
- break
- case "status":
- if (data.count != undefined) {
- G.status.set(data.id, {
- "sid": data.sid,
- "count": data.count
- });
- }
- if (data.id == G.id) {
- if (data.action == 'add') {
- G.selfStatus.push(data.sid)
- if (data.duration) {
- setTimeout(() => {
- G.selfStatus.remove(data.sid);
- }, data.duration - (data.overtime || 0));
- }
- } else if (data.action == 'remove') {
- let tmpbufflist = []
- for (let i = 0; i < G.selfStatus.length; i++) {
- if (G.selfStatus[i] != data.sid) {
- tmpbufflist.push(G.selfStatus[i])
- }
- }
- G.selfStatus = tmpbufflist;
- } else if (data.action == 'clear') {
- G.selfStatus = []
- }
- }
- if (busy_info === '开') {
- if (data.id == G.id) {
- if (data.action == 'add') {
- if (data.sid == 'busy' || data.sid == 'faint') {
- var _id = data.id;
- messageAppend(`你被${data.name}了${data.duration / 1000}秒`, 2, 0);
- if (data.name == '绊字诀') return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (data.action == 'add') {
- if (data.sid == 'busy' || data.sid == 'faint' || data.sid == 'chidun' || data.sid == 'unarmed') {
- let npc = G.items.get(data.id)
- messageAppend(`${npc.name}被${data.name}了${data.duration / 1000}秒`, 2, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- let item = G.items.get(data.id);
- if (item == null) {
- break;
- }
- if (data.action == 'add') {
- if (item.status == null) {
- item.status = [];
- }
- item.status.push({ sid: data.sid, name: data.name, duration: data.duration, overtime: 0 });
- } else if (data.action == 'remove') {
- for (let i = 0; i < item.status.length; i++) {
- let s = item.status[i];
- if (s.sid == data.sid) {
- item.status.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- } else if (data.action == 'clear') {
- for (let i = 0; i < item.status.length; i++) {
- item.status.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- break
- case "text":
- if (data.msg.indexOf("还没准备好,你还不能使用。") >= 0) {
- // let skillname = data.msg.replaceAll("还没准备好,你还不能使用。","");
- // let skillid = G.skills.map(e => { return e['name'] == skillname ? e['id'] : '' }).join("")
- // if (skillid!=''){
- // G.cds.set(skillid,true)
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // G.cds.set(skillid,false)
- // }, 1000);
- // }
- if (!G.gcd) {
- G.gcd = true;
- setTimeout(() => {
- G.gcd = false
- }, 500);
- }
- }
- if ((data.msg.indexOf("不要急") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("你现在手忙脚乱") >= 0 ||
- data.msg.indexOf("你正在昏迷") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("你上个技能") >= 0) && G.auto_preform) {
- if (!G.gcd) {
- G.gcd = true;
- setTimeout(() => {
- G.gcd = false
- }, 500);
- }
- }
- break
- case 'die':
- // console.log('死亡,清除bf')
- G.selfStatus = []
- if (die_str != '' && data.relive == null) {
- textShow(die_str)
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("state", function (data) {
- console.dir(data);
- if (data.type == 'state' && data.state == undefined) {
- if (G.room_name.indexOf('副本') >= 0 || G.room_name.indexOf('襄阳') >= 0 ||
- G.room_name.indexOf('矿山') >= 0 || G.room_name.indexOf('练功房') >= 0) {
- return;
- }
- statehml = GM_getValue(roleid + '_statehml', statehml);
- WG.SendCmd(statehml);
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("dialog", function (data) {
- //console.dir(data);
- if (data.dialog == "pack" && data.items != undefined && data.items.length >= 0) {
- //equip =
- for (var i = 0; i < data.items.length; i++) {
- if (data.items[i].name.indexOf("铁镐") >= 0) {
- equip["铁镐"] = data.items[i].id;
- //messageAppend("铁镐ID:" + data.items[i].id);
- }
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < data.eqs.length; j++) {
- if (data.eqs[j] != null && data.eqs[j].name.indexOf("铁镐") >= 0) {
- equip["铁镐"] = data.eqs[j].id;
- //messageAppend("铁镐ID:" + data.eqs[j].id);
- }
- }
- } else if (data.dialog == 'pack' && data.desc != undefined) {
- messageClear();
- var itemname = data.desc.split("\n")[0];
- var htmla = `<div class="item-commands ">
- <span class = "copyid" data-clipboard-target = ".target1" > ` + itemname + ":" + data.id +
- `复制到剪贴板 </span></div>
- `;
- messageAppend(htmla);
- $(".copyid").off("click");
- $(".copyid").on('click', () => {
- var copydata = data.id;
- GM_setClipboard(copydata);
- messageAppend("复制成功");
- });
- } else if (data.dialog == 'pack' && data.name != null) {
- let item = {
- id: data.id,
- name: data.name,
- count: data.count
- }
- packData.push(item)
- } else if (data.dialog == 'list' && data.stores != null) {
- storeData = data.stores;
- // packData.push(item)
- } else if (data.dialog == 'list' && data.store != null) {
- let scan_store = true;
- let bag_remove_id = null;
- let store_remove_id = null;
- for (let i = 0; i < packData.length; i++) {
- let bag_item = packData[i];
- if (bag_item == null) { continue; }
- if (bag_item.id == data.id) { // 道具存于背包时, 先判断数量 若数量为0 删除背包数据,若不为0 修改背包数据
- scan_store = false;
- let over_num = bag_item.count - data.store;
- if (over_num == 0) {
- // packData.splice(i, 1)
- bag_remove_id = i;
- } else {
- packData[i].count = over_num;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (scan_store) { // 如果不存在于背包时, 添加数据到背包,并判断仓库数量
- for (let j = 0; j < storeData.length; j++) {
- let store_item = storeData[j];
- if (store_item == null) { continue; }
- if (store_item.id == data.storeid) {
- let item = {
- id: data.id,
- name: store_item.name,
- count: Math.abs(data.store)
- }
- //更新背包
- packData.push(item);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- //计算仓库数据,若仓库存在该数据 修改其数量,若不存在 则添加,如果计算后数量为0 则删除该条数据
- let found_store = true;
- for (let j = 0; j < storeData.length; j++) {
- let store_item = storeData[j];
- if (store_item == null) { continue; }
- if (store_item.id == data.id) {
- found_store = false;
- let store_count = store_item.count + data.store;
- if (store_count === 0) {
- // storeData.splice(j, 1)
- store_remove_id = j;
- } else {
- storeData[j].count = store_count;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found_store) {
- for (let j = 0; j < packData.length; j++) {
- let store_item = packData[j];
- if (store_item == null) { continue; }
- if (store_item.id === data.id) {
- let item = {
- id: data.stroeid,
- name: store_item.name,
- count: Math.abs(data.store)
- }
- //更新背包
- storeData.push(item)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // 移除队列数据
- if (bag_remove_id != null) {
- packData.splice(bag_remove_id, 1)
- }
- if (store_remove_id != null) {
- storeData.splice(store_remove_id, 1)
- }
- } else if (data.dialog == 'pack' && data.jldesc != undefined) {
- let jl = data.jldesc.match(/<(.*)>(.*)<\/.*><br\/>精炼<(hig|hic|hiy|hiz|hio|ord)>+(.*)\s</i);
- if (jl) {
- let l = jl[1];
- let n = `<${l}>` + jl[2] + `</${l}>`;
- let j = parseInt(jl[4]);
- let c = 13 - j;
- //let cmd = `jinglian ${data.id} ok[${c}]`
- let cmd = [];
- for (let i = 0; i < c; i++) {
- cmd.push(`jinglian ${data.id} ok`);
- }
- $(".content-message pre").append(
- $(`<div class="item-commands"><span class="jinglian">精炼6星 => ${n}</span></div>`).click(() => WG.SendCmd(cmd)),
- );
- AutoScroll(".content-message");
- }
- }
- if (data.dialog == 'score') {
- console.log("score update");
- if (!G.level && (data.level != null)) {
- G.level = data.level;
- console.log("欢迎" + G.level);
- }
- if (!G.family && (data.family != null)) {
- G.pfamily = data.family;
- G.family = data.family.replaceAll('派', '');
- console.log(G.family);
- if (G.family == "无门无") {
- G.family = "武馆";
- }
- family = G.family;
- G.score = data;
- GM_setValue(roleid + "_family", G.family);
- } else if (data.study_per != null) {
- G.score2 = data;
- }
- if (data.hp && data.mp && data.pot) {
- G.score = data;
- }
- }
- });
- //师门id自动刷新
- WG.add_hook(["dialog", "items"], (data) => {
- if (data.type == 'dialog') {
- if (data.selllist) {
- for (let item of data.selllist) {
- let realname = item.name.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); //去尖括号
- let _gtype = /<([^<>]*)>/.exec(item.name)[1]
- if (pgoods[realname] != undefined) {
- pgoods[realname].id = item.id;
- }
- if (pgoods[_gtype + realname] != undefined) {
- pgoods[_gtype + realname].id = item.id;
- }
- }
- GM_setValue("goods", pgoods);
- }
- } else if (data.type == 'items') {
- if (WG.at("扬州城-醉仙楼")) {
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.name == '店小二') {
- npcs['店小二'] = item.id;
- GM_setValue("npcs", npcs);
- return;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (let item of data.items) {
- if (item.name == '店小二') return;
- if (npcs[item.name] != undefined) {
- npcs[item.name] = item.id;
- GM_setValue("npcs", npcs);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("msg", function (data) {
- if (data.ch == "sys") {
- var automarry = GM_getValue(roleid + "_automarry", automarry);
- if (data.content.indexOf(",婚礼将在一分钟后开始。") >= 0) {
- console.dir(data);
- if (automarry == "开" && G.in_fight == false) {
- if (stopauto || WG.at('副本')) {
- let b = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyjh'>参加喜宴</span></div>"
- messageClear();
- messageAppend("<hiy>点击参加喜宴</hiy>");
- messageAppend(b);
- $('#onekeyjh').on('click', function () {
- WG.xiyan();
- });
- } else {
- console.log("xiyan");
- WG.xiyan();
- }
- } else if (automarry == "关" || G.in_fight == true) {
- let b = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyjh'>参加喜宴</span></div>"
- messageClear();
- messageAppend("<hiy>点击参加喜宴,由于未开启自动传送,或者在战斗中,需要手动传送</hiy>");
- messageAppend(b);
- $('#onekeyjh').on('click', function () {
- WG.xiyan();
- });
- }
- }
- } else if (data.ch == "rumor") {
- if (data.content.indexOf("听说") >= 0 &&
- data.content.indexOf("出现在") >= 0 &&
- data.content.indexOf("一带。") >= 0) {
- console.dir(data);
- if (autoKsBoss == "开" && G.in_fight == false) {
- if (stopauto || WG.at('副本')) {
- var c = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyKsboss'>传送到boss</span></div>";
- messageClear();
- messageAppend("boss已出现");
- messageAppend(c);
- $('#onekeyKsboss').on('click', function () {
- WG.kksBoss(data);
- });
- } else {
- WG.kksBoss(data);
- }
- } else if (autoKsBoss == "关" || G.in_fight == true) {
- var c = "<div class=\"item-commands\"><span id = 'onekeyKsboss'>传送到boss</span></div>";
- messageClear();
- messageAppend("<hiy>boss已出现,由于未开启自动传送,或者在战斗中,需要手动传送</hiy>");
- messageAppend(c);
- $('#onekeyKsboss').on('click', function () {
- WG.kksBoss(data);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook('text', function (data) {
- if (G.getitemShow) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("恭喜你得到") >= 0 ||
- (data.msg.indexOf("获得") >= 0 &&
- data.msg.indexOf("经验") == -1 &&
- data.msg.indexOf("潜能") == -1 &&
- data.msg.indexOf("提升") == -1) ||
- data.msg.indexOf("你找到") == 0 ||
- data.msg.indexOf("你从") == 0 ||
- (data.msg.indexOf("得到") >= 0 &&
- data.msg.indexOf("郭襄在得到倚天剑") == -1 &&
- data.msg.indexOf("长白山得到剑谱") == -1)
- ) {
- messageAppend(data.msg);
- }
- }
- // if (data.msg.indexOf("还没准备好") >= 0) {
- // WG.auto_preform('stop');
- // setTimeout(() => {
- // WG.auto_preform();
- // }, 200);
- // }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("说:") == -1) {
- if (data.msg.indexOf("只能在战斗中使用。") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf('这里不允许战斗') != -1 || data.msg.indexOf('没时间这么做') != -1) {
- if (G.in_fight) {
- G.in_fight = false;
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- WG.clean_dps();
- }
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("加油,加油!!") >= 0) {
- if (G.in_fight == false) {
- G.in_fight = true;
- WG.auto_preform();
- }
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("你的内力不够,无法使用") >= 0) {
- // if (G.in_fight == false) {
- // G.in_fight = true;
- // }
- if (G.preform_timer != null) {
- WG.auto_preform("stop");
- messageAppend("内力不足,停止自动出招", 1, 0)
- }
- }
- }
- if (data.type == 'text') {
- if (data.msg.indexOf(`${role}身上东西太多了`) >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("你身上东西太多了") >= 0 || data.msg.indexOf("你拿不下那么多东西。") >= 0) {
- WG.Send("tm 友情提示:请检查是否背包已满!");
- messageAppend("友情提示:请检查是否背包已满!", 1);
- if (bagFull == 1) {
- Beep();
- } else if (bagFull == 2) {
- FakerTTS.playtts(`${role},请检查是否背包已满!`);
- }
- if (WG.sm_state >= 0) {
- WG.sm_state = -1;
- $(".sm_button").text("师门(Q)");
- }
- }
- if (data.msg.indexOf("长得") >= 0 && data.msg.indexOf("看起来") >= 0) {
- let s = data.msg.split("\n")[0].split(" ");
- let name = s[s.length - 1];
- if (name.indexOf("<") >= 0) {
- name = name.split("<")[0];
- }
- let t = new Date().getMilliseconds();
- let shieldhtml = `<div class="item-commands"><span id="addshield${t}">屏蔽 ${name}</span></div>`
- messageAppend(shieldhtml, 0, 0);
- $(`#addshield${t}`).on('click', function () {
- shield = GM_getValue('_shield', shield);
- if (shield != "") {
- shield = shield + "," + name;
- } else {
- shield = name;
- }
- GM_setValue('_shield', shield);
- $('#shield').val(shield);
- messageAppend("已屏蔽", 1, 1);
- });
- }
- if (dpssakada == '开') {
- if (/.*造成<.*>.*<\/.*>点.*/.test(data.msg)) {
- let pdata = data.msg;
- let a = pdata.split(/.*造成<wht>|.*造成<hir>|<\/wht>点|<\/hir>点/);
- let b = a[2].split(/伤害|\(|</);
- if (b[2] != '你') {
- if (b[0] == '暴击') {//判断关键字
- //critical = critical + parseInt(a[1]);
- lastcri = parseInt(a[1]);
- } else {
- // pfmdps = pfmdps + parseInt(a[1]);
- lastpfm = parseInt(a[1]);
- }
- dpslock = 1;
- // messageAppend(`你造成了${addChineseUnit(pfmdps)}伤害,共计${pfmnum}次。`, 1, 1);
- }
- }
- let dd = data.msg.split(/看起来充满活力,一点也不累。|似乎有些疲惫,但是仍然十分有活力。|看起来可能有些累了。|动作似乎开始有点不太灵光,但是仍然有条不紊。|已经一副头重脚轻的模样,正在勉力支撑著不倒下去。|看起来已经力不从心了。|已经陷入半昏迷状态,随时都可能摔倒晕去。|似乎十分疲惫,看来需要好好休息了。|气喘嘘嘘,看起来状况并不太好。|摇头晃脑、歪歪斜斜地站都站不稳,眼看就要倒在地上。/);
- //console.log(dd);
- if (dd.length >= 2) {
- //console.log(data.msg)
- if (dd[0].indexOf("你") < 0) {
- if (lastcri > 0) {
- critical = critical + lastcri;
- criticalnum = criticalnum + 1;//暴击伤害和暴击次数增加
- }
- if (lastpfm > 0) {
- pfmdps = pfmdps + lastpfm;
- pfmnum = pfmnum + 1;
- }
- }
- lastcri = 0;
- lastpfm = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // 获取id
- let match = data.msg.match(/看起来(.*)想杀死你!/) || data.msg.match(/你扑向(.*)/);
- if (Array.isArray(match) && match.length > 1) {
- let name = match[1];
- let room = roomData.find(room => room.name && room.name.includes(name));
- if (room) {
- G.fight_id = room.id;
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook('dialog', function (data) {
- if (data.dialog == 'jh') {
- if (data.fbs) {
- fb_path = data.fbs;
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook(['text', 'sc'], function (message) {
- if (funnycalc == '关') return;
- if (message.type === "text" && /你的最大内力增加了/.test(message.msg)) {
- //if中已经判断了内力相关
- let x = message.msg.replace(/[^0-9]/ig, "");
- let item = G.score;
- let max = item.max_mp;
- let limit = item.limit_mp;
- let t = (limit - max) / (x * 6);//时间/分钟
- let tStr = t < 60 ? `${parseInt(t)}分钟` : `${parseInt(t / 60)}小时${parseInt(t % 60)}分钟`;
- let html = `<hic class="remove_nl">你的最大内力从${max}到${limit}还需${tStr}。\n</hic>`;
- messageAppend(html, 0, 1);
- } else if (message.type == 'sc' && message.id == G.id) {
- if (message.max_mp != null && message.mp != null) {
- G.score.max_mp = message.max_mp;
- G.score.mp = message.mp;
- }
- } else if (message.type == 'text') {
- if (/你获得了(.*)点经验,(.*)点潜能/.test(message.msg)) {
- let x = message.msg.match(/获得了(.*)点经验,(.*)点潜能/);
- G.jy += parseInt(x[1]);
- G.qn += parseInt(x[2]);
- let mss = `<span class="remove_jy">共计获得了${G.jy}点经验和${G.qn}点潜能。\n</span>`;
- function refresh_jy(mss) {
- $(".remove_jy").remove();
- $(".content-message pre").append(mss);
- AutoScroll(".content-message");
- }
- setTimeout(() => refresh_jy(mss), 200);
- }
- }
- });
- WG.add_hook("roles", function (data) {
- // console.log(data);
- // unsafeWindow.SS_ROLES = data.roles;
- function sendRoles() {
- if (originWindow.source) {
- originWindow.source.postMessage(data.roles, '*');
- } else {
- setTimeout(sendRoles, 1000);
- }
- }
- sendRoles();
- setTimeout(() => {
- let loginnum = getQueryVariable("login")
- if (loginnum) {
- let userList = $('#role_panel > ul > li.content > ul >li');
- for (let uidx = 0; uidx < userList.length; uidx++) {
- if (loginnum == uidx + 1) {
- $(userList[uidx]).addClass("select");
- } else {
- $(userList[uidx]).removeClass("select");
- }
- }
- $("li[command=SelectRole]").click()
- return;
- }
- }, 5000);
- });
- },
- configInit: function () {
- family = GM_getValue(roleid + "_family", family);
- automarry = GM_getValue(roleid + "_automarry", automarry);
- autoKsBoss = GM_getValue(roleid + "_autoKsBoss", autoKsBoss);
- ks_pfm = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ks_pfm", ks_pfm);
- ks_wait = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ks_wait", ks_wait);
- eqlist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_eqlist", eqlist);
- skilllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_skilllist", skilllist);
- autoeq = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_eq", autoeq);
- if (family == null) {
- family = $('.role-list .select').text().substr(0, 2)
- }
- wudao_pfm = GM_getValue(roleid + "_wudao_pfm", wudao_pfm);
- sm_loser = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_loser", sm_loser);
- sm_any = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_any", sm_any);
- sm_price = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_price", sm_price);
- sm_getstore = GM_getValue(roleid + "_sm_getstore", sm_getstore);
- unauto_pfm = GM_getValue(roleid + "_unauto_pfm", unauto_pfm);
- auto_pfmswitch = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_pfmswitch", auto_pfmswitch);
- auto_pfm_mode = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_pfm_mode", auto_pfm_mode);
- auto_rewardgoto = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_rewardgoto", auto_rewardgoto);
- busy_info = GM_getValue(roleid + "_busy_info", busy_info);
- saveAddr = GM_getValue(roleid + "_saveAddr", saveAddr);
- auto_updateStore = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_updateStore", auto_updateStore);
- auto_relogin = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_relogin", auto_relogin);
- blacklist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_blacklist", blacklist);
- if (!blacklist instanceof Array) {
- blacklist = blacklist.split(",")
- }
- getitemShow = GM_getValue(roleid + "_getitemShow", getitemShow);
- if (getitemShow == "开") {
- G.getitemShow = true
- } else {
- G.getitemShow = false
- }
- zml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zml", zml);
- zdy_item_store = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store", zdy_item_store);
- zdy_item_store2 = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_store2", zdy_item_store2);
- zdy_item_lock = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_lock", zdy_item_lock);
- zdy_item_drop = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_drop", zdy_item_drop);
- zdy_item_fenjie = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdy_item_fenjie", zdy_item_fenjie);
- if (zdy_item_store) {
- store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store.split(","))
- }
- if (zdy_item_store2) {
- store_list = store_list.concat(zdy_item_store2.split(","))
- }
- if (zdy_item_lock) {
- lock_list = lock_list.concat(zdy_item_lock.split(","))
- }
- if (zdy_item_drop) {
- drop_list = drop_list.concat(zdy_item_drop.split(","))
- }
- if (zdy_item_fenjie) {
- fenjie_list = fenjie_list.concat(zdy_item_fenjie.split(","))
- }
- ztjk_item = GM_getValue(roleid + "_ztjk", ztjk_item);
- if (auto_pfmswitch == "开") {
- G.auto_preform = true
- }
- if (auto_pfm_mode == "开") {
- G.auto_pfm_mode = true
- }
- auto_command = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_command", auto_command);
- var unpfm = unauto_pfm.split(',');
- for (var pfmname of unpfm) {
- if (pfmname) blackpfm.push(pfmname)
- }
- welcome = GM_getValue(roleid + "_welcome", welcome);
- die_str = GM_getValue(roleid + "_die_str", die_str);
- shieldswitch = GM_getValue("_shieldswitch", shieldswitch);
- shield = GM_getValue("_shield", shield);
- shieldkey = GM_getValue("_shieldkey", shieldkey);
- statehml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_statehml", statehml);
- backimageurl = GM_getValue(roleid + "_backimageurl", backimageurl);
- loginhml = GM_getValue(roleid + "_loginhml", loginhml);
- timequestion = GM_getValue(roleid + "_timequestion", timequestion);
- silence = GM_getValue(roleid + "_silence", silence);
- dpssakada = GM_getValue(roleid + "_dpssakada", dpssakada);
- funnycalc = GM_getValue(roleid + "_funnycalc", funnycalc);
- auto_buylist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_buylist", auto_buylist);
- auto_skillPaperSelllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_auto_skillPaperSelllist", auto_skillPaperSelllist);
- zdyskilllist = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdyskilllist", zdyskilllist);
- zdyskills = GM_getValue(roleid + "_zdyskills", zdyskills);
- bagFull = GM_getValue(roleid + "_bagFull", bagFull);
- // 通知推送开关、方式、Token、Url
- pushSwitch = GM_getValue("_pushSwitch", pushSwitch);
- pushType = GM_getValue("_pushType", pushType);
- pushToken = GM_getValue("_pushToken", pushToken);
- //pushUrl = GM_getValue("_pushUrl", pushUrl);
- color_select = GM_getValue("color_select", color_select);
- WG.zdy_btnListInit();
- }
- };
- var S = {
- serverUrl: "https://wsmud.ii74.com",
- GetJson: function (path, data) {
- let res = '';
- $.post(S.serverUrl + path, data, (data) => {
- res = data;
- });
- return res;
- },
- shareJson: function (usernaem, json) {
- $.post(S.serverUrl + "/sharejk", {
- username: usernaem,
- json: JSON.stringify(json)
- }, (res) => {
- if (res && res.code == 0) {
- GM_setClipboard(res.shareid);
- messageAppend("复制成功" + res.msg + ":" + res.shareid);
- } else {
- messageAppend("失败了" + res.msg);
- }
- })
- },
- getShareJson: function (id, callback) {
- $.post(S.serverUrl + "/getjk", {
- shareid: id
- }, (res) => {
- if (res && res.code == 0) {
- callback(res);
- } else {
- messageAppend("失败了" + res.msg);
- }
- });
- },
- getUserConfig: function (id, callback) {
- $.get(S.serverUrl + "/User/Load?id=" + id, (res) => {
- if (res && res != "") {
- callback(res);
- } else {
- messageAppend("失败了");
- }
- });
- },
- uploadUserConfig: function (id, data, callback) {
- $.post(S.serverUrl + "/User/Backup", {
- id: id,
- data: JSON.stringify(data)
- }, (res) => {
- if (res && res == "true") {
- callback(res);
- } else {
- messageAppend("失败了,或配置已存在");
- }
- });
- }
- };
- var FakerTTS = {
- playtts: function (text) {
- try {
- var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text);
- msg.lang = 'zh';
- msg.voice = speechSynthesis.getVoices().filter(function (voice) {
- return voice.name == 'Whisper';
- })[0];
- speechSynthesis.speak(msg);
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- android.speak(text);
- } catch (ex) {
- console.log('这个真没有.')
- }
- }
- }
- };
- function Beep() {
- document.getElementById("beep-alert").play();
- };
- function Push(text) {
- if (text) {
- if (pushSwitch != '开' || pushType == null || pushToken == null) {
- messageAppend("通知功能未开启或设置不完整,请在 右键菜单-设置 中设置开启。", 1);
- return;
- }
- switch (String(pushType)) {
- //Server酱
- case "0":
- $.post(`https://sctapi.ftqq.com/${pushToken}.send?title=${text}`);
- break;
- //Bark iOS
- case "1":
- $.post(`https://api.day.app/${pushToken}/武神传说/${encodeURIComponent(text)}`);
- break;
- //PushPlus
- case "2":
- var pushJosn = { "token": pushToken, "title": "武神传说", "content": text };
- $.ajaxSetup({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" });
- $.post(`http://www.pushplus.plus/send/`, JSON.stringify(pushJosn));
- break;
- //飞书机器人
- case "3":
- var pushJosn = { "msg_type": "text", "content": { "text": text } };
- $.ajaxSetup({ contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" });
- $.post(`https://open.feishu.cn/open-apis/bot/v2/hook/${pushToken}`, JSON.stringify(pushJosn));
- break;
- //Qmsg私聊
- case "4":
- $.post(`https://qmsg.zendee.cn/send/${pushToken}?msg=${text}`);
- break;
- //Qmsg群聊
- case "5":
- $.post(`https://qmsg.zendee.cn/group/${pushToken}?msg=${text}`);
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- class MusicBox {
- constructor(options) {
- let defaults = {
- loop: false,
- musicText: '',
- autoplay: false,
- type: 'sine',
- duration: 2
- };
- this.arrFrequency = [262, 294, 330, 349, 392, 440, 494, 523, 587, 659, 698, 784, 880, 988, 1047, 1175, 1319, 1397, 1568, 1760, 1967];
- this.arrNotes = ['·1', '·2', '·3', '·4', '·5', '·6', '·7', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '1·', '2·', '3·', '4·', '5·', '6·', '7·'];
- this.opts = Object.assign(defaults, options);
- this.audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
- this.opts.autoplay && this.playMusic(this.opts.musicText, this.opts.autoplay)
- }
- createSound(freq) {
- let oscillator = this.audioCtx.createOscillator();
- let gainNode = this.audioCtx.createGain();
- oscillator.connect(gainNode);
- gainNode.connect(this.audioCtx.destination);
- oscillator.type = this.opts.type;
- oscillator.frequency.value = freq;
- gainNode.gain.setValueAtTime(0, this.audioCtx.currentTime);
- gainNode.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, this.audioCtx.currentTime + 0.01);
- oscillator.start(this.audioCtx.currentTime);
- gainNode.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0.001, this.audioCtx.currentTime + this.opts.duration);
- oscillator.stop(this.audioCtx.currentTime + this.opts.duration)
- }
- createMusic(note) {
- let index = this.arrNotes.indexOf(note);
- if (index !== -1) {
- this.createSound(this.arrFrequency[index])
- }
- }
- pressBtn(i) {
- this.createSound(this.arrFrequency[i])
- }
- playMusic(musicText, speed = 2) {
- let i = 0,
- musicArr = musicText.split(' ');
- let timer = setInterval(() => {
- try {
- let n = this.arrNotes.indexOf(musicArr[i]);
- if (musicArr[i] !== '-' && musicArr[i] !== '0') {
- this.pressBtn(n)
- }
- i++;
- if (i >= musicArr.length) {
- this.opts.loop ? i = 0 : clearInterval(timer)
- }
- } catch (e) {
- alert('请输入正确的乐谱!');
- clearInterval(timer)
- }
- }, 1000 / speed);
- return timer
- }
- };
- var originWindow = {};
- $(document).ready(function () {
- $('head').append('<link href="https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/jquery-contextmenu/3.0.0-beta.2/jquery.contextMenu.min.css" rel="stylesheet">');
- $('head').append('<link href="https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/layer/2.3/skin/layer.css" rel="stylesheet">');
- $('head').append('<link href="https://s4.zstatic.net/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.css" rel="stylesheet">');
- $('body').append(UI.codeInput);
- $("body").append(
- $(`<audio id="beep-alert" preload="auto"></audio>`).append(`<source src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/mapleobserver/wsmud-script/plugins/complete.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">`)
- );
- setInterval(() => {
- var h = '';
- if (parseInt(Math.random() * 10) < 3) {
- h = "<hir>【插件】有任何问题欢迎加入 武神传说-仙界 367657589 进行技术交流,脚本讨论。\n<hir>"
- } else if (parseInt(Math.random() * 10) < 10) {
- h = "<hir>【插件】欢迎访问 https://emeisuqing.github.io/wsmud.old/ 苏轻 助你武神之路上更加轻松愉快。\n<hir>";
- }
- parseInt(Math.random() * 10) < 2 ? $('.channel pre').append(h) : console.log("");
- $(".channel")[0].scrollTop = 99999;
- }, 320 * 1000);
- KEY.init();
- WG.init();
- GI.init();
- unsafeWindow.WG = WG;
- unsafeWindow.T = T;
- unsafeWindow.L = L;
- unsafeWindow.G = G;
- unsafeWindow.messageClear = messageClear;
- unsafeWindow.messageAppend = messageAppend;
- unsafeWindow.send_cmd = send_cmd;
- unsafeWindow.roomData = roomData;
- unsafeWindow.MusicBox = MusicBox;
- unsafeWindow.FakerTTS = FakerTTS;
- unsafeWindow.Beep = Beep;
- unsafeWindow.Push = Push;
- unsafeWindow.WSStore = store;
- unsafeWindow.imgShow = imgShow;
- window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);
- function receiveMessage(event) {
- originWindow = event;
- var origin = event.origin;
- var data = event.data;
- if (String(data).indexOf("denglu") >= 0) {
- if (role != undefined) { return; }
- console.log(data);
- let userName = data.split(" ")[1];
- let userList = $('#role_panel > ul > li.content > ul >li');
- for (let user of userList) {
- if (user.innerText.indexOf(userName) >= 0) {
- $(user).addClass("select");
- } else {
- $(user).removeClass("select");
- }
- }
- $("li[command=SelectRole]").click()
- return;
- }
- try {
- if (JSON.parse(data) instanceof Object) {
- return;
- }
- } catch (error) {
- console.log("Run at message");
- }
- if (typeof data == 'string') {
- //包含setImmediate 跳过
- if(data.indexOf("setImmediate") >= 0){
- return;
- }
- if (data === '挖矿' || data === '修炼') {
- WG.zdwk();
- } else if (data === '日常') {
- WG.SendCmd("$daily");
- } else if (data === '挂机') {
- WG.SendCmd("stopstate");
- } else {
- if (data.split("\n")[0].indexOf("//") >= 0) {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- ToRaid.perform(data);
- }
- } else if (data.split("\n")[0].indexOf("#js") >= 0) {
- var jscode = data.split("\n");
- jscode.baoremove(0)
- eval(jscode.join(""));
- } else {
- WG.SendCmd(data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $('.room-name').on('click', (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- $('.container').contextMenu({
- x: 1,
- y: 1
- });
- });
- function makeTp(mp = 0) {
- var mptp = {
- "豪宅": "住房",
- "衙门": "扬州城-衙门正厅",
- "镖局": "扬州城-镖局正厅",
- "当铺": "扬州城-当铺",
- "擂台": "扬州城-擂台",
- "药铺": "扬州城-药铺",
- "书院": "扬州城-书院"
- }
- if (mp == 1) {
- mptp = {
- "武当": "武当派-广场",
- "少林": "少林派-广场",
- "华山": "华山派-镇岳宫",
- "峨眉": "峨眉派-金顶",
- "逍遥": "逍遥派-青草坪",
- "丐帮": "丐帮-树洞内部",
- "武馆": "扬州城-扬州武馆",
- "杀手楼": "杀手楼-大门"
- }
- let myDate = new Date();
- if (myDate.getHours() >= 17) {
- mptp = {
- "武当": "武当派-后山小院",
- "少林": "少林派-方丈楼",
- "华山": "华山派-客厅",
- "峨眉": "峨眉派-清修洞",
- "逍遥": "逍遥派-地下石室",
- "丐帮": "丐帮-林间小屋",
- "武馆": "扬州城-扬州武馆",
- "杀手楼": "杀手楼-大门"
- }
- }
- }
- var subItems = {};
- for (let item in mptp) {
- subItems[item] = { name: item, callback: function () { WG.go(mptp[item]); } }
- }
- if (mp == 0) {
- subItems['wmls'] = { name: "武庙疗伤", callback: function () { WG.go("扬州城-武庙"); WG.Send("liaoshang"); } }
- }
- var dfd = jQuery.Deferred();
- setTimeout(function () {
- dfd.resolve(subItems);
- }, 20);
- return dfd.promise();
- }
- function createSomeMenu() {
- return {
- items: {
- "关闭自动": {
- name: "关闭自动",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return timer != 0;
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.timer_close();
- },
- },
- "自动": {
- name: "自动",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return timer == 0;
- },
- "items": {
- "自动武道": {
- name: "自动武道",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.wudao_auto();
- },
- },
- "自动小树林": {
- name: "自动小树林",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.grove_auto();
- }
- },
- "自动整理并清包": {
- name: "自动整理并清包",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.sell_all();
- }
- },
- "回收秘籍残页": {
- name: "回收秘籍残页",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.zxBuy();
- }
- },
- "自动比试": {
- name: "自动比试",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return WG.fight_listener == undefined;
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.auto_fight();
- },
- },
- "关闭比试": {
- name: "关闭比试",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return WG.fight_listener != undefined;
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.auto_fight();
- },
- },
- "自动使用道具": {
- name: "自动使用道具",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.auto_useitem();
- },
- },
- "自动研药": {
- name: "自动研药",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.auto_Development_medicine();
- },
- },
- "一键日常": {
- name: "一键日常",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.oneKeyDaily();
- },
- },
- "一键请安": {
- name: "一键请安",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.oneKeyQA();
- },
- },
- "一键扫荡": {
- name: "一键扫荡",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.oneKeySD();
- },
- },
- "一键当铺购买": {
- name: "一键当铺购买",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.tnBuy();
- },
- },
- },
- },
- "换装设置": {
- name: "换装设置",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.eqhelperui();
- },
- },
- "换装": {
- name: "换装",
- items: WG.eqloader()
- },
- "自命令,自定监控": {
- name: "自命令,自定监控",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.zmlztjk();
- },
- },
- "手动喜宴": {
- name: "手动喜宴",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- console.log("当前自动状态:" + stopauto);
- WG.xiyan();
- },
- },
- "快捷传送": {
- name: "常用地点",
- "items": makeTp(0)
- },
- "门派传送": {
- name: "门派传送",
- "items": makeTp(1)
- },
- "打开仓库": {
- name: "打开仓库",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- if (WG.at("扬州城-钱庄")) {
- WG.Send("store");
- } else {
- WG.go("扬州城-钱庄");
- }
- },
- },
- "切换菜单": {
- name: "切换菜单",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- let p = 'on'
- if (inzdy_btn) {
- p = 'off'
- }
- WG.zdy_btnshow(p);
- },
- },
- "简单工具": {
- name: "简单工具",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.calc();
- },
- },
- "调试BOSS": {
- name: "调试BOSS",
- visible: false,
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.kksBoss({
- content: "听说呼符出现在逍遥派-地下石室一带。"
- });
- },
- },
- "流程菜单Raid.js": {
- name: "流程菜单Raid.js",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- if (unsafeWindow && unsafeWindow.ToRaid) {
- unsafeWindow.ToRaid.menu();
- } else {
- messageAppend("插件未安装,请访问 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375851-wsmud-raid 下载并安装");
- window.open("https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/375851-wsmud-raid ", '_blank').location;
- }
- }
- },
- "设置": {
- name: "设置",
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.setting();
- },
- },
- "打开面板": {
- name: "打开面板",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return $('.WG_log').css('display') == 'none';
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.showhideborad();
- },
- },
- "关闭面板": {
- name: "关闭面板",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return $('.WG_log').css('display') != 'none';
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.showhideborad();
- },
- }, "打开快捷操作栏": {
- name: "打开快捷操作栏",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return $('.WG_button').css('display') == 'none';
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.showhidebtn();
- },
- },
- "关闭快捷操作栏": {
- name: "关闭快捷操作栏",
- visible: function (key, opt) {
- return $('.WG_button').css('display') != 'none';
- },
- callback: function (key, opt) {
- WG.showhidebtn();
- },
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $.contextMenu({
- selector: '.container',
- build: function ($trigger, e) {
- //从 trigger 中获取动态创建的菜单项及回调
- return createSomeMenu();
- }
- });
- });
- })();