// ==UserScript==
// @name MVGP++ß
// @namespace none
// @version 2022.06.07.1148
// @description Add fine tuned garden rotation, custom garden sizes, type count/"swap" buttons, and show/hide buttons for toolboxes!
// @author technical13
// @supportURL https://discord.me/MagentaRV
// @match http://gardenpainter.ide.sk/paint.php
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// jshint esversion: 6
var isDebug = false;
var intVerbosity = 0;
const ver = '2022.06.07.1148ß';
const scriptName = 'MVGP++ v' + ver;
const intAlertWidth = 760;
function toBoolean( val ) {
const arrTrue = [ undefined, null, '', true, 'true', 1, '1', 'on', 'yes' ];
val = ( typeof( val ) === 'string' ? val.toLowerCase() : val );
log( 4, 'log', 'toBoolean() is returning: %o', ( arrTrue.indexOf( val ) !== -1 ? true : false ) );
return ( arrTrue.indexOf( val ) !== -1 ? true : false );
function log( intV, strConsole, strLog, ...arrArgs ) {
if ( strConsole === undefined ) { strConsole = 'log'; }
if ( strLog === undefined ) { strLog = '%o'; }
if ( intVerbosity >= intV && ( strConsole === 'groupEnd' ) ) { console[ strConsole ](); }
if ( intV === 0 || ( isDebug && intVerbosity >= intV ) ) { console[ strConsole ]( '[%i]: %s: ' + strLog, intV, scriptName, ...arrArgs ); }
const intParamsStart = ( document.URL.indexOf( '?' ) + 1 );
const strParams = document.URL.substr( intParamsStart );
const arrParamSets = strParams.split( '&' );
var objParams = {};
arrParamSets.forEach( function( strParam ) {
let arrParam = strParam.split( '=' );
let strParamName = ( arrParam[ 0 ].toLowerCase() || '' );
if ( strParamName === 'verbosity' ) {
isDebug = true;
intVerbosity = ( arrParam[ 1 ] ? ( parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) < 0 ? 0 : ( parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) > 9 ? 9 : parseInt( arrParam[ 1 ] ) ) ) : 9 );
} else if ( strParamName === 'debug' ) {
isDebug = toBoolean( arrParam[ 1 ] );
intVerbosity = 1;
} );
log( 1, 'warn', 'Debug mode is on with verbosity level: %o', intVerbosity );
log( 1, 'groupCollapsed', 'Verbosity options: (click to expand)' );
log( 1, 'log', '1) Summary\n2) Parameters retrieved from URL\n3) Variables set to objParams\n4) Function returns\n9) ALL debugging info and this notice.' );
log( 1, 'groupEnd' );
function getCounts( objTypes = { TOTAL: 0 } ) {
for ( var row in window.pins ) {
for ( var cell in window.pins[ row ] ) {
var strType = window.pins[ row ][ cell ].munzeeName;
if ( strType !== undefined ) {
strType = strType.replace( / /g, '_' );
if ( !objTypes[ strType ] ) { objTypes[ strType ] = 1; log( 5, 'info', 'getCounts() added type to objTypes: %o', strType ); }
else { objTypes[ strType ]++; }
log( 4, 'info', 'getCounts() returning objTypes: %o', objTypes );
return objTypes;
( function() {
'use strict';
log( 0, 'info', 'Script loaded.' );
function setToolboxSize() {
var arrTypeCats = Array.from( document.getElementById( 'catalogList' ).childNodes ).filter( n => n.localName === 'a' );
// console.log( 'arrTypeCats: %o', arrTypeCats );
for ( var i = 0; i < arrTypeCats.length; i++ ) {
arrTypeCats[ i ].addEventListener( 'click', function( event ) {
var element = event.target;
var forCat = parseInt( element.attributes.onclick.value.match( /\d+/ )[ 0 ] );
// console.log( 'forCat: %s( %o )', ( typeof forCat ), forCat );
var munzeeTypes = document.getElementById( 'munzee-types' );
switch ( forCat ) {
case 0:
munzeeTypes.style.width = "870px";
munzeeTypes.style.height = "145px";
// console.log( 'Set %s to 870px × 145px', element.innerText );
case 3:
case 52:
case 99:
munzeeTypes.style.width = "620px";
munzeeTypes.style.height = "95px";
// console.log( 'Set %s to 620px × 95px', element.innerText );
case 101:
case 199:
munzeeTypes.style.width = "620px";
munzeeTypes.style.height = "138px";
// console.log( 'Set %s to 620px × 138px', element.innerText );
} );
// Add missing type(s)
window.categories[ window.categories.length - 1 ][ 1 ] = 'Big Deploy Radius';
window.categories.splice( 3, 0, [ 101, "Temporary Types" ] );
window.categories.splice( 2, 0, [ 52, "Zodiacs" ] );
window.munzees.splice( 78, 0,
[ "Void Mystery", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/voidmystery", "voidmystery", 1, 99, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Shamrock", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/virtualshamrock", "shamrock", 1, 99, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Maple Chess Set", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/maplechessset", "maplechessset", 1, 99, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ] );
window.munzees.splice( 81, 0,
[ "Nile Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/nile", "nile", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Amon-Ra Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/amon-ra", "amonra", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Osiris Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/osiris", "osiris", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Thoth Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/thoth", "thoth", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Horus Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/horus", "horus", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Seth Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/seth", "seth", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Anubis Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/anubis", "anubis", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Sekhmet Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sekhmet", "sekhmet", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Mut Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/mut", "mut", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Bastet Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/bastet", "bastet", 1, 5299, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Geb Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/geb", "geb", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ],
[ "Isis Zodiac", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/isis", "isis", 1, 52, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], "" ] );
window.munzees.splice( 100, 0,
[ "Shield", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/shield", "shield", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived after 6th capture)" ],
[ "Temporary Virtual", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/temporaryvirtual", "temporaryvirtual", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 30 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Envelope", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/envelope", "envelope", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Birthday Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/birthday_card", "birthday_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Get Well Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/get_well_card", "get_well_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Earth Day Card #1", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_1", "earth_day_card_1", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Earth Day Card #2", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_2", "earth_day_card_2", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Earth Day Card #3", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_3", "earth_day_card_3", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Stay Home Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/stay_home_card", "stay_home_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Thank You Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/thank_you_card", "thank_you_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "World Laughter Day Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/world_laughter_day_card", "world_laughter_day_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Clan War Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/clan_war_card", "clan_war_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Hammercorn Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/hammercorn_card", "hammercorn_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Safe Travels Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/safe_travels_card", "safe_travels_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Congrats Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/congrats_card", "congrats_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Sorry Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card", "sorry_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Sorry Card 1", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_1", "sorry_card_1", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Sorry Card 2", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_2", "sorry_card_2", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "Sorry Card 3", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_3", "sorry_card_3", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ],
[ "May Flowers Card", "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/may_flowers_card", "may_flowers_card", 1, 101, 32, [ -1, -1, -1 ], " (archived 7 days from deploy)" ] );
window.mt[ 'Nile Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/nile.png", "nile", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Amon-Ra Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/amon-ra.png", "amonra", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Osiris Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/osiris.png", "osiris", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Thoth Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/thoth.png", "thoth", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Horus Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/horus.png", "horus", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Seth Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/seth.png", "seth", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Anubis Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/anubis.png", "anubis", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Sekhmet Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sekhmet.png", "sekhmet", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Mut Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/mut.png", "mut", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Bastet Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/bastet.png", "bastet", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Geb Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/geb.png", "geb", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Isis Zodiac' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/isis.png", "isis", 52, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Void Mystery' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/voidmystery.png", "voidmystery", 99, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Shamrock' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/virtualshamrock.png", "shamrock", 99, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Maple Chess Set' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/maplechessset.png", "maplechessset", 99, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Shield' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/shield.png", "shield", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Temporary Virtual' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/temporaryvirtual.png", "temporaryvirtual", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Envelope' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/birthday_card", "birthday_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Birthday Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/birthday_card", "birthday_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Get Well Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/get_well_card", "get_well_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Earth Day Card #1' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_1", "earth_day_card_1", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Earth Day Card #2' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_2", "earth_day_card_2", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Earth Day Card #3' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/earth_day_card_3", "earth_day_card_3", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Stay Home Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/stay_home_card", "stay_home_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Thank You Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/thank_you_card", "thank_you_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'World Laughter Day Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/world_laughter_day_card", "world_laughter_day_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Clan War Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/clan_war_card", "clan_war_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Hammercorn Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/hammercorn_card", "hammercorn_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Safe Travels Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/safe_travels_card", "safe_travels_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Congrats Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/congrats_card", "congrats_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Sorry Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card", "sorry_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Sorry Card 1' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_1", "sorry_card_1", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Sorry Card 2' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_2", "sorry_card_2", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'Sorry Card 3' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/sorry_card_3", "sorry_card_3", 101, 0, 32 ];
window.mt[ 'May Flowers Card' ] = [ "https://munzee.global.ssl.fastly.net/images/pins/may_flowers_card", "may_flowers_card", 101, 0, 32 ];
for ( var zee in window.munzees ) { window.mt[ window.munzees[ zee ][ 0 ] ][ 3 ] = parseInt( zee ); }
window.initMunzeeTypes( 101 );
window.initMunzeeTypes( 52 );
window.initMunzeeTypes( 0 );
window.oldNames[ 'POI Garden' ] = 'POI Virtual Garden';
window.oldNames[ 'prize wheel' ] = 'Sir Prize Wheel';
document.getElementById( 'permalinktext' ).align = 'right';
window.setTimeout( function() {
var toggleToolbox = document.createElement( 'input' );
toggleToolbox.id = 'toggleToolbox';
toggleToolbox.type = 'button';
toggleToolbox.setAttribute( 'class', 'btnToggle' );
toggleToolbox.title = 'Toggle display of types box.';
toggleToolbox.value = 'Hide Toolbox';
toggleToolbox.style = 'float: left;';
var toggleTypes = document.createElement( 'input' );
toggleTypes.id = 'toggleTypes';
toggleTypes.type = 'button';
toggleTypes.setAttribute( 'class', 'btnToggle' );
toggleTypes.title = 'Toggle display of types box.';
toggleTypes.value = 'Hide Types';
toggleTypes.style = 'float: right;';
var toggleButtons = document.createElement( 'div' );
toggleButtons.id = 'toggleButtons';
toggleButtons.append( toggleToolbox );
toggleButtons.append( toggleTypes );
document.getElementById( 'maptiles' ).append( toggleButtons );
var arrToggleBtns = document.getElementsByClassName( 'btnToggle' );
for ( var i = 0; i < arrToggleBtns.length; i++ ) {
arrToggleBtns[ i ].addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
var isHideShow = event.target.value.split( ' ' )[ 0 ];
var forBtn = event.target.value.split( ' ' )[ 1 ];
try {
var doHideShow = ( isHideShow === 'Hide' ? 'Show' : 'Hide' );
event.target.value = doHideShow + ' ' + forBtn;
if ( forBtn === 'Toolbox' ) {
document.getElementById( 'toolbox' ).style.display = ( isHideShow === 'Hide' ? 'none' : 'inline-block' );
} else if ( forBtn === 'Types' ) {
document.getElementById( 'munzee-types' ).style.display = ( isHideShow === 'Hide' ? 'none' : 'inherit' );
} catch ( errToggle ) {
log( 0, 'error', 'Failed while attempting to %s %o\n\t: %o', isHideShow, forBtn, errToggle );
log( 0, 'info', 'objTypes: %o', getCounts() );
} );
}, 3000);
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customGrid.id = 'customGrid';
customGrid.setAttribute( 'class', 'btn' );
customGrid.width = '50'; customGrid.height = '50';
customGrid.title = 'Grid size ? × ?';
customGrid.src = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662752932151820308/662772347174125568/MVGP_Custom_Size.png';
document.querySelectorAll( 'div#toolbox img.btn' )[ 8 ].after( customGrid );
document.getElementById( 'customGrid' ).addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
var intCurrentGridSize = window.n;
var askSize = prompt( 'Grids must have matching widths and heights.\nGrids larger than 120×120 may not load well.\n\n\tWhat size would you like your grid?', intCurrentGridSize );
if ( !askSize ) {
console.log( 'Aborted custom grid size input.' );
} else if ( isNaN( parseInt( askSize ) ) ) {
alert( '"' + askSize + '" is not a number. Please try again and enter a single number.' );
} else if ( parseInt( askSize ) > 120 ) {
var intNewGridSize = parseInt( askSize );
var amSure = confirm( '"' + intNewGridSize + '×' + intNewGridSize + '" is greater than 120×120.\nGrids larger than 120×120 are more likely to crash your browser.\n\n\tARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO TRY?' );
if ( amSure ) {
window.n = intNewGridSize;
window.setGridSize( window.n );
} else if ( intNewGridSize > 60 ) {
window.n = intNewGridSize;
window.setGridSize( window.n );
} else {
window.setGridSize( window.n );
} );
var rotateRightOne = document.createElement( 'img' );
rotateRightOne.id = 'rotateRightOne';
rotateRightOne.setAttribute( 'class', 'btn' );
rotateRightOne.title = 'Rotate the grid right by 1 degree.';
rotateRightOne.src = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662752932151820308/662753267276841035/grid_rotate4.png';
rotateRightOne.setAttribute( 'onclick', 'rotateGridRight(1)' );
document.querySelectorAll( 'div#toolbox img.btn' )[ 5 ].after( rotateRightOne );
var rotateLeftOne = document.createElement( 'img' );
rotateLeftOne.id = 'rotateLeftOne';
rotateLeftOne.setAttribute( 'class', 'btn' );
rotateLeftOne.title = 'Rotate the grid left by 1 degree.';
rotateLeftOne.src = 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/662752932151820308/662753258221076490/grid_rotate3.png';
rotateLeftOne.setAttribute( 'onclick', 'rotateGridLeft(1)' );
document.querySelectorAll( 'div#toolbox img.btn' )[ 4 ].before( rotateLeftOne );
var pinCounts = document.createElement( 'div' );
} )();