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Aliexpress Plus

Sorts search results by item price properly with shipping costs included, enhances item pages

< Feedback on Aliexpress Plus

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

More pages and accuracy in the sort needed, ready to help

Very good idea but limited realization, unfortunately. The cheaper item you search, the more problems you get. Actually trying to buy wholesale lots of small items - toFixed with only 2 digits after the point is not so useful as items cost less than one cent, changed it to 6 digits.

The next problem is too short list. Cheaters with huge shipping costs spoil all the search so we need AutoPageRise-like (ot Light Pager for FF) mechanism (including lazy-load items: to load selected amount of pages (10 are enough usually) before the actual sorting.

Actually, you can do another trick and create a script for mobile (m.*) site version, there is much more simple data appending mechanism, and overall page format is quite simple. So you can force data loading until it reaches some criteria, calculate the price and then sort the data.

The third problem is shipping cost from main site database is WRONG. Often real shopping cost could be get only from The problem is you will be banned if you get data too rapidly from this server.

Anyway, I'm ready to collaborate on this topic if you like.

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