MOOMOO.IO rainbowhat!!!

------------------Looks SUPER COOL!!!!!--------------------

As of 13/06/2020. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MOOMOO.IO rainbowhat!!!
// @namespace
// @version      2.9
// @description  ------------------Looks SUPER COOL!!!!!--------------------
// @author       Cody Webb
// @match                 *://*
// @match                 *://*
// @match                 *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

    document.title = "Rainbow MooMod";
    document.getElementById("gameName").innerHTML = "Rainbow </br> MooMod";
    var hatList = {
        'Unequip': 0,
        'Moo Cap': 51,
        'Apple Cap': 50,
        'Moo Head': 28,
        'Pig Head': 29,
        'Fluff Head': 30,
        'Pandou Head': 36,
        'Bear Head': 37,
        'Monkey Head': 38,
        'Polar Head': 44,
        'Fez Hat': 35,
        'Enigma Hat': 42,
        'Blitz Hat': 43,
        'Bob XIII Hat': 49 //14 total

    document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
        if ( !== 'chatbox') {
                if (e.keycode === 220) {randomHat()}

    function randomHat() {
        var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * 14);
        var keys = Object.keys(hatList);
