// ==UserScript==
// @name 🔥🔥网易,酷我,酷狗支持歌词和歌曲下载(包含大部分VIP歌曲)🔥🔥
// @namespace https://www.softrr.cn/
// @version 1.4.2
// @author hackhase
// @description 网易,酷我,酷狗支持当前页歌词下载,同时支持歌曲mp3下载(包含大部分VIP歌曲)。
// @license MIT
// @icon http://s1.music.126.net/style/favicon.ico?v20180823
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// ==/UserScript==
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(function (vue, elementPlus) {
'use strict';
var _a;
const isClient = typeof window !== "undefined";
const isString$1 = (val) => typeof val === "string";
const noop = () => {
isClient && ((_a = window == null ? void 0 : window.navigator) == null ? void 0 : _a.userAgent) && /iP(ad|hone|od)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
function resolveUnref(r) {
return typeof r === "function" ? r() : vue.unref(r);
function identity(arg) {
return arg;
function tryOnScopeDispose(fn) {
if (vue.getCurrentScope()) {
return true;
return false;
function tryOnMounted(fn, sync = true) {
if (vue.getCurrentInstance())
else if (sync)
function useTimeoutFn(cb, interval, options = {}) {
const {
immediate = true
} = options;
const isPending = vue.ref(false);
let timer = null;
function clear() {
if (timer) {
timer = null;
function stop() {
isPending.value = false;
function start(...args) {
isPending.value = true;
timer = setTimeout(() => {
isPending.value = false;
timer = null;
}, resolveUnref(interval));
if (immediate) {
isPending.value = true;
if (isClient)
return {
isPending: vue.readonly(isPending),
function unrefElement(elRef) {
var _a2;
const plain = resolveUnref(elRef);
return (_a2 = plain == null ? void 0 : plain.$el) != null ? _a2 : plain;
const defaultWindow = isClient ? window : void 0;
function useEventListener(...args) {
let target;
let events;
let listeners;
let options;
if (isString$1(args[0]) || Array.isArray(args[0])) {
[events, listeners, options] = args;
target = defaultWindow;
} else {
[target, events, listeners, options] = args;
if (!target)
return noop;
if (!Array.isArray(events))
events = [events];
if (!Array.isArray(listeners))
listeners = [listeners];
const cleanups = [];
const cleanup = () => {
cleanups.forEach((fn) => fn());
cleanups.length = 0;
const register = (el, event, listener, options2) => {
el.addEventListener(event, listener, options2);
return () => el.removeEventListener(event, listener, options2);
const stopWatch = vue.watch(() => [unrefElement(target), resolveUnref(options)], ([el, options2]) => {
if (!el)
cleanups.push(...events.flatMap((event) => {
return listeners.map((listener) => register(el, event, listener, options2));
}, { immediate: true, flush: "post" });
const stop = () => {
return stop;
function useSupported(callback, sync = false) {
const isSupported = vue.ref();
const update = () => isSupported.value = Boolean(callback());
tryOnMounted(update, sync);
return isSupported;
const _global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
const globalKey = "__vueuse_ssr_handlers__";
_global[globalKey] = _global[globalKey] || {};
var __getOwnPropSymbols$g = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp$g = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum$g = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __objRest$2 = (source, exclude) => {
var target = {};
for (var prop in source)
if (__hasOwnProp$g.call(source, prop) && exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0)
target[prop] = source[prop];
if (source != null && __getOwnPropSymbols$g)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols$g(source)) {
if (exclude.indexOf(prop) < 0 && __propIsEnum$g.call(source, prop))
target[prop] = source[prop];
return target;
function useResizeObserver(target, callback, options = {}) {
const _a2 = options, { window: window2 = defaultWindow } = _a2, observerOptions = __objRest$2(_a2, ["window"]);
let observer;
const isSupported = useSupported(() => window2 && "ResizeObserver" in window2);
const cleanup = () => {
if (observer) {
observer = void 0;
const stopWatch = vue.watch(() => unrefElement(target), (el) => {
if (isSupported.value && window2 && el) {
observer = new ResizeObserver(callback);
observer.observe(el, observerOptions);
}, { immediate: true, flush: "post" });
const stop = () => {
return {
var SwipeDirection;
(function(SwipeDirection2) {
SwipeDirection2["UP"] = "UP";
SwipeDirection2["RIGHT"] = "RIGHT";
SwipeDirection2["DOWN"] = "DOWN";
SwipeDirection2["LEFT"] = "LEFT";
SwipeDirection2["NONE"] = "NONE";
})(SwipeDirection || (SwipeDirection = {}));
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
const _TransitionPresets = {
easeInSine: [0.12, 0, 0.39, 0],
easeOutSine: [0.61, 1, 0.88, 1],
easeInOutSine: [0.37, 0, 0.63, 1],
easeInQuad: [0.11, 0, 0.5, 0],
easeOutQuad: [0.5, 1, 0.89, 1],
easeInOutQuad: [0.45, 0, 0.55, 1],
easeInCubic: [0.32, 0, 0.67, 0],
easeOutCubic: [0.33, 1, 0.68, 1],
easeInOutCubic: [0.65, 0, 0.35, 1],
easeInQuart: [0.5, 0, 0.75, 0],
easeOutQuart: [0.25, 1, 0.5, 1],
easeInOutQuart: [0.76, 0, 0.24, 1],
easeInQuint: [0.64, 0, 0.78, 0],
easeOutQuint: [0.22, 1, 0.36, 1],
easeInOutQuint: [0.83, 0, 0.17, 1],
easeInExpo: [0.7, 0, 0.84, 0],
easeOutExpo: [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1],
easeInOutExpo: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1],
easeInCirc: [0.55, 0, 1, 0.45],
easeOutCirc: [0, 0.55, 0.45, 1],
easeInOutCirc: [0.85, 0, 0.15, 1],
easeInBack: [0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56],
easeOutBack: [0.34, 1.56, 0.64, 1],
easeInOutBack: [0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6]
linear: identity
}, _TransitionPresets);
const NOOP = () => {
const hasOwnProperty$4 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const hasOwn = (val, key) => hasOwnProperty$4.call(val, key);
const isArray$2 = Array.isArray;
const isFunction$1 = (val) => typeof val === "function";
const isString = (val) => typeof val === "string";
const isSymbol$1 = (val) => typeof val === "symbol";
const isObject$1 = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object";
const cacheStringFunction = (fn) => {
const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
return (str) => {
const hit = cache[str];
return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str));
const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g;
const camelize = cacheStringFunction((str) => {
return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : "");
var freeGlobal = typeof global == "object" && global && global.Object === Object && global;
const freeGlobal$1 = freeGlobal;
var freeSelf = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self;
var root = freeGlobal$1 || freeSelf || Function("return this")();
const root$1 = root;
var Symbol$1 = root$1.Symbol;
const Symbol$2 = Symbol$1;
var objectProto$4 = Object.prototype;
var hasOwnProperty$3 = objectProto$4.hasOwnProperty;
var nativeObjectToString$1 = objectProto$4.toString;
var symToStringTag$1 = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.toStringTag : void 0;
function getRawTag(value) {
var isOwn = hasOwnProperty$3.call(value, symToStringTag$1), tag = value[symToStringTag$1];
try {
value[symToStringTag$1] = void 0;
var unmasked = true;
} catch (e) {
var result = nativeObjectToString$1.call(value);
if (unmasked) {
if (isOwn) {
value[symToStringTag$1] = tag;
} else {
delete value[symToStringTag$1];
return result;
var objectProto$3 = Object.prototype;
var nativeObjectToString = objectProto$3.toString;
function objectToString(value) {
return nativeObjectToString.call(value);
var nullTag = "[object Null]", undefinedTag = "[object Undefined]";
var symToStringTag = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.toStringTag : void 0;
function baseGetTag(value) {
if (value == null) {
return value === void 0 ? undefinedTag : nullTag;
return symToStringTag && symToStringTag in Object(value) ? getRawTag(value) : objectToString(value);
function isObjectLike(value) {
return value != null && typeof value == "object";
var symbolTag = "[object Symbol]";
function isSymbol(value) {
return typeof value == "symbol" || isObjectLike(value) && baseGetTag(value) == symbolTag;
function arrayMap(array, iteratee) {
var index = -1, length = array == null ? 0 : array.length, result = Array(length);
while (++index < length) {
result[index] = iteratee(array[index], index, array);
return result;
var isArray = Array.isArray;
const isArray$1 = isArray;
var INFINITY$1 = 1 / 0;
var symbolProto = Symbol$2 ? Symbol$2.prototype : void 0, symbolToString = symbolProto ? symbolProto.toString : void 0;
function baseToString(value) {
if (typeof value == "string") {
return value;
if (isArray$1(value)) {
return arrayMap(value, baseToString) + "";
if (isSymbol(value)) {
return symbolToString ? symbolToString.call(value) : "";
var result = value + "";
return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY$1 ? "-0" : result;
function isObject(value) {
var type = typeof value;
return value != null && (type == "object" || type == "function");
var asyncTag = "[object AsyncFunction]", funcTag = "[object Function]", genTag = "[object GeneratorFunction]", proxyTag = "[object Proxy]";
function isFunction(value) {
if (!isObject(value)) {
return false;
var tag = baseGetTag(value);
return tag == funcTag || tag == genTag || tag == asyncTag || tag == proxyTag;
var coreJsData = root$1["__core-js_shared__"];
const coreJsData$1 = coreJsData;
var maskSrcKey = function() {
var uid = /[^.]+$/.exec(coreJsData$1 && coreJsData$1.keys && coreJsData$1.keys.IE_PROTO || "");
return uid ? "Symbol(src)_1." + uid : "";
function isMasked(func) {
return !!maskSrcKey && maskSrcKey in func;
var funcProto$1 = Function.prototype;
var funcToString$1 = funcProto$1.toString;
function toSource(func) {
if (func != null) {
try {
return funcToString$1.call(func);
} catch (e) {
try {
return func + "";
} catch (e) {
return "";
var reRegExpChar = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g;
var reIsHostCtor = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/;
var funcProto = Function.prototype, objectProto$2 = Object.prototype;
var funcToString = funcProto.toString;
var hasOwnProperty$2 = objectProto$2.hasOwnProperty;
var reIsNative = RegExp(
"^" + funcToString.call(hasOwnProperty$2).replace(reRegExpChar, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"
function baseIsNative(value) {
if (!isObject(value) || isMasked(value)) {
return false;
var pattern = isFunction(value) ? reIsNative : reIsHostCtor;
return pattern.test(toSource(value));
function getValue(object, key) {
return object == null ? void 0 : object[key];
function getNative(object, key) {
var value = getValue(object, key);
return baseIsNative(value) ? value : void 0;
function eq(value, other) {
return value === other || value !== value && other !== other;
var reIsDeepProp = /\.|\[(?:[^[\]]*|(["'])(?:(?!\1)[^\\]|\\.)*?\1)\]/, reIsPlainProp = /^\w*$/;
function isKey(value, object) {
if (isArray$1(value)) {
return false;
var type = typeof value;
if (type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" || value == null || isSymbol(value)) {
return true;
return reIsPlainProp.test(value) || !reIsDeepProp.test(value) || object != null && value in Object(object);
var nativeCreate = getNative(Object, "create");
const nativeCreate$1 = nativeCreate;
function hashClear() {
this.__data__ = nativeCreate$1 ? nativeCreate$1(null) : {};
this.size = 0;
function hashDelete(key) {
var result = this.has(key) && delete this.__data__[key];
this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;
return result;
var HASH_UNDEFINED$1 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
var objectProto$1 = Object.prototype;
var hasOwnProperty$1 = objectProto$1.hasOwnProperty;
function hashGet(key) {
var data = this.__data__;
if (nativeCreate$1) {
var result = data[key];
return result === HASH_UNDEFINED$1 ? void 0 : result;
return hasOwnProperty$1.call(data, key) ? data[key] : void 0;
var objectProto = Object.prototype;
var hasOwnProperty = objectProto.hasOwnProperty;
function hashHas(key) {
var data = this.__data__;
return nativeCreate$1 ? data[key] !== void 0 : hasOwnProperty.call(data, key);
var HASH_UNDEFINED = "__lodash_hash_undefined__";
function hashSet(key, value) {
var data = this.__data__;
this.size += this.has(key) ? 0 : 1;
data[key] = nativeCreate$1 && value === void 0 ? HASH_UNDEFINED : value;
return this;
function Hash(entries) {
var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
while (++index < length) {
var entry = entries[index];
this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
Hash.prototype.clear = hashClear;
Hash.prototype["delete"] = hashDelete;
Hash.prototype.get = hashGet;
Hash.prototype.has = hashHas;
Hash.prototype.set = hashSet;
function listCacheClear() {
this.__data__ = [];
this.size = 0;
function assocIndexOf(array, key) {
var length = array.length;
while (length--) {
if (eq(array[length][0], key)) {
return length;
return -1;
var arrayProto = Array.prototype;
var splice = arrayProto.splice;
function listCacheDelete(key) {
var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
if (index < 0) {
return false;
var lastIndex = data.length - 1;
if (index == lastIndex) {
} else {
splice.call(data, index, 1);
return true;
function listCacheGet(key) {
var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
return index < 0 ? void 0 : data[index][1];
function listCacheHas(key) {
return assocIndexOf(this.__data__, key) > -1;
function listCacheSet(key, value) {
var data = this.__data__, index = assocIndexOf(data, key);
if (index < 0) {
data.push([key, value]);
} else {
data[index][1] = value;
return this;
function ListCache(entries) {
var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
while (++index < length) {
var entry = entries[index];
this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
ListCache.prototype.clear = listCacheClear;
ListCache.prototype["delete"] = listCacheDelete;
ListCache.prototype.get = listCacheGet;
ListCache.prototype.has = listCacheHas;
ListCache.prototype.set = listCacheSet;
var Map = getNative(root$1, "Map");
const Map$1 = Map;
function mapCacheClear() {
this.size = 0;
this.__data__ = {
"hash": new Hash(),
"map": new (Map$1 || ListCache)(),
"string": new Hash()
function isKeyable(value) {
var type = typeof value;
return type == "string" || type == "number" || type == "symbol" || type == "boolean" ? value !== "__proto__" : value === null;
function getMapData(map, key) {
var data = map.__data__;
return isKeyable(key) ? data[typeof key == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : data.map;
function mapCacheDelete(key) {
var result = getMapData(this, key)["delete"](key);
this.size -= result ? 1 : 0;
return result;
function mapCacheGet(key) {
return getMapData(this, key).get(key);
function mapCacheHas(key) {
return getMapData(this, key).has(key);
function mapCacheSet(key, value) {
var data = getMapData(this, key), size = data.size;
data.set(key, value);
this.size += data.size == size ? 0 : 1;
return this;
function MapCache(entries) {
var index = -1, length = entries == null ? 0 : entries.length;
while (++index < length) {
var entry = entries[index];
this.set(entry[0], entry[1]);
MapCache.prototype.clear = mapCacheClear;
MapCache.prototype["delete"] = mapCacheDelete;
MapCache.prototype.get = mapCacheGet;
MapCache.prototype.has = mapCacheHas;
MapCache.prototype.set = mapCacheSet;
var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function";
function memoize(func, resolver) {
if (typeof func != "function" || resolver != null && typeof resolver != "function") {
throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT);
var memoized = function() {
var args = arguments, key = resolver ? resolver.apply(this, args) : args[0], cache = memoized.cache;
if (cache.has(key)) {
return cache.get(key);
var result = func.apply(this, args);
memoized.cache = cache.set(key, result) || cache;
return result;
memoized.cache = new (memoize.Cache || MapCache)();
return memoized;
memoize.Cache = MapCache;
function memoizeCapped(func) {
var result = memoize(func, function(key) {
if (cache.size === MAX_MEMOIZE_SIZE) {
return key;
var cache = result.cache;
return result;
var rePropName = /[^.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|$))/g;
var reEscapeChar = /\\(\\)?/g;
var stringToPath = memoizeCapped(function(string) {
var result = [];
if (string.charCodeAt(0) === 46) {
string.replace(rePropName, function(match, number, quote, subString) {
result.push(quote ? subString.replace(reEscapeChar, "$1") : number || match);
return result;
const stringToPath$1 = stringToPath;
function toString(value) {
return value == null ? "" : baseToString(value);
function castPath(value, object) {
if (isArray$1(value)) {
return value;
return isKey(value, object) ? [value] : stringToPath$1(toString(value));
var INFINITY = 1 / 0;
function toKey(value) {
if (typeof value == "string" || isSymbol(value)) {
return value;
var result = value + "";
return result == "0" && 1 / value == -INFINITY ? "-0" : result;
function baseGet(object, path) {
path = castPath(path, object);
var index = 0, length = path.length;
while (object != null && index < length) {
object = object[toKey(path[index++])];
return index && index == length ? object : void 0;
function get(object, path, defaultValue) {
var result = object == null ? void 0 : baseGet(object, path);
return result === void 0 ? defaultValue : result;
function fromPairs(pairs) {
var index = -1, length = pairs == null ? 0 : pairs.length, result = {};
while (++index < length) {
var pair = pairs[index];
result[pair[0]] = pair[1];
return result;
function isNil(value) {
return value == null;
function isUndefined$1(value) {
return value === void 0;
const isUndefined = (val) => val === void 0;
const isBoolean = (val) => typeof val === "boolean";
const isNumber = (val) => typeof val === "number";
const isElement = (e) => {
if (typeof Element === "undefined")
return false;
return e instanceof Element;
const isStringNumber = (val) => {
if (!isString(val)) {
return false;
return !Number.isNaN(Number(val));
const keysOf = (arr) => Object.keys(arr);
class ElementPlusError extends Error {
constructor(m) {
this.name = "ElementPlusError";
function throwError(scope, m) {
throw new ElementPlusError(`[${scope}] ${m}`);
const classNameToArray = (cls = "") => cls.split(" ").filter((item) => !!item.trim());
const hasClass = (el, cls) => {
if (!el || !cls)
return false;
if (cls.includes(" "))
throw new Error("className should not contain space.");
return el.classList.contains(cls);
const addClass = (el, cls) => {
if (!el || !cls.trim())
const removeClass = (el, cls) => {
if (!el || !cls.trim())
const getStyle = (element, styleName) => {
var _a2;
if (!isClient || !element || !styleName)
return "";
let key = camelize(styleName);
if (key === "float")
key = "cssFloat";
try {
const style2 = element.style[key];
if (style2)
return style2;
const computed2 = (_a2 = document.defaultView) == null ? void 0 : _a2.getComputedStyle(element, "");
return computed2 ? computed2[key] : "";
} catch (e) {
return element.style[key];
function addUnit(value, defaultUnit = "px") {
if (!value)
return "";
if (isNumber(value) || isStringNumber(value)) {
return `${value}${defaultUnit}`;
} else if (isString(value)) {
return value;
let scrollBarWidth;
const getScrollBarWidth = (namespace) => {
var _a2;
if (!isClient)
return 0;
if (scrollBarWidth !== void 0)
return scrollBarWidth;
const outer = document.createElement("div");
outer.className = `${namespace}-scrollbar__wrap`;
outer.style.visibility = "hidden";
outer.style.width = "100px";
outer.style.position = "absolute";
outer.style.top = "-9999px";
const widthNoScroll = outer.offsetWidth;
outer.style.overflow = "scroll";
const inner = document.createElement("div");
inner.style.width = "100%";
const widthWithScroll = inner.offsetWidth;
(_a2 = outer.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : _a2.removeChild(outer);
scrollBarWidth = widthNoScroll - widthWithScroll;
return scrollBarWidth;
/*! Element Plus Icons Vue v2.3.1 */
var circle_close_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "CircleCloseFilled",
__name: "circle-close-filled",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
d: "M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896m0 393.664L407.936 353.6a38.4 38.4 0 1 0-54.336 54.336L457.664 512 353.6 616.064a38.4 38.4 0 1 0 54.336 54.336L512 566.336 616.064 670.4a38.4 38.4 0 1 0 54.336-54.336L566.336 512 670.4 407.936a38.4 38.4 0 1 0-54.336-54.336z"
var circle_close_filled_default = circle_close_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
var close_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "Close",
__name: "close",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
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var close_default = close_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
var info_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "InfoFilled",
__name: "info-filled",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
d: "M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896.064A448 448 0 0 1 512 64m67.2 275.072c33.28 0 60.288-23.104 60.288-57.344s-27.072-57.344-60.288-57.344c-33.28 0-60.16 23.104-60.16 57.344s26.88 57.344 60.16 57.344M590.912 699.2c0-6.848 2.368-24.64 1.024-34.752l-52.608 60.544c-10.88 11.456-24.512 19.392-30.912 17.28a12.992 12.992 0 0 1-8.256-14.72l87.68-276.992c7.168-35.136-12.544-67.2-54.336-71.296-44.096 0-108.992 44.736-148.48 101.504 0 6.784-1.28 23.68.064 33.792l52.544-60.608c10.88-11.328 23.552-19.328 29.952-17.152a12.8 12.8 0 0 1 7.808 16.128L388.48 728.576c-10.048 32.256 8.96 63.872 55.04 71.04 67.84 0 107.904-43.648 147.456-100.416z"
var info_filled_default = info_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
var loading_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "Loading",
__name: "loading",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
d: "M512 64a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v192a32 32 0 0 1-64 0V96a32 32 0 0 1 32-32m0 640a32 32 0 0 1 32 32v192a32 32 0 1 1-64 0V736a32 32 0 0 1 32-32m448-192a32 32 0 0 1-32 32H736a32 32 0 1 1 0-64h192a32 32 0 0 1 32 32m-640 0a32 32 0 0 1-32 32H96a32 32 0 0 1 0-64h192a32 32 0 0 1 32 32M195.2 195.2a32 32 0 0 1 45.248 0L376.32 331.008a32 32 0 0 1-45.248 45.248L195.2 240.448a32 32 0 0 1 0-45.248zm452.544 452.544a32 32 0 0 1 45.248 0L828.8 783.552a32 32 0 0 1-45.248 45.248L647.744 692.992a32 32 0 0 1 0-45.248zM828.8 195.264a32 32 0 0 1 0 45.184L692.992 376.32a32 32 0 0 1-45.248-45.248l135.808-135.808a32 32 0 0 1 45.248 0m-452.544 452.48a32 32 0 0 1 0 45.248L240.448 828.8a32 32 0 0 1-45.248-45.248l135.808-135.808a32 32 0 0 1 45.248 0z"
var loading_default = loading_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
var success_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "SuccessFilled",
__name: "success-filled",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
d: "M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896m-55.808 536.384-99.52-99.584a38.4 38.4 0 1 0-54.336 54.336l126.72 126.72a38.272 38.272 0 0 0 54.336 0l262.4-262.464a38.4 38.4 0 1 0-54.272-54.336z"
var success_filled_default = success_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
var warning_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
name: "WarningFilled",
__name: "warning-filled",
setup(__props) {
return (_ctx, _cache) => (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("svg", {
xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("path", {
fill: "currentColor",
d: "M512 64a448 448 0 1 1 0 896 448 448 0 0 1 0-896m0 192a58.432 58.432 0 0 0-58.24 63.744l23.36 256.384a35.072 35.072 0 0 0 69.76 0l23.296-256.384A58.432 58.432 0 0 0 512 256m0 512a51.2 51.2 0 1 0 0-102.4 51.2 51.2 0 0 0 0 102.4"
var warning_filled_default = warning_filled_vue_vue_type_script_setup_true_lang_default;
const epPropKey = "__epPropKey";
const definePropType = (val) => val;
const isEpProp = (val) => isObject$1(val) && !!val[epPropKey];
const buildProp = (prop, key) => {
if (!isObject$1(prop) || isEpProp(prop))
return prop;
const { values, required, default: defaultValue, type, validator } = prop;
const _validator = values || validator ? (val) => {
let valid = false;
let allowedValues = [];
if (values) {
allowedValues = Array.from(values);
if (hasOwn(prop, "default")) {
valid || (valid = allowedValues.includes(val));
if (validator)
valid || (valid = validator(val));
if (!valid && allowedValues.length > 0) {
const allowValuesText = [...new Set(allowedValues)].map((value) => JSON.stringify(value)).join(", ");
vue.warn(`Invalid prop: validation failed${key ? ` for prop "${key}"` : ""}. Expected one of [${allowValuesText}], got value ${JSON.stringify(val)}.`);
return valid;
} : void 0;
const epProp = {
required: !!required,
validator: _validator,
[epPropKey]: true
if (hasOwn(prop, "default"))
epProp.default = defaultValue;
return epProp;
const buildProps = (props) => fromPairs(Object.entries(props).map(([key, option]) => [
buildProp(option, key)
const iconPropType = definePropType([
const CloseComponents = {
Close: close_default
const TypeComponents = {
Close: close_default,
SuccessFilled: success_filled_default,
InfoFilled: info_filled_default,
WarningFilled: warning_filled_default,
CircleCloseFilled: circle_close_filled_default
const TypeComponentsMap = {
success: success_filled_default,
warning: warning_filled_default,
error: circle_close_filled_default,
info: info_filled_default
const withInstall = (main2, extra) => {
main2.install = (app) => {
for (const comp of [main2, ...Object.values(extra != null ? extra : {})]) {
app.component(comp.name, comp);
if (extra) {
for (const [key, comp] of Object.entries(extra)) {
main2[key] = comp;
return main2;
const withInstallFunction = (fn, name) => {
fn.install = (app) => {
fn._context = app._context;
app.config.globalProperties[name] = fn;
return fn;
const withNoopInstall = (component) => {
component.install = NOOP;
return component;
const composeRefs = (...refs) => {
return (el) => {
refs.forEach((ref2) => {
if (isFunction$1(ref2)) {
} else {
ref2.value = el;
const EVENT_CODE = {
tab: "Tab",
enter: "Enter",
space: "Space",
left: "ArrowLeft",
up: "ArrowUp",
right: "ArrowRight",
down: "ArrowDown",
esc: "Escape",
delete: "Delete",
backspace: "Backspace",
numpadEnter: "NumpadEnter",
pageUp: "PageUp",
pageDown: "PageDown",
home: "Home",
end: "End"
const UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT = "update:modelValue";
const componentSizes = ["", "default", "small", "large"];
var PatchFlags = /* @__PURE__ */ ((PatchFlags2) => {
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["TEXT"] = 1] = "TEXT";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["CLASS"] = 2] = "CLASS";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["STYLE"] = 4] = "STYLE";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["PROPS"] = 8] = "PROPS";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["FULL_PROPS"] = 16] = "FULL_PROPS";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["HYDRATE_EVENTS"] = 32] = "HYDRATE_EVENTS";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["STABLE_FRAGMENT"] = 64] = "STABLE_FRAGMENT";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["KEYED_FRAGMENT"] = 128] = "KEYED_FRAGMENT";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["UNKEYED_FRAGMENT"] = 256] = "UNKEYED_FRAGMENT";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["NEED_PATCH"] = 512] = "NEED_PATCH";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["DYNAMIC_SLOTS"] = 1024] = "DYNAMIC_SLOTS";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["HOISTED"] = -1] = "HOISTED";
PatchFlags2[PatchFlags2["BAIL"] = -2] = "BAIL";
return PatchFlags2;
})(PatchFlags || {});
const mutable = (val) => val;
const useDeprecated = ({ from, replacement, scope, version, ref: ref2, type = "API" }, condition) => {
vue.watch(() => vue.unref(condition), (val) => {
}, {
immediate: true
const useDraggable = (targetRef, dragRef, draggable, overflow) => {
let transform = {
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0
const onMousedown = (e) => {
const downX = e.clientX;
const downY = e.clientY;
const { offsetX, offsetY } = transform;
const targetRect = targetRef.value.getBoundingClientRect();
const targetLeft = targetRect.left;
const targetTop = targetRect.top;
const targetWidth = targetRect.width;
const targetHeight = targetRect.height;
const clientWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
const clientHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
const minLeft = -targetLeft + offsetX;
const minTop = -targetTop + offsetY;
const maxLeft = clientWidth - targetLeft - targetWidth + offsetX;
const maxTop = clientHeight - targetTop - targetHeight + offsetY;
const onMousemove = (e2) => {
let moveX = offsetX + e2.clientX - downX;
let moveY = offsetY + e2.clientY - downY;
if (!(overflow == null ? void 0 : overflow.value)) {
moveX = Math.min(Math.max(moveX, minLeft), maxLeft);
moveY = Math.min(Math.max(moveY, minTop), maxTop);
transform = {
offsetX: moveX,
offsetY: moveY
if (targetRef.value) {
targetRef.value.style.transform = `translate(${addUnit(moveX)}, ${addUnit(moveY)})`;
const onMouseup = () => {
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", onMousemove);
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", onMouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", onMousemove);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseup);
const onDraggable = () => {
if (dragRef.value && targetRef.value) {
dragRef.value.addEventListener("mousedown", onMousedown);
const offDraggable = () => {
if (dragRef.value && targetRef.value) {
dragRef.value.removeEventListener("mousedown", onMousedown);
vue.onMounted(() => {
vue.watchEffect(() => {
if (draggable.value) {
} else {
vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => {
var English = {
name: "en",
el: {
colorpicker: {
confirm: "OK",
clear: "Clear",
defaultLabel: "color picker",
description: "current color is {color}. press enter to select a new color."
datepicker: {
now: "Now",
today: "Today",
cancel: "Cancel",
clear: "Clear",
confirm: "OK",
dateTablePrompt: "Use the arrow keys and enter to select the day of the month",
monthTablePrompt: "Use the arrow keys and enter to select the month",
yearTablePrompt: "Use the arrow keys and enter to select the year",
selectedDate: "Selected date",
selectDate: "Select date",
selectTime: "Select time",
startDate: "Start Date",
startTime: "Start Time",
endDate: "End Date",
endTime: "End Time",
prevYear: "Previous Year",
nextYear: "Next Year",
prevMonth: "Previous Month",
nextMonth: "Next Month",
year: "",
month1: "January",
month2: "February",
month3: "March",
month4: "April",
month5: "May",
month6: "June",
month7: "July",
month8: "August",
month9: "September",
month10: "October",
month11: "November",
month12: "December",
week: "week",
weeks: {
sun: "Sun",
mon: "Mon",
tue: "Tue",
wed: "Wed",
thu: "Thu",
fri: "Fri",
sat: "Sat"
weeksFull: {
sun: "Sunday",
mon: "Monday",
tue: "Tuesday",
wed: "Wednesday",
thu: "Thursday",
fri: "Friday",
sat: "Saturday"
months: {
jan: "Jan",
feb: "Feb",
mar: "Mar",
apr: "Apr",
may: "May",
jun: "Jun",
jul: "Jul",
aug: "Aug",
sep: "Sep",
oct: "Oct",
nov: "Nov",
dec: "Dec"
inputNumber: {
decrease: "decrease number",
increase: "increase number"
select: {
loading: "Loading",
noMatch: "No matching data",
noData: "No data",
placeholder: "Select"
dropdown: {
toggleDropdown: "Toggle Dropdown"
cascader: {
noMatch: "No matching data",
loading: "Loading",
placeholder: "Select",
noData: "No data"
pagination: {
goto: "Go to",
pagesize: "/page",
total: "Total {total}",
pageClassifier: "",
page: "Page",
prev: "Go to previous page",
next: "Go to next page",
currentPage: "page {pager}",
prevPages: "Previous {pager} pages",
nextPages: "Next {pager} pages",
deprecationWarning: "Deprecated usages detected, please refer to the el-pagination documentation for more details"
dialog: {
close: "Close this dialog"
drawer: {
close: "Close this dialog"
messagebox: {
title: "Message",
confirm: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
error: "Illegal input",
close: "Close this dialog"
upload: {
deleteTip: "press delete to remove",
delete: "Delete",
preview: "Preview",
continue: "Continue"
slider: {
defaultLabel: "slider between {min} and {max}",
defaultRangeStartLabel: "pick start value",
defaultRangeEndLabel: "pick end value"
table: {
emptyText: "No Data",
confirmFilter: "Confirm",
resetFilter: "Reset",
clearFilter: "All",
sumText: "Sum"
tour: {
next: "Next",
previous: "Previous",
finish: "Finish"
tree: {
emptyText: "No Data"
transfer: {
noMatch: "No matching data",
noData: "No data",
titles: ["List 1", "List 2"],
filterPlaceholder: "Enter keyword",
noCheckedFormat: "{total} items",
hasCheckedFormat: "{checked}/{total} checked"
image: {
error: "FAILED"
pageHeader: {
title: "Back"
popconfirm: {
confirmButtonText: "Yes",
cancelButtonText: "No"
const buildTranslator = (locale) => (path, option) => translate(path, option, vue.unref(locale));
const translate = (path, option, locale) => get(locale, path, path).replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, (_, key) => {
var _a2;
return `${(_a2 = option == null ? void 0 : option[key]) != null ? _a2 : `{${key}}`}`;
const buildLocaleContext = (locale) => {
const lang = vue.computed(() => vue.unref(locale).name);
const localeRef = vue.isRef(locale) ? locale : vue.ref(locale);
return {
locale: localeRef,
t: buildTranslator(locale)
const localeContextKey = Symbol("localeContextKey");
const useLocale = (localeOverrides) => {
const locale = localeOverrides || vue.inject(localeContextKey, vue.ref());
return buildLocaleContext(vue.computed(() => locale.value || English));
let activeEffectScope;
function recordEffectScope(effect, scope = activeEffectScope) {
if (scope && scope.active) {
const createDep = (effects) => {
const dep = new Set(effects);
dep.w = 0;
dep.n = 0;
return dep;
const wasTracked = (dep) => (dep.w & trackOpBit) > 0;
const newTracked = (dep) => (dep.n & trackOpBit) > 0;
const initDepMarkers = ({ deps }) => {
if (deps.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
deps[i].w |= trackOpBit;
const finalizeDepMarkers = (effect) => {
const { deps } = effect;
if (deps.length) {
let ptr = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
const dep = deps[i];
if (wasTracked(dep) && !newTracked(dep)) {
} else {
deps[ptr++] = dep;
dep.w &= ~trackOpBit;
dep.n &= ~trackOpBit;
deps.length = ptr;
let effectTrackDepth = 0;
let trackOpBit = 1;
const maxMarkerBits = 30;
let activeEffect;
class ReactiveEffect {
constructor(fn, scheduler = null, scope) {
this.fn = fn;
this.scheduler = scheduler;
this.active = true;
this.deps = [];
this.parent = void 0;
recordEffectScope(this, scope);
run() {
if (!this.active) {
return this.fn();
let parent = activeEffect;
let lastShouldTrack = shouldTrack;
while (parent) {
if (parent === this) {
parent = parent.parent;
try {
this.parent = activeEffect;
activeEffect = this;
shouldTrack = true;
trackOpBit = 1 << ++effectTrackDepth;
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
} else {
return this.fn();
} finally {
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
trackOpBit = 1 << --effectTrackDepth;
activeEffect = this.parent;
shouldTrack = lastShouldTrack;
this.parent = void 0;
if (this.deferStop) {
stop() {
if (activeEffect === this) {
this.deferStop = true;
} else if (this.active) {
if (this.onStop) {
this.active = false;
function cleanupEffect(effect2) {
const { deps } = effect2;
if (deps.length) {
for (let i = 0; i < deps.length; i++) {
deps.length = 0;
let shouldTrack = true;
function trackEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
let shouldTrack2 = false;
if (effectTrackDepth <= maxMarkerBits) {
if (!newTracked(dep)) {
dep.n |= trackOpBit;
shouldTrack2 = !wasTracked(dep);
} else {
shouldTrack2 = !dep.has(activeEffect);
if (shouldTrack2) {
function triggerEffects(dep, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
const effects = isArray$2(dep) ? dep : [...dep];
for (const effect2 of effects) {
if (effect2.computed) {
for (const effect2 of effects) {
if (!effect2.computed) {
function triggerEffect(effect2, debuggerEventExtraInfo) {
if (effect2 !== activeEffect || effect2.allowRecurse) {
if (effect2.scheduler) {
} else {
new Set(
/* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((key) => key !== "arguments" && key !== "caller").map((key) => Symbol[key]).filter(isSymbol$1)
function toRaw(observed) {
const raw = observed && observed["__v_raw"];
return raw ? toRaw(raw) : observed;
function trackRefValue(ref2) {
if (shouldTrack && activeEffect) {
ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
trackEffects(ref2.dep || (ref2.dep = createDep()));
function triggerRefValue(ref2, newVal) {
ref2 = toRaw(ref2);
const dep = ref2.dep;
if (dep) {
class ComputedRefImpl {
constructor(getter, _setter, isReadonly, isSSR) {
this._setter = _setter;
this.dep = void 0;
this.__v_isRef = true;
this["__v_isReadonly"] = false;
this._dirty = true;
this.effect = new ReactiveEffect(getter, () => {
if (!this._dirty) {
this._dirty = true;
this.effect.computed = this;
this.effect.active = this._cacheable = !isSSR;
this["__v_isReadonly"] = isReadonly;
get value() {
const self2 = toRaw(this);
if (self2._dirty || !self2._cacheable) {
self2._dirty = false;
self2._value = self2.effect.run();
return self2._value;
set value(newValue) {
function computed(getterOrOptions, debugOptions, isSSR = false) {
let getter;
let setter;
const onlyGetter = isFunction$1(getterOrOptions);
if (onlyGetter) {
getter = getterOrOptions;
setter = NOOP;
} else {
getter = getterOrOptions.get;
setter = getterOrOptions.set;
const cRef = new ComputedRefImpl(getter, setter, onlyGetter || !setter, isSSR);
return cRef;
const defaultNamespace = "el";
const statePrefix = "is-";
const _bem = (namespace, block, blockSuffix, element, modifier) => {
let cls = `${namespace}-${block}`;
if (blockSuffix) {
cls += `-${blockSuffix}`;
if (element) {
cls += `__${element}`;
if (modifier) {
cls += `--${modifier}`;
return cls;
const namespaceContextKey = Symbol("namespaceContextKey");
const useGetDerivedNamespace = (namespaceOverrides) => {
const derivedNamespace = namespaceOverrides || (vue.getCurrentInstance() ? vue.inject(namespaceContextKey, vue.ref(defaultNamespace)) : vue.ref(defaultNamespace));
const namespace = vue.computed(() => {
return vue.unref(derivedNamespace) || defaultNamespace;
return namespace;
const useNamespace = (block, namespaceOverrides) => {
const namespace = useGetDerivedNamespace(namespaceOverrides);
const b = (blockSuffix = "") => _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, "", "");
const e = (element) => element ? _bem(namespace.value, block, "", element, "") : "";
const m = (modifier) => modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, "", "", modifier) : "";
const be = (blockSuffix, element) => blockSuffix && element ? _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, element, "") : "";
const em = (element, modifier) => element && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, "", element, modifier) : "";
const bm = (blockSuffix, modifier) => blockSuffix && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, "", modifier) : "";
const bem = (blockSuffix, element, modifier) => blockSuffix && element && modifier ? _bem(namespace.value, block, blockSuffix, element, modifier) : "";
const is = (name, ...args) => {
const state = args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : true;
return name && state ? `${statePrefix}${name}` : "";
const cssVar = (object) => {
const styles = {};
for (const key in object) {
if (object[key]) {
styles[`--${namespace.value}-${key}`] = object[key];
return styles;
const cssVarBlock = (object) => {
const styles = {};
for (const key in object) {
if (object[key]) {
styles[`--${namespace.value}-${block}-${key}`] = object[key];
return styles;
const cssVarName = (name) => `--${namespace.value}-${name}`;
const cssVarBlockName = (name) => `--${namespace.value}-${block}-${name}`;
return {
const useLockscreen = (trigger, options = {}) => {
if (!vue.isRef(trigger)) {
throwError("[useLockscreen]", "You need to pass a ref param to this function");
const ns = options.ns || useNamespace("popup");
const hiddenCls = computed(() => ns.bm("parent", "hidden"));
if (!isClient || hasClass(document.body, hiddenCls.value)) {
let scrollBarWidth2 = 0;
let withoutHiddenClass = false;
let bodyWidth = "0";
const cleanup = () => {
setTimeout(() => {
removeClass(document == null ? void 0 : document.body, hiddenCls.value);
if (withoutHiddenClass && document) {
document.body.style.width = bodyWidth;
}, 200);
vue.watch(trigger, (val) => {
if (!val) {
withoutHiddenClass = !hasClass(document.body, hiddenCls.value);
if (withoutHiddenClass) {
bodyWidth = document.body.style.width;
scrollBarWidth2 = getScrollBarWidth(ns.namespace.value);
const bodyHasOverflow = document.documentElement.clientHeight < document.body.scrollHeight;
const bodyOverflowY = getStyle(document.body, "overflowY");
if (scrollBarWidth2 > 0 && (bodyHasOverflow || bodyOverflowY === "scroll") && withoutHiddenClass) {
document.body.style.width = `calc(100% - ${scrollBarWidth2}px)`;
addClass(document.body, hiddenCls.value);
vue.onScopeDispose(() => cleanup());
const useProp = (name) => {
const vm = vue.getCurrentInstance();
return vue.computed(() => {
var _a2, _b;
return (_b = (_a2 = vm == null ? void 0 : vm.proxy) == null ? void 0 : _a2.$props) == null ? void 0 : _b[name];
const useSameTarget = (handleClick) => {
if (!handleClick) {
return { onClick: NOOP, onMousedown: NOOP, onMouseup: NOOP };
let mousedownTarget = false;
let mouseupTarget = false;
const onClick = (e) => {
if (mousedownTarget && mouseupTarget) {
mousedownTarget = mouseupTarget = false;
const onMousedown = (e) => {
mousedownTarget = e.target === e.currentTarget;
const onMouseup = (e) => {
mouseupTarget = e.target === e.currentTarget;
return { onClick, onMousedown, onMouseup };
const defaultIdInjection = {
prefix: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e4),
current: 0
const ID_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elIdInjection");
const useIdInjection = () => {
return vue.getCurrentInstance() ? vue.inject(ID_INJECTION_KEY, defaultIdInjection) : defaultIdInjection;
const useId = (deterministicId) => {
const idInjection = useIdInjection();
const namespace = useGetDerivedNamespace();
const idRef = vue.computed(() => vue.unref(deterministicId) || `${namespace.value}-id-${idInjection.prefix}-${idInjection.current++}`);
return idRef;
let registeredEscapeHandlers = [];
const cachedHandler = (e) => {
const event = e;
if (event.key === EVENT_CODE.esc) {
registeredEscapeHandlers.forEach((registeredHandler) => registeredHandler(event));
const useEscapeKeydown = (handler) => {
vue.onMounted(() => {
if (registeredEscapeHandlers.length === 0) {
document.addEventListener("keydown", cachedHandler);
if (isClient)
vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => {
registeredEscapeHandlers = registeredEscapeHandlers.filter((registeredHandler) => registeredHandler !== handler);
if (registeredEscapeHandlers.length === 0) {
if (isClient)
document.removeEventListener("keydown", cachedHandler);
const zIndex = vue.ref(0);
const defaultInitialZIndex = 2e3;
const zIndexContextKey = Symbol("zIndexContextKey");
const useZIndex = (zIndexOverrides) => {
const zIndexInjection = zIndexOverrides || (vue.getCurrentInstance() ? vue.inject(zIndexContextKey, void 0) : void 0);
const initialZIndex = vue.computed(() => {
const zIndexFromInjection = vue.unref(zIndexInjection);
return isNumber(zIndexFromInjection) ? zIndexFromInjection : defaultInitialZIndex;
const currentZIndex = vue.computed(() => initialZIndex.value + zIndex.value);
const nextZIndex = () => {
return currentZIndex.value;
return {
const useSizeProp = buildProp({
type: String,
values: componentSizes,
required: false
const SIZE_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("size");
const useGlobalSize = () => {
const injectedSize = vue.inject(SIZE_INJECTION_KEY, {});
return vue.computed(() => {
return vue.unref(injectedSize.size) || "";
const configProviderContextKey = Symbol();
const globalConfig = vue.ref();
function useGlobalConfig(key, defaultValue = void 0) {
const config = vue.getCurrentInstance() ? vue.inject(configProviderContextKey, globalConfig) : globalConfig;
if (key) {
return vue.computed(() => {
var _a2, _b;
return (_b = (_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2[key]) != null ? _b : defaultValue;
} else {
return config;
function useGlobalComponentSettings(block, sizeFallback) {
const config = useGlobalConfig();
const ns = useNamespace(block, vue.computed(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.namespace) || defaultNamespace;
const locale = useLocale(vue.computed(() => {
var _a2;
return (_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.locale;
const zIndex2 = useZIndex(vue.computed(() => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.zIndex) || defaultInitialZIndex;
const size = vue.computed(() => {
var _a2;
return vue.unref(sizeFallback) || ((_a2 = config.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.size) || "";
provideGlobalConfig(vue.computed(() => vue.unref(config) || {}));
return {
zIndex: zIndex2,
const provideGlobalConfig = (config, app, global2 = false) => {
var _a2;
const inSetup = !!vue.getCurrentInstance();
const oldConfig = inSetup ? useGlobalConfig() : void 0;
const provideFn = (_a2 = app == null ? void 0 : app.provide) != null ? _a2 : inSetup ? vue.provide : void 0;
if (!provideFn) {
const context = vue.computed(() => {
const cfg = vue.unref(config);
if (!(oldConfig == null ? void 0 : oldConfig.value))
return cfg;
return mergeConfig(oldConfig.value, cfg);
provideFn(configProviderContextKey, context);
provideFn(localeContextKey, vue.computed(() => context.value.locale));
provideFn(namespaceContextKey, vue.computed(() => context.value.namespace));
provideFn(zIndexContextKey, vue.computed(() => context.value.zIndex));
size: vue.computed(() => context.value.size || "")
if (global2 || !globalConfig.value) {
globalConfig.value = context.value;
return context;
const mergeConfig = (a, b) => {
var _a2;
const keys = [.../* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...keysOf(a), ...keysOf(b)])];
const obj = {};
for (const key of keys) {
obj[key] = (_a2 = b[key]) != null ? _a2 : a[key];
return obj;
const configProviderProps = buildProps({
a11y: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
locale: {
type: definePropType(Object)
size: useSizeProp,
button: {
type: definePropType(Object)
experimentalFeatures: {
type: definePropType(Object)
keyboardNavigation: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
message: {
type: definePropType(Object)
zIndex: Number,
namespace: {
type: String,
default: "el"
const messageConfig = {};
name: "ElConfigProvider",
props: configProviderProps,
setup(props, { slots }) {
vue.watch(() => props.message, (val) => {
Object.assign(messageConfig, val != null ? val : {});
}, { immediate: true, deep: true });
const config = provideGlobalConfig(props);
return () => vue.renderSlot(slots, "default", { config: config == null ? void 0 : config.value });
var _export_sfc$1 = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
const iconProps = buildProps({
size: {
type: definePropType([Number, String])
color: {
type: String
const __default__$6 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElIcon",
inheritAttrs: false
const _sfc_main$9 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: iconProps,
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const ns = useNamespace("icon");
const style2 = vue.computed(() => {
const { size, color } = props;
if (!size && !color)
return {};
return {
fontSize: isUndefined(size) ? void 0 : addUnit(size),
"--color": color
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("i", vue.mergeProps({
class: vue.unref(ns).b(),
style: vue.unref(style2)
}, _ctx.$attrs), [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 16);
var Icon = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$9, [["__file", "icon.vue"]]);
const ElIcon = withInstall(Icon);
const formContextKey = Symbol("formContextKey");
const formItemContextKey = Symbol("formItemContextKey");
const useFormSize = (fallback, ignore = {}) => {
const emptyRef = vue.ref(void 0);
const size = ignore.prop ? emptyRef : useProp("size");
const globalConfig2 = ignore.global ? emptyRef : useGlobalSize();
const form = ignore.form ? { size: void 0 } : vue.inject(formContextKey, void 0);
const formItem = ignore.formItem ? { size: void 0 } : vue.inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
return vue.computed(() => size.value || vue.unref(fallback) || (formItem == null ? void 0 : formItem.size) || (form == null ? void 0 : form.size) || globalConfig2.value || "");
const useFormDisabled = (fallback) => {
const disabled = useProp("disabled");
const form = vue.inject(formContextKey, void 0);
return vue.computed(() => disabled.value || vue.unref(fallback) || (form == null ? void 0 : form.disabled) || false);
const useFormItem = () => {
const form = vue.inject(formContextKey, void 0);
const formItem = vue.inject(formItemContextKey, void 0);
return {
const FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED = "focus-trap.focus-after-trapped";
const FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED = "focus-trap.focus-after-released";
const FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED = "focus-trap.focusout-prevented";
cancelable: true,
bubbles: false
cancelable: true,
bubbles: false
const ON_TRAP_FOCUS_EVT = "focusAfterTrapped";
const ON_RELEASE_FOCUS_EVT = "focusAfterReleased";
const FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY = Symbol("elFocusTrap");
const focusReason = vue.ref();
const lastUserFocusTimestamp = vue.ref(0);
const lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp = vue.ref(0);
let focusReasonUserCount = 0;
const obtainAllFocusableElements = (element) => {
const nodes = [];
const walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
acceptNode: (node) => {
const isHiddenInput = node.tagName === "INPUT" && node.type === "hidden";
if (node.disabled || node.hidden || isHiddenInput)
return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
return node.tabIndex >= 0 || node === document.activeElement ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
while (walker.nextNode())
return nodes;
const getVisibleElement = (elements, container) => {
for (const element of elements) {
if (!isHidden(element, container))
return element;
const isHidden = (element, container) => {
if (getComputedStyle(element).visibility === "hidden")
return true;
while (element) {
if (container && element === container)
return false;
if (getComputedStyle(element).display === "none")
return true;
element = element.parentElement;
return false;
const getEdges = (container) => {
const focusable = obtainAllFocusableElements(container);
const first = getVisibleElement(focusable, container);
const last = getVisibleElement(focusable.reverse(), container);
return [first, last];
const isSelectable = (element) => {
return element instanceof HTMLInputElement && "select" in element;
const tryFocus = (element, shouldSelect) => {
if (element && element.focus) {
const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
element.focus({ preventScroll: true });
lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
if (element !== prevFocusedElement && isSelectable(element) && shouldSelect) {
function removeFromStack(list, item) {
const copy = [...list];
const idx = list.indexOf(item);
if (idx !== -1) {
copy.splice(idx, 1);
return copy;
const createFocusableStack = () => {
let stack = [];
const push = (layer) => {
const currentLayer = stack[0];
if (currentLayer && layer !== currentLayer) {
stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
const remove = (layer) => {
var _a2, _b;
stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
(_b = (_a2 = stack[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.resume) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a2);
return {
const focusFirstDescendant = (elements, shouldSelect = false) => {
const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
for (const element of elements) {
tryFocus(element, shouldSelect);
if (document.activeElement !== prevFocusedElement)
const focusableStack = createFocusableStack();
const isFocusCausedByUserEvent = () => {
return lastUserFocusTimestamp.value > lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value;
const notifyFocusReasonPointer = () => {
focusReason.value = "pointer";
lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
const notifyFocusReasonKeydown = () => {
focusReason.value = "keyboard";
lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
const useFocusReason = () => {
vue.onMounted(() => {
if (focusReasonUserCount === 0) {
document.addEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
document.addEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
document.addEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => {
if (focusReasonUserCount <= 0) {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
document.removeEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
document.removeEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
return {
const createFocusOutPreventedEvent = (detail) => {
return new CustomEvent(FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED, {
const _sfc_main$8 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElFocusTrap",
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
loop: Boolean,
trapped: Boolean,
focusTrapEl: Object,
focusStartEl: {
type: [Object, String],
default: "first"
emits: [
setup(props, { emit }) {
const forwardRef = vue.ref();
let lastFocusBeforeTrapped;
let lastFocusAfterTrapped;
const { focusReason: focusReason2 } = useFocusReason();
useEscapeKeydown((event) => {
if (props.trapped && !focusLayer.paused) {
emit("release-requested", event);
const focusLayer = {
paused: false,
pause() {
this.paused = true;
resume() {
this.paused = false;
const onKeydown = (e) => {
if (!props.loop && !props.trapped)
if (focusLayer.paused)
const { key, altKey, ctrlKey, metaKey, currentTarget, shiftKey } = e;
const { loop } = props;
const isTabbing = key === EVENT_CODE.tab && !altKey && !ctrlKey && !metaKey;
const currentFocusingEl = document.activeElement;
if (isTabbing && currentFocusingEl) {
const container = currentTarget;
const [first, last] = getEdges(container);
const isTabbable = first && last;
if (!isTabbable) {
if (currentFocusingEl === container) {
const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
focusReason: focusReason2.value
emit("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
} else {
if (!shiftKey && currentFocusingEl === last) {
const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
focusReason: focusReason2.value
emit("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
if (loop)
tryFocus(first, true);
} else if (shiftKey && [first, container].includes(currentFocusingEl)) {
const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
focusReason: focusReason2.value
emit("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
if (loop)
tryFocus(last, true);
focusTrapRef: forwardRef,
vue.watch(() => props.focusTrapEl, (focusTrapEl) => {
if (focusTrapEl) {
forwardRef.value = focusTrapEl;
}, { immediate: true });
vue.watch([forwardRef], ([forwardRef2], [oldForwardRef]) => {
if (forwardRef2) {
forwardRef2.addEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
forwardRef2.addEventListener("focusin", onFocusIn);
forwardRef2.addEventListener("focusout", onFocusOut);
if (oldForwardRef) {
oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("keydown", onKeydown);
oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("focusin", onFocusIn);
oldForwardRef.removeEventListener("focusout", onFocusOut);
const trapOnFocus = (e) => {
const releaseOnFocus = (e) => emit(ON_RELEASE_FOCUS_EVT, e);
const onFocusIn = (e) => {
const trapContainer = vue.unref(forwardRef);
if (!trapContainer)
const target = e.target;
const relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
const isFocusedInTrap = target && trapContainer.contains(target);
if (!props.trapped) {
const isPrevFocusedInTrap = relatedTarget && trapContainer.contains(relatedTarget);
if (!isPrevFocusedInTrap) {
lastFocusBeforeTrapped = relatedTarget;
if (isFocusedInTrap)
emit("focusin", e);
if (focusLayer.paused)
if (props.trapped) {
if (isFocusedInTrap) {
lastFocusAfterTrapped = target;
} else {
tryFocus(lastFocusAfterTrapped, true);
const onFocusOut = (e) => {
const trapContainer = vue.unref(forwardRef);
if (focusLayer.paused || !trapContainer)
if (props.trapped) {
const relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget;
if (!isNil(relatedTarget) && !trapContainer.contains(relatedTarget)) {
setTimeout(() => {
if (!focusLayer.paused && props.trapped) {
const focusoutPreventedEvent = createFocusOutPreventedEvent({
focusReason: focusReason2.value
emit("focusout-prevented", focusoutPreventedEvent);
if (!focusoutPreventedEvent.defaultPrevented) {
tryFocus(lastFocusAfterTrapped, true);
}, 0);
} else {
const target = e.target;
const isFocusedInTrap = target && trapContainer.contains(target);
if (!isFocusedInTrap)
emit("focusout", e);
async function startTrap() {
await vue.nextTick();
const trapContainer = vue.unref(forwardRef);
if (trapContainer) {
const prevFocusedElement = trapContainer.contains(document.activeElement) ? lastFocusBeforeTrapped : document.activeElement;
lastFocusBeforeTrapped = prevFocusedElement;
const isPrevFocusContained = trapContainer.contains(prevFocusedElement);
if (!isPrevFocusContained) {
trapContainer.addEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED, trapOnFocus);
if (!focusEvent.defaultPrevented) {
vue.nextTick(() => {
let focusStartEl = props.focusStartEl;
if (!isString(focusStartEl)) {
if (document.activeElement !== focusStartEl) {
focusStartEl = "first";
if (focusStartEl === "first") {
focusFirstDescendant(obtainAllFocusableElements(trapContainer), true);
if (document.activeElement === prevFocusedElement || focusStartEl === "container") {
function stopTrap() {
const trapContainer = vue.unref(forwardRef);
if (trapContainer) {
trapContainer.removeEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_TRAPPED, trapOnFocus);
const releasedEvent = new CustomEvent(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, {
detail: {
focusReason: focusReason2.value
trapContainer.addEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, releaseOnFocus);
if (!releasedEvent.defaultPrevented && (focusReason2.value == "keyboard" || !isFocusCausedByUserEvent() || trapContainer.contains(document.activeElement))) {
tryFocus(lastFocusBeforeTrapped != null ? lastFocusBeforeTrapped : document.body);
trapContainer.removeEventListener(FOCUS_AFTER_RELEASED, releaseOnFocus);
vue.onMounted(() => {
if (props.trapped) {
vue.watch(() => props.trapped, (trapped) => {
if (trapped) {
} else {
vue.onBeforeUnmount(() => {
if (props.trapped) {
return {
function _sfc_render(_ctx, _cache, $props, $setup, $data, $options) {
return vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", { handleKeydown: _ctx.onKeydown });
var ElFocusTrap = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$8, [["render", _sfc_render], ["__file", "focus-trap.vue"]]);
const badgeProps = buildProps({
value: {
type: [String, Number],
default: ""
max: {
type: Number,
default: 99
isDot: Boolean,
hidden: Boolean,
type: {
type: String,
values: ["primary", "success", "warning", "info", "danger"],
default: "danger"
const _hoisted_1$5 = ["textContent"];
const __default__$5 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElBadge"
const _sfc_main$7 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: badgeProps,
setup(__props, { expose }) {
const props = __props;
const ns = useNamespace("badge");
const content = vue.computed(() => {
if (props.isDot)
return "";
if (isNumber(props.value) && isNumber(props.max)) {
return props.max < props.value ? `${props.max}+` : `${props.value}`;
return `${props.value}`;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).b())
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default"),
vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, {
name: `${vue.unref(ns).namespace.value}-zoom-in-center`,
persisted: ""
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("sup", {
class: vue.normalizeClass([
vue.unref(ns).em("content", _ctx.type),
vue.unref(ns).is("fixed", !!_ctx.$slots.default),
vue.unref(ns).is("dot", _ctx.isDot)
textContent: vue.toDisplayString(vue.unref(content))
}, null, 10, _hoisted_1$5), [
[vue.vShow, !_ctx.hidden && (vue.unref(content) || _ctx.isDot)]
_: 1
}, 8, ["name"])
], 2);
var Badge = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$7, [["__file", "badge.vue"]]);
const ElBadge = withInstall(Badge);
const buttonGroupContextKey = Symbol("buttonGroupContextKey");
const useButton = (props, emit) => {
from: "type.text",
replacement: "link",
version: "3.0.0",
scope: "props",
ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/button.html#button-attributes"
}, vue.computed(() => props.type === "text"));
const buttonGroupContext = vue.inject(buttonGroupContextKey, void 0);
const globalConfig2 = useGlobalConfig("button");
const { form } = useFormItem();
const _size = useFormSize(vue.computed(() => buttonGroupContext == null ? void 0 : buttonGroupContext.size));
const _disabled = useFormDisabled();
const _ref = vue.ref();
const slots = vue.useSlots();
const _type = vue.computed(() => props.type || (buttonGroupContext == null ? void 0 : buttonGroupContext.type) || "");
const autoInsertSpace = vue.computed(() => {
var _a2, _b, _c;
return (_c = (_b = props.autoInsertSpace) != null ? _b : (_a2 = globalConfig2.value) == null ? void 0 : _a2.autoInsertSpace) != null ? _c : false;
const _props = vue.computed(() => {
if (props.tag === "button") {
return {
ariaDisabled: _disabled.value || props.loading,
disabled: _disabled.value || props.loading,
autofocus: props.autofocus,
type: props.nativeType
return {};
const shouldAddSpace = vue.computed(() => {
var _a2;
const defaultSlot = (_a2 = slots.default) == null ? void 0 : _a2.call(slots);
if (autoInsertSpace.value && (defaultSlot == null ? void 0 : defaultSlot.length) === 1) {
const slot = defaultSlot[0];
if ((slot == null ? void 0 : slot.type) === vue.Text) {
const text = slot.children;
return /^\p{Unified_Ideograph}{2}$/u.test(text.trim());
return false;
const handleClick = (evt) => {
if (props.nativeType === "reset") {
form == null ? void 0 : form.resetFields();
emit("click", evt);
return {
const buttonTypes = [
const buttonNativeTypes = ["button", "submit", "reset"];
const buttonProps = buildProps({
size: useSizeProp,
disabled: Boolean,
type: {
type: String,
values: buttonTypes,
default: ""
icon: {
type: iconPropType
nativeType: {
type: String,
values: buttonNativeTypes,
default: "button"
loading: Boolean,
loadingIcon: {
type: iconPropType,
default: () => loading_default
plain: Boolean,
text: Boolean,
link: Boolean,
bg: Boolean,
autofocus: Boolean,
round: Boolean,
circle: Boolean,
color: String,
dark: Boolean,
autoInsertSpace: {
type: Boolean,
default: void 0
tag: {
type: definePropType([String, Object]),
default: "button"
const buttonEmits = {
click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
function bound01(n, max) {
if (isOnePointZero(n)) {
n = "100%";
var isPercent = isPercentage(n);
n = max === 360 ? n : Math.min(max, Math.max(0, parseFloat(n)));
if (isPercent) {
n = parseInt(String(n * max), 10) / 100;
if (Math.abs(n - max) < 1e-6) {
return 1;
if (max === 360) {
n = (n < 0 ? n % max + max : n % max) / parseFloat(String(max));
} else {
n = n % max / parseFloat(String(max));
return n;
function clamp01(val) {
return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, val));
function isOnePointZero(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf(".") !== -1 && parseFloat(n) === 1;
function isPercentage(n) {
return typeof n === "string" && n.indexOf("%") !== -1;
function boundAlpha(a) {
a = parseFloat(a);
if (isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 1) {
a = 1;
return a;
function convertToPercentage(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
return "".concat(Number(n) * 100, "%");
return n;
function pad2(c) {
return c.length === 1 ? "0" + c : String(c);
function rgbToRgb(r, g, b) {
return {
r: bound01(r, 255) * 255,
g: bound01(g, 255) * 255,
b: bound01(b, 255) * 255
function rgbToHsl(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h2 = 0;
var s = 0;
var l = (max + min) / 2;
if (max === min) {
s = 0;
h2 = 0;
} else {
var d = max - min;
s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
switch (max) {
case r:
h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
h2 /= 6;
return { h: h2, s, l };
function hue2rgb(p, q, t) {
if (t < 0) {
t += 1;
if (t > 1) {
t -= 1;
if (t < 1 / 6) {
return p + (q - p) * (6 * t);
if (t < 1 / 2) {
return q;
if (t < 2 / 3) {
return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
return p;
function hslToRgb(h2, s, l) {
var r;
var g;
var b;
h2 = bound01(h2, 360);
s = bound01(s, 100);
l = bound01(l, 100);
if (s === 0) {
g = l;
b = l;
r = l;
} else {
var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
var p = 2 * l - q;
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h2 + 1 / 3);
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h2);
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h2 - 1 / 3);
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
function rgbToHsv(r, g, b) {
r = bound01(r, 255);
g = bound01(g, 255);
b = bound01(b, 255);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b);
var min = Math.min(r, g, b);
var h2 = 0;
var v = max;
var d = max - min;
var s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
if (max === min) {
h2 = 0;
} else {
switch (max) {
case r:
h2 = (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);
case g:
h2 = (b - r) / d + 2;
case b:
h2 = (r - g) / d + 4;
h2 /= 6;
return { h: h2, s, v };
function hsvToRgb(h2, s, v) {
h2 = bound01(h2, 360) * 6;
s = bound01(s, 100);
v = bound01(v, 100);
var i = Math.floor(h2);
var f = h2 - i;
var p = v * (1 - s);
var q = v * (1 - f * s);
var t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);
var mod = i % 6;
var r = [v, q, p, p, t, v][mod];
var g = [t, v, v, q, p, p][mod];
var b = [p, p, t, v, v, q][mod];
return { r: r * 255, g: g * 255, b: b * 255 };
function rgbToHex(r, g, b, allow3Char) {
var hex = [
if (allow3Char && hex[0].startsWith(hex[0].charAt(1)) && hex[1].startsWith(hex[1].charAt(1)) && hex[2].startsWith(hex[2].charAt(1))) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
function rgbaToHex(r, g, b, a, allow4Char) {
var hex = [
if (allow4Char && hex[0].startsWith(hex[0].charAt(1)) && hex[1].startsWith(hex[1].charAt(1)) && hex[2].startsWith(hex[2].charAt(1)) && hex[3].startsWith(hex[3].charAt(1))) {
return hex[0].charAt(0) + hex[1].charAt(0) + hex[2].charAt(0) + hex[3].charAt(0);
return hex.join("");
function convertDecimalToHex(d) {
return Math.round(parseFloat(d) * 255).toString(16);
function convertHexToDecimal(h2) {
return parseIntFromHex(h2) / 255;
function parseIntFromHex(val) {
return parseInt(val, 16);
function numberInputToObject(color) {
return {
r: color >> 16,
g: (color & 65280) >> 8,
b: color & 255
var names = {
aliceblue: "#f0f8ff",
antiquewhite: "#faebd7",
aqua: "#00ffff",
aquamarine: "#7fffd4",
azure: "#f0ffff",
beige: "#f5f5dc",
bisque: "#ffe4c4",
black: "#000000",
blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd",
blue: "#0000ff",
blueviolet: "#8a2be2",
brown: "#a52a2a",
burlywood: "#deb887",
cadetblue: "#5f9ea0",
chartreuse: "#7fff00",
chocolate: "#d2691e",
coral: "#ff7f50",
cornflowerblue: "#6495ed",
cornsilk: "#fff8dc",
crimson: "#dc143c",
cyan: "#00ffff",
darkblue: "#00008b",
darkcyan: "#008b8b",
darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b",
darkgray: "#a9a9a9",
darkgreen: "#006400",
darkgrey: "#a9a9a9",
darkkhaki: "#bdb76b",
darkmagenta: "#8b008b",
darkolivegreen: "#556b2f",
darkorange: "#ff8c00",
darkorchid: "#9932cc",
darkred: "#8b0000",
darksalmon: "#e9967a",
darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f",
darkslateblue: "#483d8b",
darkslategray: "#2f4f4f",
darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f",
darkturquoise: "#00ced1",
darkviolet: "#9400d3",
deeppink: "#ff1493",
deepskyblue: "#00bfff",
dimgray: "#696969",
dimgrey: "#696969",
dodgerblue: "#1e90ff",
firebrick: "#b22222",
floralwhite: "#fffaf0",
forestgreen: "#228b22",
fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
gainsboro: "#dcdcdc",
ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff",
goldenrod: "#daa520",
gold: "#ffd700",
gray: "#808080",
green: "#008000",
greenyellow: "#adff2f",
grey: "#808080",
honeydew: "#f0fff0",
hotpink: "#ff69b4",
indianred: "#cd5c5c",
indigo: "#4b0082",
ivory: "#fffff0",
khaki: "#f0e68c",
lavenderblush: "#fff0f5",
lavender: "#e6e6fa",
lawngreen: "#7cfc00",
lemonchiffon: "#fffacd",
lightblue: "#add8e6",
lightcoral: "#f08080",
lightcyan: "#e0ffff",
lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2",
lightgray: "#d3d3d3",
lightgreen: "#90ee90",
lightgrey: "#d3d3d3",
lightpink: "#ffb6c1",
lightsalmon: "#ffa07a",
lightseagreen: "#20b2aa",
lightskyblue: "#87cefa",
lightslategray: "#778899",
lightslategrey: "#778899",
lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de",
lightyellow: "#ffffe0",
lime: "#00ff00",
limegreen: "#32cd32",
linen: "#faf0e6",
magenta: "#ff00ff",
maroon: "#800000",
mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa",
mediumblue: "#0000cd",
mediumorchid: "#ba55d3",
mediumpurple: "#9370db",
mediumseagreen: "#3cb371",
mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee",
mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a",
mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc",
mediumvioletred: "#c71585",
midnightblue: "#191970",
mintcream: "#f5fffa",
mistyrose: "#ffe4e1",
moccasin: "#ffe4b5",
navajowhite: "#ffdead",
navy: "#000080",
oldlace: "#fdf5e6",
olive: "#808000",
olivedrab: "#6b8e23",
orange: "#ffa500",
orangered: "#ff4500",
orchid: "#da70d6",
palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa",
palegreen: "#98fb98",
paleturquoise: "#afeeee",
palevioletred: "#db7093",
papayawhip: "#ffefd5",
peachpuff: "#ffdab9",
peru: "#cd853f",
pink: "#ffc0cb",
plum: "#dda0dd",
powderblue: "#b0e0e6",
purple: "#800080",
rebeccapurple: "#663399",
red: "#ff0000",
rosybrown: "#bc8f8f",
royalblue: "#4169e1",
saddlebrown: "#8b4513",
salmon: "#fa8072",
sandybrown: "#f4a460",
seagreen: "#2e8b57",
seashell: "#fff5ee",
sienna: "#a0522d",
silver: "#c0c0c0",
skyblue: "#87ceeb",
slateblue: "#6a5acd",
slategray: "#708090",
slategrey: "#708090",
snow: "#fffafa",
springgreen: "#00ff7f",
steelblue: "#4682b4",
tan: "#d2b48c",
teal: "#008080",
thistle: "#d8bfd8",
tomato: "#ff6347",
turquoise: "#40e0d0",
violet: "#ee82ee",
wheat: "#f5deb3",
white: "#ffffff",
whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5",
yellow: "#ffff00",
yellowgreen: "#9acd32"
function inputToRGB(color) {
var rgb = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 };
var a = 1;
var s = null;
var v = null;
var l = null;
var ok = false;
var format = false;
if (typeof color === "string") {
color = stringInputToObject(color);
if (typeof color === "object") {
if (isValidCSSUnit(color.r) && isValidCSSUnit(color.g) && isValidCSSUnit(color.b)) {
rgb = rgbToRgb(color.r, color.g, color.b);
ok = true;
format = String(color.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb";
} else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.v)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
v = convertToPercentage(color.v);
rgb = hsvToRgb(color.h, s, v);
ok = true;
format = "hsv";
} else if (isValidCSSUnit(color.h) && isValidCSSUnit(color.s) && isValidCSSUnit(color.l)) {
s = convertToPercentage(color.s);
l = convertToPercentage(color.l);
rgb = hslToRgb(color.h, s, l);
ok = true;
format = "hsl";
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(color, "a")) {
a = color.a;
a = boundAlpha(a);
return {
format: color.format || format,
r: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.r, 0)),
g: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.g, 0)),
b: Math.min(255, Math.max(rgb.b, 0)),
var CSS_INTEGER = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?";
var CSS_NUMBER = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?";
var CSS_UNIT = "(?:".concat(CSS_NUMBER, ")|(?:").concat(CSS_INTEGER, ")");
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH3 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
var PERMISSIVE_MATCH4 = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(CSS_UNIT, ")\\s*\\)?");
var matchers = {
rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH3),
hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + PERMISSIVE_MATCH4),
hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/,
hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/,
hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/
function stringInputToObject(color) {
color = color.trim().toLowerCase();
if (color.length === 0) {
return false;
var named = false;
if (names[color]) {
color = names[color];
named = true;
} else if (color === "transparent") {
return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" };
var match = matchers.rgb.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3] };
match = matchers.rgba.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { r: match[1], g: match[2], b: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hsl.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3] };
match = matchers.hsla.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], l: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hsv.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3] };
match = matchers.hsva.exec(color);
if (match) {
return { h: match[1], s: match[2], v: match[3], a: match[4] };
match = matchers.hex8.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
match = matchers.hex6.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
match = matchers.hex4.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + match[3]),
a: convertHexToDecimal(match[4] + match[4]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex8"
match = matchers.hex3.exec(color);
if (match) {
return {
r: parseIntFromHex(match[1] + match[1]),
g: parseIntFromHex(match[2] + match[2]),
b: parseIntFromHex(match[3] + match[3]),
format: named ? "name" : "hex"
return false;
function isValidCSSUnit(color) {
return Boolean(matchers.CSS_UNIT.exec(String(color)));
var TinyColor = (
/** @class */
function() {
function TinyColor2(color, opts) {
if (color === void 0) {
color = "";
if (opts === void 0) {
opts = {};
var _a2;
if (color instanceof TinyColor2) {
return color;
if (typeof color === "number") {
color = numberInputToObject(color);
this.originalInput = color;
var rgb = inputToRGB(color);
this.originalInput = color;
this.r = rgb.r;
this.g = rgb.g;
this.b = rgb.b;
this.a = rgb.a;
this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
this.format = (_a2 = opts.format) !== null && _a2 !== void 0 ? _a2 : rgb.format;
this.gradientType = opts.gradientType;
if (this.r < 1) {
this.r = Math.round(this.r);
if (this.g < 1) {
this.g = Math.round(this.g);
if (this.b < 1) {
this.b = Math.round(this.b);
this.isValid = rgb.ok;
TinyColor2.prototype.isDark = function() {
return this.getBrightness() < 128;
TinyColor2.prototype.isLight = function() {
return !this.isDark();
TinyColor2.prototype.getBrightness = function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
return (rgb.r * 299 + rgb.g * 587 + rgb.b * 114) / 1e3;
TinyColor2.prototype.getLuminance = function() {
var rgb = this.toRgb();
var R;
var G;
var B;
var RsRGB = rgb.r / 255;
var GsRGB = rgb.g / 255;
var BsRGB = rgb.b / 255;
if (RsRGB <= 0.03928) {
R = RsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
R = Math.pow((RsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
if (GsRGB <= 0.03928) {
G = GsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
G = Math.pow((GsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
if (BsRGB <= 0.03928) {
B = BsRGB / 12.92;
} else {
B = Math.pow((BsRGB + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
return 0.2126 * R + 0.7152 * G + 0.0722 * B;
TinyColor2.prototype.getAlpha = function() {
return this.a;
TinyColor2.prototype.setAlpha = function(alpha) {
this.a = boundAlpha(alpha);
this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100;
return this;
TinyColor2.prototype.isMonochrome = function() {
var s = this.toHsl().s;
return s === 0;
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsv = function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return { h: hsv.h * 360, s: hsv.s, v: hsv.v, a: this.a };
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsvString = function() {
var hsv = rgbToHsv(this.r, this.g, this.b);
var h2 = Math.round(hsv.h * 360);
var s = Math.round(hsv.s * 100);
var v = Math.round(hsv.v * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "hsv(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%)") : "hsva(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(v, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toHsl = function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
return { h: hsl.h * 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l, a: this.a };
TinyColor2.prototype.toHslString = function() {
var hsl = rgbToHsl(this.r, this.g, this.b);
var h2 = Math.round(hsl.h * 360);
var s = Math.round(hsl.s * 100);
var l = Math.round(hsl.l * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "hsl(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%)") : "hsla(".concat(h2, ", ").concat(s, "%, ").concat(l, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex = function(allow3Char) {
if (allow3Char === void 0) {
allow3Char = false;
return rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, allow3Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHexString = function(allow3Char) {
if (allow3Char === void 0) {
allow3Char = false;
return "#" + this.toHex(allow3Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8 = function(allow4Char) {
if (allow4Char === void 0) {
allow4Char = false;
return rgbaToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a, allow4Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHex8String = function(allow4Char) {
if (allow4Char === void 0) {
allow4Char = false;
return "#" + this.toHex8(allow4Char);
TinyColor2.prototype.toHexShortString = function(allowShortChar) {
if (allowShortChar === void 0) {
allowShortChar = false;
return this.a === 1 ? this.toHexString(allowShortChar) : this.toHex8String(allowShortChar);
TinyColor2.prototype.toRgb = function() {
return {
r: Math.round(this.r),
g: Math.round(this.g),
b: Math.round(this.b),
a: this.a
TinyColor2.prototype.toRgbString = function() {
var r = Math.round(this.r);
var g = Math.round(this.g);
var b = Math.round(this.b);
return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ")") : "rgba(".concat(r, ", ").concat(g, ", ").concat(b, ", ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgb = function() {
var fmt = function(x) {
return "".concat(Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100), "%");
return {
r: fmt(this.r),
g: fmt(this.g),
b: fmt(this.b),
a: this.a
TinyColor2.prototype.toPercentageRgbString = function() {
var rnd = function(x) {
return Math.round(bound01(x, 255) * 100);
return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%)") : "rgba(".concat(rnd(this.r), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.g), "%, ").concat(rnd(this.b), "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")");
TinyColor2.prototype.toName = function() {
if (this.a === 0) {
return "transparent";
if (this.a < 1) {
return false;
var hex = "#" + rgbToHex(this.r, this.g, this.b, false);
for (var _i = 0, _a2 = Object.entries(names); _i < _a2.length; _i++) {
var _b = _a2[_i], key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
if (hex === value) {
return key;
return false;
TinyColor2.prototype.toString = function(format) {
var formatSet = Boolean(format);
format = format !== null && format !== void 0 ? format : this.format;
var formattedString = false;
var hasAlpha = this.a < 1 && this.a >= 0;
var needsAlphaFormat = !formatSet && hasAlpha && (format.startsWith("hex") || format === "name");
if (needsAlphaFormat) {
if (format === "name" && this.a === 0) {
return this.toName();
return this.toRgbString();
if (format === "rgb") {
formattedString = this.toRgbString();
if (format === "prgb") {
formattedString = this.toPercentageRgbString();
if (format === "hex" || format === "hex6") {
formattedString = this.toHexString();
if (format === "hex3") {
formattedString = this.toHexString(true);
if (format === "hex4") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String(true);
if (format === "hex8") {
formattedString = this.toHex8String();
if (format === "name") {
formattedString = this.toName();
if (format === "hsl") {
formattedString = this.toHslString();
if (format === "hsv") {
formattedString = this.toHsvString();
return formattedString || this.toHexString();
TinyColor2.prototype.toNumber = function() {
return (Math.round(this.r) << 16) + (Math.round(this.g) << 8) + Math.round(this.b);
TinyColor2.prototype.clone = function() {
return new TinyColor2(this.toString());
TinyColor2.prototype.lighten = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.l += amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.brighten = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var rgb = this.toRgb();
rgb.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.r - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
rgb.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.g - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
rgb.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, rgb.b - Math.round(255 * -(amount / 100))));
return new TinyColor2(rgb);
TinyColor2.prototype.darken = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.l -= amount / 100;
hsl.l = clamp01(hsl.l);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.tint = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
return this.mix("white", amount);
TinyColor2.prototype.shade = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
return this.mix("black", amount);
TinyColor2.prototype.desaturate = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.s -= amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.saturate = function(amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 10;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.s += amount / 100;
hsl.s = clamp01(hsl.s);
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.greyscale = function() {
return this.desaturate(100);
TinyColor2.prototype.spin = function(amount) {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var hue = (hsl.h + amount) % 360;
hsl.h = hue < 0 ? 360 + hue : hue;
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.mix = function(color, amount) {
if (amount === void 0) {
amount = 50;
var rgb1 = this.toRgb();
var rgb2 = new TinyColor2(color).toRgb();
var p = amount / 100;
var rgba = {
r: (rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * p + rgb1.r,
g: (rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * p + rgb1.g,
b: (rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * p + rgb1.b,
a: (rgb2.a - rgb1.a) * p + rgb1.a
return new TinyColor2(rgba);
TinyColor2.prototype.analogous = function(results, slices) {
if (results === void 0) {
results = 6;
if (slices === void 0) {
slices = 30;
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var part = 360 / slices;
var ret = [this];
for (hsl.h = (hsl.h - (part * results >> 1) + 720) % 360; --results; ) {
hsl.h = (hsl.h + part) % 360;
ret.push(new TinyColor2(hsl));
return ret;
TinyColor2.prototype.complement = function() {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
hsl.h = (hsl.h + 180) % 360;
return new TinyColor2(hsl);
TinyColor2.prototype.monochromatic = function(results) {
if (results === void 0) {
results = 6;
var hsv = this.toHsv();
var h2 = hsv.h;
var s = hsv.s;
var v = hsv.v;
var res = [];
var modification = 1 / results;
while (results--) {
res.push(new TinyColor2({ h: h2, s, v }));
v = (v + modification) % 1;
return res;
TinyColor2.prototype.splitcomplement = function() {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var h2 = hsl.h;
return [
new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 72) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }),
new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + 216) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l })
TinyColor2.prototype.onBackground = function(background) {
var fg = this.toRgb();
var bg = new TinyColor2(background).toRgb();
var alpha = fg.a + bg.a * (1 - fg.a);
return new TinyColor2({
r: (fg.r * fg.a + bg.r * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
g: (fg.g * fg.a + bg.g * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
b: (fg.b * fg.a + bg.b * bg.a * (1 - fg.a)) / alpha,
a: alpha
TinyColor2.prototype.triad = function() {
return this.polyad(3);
TinyColor2.prototype.tetrad = function() {
return this.polyad(4);
TinyColor2.prototype.polyad = function(n) {
var hsl = this.toHsl();
var h2 = hsl.h;
var result = [this];
var increment = 360 / n;
for (var i = 1; i < n; i++) {
result.push(new TinyColor2({ h: (h2 + i * increment) % 360, s: hsl.s, l: hsl.l }));
return result;
TinyColor2.prototype.equals = function(color) {
return this.toRgbString() === new TinyColor2(color).toRgbString();
return TinyColor2;
function darken(color, amount = 20) {
return color.mix("#141414", amount).toString();
function useButtonCustomStyle(props) {
const _disabled = useFormDisabled();
const ns = useNamespace("button");
return vue.computed(() => {
let styles = {};
const buttonColor = props.color;
if (buttonColor) {
const color = new TinyColor(buttonColor);
const activeBgColor = props.dark ? color.tint(20).toString() : darken(color, 20);
if (props.plain) {
styles = ns.cssVarBlock({
"bg-color": props.dark ? darken(color, 90) : color.tint(90).toString(),
"text-color": buttonColor,
"border-color": props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString(),
"hover-text-color": `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`,
"hover-bg-color": buttonColor,
"hover-border-color": buttonColor,
"active-bg-color": activeBgColor,
"active-text-color": `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`,
"active-border-color": activeBgColor
if (_disabled.value) {
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-bg-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 90) : color.tint(90).toString();
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-text-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString();
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-border-color")] = props.dark ? darken(color, 80) : color.tint(80).toString();
} else {
const hoverBgColor = props.dark ? darken(color, 30) : color.tint(30).toString();
const textColor = color.isDark() ? `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})` : `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-black")})`;
styles = ns.cssVarBlock({
"bg-color": buttonColor,
"text-color": textColor,
"border-color": buttonColor,
"hover-bg-color": hoverBgColor,
"hover-text-color": textColor,
"hover-border-color": hoverBgColor,
"active-bg-color": activeBgColor,
"active-border-color": activeBgColor
if (_disabled.value) {
const disabledButtonColor = props.dark ? darken(color, 50) : color.tint(50).toString();
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-bg-color")] = disabledButtonColor;
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-text-color")] = props.dark ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" : `var(${ns.cssVarName("color-white")})`;
styles[ns.cssVarBlockName("disabled-border-color")] = disabledButtonColor;
return styles;
const __default__$4 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElButton"
const _sfc_main$6 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: buttonProps,
emits: buttonEmits,
setup(__props, { expose, emit }) {
const props = __props;
const buttonStyle = useButtonCustomStyle(props);
const ns = useNamespace("button");
const { _ref, _size, _type, _disabled, _props, shouldAddSpace, handleClick } = useButton(props, emit);
ref: _ref,
size: _size,
type: _type,
disabled: _disabled,
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.tag), vue.mergeProps({
ref_key: "_ref",
ref: _ref
}, vue.unref(_props), {
class: [
vue.unref(ns).is("disabled", vue.unref(_disabled)),
vue.unref(ns).is("loading", _ctx.loading),
vue.unref(ns).is("plain", _ctx.plain),
vue.unref(ns).is("round", _ctx.round),
vue.unref(ns).is("circle", _ctx.circle),
vue.unref(ns).is("text", _ctx.text),
vue.unref(ns).is("link", _ctx.link),
vue.unref(ns).is("has-bg", _ctx.bg)
style: vue.unref(buttonStyle),
onClick: vue.unref(handleClick)
}), {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_ctx.loading ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, [
_ctx.$slots.loading ? vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "loading", { key: 0 }) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(ElIcon), {
key: 1,
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).is("loading"))
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
(vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.loadingIcon)))
_: 1
}, 8, ["class"]))
], 64)) : _ctx.icon || _ctx.$slots.icon ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(ElIcon), { key: 1 }, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_ctx.icon ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.icon), { key: 0 })) : vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "icon", { key: 1 })
_: 3
})) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
_ctx.$slots.default ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("span", {
key: 2,
class: vue.normalizeClass({ [vue.unref(ns).em("text", "expand")]: vue.unref(shouldAddSpace) })
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2)) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
_: 3
}, 16, ["class", "style", "onClick"]);
var Button = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$6, [["__file", "button.vue"]]);
const buttonGroupProps = {
size: buttonProps.size,
type: buttonProps.type
const __default__$3 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElButtonGroup"
const _sfc_main$5 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: buttonGroupProps,
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
vue.provide(buttonGroupContextKey, vue.reactive({
size: vue.toRef(props, "size"),
type: vue.toRef(props, "type")
const ns = useNamespace("button");
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
class: vue.normalizeClass(`${vue.unref(ns).b("group")}`)
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 2);
var ButtonGroup = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$5, [["__file", "button-group.vue"]]);
const ElButton = withInstall(Button, {
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
function getDefaultExportFromCjs(x) {
return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, "default") ? x["default"] : x;
function getAugmentedNamespace(n) {
if (n.__esModule)
return n;
var f = n.default;
if (typeof f == "function") {
var a = function a2() {
if (this instanceof a2) {
return Reflect.construct(f, arguments, this.constructor);
return f.apply(this, arguments);
a.prototype = f.prototype;
} else
a = {};
Object.defineProperty(a, "__esModule", { value: true });
Object.keys(n).forEach(function(k) {
var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, k);
Object.defineProperty(a, k, d.get ? d : {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return n[k];
return a;
const overlayProps = buildProps({
mask: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
customMaskEvent: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
overlayClass: {
type: definePropType([
zIndex: {
type: definePropType([String, Number])
const overlayEmits = {
click: (evt) => evt instanceof MouseEvent
const BLOCK = "overlay";
var Overlay = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElOverlay",
props: overlayProps,
emits: overlayEmits,
setup(props, { slots, emit }) {
const ns = useNamespace(BLOCK);
const onMaskClick = (e) => {
emit("click", e);
const { onClick, onMousedown, onMouseup } = useSameTarget(props.customMaskEvent ? void 0 : onMaskClick);
return () => {
return props.mask ? vue.createVNode("div", {
class: [ns.b(), props.overlayClass],
style: {
zIndex: props.zIndex
}, [vue.renderSlot(slots, "default")], PatchFlags.STYLE | PatchFlags.CLASS | PatchFlags.PROPS, ["onClick", "onMouseup", "onMousedown"]) : vue.h("div", {
class: props.overlayClass,
style: {
zIndex: props.zIndex,
position: "fixed",
top: "0px",
right: "0px",
bottom: "0px",
left: "0px"
}, [vue.renderSlot(slots, "default")]);
const ElOverlay = Overlay;
const dialogInjectionKey = Symbol("dialogInjectionKey");
const dialogContentProps = buildProps({
center: Boolean,
alignCenter: Boolean,
closeIcon: {
type: iconPropType
draggable: Boolean,
overflow: Boolean,
fullscreen: Boolean,
showClose: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
title: {
type: String,
default: ""
ariaLevel: {
type: String,
default: "2"
const dialogContentEmits = {
close: () => true
const _hoisted_1$4 = ["aria-level"];
const _hoisted_2$3 = ["aria-label"];
const _hoisted_3$2 = ["id"];
const __default__$2 = vue.defineComponent({ name: "ElDialogContent" });
const _sfc_main$4 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: dialogContentProps,
emits: dialogContentEmits,
setup(__props) {
const props = __props;
const { t } = useLocale();
const { Close } = CloseComponents;
const { dialogRef, headerRef, bodyId, ns, style: style2 } = vue.inject(dialogInjectionKey);
const { focusTrapRef } = vue.inject(FOCUS_TRAP_INJECTION_KEY);
const dialogKls = vue.computed(() => [
ns.is("fullscreen", props.fullscreen),
ns.is("draggable", props.draggable),
ns.is("align-center", props.alignCenter),
{ [ns.m("center")]: props.center }
const composedDialogRef = composeRefs(focusTrapRef, dialogRef);
const draggable = vue.computed(() => props.draggable);
const overflow = vue.computed(() => props.overflow);
useDraggable(dialogRef, headerRef, draggable, overflow);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
ref: vue.unref(composedDialogRef),
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(dialogKls)),
style: vue.normalizeStyle(vue.unref(style2)),
tabindex: "-1"
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("header", {
ref_key: "headerRef",
ref: headerRef,
class: vue.normalizeClass([vue.unref(ns).e("header"), { "show-close": _ctx.showClose }])
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "header", {}, () => [
vue.createElementVNode("span", {
role: "heading",
"aria-level": _ctx.ariaLevel,
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("title"))
}, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.title), 11, _hoisted_1$4)
_ctx.showClose ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("button", {
key: 0,
"aria-label": vue.unref(t)("el.dialog.close"),
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("headerbtn")),
type: "button",
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("close"))
}, [
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(ElIcon), {
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("close"))
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
(vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(_ctx.closeIcon || vue.unref(Close))))
_: 1
}, 8, ["class"])
], 10, _hoisted_2$3)) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
], 2),
vue.createElementVNode("div", {
id: vue.unref(bodyId),
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("body"))
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
], 10, _hoisted_3$2),
_ctx.$slots.footer ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("footer", {
key: 0,
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("footer"))
}, [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
], 2)) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
], 6);
var ElDialogContent = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$4, [["__file", "dialog-content.vue"]]);
const dialogProps = buildProps({
appendToBody: Boolean,
appendTo: {
type: definePropType(String),
default: "body"
beforeClose: {
type: definePropType(Function)
destroyOnClose: Boolean,
closeOnClickModal: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
closeOnPressEscape: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
lockScroll: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
modal: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
openDelay: {
type: Number,
default: 0
closeDelay: {
type: Number,
default: 0
top: {
type: String
modelValue: Boolean,
modalClass: String,
width: {
type: [String, Number]
zIndex: {
type: Number
trapFocus: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
headerAriaLevel: {
type: String,
default: "2"
const dialogEmits = {
open: () => true,
opened: () => true,
close: () => true,
closed: () => true,
[UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT]: (value) => isBoolean(value),
openAutoFocus: () => true,
closeAutoFocus: () => true
const useDialog = (props, targetRef) => {
var _a2;
const instance = vue.getCurrentInstance();
const emit = instance.emit;
const { nextZIndex } = useZIndex();
let lastPosition = "";
const titleId = useId();
const bodyId = useId();
const visible = vue.ref(false);
const closed = vue.ref(false);
const rendered = vue.ref(false);
const zIndex2 = vue.ref((_a2 = props.zIndex) != null ? _a2 : nextZIndex());
let openTimer = void 0;
let closeTimer = void 0;
const namespace = useGlobalConfig("namespace", defaultNamespace);
const style2 = vue.computed(() => {
const style22 = {};
const varPrefix = `--${namespace.value}-dialog`;
if (!props.fullscreen) {
if (props.top) {
style22[`${varPrefix}-margin-top`] = props.top;
if (props.width) {
style22[`${varPrefix}-width`] = addUnit(props.width);
return style22;
const overlayDialogStyle = vue.computed(() => {
if (props.alignCenter) {
return { display: "flex" };
return {};
function afterEnter() {
function afterLeave() {
emit(UPDATE_MODEL_EVENT, false);
if (props.destroyOnClose) {
rendered.value = false;
function beforeLeave() {
function open() {
closeTimer == null ? void 0 : closeTimer();
openTimer == null ? void 0 : openTimer();
if (props.openDelay && props.openDelay > 0) {
({ stop: openTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => doOpen(), props.openDelay));
} else {
function close() {
openTimer == null ? void 0 : openTimer();
closeTimer == null ? void 0 : closeTimer();
if (props.closeDelay && props.closeDelay > 0) {
({ stop: closeTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => doClose(), props.closeDelay));
} else {
function handleClose() {
function hide(shouldCancel) {
if (shouldCancel)
closed.value = true;
visible.value = false;
if (props.beforeClose) {
} else {
function onModalClick() {
if (props.closeOnClickModal) {
function doOpen() {
if (!isClient)
visible.value = true;
function doClose() {
visible.value = false;
function onOpenAutoFocus() {
function onCloseAutoFocus() {
function onFocusoutPrevented(event) {
var _a22;
if (((_a22 = event.detail) == null ? void 0 : _a22.focusReason) === "pointer") {
if (props.lockScroll) {
function onCloseRequested() {
if (props.closeOnPressEscape) {
vue.watch(() => props.modelValue, (val) => {
if (val) {
closed.value = false;
rendered.value = true;
zIndex2.value = isUndefined$1(props.zIndex) ? nextZIndex() : zIndex2.value++;
vue.nextTick(() => {
if (targetRef.value) {
targetRef.value.scrollTop = 0;
} else {
if (visible.value) {
vue.watch(() => props.fullscreen, (val) => {
if (!targetRef.value)
if (val) {
lastPosition = targetRef.value.style.transform;
targetRef.value.style.transform = "";
} else {
targetRef.value.style.transform = lastPosition;
vue.onMounted(() => {
if (props.modelValue) {
visible.value = true;
rendered.value = true;
return {
style: style2,
zIndex: zIndex2
const _hoisted_1$3 = ["aria-label", "aria-labelledby", "aria-describedby"];
const __default__$1 = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElDialog",
inheritAttrs: false
const _sfc_main$3 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: dialogProps,
emits: dialogEmits,
setup(__props, { expose }) {
const props = __props;
const slots = vue.useSlots();
scope: "el-dialog",
from: "the title slot",
replacement: "the header slot",
version: "3.0.0",
ref: "https://element-plus.org/en-US/component/dialog.html#slots"
}, vue.computed(() => !!slots.title));
const ns = useNamespace("dialog");
const dialogRef = vue.ref();
const headerRef = vue.ref();
const dialogContentRef = vue.ref();
const {
style: style2,
zIndex: zIndex2,
} = useDialog(props, dialogRef);
vue.provide(dialogInjectionKey, {
style: style2
const overlayEvent = useSameTarget(onModalClick);
const draggable = vue.computed(() => props.draggable && !props.fullscreen);
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Teleport, {
to: _ctx.appendTo,
disabled: _ctx.appendTo !== "body" ? false : !_ctx.appendToBody
}, [
vue.createVNode(vue.Transition, {
name: "dialog-fade",
onAfterEnter: vue.unref(afterEnter),
onAfterLeave: vue.unref(afterLeave),
onBeforeLeave: vue.unref(beforeLeave),
persisted: ""
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createVNode(vue.unref(ElOverlay), {
"custom-mask-event": "",
mask: _ctx.modal,
"overlay-class": _ctx.modalClass,
"z-index": vue.unref(zIndex2)
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createElementVNode("div", {
role: "dialog",
"aria-modal": "true",
"aria-label": _ctx.title || void 0,
"aria-labelledby": !_ctx.title ? vue.unref(titleId) : void 0,
"aria-describedby": vue.unref(bodyId),
class: vue.normalizeClass(`${vue.unref(ns).namespace.value}-overlay-dialog`),
style: vue.normalizeStyle(vue.unref(overlayDialogStyle)),
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = (...args) => vue.unref(overlayEvent).onClick && vue.unref(overlayEvent).onClick(...args)),
onMousedown: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = (...args) => vue.unref(overlayEvent).onMousedown && vue.unref(overlayEvent).onMousedown(...args)),
onMouseup: _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = (...args) => vue.unref(overlayEvent).onMouseup && vue.unref(overlayEvent).onMouseup(...args))
}, [
vue.createVNode(vue.unref(ElFocusTrap), {
loop: "",
trapped: vue.unref(visible),
"focus-start-el": "container",
onFocusAfterTrapped: vue.unref(onOpenAutoFocus),
onFocusAfterReleased: vue.unref(onCloseAutoFocus),
onFocusoutPrevented: vue.unref(onFocusoutPrevented),
onReleaseRequested: vue.unref(onCloseRequested)
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.unref(rendered) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(ElDialogContent, vue.mergeProps({
key: 0,
ref_key: "dialogContentRef",
ref: dialogContentRef
}, _ctx.$attrs, {
center: _ctx.center,
"align-center": _ctx.alignCenter,
"close-icon": _ctx.closeIcon,
draggable: vue.unref(draggable),
overflow: _ctx.overflow,
fullscreen: _ctx.fullscreen,
"show-close": _ctx.showClose,
title: _ctx.title,
"aria-level": _ctx.headerAriaLevel,
onClose: vue.unref(handleClose)
}), vue.createSlots({
header: vue.withCtx(() => [
!_ctx.$slots.title ? vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "header", {
key: 0,
close: vue.unref(handleClose),
titleId: vue.unref(titleId),
titleClass: vue.unref(ns).e("title")
}) : vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "title", { key: 1 })
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default")
_: 2
}, [
_ctx.$slots.footer ? {
name: "footer",
fn: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "footer")
} : void 0
]), 1040, ["center", "align-center", "close-icon", "draggable", "overflow", "fullscreen", "show-close", "title", "aria-level", "onClose"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
_: 3
}, 8, ["trapped", "onFocusAfterTrapped", "onFocusAfterReleased", "onFocusoutPrevented", "onReleaseRequested"])
], 46, _hoisted_1$3)
_: 3
}, 8, ["mask", "overlay-class", "z-index"]), [
[vue.vShow, vue.unref(visible)]
_: 3
}, 8, ["onAfterEnter", "onAfterLeave", "onBeforeLeave"])
], 8, ["to", "disabled"]);
var Dialog = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$3, [["__file", "dialog.vue"]]);
const ElDialog = withInstall(Dialog);
const messageTypes = ["success", "info", "warning", "error"];
const messageDefaults = mutable({
customClass: "",
center: false,
dangerouslyUseHTMLString: false,
duration: 3e3,
icon: void 0,
id: "",
message: "",
onClose: void 0,
showClose: false,
type: "info",
offset: 16,
zIndex: 0,
grouping: false,
repeatNum: 1,
appendTo: isClient ? document.body : void 0
const messageProps = buildProps({
customClass: {
type: String,
default: messageDefaults.customClass
center: {
type: Boolean,
default: messageDefaults.center
dangerouslyUseHTMLString: {
type: Boolean,
default: messageDefaults.dangerouslyUseHTMLString
duration: {
type: Number,
default: messageDefaults.duration
icon: {
type: iconPropType,
default: messageDefaults.icon
id: {
type: String,
default: messageDefaults.id
message: {
type: definePropType([
default: messageDefaults.message
onClose: {
type: definePropType(Function),
required: false
showClose: {
type: Boolean,
default: messageDefaults.showClose
type: {
type: String,
values: messageTypes,
default: messageDefaults.type
offset: {
type: Number,
default: messageDefaults.offset
zIndex: {
type: Number,
default: messageDefaults.zIndex
grouping: {
type: Boolean,
default: messageDefaults.grouping
repeatNum: {
type: Number,
default: messageDefaults.repeatNum
const messageEmits = {
destroy: () => true
const instances = vue.shallowReactive([]);
const getInstance = (id) => {
const idx = instances.findIndex((instance) => instance.id === id);
const current = instances[idx];
let prev;
if (idx > 0) {
prev = instances[idx - 1];
return { current, prev };
const getLastOffset = (id) => {
const { prev } = getInstance(id);
if (!prev)
return 0;
return prev.vm.exposed.bottom.value;
const getOffsetOrSpace = (id, offset) => {
const idx = instances.findIndex((instance) => instance.id === id);
return idx > 0 ? 20 : offset;
const _hoisted_1$2 = ["id"];
const _hoisted_2$2 = ["innerHTML"];
const __default__ = vue.defineComponent({
name: "ElMessage"
const _sfc_main$2 = /* @__PURE__ */ vue.defineComponent({
props: messageProps,
emits: messageEmits,
setup(__props, { expose }) {
const props = __props;
const { Close } = TypeComponents;
const { ns, zIndex: zIndex2 } = useGlobalComponentSettings("message");
const { currentZIndex, nextZIndex } = zIndex2;
const messageRef = vue.ref();
const visible = vue.ref(false);
const height = vue.ref(0);
let stopTimer = void 0;
const badgeType = vue.computed(() => props.type ? props.type === "error" ? "danger" : props.type : "info");
const typeClass = vue.computed(() => {
const type = props.type;
return { [ns.bm("icon", type)]: type && TypeComponentsMap[type] };
const iconComponent = vue.computed(() => props.icon || TypeComponentsMap[props.type] || "");
const lastOffset = vue.computed(() => getLastOffset(props.id));
const offset = vue.computed(() => getOffsetOrSpace(props.id, props.offset) + lastOffset.value);
const bottom = vue.computed(() => height.value + offset.value);
const customStyle = vue.computed(() => ({
top: `${offset.value}px`,
zIndex: currentZIndex.value
function startTimer() {
if (props.duration === 0)
({ stop: stopTimer } = useTimeoutFn(() => {
}, props.duration));
function clearTimer() {
stopTimer == null ? void 0 : stopTimer();
function close() {
visible.value = false;
function keydown({ code }) {
if (code === EVENT_CODE.esc) {
vue.onMounted(() => {
visible.value = true;
vue.watch(() => props.repeatNum, () => {
useEventListener(document, "keydown", keydown);
useResizeObserver(messageRef, () => {
height.value = messageRef.value.getBoundingClientRect().height;
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.Transition, {
name: vue.unref(ns).b("fade"),
onBeforeLeave: _ctx.onClose,
onAfterLeave: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => _ctx.$emit("destroy")),
persisted: ""
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("div", {
id: _ctx.id,
ref_key: "messageRef",
ref: messageRef,
class: vue.normalizeClass([
{ [vue.unref(ns).m(_ctx.type)]: _ctx.type },
vue.unref(ns).is("center", _ctx.center),
vue.unref(ns).is("closable", _ctx.showClose),
style: vue.normalizeStyle(vue.unref(customStyle)),
role: "alert",
onMouseenter: clearTimer,
onMouseleave: startTimer
}, [
_ctx.repeatNum > 1 ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(ElBadge), {
key: 0,
value: _ctx.repeatNum,
type: vue.unref(badgeType),
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("badge"))
}, null, 8, ["value", "type", "class"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
vue.unref(iconComponent) ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(ElIcon), {
key: 1,
class: vue.normalizeClass([vue.unref(ns).e("icon"), vue.unref(typeClass)])
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
(vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.resolveDynamicComponent(vue.unref(iconComponent))))
_: 1
}, 8, ["class"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true),
vue.renderSlot(_ctx.$slots, "default", {}, () => [
!_ctx.dangerouslyUseHTMLString ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("p", {
key: 0,
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("content"))
}, vue.toDisplayString(_ctx.message), 3)) : (vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 1 }, [
vue.createCommentVNode(" Caution here, message could've been compromised, never use user's input as message "),
vue.createElementVNode("p", {
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("content")),
innerHTML: _ctx.message
}, null, 10, _hoisted_2$2)
], 2112))
_ctx.showClose ? (vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(vue.unref(ElIcon), {
key: 2,
class: vue.normalizeClass(vue.unref(ns).e("closeBtn")),
onClick: vue.withModifiers(close, ["stop"])
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_: 1
}, 8, ["class", "onClick"])) : vue.createCommentVNode("v-if", true)
], 46, _hoisted_1$2), [
[vue.vShow, visible.value]
_: 3
}, 8, ["name", "onBeforeLeave"]);
var MessageConstructor = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc$1(_sfc_main$2, [["__file", "message.vue"]]);
let seed = 1;
const normalizeOptions = (params) => {
const options = !params || isString(params) || vue.isVNode(params) || isFunction$1(params) ? { message: params } : params;
const normalized = {
if (!normalized.appendTo) {
normalized.appendTo = document.body;
} else if (isString(normalized.appendTo)) {
let appendTo = document.querySelector(normalized.appendTo);
if (!isElement(appendTo)) {
appendTo = document.body;
normalized.appendTo = appendTo;
return normalized;
const closeMessage = (instance) => {
const idx = instances.indexOf(instance);
if (idx === -1)
instances.splice(idx, 1);
const { handler } = instance;
const createMessage = ({ appendTo, ...options }, context) => {
const id = `message_${seed++}`;
const userOnClose = options.onClose;
const container = document.createElement("div");
const props = {
onClose: () => {
userOnClose == null ? void 0 : userOnClose();
onDestroy: () => {
vue.render(null, container);
const vnode = vue.createVNode(MessageConstructor, props, isFunction$1(props.message) || vue.isVNode(props.message) ? {
default: isFunction$1(props.message) ? props.message : () => props.message
} : null);
vnode.appContext = context || message._context;
vue.render(vnode, container);
const vm = vnode.component;
const handler = {
close: () => {
vm.exposed.visible.value = false;
const instance = {
props: vnode.component.props
return instance;
const message = (options = {}, context) => {
if (!isClient)
return { close: () => void 0 };
if (isNumber(messageConfig.max) && instances.length >= messageConfig.max) {
return { close: () => void 0 };
const normalized = normalizeOptions(options);
if (normalized.grouping && instances.length) {
const instance2 = instances.find(({ vnode: vm }) => {
var _a2;
return ((_a2 = vm.props) == null ? void 0 : _a2.message) === normalized.message;
if (instance2) {
instance2.props.repeatNum += 1;
instance2.props.type = normalized.type;
return instance2.handler;
const instance = createMessage(normalized, context);
return instance.handler;
messageTypes.forEach((type) => {
message[type] = (options = {}, appContext) => {
const normalized = normalizeOptions(options);
return message({ ...normalized, type }, appContext);
function closeAll(type) {
for (const instance of instances) {
if (!type || type === instance.props.type) {
message.closeAll = closeAll;
message._context = null;
const ElMessage = withInstallFunction(message, "$message");
const _export_sfc = (sfc, props) => {
const target = sfc.__vccOpts || sfc;
for (const [key, val] of props) {
target[key] = val;
return target;
const _withScopeId = (n) => (vue.pushScopeId("data-v-2d09cfa9"), n = n(), vue.popScopeId(), n);
const _hoisted_1$1 = { class: "modal" };
const _hoisted_2$1 = { class: "header" };
const _hoisted_3$1 = { class: "contentBox" };
const _hoisted_4$1 = { class: "produce" };
const _hoisted_5$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", null, "1、扫描右侧公众号,点击关注!", -1));
const _hoisted_6 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", null, "2、在软件爬取者后台回复:验证码", -1));
const _hoisted_7 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("p", null, "3、在下方输入框输入获取的验证码后回车", -1));
const _hoisted_8 = /* @__PURE__ */ _withScopeId(() => /* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "img" }, [
/* @__PURE__ */ vue.createElementVNode("img", {
src: "",
alt: ""
], -1));
const _sfc_main$1 = {
__name: "Model",
props: {
title: {
type: String,
required: true
code: {
type: Number
setup(__props, { expose: __expose }) {
const props = __props;
const visible = vue.ref(false);
const openModal = () => {
visible.value = true;
const closeModal = () => {
visible.value = false;
const codeValue = vue.ref();
const enterCode = () => {
if (codeValue.value == props.code) {
localStorage.setItem("code", codeValue.value);
visible.value = false;
codeValue.value = "";
} else {
codeValue.value = "";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
return vue.withDirectives((vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
class: "modal-wrapper",
onClick: vue.withModifiers(closeModal, ["self"])
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1$1, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_2$1, [
vue.createElementVNode("h2", null, vue.toDisplayString(__props.title), 1),
vue.createElementVNode("button", { onClick: closeModal }, "X")
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_3$1, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4$1, [
vue.withDirectives(vue.createElementVNode("input", {
class: "ipt",
type: "text",
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => codeValue.value = $event),
onKeydown: vue.withKeys(enterCode, ["enter"]),
placeholder: "请输入验证码后按回车"
}, null, 544), [
[vue.vModelText, codeValue.value]
], 512)), [
[vue.vShow, visible.value]
const Model = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main$1, [["__scopeId", "data-v-2d09cfa9"]]);
var _GM_download = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_download != "undefined" ? GM_download : void 0)();
var _GM_xmlhttpRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != "undefined" ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : void 0)();
const baseUrl = "https://api.softrr.cn/api/xmwav";
const getCode = () => {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
method: "GET",
url: `https://api.softrr.cn/api/verification?id=1`,
headers: {
Referer: "https://api.softrr.cn/",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Safari/537.36"
onload: function(res) {
onerror: function(error) {
const getXmwav = (name) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: baseUrl + "?name=" + name,
// headers: {
// referer: 'https://www.xmwav.com/index/search/',
// 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
// 'User-Agent':
// 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Safari/537.36',
// },
onload: function(res) {
return resolve(JSON.parse(res.response));
onerror: function(error) {
reject("解析失败", error);
const wyLyricApi = () => {
let iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
let doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
var lyric = doc.getElementById("lyric-content").innerHTML;
let name = doc.getElementsByClassName("tit")[0].innerText;
lyric = lyric.split("</div>")[0].replace(/<br>/g, "\n");
let blob = new Blob([lyric], { type: "text/plain" });
let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
_GM_download(blobUrl, name + ".txt");
const wyMusicApi = async () => {
let iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
let doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
let name = doc.querySelector(".tit>.f-ff2").innerText.toLowerCase();
if (name.indexOf(",") != -1) {
name = name.replace(/,/g, "");
if (name.includes("(")) {
name = name.split("(")[0];
let pageUrl = window.location.href;
let musicId = pageUrl.split("=")[pageUrl.split("=").length - 1];
let resList = await getUrl(musicId);
let linkList = await getXmwav(name);
if (resList.status == 0) {
let downUrl = resList.data.url;
if (downUrl) {
linkList["data"][0]["url"].unshift([downUrl, "直链下载"]);
return linkList;
} else if (resList.status == 1) {
return linkList;
} else {
return elementPlus.ElMessage.error("无法下载歌曲!");
const getUrl = (id) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: `https://www.softrr.cn/crawler/getvideourl?id=` + id,
headers: {
Referer: "https://www.softrr.cn/",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Safari/537.36"
onload: function(res) {
function main$1() {
var t, e, n;
var r = [47, 172, 107, 53, 5, 9];
var o, d = 0, h2 = 0;
var i = 0, b = e || [], f = (t = t || {}).node || r, v = void 0 !== t.clockseq ? t.clockseq : o;
var y = void 0 !== t.msecs ? t.msecs : (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(), w = void 0 !== t.nsecs ? t.nsecs : h2 + 1, dt = y - d + (w - h2) / 1e4;
if (dt < 0 && void 0 === t.clockseq && (v = v + 1 & 16383), (dt < 0 || y > d) && void 0 === t.nsecs && (w = 0), w >= 1e4)
throw new Error("uuid.v1(): Can't create more than 10M uuids/sec");
var x = (1e4 * (268435455 & (y += 122192928e5)) + w) % 4294967296;
b[i++] = x >>> 24 & 255, b[i++] = x >>> 16 & 255, b[i++] = x >>> 8 & 255, b[i++] = 255 & x;
var A = y / 4294967296 * 1e4 & 268435455;
b[i++] = A >>> 8 & 255, b[i++] = 255 & A, b[i++] = A >>> 24 & 15 | 16, b[i++] = A >>> 16 & 255, b[i++] = v >>> 8 | 128, b[i++] = 255 & v;
for (var _ = 0; _ < 6; ++_)
b[i + _] = f[_];
var t = b;
for (var n = [], i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
n[i] = (i + 256).toString(16).substr(1);
var i = 0, r = n;
return [r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], "-", r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], "-", r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], "-", r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], "-", r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]], r[t[i++]]].join("");
function h(t, e) {
if (null == e || e.length <= 0)
return null;
for (var n = "", i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
n += e.charCodeAt(i).toString();
var r = Math.floor(n.length / 5), o = parseInt(n.charAt(r) + n.charAt(2 * r) + n.charAt(3 * r) + n.charAt(4 * r) + n.charAt(5 * r)), l = Math.ceil(e.length / 2), c = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1;
if (o < 2)
return null;
var d = Math.round(1e9 * Math.random()) % 1e8;
for (n += d; n.length > 10; )
n = (parseInt(n.substring(0, 10)) + parseInt(n.substring(10, n.length))).toString();
n = (o * n + l) % c;
var h2 = "", f = "";
for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
f += (h2 = parseInt(t.charCodeAt(i) ^ Math.floor(n / c * 255))) < 16 ? "0" + h2.toString(16) : h2.toString(16), n = (o * n + l) % c;
for (d = d.toString(16); d.length < 8; )
d = "0" + d;
return f += d;
function getSecret(e) {
let f = "Hm_Iuvt_cdb524f42f23cer9b268564v7y735ewrq2324";
let Secret = h(e, f);
return Secret;
const headers$1 = {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/114.0.5735.289 Safari/537.36",
Referer: "http://www.kuwo.cn"
const getRes = async (reqId) => {
let url = window.location.href;
let musicId = url.split("/")[url.split("/").length - 1];
let searchUrl = `http://m.kuwo.cn/newh5/singles/songinfoandlrc?musicId=${musicId}&httpsStatus=1&reqId=` + reqId;
let searchList = await getFile(searchUrl, headers$1);
return searchList;
const kwLyricApi = async () => {
let reqId = main$1();
let searchList = await getRes(reqId);
if (searchList.status == 200) {
let lrcList = searchList.data.lrclist;
let lrcline = "";
lrcList.forEach((item) => {
lrcline += item.lineLyric + "\n";
let name = document.querySelector(".name");
name = name.innerText;
let blob = new Blob([lrcline], { type: "text/plain" });
let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
_GM_download(blobUrl, name + ".txt");
} else {
const kwMusicApi = async () => {
let nameList = document.querySelectorAll(".name");
let name = nameList[0].innerText.trim();
let url = window.location.href;
let musicId = url.split("/")[url.split("/").length - 1];
let reqId = main$1();
const surl = `http://www.kuwo.cn/api/v1/www/music/playUrl?mid=${musicId}&type=music&httpsStatus=1&format=128&reqId=` + reqId;
let coo = await getCoo(headers$1);
headers$1["Secret"] = getSecret(coo);
headers$1["Cookie"] = "_ga=GA1.2.43034837.1705499543; Hm_lvt_cdb524f42f0ce19b169a8071123a4797=1708051710,1708144653,1708235545,1708864196; _gid=GA1.2.371636606.1708864196; Hm_lpvt_cdb524f42f0ce19b169a8071123a4797=1708870287; _ga_ETPBRPM9ML=GS1.2.1708864196.13.1.1708870287.60.0.0; Hm_Iuvt_cdb524f42f23cer9b268564v7y735ewrq2324=" + coo;
let result = await getDown$1(surl, headers$1);
let downUrl = "";
let linkList = await getXmwav(name);
if (result.code == 200) {
downUrl = result.data.url;
if (downUrl) {
linkList["data"][0]["url"].unshift([downUrl, "直链下载"]);
return linkList;
} else if (result.code == -1) {
return linkList;
} else {
return elementPlus.ElMessage.error("无法下载歌曲!");
const getFile = (url, headers2) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
headers: headers2,
// responseType: 'blob',
onload: function(res) {
const getCoo = (headers2) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
url: "http://www.kuwo.cn/rankList",
headers: headers2,
// responseType: 'blob',
onload: function(res) {
var cookies = res.responseHeaders;
cookies = cookies.split(";")[0].split(":")[1].split("=")[1];
const getDown$1 = (url, headers2) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
headers: headers2,
// responseType: 'blob',
onload: function(res) {
var md5$1 = { exports: {} };
const __viteBrowserExternal = {};
const __viteBrowserExternal$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
default: __viteBrowserExternal
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
const require$$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ getAugmentedNamespace(__viteBrowserExternal$1);
* [js-md5]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-md5}
* @namespace md5
* @version 0.8.3
* @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [[email protected]]
* @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2014-2023
* @license MIT
(function(module) {
(function() {
var INPUT_ERROR = "input is invalid type";
var FINALIZE_ERROR = "finalize already called";
var WINDOW = typeof window === "object";
var root2 = WINDOW ? window : {};
if (root2.JS_MD5_NO_WINDOW) {
WINDOW = false;
var WEB_WORKER = !WINDOW && typeof self === "object";
var NODE_JS = !root2.JS_MD5_NO_NODE_JS && typeof process === "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node;
if (NODE_JS) {
root2 = commonjsGlobal;
} else if (WEB_WORKER) {
root2 = self;
var COMMON_JS = !root2.JS_MD5_NO_COMMON_JS && true && module.exports;
var ARRAY_BUFFER = !root2.JS_MD5_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined";
var HEX_CHARS = "0123456789abcdef".split("");
var EXTRA = [128, 32768, 8388608, -2147483648];
var SHIFT = [0, 8, 16, 24];
var OUTPUT_TYPES = ["hex", "array", "digest", "buffer", "arrayBuffer", "base64"];
var BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split("");
var blocks = [], buffer8;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(68);
buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer);
var isArray2 = Array.isArray;
if (root2.JS_MD5_NO_NODE_JS || !isArray2) {
isArray2 = function(obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object Array]";
var isView = ArrayBuffer.isView;
if (ARRAY_BUFFER && (root2.JS_MD5_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW || !isView)) {
isView = function(obj) {
return typeof obj === "object" && obj.buffer && obj.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer;
var formatMessage = function(message2) {
var type = typeof message2;
if (type === "string") {
return [message2, true];
if (type !== "object" || message2 === null) {
throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
if (ARRAY_BUFFER && message2.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
return [new Uint8Array(message2), false];
if (!isArray2(message2) && !isView(message2)) {
throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
return [message2, false];
var createOutputMethod = function(outputType) {
return function(message2) {
return new Md5(true).update(message2)[outputType]();
var createMethod = function() {
var method = createOutputMethod("hex");
if (NODE_JS) {
method = nodeWrap(method);
method.create = function() {
return new Md5();
method.update = function(message2) {
return method.create().update(message2);
for (var i = 0; i < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i) {
var type = OUTPUT_TYPES[i];
method[type] = createOutputMethod(type);
return method;
var nodeWrap = function(method) {
var crypto = require$$1;
var Buffer = require$$1.Buffer;
var bufferFrom;
if (Buffer.from && !root2.JS_MD5_NO_BUFFER_FROM) {
bufferFrom = Buffer.from;
} else {
bufferFrom = function(message2) {
return new Buffer(message2);
var nodeMethod = function(message2) {
if (typeof message2 === "string") {
return crypto.createHash("md5").update(message2, "utf8").digest("hex");
} else {
if (message2 === null || message2 === void 0) {
throw new Error(INPUT_ERROR);
} else if (message2.constructor === ArrayBuffer) {
message2 = new Uint8Array(message2);
if (isArray2(message2) || isView(message2) || message2.constructor === Buffer) {
return crypto.createHash("md5").update(bufferFrom(message2)).digest("hex");
} else {
return method(message2);
return nodeMethod;
var createHmacOutputMethod = function(outputType) {
return function(key, message2) {
return new HmacMd5(key, true).update(message2)[outputType]();
var createHmacMethod = function() {
var method = createHmacOutputMethod("hex");
method.create = function(key) {
return new HmacMd5(key);
method.update = function(key, message2) {
return method.create(key).update(message2);
for (var i = 0; i < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++i) {
var type = OUTPUT_TYPES[i];
method[type] = createHmacOutputMethod(type);
return method;
function Md5(sharedMemory) {
if (sharedMemory) {
blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] = blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] = blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] = blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0;
this.blocks = blocks;
this.buffer8 = buffer8;
} else {
var buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(68);
this.buffer8 = new Uint8Array(buffer2);
this.blocks = new Uint32Array(buffer2);
} else {
this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
this.h0 = this.h1 = this.h2 = this.h3 = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0;
this.finalized = this.hashed = false;
this.first = true;
Md5.prototype.update = function(message2) {
if (this.finalized) {
throw new Error(FINALIZE_ERROR);
var result = formatMessage(message2);
message2 = result[0];
var isString2 = result[1];
var code, index = 0, i, length = message2.length, blocks2 = this.blocks;
var buffer82 = this.buffer8;
while (index < length) {
if (this.hashed) {
this.hashed = false;
blocks2[0] = blocks2[16];
blocks2[16] = blocks2[1] = blocks2[2] = blocks2[3] = blocks2[4] = blocks2[5] = blocks2[6] = blocks2[7] = blocks2[8] = blocks2[9] = blocks2[10] = blocks2[11] = blocks2[12] = blocks2[13] = blocks2[14] = blocks2[15] = 0;
if (isString2) {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
code = message2.charCodeAt(index);
if (code < 128) {
buffer82[i++] = code;
} else if (code < 2048) {
buffer82[i++] = 192 | code >>> 6;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
} else if (code < 55296 || code >= 57344) {
buffer82[i++] = 224 | code >>> 12;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >>> 6 & 63;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
} else {
code = 65536 + ((code & 1023) << 10 | message2.charCodeAt(++index) & 1023);
buffer82[i++] = 240 | code >>> 18;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >>> 12 & 63;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code >>> 6 & 63;
buffer82[i++] = 128 | code & 63;
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
code = message2.charCodeAt(index);
if (code < 128) {
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= code << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else if (code < 2048) {
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (192 | code >>> 6) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else if (code < 55296 || code >= 57344) {
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (224 | code >>> 12) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code >>> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else {
code = 65536 + ((code & 1023) << 10 | message2.charCodeAt(++index) & 1023);
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (240 | code >>> 18) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code >>> 12 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code >>> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= (128 | code & 63) << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
buffer82[i++] = message2[index];
} else {
for (i = this.start; index < length && i < 64; ++index) {
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= message2[index] << SHIFT[i++ & 3];
this.lastByteIndex = i;
this.bytes += i - this.start;
if (i >= 64) {
this.start = i - 64;
this.hashed = true;
} else {
this.start = i;
if (this.bytes > 4294967295) {
this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0;
this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296;
return this;
Md5.prototype.finalize = function() {
if (this.finalized) {
this.finalized = true;
var blocks2 = this.blocks, i = this.lastByteIndex;
blocks2[i >>> 2] |= EXTRA[i & 3];
if (i >= 56) {
if (!this.hashed) {
blocks2[0] = blocks2[16];
blocks2[16] = blocks2[1] = blocks2[2] = blocks2[3] = blocks2[4] = blocks2[5] = blocks2[6] = blocks2[7] = blocks2[8] = blocks2[9] = blocks2[10] = blocks2[11] = blocks2[12] = blocks2[13] = blocks2[14] = blocks2[15] = 0;
blocks2[14] = this.bytes << 3;
blocks2[15] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29;
Md5.prototype.hash = function() {
var a, b, c, d, bc, da, blocks2 = this.blocks;
if (this.first) {
a = blocks2[0] - 680876937;
a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) - 271733879 << 0;
d = (-1732584194 ^ a & 2004318071) + blocks2[1] - 117830708;
d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
c = (-271733879 ^ d & (a ^ -271733879)) + blocks2[2] - 1126478375;
c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
b = (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 1316259209;
b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
} else {
a = this.h0;
b = this.h1;
c = this.h2;
d = this.h3;
a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[0] - 680876936;
a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[1] - 389564586;
d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[2] + 606105819;
c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 1044525330;
b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[4] - 176418897;
a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[5] + 1200080426;
d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[6] - 1473231341;
c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[7] - 45705983;
b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[8] + 1770035416;
a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[9] - 1958414417;
d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[10] - 42063;
c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[11] - 1990404162;
b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
a += (d ^ b & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[12] + 1804603682;
a = (a << 7 | a >>> 25) + b << 0;
d += (c ^ a & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[13] - 40341101;
d = (d << 12 | d >>> 20) + a << 0;
c += (b ^ d & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[14] - 1502002290;
c = (c << 17 | c >>> 15) + d << 0;
b += (a ^ c & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[15] + 1236535329;
b = (b << 22 | b >>> 10) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[1] - 165796510;
a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[6] - 1069501632;
d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[11] + 643717713;
c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[0] - 373897302;
b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[5] - 701558691;
a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[10] + 38016083;
d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[15] - 660478335;
c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[4] - 405537848;
b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[9] + 568446438;
a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[14] - 1019803690;
d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[3] - 187363961;
c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[8] + 1163531501;
b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ d & (b ^ c)) + blocks2[13] - 1444681467;
a = (a << 5 | a >>> 27) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ c & (a ^ b)) + blocks2[2] - 51403784;
d = (d << 9 | d >>> 23) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ b & (d ^ a)) + blocks2[7] + 1735328473;
c = (c << 14 | c >>> 18) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ a & (c ^ d)) + blocks2[12] - 1926607734;
b = (b << 20 | b >>> 12) + c << 0;
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[5] - 378558;
a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[8] - 2022574463;
d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[11] + 1839030562;
c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[14] - 35309556;
b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[1] - 1530992060;
a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[4] + 1272893353;
d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[7] - 155497632;
c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[10] - 1094730640;
b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[13] + 681279174;
a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[0] - 358537222;
d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[3] - 722521979;
c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[6] + 76029189;
b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
bc = b ^ c;
a += (bc ^ d) + blocks2[9] - 640364487;
a = (a << 4 | a >>> 28) + b << 0;
d += (bc ^ a) + blocks2[12] - 421815835;
d = (d << 11 | d >>> 21) + a << 0;
da = d ^ a;
c += (da ^ b) + blocks2[15] + 530742520;
c = (c << 16 | c >>> 16) + d << 0;
b += (da ^ c) + blocks2[2] - 995338651;
b = (b << 23 | b >>> 9) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[0] - 198630844;
a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[7] + 1126891415;
d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[14] - 1416354905;
c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[5] - 57434055;
b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[12] + 1700485571;
a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[3] - 1894986606;
d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[10] - 1051523;
c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[1] - 2054922799;
b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[8] + 1873313359;
a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[15] - 30611744;
d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[6] - 1560198380;
c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[13] + 1309151649;
b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
a += (c ^ (b | ~d)) + blocks2[4] - 145523070;
a = (a << 6 | a >>> 26) + b << 0;
d += (b ^ (a | ~c)) + blocks2[11] - 1120210379;
d = (d << 10 | d >>> 22) + a << 0;
c += (a ^ (d | ~b)) + blocks2[2] + 718787259;
c = (c << 15 | c >>> 17) + d << 0;
b += (d ^ (c | ~a)) + blocks2[9] - 343485551;
b = (b << 21 | b >>> 11) + c << 0;
if (this.first) {
this.h0 = a + 1732584193 << 0;
this.h1 = b - 271733879 << 0;
this.h2 = c - 1732584194 << 0;
this.h3 = d + 271733878 << 0;
this.first = false;
} else {
this.h0 = this.h0 + a << 0;
this.h1 = this.h1 + b << 0;
this.h2 = this.h2 + c << 0;
this.h3 = this.h3 + d << 0;
Md5.prototype.hex = function() {
var h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
return HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h0 >>> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h1 >>> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h2 >>> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[h3 >>> 24 & 15];
Md5.prototype.toString = Md5.prototype.hex;
Md5.prototype.digest = function() {
var h0 = this.h0, h1 = this.h1, h2 = this.h2, h3 = this.h3;
return [
h0 & 255,
h0 >>> 8 & 255,
h0 >>> 16 & 255,
h0 >>> 24 & 255,
h1 & 255,
h1 >>> 8 & 255,
h1 >>> 16 & 255,
h1 >>> 24 & 255,
h2 & 255,
h2 >>> 8 & 255,
h2 >>> 16 & 255,
h2 >>> 24 & 255,
h3 & 255,
h3 >>> 8 & 255,
h3 >>> 16 & 255,
h3 >>> 24 & 255
Md5.prototype.array = Md5.prototype.digest;
Md5.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() {
var buffer2 = new ArrayBuffer(16);
var blocks2 = new Uint32Array(buffer2);
blocks2[0] = this.h0;
blocks2[1] = this.h1;
blocks2[2] = this.h2;
blocks2[3] = this.h3;
return buffer2;
Md5.prototype.buffer = Md5.prototype.arrayBuffer;
Md5.prototype.base64 = function() {
var v1, v2, v3, base64Str = "", bytes = this.array();
for (var i = 0; i < 15; ) {
v1 = bytes[i++];
v2 = bytes[i++];
v3 = bytes[i++];
base64Str += BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 >>> 2] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[(v1 << 4 | v2 >>> 4) & 63] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[(v2 << 2 | v3 >>> 6) & 63] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v3 & 63];
v1 = bytes[i];
base64Str += BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 >>> 2] + BASE64_ENCODE_CHAR[v1 << 4 & 63] + "==";
return base64Str;
function HmacMd5(key, sharedMemory) {
var i, result = formatMessage(key);
key = result[0];
if (result[1]) {
var bytes = [], length = key.length, index = 0, code;
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
code = key.charCodeAt(i);
if (code < 128) {
bytes[index++] = code;
} else if (code < 2048) {
bytes[index++] = 192 | code >>> 6;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code & 63;
} else if (code < 55296 || code >= 57344) {
bytes[index++] = 224 | code >>> 12;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code >>> 6 & 63;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code & 63;
} else {
code = 65536 + ((code & 1023) << 10 | key.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023);
bytes[index++] = 240 | code >>> 18;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code >>> 12 & 63;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code >>> 6 & 63;
bytes[index++] = 128 | code & 63;
key = bytes;
if (key.length > 64) {
key = new Md5(true).update(key).array();
var oKeyPad = [], iKeyPad = [];
for (i = 0; i < 64; ++i) {
var b = key[i] || 0;
oKeyPad[i] = 92 ^ b;
iKeyPad[i] = 54 ^ b;
Md5.call(this, sharedMemory);
this.oKeyPad = oKeyPad;
this.inner = true;
this.sharedMemory = sharedMemory;
HmacMd5.prototype = new Md5();
HmacMd5.prototype.finalize = function() {
if (this.inner) {
this.inner = false;
var innerHash = this.array();
Md5.call(this, this.sharedMemory);
var exports = createMethod();
exports.md5 = exports;
exports.md5.hmac = createHmacMethod();
if (COMMON_JS) {
module.exports = exports;
} else {
root2.md5 = exports;
var md5Exports = md5$1.exports;
const md5 = /* @__PURE__ */ getDefaultExportFromCjs(md5Exports);
function main(time, id) {
let text = ["NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwt", "appid=1014", "clienttime=" + time, "clientver=20000", "dfid=4FHcdO39MvA22PXpyh2y0ng0", "encode_album_audio_id=" + id, "mid=269522b7f00c30ccbadd4fb48996beac", "platid=4", "srcappid=2919", "token=", "userid=0", "uuid=269522b7f00c30ccbadd4fb48996beac", "NVPh5oo715z5DIWAeQlhMDsWXXQV4hwt"];
let sign = md5(text.join("")).toString();
return sign;
const kgLyricApi = async () => {
let content = document.querySelector(".jspPane").innerText;
let name = document.querySelector(".audioName").innerText;
let blob = new Blob([content], { type: "text/plain" });
let blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
_GM_download(blobUrl, name + ".txt");
const headers = {
cookie: "",
authority: "complexsearch.kugou.com",
referer: "https://www.kugou.com/",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
const kgMusicApi = async () => {
let nameList = document.querySelector(".audioName").innerText;
if (nameList.indexOf(",") != -1) {
nameList = nameList.replace(/,/g, "");
let nameCount = nameList.split("-");
let name = nameList.split("-")[nameCount.length - 1].trim();
if (name.includes("(")) {
name = name.split("(")[0];
let author = "";
for (let i = 0; i < nameCount.length - 1; i++) {
author += nameCount[i].trim();
let url = window.location.href;
let ID = url.split("/")[4].split(".")[0];
let timer = Date.now();
let datafrom = main(timer, ID);
const surl = `https://wwwapi.kugou.com/play/songinfo?srcappid=2919&clientver=20000&clienttime=${timer}&mid=269522b7f00c30ccbadd4fb48996beac&uuid=269522b7f00c30ccbadd4fb48996beac&dfid=4FHcdO39MvA22PXpyh2y0ng0&appid=1014&platid=4&encode_album_audio_id=${ID}&token=&userid=0&signature=${datafrom}`;
let response = await getDown(surl);
let linkList = await getXmwav(name);
if (response.status == 1) {
let downUrl = response.data.play_backup_url;
if (downUrl) {
linkList["data"][0]["url"].unshift([downUrl, "直链下载"]);
return linkList;
} else if (response.status == 0) {
return linkList;
} else {
return ElMessage.error("无法下载歌曲!");
const getDown = (url) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
method: "GET",
// responseType: 'blob',
onload: function(res) {
const _hoisted_1 = { class: "dialogList" };
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const _hoisted_3 = ["onClick"];
const _hoisted_4 = { class: "buttonContainer" };
const _hoisted_5 = { class: "dialog-footer" };
const _sfc_main = {
__name: "App",
setup(__props) {
const code = vue.ref();
const title = vue.ref("为了减少端口压力,防止滥用,采取必要的验证手段。");
const model = vue.ref("");
const locoCode = vue.ref();
const dialogVisible = vue.ref(false);
const downloadList = vue.ref([]);
const btnGroupRef = vue.ref("");
const onLyric = async () => {
locoCode.value = localStorage.getItem("code");
code.value = await getCode();
if (locoCode.value == code.value) {
let url = window.location.href;
if (url.includes("163.com")) {
} else if (url.includes("kuwo.cn")) {
} else if (url.includes("kugou.com")) {
} else {
const onMusic = async () => {
locoCode.value = localStorage.getItem("code");
activeIndex.value = null;
downShow.value = false;
code.value = await getCode();
if (locoCode.value == code.value) {
let url = window.location.href;
if (url.includes("163.com")) {
downloadList.value = await wyMusicApi();
dialogVisible.value = true;
let iframe = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
let doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
let name = doc.querySelector(".tit>.f-ff2").innerText.toLowerCase();
dialogTitle.value = name;
} else if (url.includes("kuwo.cn")) {
downloadList.value = await kwMusicApi();
dialogVisible.value = true;
let nameList = document.querySelectorAll(".name");
dialogTitle.value = nameList[0].innerText;
} else if (url.includes("kugou.com")) {
downloadList.value = await kgMusicApi();
dialogVisible.value = true;
let nameList = document.querySelector(".audioName").innerText;
dialogTitle.value = nameList.split("-")[1].trim();
if (downloadList.value.code == "503") {
dialogVisible.value = false;
} else {
const dialogTitle = vue.ref("");
const downList = vue.ref([]);
const downShow = vue.ref(false);
const activeIndex = vue.ref();
const downloadClick = async (url, index, title2) => {
downShow.value = true;
activeIndex.value = index;
localStorage.setItem("title", title2);
downList.value = url;
const downClick = (url, info) => {
if (url.includes("kugou") || url.includes("kuwo") || url.includes("126.net")) {
if (info == "直链下载") {
let title2 = localStorage.getItem("title");
_GM_download(url, title2);
} else {
if (url == "") {
const handleClose = () => {
elementPlus.ElMessageBox.confirm("确认关闭?").then(() => {
dialogVisible.value = false;
}).catch(() => {
vue.onMounted(() => {
let url = window.location.href;
if (url.includes("kugou.com")) {
document.querySelector(".content").style.zIndex = 0;
document.querySelector(".cmhead2").style.zIndex = 0;
document.querySelector(".lyric").style.backgroundColor = "#e4cf0e";
document.querySelector(".lyric").style.color = "#222";
return (_ctx, _cache) => {
const _component_el_button = ElButton;
const _component_el_dialog = ElDialog;
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("div", {
class: "copy",
ref_key: "btnGroupRef",
ref: btnGroupRef
}, [
vue.createElementVNode("div", { class: "btngroup" }, [
vue.createElementVNode("a", {
onClick: onLyric,
class: "lyric"
}, "歌词下载"),
vue.createElementVNode("a", {
onClick: onMusic,
class: "down"
}, "音乐下载")
vue.createVNode(_component_el_dialog, {
class: "dialogContainer",
modelValue: dialogVisible.value,
"onUpdate:modelValue": _cache[2] || (_cache[2] = ($event) => dialogVisible.value = $event),
title: dialogTitle.value + " 下载",
width: "600",
"before-close": handleClose
}, {
footer: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_5, [
vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, {
onClick: _cache[0] || (_cache[0] = ($event) => dialogVisible.value = false)
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
_: 1
vue.createVNode(_component_el_button, {
type: "primary",
onClick: _cache[1] || (_cache[1] = ($event) => dialogVisible.value = false)
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createTextVNode(" 确认 ")
_: 1
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_1, [
vue.createElementVNode("ul", _hoisted_2, [
(vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, null, vue.renderList(downloadList.value.data, (item, index) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createElementBlock("li", {
class: "down_list",
onClick: ($event) => downloadClick(item.url, index, item.title),
style: vue.normalizeStyle({ backgroundColor: activeIndex.value === index ? "#80ffff" : "white" }),
key: item.link
}, vue.toDisplayString(item.title), 13, _hoisted_3);
}), 128))
vue.createElementVNode("div", _hoisted_4, [
downShow.value ? (vue.openBlock(true), vue.createElementBlock(vue.Fragment, { key: 0 }, vue.renderList(downList.value, (item) => {
return vue.openBlock(), vue.createBlock(_component_el_button, {
class: "btnClass",
type: "primary",
onClick: vue.withModifiers(($event) => downClick(item[0], item[1]), ["prevent"]),
key: "https://www.xmwav.com" + item[0]
}, {
default: vue.withCtx(() => [
vue.createTextVNode(vue.toDisplayString(item[1]), 1)
_: 2
}, 1032, ["onClick"]);
}), 128)) : vue.createCommentVNode("", true)
_: 1
}, 8, ["modelValue", "title"]),
vue.createVNode(Model, {
title: title.value,
code: code.value,
ref_key: "model",
ref: model
}, null, 8, ["title", "code"])
], 512);
const App = /* @__PURE__ */ _export_sfc(_sfc_main, [["__scopeId", "data-v-b9578a54"]]);
const cssLoader = (e) => {
const t = GM_getResourceText(e);
return GM_addStyle(t), t;
(() => {
const app = document.createElement("div");
return app;
})(Vue, ElementPlus);