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KameSame Open Framework - Settings module

Settings module for KameSame Open Framework

Verzia zo dňa 05.11.2022. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

Tento skript by nemal byť nainštalovaný priamo. Je to knižnica pre ďalšie skripty, ktorú by mali používať cez meta príkaz // @require

"use strict";
// ==UserScript==
// @name        KameSame Open Framework - Settings module
// @namespace   timberpile
// @description Settings module for KameSame Open Framework
// @version     0.3
// @copyright   2022+, Robin Findley, Timberpile
// @license     MIT
// ==/UserScript==
var __classPrivateFieldSet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldSet) || function (receiver, state, value, kind, f) {
    if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable");
    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter");
    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it");
    return (kind === "a" ?, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value)), value;
var __classPrivateFieldGet = (this && this.__classPrivateFieldGet) || function (receiver, state, kind, f) {
    if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter");
    if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it");
    return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver);

((async (global) => {
    var _KSOFSettings_instances, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, _KSOFSettings_settingChanged;
    const ksof = global.ksof;
    const backgroundFuncs = () => {
        return {
            open: () => {
                const anchor = installAnchor();
                let bkgd = anchor.find('> #ksofs_bkgd');
                if (bkgd.length === 0) {
                    bkgd = $('<div id="ksofs_bkgd" refcnt="0"></div>');
                const refcnt = Number(bkgd.attr('refcnt'));
                bkgd.attr('refcnt', refcnt + 1);
            close: () => {
                const bkgd = $('#ksof_ds > #ksofs_bkgd');
                if (bkgd.length === 0)
                const refcnt = Number(bkgd.attr('refcnt'));
                if (refcnt <= 0)
                bkgd.attr('refcnt', refcnt - 1);
    // Constructor
    class KSOFSettings {
        constructor(config) {
            _KSOFSettings_openDialog.set(this, void 0);
            this.cfg = config;
            this.configList = {};
            __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, $(), "f");
            this.background = backgroundFuncs();
        // Open the settings dialog.
        static save(context) {
            const scriptId = ((typeof context === 'string') ? context : context.cfg.scriptId);
            const settings = ksof.settings[scriptId];
            if (!settings)
                return Promise.resolve('');
            return`ksof.settings.${scriptId}`, settings);
        save() {
        // Open the settings dialog.
        static async load(context, defaults) {
            const scriptId = ((typeof context === 'string') ? context : context.cfg.scriptId);
            const finish = (settings) => {
                if (defaults)
                    ksof.settings[scriptId] = deepMerge(defaults, settings);
                    ksof.settings[scriptId] = settings;
                return ksof.settings[scriptId];
            try {
                const settings = await ksof.fileCache.load(`ksof.settings.${scriptId}`);
                return finish(settings);
            catch (error) {
                return, {});
        load(defaults) {
            return KSOFSettings.load(this, defaults);
        // Save button handler.
        saveBtn() {
            const scriptId = this.cfg.scriptId;
            const settings = ksof.settings[scriptId];
            if (settings) {
                const activeTabs = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find('.ui-tabs-active').toArray()
                    .map((tab) => { return `#${tab.attributes.getNamedItem('id')?.value || ''}`; });
                if (activeTabs.length > 0)
                    settings.ksofActiveTabs = activeTabs;
            if (this.cfg.autosave === undefined || this.cfg.autosave === true) {
            if (this.cfg.onSave) {
            this.keepSettings = true;
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('close');
        // Cancel button handler.
        cancel() {
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('close');
            if (typeof this.cfg.onCancel === 'function')
        // Open the settings dialog.
        open() {
            if (!ready)
            if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").length > 0)
            if (this.cfg.background !== false)
            __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, $(`<div id="ksofs_${this.cfg.scriptId}" class="ksof_settings" style="display:none"></div>`), "f");
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").html(configToHTML(this));
            const resize = (event, ui) => {
                const isNarrow = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").hasClass('narrow');
                if (isNarrow && ui.size.width >= 510) {
                    __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").removeClass('narrow');
                else if (!isNarrow && ui.size.width < 490) {
                    __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").addClass('narrow');
            const tabActivated = () => {
                const wrapper = $(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('widget'));
                if ((wrapper.outerHeight() || 0) + wrapper.position().top > document.body.clientHeight) {
                    __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('option', 'maxHeight', document.body.clientHeight);
            let width = 500;
            if (window.innerWidth < 510) {
                width = 280;
                __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").addClass('narrow');
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog({
                title: this.cfg.title,
                buttons: [
                        text: 'Save',
                        click: this.saveBtn.bind(this),
                        text: 'Cancel',
                        click: this.cancel.bind(this),
                maxHeight: document.body.clientHeight,
                modal: false,
                autoOpen: false,
                appendTo: '#ksof_ds',
                resize: resize.bind(this),
                close: () => {
            $(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('widget')).css('position', 'fixed');
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").parent().addClass('ksof_settings_dialog');
            $('.ksof_stabs').tabs({ activate: tabActivated.bind(null) });
            const settings = ksof.settings[this.cfg.scriptId];
            if (settings && settings.ksofActiveTabs instanceof Array) {
                const activeTabs = settings.ksofActiveTabs;
                for (let tabIndex = 0; tabIndex < activeTabs.length; tabIndex++) {
                    const tab = $(activeTabs[tabIndex]);
                    tab.closest('.ui-tabs').tabs({ active: tab.index() });
            const toggleMulti = (e) => {
                if (e.button != 0)
                    return true;
                const multi = $(e.currentTarget);
                const scroll = e.currentTarget.scrollTop;
       = !;
                setTimeout(() => {
                    e.currentTarget.scrollTop = scroll;
                    multi.focus(); // TODO what should this do? it's deprecated
                }, 0);
                return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_instances, "m", _KSOFSettings_settingChanged).call(this, e);
            const settingButtonClicked = (e) => {
                const name =;
                const _item = this.configList[name];
                if (_item.type == 'button') {
                    const item = _item;
          , name, item, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_instances, "m", _KSOFSettings_settingChanged).bind(this, e));
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('open');
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find('.setting[multiple]').on('mousedown', toggleMulti.bind(this));
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find('.setting').on('change', __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_instances, "m", _KSOFSettings_settingChanged).bind(this));
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find('form').on('submit', () => { return false; });
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find('button.setting').on('click', settingButtonClicked.bind(this));
            if (typeof this.cfg.preOpen === 'function')
                this.cfg.preOpen(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f"));
            this.reversions = deepMerge({}, ksof.settings[this.cfg.scriptId]);
        // Close and destroy the dialog.
        close(keepSettings) {
            if (!this.keepSettings && keepSettings !== true) {
                // Revert settings
                ksof.settings[this.cfg.scriptId] = deepMerge({}, this.reversions || {});
                delete this.reversions;
            delete this.keepSettings;
            __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").dialog('destroy');
            __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, $(), "f");
            if (this.cfg.background !== false)
            if (typeof this.cfg.onClose === 'function')
        // Update the dialog to reflect changed settings.
        refresh() {
            const scriptId = this.cfg.scriptId;
            const settings = ksof.settings[scriptId];
            for (const name in this.configList) {
                const elem = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _KSOFSettings_openDialog, "f").find(`#${scriptId}_${name}`);
                const _config = this.configList[name];
                const value = getValue(this, settings, name);
                if (_config.type == 'dropdown') {
                    elem.find(`option[name="${value}"]`).prop('selected', true);
                else if (_config.type == 'list') {
                    const config = _config;
                    if (config.multi === true) {
                        elem.find('option').each((i, e) => {
                            const optionName = e.getAttribute('name') || `#${e.index}`;
                            e.selected = value[optionName];
                    else {
                        elem.find(`option[name="${value}"]`).prop('selected', true);
                else if (_config.type == 'checkbox') {
                    elem.prop('checked', value);
                else {
            if (typeof this.cfg.onRefresh === 'function')
    _KSOFSettings_openDialog = new WeakMap(), _KSOFSettings_instances = new WeakSet(), _KSOFSettings_settingChanged = function _KSOFSettings_settingChanged(event) {
        const elem = $(event.currentTarget);
        const name = elem.attr('name');
        if (!name)
            return false;
        const _item = this.configList[name];
        // Extract the value
        let value;
        if (_item.type == 'dropdown') {
            value = elem.find(':checked').attr('name');
        else if (_item.type == 'list') {
            const item = _item;
            if (item.multi === true) {
                value = {};
                elem.find('option').each((i, e) => {
                    const optionName = e.getAttribute('name') || `#${e.index}`;
                    value[optionName] = e.selected;
            else {
                value = elem.find(':checked').attr('name');
        else if (_item.type == 'input') {
            const item = _item;
            if (item.subtype === 'number') {
                value = Number(elem.val());
        else if (_item.type == 'checkbox') {
            value =':checked');
        else if (_item.type == 'number') {
            value = Number(elem.val());
        else {
            value = elem.val();
        // Validation
        let valid = { valid: true, msg: '' };
            const item = _item;
            if (item.validate) {
                const _valid =, value, item);
                if (typeof _valid === 'boolean')
                    valid = { valid: _valid, msg: '' };
                else if (typeof _valid === 'string')
                    valid = { valid: false, msg: _valid };
        if (_item.type == 'number') {
            const item = _item;
            if (item.min && Number(value) < item.min) {
                valid.valid = false;
                if (valid.msg.length === 0) {
                    if (typeof item.max === 'number')
                        valid.msg = `Must be between ${item.min} and ${item.max}`;
                        valid.msg = `Must be ${item.min} or higher`;
            else if (item.max && Number(value) > item.max) {
                valid.valid = false;
                if (valid.msg.length === 0) {
                    if (typeof item.min === 'number')
                        valid.msg = `Must be between ${item.min} and ${item.max}`;
                        valid.msg = `Must be ${item.max} or lower`;
        else if (_item.type == 'text') {
            const item = _item;
            if (item.match !== undefined && value.match(item.match) === null) {
                valid.valid = false;
                if (valid.msg.length === 0)
                    // valid.msg = item.error_msg || 'Invalid value' // TODO no item has a error_msg?
                    valid.msg = 'Invalid value';
        // Style for valid/invalid
        const parent = elem.closest('.right');
        if (typeof valid.msg === 'string' && valid.msg.length > 0)
            parent.append(`<div class="note${valid.valid ? '' : ' error'}">${valid.msg}</div>`);
        if (!valid.valid) {
        else {
        const scriptId = this.cfg.scriptId;
        const settings = ksof.settings[scriptId];
        if (valid.valid) {
            const item = _item;
            // if (item.no_save !== true) set_value(this, settings, name, value) // TODO what is no_save supposed to do?
            setValue(this, settings, name, value);
            if (item.onChange)
      , name, value, item);
            if (this.cfg.onChange)
      , name, value, item);
            if (item.refreshOnChange === true)
        return false;
    const createSettings = () => {
        const settingsObj = (config) => {
            return new KSOFSettings(config);
        }; = (context) => { return; };
        settingsObj.load = (context, defaults) => { return KSOFSettings.load(context, defaults); };
        settingsObj.background = backgroundFuncs();
        return settingsObj;
    ksof.Settings = createSettings();
    ksof.settings = {};
    let ready = false;
    const deepMerge = (...objects) => {
        const merged = {};
        const recursiveMerge = (dest, src) => {
            for (const prop in src) {
                if (typeof src[prop] === 'object' && src[prop] !== null) {
                    const srcProp = src[prop];
                    if (Array.isArray(srcProp)) {
                        dest[prop] = srcProp.slice();
                    else {
                        dest[prop] = dest[prop] || {};
                        recursiveMerge(dest[prop], srcProp);
                else {
                    dest[prop] = src[prop];
            return dest;
        for (const obj in objects) {
            recursiveMerge(merged, objects[obj]);
        return merged;
    // Convert a config object to html dialog.
    /* eslint-disable no-case-declarations */
    const configToHTML = (context) => {
        context.configList = {};
        if (!ksof.settings) {
            return '';
        const assemblePages = (id, tabs, pages) => { return `<div id="${id}" class="ksof_stabs"><ul>${tabs.join('')}</ul>${pages.join('')}</div>`; };
        const wrapRow = (html, full, hoverTip) => { return `<div class="row${full ? ' full' : ''}"${toTitle(hoverTip)}>${html}</div>`; };
        const wrapLeft = (html) => { return `<div class="left">${html}</div>`; };
        const wrapRight = (html) => { return `<div class="right">${html}</div>`; };
        const escapeText = (text) => {
            return text.replace(/[<>]/g, (ch) => {
                if (ch == '<')
                    return '&lt';
                if (ch == '>')
                    return '&gt';
                return '';
        const escapeAttr = (text) => { return text.replace(/"/g, '&quot'); };
        const toTitle = (tip) => { if (!tip)
            return ''; return ` title="${tip.replace(/"/g, '&quot')}"`; };
        const parseItem = (name, _item, passback) => {
            if (typeof _item.type !== 'string')
                return '';
            const id = `${context.cfg.scriptId}_${name}`;
            let cname, html = '', childPassback, nonPage = '';
            const makeLabel = (item) => {
                if (typeof item.label !== 'string')
                    return '';
                return wrapLeft(`<label for="${id}">${item.label}</label>`);
            const _type = _item.type;
            if (_type == 'tabset') {
                const item = _item;
                childPassback = {};
                for (cname in item.content) {
                    nonPage += parseItem(cname, item.content[cname], childPassback);
                if (childPassback.tabs && childPassback.pages) {
                    html = assemblePages(id, childPassback.tabs, childPassback.pages);
            else if (_type == 'page') {
                const item = _item;
                if (typeof item.content !== 'object')
                    item.content = {};
                if (!passback.tabs) {
                    passback.tabs = [];
                if (!passback.pages) {
                    passback.pages = [];
                passback.tabs.push(`<li id="${id}_tab"${toTitle(item.hoverTip)}><a href="#${id}">${item.label}</a></li>`);
                childPassback = {};
                for (cname in item.content)
                    nonPage += parseItem(cname, item.content[cname], childPassback);
                if (childPassback.tabs && childPassback.pages)
                    html = assemblePages(id, childPassback.tabs, childPassback.pages);
                passback.pages.push(`<div id="${id}">${html}${nonPage}</div>`);
                passback.isPage = true;
                html = '';
            else if (_type == 'group') {
                const item = _item;
                if (typeof item.content !== 'object')
                    item.content = {};
                childPassback = {};
                for (cname in item.content)
                    nonPage += parseItem(cname, item.content[cname], childPassback);
                if (childPassback.tabs && childPassback.pages)
                    html = assemblePages(id, childPassback.tabs, childPassback.pages);
                html = `<fieldset id="${id}" class="ksof_group"><legend>${item.label}</legend>${html}${nonPage}</fieldset>`;
            else if (_type == 'dropdown') {
                const item = _item;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    if (item.default !== undefined) {
                        value = item.default;
                    else {
                        value = Object.keys(item.content)[0];
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html = `<select id="${id}" name="${name}" class="setting"${toTitle(item.hoverTip)}>`;
                for (cname in item.content)
                    html += `<option name="${cname}">${escapeText(item.content[cname])}</option>`;
                html += '</select>';
                html = makeLabel(item) + wrapRight(html);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'list') {
                const item = _item;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    if (item.default !== undefined) {
                        value = item.default;
                    else {
                        if (item.multi === true) {
                            value = {};
                            Object.keys(item.content).forEach((key) => {
                                value[key] = false;
                        else {
                            value = Object.keys(item.content)[0];
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                let attribs = ` size="${item.size || Object.keys(item.content).length || 4}"`;
                if (item.multi === true)
                    attribs += ' multiple';
                html = `<select id="${id}" name="${name}" class="setting list"${attribs}${toTitle(item.hoverTip)}>`;
                for (cname in item.content)
                    html += `<option name="${cname}">${escapeText(item.content[cname])}</option>`;
                html += '</select>';
                html = makeLabel(item) + wrapRight(html);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'checkbox') {
                const item = _item;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html = makeLabel(item);
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    value = (item.default || false);
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html += wrapRight(`<input id="${id}" class="setting" type="checkbox" name="${name}">`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'input') {
                const item = _item;
                const itype = item.subtype || 'text';
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    const isNumber = (item.subtype === 'number');
                    value = (item.default || (isNumber ? 0 : ''));
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html += wrapRight(`<input id="${id}" class="setting" type="${itype}" name="${name}"${(item.placeholder ? ` placeholder="${escapeAttr(item.placeholder)}"` : '')}>`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'number') {
                const item = _item;
                const itype = item.type;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    const isNumber = (item.type === 'number');
                    value = (item.default || (isNumber ? 0 : ''));
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html += wrapRight(`<input id="${id}" class="setting" type="${itype}" name="${name}"${(item.placeholder ? ` placeholder="${escapeAttr(item.placeholder)}"` : '')}>`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'text') {
                const item = _item;
                const itype = item.type;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    value = (item.default || '');
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html += wrapRight(`<input id="${id}" class="setting" type="${itype}" name="${name}"${(item.placeholder ? ` placeholder="${escapeAttr(item.placeholder)}"` : '')}>`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'color') {
                const item = _item;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                let value = getValue(context, base, name);
                if (value === undefined) {
                    value = (item.default || '#000000');
                    setValue(context, base, name, value);
                html += wrapRight(`<input id="${id}" class="setting" type="color" name="${name}">`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'button') {
                const item = _item;
                context.configList[name] = item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                const text = escapeText(item.text || 'Click');
                html += wrapRight(`<button type="button" class="setting" name="${name}">${text}</button>`);
                html = wrapRow(html, item.fullWidth, item.hoverTip);
            else if (_type == 'divider') {
                html += '<hr>';
            else if (_type == 'section') {
                const item = _item;
                html += `<section>${item.label || ''}</section>`;
            else if (_type == 'html') {
                const item = _item;
                html += makeLabel(item);
                html += item.html;
                switch (item.wrapper) {
                    case 'row':
                        html = wrapRow(html, undefined, item.hoverTip);
                    case 'left':
                        html = wrapLeft(html);
                    case 'right':
                        html = wrapRight(html);
            return html;
        let base = ksof.settings[context.cfg.scriptId];
        if (base === undefined)
            ksof.settings[context.cfg.scriptId] = base = {};
        let html = '';
        const childPassback = {};
        const id = `${context.cfg.scriptId}_dialog`;
        for (const name in context.cfg.content) {
            html += parseItem(name, context.cfg.content[name], childPassback);
        if (childPassback.tabs && childPassback.pages)
            html = assemblePages(id, childPassback.tabs, childPassback.pages) + html;
        return `<form>${html}</form>`;
    const getValue = (context, base, name) => {
        const item = context.configList[name];
        const evaluate = (item.path !== undefined);
        const path = (item.path || name);
        try {
            if (!evaluate)
                return base[path];
            return eval(path.replace(/@/g, 'base.'));
        catch (e) {
    const setValue = (context, base, name, value) => {
        const item = context.configList[name];
        const evaluate = (item.path !== undefined);
        const path = (item.path || name);
        try {
            if (!evaluate)
                return base[path] = value;
            let depth = 0;
            let newPath = '';
            let param = '';
            let c;
            for (let idx = 0; idx < path.length; idx++) {
                c = path[idx];
                if (c === '[') {
                    if (depth++ === 0) {
                        newPath += '[';
                        param = '';
                    else {
                        param += '[';
                else if (c === ']') {
                    if (--depth === 0) {
                        newPath += `${JSON.stringify(eval(param))}]`;
                    else {
                        param += ']';
                else {
                    if (c === '@')
                        c = 'base.';
                    if (depth === 0)
                        newPath += c;
                        param += c;
        catch (e) {
    const installAnchor = () => {
        let anchor = $('#ksof_ds');
        if (anchor.length === 0) {
            anchor = $('<div id="ksof_ds"></div></div>');
            $('#ksof_ds').on('keydown keyup keypress', '.ksof_settings_dialog', (e) => {
                // Stop keys from bubbling beyond the background overlay.
        return anchor;
    // Load jquery UI and the appropriate CSS based on location.
    const cssUrl = ksof.supportFiles['jqui_ksmain.css'];
    await ksof.ready('document, Jquery');
    await Promise.all([
        ksof.loadScript(ksof.supportFiles['jquery_ui.js'], true /* cache */),
        ksof.loadCSS(cssUrl, true /* cache */),
    ready = true;
    // Workaround...
    try {
        const temp = $.fn;
        delete temp.autocomplete;
    catch (e) {
        // do nothing
    // Notify listeners that we are ready.
    // Delay guarantees include() callbacks are called before ready() callbacks.
    setTimeout(() => { ksof.setState('ksof.Settings', 'ready'); }, 0);