Greasy Fork is available in English.

FastGithub 镜像加速访问、克隆和下载


As of 06/09/2021. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @icon
// @name          FastGithub 镜像加速访问、克隆和下载
// @namespace     RC1844.FastGithub
// @author        RC1844
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @license       MIT License
// @description   镜像访问GitHub,极速Clone、Release/Raw/Zip加速;十几个站点可供选择;前往项目Github仓库查看免费搭建Github镜像站点方法
// @include       *://*
// @include       *://github*
// @include       *://*
// @require
// @version       1.6.3
// @run-at        document-end
// ==/UserScript==

(function () {
  var clone = true;
  // var clone = false;
  var depth = true;
  // var depth = false;
  var Setting = "";
  if (clone) {
    Setting += "git clone ";
    if (depth) {
      Setting += "--depth=1 ";

  var MirrorUrl = new Array();//["Url", "Name", "Tip"]
  MirrorUrl[0] = ["", "Cnpmjs", "由cnpmjs.org提供"];
  MirrorUrl[1] = ["", "FastGit", "由KevinZonda推动的FastGit项目,请仔细甄别"];
  MirrorUrl[2] = ["", "CF加速 1", "每日10万次调用上限,由wuyanzheshui提供"];
  MirrorUrl[3] = ["", "Bajins", "Bajins的个人站点"];
  MirrorUrl[4] = ["", "FastGit", MirrorUrl[1][2]];
  MirrorUrl[5] = ["", "CF加速 2", "每日10万次调用上限,由RC1844提供"];
  MirrorUrl[6] = ["", "GitClone", "GitHub缓存加速网站,1元开会员尽享极速"];
  MirrorUrl[7] = ["", "加速你的Github", "利用ucloud提供的GlobalSSH"];
  MirrorUrl[8] = ["", "laiczhang", "laiczhang的个人站点"];
  MirrorUrl[9] = ["", "jsDelivr", "项目当前分支总文件大小不可超过 50MB"];
  MirrorUrl[10] = ["", "Ioiox", "CN2 GIA 线路"];
  MirrorUrl[11] = ["", "FastGit", MirrorUrl[1][2]];
  MirrorUrl[12] = ["", "Statically", "只能浏览图片和源代码文件,文件大小限制为30MB"]
  // MirrorUrl[13] = ["", "IAPK", "IAPK工具箱·Github下载器"]
  MirrorUrl[14] = ["", "IAPK", "IAPK工具箱·Github下载器"]
  MirrorUrl[15] = ["", "CF加速 3", "每日10万次调用上限,由Ecalose提供"]
  var CloneSet = [1, 0, 6, 10];
  var MirrorSet = [1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 15];
  var DownloadSet = [4, 2, 5, 15, 10, 14];
  var RawSet = [3, 2, 5, 15, 14];

  var OtherUrl = new Array();
  OtherUrl = [
    ["", "脚本Github仓库地址,点个赞谢谢"],
    ["", "GreasyFork地址,希望可以给我评分收藏"],
    ["", "FastGit,请仔细甄别"],
    ["", "DownGit"],
    ["", "DownGit 周大侠啊"],
    ["", "GitClone,1元开会员"],
    ["", "GitHub中转下载"],
    ["", "Gitee 极速下载"],
    ["","CSDN Mirrors 镜像仓库"],
    ["", "孟坤工具箱"],
    ["", "加速你的Github"],
    ["", "GitHub代下服务"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点1"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点2"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点3"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点4"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点5"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点6"],
    ["", "gh-proxy部署站点6"],
  var CloneList = addCloneList();
  var OtherList = addOtherList();
  var isPC = IsPC();
  $(document).on("pjax:success", function () {

  function run() {
    addMenus(CloneList + addBrowseList() + OtherList);
    if (location.pathname.split("/")[3] == "releases")
    if (isPC)
   * 添加Raw列表
  function addRawList() {
    $("#raw-url").each(function () {
      var href = $(this).attr("href");
      rawHtml(11, MirrorUrl[11][0] + href.replace("/raw", ""));
      RawSet.forEach((element) => {
        rawHtml(element, MirrorUrl[element][0] + href);
      rawHtml(9, MirrorUrl[9][0] + href.replace("/raw/", "@"));
      rawHtml(12, MirrorUrl[12][0] + href.replace("/raw", ""));

      function rawHtml(element, Url) {
        var span = $("#raw-url").clone().removeAttr("id");
          href: Url,
          title: MirrorUrl[element][2],
          target: "_blank",

   * Fast Download ZIP
  function addDownloadZip() {
    $("a[data-open-app='link']").each(function () {
      var span = $(`<li class="Box-row p-0"></li>`);
      var href = $(this).attr("href");
      var clone = $(this)
        .removeAttr("data-hydro-click data-hydro-click-hmac data-ga-click");
      clone.addClass("Box-row Box-row--hover-gray");
      DownloadSet.forEach((element) => {
        var span1 = clone.clone();
          href: MirrorUrl[element][0] + href,
          title: MirrorUrl[element][2],
          span1.html().replace("Download ZIP", `Download ZIP(${MirrorUrl[element][1]})`)
        span = span.clone().append(span1);
   * 添加Releases列表
  function addReleasesList() {
    $(".Box--condensed").find("[href]").each(function () {
      var href = $(this).attr("href");
      $(this).parent().after(`<div class="Box-body" >` + downloadHref(href) + `</div>`);

      function downloadHref(href) {
        var span = "";
        DownloadSet.forEach((element) => {
          span += `<a class="flex-1 btn btn-outline get-repo-btn BtnGroup-item"
                    style="float: none; border-color: var(--color-btn-outline-text);"
                    href="${MirrorUrl[element][0] + href}"
        return span;
  * 检测是否为PC端
  function IsPC() {
    var userAgentInfo = navigator.userAgent;
    var Agents = [
      "Windows Phone",
    var flag = true;
    const len = Agents.length;
    for (var v = 0; v < len; v++) {
      if (userAgentInfo.indexOf(Agents[v]) > 0) {
        flag = false;
    return flag;
   * 添加菜单列表
  function addMenus(info) {
    // $("")
   * 添加克隆列表
  function addCloneList() {
    var href = window.location.href.split("/");
    var git = href[3] + "/" + href[4] + ".git";
    var info = `<details class="details-reset details-overlay mr-0 mb-0" id="mirror-menu">
  <summary class="btn  ml-2 btn-primary" data-hotkey="m" title="打开列表" aria-haspopup="menu" role="button">
    <span class="css-truncate-target" data-menu-button="">克隆与镜像</span>
    <span class="dropdown-caret"></span>

  <details-menu class="SelectMenu SelectMenu--hasFilter" role="menu">
    <div class="SelectMenu-modal" style="width: 400px;">

      <header class="SelectMenu-header">
        <span class="SelectMenu-title">镜像站点与快速克隆</span>
        <button class="SelectMenu-closeButton" type="button" data-toggle-for="mirror-menu"><svg aria-label="Close menu"
            class="octicon octicon-x" width="16" height="16" role="img">
            <path fill-rule="evenodd"
              d="M3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 011.06 0L8 6.94l3.22-3.22a.75.75 0 111.06 1.06L9.06 8l3.22 3.22a.75.75 0 11-1.06 1.06L8 9.06l-3.22 3.22a.75.75 0 01-1.06-1.06L6.94 8 3.72 4.78a.75.75 0 010-1.06z">

      <tab-container class="d-flex flex-column js-branches-tags-tabs" style="min-height: 0;">

        <div class="SelectMenu-tabs" role="tablist">
          <button class="SelectMenu-tab" type="button" role="tab"
            aria-selected="true" tabindex="0">主要</button>
          <button class="SelectMenu-tab" type="button" role="tab"
            aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1">其他</button>

        <div role="tabpanel" class="flex-column flex-auto overflow-auto" tabindex="0">
          <div class="SelectMenu-list" data-filter-list="">
            <div class="btn-block"
              style="padding: 4px;background-color: #ffffdd;color: #996600;" role="alert">
            <div class="btn-block flash-error"
              style="padding: 4px;color: #990000;" role="alert">
              请不要在镜像网站登录账号,若因此造成任何损失本人概不负责</div> `;
    CloneSet.forEach((element) => {
      info += cloneHtml(Setting + MirrorUrl[element][0] + "/" + git, MirrorUrl[element][1]);
    info += cloneHtml(Setting + MirrorUrl[7][0] + git, MirrorUrl[7][1]);
    info += cloneHtml("git remote set-url origin" + git, "还原GitHub仓库地址");
    function cloneHtml(Url, Tip) {
      return `<div class="input-group" title="${Tip}">
              <input type="text" class="form-control input-monospace input-sm" value="${Url}" readonly=""
              <div class="input-group-button">
                <clipboard-copy value="${Url}" class="btn btn-sm"><svg class="octicon octicon-clippy"
                    viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true">
                    <path fill-rule="evenodd"
                      d="M5.75 1a.75.75 0 00-.75.75v3c0 .414.336.75.75.75h4.5a.75.75 0 00.75-.75v-3a.75.75 0 00-.75-.75h-4.5zm.75 3V2.5h3V4h-3zm-2.874-.467a.75.75 0 00-.752-1.298A1.75 1.75 0 002 3.75v9.5c0 .966.784 1.75 1.75 1.75h8.5A1.75 1.75 0 0014 13.25v-9.5a1.75 1.75 0 00-.874-1.515.75.75 0 10-.752 0 01.126.217v9.5a.25.25 0 01-.25.25h-8.5a.25.25 0 01-.25-.25v-9.5a.25.25 0 01.126-.217z">
    return info;
   * 添加镜像浏览列表
  function addBrowseList() {
    var info = ``;
    var href = window.location.href.split("/");
    var path = window.location.pathname;
    MirrorSet.forEach((element) => {
      info += listHtml(MirrorUrl[element][0] + path, `镜像浏览(${MirrorUrl[element][1]})`, MirrorUrl[element][2]);
    if (
      href.length == 5 ||
      path.includes("/tree/") ||
    ) {
      var Html =
        MirrorUrl[9][0] + path.replace("/tree/", "@").replace("/blob/", "@");
      if (!path.includes("/blob/")) {
        Html += "/";
      info += listHtml(Html, `镜像浏览(${MirrorUrl[9][1]})`, MirrorUrl[9][2]);
    if (location.hostname != "") {
      info += listHtml(`${path}`, "返回GitHub");
    return info;

   * 添加其他列表
  function addOtherList() {
    var info = `
        <div role="tabpanel" class="flex-column flex-auto overflow-auto"
          tabindex="0" hidden="">
          <div class="SelectMenu-list">
    OtherUrl.forEach((element) => {
      info += listHtml(element[0], element[1]);
    info += `</div>
    return info;
  function listHtml(Url, Name, Tip = "") {
    return `<a class="SelectMenu-item"
              href="${Url}" target="_blank"
              title="${Tip}" role="menuitemradio"
              aria-checked="false" rel="nofollow">
            <span class="css-truncate css-truncate-overflow"