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How to remove tag by tag content?

Gönderildi: 08.01.2015
Düzenlendi: 08.01.2015

How to remove tag by tag content?

I was trying to make a script that will delete a widget social networking from all sites, but my script does not work.
Here's the code to be deleted:

Gönderildi: 08.01.2015

It really depends on what VK.Widgets.Group does. If it's adding stuff as children of vk_group, then all your script would need to do is

var junk = document.getElementById("vk_group");
Gönderildi: 08.01.2015

This will work if run in a loop several times
I tried to use this script:

$(function() {
$('script').each(function() {
var curreScriptTagCode = $(this).html()
if (curreScriptTagCode.indexOf("vk_group") != -1) {

But for some reason it does not work

Gönderildi: 09.01.2015

@anlima, if it's a userscript then it must have a metablock header where you add a reference for jQueery, something liek this // @require

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