

As of 14/10/2019. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         51talk选择最好最合适的老师-经验|好评率|年龄|收藏数
// @version      1.0.14
// @namespace    https://github.com/niubilityfrontend
// @description  辅助选老师-排序显示,经验值计算|好评率|显示年龄|列表显示所有教师
// @author       jimbo
// @license      OSL-3.0
// @supportURL   https://github.com/niubilityfrontend/hunttingteacheron51talk
// @match        *://www.51talk.com/ReserveNew/index*
// @match        *://www.51talk.com/TeacherNew/*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_listValues
// @grant        GM_deleteValue
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @require      http://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pace/1.0.2/pace.min.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/free-jqgrid/4.15.5/i18n/grid.locale-cn.js
// @require      https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/free-jqgrid/4.15.5/jquery.jqgrid.min.js
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/388372-scrollfix/code/scrollfix.js?version=726657
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/389774-gm-config-toolbar/code/gm_config_toolbar.js?version=730739
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
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	const config = GM_config([{
			key: 'pagecount',
			label: '自动获取页数',
			default: 10,
			type: 'dropdown',
			values: [0, 5, 10, 20, 50]
			key: 'version',
			type: 'hidden',
			default: 1
	let conf = config.load();
	config.onsave = cfg => {
		conf = cfg;
		$('#auotonextpage').text('自动获取' + conf.pagecount + "页");
	GM_registerMenuCommand('配置', config.setup);

	function sleep(delay) {
		var start = (new Date()).getTime();
		while ((new Date()).getTime() - start < delay) {
	Array.prototype.clean = function(deleteValue = "") {
		for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
			if (this[i] == deleteValue) {
				this.splice(i, 1);
		return this;
	Number.prototype.toString = function() {
		return this.toFixed(2);
	String.prototype.toFloat = function() {
		return parseFloat(this);
	String.prototype.toInt = function() {
		return parseInt(this);
	String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) {
		return this.slice(0, str.length) == str;
	String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) {
		return this.slice(-str.length) == str;
	String.prototype.contains = function(str) {
		return this.indexOf(str) > -1;
	String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
		var target = this;
		return target.replace(new RegExp(search, 'g'), replacement);

	$(".item-top-cont").prop('innerHTML', function(i, val) {
		return val.replaceAll('<!--', '').replaceAll('-->', '');

	var asc = function(a, b) {
		var av = $(a).attr('indicator');
		var bv = $(b).attr('indicator');
		if (!av || !bv) return 0;
		return $(a).attr('indicator').toFloat() > $(b).attr('indicator').toFloat() ? 1 : -1;

	var desc = function(a, b) {
		var av = $(a).attr('indicator');
		var bv = $(b).attr('indicator');
		if (!av || !bv) return 0;
		return $(a).attr('indicator').toFloat() > $(b).attr('indicator').toFloat() ? -1 : 1;

	var sortByIndicator = function(sortBy) {
		var sortEle = $('.s-t-content.f-cb .item').sort(sortBy);
	 * 提交运算函数到 document 的 fx 队列
	var submit = function(fun) {
		var queue = $.queue(document, "fx", fun);
		if (queue[0] == 'inprogress') {

	let maxrate = 0,
		minrate = 99999,
		maxlabel = 0,
		minlabel = 9999999,
		maxfc = 0,
		minfc = 999999,
		maxage = 0,
		minage = 99999;

	function updateTeacherinfoToUI(jqel, tinfo) {
		if (tinfo.label > maxlabel) maxlabel = tinfo.label;
		if (tinfo.label < minlabel) minlabel = tinfo.label;
		if (tinfo.favoritesCount > maxfc) maxfc = tinfo.favoritesCount;
		if (tinfo.favoritesCount < minfc) minfc = tinfo.favoritesCount;
		if (tinfo.thumbupRate > maxrate) maxrate = tinfo.thumbupRate;
		if (tinfo.thumbupRate < minrate) minrate = tinfo.thumbupRate;
		if (tinfo.age > maxage) maxage = tinfo.age;
		if (tinfo.age < minage) minage = tinfo.age;
		jqel.attr("teacherinfo", JSON.stringify(tinfo));
			.html(jqel.find(".teacher-name").text() + "<br />[" + tinfo.label + "|" + tinfo.thumbupRate + "%|" + tinfo.favoritesCount +
			.html(jqel.find(".teacher-age").text() + " | <label title='排序指标'>" + tinfo.indicator + "</label>");
		jqel //.attr('thumbup', tinfo.thumbup)
			//.attr('thumbdown', tinfo.thumbdown)
			//.attr('thumbupRate', tinfo.thumbupRate)
			//.attr('age', tinfo.age)
			//.attr('label', tinfo.label)
			.attr('indicator', tinfo.indicator);

	function executeFilters(uifilters) {
		let tcount = 0,
			hidecount = 0;
		$.each($('.item'), function(i, item) {
			var node = $(item);
			var tinfojson = node.attr("teacherinfo");
			if (!tinfojson) {
				return true;
			var tinfo = JSON.parse(tinfojson);
			if ((tinfo.thumbupRate >= uifilters.rate1 && tinfo.thumbupRate <= uifilters.rate2) &&
				tinfo.label >= uifilters.l1 && tinfo.label <= uifilters.l2 &&
				tinfo.age >= uifilters.age1 && tinfo.age <= uifilters.age2 &&
				tinfo.favoritesCount >= uifilters.fc1 && tinfo.favoritesCount <= uifilters.fc2) {
				if (node.is(':hidden')) { //如果node是隐藏的则显示node元素,否则隐藏
						left: "+=50"
					}, 3500).animate({
						left: "-=50"
					}, 3500);
				} else {
					//nothing todo
			} else {
				node.css('color', 'white').hide();

	let configExprMilliseconds = 1000 * 60 * 60 * GM_getValue('tinfoexprhours', 24 * 3); //缓存7天小时
	let num = /[0-9]*/g;

	function getUiFilters() {
		var l1 = $("#tlabelslider").slider('values', 0);
		var l2 = $("#tlabelslider").slider('values', 1);
		var rate1 = $("#thumbupRateslider").slider('values', 0);
		var rate2 = $("#thumbupRateslider").slider('values', 1);
		var age1 = $("#tAgeSlider").slider('values', 0);
		var age2 = $("#tAgeSlider").slider('values', 1);
		var fc1 = $("#fcSlider").slider('values', 0);
		var fc2 = $("#fcSlider").slider('values', 1);
		return {

	function gettid() {
		return window.location.href.match(/(t\d+)/g);

	function getinfokey() {
		return 'tinfo-' + gettid();

	function processTeacherDetailPage(jqr) {
		jqr.find('.teacher-name-tit').prop('innerHTML', function(i, val) {
			return val.replaceAll('<!--', '').replaceAll('-->', '');
		var tinfo = GM_getValue(getinfokey(), {});
		tinfo.label = (function() {
			let l = 0;
			$.each(jqr.find(".t-d-label").text().match(num).clean(""), function(i, val) {
				l += Number(val);
			l = Math.ceil(l / 5);
			return l;
		if (window.location.href.toLocaleLowerCase().contains("teachercomment")) {
			tinfo.thumbup = Number(jqr.find(".evaluate-content-left span:eq(1)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
			tinfo.thumbdown = Number(jqr.find(".evaluate-content-left span:eq(2)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
			tinfo.thumbupRate = ((tinfo.thumbup + 0.00001) / (tinfo.thumbdown + tinfo.thumbup)).toFixed(2) * 100;
			tinfo.slevel = jqr.find('.sui-students').text();
			tinfo.favoritesCount = Number(jqr.find(".clear-search").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
		tinfo.isfavorite = jqr.find(".go-search.cancel-collection").length > 0;
		tinfo.age = Number(jqr.find(".age.age-line:eq(0)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);

		tinfo.name = jqr.find(".t-name").text().trim();
		//tinfo.type = $('.s-t-top-list .li-active').text().trim();
		tinfo.tage = Number(jqr.find(".teacher-name-tit > .age.age-line:eq(1)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
		tinfo.indicator = Math.ceil(tinfo.label * tinfo.thumbupRate / 100) + tinfo.favoritesCount;
		tinfo.expire = new Date().getTime();
		GM_setValue(getinfokey(), tinfo);


	if (window.location.href.toLocaleLowerCase().contains("teachernew")) {

	$(".item").each(function(index, el) {
		submit(function(next) {
			Pace.track(function() {
				let jqel = $(el);
				let tid = jqel.find(".teacher-details-link a").attr('href').replace(
					"https://www.51talk.com/TeacherNew/info/", "").replace('http://www.51talk.com/TeacherNew/info/', '');
				var tinfokey = 'tinfo-' + tid;
				var tinfo = GM_getValue(tinfokey);
				if (tinfo) {
					if (!tinfo.expire) {
						tinfo.expire = new Date(1970, 1, 1).getTime();
					if (new Date().getTime() - tinfo.expire < configExprMilliseconds) {

						updateTeacherinfoToUI(jqel, tinfo);
						return true;
				// ajax 请求一定要包含在一个函数中
				var start = (new Date()).getTime();

					url: window.location.protocol + '//www.51talk.com/TeacherNew/teacherComment?tid=' + tid +
					type: 'GET',
					dateType: 'html',
					success: function(r) {
						var jqr = $(r);
						if (jqr.find('.teacher-name-tit').length > 0) {
							var tempitem = jqr.find('.teacher-name-tit')[0];
							tempitem.innerHTML = tempitem.innerHTML.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '');
						if (jqr.find(".evaluate-content-left span").length >= 3) {
							var thumbup = Number(jqr.find(".evaluate-content-left span:eq(1)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
							var thumbdown = Number(jqr.find(".evaluate-content-left span:eq(2)").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
							var thumbupRate = ((thumbup + 0.00001) / (thumbdown + thumbup)).toFixed(2) * 100;
							var favoritesCount = Number(jqr.find(".clear-search").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
							var age = Number(jqel.find(".teacher-age").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
							var label = (function() {
								let j_len = jqel.find(".label").text().match(num).clean("").length;
								let l = 0;
								for (let j = 0; j < j_len; j++) {
									l += Number(jqel.find(".label").text().match(num).clean("")[j]);
								l = Math.ceil(l / 5);
								return l;
							var isfavorite = jqr.find(".go-search.cancel-collection").length > 0;
							var name = jqel.find(".teacher-name").text();
							var type = $('.s-t-top-list .li-active').text();
							var tage = Number(jqr.find(".teacher-name-tit > .age.age-line").text().match(num).clean("")[0]);
							var slevel = jqr.find('.sui-students').text();
							var tinfo = {
								'slevel': slevel,
								'tage': tage,
								'thumbup': thumbup,
								'thumbdown': thumbdown,
								'thumbupRate': thumbupRate,
								'age': age,
								'label': label,
								'indicator': Math.ceil(label * thumbupRate / 100) + favoritesCount,
								'favoritesCount': favoritesCount,
								'name': name,

								'isfavorite': isfavorite,
								'expire': new Date().getTime()
							if (type != '收藏外教') {
								tinfo.type = type;
							} else {
								tinfo.isfavorite = true;
							GM_setValue(tinfokey, tinfo);
							updateTeacherinfoToUI(jqel, tinfo);
						} else {
							console.log('Teacher s detail info getting error:' + JSON.stringify(jqel) + ",error info:" + r);
					error: function(data) {
						console.log("xhr error when getting teacher " + JSON.stringify(jqel) + ",error msg:" + JSON.stringify(
				}).always(function() {
					while ((new Date()).getTime() - start < 600) {


	submit(function(next) {
		var autonextpage = GM_getValue('autonextpage', 0);
		if (autonextpage > 0) {
			GM_setValue('autonextpage', autonextpage - 1);
			if ($('.s-t-page .next-page').length == 0) {
				GM_setValue('autonextpage', 0);
			} else {
				$('.s-t-page .next-page')[0].click();
				return false;
		try {
			var config = GM_getValue('filterconfig', {
				l1: 300,
				l2: maxlabel,
				rate1: 97,
				rate2: maxrate,
				age1: minage,
				age2: maxage
			$('body').append("<div id='filterdialog' title='Teacher Filter'>" +
				"<div id='tabs'>" +
				"<ul>" +
				'<li><a href="#tabs-1">Search Teachers</a></li>' +
				'<li><a href="#tabs-2">Sorted Teachers</a></li>' +
				'</ul>' +
				'<div id="tabs-1">' +
				"当前可选<span id='tcount' />位,被折叠<span id='thidecount' />位。 " +
				"<div id='buttons'>" +
				"<button id='asc' title='当前为降序,点击后按升序排列'>升序</button><button id='desc' title='当前为升序,点击进行降序排列'  style='display:none;'>降序</button>&nbsp;<input id='tinfoexprhours' title='缓存过期时间(小时)'>&nbsp;<button title='清空教师信息缓存,并重新搜索'>清除缓存</button>&nbsp;<a>去提建议和BUG</a>&nbsp;<a>?</a>&nbsp;<button id='auotonextpage'>自动获取" +
				conf.pagecount + "页</button>&nbsp;" +
				"</div>" +
				"<br />有效经验值 <span id='_tLabelCount' /><br /><div id='tlabelslider'></div>" +
				"收藏数 <span id='_tfc' /><br /><div id='fcSlider'></div>" +
				"好评率 <span id='_thumbupRate'/><br /><div id='thumbupRateslider'></div>" +
				"年龄 <span id='_tAge' /><br /><div id='tAgeSlider'></div>" +
				'</div>' // tab 1 end
				'<div id="tabs-2">' +
				'<table id="teachertab"></table>' +
				'<div id="pager5"></div>' +
				'</div>' //tab 2 end
				"</div>" //tabs end

			$('body').append("<div id='teachlistdialog' style='display:none;'></div>");
			$('body').append("<div id='wwwww'>已加载选课辅助插件。</div>"); //这是一个奇怪的BUG on jqueryui. 如果不多额外添加一个,则dialog无法弹出。
				range: true,
				min: minlabel - 1,
				max: maxlabel,
				values: [config.l1 < minlabel - 1 ? minlabel - 1 : config.l1, maxlabel],
				slide: function(event, ui) {
					$('#_tLabelCount').html(ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
			}).on('slidestop', function(event, ui) {
				var l1 = $("#tlabelslider").slider('values', 0);
				var l2 = $("#tlabelslider").slider('values', 1);
				var uifilters = getUiFilters();
				var filterconfig = GM_getValue('filterconfig', uifilters);
				filterconfig.l1 = l1;
				filterconfig.l2 = l2;
				GM_setValue('filterconfig', filterconfig);
			}); { //配置信息兼容处理 0.1.25 增加收藏次数
				var filterconfig = GM_getValue('filterconfig');
				if (filterconfig && (!filterconfig.fc1 || !filterconfig.fc2)) {
					filterconfig.fc1 = minfc;
					filterconfig.fc2 = maxfc;
					GM_setValue('filterconfig', filterconfig);
				range: true,
				min: minfc,
				max: maxfc,
				values: [config.fc1 < minfc ? minfc : config.fc1, maxfc],
				slide: function(event, ui) {
					$('#_tfc').html(ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
			}).on('slidestop', function(event, ui) {
				var fc1 = $("#fcSlider").slider('values', 0);
				var fc2 = $("#fcSlider").slider('values', 1);
				var uifilters = getUiFilters();
				var filterconfig = GM_getValue('filterconfig', uifilters);
				filterconfig.fc1 = fc1;
				filterconfig.fc2 = fc2;
				GM_setValue('filterconfig', filterconfig);
				range: true,
				min: minrate,
				max: maxrate,
				values: [config.rate1 < minrate ? minrate : config.rate1, maxrate],
				slide: function(event, ui) {
					$('#_thumbupRate').html(ui.values[0] + "% - " + ui.values[1] + '%');
			}).on('slidestop', function(event, ui) {
				var rate1 = $("#thumbupRateslider").slider('values', 0);
				var rate2 = $("#thumbupRateslider").slider('values', 1);
				var uifilters = getUiFilters();
				var filterconfig = GM_getValue('filterconfig', uifilters);
				filterconfig.rate1 = rate1;
				filterconfig.rate2 = rate2;
				GM_setValue('filterconfig', filterconfig);

				range: true,
				min: Number(minage), // 兼容旧缓存中的存储类型,2019-10-1后可以移除类型转换
				max: Number(maxage), // 兼容旧缓存中的存储类型,2019-10-1后可以移除类型转换
				values: [config.age1 < minage ? minage : config.age1, config.age2 > maxage ? maxage : config.age2],
				slide: function(event, ui) {
					$('#_tAge').html(ui.values[0] + " - " + ui.values[1]);
			}).on("slidestop", function(event, ui) {
				var age1 = $("#tAgeSlider").slider('values', 0);
				var age2 = $("#tAgeSlider").slider('values', 1);
				var uifilters = getUiFilters();
				var filterconfig = GM_getValue('filterconfig', uifilters);
				filterconfig.age1 = age1;
				filterconfig.age2 = age2;
				GM_setValue('filterconfig', filterconfig);

			$('#buttons button,#buttons input,#buttons a').eq(0).button({
					icon: 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n',
					showLabel: false
				}) //升序
				.click(function() {
					icon: 'ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s',
					showLabel: false
				}) //降序
				.click(function() {
					min: 0,
					spin: function(event, ui) {
						GM_setValue('tinfoexprhours', ui.value)
				}) // 缓存过期时间(小时)
					width: '20px'
				.val(GM_getValue('tinfoexprhours', 12))
					icon: 'ui-icon-trash',
					showLabel: false
				}) //清空缓存
				.click(function() {
					$.each(GM_listValues(), function(i, item) {
						if (item.startsWith('tinfo-')) {
					icon: 'ui-icon-comment',
					showLabel: false
				}) //submit suggestion
				.prop('target', '_blank')
					icon: 'ui-icon-help',
					showLabel: false
				}) //系统帮助
				.prop('href', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/niubilityfrontend/userscripts/master/hunttingteacheron51talk/README.md')							   
				.prop('target', '_blank')
					icon: 'ui-icon-seek-next',
					showLabel: true
				}) //submit suggestion
				.click(function() {
					GM_setValue('autonextpage', conf.pagecount);
					if ($('.s-t-page .next-page').length == 0) {
						GM_setValue('autonextpage', 0);
					} else {
						$('.s-t-page .next-page')[0].click();

				active: '#tabs-1',
				activate: function(event, ui) {
					var teachers = [];
					$.each(GM_listValues(), function(i, item) {
						if (item.startsWith('tinfo-')) {
							var t = GM_getValue(item);
							t.tid = item.slice(6, item.length);
					teachers = teachers.sort(function(t1, t2) {
						if (t1.indicator == t2.indicator)
							return t1.favoritesCount > t2.favoritesCount;
						return t1.indicator > t2.indicator;

					var jqtable = $("#teachertab");
						data: teachers,
						datatype: "local",
						height: 240,
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