Kanka Automatic Table of Contents

Automatically adds a table of contents to Kanka entity pages under the Pins sidebar.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Kanka Automatic Table of Contents
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      11
// @description  Automatically adds a table of contents to Kanka entity pages under the Pins sidebar.
// @author       Salvatos
// @match        https://app.kanka.io/*
// @exclude      */html-export*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=kanka.io
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==

// Run only on entity Story pages
if (document.getElementById('app').parentNode.classList.contains("entity-story")) {
	/* Preferences */
	const addTopLink = "";

    /* Set arrays */
    var headings = [];
	var tag_names = { h1:1, h2:1, h3:1, h4:1, h5:1, h6:1 };

    /* Pre-cleaning: remove stray line breaks left by Summernote at the end of headings so our TOC link doesn't get pushed to a new line */
    $('h1 br:last-child, h2 br:last-child, h3 br:last-child, h4 br:last-child, h5 br:last-child, h6 br:last-child').remove();

	/* Walks through DOM looking for selected elements */
	function walk( root ) {
	    if( root.nodeType === 1 && root.nodeName !== 'script' && !root.classList.contains("calendar") && !root.classList.contains("modal") ) { // Added a check to exclude modals and calendar dates
	        if( tag_names.hasOwnProperty(root.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) {
	            headings.push( root );
	        } else {
	            for( var i = 0; i < root.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
	                walk( root.childNodes[i] );
    // Find and walk through the main content block
    walk( document.getElementsByClassName('entity-main-block')[0] );

	/* Start main list */
	var level = 0;
	var past_level = 0;
	var hList = `
		<div id='toc' class='sidebar-section-box overflow-hidden flex flex-col gap-2'>
        	<div class="sidebar-section-title cursor-pointer text-lg user-select border-b element-toggle" data-animate="collapse" data-target="#sidebar-toc-list" onclick="this.classList.toggle('animate-collapsed'); document.getElementById('sidebar-toc-list').classList.toggle('hidden');">
        		<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-up icon-show" aria-hidden="true"></i>
        		<i class="fa-solid fa-chevron-down icon-hide" aria-hidden="true"></i>
				Table of contents
        	<div class="sidebar-elements overflow-hidden" id="sidebar-toc-list">
            	<div class="flex flex-col gap-2 text-xs">
					<ul id='tableofcontents'>
                		<li class='toc-level-0'><a href='#toc-entry'>Entry</a></li>

	/* Create sublists to reflect heading level */
	for( var i = 0; i < headings.length; i++ ) {
	    // "Entry" and post titles act as level-0 headers;
	    level = (headings[i].classList.contains("post-title")) ? 0 : headings[i].nodeName.substr(1);

	    if (level > past_level) { // Go down a level
	        for(var j = 0; j < level - past_level; j++) {
	            hList += "<li><ul>";
	    else if (level < past_level) { // Go up a level
	        for(var j = 0; j < past_level - level; j++) {
	            hList += "</ul></li>";

        /* Handle heading text (it gets complicated with Timeline elements and inline tags) */
        var headingText = headings[i],
            child = headingText.firstChild,
            texts = [];
        // Iterate through heading nodes
        while (child) {
            // Not a tag (text node)
            if (!child.tagName) {
                 console.log("1: " + child.data); // Why am I getting so many empty text nodes?
            // Identify and manage HTML tags
            else {
                // Text-muted tag, i.e. a Timeline date ;; no longer relevant but keeping for reference
                if ($(child).hasClass("text-muted")) {
                    //texts.push('<span class="text-muted">' + child.innerText + '</span>');
                    console.log("2: " + child.innerText);
                // Screenreader prompt
                if ($(child).hasClass("sr-only")) {
                    // exclude
                else {
                     console.log("3: " + child.innerText);
            child = child.nextSibling;

        headingText = texts.join("");

        /* Add an ID to the entry box */
        document.querySelector(".box-entity-entry").id = "toc-entry";

		/* Check if heading already has an ID, else create one */
		if (headings[i].id.length < 1) {
			headings[i].id = "h" + i + "-" + headingText.trim().replace(/\s+/g, "-").replace(/^[^\p{L}]+|[^\p{L}\p{N}:.-]+/gu, "");
			// We indicate a unique ID to acccount for duplicate titles

        /* Create link in TOC */
	    hList += "<li class='toc-level-" + level + "'><a href='#" + headings[i].id + "' parent-post='" + $(headings[i]).closest('article:is(.box-entity-entry, .post-block)').attr('id') + "'>" + headingText + "</a></li>";

        /* Add "toc" link to non-box headings */
        if (addTopLink && level > 0 && $(headings[i]).parent('a.entity-mention').length == 0) { // That last condition is to omit Extraordinary Tooltips and other transclusions
            headings[i].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<a class='to-top' href='#toc' title='Back to table of contents'>&nbsp;^&nbsp;" + addTopLink + "</a>");

        /* Update past_level */
	    past_level = level;

	/* Close sublists per current level */
	for(var k = 0; k < past_level; k++) {
	    hList += "</li></ul>";
    /* Close TOC */
	hList += "</div></div></div>";

	/* Insert element after Pins (and entity links) */
	/* Calendars use only one sidebar */
	if (document.getElementById('app').parentNode.classList.contains("kanka-entity-calendar")) {
	    document.getElementsByClassName('entity-submenu')[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", hList);
	/* Everything else */
	else {
	    document.getElementsByClassName('entity-sidebar')[0].insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", hList);

    /* Listener: If the target heading is in a collapsed post, expand it first */
    // For headings within posts, we need to find the parent to open, then scroll to the targeted heading once rendered
    $("#tableofcontents :not(.toc-level-0) a").click(function() {
        var targetPost = $(this).attr('parent-post');
        if (targetPost != "toc-entry" && $("#" + targetPost + " .element-toggle")[0].classList.contains("animate-collapsed")) {
            $("#" + targetPost + " .element-toggle")[0].click();

            // Wait a bit for rendering and scroll to appropriate heading
            let targetHeading = document.querySelector($(this).attr('href'));
            setTimeout(function(){ targetHeading.scrollIntoView(); }, 300);
    // For posts, just pop them open as we go
    $("#tableofcontents .toc-level-0 a").click(function() {
        var targetPost = $(this).attr('parent-post');
        if (targetPost != "undefined" && $("#" + targetPost + " .element-toggle")[0].classList.contains("animate-collapsed")) {
            $("#" + targetPost + " .element-toggle")[0].click();

	.entity-links {
		margin-bottom: 30px; /* For consistency with other boxes */
	#tableofcontents, #tableofcontents ul {
	    list-style: none;
	    padding: 0;
	    text-indent: -5px;
	#tableofcontents {
	    padding: 5px 10px;
        margin: 0;
	    overflow: hidden;
	    word-wrap: anywhere;
	#tableofcontents ul {
	    padding-left: 10px;
	#tableofcontents a {
	    font-size: 13px;
	#tableofcontents li.toc-level-0 a {
	    font-weight: bold;
	.to-top {
	    vertical-align: super;
	    font-variant: all-petite-caps;
	    font-size: 10px;