// ==UserScript==
// @name 下載北科i學員PDF
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 1.0.5
// @description 下載北科i學員上面的教材檔案
// @author umeow0716
// @match https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/index.php
// @connect istream.ntut.edu.tw
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
const parser = new DOMParser();
const ErrorFileChar = [ "/" , "|" ,'\\',"?",'"' ,'*' ,":" ,"<" ,">" , "/" , ":"];
const GM_fetch = getGM_fetch();
const saveData = (function () {
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.style = "display: none";
return function (blob, fileName) {
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
a.href = url;
a.download = fileName;
const GET = async (url, old = false, headers = {}, args = {}) => {
const res = await GM_fetch(url, {
method: "GET"
if (old) {
const data = await res.text();
const status = res.status;
return { data, status }
return res;
const POST = async (url, data = {}, dataType = "form", headers = {}, args = {}) => {
const ContentType = dataType === "form" ?
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" :
const body = dataType === "form" ?
new URLSearchParams(data).toString() :
const res = await GM_fetch(url, {
headers: {
"Content-Type": ContentType,
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
method: "POST"
return res;
const get_cid = async () => {
const cidURL = "https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/launch.php";
const cidResponse = await GET(cidURL, true);
const cidHTML = parser.parseFromString(cidResponse['data'], 'text/html');
const cidScriptHTML = [...cidHTML.getElementsByTagName('script')].filter(ele => ele.innerHTML.includes('cid='))[0].innerHTML;
const cidLine = cidScriptHTML.split("\n").filter(str => str.includes('cid'))[0];
const cidStartIndex = cidLine.indexOf('/learn');
const cidResultURL = 'https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw' + cidLine.slice(cidStartIndex).slice(0, -3);
const cidResultURLObj = new URL(cidResultURL);
const cid = cidResultURLObj.searchParams.get('cid');
return cid;
const getDownloadArguments = async (cid) => {
const URL = `https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/pathtree.php?cid=${cid}`;
const DownloadData = {
'is_player' : false,
'href' : '',
'prev_href' : '',
'prev_node_id' : '',
'prev_node_title' : '',
'is_download' : false,
'begin_time' : '',
'course_id' : '',
'read_key' : ''
const Response = await GET(URL, old = true);
const HTML = parser.parseFromString(Response['data'], 'text/html');
const FormElement = HTML.getElementById('fetchResourceForm');
const InputList = [...FormElement.getElementsByTagName('input')];
InputList.forEach((InputElement) => {
const key = InputElement.getAttribute('name');
if(key === "is_download" || key === "is_player") return;
const value = InputElement.getAttribute('value') || '';
DownloadData[key] = value;
return DownloadData
const getFileList = async () => {
const FileList = [];
const FileListURL = 'https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/SCORM_loadCA.php';
const FileListResponse = await GET(FileListURL, old = true);
const FileListXML = parser.parseFromString(FileListResponse['data'], "text/xml");
const FileListItems = [...FileListXML.getElementsByTagName('item')].filter((ele) => ele.getAttribute('identifierref'));
const FileListElements = [...FileListXML.getElementsByTagName('resource')].filter((ele) => ele.getAttribute('identifier'));
FileListElements.forEach((element) => {
const identifier = element.getAttribute('identifier');
const href = '@' + element.getAttribute('href');
const item = FileListItems.filter((ele) => ele.getAttribute('identifierref') === identifier)[0];
const name = item.getElementsByTagName('title')[0].innerHTML.split("\t")[0].replace("\n" , "");
const file = { href, name };
return FileList;
const getFileType = async (html) => {
const LocationStartIndex = html.indexOf('location.replace(');
if(LocationStartIndex !== -1) {
let ResponseLocation = html.slice(LocationStartIndex + 18);
const EndIndex = ResponseLocation.indexOf(')');
ResponseLocation = ResponseLocation.slice(0, EndIndex - 1);
if(ResponseLocation.includes("viewPDF.php")) {
const ViewPDFURL = 'https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/' + ResponseLocation;
const ViewPDF = await GET(ViewPDFURL, old = true);
const getPDFLine = ViewPDF['data'].split('\n').filter(str => str.includes('getPDF.php'))[0];
const StartIndex = getPDFLine.indexOf('"');
const EndIndex = getPDFLine.lastIndexOf('"');
const getPDFURL = getPDFLine.slice(StartIndex + 1, EndIndex);
const DownloadLink = 'https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/' + getPDFURL;
return { type: "pdf", DownloadLink , headers: { referer: ViewPDFURL } }
if(ResponseLocation.includes("player.php")) {
const PlayerResponse = await GET(ResponseLocation, false);
const PlayerHTML = await PlayerResponse.text();
const PlayerHTMLObj = parser.parseFromString(PlayerHTML, "text/html");
const PlayerList = [...PlayerHTMLObj.getElementsByTagName("video")];
const DownloadLink = PlayerList.map(ele => {
const source = ele.getElementsByTagName('source')[0]
const href = source.getAttribute('src')
return 'https://istream.ntut.edu.tw/videoplayer/' + href;
return { type: "record", DownloadLink }
return { type: "link", DownloadLink: ResponseLocation }
if(html.includes(`<button onClick="download('`)) {
const type = "file";
const ButtonStartIndex = html.indexOf(`<button onClick="download('`);
const pathStart = html.slice(ButtonStartIndex + 27);
const ButtonEndIndex = pathStart.indexOf("'");
const path = pathStart.slice(0, ButtonEndIndex);
const DownloadLink = "https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/download.php?path=" + encodeURIComponent(path);
return { type, DownloadLink }
return { type: null }
const DownloadFile = async (DownloadData, file) => {
let filename = file['name'];
while(ErrorFileChar.map( c => filename.includes(c) ).filter(bool => bool).length) ErrorFileChar.forEach( c => filename = filename.replace(c, ' '));
DownloadData['href'] = file['href'];
const URL = "https://istudy.ntut.edu.tw/learn/path/SCORM_fetchResource.php";
const Response = await POST(URL, DownloadData);
const ResponseText = await Response.text();
const FileData = await getFileType(ResponseText);
const headers = FileData["headers"] || {};
console.log("headers: ", headers);
if(!FileData['type']) {
if(FileData['type'] === 'record') {
if(!confirm(`即將開啟 ${FileData['DownloadLink'].length} 個錄影影像分頁 是否確定?`)) return;
for(let i = 0 ; i < FileData['DownloadLink'].length ; i++) {
const url = FileData['DownloadLink'][i];
if(FileData['type'] === 'link') {
if(!confirm(`此教材為外部連結 是否開啟?`)) return;
const FileResponse = await GET(FileData['DownloadLink'],
old = false,
const FileBlob = await FileResponse.blob();
saveData(FileBlob, filename);
const getFileListWithDownload = async () => {
const cid = await get_cid();
const DownloadData = await getDownloadArguments(cid);
const FileList = await getFileList();
FileList.forEach( file => {
file['download'] = () => DownloadFile(DownloadData, file)
return FileList;
const makeHTML = (FileList) => {
const doc = createElement({ tag: "html" });
tag: "head",
childs: [
tag: "meta",
charset: "utf-8",
appendTo: doc
const body = createElement({
tag: "body",
style: 'display: flex;flex-direction: column;',
appendTo: doc
FileList.forEach(file =>
tag: "div",
childs: [
tag: "span",
innerHTML: file['name'],
style: "margin-right: 10px;"
tag: "button",
innerHTML: "下載",
onclick: file.download
createElement({ tag: "br" })
style: "margin: 8px;",
appendTo: body
return doc;
const main = async () => {
try {
const FileList = await getFileListWithDownload();
const html = makeHTML(FileList);
window.open('', 'i學員檔案列表', config='height=500,width=500')
} catch(err) {
GM_registerMenuCommand('擷取目前頁面的檔案', main, 'r');
//前端 Element Manager author: Umeow
function createElement({
tag = 'div',
classes = [],
innerHTML = '',
childs = [],
appendTo = null,
onclick = null,
}) {
const result = document.createElement(tag)
classes.filter((c) => c).forEach((c) => result.classList.add(c))
.filter((attr) => attrs[attr] !== null)
.forEach((attr) => result.setAttribute(attr, attrs[attr]))
childs.filter((c) => c).forEach((c) => result.appendChild(c))
if (innerHTML) result.innerHTML += innerHTML
if (appendTo instanceof HTMLElement) appendTo.appendChild(result)
if (onclick instanceof Function) result.onclick = onclick
return result
/*! GM_fetch — v0.3.6-2022.06.04-dev — https://github.com/AlttiRi/gm_fetch */
function getGM_fetch() {
const GM_XHR = (typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest === "function") ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : (GM?.xmlHttpRequest);
const isStreamSupported = GM_XHR?.RESPONSE_TYPE_STREAM;
let firefoxFixedFetch = false;
const fetch = getWebPageFetch();
const crError = new Error().stack.startsWith("Error"); // Chromium Error
// In Chromium original `DOMException` contains stack trace, however, manually created does not have it.
* @param {string, URL, Request} resource
* @param fetchInit */
async function handleBaseParams(resource, fetchInit = {}) {
let url;
if (resource?.url) {
const {url: u, init} = await destroyRequest(resource);
url = u;
fetchInit = {...init, ...fetchInit};
} else {
url = new URL(resource, location).href;
return {url, fetchInit};
/** @param {Request} request */
async function destroyRequest(request) {
const url = request.url;
const method = request.method;
const headers = request.headers;
const signal = request.signal;
const referrer = request.referrer !== "referrer" ? request.referrer : undefined; // todo test
let body;
if (!["GET", "HEAD"].includes(method)) {
body = await request.blob();
return {url, init: {method, signal, headers, body}};
function getWebPageFetch() {
let fetch = globalThis.fetch;
// [VM/GM/FM + Firefox with "Enhanced Tracking Protection" set to "Strict" (Or "Custom" with enabled "Fingerprinters" option)
// on sites with CSP (like Twitter, GitHub)] requires this fix.
// They run the code as a content script. TM disables CSP with extra HTTP headers.
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Sharing_objects_with_page_scripts
function fixFirefoxFetchOnPageWithCSP() {
const wrappedJSObject = globalThis.wrappedJSObject;
const fixRequired = wrappedJSObject && typeof wrappedJSObject.fetch === "function";
if (!fixRequired) {
const isTM = (function() {
const request = new wrappedJSObject.Request(""); // Firefox content script's `Request` does not support relative URLs
try {
return request === cloneInto(request);
} catch {
console.log("[ujs][fixFirefoxFetchOnPageWithCSP] Request:", Request);
return false;
if (isTM) {
async function fixedFetch(resource, opts = {}) {
const {url, fetchInit: init} = await handleBaseParams(resource, opts);
if (init.headers instanceof Headers) {
console.log("[ujs][fixedFetch] Headers", init.headers);
// Since `Headers` are not allowed for structured cloning.
init.headers = Object.fromEntries(init.headers.entries());
if (/** @type {AbortSignal} */ init.signal) {
if (init.signal.aborted) {
throw new DOMException("The user aborted a request." + (crError ? new Error().stack.slice(5) : ""), "AbortError");
console.warn("[ujs][fixedFetch] delete signal");
delete init.signal; // Can't be structured cloned
return wrappedJSObject.fetch(cloneInto(url, document), cloneInto(init, document/*, {cloneFunctions: true}*/));
fetch = fixedFetch;
firefoxFixedFetch = true;
async function enhancedFetch(resource, opts) {
const onprogress = opts.extra?.onprogress;
delete opts.extra;
const response = await fetch(resource, opts);
if (onprogress) {
return responseProgressProxy(response, onprogress);
return response;
return enhancedFetch;
/** The default Response always has {type: "default", redirected: false, url: ""} */
class ResponseEx extends Response {
[Symbol.toStringTag] = "ResponseEx";
constructor(body, {headers, status, statusText, url, redirected, type, ok}) {
super(body, {status, statusText, headers: {
"content-type": headers.get("content-type")?.split("; ")[0] // Fixes Blob type ("text/html; charset=UTF-8") in TM
this._type = type;
this._url = url;
this._redirected = redirected;
this._ok = ok;
this._headers = headers; // `HeadersLike` is more user-friendly for debug than the original `Headers` object
get redirected() { return this._redirected; }
get url() { return this._url; }
get type() { return this._type || "basic"; } // todo: if "cors"
get ok() { return this._ok; }
/** @returns {HeadersLike} */
get headers() { return this._headers; }
class HeadersLike { // Note: the original `Headers` throws an error if `key` requires `.trim()`
constructor(headers) {
headers && Object.entries(headers).forEach(([key, value]) => {
this.append(key, value);
get(key) {
const value = this[key.trim().toLowerCase()];
return value === undefined ? null : value;
append(key, value) {
this[key.trim().toLowerCase()] = value.trim();
has(key) {
return this.get(key) !== null;
* Parses headers from `XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders()` string
* @returns {HeadersLike} */
function parseHeaders(headersString) {
const headers = new HeadersLike();
for (const line of headersString.trim().split("\n")) {
const [key, ...valueParts] = line.split(":"); // last-modified: Fri, 21 May 2021 14:46:56 GMT
const value = valueParts.join(":");
headers.append(key, value);
return headers;
class ReaderLike {
constructor(blobPromise, body) {
/** @type {Promise<Blob>} */
this._blobPromise = blobPromise;
/** @type {ReadableStreamDefaultReader} */
this._reader = null;
/** @type {ReadableStreamLike} */
this._body = body;
this._released = false;
/** @return {Promise<{value: Uint8Array, done: boolean}>} */
read() {
if (this._released) {
throw new TypeError("This readable stream reader has been released and cannot be used to read from its previous owner stream");
this._body._used = true;
if (this._reader === null) {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const blob = await this._blobPromise;
const response = new Response(blob);
this._reader = response.body.getReader();
const result = await this._reader.read();
return this._reader.read();
releaseLock() {
this._body.locked = false;
this._released = true;
class ReadableStreamLike { // BodyLike
constructor(blobPromise) {
this.locked = false;
this._used = false;
this._blobPromise = blobPromise;
getReader() {
if (this.locked) {
throw new TypeError("ReadableStreamReader constructor can only accept readable streams that are not yet locked to a reader");
this._reader = new ReaderLike(this._blobPromise, this);
this.locked = true;
return this._reader;
class ResponseLike {
constructor(blobPromise, {headers, status, statusText, url, finalUrl}) {
/** @type {Promise<Blob>} */
this._blobPromise = blobPromise;
this.headers = headers;
this.status = status;
this.statusText = statusText;
this.url = finalUrl;
this.redirected = url !== finalUrl;
this.type = "basic"; // todo: if "cors"
this.ok = status.toString().startsWith("2");
this._bodyUsed = false;
this.body = new ReadableStreamLike(blobPromise);
get bodyUsed() {
return this._bodyUsed || this.body._used;
blob() {
if (this.bodyUsed) {
throw new TypeError("body stream already read");
if (this.body.locked) {
throw new TypeError("body stream is locked");
this._bodyUsed = true;
this.body.locked = true;
return this._blobPromise;
arrayBuffer() { return this.blob().then(blob => blob.arrayBuffer()); }
text() { return this.blob().then(blob => blob.text()); }
json() { return this.text().then(text => JSON.parse(text)); }
const identityContentEncodings = new Set([null, "identity", "no encoding"]);
function getOnProgressProps(response) {
const {headers, status, statusText, url, redirected, ok} = response;
const isIdentity = identityContentEncodings.has(headers.get("Content-Encoding"));
const compressed = !isIdentity;
const _contentLength = parseInt(headers.get("Content-Length")); // `get()` returns `null` if no header present
const contentLength = isNaN(_contentLength) ? null : _contentLength;
const lengthComputable = isIdentity && _contentLength !== null;
// Original XHR behaviour; in TM it equals to `contentLength`, or `-1` if `contentLength` is `null` (and `0`?).
const total = lengthComputable ? contentLength : 0;
const gmTotal = contentLength > 0 ? contentLength : -1; // Like `total` is in TM and GM.
return {
gmTotal, total, lengthComputable,
compressed, contentLength,
headers, status, statusText, url, redirected, ok
function responseProgressProxy(response, onProgress) {
const onProgressProps = getOnProgressProps(response);
let loaded = 0;
const reader = response.body.getReader();
const readableStream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
while (true) {
const {done, /** @type {Uint8Array} */ value} = await reader.read();
if (done) {
loaded += value.length;
try {
onProgress({loaded, ...onProgressProps});
} catch (e) {
console.error("[onProgress]:", e);
cancel() {
void reader.cancel();
return new ResponseEx(readableStream, response);
* The simplified `fetch` — a wrapper for `GM_xmlHttpRequest`.
* @example
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
const response = await fetch(url);
const {status, statusText} = response;
const lastModified = response.headers.get("last-modified");
const blob = await response.blob();
* @return {Promise<Response>} */
async function GM_fetch(url, fetchInit = {}) {
({url, fetchInit} = await handleBaseParams(url, fetchInit));
if (fetchInit.extra?.webContext) {
delete fetchInit.extra;
return fetch(url, fetchInit);
function handleParams(fetchInit) {
const defaultFetchInit = {method: "GET", headers: {}};
const defaultExtra = {useStream: true, onprogress: null};
const opts = {
extra: {
const {headers, method, body, referrer, signal, extra: {useStream, onprogress}} = opts;
delete opts.extra.useStream;
delete opts.extra.onprogress;
const _headers = new HeadersLike(headers);
if (referrer && !_headers.has("referer")) {
_headers.append("referer", referrer); // todo: handle referrer
return {
method, headers: _headers, body, signal,
useStream, onprogress, extra: opts.extra
const {
method, headers, body, signal,
useStream, onprogress, extra
} = handleParams(fetchInit);
if (signal?.aborted) {
throw new DOMException("The user aborted a request." + (crError ? new Error().stack.slice(5) : ""), "AbortError");
let abortCallback;
let done = false;
function handleAbort(gmAbort) {
if (!signal) {
if (signal.aborted) {
const id = setInterval(() => done ? clearInterval(id) : gmAbort(), 1); // VM fix.
abortCallback = () => gmAbort();
signal.addEventListener("abort", abortCallback);
function onDone() {
signal?.removeEventListener("abort", abortCallback);
done = true;
const DONE = 4;
function getOnReadyStateChange({onHeadersReceived}) {
return function onReadyStatechange(gmResponse) {
const {readyState} = gmResponse;
if (readyState === HEADERS_RECEIVED) {
// It does not trigger on `abort` and `error`, while native XHR does. (In both TM and VM)
// Fires only on `onload`. Is a bug? // Also it fires (`readyState === DONE`) multiple times in non the latest VM beta.
// else if (readyState === DONE) {
// onDone();
// }
function getOnDones({resolve, reject}) {
return {
onload(gmResponse) {
resolve?.(gmResponse.response); // Not required for `responseType: "stream"`
onerror() {
reject(new TypeError("Failed to fetch"));
onabort() {
reject(new DOMException("The user aborted a request." + (crError ? new Error().stack.slice(5) : ""), "AbortError"));
function nonStreamFetch() {
const _onprogress = onprogress;
let onProgressProps = {}; // Will be inited on HEADERS_RECEIVED. It used to have the same behaviour in TM and VM.
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
function onHeadersReceived(gmResponse) {
const {responseHeaders, status, statusText, finalUrl} = gmResponse;
const headers = parseHeaders(responseHeaders);
const response = new ResponseLike(blobPromise, {
headers, status, statusText, url, finalUrl
onProgressProps = getOnProgressProps(response);
const onreadystatechange = getOnReadyStateChange({onHeadersReceived});
const blobPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const {onload, onabort, onerror} = getOnDones({resolve, reject});
const {abort} = GM_XHR({
responseType: "blob",
onprogress: _onprogress ? ({loaded/*, total, lengthComputable*/}) => {
_onprogress({loaded, ...onProgressProps});
} : undefined,
data: body,
function streamFetch() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function onHeadersReceived(gmResponse) {
const {
responseHeaders, status, statusText, finalUrl, response: readableStream
} = gmResponse;
const headers = parseHeaders(responseHeaders);
const redirected = url !== finalUrl;
let response = new ResponseEx(readableStream, {headers, status, statusText, url: finalUrl, redirected});
if (onprogress) {
response = responseProgressProxy(response, onprogress);
const onreadystatechange = getOnReadyStateChange({onHeadersReceived});
const {onload, onabort, onerror} = getOnDones({reject});
const {abort} = GM_XHR({
responseType: "stream",
/* fetch: true, */ // Not required, since it already has `responseType: "stream"`.
data: body,
if (!isStreamSupported || !useStream) {
return nonStreamFetch();
} else {
return streamFetch();
GM_fetch.isStreamSupported = isStreamSupported;
GM_fetch.webContextFetch = fetch;
GM_fetch.firefoxFixedFetch = firefoxFixedFetch;
return GM_fetch;