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WME Utils - Google Link Enhancer

Adds some extra WME functionality related to Google place links.

01.06.2020 itibariyledir. En son verisyonu görün.

Bu script direkt olarak kurulamaz. Başka scriptler için bir kütüphanedir ve meta yönergeleri içerir // @require

// ==UserScript==
// @name         WME Utils - Google Link Enhancer
// @namespace    WazeDev
// @version      2020.05.22.001
// @description  Adds some extra WME functionality related to Google place links.
// @author       MapOMatic, WazeDev group
// @include      /^https:\/\/(www|beta)\.waze\.com\/(?!user\/)(.{2,6}\/)?editor\/?.*$/
// @license      GNU GPLv3
// ==/UserScript==

/* global $ */
/* global OpenLayers */
/* global Promise */
/* global W */
/* global Node */

/* eslint-disable */

class GoogleLinkEnhancer {

    constructor() {
        this.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES = true; // Set to TRUE if the "closed Google place" feature needs to be temporarily disabled, e.g. during the COVID-19 pandemic.
        this.EXT_PROV_ELEM_QUERY = 'li.external-provider-item';
        this.LINK_CACHE_NAME = 'gle_link_cache';
        this.LINK_CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL_MIN = 1; // Interval to remove old links and save new ones.
        this.LINK_CACHE_LIFESPAN_HR = 6; // Remove old links when they exceed this time limit.
        this.DEC = k => atob(atob(k));
        this._enabled = false;
        this._disableApiUntil; // When a serious API error occurs (OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, REQUEST_DENIED), set this to a time in the future.
        this._mapLayer = null;
        this._urlOrigin = window.location.origin;
        this._distanceLimit = 400; // Default distance (meters) when Waze place is flagged for being too far from Google place.
        // Area place is calculated as _distanceLimit + <distance between centroid and furthest node>

        this.strings = {};
        this.strings.closedPlace = 'Google indicates this place is permanently closed.\nVerify with other sources or your editor community before deleting.';
        this.strings.multiLinked = 'Linked more than once already. Please find and remove multiple links.';
        this.strings.linkedToThisPlace = 'Already linked to this place';
        this.strings.linkedNearby = 'Already linked to a nearby place';
        this.strings.linkedToXPlaces = 'This is linked to {0} places';
        this.strings.badLink = 'Invalid Google link. Please remove it.';
        this.strings.tooFar = 'The Google linked place is more than {0} meters from the Waze place.  Please verify the link is correct.';

        this._urlBase = `${this._urlOrigin}/maps/api/place/details/json?fields=geometry,permanently_closed&${this.DEC('YTJWNVBVRkplbUZUZVVObFltSkZVM0pYUlZKWk1VMVNXalUyWjBWQlpuQjBOM1JMTWxJMmFGWmZTUT09')}&placeid=`;


        let storedCache = localStorage.getItem(this.LINK_CACHE_NAME);
        try {
            this._linkCache = storedCache ? $.parseJSON(this._LZString.decompressFromUTF16(storedCache)) : {};
        } catch (ex) {
            if ( === 'SyntaxError') {
                // In case the cache is corrupted and can't be read.
                this._linkCache = {};
                console.warn('GoogleLinkEnhancer:', 'An error occurred while loading the stored cache.  A new cache was created.');
            } else {
                throw ex;
        if (this._linkCache === null || this._linkCache.length === 0) this._linkCache = {};


        // Watch for ext provider elements being added to the DOM, and add hover events.
        this._linkObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                        let $el = $(nd);
                        if ($ {
                        } else {
                            if ($el.find('div.uuid').length) {

        // Watch for Google place search result list items being added to the DOM
        let that = this;
        this._searchResultsObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $(nd).is('.select2-results-dept-0') && $(nd).parent().parent().is('.select2-with-searchbox')) {
                        $(nd).mouseenter(() => {
                            // When mousing over a list item, find the Google place ID from the list that was stored previously.
                            // Then add the point/line to the map.
                        }).mouseleave(() => {
                            // When leaving the list item, remove the point.

        // Watch the side panel for addition of the sidebar-layout div, which indicates a mode change.
        this._modeObserver = new MutationObserver(mutations => {
            mutations.forEach(mutation => {
                for (let idx = 0; idx < mutation.addedNodes.length; idx++) {
                    let nd = mutation.addedNodes[idx];
                    if (nd.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $(nd).is('.sidebar-layout')) {

        // This is a special event that will be triggered when DOM elements are destroyed.
        (function ($) {
            $.event.special.destroyed = {
                remove: function (o) {
                    if (o.handler && o.type !== 'destroyed') {

    _initLayer() {
        this._mapLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector('Google Link Enhancements.', {
            uniqueName: '___GoogleLinkEnhancements',
            displayInLayerSwitcher: true,
            styleMap: new OpenLayers.StyleMap({
                default: {
                    strokeColor: '${strokeColor}',
                    strokeWidth: '${strokeWidth}',
                    strokeDashstyle: '${strokeDashstyle}',
                    pointRadius: '15',
                    fillOpacity: '0'

        this._mapLayer.setOpacity(0.8);;'mergeend', this, function (e) {
        }, true);

        // *************************************
        // EDIT 2019.03.14 - Not sure if this is needed.  Mergeend event seems to work fine.
        // Removing it for now, but not thoroughly tested.
        // *************************************
        //'moveend', this, function (e) {
        //     this._processPlaces();
        // }, true);

        W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);
        W.model.venues.on('objectsremoved', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);
        W.model.venues.on('objectsadded', function (e) { this._processPlaces(); }, this);

    enable() {
        if (!this._enabled) {
            this._modeObserver.observe($('.edit-area #sidebarContent')[0], { childList: true, subtree: false });
            this._searchResultsObserver.observe($('body')[0], { childList: true, subtree: true });
            // Watch for JSONP callbacks. JSONP is used for the autocomplete results when searching for Google links.
            // Note: Using on() allows passing "this" as a variable, so it can be used in the handler function.
            $('#map').on('mouseenter', null, this, this._onMapMouseenter);
            $(window).on('unload', null, this, this._onWindowUnload);
            W.model.venues.on('objectschanged', this._formatLinkElements, this);
            this._cacheCleanIntervalID = setInterval(() => this._cleanAndSaveLinkCache(), 1000 * 60 * this.LINK_CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL_MIN);
            this._enabled = true;

    disable() {
        if (this._enabled) {
            $('#map').off('mouseenter', this._onMapMouseenter);
            $(window).off('unload', null, this, this._onWindowUnload);
  'objectschanged', this._formatLinkElements, this);
            if (this._cacheCleanIntervalID) clearInterval(this._cacheCleanIntervalID);
            this._enabled = false;

    // The distance (in meters) before flagging a Waze place that is too far from the linked Google place.
    // Area places use distanceLimit, plus the distance from the centroid of the AP to its furthest node.
    get distanceLimit() {
        return this._distanceLimit;
    set distanceLimit(value) {
        this._distanceLimit = value;

    _onWindowUnload(evt) {;

    _cleanAndSaveLinkCache() {
        if (!this._linkCache) return;
        let now = new Date();
        Object.keys(this._linkCache).forEach(id => {
            let link = this._linkCache[id];
            // Bug fix:
            if (link.location) {
                link.loc = link.location;
                delete link.location;
            // Delete link if older than X hours.
            if (!link.ts || (now - new Date(link.ts)) > this.LINK_CACHE_LIFESPAN_HR * 3600 * 1000) {
                delete this._linkCache[id];
        localStorage.setItem(this.LINK_CACHE_NAME, this._LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(this._linkCache)));
        //console.log('link cache count: ' + Object.keys(this._linkCache).length, this._linkCache);

    _distanceBetweenPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
        return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2));

    _isLinkTooFar(link, venue) {
        if (link.loc) {
            let linkPt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(link.loc.lng,;
            let venuePt;
            let distanceLimit;
            if (venue.isPoint()) {
                venuePt = venue.geometry.getCentroid();
                distanceLimit = this.distanceLimit;
            } else {
                let bounds = venue.geometry.getBounds();
                let center = bounds.getCenterLonLat();
                venuePt = { x: center.lon, y: };
                distanceLimit = this._distanceBetweenPoints(center.lon,, bounds.right, + this.distanceLimit;
            let distance = this._distanceBetweenPoints(linkPt.x, linkPt.y, venuePt.x, venuePt.y);

            return distance > distanceLimit;
        } else {
            return false;

    _processPlaces() {
        try {
            if (this._enabled) {
                let that = this;
                let projFrom =;
                let projTo =;
                let mapExtent =;
                // Get a list of already-linked id's
                let existingLinks = this._getExistingLinks();
                let drawnLinks = [];
                W.model.venues.getObjectArray().forEach(function (venue) {
                    const promises = [];
                    venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs.forEach(provID => {
                        let id = provID.attributes.uuid;

                        // Check for duplicate links
                        let linkInfo = existingLinks[id];
                        if (linkInfo.count > 1) {
                            let geometry = venue.isPoint() ? venue.geometry.getCentroid() : venue.geometry.clone();
                            let width = venue.isPoint() ? '4' : '12';
                            let color = '#fb8d00';
                            let features = [new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, {
                                strokeWidth: width, strokeColor: color
                            let lineStart = geometry.getCentroid();
                            linkInfo.venues.forEach(linkVenue => {
                                if (linkVenue !== venue
                                    && !drawnLinks.some(dl => (dl[0] === venue && dl[1] === linkVenue) || (dl[0] === linkVenue && dl[1] === venue))) {
                                        new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(
                                            new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([lineStart, linkVenue.geometry.getCentroid()]),
                                                strokeWidth: 4,
                                                strokeColor: color,
                                                strokeDashstyle: '12 12',
                                    drawnLinks.push([venue, linkVenue]);

                        // Get Google link info, and store results for processing.

                    // Process all results of link lookups and add a highlight feature if needed.
                    Promise.all(promises).then(results => {
                        let strokeColor = null;
                        let strokeDashStyle = 'solid';
                        if (results.some(res => that._isLinkTooFar(res, venue))) {
                            strokeColor = '#0FF';
                        } else if (!that.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES && results.some(res => res.closed)) {
                            if (/^(\[|\()?(permanently )?closed(\]|\)| -)/i.test(
                                || /(\(|- |\[)(permanently )?closed(\)|\])?$/i.test( {
                                strokeDashStyle = venue.isPoint() ? '2 6' : '2 16';
                            strokeColor = '#F00';
                        } else if (results.some(res => res.notFound)) {
                            strokeColor = '#F0F';
                        if (strokeColor) {
                            const style = {
                                strokeWidth: venue.isPoint() ? '4' : '12',
                            const geometry = venue.isPoint() ? venue.geometry.getCentroid() : venue.geometry.clone();
                            that._mapLayer.addFeatures([new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(geometry, style)]);
        } catch (ex) {
            console.error('PIE (Google Link Enhancer) error:', ex);

    _cacheLink(id, link) {
        link.ts = new Date();
        this._linkCache[id] = link;
        //console.log('link cache count: ' + Object.keys(this._linkCache).length, this._linkCache);

    _getLinkInfoAsync(id) {
        var link = this._linkCache[id];
        if (link) {
            return Promise.resolve(link);
        } else {
            if (this._disableApiUntil) {
                if ( < this._disableApiUntil) {
                    return Promise.resolve({ apiDisabled: true });
                this._disableApiUntil = null;
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                $.getJSON(`${this._urlBase}${id}`).then(json => {
                    let res = {};
                    if (json.status === "OK") {
                        res.loc = json.result.geometry.location;
                        res.closed = json.result.permanently_closed;
                        this._cacheLink(id, res);
                    } else if (json.status === "NOT_FOUND") {
                        res.notfound = true;
                        this._cacheLink(id, res);
                    } else {
                        if (this._disableApiUntil) {
                            res.apiDisabled = true;
                        } else {
                            res.error = json.status;
                            res.errorMessage = json.error_message;
                            this._disableApiUntil = + 10 * 1000 // Disable api calls for 10 seconds.
                            console.error( + ', Google Link Enhancer disabled for 10 seconds due to API error.', res);

    _onMapMouseenter(event) {
        // If the point isn't destroyed yet, destroy it when mousing over the map.;

    _getSelectedFeatures() {
        if (!W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures)
            return W.selectionManager.selectedItems;
        return W.selectionManager.getSelectedFeatures();

    _formatLinkElements(a, b, c) {
        let existingLinks = this._getExistingLinks();
        $('#edit-panel').find(this.EXT_PROV_ELEM_QUERY).each((ix, childEl) => {
            let $childEl = $(childEl);
            let id = this._getIdFromElement($childEl);
            if (existingLinks[id] && existingLinks[id].count > 1 && existingLinks[id].isThisVenue) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#FFA500' }).attr({ 'title': this.strings.linkedToXPlaces.replace('{0}', existingLinks[id].count) });
                }, 50);

            let link = this._linkCache[id];
            if (link) {
                if (link.closed && !this.DISABLE_CLOSED_PLACES) {
                    // A delay is needed to allow the UI to do its formatting so it doesn't overwrite ours.
                    // EDIT 2019.03.14 - Tested without the timeouts and it appears to be working now.

                    //setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#FAA' }).attr('title', this.strings.closedPlace);
                    //}, 50);
                } else if (link.notFound) {
                    //setTimeout(() => {
                    $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#F0F' }).attr('title', this.strings.badLink);
                    //}, 50);
                } else {
                    let venue = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].model;
                    if (this._isLinkTooFar(link, venue)) {
                        //setTimeout(() => {
                        $childEl.find('div.uuid').css({ backgroundColor: '#0FF' }).attr('title', this.strings.tooFar.replace('{0}', this.distanceLimit));
                        //}, 50);

    _getExistingLinks() {
        let existingLinks = {};
        let thisVenue;
        if (this._getSelectedFeatures().length) {
            thisVenue = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].model;
        W.model.venues.getObjectArray().forEach(venue => {
            let isThisVenue = venue === thisVenue;
            let thisPlaceIDs = [];
            venue.attributes.externalProviderIDs.forEach(provID => {
                let id = provID.attributes.uuid;
                if (thisPlaceIDs.indexOf(id) === -1) {
                    let link = existingLinks[id];
                    if (link) {
                    } else {
                        link = { count: 1, venues: [venue] };
                        existingLinks[id] = link;
                    link.isThisVenue = link.isThisVenue || isThisVenue;
        return existingLinks;

    // Remove the POI point from the map.
    _destroyPoint() {
        if (this._ptFeature) {
            this._ptFeature = null;
            this._lineFeature = null;

    // Add the POI point to the map.
    _addPoint(id) {
        if (!id) return;
        let link = this._linkCache[id];
        if (link) {
            if (!link.notFound) {
                let coord = link.loc;
                let poiPt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(coord.lng,;
                let placeGeom = this._getSelectedFeatures()[0].geometry.getCentroid();
                let placePt = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(placeGeom.x, placeGeom.y);
                let ext =;
                var lsBounds = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left, ext.bottom),
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left,,
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.right,,
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.right, ext.bottom),
                    new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(ext.left, ext.bottom)]);
                let lsLine = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([placePt, poiPt]);

                // If the line extends outside the bounds, split it so we don't draw a line across the world.
                let splits = lsLine.splitWith(lsBounds);
                let label = '';
                if (splits) {
                    let splitPoints;
                    splits.forEach(split => {
                        split.components.forEach(component => {
                            if (component.x === placePt.x && component.y === placePt.y) splitPoints = split;
                    lsLine = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LineString([splitPoints.components[0], splitPoints.components[1]]);
                    let distance = poiPt.distanceTo(placePt);
                    let unitConversion, unit1, unit2;
                    if (W.model.isImperial) {
                        distance *= 3.28084;
                        unitConversion = 5280;
                        unit1 = ' ft';
                        unit2 = ' mi';
                    } else {
                        unitConversion = 1000;
                        unit1 = ' m';
                        unit2 = ' km';
                    if (distance > unitConversion * 10) {
                        label = Math.round(distance / unitConversion) + unit2;
                    } else if (distance > 1000) {
                        label = (Math.round(distance / (unitConversion / 10)) / 10) + unit2;
                    } else {
                        label = Math.round(distance) + unit1;

                this._destroyPoint();  // Just in case it still exists.
                this._ptFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(poiPt, { poiCoord: true }, {
                    pointRadius: 6,
                    strokeWidth: 30,
                    strokeColor: '#FF0',
                    fillColor: '#FF0',
                    strokeOpacity: 0.5
                this._lineFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(lsLine, {}, {
                    strokeWidth: 3,
                    strokeDashstyle: '12 8',
                    strokeColor: '#FF0',
                    label: label,
                    labelYOffset: 45,
                    fontColor: '#FF0',
                    fontWeight: 'bold',
                    labelOutlineColor: "#000",
                    labelOutlineWidth: 4,
                    fontSize: '18'
      'venues').addFeatures([this._ptFeature, this._lineFeature]);
        } else {
            this._getLinkInfoAsync(id).then(res => {
                if (res.error || res.apiDisabled) {
                    // API was temporarily disabled.  Ignore for now.
                } else {

    // Destroy the point after some time, if it hasn't been destroyed already.
    _timeoutDestroyPoint() {
        if (this._timeoutID) clearTimeout(this._timeoutID);
        this._timeoutID = setTimeout(() => this._destroyPoint(), 4000);

    _getIdFromElement($el) {
        return $el.find('input.uuid').attr('value');

    _addHoverEvent($el) {
        $el.hover(() => this._addPoint(this._getIdFromElement($el)), () => this._destroyPoint());

    _observeLinks() {
        this._linkObserver.observe($('#edit-panel')[0], { childList: true, subtree: true });

    // The JSONP interceptor is used to watch the head element for the addition of JSONP functions
    // that process Google link search results. Those functions are overridden by our own so we can
    // process the results before sending them on to the original function.
    _addJsonpInterceptor() {
        // The idea for this function was hatched here:

        // The head element, where the Google Autocomplete code will insert a tag 
        // for a javascript file.
        var head = $('head')[0];
        // The name of the method the Autocomplete code uses to insert the tag.
        var method = 'appendChild';
        // The method we will be overriding.
        var originalMethod = head[method];
        this._originalHeadAppendChildMethod = originalMethod;
        let that = this;
        head[method] = function () {
            // Check that the element is a javascript tag being inserted by Google.
            if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].src && arguments[0].src.match(/GetPredictions/)) {
                // Regex to extract the name of the callback method that the JSONP will call.
                var callbackMatchObject = (/callback=([^&]+)&|$/).exec(arguments[0].src);

                // Regex to extract the search term that was entered by the user.
                var searchTermMatchObject = (/\?1s([^&]+)&/).exec(arguments[0].src);

                var searchTerm = unescape(searchTermMatchObject[1]);
                if (callbackMatchObject && searchTermMatchObject) {
                    // The JSONP callback method is in the form "abc.def" and each time has a different random name.
                    var names = callbackMatchObject[1].split('.');
                    // Store the original callback method.
                    var originalCallback = names[0] && names[1] && window[names[0]] && window[names[0]][names[1]];

                    if (originalCallback) {
                        var newCallback = function () {  // Define your own JSONP callback
                            if (arguments[0] && arguments[0].predictions) {
                                // SUCCESS!

                                // The autocomplete results
                                var data = arguments[0];

                                that._lastSearchResultPlaceIds = => pred.place_id);

                                // Call the original callback so the WME dropdown can do its thing.

                        // Add copy all the attributes of the old callback function to the new callback function. 
                        // This prevents the autocomplete functionality from throwing an error.
                        for (name in originalCallback) {
                            newCallback[name] = originalCallback[name];
                        window[names[0]][names[1]] = newCallback;  // Override the JSONP callback
            // Insert the element into the dom, regardless of whether it was being inserted by Google.
            return originalMethod.apply(this, arguments);

    _removeJsonpInterceptor() {
        $('head')[0].appendChild = this._originalHeadAppendChildMethod;

    _initLZString() {
        // LZ Compressor
        // Copyright (c) 2013 Pieroxy <>
        // This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
        // under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
        // LZ-based compression algorithm, version 1.4.4
        this._LZString = (function () {
            // private property
            var f = String.fromCharCode;
            var keyStrBase64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
            var keyStrUriSafe = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$";
            var baseReverseDic = {};

            function getBaseValue(alphabet, character) {
                if (!baseReverseDic[alphabet]) {
                    baseReverseDic[alphabet] = {};
                    for (var i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
                        baseReverseDic[alphabet][alphabet.charAt(i)] = i;
                return baseReverseDic[alphabet][character];
            var LZString = {
                compressToBase64: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    var res = LZString._compress(input, 6, function (a) {
                        return keyStrBase64.charAt(a);
                    switch (res.length % 4) { // To produce valid Base64
                        default: // When could this happen ?
                        case 0:
                            return res;
                        case 1:
                            return res + "===";
                        case 2:
                            return res + "==";
                        case 3:
                            return res + "=";
                decompressFromBase64: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    if (input === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(input.length, 32, function (index) {
                        return getBaseValue(keyStrBase64, input.charAt(index));
                compressToUTF16: function (input) {
                    if (input === null) return "";
                    return LZString._compress(input, 15, function (a) {
                        return f(a + 32);
                    }) + " ";
                decompressFromUTF16: function (compressed) {
                    if (compressed === null) return "";
                    if (compressed === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 16384, function (index) {
                        return compressed.charCodeAt(index) - 32;

                compress: function (uncompressed) {
                    return LZString._compress(uncompressed, 16, function (a) {
                        return f(a);
                _compress: function (uncompressed, bitsPerChar, getCharFromInt) {
                    if (uncompressed === null) return "";
                    var i, value,
                        context_dictionary = {},
                        context_dictionaryToCreate = {},
                        context_c = "",
                        context_wc = "",
                        context_w = "",
                        context_enlargeIn = 2, // Compensate for the first entry which should not count
                        context_dictSize = 3,
                        context_numBits = 2,
                        context_data = [],
                        context_data_val = 0,
                        context_data_position = 0,
                    for (ii = 0; ii < uncompressed.length; ii += 1) {
                        context_c = uncompressed.charAt(ii);
                        if (!, context_c)) {
                            context_dictionary[context_c] = context_dictSize++;
                            context_dictionaryToCreate[context_c] = true;
                        context_wc = context_w + context_c;
                        if (, context_wc)) {
                            context_w = context_wc;
                        } else {
                            if (, context_w)) {
                                if (context_w.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
                                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                    value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = value >> 1;
                                } else {
                                    value = 1;
                                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = 0;
                                    value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                            context_data_position = 0;
                                            context_data_val = 0;
                                        } else {
                                        value = value >> 1;
                                if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                    context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                                delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
                            } else {
                                value = context_dictionary[context_w];
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                            // Add wc to the dictionary.
                            context_dictionary[context_wc] = context_dictSize++;
                            context_w = String(context_c);
                    // Output the code for w.
                    if (context_w !== "") {
                        if (, context_w)) {
                            if (context_w.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            } else {
                                value = 1;
                                for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | value;
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = 0;
                                value = context_w.charCodeAt(0);
                                for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                                    context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                    if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                        context_data_position = 0;
                                        context_data_val = 0;
                                    } else {
                                    value = value >> 1;
                            if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                                context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                            delete context_dictionaryToCreate[context_w];
                        } else {
                            value = context_dictionary[context_w];
                            for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                                context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                                if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                                    context_data_position = 0;
                                    context_data_val = 0;
                                } else {
                                value = value >> 1;
                        if (context_enlargeIn === 0) {
                            context_enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, context_numBits);
                    // Mark the end of the stream
                    value = 2;
                    for (i = 0; i < context_numBits; i++) {
                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1) | (value & 1);
                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                            context_data_position = 0;
                            context_data_val = 0;
                        } else {
                        value = value >> 1;
                    // Flush the last char
                    while (true) {
                        context_data_val = (context_data_val << 1);
                        if (context_data_position === bitsPerChar - 1) {
                        } else context_data_position++;
                    return context_data.join('');
                decompress: function (compressed) {
                    if (compressed === null) return "";
                    if (compressed === "") return null;
                    return LZString._decompress(compressed.length, 32768, function (index) {
                        return compressed.charCodeAt(index);
                _decompress: function (length, resetValue, getNextValue) {
                    var dictionary = [],
                        enlargeIn = 4,
                        dictSize = 4,
                        numBits = 3,
                        entry = "",
                        result = [],
                        bits, resb, maxpower, power,
                        data = {
                            val: getNextValue(0),
                            position: resetValue,
                            index: 1
                    for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
                        dictionary[i] = i;
                    bits = 0;
                    maxpower = Math.pow(2, 2);
                    power = 1;
                    while (power !== maxpower) {
                        resb = data.val & data.position;
                        data.position >>= 1;
                        if (data.position === 0) {
                            data.position = resetValue;
                            data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                        bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                        power <<= 1;
                    switch (next = bits) {
                        case 0:
                            bits = 0;
                            maxpower = Math.pow(2, 8);
                            power = 1;
                            while (power !== maxpower) {
                                resb = data.val & data.position;
                                data.position >>= 1;
                                if (data.position === 0) {
                                    data.position = resetValue;
                                    data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                power <<= 1;
                            c = f(bits);
                        case 1:
                            bits = 0;
                            maxpower = Math.pow(2, 16);
                            power = 1;
                            while (power !== maxpower) {
                                resb = data.val & data.position;
                                data.position >>= 1;
                                if (data.position === 0) {
                                    data.position = resetValue;
                                    data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                power <<= 1;
                            c = f(bits);
                        case 2:
                            return "";
                    dictionary[3] = c;
                    w = c;
                    while (true) {
                        if (data.index > length) {
                            return "";
                        bits = 0;
                        maxpower = Math.pow(2, numBits);
                        power = 1;
                        while (power !== maxpower) {
                            resb = data.val & data.position;
                            data.position >>= 1;
                            if (data.position === 0) {
                                data.position = resetValue;
                                data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                            bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                            power <<= 1;
                        switch (c = bits) {
                            case 0:
                                bits = 0;
                                maxpower = Math.pow(2, 8);
                                power = 1;
                                while (power !== maxpower) {
                                    resb = data.val & data.position;
                                    data.position >>= 1;
                                    if (data.position === 0) {
                                        data.position = resetValue;
                                        data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                    bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                    power <<= 1;
                                dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
                                c = dictSize - 1;
                            case 1:
                                bits = 0;
                                maxpower = Math.pow(2, 16);
                                power = 1;
                                while (power !== maxpower) {
                                    resb = data.val & data.position;
                                    data.position >>= 1;
                                    if (data.position === 0) {
                                        data.position = resetValue;
                                        data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
                                    bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
                                    power <<= 1;
                                dictionary[dictSize++] = f(bits);
                                c = dictSize - 1;
                            case 2:
                                return result.join('');
                        if (enlargeIn === 0) {
                            enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
                        if (dictionary[c]) {
                            entry = dictionary[c];
                        } else {
                            if (c === dictSize) {
                                entry = w + w.charAt(0);
                            } else {
                                return null;
                        // Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
                        dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0);
                        w = entry;
                        if (enlargeIn === 0) {
                            enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
            return LZString;