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Pixiv Plus JS - Focus on immersive experience, 1. Block ads, directly access popular pictures 2. Use user to enter the way to search 3. Search pid and uid 4. Display original image and size, picture rename, download original image | gif map | Zip|multiple map zip 5. display artist id, artist background image 6. auto load comment 7. dynamic markup work type 8. remove redirection 9. single page sort 10. control panel select desired function github: https:/ /github.com/Ahaochan/Tampermonkey, welcome to star and fo
Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy JS - Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
Search By Image JS - Search By Image | 以图搜图
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Github Pull Request From Link JS - Make pull request branches linkable
百度贴吧不可能会跳转! JS - 去除贴吧帖子里链接的跳转
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Pixiv Direct Links JS - Turns thumbnail titles into direct links and disables lazy-loading on ranking pages.
Clean Loopy For Youtube JS - Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
Textarea Plus JS - Have a better textarea! A userscript which can improve plain textarea for code editing.
YouTube HD Override JS - Makes YouTube videos run in high definition + YouTube fixes
Youtube 720p JS - A simple as possible script to automatically change video quality to 720p (or higher if you want).
Youtube Space=Pause JS - Pressing space when watching a video on Youtube will always pause the video instead of functioning like Page Down key.
Submit to Tab with Ctrl + Click / Ctrl + Enter / Middle click JS - Sets form's target to `_blank` when submitted while Control key is being pressed. Allow submit with middle mouse button.
GitHub Monospace Font Toggle JS - A userscript that adds monospace font toggle to comments
Twitter video links JS - Показывает прямые ссылки на видео в твиттере. Direct twitter video links showing in the bottom of the player.
bilibili H5播放器快捷操作 JS - 快捷键设置,回车快速发弹幕,双击全屏,自动选择最高清画质、播放、全屏、关闭弹幕、自动转跳和自动关灯等
BilibiliCover - 获取并显示B站视频封面图片 JS - 获取并显示B站视频封面
修复NGA海外图片 JS - 重定向图片
YouTube Live CPU Tamer JS - It reduces the high CPU usage on Super Chats with nothing to lose.
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