// ==UserScript==
// @name GGn Steam Uploady (edited)
// @namespace https://gazellegames.net/
// @version 18
// @description Fill upload form with Steam info. Edited from "GGn New Uploady"
// @author NeutronNoir, ZeDoCaixao, ingts
// @match https://gazellegames.net/upload.php*
// @match https://gazellegames.net/torrents.php?action=editgroup*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @connect store.steampowered.com
// @connect steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net
// ==/UserScript==
if (typeof GM_getValue('get_languages') === 'undefined')
GM_setValue('get_languages', true)
if (typeof GM_getValue('format_about') === 'undefined')
GM_setValue('format_about', true)
if (typeof GM_getValue('get_image_res') === 'undefined')
GM_setValue('get_image_res', false)
const allowedTags = new Set([
// "Casual", allowed but too common
// "Exploration", allowed but too common
"Visual Novel",
"Open World",
"Shoot 'Em Up",
"Point & Click",
"Turn-Based Strategy",
"Interactive Fiction",
"Hidden Object",
"Survival Horror",
"Hack and Slash",
"Bullet Hell",
"Dungeon Crawler",
"Dating Sim",
"Walking Simulator",
"Card Game",
"Third-Person Shooter",
"Life Sim",
"Board Game",
"Tower Defense",
"Time Management",
"City Builder",
"Beat 'em up",
"Match 3",
"Auto Battler",
"Grand Strategy",
"Space Sim",
const tagMap = new Map([
["Sci-fi", "science.fiction"],
["NSFW", "adult"],
["Hentai", "adult"],
["Roguelike", "roguelike"],
["Roguelite", "roguelike"],
["Text-Based", "text.adventure"],
["Flight", "flight.simulation"],
["Party", "party"],
["Party Game", "party"],
["Football (American)", "american.football"],
["Football (Soccer)", "soccer"],
function html2bb(str) {
if (!str) return ""
str = str.replace(/< *br *\/*>/g, "\n\n") //*/
str = str.replace(/< *b *>/g, "[b]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *b *>/g, "[/b]")
str = str.replace(/< *u *>/g, "[u]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *u *>/g, "[/u]")
str = str.replace(/< *i *>/g, "[i]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *i *>/g, "[/i]")
str = str.replace(/<strong><\/strong>/g, " ")
str = str.replace(/< *strong *>/g, "[b]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *strong *>/g, "[/b]")
str = str.replace(/< *em *>/g, "[i]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *em *>/g, "[/i]")
str = str.replace(/< *li *>/g, "[*]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *li *>/g, "")
str = str.replace(/< *ul *class=\\*"bb_ul\\*" *>/g, "")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *ul *>/g, "")
str = str.replace(/< *h2 *class="bb_tag" *>/g, "\n[align=center][u][b]")
str = str.replace(/< *h[12] *>/g, "\n[align=center][u][b]")
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *h[12] *>/g, "[/b][/u][/align]\n")
str = str.replace(/"/g, "\"")
str = str.replace(/&/g, "&")
str = str.replace(/< *a [^>]*>/g, "")
str = str.replace(/<p class="bb_paragraph"><\/p>/g, '\n\n')
str = str.replace(/<p class="bb_paragraph">/g, '')
str = str.replace(/< *\/ *a *>/g, "")
str = str.replace(/< *p *>/g, "\n\n")
str = str.replace(/<\/p>/g, "")
str = str.replace(//g, "\"")
str = str.replace(//g, "\"")
str = str.replace(/ +/g, " ")
str = str.replace(/\n +/g, "\n")
str = str.replace(/\n\n\n+/gm, "\n\n")
str = str.replace(/\n\n\n+/gm, "\n\n")
str = str.replace(/\[\/b]\[\/u]\[\/align]\n\n/g, "[/b][/u][/align]\n")
str = str.replace(/\n\n\[\*]/g, "\n[*]")
str = str.replace(/< *img.*?>/g, "\n")
return str
function fix_emptylines(str) {
const lst = str.split("\n")
let result = ""
let empty = 1
lst.forEach(function (s) {
if (s) {
empty = 0
result = result + s + "\n"
} else if (empty < 1) {
empty = empty + 1
result = result + "\n"
return result
function pretty_sr(str) {
if (!str) return ""
str = str.replace(/™/g, "")
str = str.replace(/®/g, "")
str = str.replace(/:\[\/b] /g, "[/b]: ")
str = str.replace(/:\n/g, "\n")
str = str.replace(/:\[\/b]\n/g, "[/b]\n")
str = str.replace(/\n\n\[b]/g, "\n[b]")
return str
function formatAbout(about) {
if (!GM_getValue('format_about')) return about
const toTitleCase = unsafeWindow?.TitleAndScreenshotsFormatter?.toTitleCase ?? function (str) {
return str
function fixSplitLinesInListItems(input) {
let lines = input.split('\n')
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].startsWith("[*]")) {
while (i + 1 < lines.length && !lines[i].match(/[.?!。?!]$/)) {
if (lines[i + 1].startsWith("[*]")) {
lines[i] += '.'
} else if (lines[i + 1].trim() !== '') {
lines[i] += ' ' + lines.splice(i + 1, 1)[0]
} else {
lines.splice(i + 1, 1)
return lines.join('\n')
// If a line starts with [u], [i], or [b], there is no other text on that line, and it contains 'features', replace tags with [align=center][b][u]
about = about.replace(/^(\[b]|\[u]|\[i])*(.*?)(\[\/b]|\[\/u]|\[\/i])*$/gm, (match, p1, p2, p3) => {
return (p1 && p3 && /features/i.test(p2)) ? `[align=center][b][u]${p2}[/u][/b][/align]` : match
// Title case text inside [align=center][b][u]
about = about.replace(/\[align=center]\[([bu])]\[([bu])]([\s\S]*?)\[\/\2]\[\/\1]\[\/align]/g, (match, p1, p2, p3) => {
return `[align=center][b][u]${toTitleCase(p3)}[/u][/b][/align]`
// Add a newline before lines with [align=center] if there isn't already a double newline before it
about = about.replace(/(?<!\n\n)(\[align=center])/g, '\n\$1')
// Remove colons in text inside [align=center][b][u]
about = about.replace(/\[align=center]\[b]\[u](.*?)\[\/u]\[\/b]\[\/align]/g, (match, p1) => {
return match.replace(/:/g, '')
// Replace different list symbols at the start with [*]
about = about.replace(/^[-•◦]\s*/gm, '[*]')
// If a line starts with [u], [i], or [b] and it is not the only text on that line, add [*] at the start and replace tags with [b]
about = about.replace(/^(\[b]|\[u]|\[i])*(.*?)(\[\/b]|\[\/u]|\[\/i])+(.*$)/gm, (match, p1, p2, p3, p4) => {
if (p4.trim() === '') {
return match
return p1 && p3 ? `[*][b]${p2}[/b]${p4}` : match
// If a line starts with [*] followed by a [u] or [i], replace them with [b]
about = about.replace(/^\[\*]\[[ui]](.*?)\[\/[ui]]/gm, '[b]$1[/b]')
// Title case text inside tags for lines starting with [u], [i], or [b] and has nothing else after the closing tag
about = about.replace(/(^|\n)(\[([uib])](.*?)\[\/([uib])]\s*$)/gm, (match, p1, p2, p3, p4) => `${p1}[${p3}]${toTitleCase(p4)}[/${p3}]`)
// For lines that start with [*], replace newlines with spaces until that line ends with ., ?, or !
// and add a full stop if there is no punctuation before another [*]
about = fixSplitLinesInListItems(about)
// Remove double newlines between [*] lines
about = about.replace(/(\[\*][^\n]*)(\n{2,})(?=\[\*])/g, '$1\n')
// Add a newline when next line doesn't start with [*]
about = about.replace(/(\[\*][^\n]*\n)([^\[*\]\n])/g, '$1\n$2')
// Move : and . outside of closing tags
about = about.replace(/(\[([bui])])(.*?)([:.])\[\/([bui])]/g, '$1\$3[/b]\$4')
// Remove [u], [i], or [b] if the line starts with [*] followed by a [u], [i], or [b], and ends with a punctuation after the closing tag
about = about.replace(/^\[\*]\[([bui])](.*?)\[\/([bui])]([.?!。?!])$/gm, "[*]$2$4")
// If a line ends with [/align] replace double newlines with one newline
about = about.replace(/(\[\/align])\n\n/g, '$1\n')
return about
function fill_form(response) {
const gameInfo = response.response[steamIdInput.value].data
let about = gameInfo.about_the_game
if (about === '') {
about = gameInfo.detailed_description
about = "[align=center][b][u]About the game[/u][/b][/align]\n" + formatAbout(html2bb(about)).trim()
const year = gameInfo.release_date.date.split(", ").pop()
const screens = document.getElementsByName("screens[]")
const add_screen = $("#image_block a[href='#']").first()
for (let i = 0; i < gameInfo.screenshots.length; i++) {
if (i === 20) break
if (i >= 4) add_screen.click()
screens[i].value = gameInfo.screenshots[i].path_full.split("?")[0]
if (GM_getValue('get_image_res')) {
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let img = new Image()
img.src = gameInfo.screenshots[i].path_full.split("?")[0]
img.onload = () => resolve(img)
img.onerror = () => reject()
}).then(img => {
screens[i].parentElement.style.position = 'relative'
`<span style="position:absolute;top: -115%;right: 9.5%;">${img.naturalWidth}x${img.naturalHeight}</span>`)
const ratings = gameInfo.ratings
const ratingInput = document.getElementById('Rating')
const ratingMap = new Map([ // dejus and steam_germany can be self rated
['pegi', new Map([
['3', 1],
['7', 3],
['12', 5],
['16', 7],
['18', 9],
['esrb', new Map([
['e', 1],
['e10', 3],
['t', 5],
['m', 7],
['ao', 9],
['nzoflc', new Map([
['g', 1],
['r13', 7],
['r16', 7],
['r18', 9],
['cero', new Map([
['a', 1],
['b', 3],
['c', 5],
['d', 7],
['z', 9],
['csrr', new Map([ // gsrr?
['g', 1],
['p', 3],
['pg12', 5],
['pg15', 7],
['r', 9],
['usk', new Map([
['0', 1],
['6', 3],
['12', 5],
['16', 7],
['18', 9],
for (const [k, v] of ratingMap) {
if (Object.hasOwn(ratings, k)) {
ratingInput.value = v.get(ratings[k].rating)
.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<span style="color: #d6c9b6;display: block;">Source: ${k}</span>`)
if (!ratingInput.value)
ratingInput.value = 13
let platform = "Windows"
let cover_field = "input[name='image']"
let desc_field = "textarea[name='body']"
if (window.location.href.includes("action=editgroup")) {
if ($("#trailer~a").attr("href").includes("Linux")) {
platform = "Linux"
} else if ($("#trailer~a").attr("href").includes("Mac")) {
platform = "Mac"
} else {
const parseSteamLanguage = unsafeWindow?.GetLanguagesFromSteam?.parseSteamLanguage // from Get Languages From Steam script
if (parseSteamLanguage && GM_getValue('get_languages') && !document.getElementById('empty_group').checked) {
cover_field = "#image"
desc_field = "#album_desc"
platform = $("#platform").val()
let recfield = gameInfo.pc_requirements
switch (platform) {
case "Windows":
recfield = gameInfo.pc_requirements
case "Linux":
recfield = gameInfo.linux_requirements
case "Mac":
recfield = gameInfo.mac_requirements
let sr = ''
if (typeof (recfield.minimum) !== "undefined") {
sr += html2bb(recfield.minimum)
if (typeof (recfield.recommended) !== "undefined") {
sr += "\n" + html2bb(recfield.recommended)
sr = "\n\n[quote][align=center][b][u]System Requirements[/u][/b][/align]\n\n" +
pretty_sr(sr) +
$(desc_field).val($(desc_field).val() + sr)
const big_cover = "https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steam/apps/" + steamIdInput.value + "/library_600x900_2x.jpg"
method: "GET",
url: big_cover,
responseType: "json",
onload: function (response) {
if (response.status === 200) {
if (gameInfo.metacritic) {
$("#metauri").val(gameInfo.metacritic.url.split("?")[0] + "/critic-reviews")
if (gameInfo.hasOwnProperty('movies')) {
$("#trailer").val(gameInfo.movies[0].webm.max.split("?")[0].replace("http:", "https:"))
let steamIdInput
if (window.location.href.includes("action=editgroup")) {
$("td.center").parent().after("<tr><td class='label'>Steam ID</td><td><input id='steamid' /></td></tr>")
steamIdInput = document.getElementById('steamid')
} else {
steamIdInput = document.getElementById('steamid')
steamIdInput.type = 'text'
steamIdInput.size = 20
'<a href="javascript:;" id="fill_win">Win</a> <a href="javascript:;" id="fill_lin">Lin</a> <a href="javascript:;" id="fill_mac">Mac</a>')
$('#fill_win').click(function () {
$('#fill_lin').click(function () {
$('#fill_mac').click(function () {
steamIdInput.onblur = () => {
if (steamIdInput.value.includes('store.steampowered')) {
steamIdInput.value = /\d+/.exec(steamIdInput.value)[0]
method: "GET",
url: "https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails?l=en&appids=" + steamIdInput.value,
responseType: "json",
onload: fill_form
if (location.href.includes('upload.php')) {
url: `https://store.steampowered.com/app/${steamIdInput.value}`,
onload: function (res) {
const page = new DOMParser().parseFromString(res.responseText, "text/html")
let uploadTags = new Set()
for (const steamTag of page.querySelectorAll('.glance_tags a')) {
const text = steamTag.textContent.trim()
if (allowedTags.has(text)) {
.replace(/sim(?!\w)/, "simulation")
.replace(/'/g, '').replace(/&/g, 'and').replace(/-/g, ' ').replace(/ /g, '.'))
const t = tagMap.get(text)
if (t) {
document.getElementById('tags').value = Array.from(uploadTags).join(', ')
if (uploadTags.has('adult'))
document.getElementById('Rating').value = 9