Custom Logo picker for JS - We've got birds! old birds, new birds, even pigeons! new competitors, dead competitors, federated competitors!
Itsnotlupus' Tiny Utilities JS (Library) - small utilities that I'm tired of digging from old scripts to put in new ones.
ModuleRaid with unsafeWindow JS (Library) - This is build 5.1.2 of pixeldesu's moduleraid, patched to target unsafeWindow to work consistently within userscripts
Itsnotlupus' I18N Support JS (Library) - no budget? no translators? no problem.
Itsnotlupus' MiddleMan JS (Library) - inspect/intercept/modify any network requests
Itsnotlupus' React Tools JS (Library) - Observe, inspect and perhaps modify a React tree through the React DevTools Hook