Greasy Fork is available in English.

tumblr optica restyle

for tumblrs with the optica theme, move header to side and automatically display post notes

As of 12/06/2016. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         tumblr optica restyle
// @namespace
// @version      0.3.1
// @description  for tumblrs with the optica theme, move header to side and automatically display post notes
// @author       scriptfairy
// @include      http*://**
// @exclude      http*://*
// @grant        none
// @require

// ==/UserScript==

(function($) {
    if ($('a[href$="optica"]').length > 0) {
        var themeBackground = $('body').css('background-color'), r, g, b, searchColor;
        themeBackground = themeBackground.slice(themeBackground.indexOf('(')+1,themeBackground.indexOf(')')).split(',');
        if ((themeBackground[0] < 128 && themeBackground[1] < 128) || (themeBackground[0] < 128 && themeBackground[2] < 128) || (themeBackground[1] < 128 && themeBackground[2] < 128)) {
            r = b = g = 255;
        else {r = g = b = 0;}
        searchColor = 'rgb('+r+','+g+','+b+')';
            '@media screen and (min-width: 1200px) {.iframe-controls--desktop {width:500px;} .logo-wrapper {color:'+searchColor+';} #posts .post-wrapper {overflow:visible;width:700px} .l-container {padding:0;} .inline-meta {max-width:100%; margin: 0 20px;} .date-note-wrapper #notes {display:block;position:relative;min-height:50px;width:100%;margin:0;left:-10px;top:32px;border:none;box-shadow:none;} .date-note-wrapper .post-date {position:absolute;top:4px;right:120px;} .notes-wrapper .notes {overflow:auto;max-height:100%;} .post-footer .post-controls {position:absolute;top:0;right:0;} .header-wrapper {position:absolute;top:50px;} .header-wrapper #header {max-width:500px;margin:25px;} #posts, #footer {float:right;top:75px;right:50px;} .staff-blogs {position:absolute;left:-150px;}}'