// ==UserScript==
// @name Web Page Accelerator
// @namespace instant.page
// @version v1.
// @author OB_BUFF
// @description Automatically accelerates hyperlinks on web pages to improve loading speed. Integrates the latest instant.page v5.2.0 features with multi-language support (default: English) and removes store link redirection functionality.
// @license GPL-v3
// @require https://registry.npmmirror.com/sweetalert2/10.16.6/files/dist/sweetalert2.min.js
// @resource swalStyle https://registry.npmmirror.com/sweetalert2/10.16.6/files/dist/sweetalert2.min.css
// @match *://*/*
// @noframes
// @run-at document-idle
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
/* -------------------------------
Multi-language support (default: English)
You can extend the translations object to support more languages.
---------------------------------- */
const translations = {
en: {
acceleratedCount: "Accelerated: ",
times: " times",
resetPrompt: "Are you sure you want to reset the acceleration count?",
confirm: "OK",
cancel: "Cancel",
settingsTitle: "Accelerator Settings",
accelerateExternal: "Accelerate external links",
accelerateParams: "Accelerate links with parameters",
openInSameTab: "Open links in the same tab",
animationEffect: "Animation effect",
prefetchDelay: "Prefetch delay (ms)",
excludeURLs: "Exclude the following URLs (one per line)",
excludeKeywords: "Exclude the following keywords (one per line)",
save: "Save",
usageFooter: "Click here to view the usage instructions. This assistant is free and open-source."
const lang = 'en'; // Default language
// -------------------------------
// Utility functions
// -------------------------------
let util = {
getValue(name) {
return GM_getValue(name);
setValue(name, value) {
GM_setValue(name, value);
// Check if the given string (after removing '-' and '_') contains any of the keywords (case-insensitive)
include(str, arr) {
str = str.replace(/[-_]/ig, '');
for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
let val = arr[i].trim();
if (val !== '' && str.toLowerCase().indexOf(val.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
addStyle(id, tag, css) {
tag = tag || 'style';
let doc = document, styleDom = doc.getElementById(id);
if (styleDom) return;
let style = doc.createElement(tag);
style.rel = 'stylesheet';
style.id = id;
tag === 'style' ? style.innerHTML = css : style.href = css;
// Common regex patterns
reg: {
chrome: /^https?:\/\/chrome\.google\.com\/webstore\/.+?\/([a-z]{32})(?=[\/#?]|$)/,
chromeNew: /^https?:\/\/chromewebstore\.google\.com\/.+?\/([a-z]{32})(?=[\/#?]|$)/,
edge: /^https?:\/\/microsoftedge\.microsoft\.com\/addons\/.+?\/([a-z]{32})(?=[\/#?]|$)/,
firefox: /^https?:\/\/(reviewers\.)?(addons\.mozilla\.org|addons(?:-dev)?\.allizom\.org)\/.*?(?:addon|review)\/([^/<>"'?#]+)/,
microsoft: /^https?:\/\/(?:apps|www)\.microsoft\.com\/(?:store|p)\/.+?\/([a-zA-Z\d]{10,})(?=[\/#?]|$)/,
// -------------------------------
// Main logic
// -------------------------------
let main = {
// Initialize configuration values (store values using GM storage)
initValue() {
// Note: The "store link" redirection option has been removed.
let value = [{
name: 'setting_success_times',
value: 0
}, {
name: 'allow_external_links',
value: true
}, {
name: 'allow_query_links',
value: true
}, {
name: 'enable_target_self',
value: false
}, {
name: 'enable_animation',
value: false
}, {
name: 'delay_on_hover',
value: 65
}, {
name: 'exclude_list',
value: ''
}, {
name: 'exclude_keyword',
value: 'login\nlogout\nregister\nsignin\nsignup\nsignout\npay\ncreate\nedit\ndownload\ndel\nreset\nsubmit\ndoubleclick\ngoogleads\nexit'
value.forEach((v) => {
if (util.getValue(v.name) === undefined) {
util.setValue(v.name, v.value);
// Register menu commands for the settings panel and reset function
registerMenuCommand() {
"🚀 " + translations[lang].acceleratedCount + util.getValue('setting_success_times') + translations[lang].times,
() => {
showCancelButton: true,
title: translations[lang].resetPrompt,
icon: 'warning',
confirmButtonText: translations[lang].confirm,
cancelButtonText: translations[lang].cancel,
customClass: {
popup: 'instant-popup',
}).then((res) => {
if (res.isConfirmed) {
util.setValue('setting_success_times', 0);
let dom = `<div style="font-size: 1em;">
<label class="instant-setting-label">${translations[lang].accelerateExternal}<input type="checkbox" id="S-External" ${util.getValue('allow_external_links') ? 'checked' : ''} class="instant-setting-checkbox"></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label"><span>${translations[lang].accelerateParams} (<a href="https://www.youxiaohou.com/tool/install-instantpage.html#%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE%E8%AF%B4%E6%98%8E" target="_blank">Details</a>)</span><input type="checkbox" id="S-Query" ${util.getValue('allow_query_links') ? 'checked' : ''} class="instant-setting-checkbox"></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label">${translations[lang].openInSameTab}<input type="checkbox" id="S-Target" ${util.getValue('enable_target_self') ? 'checked' : ''} class="instant-setting-checkbox"></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label">${translations[lang].animationEffect}<input type="checkbox" id="S-Animate" ${util.getValue('enable_animation') ? 'checked' : ''} class="instant-setting-checkbox"></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label">${translations[lang].prefetchDelay}<input type="number" min="65" id="S-Delay" value="${util.getValue('delay_on_hover')}" class="instant-setting-input"></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label-col">${translations[lang].excludeURLs}<textarea placeholder="One per line, e.g., www.example.com" id="S-Exclude" class="instant-setting-textarea">${util.getValue('exclude_list')}</textarea></label>
<label class="instant-setting-label-col">${translations[lang].excludeKeywords}<textarea placeholder="One per line, e.g., logout" id="S-Exclude-Word" class="instant-setting-textarea">${util.getValue('exclude_keyword')}</textarea></label>
GM_registerMenuCommand(translations[lang].settingsTitle, () => {
title: translations[lang].settingsTitle,
html: dom,
showCloseButton: true,
confirmButtonText: translations[lang].save,
footer: `<div style="text-align: center;font-size: 1em;">${translations[lang].usageFooter}</div>`,
customClass: {
popup: 'instant-popup',
}).then((res) => {
if (res.isConfirmed) {
document.getElementById('S-External').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('allow_external_links', e.currentTarget.checked);
document.getElementById('S-Query').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('allow_query_links', e.currentTarget.checked);
document.getElementById('S-Target').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('enable_target_self', e.currentTarget.checked);
document.getElementById('S-Animate').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('enable_animation', e.currentTarget.checked);
document.getElementById('S-Delay').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('delay_on_hover', e.currentTarget.value);
document.getElementById('S-Exclude').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('exclude_list', e.currentTarget.value);
document.getElementById('S-Exclude-Word').addEventListener('change', (e) => {
util.setValue('exclude_keyword', e.currentTarget.value);
// Check if the current host is in the exclude list
inExcludeList() {
let exclude = util.getValue('exclude_list').split('\n').map(s => s.trim());
let host = location.host;
return exclude.includes(host);
// -------------------------------
// Main prefetch logic integrating instant.page v5.2.0 features
// -------------------------------
instantPage() {
if (window.instantLoaded) return;
window.instantLoaded = true;
// Configuration options (some from GM storage, some from data attributes)
const allowQueryString = ('instantAllowQueryString' in document.body.dataset) || util.getValue('allow_query_links');
const allowExternalLinks = ('instantAllowExternalLinks' in document.body.dataset) || util.getValue('allow_external_links');
const _useWhitelist = ('instantWhitelist' in document.body.dataset);
const enableAnimation = util.getValue('enable_animation');
const enableTargetSelf = util.getValue('enable_target_self');
const excludeKeyword = util.getValue('exclude_keyword').split('\n');
let delayOnHover = parseInt(util.getValue('delay_on_hover'));
// Internal variables similar to instant.page v5.2.0
let _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent = null;
let _speculationRulesType = 'none';
let _delayOnHover = delayOnHover; // in milliseconds
let _lastTouchstartEvent = null;
let _mouseoverTimer = null;
let _preloadedList = new Set();
// Browser support check: ensure <link rel="prefetch"> is supported
let supportChecksRelList = document.createElement('link').relList;
if (!(supportChecksRelList && supportChecksRelList.supports && supportChecksRelList.supports('prefetch'))) {
const chromium100Check = ('throwIfAborted' in AbortSignal.prototype); // Chromium 100+
const firefox115AndSafari17_0Check = supportChecksRelList.supports('modulepreload'); // Firefox 115+, Safari 17.0+
const safari15_4AndFirefox116Check = (Intl.PluralRules && 'selectRange' in Intl.PluralRules.prototype);
const firefox115AndSafari15_4Check = firefox115AndSafari17_0Check || safari15_4AndFirefox116Check;
const isBrowserSupported = chromium100Check && firefox115AndSafari15_4Check;
if (!isBrowserSupported) return;
// If the page sets data-instantVaryAccept (e.g. Shopify), check Chromium version
if (document.body.dataset.instantVaryAccept) {
const chromiumUserAgentIndex = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/');
if (chromiumUserAgentIndex > -1) {
_chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.substring(chromiumUserAgentIndex + 'Chrome/'.length));
if (_chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent && _chromiumMajorVersionInUserAgent < 110) {
// Set speculation rules if supported (<script type="speculationrules">)
if (HTMLScriptElement.supports && HTMLScriptElement.supports('speculationrules')) {
const speculationRulesConfig = document.body.dataset.instantSpecrules;
if (speculationRulesConfig === 'prerender') {
_speculationRulesType = 'prerender';
} else if (speculationRulesConfig !== 'no') {
_speculationRulesType = 'prefetch';
// Determine trigger method based on data-instantIntensity (default is mouseover)
let useMousedown = false;
let useMousedownOnly = false;
let useViewport = false;
const mousedownShortcut = ('instantMousedownShortcut' in document.body.dataset);
if ('instantIntensity' in document.body.dataset) {
const intensity = document.body.dataset.instantIntensity;
if (intensity === 'mousedown' && !mousedownShortcut) {
useMousedown = true;
if (intensity === 'mousedown-only' && !mousedownShortcut) {
useMousedown = true;
useMousedownOnly = true;
if (intensity === 'viewport' || intensity === 'viewport-all') {
const isOnSmallScreen = document.documentElement.clientWidth * document.documentElement.clientHeight < 450000;
const isConnectionAdequate = !(navigator.connection && (navigator.connection.saveData ||
(navigator.connection.effectiveType && navigator.connection.effectiveType.includes('2g'))));
if (isOnSmallScreen && isConnectionAdequate) {
useViewport = true;
if (intensity === 'viewport-all') {
useViewport = true;
const intensityAsInteger = parseInt(intensity);
if (!isNaN(intensityAsInteger)) {
_delayOnHover = intensityAsInteger;
const eventListenersOptions = {
capture: true,
passive: true,
// Register event listeners based on trigger method
if (useMousedownOnly) {
document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartEmptyListener, eventListenersOptions);
} else {
document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstartListener, eventListenersOptions);
if (!useMousedown) {
document.addEventListener('mouseover', mouseoverListener, eventListenersOptions);
if (useMousedown) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownListener, eventListenersOptions);
if (mousedownShortcut) {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', mousedownShortcutListener, eventListenersOptions);
// If viewport prefetch is enabled, use IntersectionObserver to preload links in view
if (useViewport) {
const requestIdleCallbackOrFallback = window.requestIdleCallback || function(callback) { callback(); };
requestIdleCallbackOrFallback(function () {
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
const anchor = entry.target;
document.querySelectorAll('a').forEach((anchor) => {
if (isPreloadable(anchor)) {
}, { timeout: 1500 });
// -------------------------------
// Event handler functions
// -------------------------------
function touchstartListener(event) {
_lastTouchstartEvent = event;
const anchor = event.target.closest('a');
if (!isPreloadable(anchor)) return;
preload(anchor, 'high');
function touchstartEmptyListener(event) {
_lastTouchstartEvent = event;
function mouseoverListener(event) {
if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) return;
if (!('closest' in event.target)) return;
const anchor = event.target.closest('a');
if (!isPreloadable(anchor)) return;
anchor.addEventListener('mouseout', mouseoutListener, { passive: true });
_mouseoverTimer = setTimeout(() => {
preload(anchor, 'high');
_mouseoverTimer = null;
}, _delayOnHover);
function mousedownListener(event) {
if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) return;
const anchor = event.target.closest('a');
if (!isPreloadable(anchor)) return;
preload(anchor, 'high');
function mouseoutListener(event) {
if (event.relatedTarget && event.target.closest('a') === event.relatedTarget.closest('a')) return;
if (_mouseoverTimer) {
_mouseoverTimer = null;
function mousedownShortcutListener(event) {
if (isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event)) return;
const anchor = event.target.closest('a');
if (event.which > 1 || event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) return;
if (!anchor) return;
anchor.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (e.detail === 1337) return;
}, { capture: true, passive: false, once: true });
const customEvent = new MouseEvent('click', {
view: window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
detail: 1337
// Check if a mouse event is likely triggered by a preceding touch event (avoid duplicate prefetch on touch devices)
function isEventLikelyTriggeredByTouch(event) {
if (!_lastTouchstartEvent || !event) return false;
if (event.target !== _lastTouchstartEvent.target) return false;
const now = event.timeStamp;
const duration = now - _lastTouchstartEvent.timeStamp;
const MAX_DURATION = 2500; // ms
return duration < MAX_DURATION;
// Determine whether the link element is preloadable based on various criteria
function isPreloadable(anchor) {
if (!anchor || !anchor.href) return false;
if (_useWhitelist && !('instant' in anchor.dataset)) return false;
if (anchor.origin !== location.origin) {
const allowed = allowExternalLinks || ('instant' in anchor.dataset);
if (!allowed) return false;
if (!['http:', 'https:'].includes(anchor.protocol)) return false;
if (anchor.protocol === 'http:' && location.protocol === 'https:') return false;
if (!allowQueryString && anchor.search && !('instant' in anchor.dataset)) return false;
if (anchor.hash && (anchor.pathname + anchor.search === location.pathname + location.search)) return false;
if ('noInstant' in anchor.dataset) return false;
// Exclude links containing any of the specified keywords
if (util.include(anchor.href, excludeKeyword)) return false;
return true;
// Perform prefetch if the link has not been prefetched yet.
// Choose between speculation rules (if supported) and <link rel="prefetch">
function preload(anchor, fetchPriority = 'auto') {
const url = anchor.href;
if (_preloadedList.has(url)) return;
if (_speculationRulesType !== 'none') {
} else {
preloadUsingLinkElement(url, fetchPriority);
if (enableAnimation) {
if (enableTargetSelf) {
anchor.target = '_self';
util.setValue('setting_success_times', util.getValue('setting_success_times') + 1);
// Prefetch using <script type="speculationrules">
function preloadUsingSpeculationRules(url) {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.type = 'speculationrules';
script.textContent = JSON.stringify({
[_speculationRulesType]: [{
source: 'list',
urls: [url]
// Prefetch using <link rel="prefetch">
function preloadUsingLinkElement(url, fetchPriority = 'auto') {
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'prefetch';
link.href = url;
link.fetchPriority = fetchPriority;
link.as = 'document';
// Add plugin styles to the page
addPluginStyle() {
let style = `
.instant-popup { font-size: 14px !important; }
.instant-setting-label { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding-top: 15px; }
.instant-setting-label-col { display: flex; align-items: flex-start; padding-top: 15px; flex-direction: column; }
.instant-setting-checkbox { width: 16px; height: 16px; }
.instant-setting-textarea { width: 100%; margin: 14px 0 0; height: 60px; resize: none; border: 1px solid #bbb; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px; color: #666; line-height: 1.2; }
.instant-setting-input { border: 1px solid #bbb; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 5px 10px; border-radius: 5px; width: 100px; }
@keyframes instantAnminate { from { opacity: 1; } 50% { opacity: 0.4; } to { opacity: 0.9; } }
.link-instanted { animation: instantAnminate 0.6s 1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; }
.link-instanted * { animation: instantAnminate 0.6s 1; animation-fill-mode: forwards; }
if (document.head) {
util.addStyle('swal-pub-style', 'style', GM_getResourceText('swalStyle'));
util.addStyle('instant-style', 'style', style);
// Observe changes in the head element and re-add styles if needed
const headObserver = new MutationObserver(() => {
util.addStyle('swal-pub-style', 'style', GM_getResourceText('swalStyle'));
util.addStyle('instant-style', 'style', style);
headObserver.observe(document.head, { childList: true, subtree: true });
// Initialize the script
init() {
if (this.inExcludeList()) return;