iqiyi player switch

iqiyi player switch between flash and html5

As of 13/05/2017. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         iqiyi player switch
// @namespace
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @version      1.6.0
// @description  iqiyi player switch between flash and html5
// @author       gooyie
// @license      MIT License
// @include      *://**
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_info
// @grant        GM_log
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @run-at       document-start
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    const PLAYER_TYPE = {
        Html5VOD: 'h5_VOD',
        FlashVOD: 'flash_VOD'

    class Logger {

        static get tag() {
            return `[${}]: `;

        static log(msg) {
            GM_log(this.tag + msg);


    class Cookies {

        static get(key) {
            let value;
            if (new RegExp('^[^\\x00-\\x20\\x7f\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\"\\[\\]\\?=\\{\\}\\/\\u0080-\\uffff]+$').test(key)) {
                let re = new RegExp('(^| )' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
                let rs = re.exec(document.cookie);
                value = rs ? rs[2] : '';
            return value ? decodeURIComponent(value) : '';

        static set(k, v, o={}) {
            let n = o.expires;
            if ('number' == typeof o.expires) {
                n = new Date();
                n.setTime(n.getTime() + o.expires);
            let key = k;
            let value = encodeURIComponent(v);
            let path = o.path ? '; path=' + o.path : '';
            let expires = n ? '; expires=' + n.toGMTString() : '';
            let domain = o.domain ? '; domain=' + o.domain : '';
            document.cookie = `${key}=${value}${path}${expires}${domain}`;

        static remove(k, o={}) {
            o.expires = new Date(0);
            this.set(k, '', o);


    class Detector {

        static isSupportHtml5() {
            let v = document.createElement('video');
            return !!(
                v.canPlayType('audio/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2"') &&
                v.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.640029"') &&
                v.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.640029, mp4a.40.2"')

        static isSupportVms() {
            return !!(
                window.MediaSource && window.URL && window.WebSocket && window.ReadableStream &&
                (window.RTCSessionDescription || window.webkitRTCSessionDescription) &&
                (window.RTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection) &&
                (window.RTCIceCandidate || window.webkitRTCIceCandidate)

        static isSupportM3u8() {
            let v = document.createElement('video');
            return !!(
                v.canPlayType('application/x-mpegurl') &&

        static isChrome() {
            return /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

        static isFirefox() {
            return /firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

        static isEdge() {
            return /edge/i.test(navigator.userAgent);


    class Hooker {

        static hookCall(cb = ()=>{}) {

            const call =;
   = function(...args) {
                let ret = call.bind(this)(...args);
                if (args) cb(...args);
                return ret;

   = = function() {
                return 'function call() { [native code] }';


        static _isFactoryCall(args) { // module.exports, module, module.exports, require
            return args.length === 4 && 'object' === typeof args[1] && args[1].hasOwnProperty('exports');

        static hookFactoryCall(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookCall((...args) => {if (this._isFactoryCall(args)) cb(...args);});

        static _isJqueryFactoryCall(exports) {
            return exports.hasOwnProperty('fn') && exports.fn.hasOwnProperty('jquery');

        static hookJquery(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookFactoryCall((...args) => {if (this._isJqueryFactoryCall(args[1].exports)) cb(...args);});

        static hookJqueryAjax(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookJquery((...args) => {
                let exports = args[1].exports;

                const ajax = exports.ajax.bind(exports);

                exports.ajax = function(url, options = {}) {
                    if (typeof url === 'object') {
                        [url, options] = [url.url, url];

                    let isHijacked = cb(url, options);
                    if (isHijacked) return;

                    return ajax(url, options);

        static _isHttpFactoryCall(exports = {}) {
            return exports.hasOwnProperty('jsonp') && exports.hasOwnProperty('ajax');

        static hookHttp(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookFactoryCall((...args) => {if (this._isHttpFactoryCall(args[1].exports)) cb(...args);});

        static hookHttpJsonp(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookHttp((...args) => {
                let exports = args[1].exports;

                const jsonp = exports.jsonp.bind(exports);

                exports.jsonp = function(options) {
                    let isHijacked = cb(options);
                    if (isHijacked) return;
                    return jsonp(options);

        static _isLogoFactoryCall(exports = {}) {
            return 'function' === typeof exports && exports.prototype.hasOwnProperty('showLogo');

        static hookLogo(cb = ()=>{}) {
            this.hookFactoryCall((...args) => {if (this._isLogoFactoryCall(args[1].exports)) cb(args[1].exports);});


    class Faker {

        static fakeMacPlatform() {
            const PLAFORM_MAC = 'mac';
            Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow.navigator, 'platform', {get: () => PLAFORM_MAC});

        static fakeSafari() {
            const UA_SAFARY = 'safari';
            Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow.navigator, 'userAgent', {get: () => UA_SAFARY});

        static fakeChrome() {
            const UA_CHROME = 'chrome';
            Object.defineProperty(unsafeWindow.navigator, 'userAgent', {get: () => UA_CHROME});

        static _calcSign(authcookie) {
            const RESPONSE_KEY = '-0J1d9d^ESd)9jSsja';
            return md5(authcookie.substring(5, 39).split('').reverse().join('') + '<1<' + RESPONSE_KEY);

        static fakeVipRes(authcookie) {
            let json = {
                code: 'A00000',
                data: {
                    sign: this._calcSign(authcookie)
            return json;

        static fakeAdRes() {
            let json = {};
            return json;

        static fakePassportCookie() {
            Cookies.set('P00001', 'faked_passport', {domain: ''});
            Logger.log(`faked passport cookie`);


    class Mocker {

        static mock() {
            let currType = GM_getValue('player_forcedType', PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD);

            if (currType === PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD) {
                if (!Detector.isSupportHtml5()) {
                    alert('╮(╯▽╰)╭ 你的浏览器播放不了html5视频~~~~');

            } else {

            window.addEventListener('unload', event => this.destroy());

        static forceHtml5() {
            Logger.log(`setting player_forcedType cookie as ${PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD}`);
            Cookies.set('player_forcedType', PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD, {domain: ''});

        static forceFlash() {
            Logger.log(`setting player_forcedType cookie as ${PLAYER_TYPE.FlashVOD}`);
            Cookies.set('player_forcedType', PLAYER_TYPE.FlashVOD, {domain: ''});

        static mockToUseVms() {

        static mockToUseM3u8() {

        static _isVideoReq(url) {
            return /^https?:\/\/(?:\d+.?){4}\/videos\/v.*$/.test(url);

        static mockForBestDefintion() {
            // apply shims
            if (Detector.isFirefox()) {
                const fetch = unsafeWindow.fetch.bind(unsafeWindow);

                unsafeWindow.fetch = (url, opts) => {
                    if (this._isVideoReq(url)) {
                        Logger.log(`fetching stream ${url}`);
                        return fetchStream(url, opts); // xhr with moz-chunked-arraybuffer
                    } else {
                        return fetch(url, opts);
            } else if (Detector.isEdge()) {
                // export to the global window object
                unsafeWindow.RTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate;
                unsafeWindow.RTCPeerConnection = window.RTCPeerConnection;
                unsafeWindow.RTCSessionDescription = window.RTCSessionDescription;
            // auto fall-back
            if (Detector.isSupportVms()) {
                if (!Detector.isChrome()) this.mockToUseVms(); // vms, 1080p or higher
            } else if (Detector.isSupportM3u8()) {
                this.mockToUseM3u8(); // tmts m3u8
            } else {
                // by default, tmts mp4 ...

        static _isAdReq(url) {
            const AD_URL = '';
            return url.indexOf(AD_URL) === 0;

        static mockAd() {
            Hooker.hookJqueryAjax((url, options) => {
                if (this._isAdReq(url)) {
                    let res = Faker.fakeAdRes();
                    (options.complete || options.success)({responseJSON: res}, 'success');
                    Logger.log(`mocked ad request ${url}`);
                    return true;

        static _isCheckVipReq(url) {
            const CHECK_VIP_URL = '';
            return url === CHECK_VIP_URL;

        static _isLogin() {
            return !!Cookies.get('P00001');

        static mockVip() {
            if (!this._isLogin()) Faker.fakePassportCookie();

            Hooker.hookHttpJsonp((options) => {
                let url = options.url;

                if (this._isCheckVipReq(url)) {
                    let res = Faker.fakeVipRes(options.params.authcookie);
                    Logger.log(`mocked check vip request ${url}`);
                    return true;

        static mockLogo() {
            Hooker.hookLogo(exports => exports.prototype.showLogo = ()=>{});

        static destroy() {
            Cookies.remove('player_forcedType', {domain: ''});
            if (Cookies.get('P00001') === 'faked_passport') Cookies.remove('P00001', {domain: ''});
            Logger.log(`removed cookies.`);


    class Switcher {

        static switchTo(toType) {
            Logger.log(`switching to ${toType} ...`);

            GM_setValue('player_forcedType', toType);


    function registerMenu() {
        const MENU_NAME = {
            HTML5: 'HTML5播放器',
            FLASH: 'Flash播放器'

        let currType = GM_getValue('player_forcedType', PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD); // 默认为Html5播放器,免去切换。
        let [toType, name] = currType === PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD ? [PLAYER_TYPE.FlashVOD, MENU_NAME.FLASH] : [PLAYER_TYPE.Html5VOD, MENU_NAME.HTML5];
        GM_registerMenuCommand(name, () => Switcher.switchTo(toType), null);
        Logger.log(`registered menu.`);

