Greasy Fork is available in English.
Hover a thumbnail at its bottom part and move the mouse horizontally to view the actual screenshots from the video
Yes, some videos don't have a storyboard, it's the way YouTube works and there's nothing I can do about it. I will show an error I guess, something like "This video has no storyboard".
@wOxxOm 说道: Yes, some videos don't have a storyboard, it's the way YouTube works and there's nothing I can do about it. I will show an error I guess, something like "This video has no storyboard".
Actually, there is. When you open this video, you can see it on the progress bar
I'll look into it but the progress bar uses a different way to access the screenshots which I'm not sure I'll be able to use.
@wOxxOm 说道: I'll look into it but the progress bar uses a different way to access the screenshots which I'm not sure I'll be able to use.
Actually, there is. When you open this video, you can see it on the progress bar
In addition, I can also get through the following script the screenshots at the bottom of the main thumbnail
Explain that this video is ok
Like I said it's different and I'll look into it. That other script simply shows the alternative thumbnails so maybe I'll do it too when storyboard is absent.
@wOxxOm 说道: Like I said it's different and I'll look into it. That other script simply shows the alternative thumbnails so maybe I'll do it too when storyboard is absent.
Hard you, I am what all don't understand
I use translation AIDS in my English. Maybe some words are inaccurate. I'm sorry.
There was a bug in my code. I've fixed it in 1.0.6, thanks for the report.
@wOxxOm 说道: There was a bug in my code. I've fixed it in 1.0.6, thanks for the report.
Already good, thank you very much
@wOxxOm 说道: There was a bug in my code. I've fixed it in 1.0.6, thanks for the report.
I found some new examples. There are a lot of videos on this channel that are the same as I described before.
These videos don't have a storyboard.
@wOxxOm 说道: These videos don't have a storyboard.
I found a lot of cell phone cameras Rotating video, No picture, Actually there is And then many of the normal videos on these channels failed.
Like I said, these videos don't have storyboards:
Maybe getvideoinfo has a limit on the number of IP requests, and the script I mentioned earlier was successful, probably because the API is not restricted, so you can always get it
@heiyutian 说道:
@wOxxOm 说道: I'll look into it but the progress bar uses a different way to access the screenshots which I'm not sure I'll be able to use.
Actually, there is. When you open this video, you can see it on the progress bar
In addition, I can also get through the following script the screenshots at the bottom of the main thumbnail
Explain that this video is ok
I misquoted it earlier, It should be
I found the error message Change VPN can succeed The previous post said that the other script worked because it used an API
I misquoted it earlier, It should be
With the above script, which means I discussed my videos don't have storyboards earlier, it was possible to get pictures using the API interface.
That script shows the thumbnails for the current video when the player page is shown. That's different, I can't do that. I would have to open each video inside a hidden iframe, which is too much.
I see
Some videos are not available
For example, the following video always shows "loading" This fraudulent video that plays pictures still doesn't know the content in advance. Whether it's on the channel video page or the search results page, or there are many similar videos that can't work, no matter how you switch, they will show "loading"