Greasy Fork is available in English.


Расширенное меню

// ==UserScript==
// @name           hwmAdvancedMenu
// @namespace      Tamozhnya1
// @author         Tamozhnya1
// @description    Расширенное меню
// @version        2.8
// @include        **
// @include        **
// @exclude        */rightcol.php*
// @exclude        */ch_box.php*
// @exclude        */chat*
// @exclude        */ticker.html*
// @exclude        */frames*
// @exclude        */brd.php*
// @grant          GM_deleteValue
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant       GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @license        MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const StoredForumTreadsAmount = 10;
const playerIdMatch = document.cookie.match(/pl_id=(\d+)/);
if(!playerIdMatch) {
const PlayerId = playerIdMatch[1];
const isEn = document.documentElement.lang == "en";
const isNewInterface = document.querySelector("div#hwm_header") ? true : false;

async function main() {
    // После рынка вставим ссылки на ресурсы, с задержкой в пол секунды
    const auctionRef = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='auction.php']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='auction.php']"), "li");
    if(auctionRef) {
        let resourcesShowTimer;
        let resourcesShown = false;
        const resources = [ { type: "1", name: isEn ? 'Wood' : 'Древесина' }, { type: "2", name: isEn ? 'Ore' : 'Руда' }, { type: "3", name: isEn ? 'Mercury' : 'Ртуть' }, { type: "4", name: isEn ? 'Sulfur' : 'Сера' }, { type: "5", name: isEn ? 'Crystals' : 'Кристаллы' }, { type: "6", name: isEn ? 'Gems' : 'Самоцветы' } ];
        auctionRef.addEventListener("mouseover", function() { if(!resourcesShown) resourcesShowTimer = setTimeout(function() {
            const html = resources.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(`auction.php?cat=res&sort=0&type=${x.type}`, `  ${}`), "");
            auctionRef.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
            resourcesShown = true;
        }, 500) } );
        auctionRef.addEventListener("mouseout", function() { clearTimeout(resourcesShowTimer); });
    // После передачи ресурсов вставим основные ссылки персонажа
    const transferRef = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='transfer.php']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='transfer.php']"), "li");
    if(transferRef) {
        const personalReferences = [
            { href: `el_transfer.php`, text: isEn ? 'Transfer elements' : 'Передача элементов' },
            { href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: "" },
            { href: `pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}`, text: getPlayerValue("UserName") || (isEn ? 'Character' : 'Персонаж') },
            { href: `pl_transfers.php?id=${PlayerId}`, text: isEn ? 'Transfer log' : 'Протокол передач' },
            { href: `pl_warlog.php?id=${PlayerId}`, text: isEn ? 'Combat log' : 'Протокол боев' },
            { href: `pl_cardlog.php?id=${PlayerId}`, text: isEn ? 'Game log' : 'Протокол игр' },
            { href: `friends.php`, text: isEn ? 'Your friends' : 'Ваши друзья' },
            { href: `/pl_clans.php`, text: isEn ? 'Your clans' : 'Ваши кланы' },
            { href: `ephoto_albums.php`, text: isEn ? 'Your photos' : 'Ваш фотоальбом' },
            { href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: "" },
            { href: `logout.php?${Math.round( Math.random()* 100000 )}`, text: isEn ? 'Logout' : 'Выход' }
        const html = personalReferences.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(x.href, x.text), "");
        transferRef.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
    // Расширение карты
    const mapMenuContainer = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='map.php?st=hs']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='map.php?st=hs']"), "li");
    if(mapMenuContainer) {
        const housesInfo = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("PlayerHouses", "{}"));
        let mapExtenders = Object.keys(housesInfo).map(x => ({ href: `house_info.php?id=${x}`, text: housesInfo[x].replace(" ", " ") }));
        // Арендованные дома. Берутся из скрипта Transporter
        for(let locationNumber = 1; locationNumber <= 27; locationNumber++) {
            const guestInfo = JSON.parse(getValue(`GuestInfo${locationNumber}`, "{}"));
            for(const key in guestInfo) {
                mapExtenders = [...mapExtenders, { href: `house_info.php?id=${key}`, text: guestInfo[key].HostInfo, title: `до ${(new Date(guestInfo[key].ExpireDate)).toLocaleString()}` }];
        mapExtenders = [...mapExtenders, { href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: "" }, { href: 'ecostat.php', text: isEn ? 'Economic statistics' : 'Эконом. статистика' }];
        // Ссылки по боевому клану. Появляются после захода на страницу кланов
        const clanId = getPlayerValue("MilitaryClanId");
        if(clanId) {
            const clanName = getPlayerValue("MilitaryClanName");
            mapExtenders = [...mapExtenders, { href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: "" },
                { href: `/clan_info.php?id=${clanId}`, text: clanName || (isEn ? 'Military clan' : 'Боевой клан') },
                { href: `/sklad_info.php?clan_id=${clanId}`, text: isEn ? 'Clan depository' : 'Клан-склад' },
                { href: `/sms_clans.php?clan_id=${clanId}`, text: isEn ? 'Clan post' : 'Клановая рассылка' }
        const html = mapExtenders.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(x.href, x.text, x.title), "");
        mapMenuContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
    const leaderGuildRef = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='leader_guild.php']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='leader_guild.php']"), "li");
    if(leaderGuildRef) {
        const leaderGuildReferences = [
            { href: `leader_army.php`, text: isEn ? 'Recruiting' : 'Набор армии' },
            { href: `leader_army_exchange.php`, text: isEn ? 'Creature Exchange' : 'Обмен существ' }
        const html = leaderGuildReferences.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(x.href, x.text), "");
        leaderGuildRef.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
    // Добавим для ГЛ набор армии и объмены
    // Добавим форумов и дейли
    const forumsContainer = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='forum.php#t1']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='forum.php#t1']"), "li");
    if(forumsContainer) {
        const forumExtenders = [
            { href: `forum_thread.php?id=${isEn ? '103' : '3'}`, text: isEn ? 'Ideas and suggestions' : 'Идеи и предложения' },
            { href: `forum_thread.php?id=${isEn ? '121' : '22'}`, text: isEn ? 'Smiths and Ench. services' : 'Услуги кузнецов и оруж.' },
            { href: 'javascript:void(0);', text: "" },
            { href: `${isEn ? '' : ''}`, text: isEn ? 'HWM Daily ENG' : 'Геройская лента' }
        let html = forumExtenders.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(x.href, x.text), "");
        const lastForumTreads = JSON.parse(getValue("LastForumTreads", "[]"));
        if(lastForumTreads.length > 0) {
            html += getMenuItemTemplate('javascript:void(0);', "");
        html += lastForumTreads.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(`/forum_messages.php?tid=${x.threadId}${x.pageIndex ? `&page=${x.pageIndex}` : ""}`, x.threadName, "", `forumReference${x.threadId}`), "");
        forumsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
        Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`span[id^='forumReference']`)).forEach(x => x.addEventListener("click", deleteForumReferenceMenuItem));
    // После чатов добавим быстрые ссылки
    const framesContainer = isNewInterface ? document.querySelector("div.sh_dd_container a[href='frames.php?room=4']") : getParent(document.querySelector("li > a[href='frames.php?room=4']"), "li");
    if(framesContainer) {
        let quickLinks = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("QuickLinks", "[]")).filter(x => x.Name != "" && x.Reference != "");
        quickLinks.push({ Name: isEn ? "Settings" : "Настройки", Reference: "javascript:void(0);", id: `${}Settings` });
        if(quickLinks.length > 0) {
            quickLinks = [{ Reference: "javascript:void(0);", Name: "" }, ...quickLinks];
            const html = quickLinks.reduce((t, x) => t + getMenuItemTemplate(x.Reference, x.Name, undefined, undefined,, "");
            framesContainer.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', html);
        document.getElementById(`${}Settings`).addEventListener("click", showSettings);
    if(getPlayerBool("hideTavern")) {
        if(isNewInterface) {
            document.querySelector("div.mm_item.mm_item_blue > a[href='tavern.php']").closest("div").remove();
        } else {
            const menuItem = getParent(document.querySelector("li a[href='tavern.php']"), "td", 3);
        if(location.pathname == "/tavern.php") {
            location.href = "/home.php";
        if(location.pathname == "/frames.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "room") == "4") {
            location.href = "/home.php";
    if(getPlayerBool("hideRoulette")) {
        if(isNewInterface) {
            document.querySelector("div.mm_item.mm_item_blue > a[href='roulette.php']").closest("div").remove();
        } else {
            const menuItem = getParent(document.querySelector("li a[href='roulette.php']"), "td", 3);
        if(location.pathname == "/roulette.php") {
            location.href = "/home.php";
        if(location.pathname == "/frames.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "room") == "3") {
            location.href = "/home.php";
        Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='roulette.php']")).forEach(x => x.remove());
    if(getPlayerBool("hideForum")) {
        if(isNewInterface) {
            document.querySelector("div.mm_item.mm_item_blue > a[href='forum.php']").closest("div").remove();
        } else {
            const menuItem = getParent(document.querySelector("li a[href='forum.php']"), "td", 3);
        if(location.pathname == "/forum.php") {
            location.href = "/home.php";
        Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='forum.php']")).forEach(x => x.remove());
function deleteForumReferenceMenuItem(e) {
    const threadId ="forumReference", "");
    //console.log(`threadId: ${threadId}`)
    const lastForumTreads = JSON.parse(getValue("LastForumTreads", "[]")).filter(x => x.threadId != threadId);
    setValue("LastForumTreads", JSON.stringify(lastForumTreads));
    const menuItem = isNewInterface ? getParent(, "a") : getParent(, "li");
function processForum() {
    if(location.pathname == '/forum_messages.php') {
        if(getValue("LastForumTreads")) {
            const saved = JSON.parse(getValue("LastForumTreads"));
            if(!Array.isArray(saved)) {
        const threadId = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "tid");
        const pageIndex = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "page");
        const threadName = document.querySelector(`a[href='forum_messages.php?tid=${threadId}'`).innerText;
        const newThread = { threadId: threadId, pageIndex: pageIndex || 0, threadName: threadName, viewTime: };
        let lastForumTreads = JSON.parse(getValue("LastForumTreads", "[]"));
        const thisThread = lastForumTreads.find(x => x.threadId == newThread.threadId && x.pageIndex == newThread.pageIndex);
        if(thisThread) {
            window.scrollTo(0, thisThread.scrollPosition); 
        newThread.scrollPosition = window.scrollY;
        lastForumTreads = lastForumTreads.filter(x => x.threadId != newThread.threadId);
        lastForumTreads = lastForumTreads.slice(0, StoredForumTreadsAmount);
        setValue("LastForumTreads", JSON.stringify(lastForumTreads));
        document.addEventListener("scroll", (event) => {
            const lastForumTreads = JSON.parse(getValue("LastForumTreads", "[]"))
            const scrolledTread = lastForumTreads.find(x => x.threadId == newThread.threadId);
            if(scrolledTread) {
                scrolledTread.scrollPosition = window.scrollY;
                setValue("LastForumTreads", JSON.stringify(lastForumTreads));
function getMenuItemTemplate(href, text, title, deleteId, id) {
    if(text.length > 30) {
        if(!title) {
            title = text;
        text = text.substring(0, 30) + "...";
    if(!isNewInterface) {
        if(text == "") {
            return "<hr>";
        let deleteElementText = "";
        if(deleteId) {
            deleteElementText = `<span id="${deleteId}" title='${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}' style="cursor: pointer; display: inline; color: yellow;">[x]</span>`;
        return `<li><a${id ? ` id="${id}"` : ""} href='${href}' title='${title || ""}' style="">${text}${deleteElementText}</a></li>`;
    } else {
        let deleteElementText = "";
        if(deleteId) {
            deleteElementText = `<span id="${deleteId}" title='${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}' style="cursor: pointer; display: inline; float: right;">[x]</span>`;
        return `<a${id ? ` id="${id}"` : ""} href='${href}' title='${title || ""}' style='text-decoration: none;'><div style='${text == "" ? "padding: 0; height: 2px;" : ""}'>${text}${deleteElementText}</div></a>`;
function processHouses() {
    if(location.pathname == "/pl_info_realty.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) {
        const housesInfo = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='house_info.php']")).reduce((t, x) => ({...t, [getUrlParamValue(x.href, "id")]: getParent(x, "tr").cells[4].innerText }), {});
        setPlayerValue("PlayerHouses", JSON.stringify(housesInfo));
function processQuickLinks() {
    if(location.pathname == "/pers_navlinks.php") {
        const tbody = getParent(document.querySelector("form[action='pers_navlinks.php']"), "tbody");
        const tr = addElement("tr", undefined, tbody);
        const td = addElement("td", undefined, tr);
        const table = addElement("table", undefined, td);
        const quickLinkAmount = 10;
        let quickLinks = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("QuickLinks", `[${Array(quickLinkAmount).fill('{"Name":"","Reference":""}').join()}]`));
        if(quickLinks.length != quickLinkAmount) {
            quickLinks = JSON.parse(`[${Array(quickLinkAmount).fill('{"Name":"","Reference":""}').join()}]`);
        let i = 0;
        for(const quickLink of quickLinks) {
            const html = `
        <input id="linkName${i}" name="linkName" type="text" style="width: 200px;" />
        <input id="linkValue${i}" name="linkValue" type="text" style="width: 300px;" />
            table.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html);
            table.querySelector(`#linkName${i}`).value = quickLink.Name;
            table.querySelector(`#linkValue${i}`).value = quickLink.Reference;
            table.querySelector(`#linkName${i}`).addEventListener("change", saveQuickLinks);
            table.querySelector(`#linkValue${i}`).addEventListener("change", saveQuickLinks);
function saveQuickLinks() {
    const quickLinks = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[name=linkName]")).map(x => ({ Name: x.value, Reference: document.getElementById("linkName", "linkValue")).value }));
    setPlayerValue("QuickLinks", JSON.stringify(quickLinks));
async function checkMilitaryClan() {
    if(location.pathname == '/pl_clans.php') {
        const doc = location.pathname == '/pl_clans.php' ? document : await getRequest(`/pl_clans.php`);
        const clanInfos = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("td > li > a[href^='clan_info.php']")).map(x => { return { Id: getUrlParamValue(x.href, "id"), Name: x.firstChild.innerText, Ref: x.href }; });
        for(const clanInfo of clanInfos) {
            const clanInfoDoc = await getRequest(clanInfo.Ref);
            if(clanInfoDoc.body.innerHTML.includes(isEn ? "[Military clan]" : "[боевой клан]")) {
                var militaryClanId = clanInfo.Id;
                var clanName = clanInfo.Name;
        if(militaryClanId) {
            setPlayerValue("MilitaryClanId", militaryClanId);
            setPlayerValue("MilitaryClanName", clanName);
        } else {
    if(!getPlayerValue("MilitaryClanId")) {
        console.log("Вы не состоите в боевом клане");
        return false;
    return true;
async function initUserName() {
    if(location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) {
        setPlayerValue("UserName", document.querySelector("h1").innerText);
    if(location.pathname == "/home.php") {
        //console.log(document.querySelector(`a[href='pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}'] > b`).innerText)
        setPlayerValue("UserName", document.querySelector(`a[href='pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}'] > b`).innerText);
    if(!getPlayerValue("UserName")) {
        const doc = await getRequest(`/pl_info.php?id=${PlayerId}`);
        setPlayerValue("UserName", doc.querySelector("h1").innerText);
function showSettings() {
    if(showPupupPanel( {
    const fieldsMap = [];

    const hideTavernLable = addElement("label", { for: "hideTavernCheckbox", innerText: isEn ? "Hide tavern" : "Скрыть таверну" });
    const hideTavernCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "hideTavernCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    hideTavernCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("hideTavern");
    hideTavernCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("hideTavern", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([hideTavernLable, hideTavernCheckbox]);

    const hideRouletteLable = addElement("label", { for: "hideRouletteCheckbox", innerText: isEn ? "Hide roulette" : "Скрыть рулетку" });
    const hideRouletteCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "hideRouletteCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    hideRouletteCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("hideRoulette");
    hideRouletteCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("hideRoulette", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([hideRouletteLable, hideRouletteCheckbox]);

    const hideForumLable = addElement("label", { for: "hideForumCheckbox", innerText: isEn ? "Hide forum" : "Скрыть форум" });
    const hideForumCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "hideForumCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    hideForumCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("hideForum");
    hideForumCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("hideForum", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([hideForumLable, hideForumCheckbox]);

    createPupupPanel(, getScriptReferenceHtml() + " " + getSendErrorMailReferenceHtml(), fieldsMap);
// API
function addElement(type, data = {}, parent = undefined, insertPosition = "beforeend") {
    const el = document.createElement(type);
    for(const key in data) {
        if(key == "innerText" || key == "innerHTML") {
            el[key] = data[key];
        } else {
            el.setAttribute(key, data[key]);
    if(parent) {
        if(parent.insertAdjacentElement) {
            parent.insertAdjacentElement(insertPosition, el);
        } else if(parent.parentNode) {
            switch(insertPosition) {
                case "beforebegin":
                    parent.parentNode.insertBefore(el, parent);
                case "afterend":
                    parent.parentNode.insertBefore(el, parent.nextSibling);
    return el;
function getParent(element, parentType, number = 1) {
    if(!element) {
    let result = element;
    let foundNumber = 0;
    while(result = result.parentNode) {
        if(result.nodeName.toLowerCase() == parentType.toLowerCase()) {
            if(foundNumber == number) {
                return result;
function getUrlParamValue(url, paramName) { return (new URLSearchParams(url.split("?")[1])).get(paramName); }
function getRequest(url) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        GM.xmlHttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url, overrideMimeType: "text/html; charset=windows-1251",
            onload: function(response) { resolve((new DOMParser).parseFromString(response.responseText, "text/html")); },
            onerror: function(error) { reject(error); }
function getValue(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); };
function setValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); };
function deleteValue(key) { return GM_deleteValue(key); };
function getPlayerValue(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, defaultValue); };
function setPlayerValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, value); };
function deletePlayerValue(key) { return GM_deleteValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`); };
function getValue(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(key, defaultValue); };
function setValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); };
function deleteValue(key) { return GM_deleteValue(key); };
function getPlayerValue(key, defaultValue) { return GM_getValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, defaultValue); };
function setPlayerValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`, value); };
function deletePlayerValue(key) { return GM_deleteValue(`${key}${PlayerId}`); };
function listValues() { return GM_listValues(); }
function getPlayerBool(valueName, defaultValue = false) { return getBool(valueName + PlayerId, defaultValue); }
function getBool(valueName, defaultValue = false) {
    const value = getValue(valueName);
    //console.log(`valueName: ${valueName}, value: ${value}, ${typeof(value)}`)
    if(value != undefined) {
        if(typeof(value) == "string") {
            return value == "true";
        if(typeof(value) == "boolean") {
            return value;
    return defaultValue;
function getScriptLastAuthor() {
    let authors =;
    if(!authors) {
        const authorsMatch = GM_info.scriptMetaStr.match(/@author(.+)\n/);
        authors = authorsMatch ? authorsMatch[1] : "";
    const authorsArr = authors.split(",").map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x);
    return authorsArr[authorsArr.length - 1];
function getDownloadUrl() {
    let result = GM_info.script.downloadURL;
    if(!result) {
        const downloadURLMatch = GM_info.scriptMetaStr.match(/@downloadURL(.+)\n/);
        result = downloadURLMatch ? downloadURLMatch[1] : "";
        result = result.trim();
    return result;
function createPupupPanel(panelName, panelTitle, fieldsMap, panelToggleHandler) {
    const backgroundPopupPanel = addElement("div", { id: panelName + "1", style: "position: fixed; left: 0pt; width: 100%; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% gray; opacity: 0.5; top: 0px; height: 100%; display: block; z-index: 200;" }, document.body);
    backgroundPopupPanel.addEventListener("click", function() { hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler); });

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    if(panelTitle) {
        addElement("b", { innerHTML: panelTitle, style: "text-align: center; margin: auto; width: 90%; display: block;" }, contentDiv);
    const divClose = addElement("div", { id: panelName + "close", title: "Close", innerText: "x", style: "border: 1px solid #abc; width: 15px; height: 15px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" }, contentDiv);
    divClose.addEventListener("click", function() { hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler); });

    addElement("div", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; height: 0;"}, contentDiv);

    if(fieldsMap) {
        let contentTable = addElement("table", undefined, contentDiv);
        for(const rowData of fieldsMap) {
            if(rowData.length == 0) { // Спомощью передачи пустой стороки-массива, указываем, что надо начать новую таблицу после брейка
                addElement("div", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; height: 0;"}, contentDiv);
                contentTable = addElement("table", undefined, contentDiv);
            const row = addElement("tr", undefined, contentTable);
            for(const cellData of rowData) {
                const cell = addElement("td", undefined, row);
                if(cellData) {
                    if(typeof(cellData) == "string") {
                        cell.innerText = cellData;
                    } else {
    if(panelToggleHandler) {
    return contentDiv;
function showPupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler) {
    let backgroundPopupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName + "1");
    let popupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName + "2");
    if(backgroundPopupPanel) { = = 'block';
        if(panelToggleHandler) {
        return true;
    return false;
function hidePupupPanel(panelName, panelToggleHandler) {
    let backgroundPopupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName + "1");
    let popupPanel = document.getElementById(panelName + "2"); = = 'none';
    if(panelToggleHandler) {
function getScriptReferenceHtml() { return `<a href="${getDownloadUrl()}" title="${isEn ? "Check for update" : "Проверить обновление скрипта"}" target=_blanc>${} ${GM_info.script.version}</a>`; }
function getSendErrorMailReferenceHtml() { return `<a href="sms-create.php?mailto=${getScriptLastAuthor()}&subject=${isEn ? "Error in" : "Ошибка в"} ${} ${GM_info.script.version} (${GM_info.scriptHandler} ${GM_info.version})" target=_blanc>${isEn ? "Bug report" : "Сообщить об ошибке"}</a>`; }
function getParent(element, parentType, number = 1) {
    if(!element) {
    let result = element;
    let foundNumber = 0;
    while(result = result.parentNode) {
        if(result.nodeName.toLowerCase() == parentType.toLowerCase()) {
            if(foundNumber == number) {
                return result;