Greasy Fork is available in English.

Google Bangs

Easily add DuckDuckGo bangs to Google.

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In DuckDuckGo, there are things called "bangs" which allow you to easily go to sites by typing an exclamation point and the bang. For example, in DuckDuckGo you could type "!gh jQuery" and it would search GitHub for jQuery.

This script allows you to easily add bangs in Google. All you need to do is install and edit the script and in the bangs section add "new Bang(bang,URL when they don't search,URL when they do search,character to replace spaces with);". For example you could add "new Bang('yahoo','','','+');" and if you search google or type in the address bar (if you have Google as your default search engine) "!yahoo blah blah blah" it will search Yahoo for "blah blah blah". The "yahoo" parameter means when the user's search starts with "!yahoo", and they don't put anything after that, it will take you to "". But if your search starts with "!yahoo" and you put something after it, such as "!yahoo greasy fork", it will take you to "" plus "greasy fork", and because of the "+" parameter, it will replace spaces with "+", so it will take you to "". The script already comes with a few bangs, so hopefully they will help you.