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Hodnotenie: Dobré - skript funguje

Pridaný: 20.05.2022

It leads Mega but asking decryption key with script on. But it doesn't behave with script off simply shows mega folder.

Pridaný: 20.05.2022

Thanks for your feedback , please wait my next update

Pridaný: 21.05.2022

And I have another script specially for linkvertise.com which gives better results. But you scrit is bit conflicting with that scrit by solving auto capcha. Any fix for this, please?

Pridaný: 21.05.2022

And I have another script specially for linkvertise.com which gives better results. But you scrit is bit conflicting with that scrit by solving auto capcha. Any fix for this, please?

right now my script is not support for linkvertise.com , if you don't like auto click captcha you can use manual captcha from openuserjs , please read script info.

Pridaný: 21.05.2022

1st of all i have all your scripts manual one too. In linkvertise.com there a capcha "i am not robot" it's getting automatically clicked in box so my another script getting failed for this.
Hape you understood
Still mega asking for decryption key

Pridaný: 23.05.2022

1st of all i have all your scripts manual one too. In linkvertise.com there a capcha "i am not robot" it's getting automatically clicked in box so my another script getting failed for this.
Hape you understood
Still mega asking for decryption key

Fixed Bugs with mega nz , please update to the latest version 22.9
For linkvertise you can add // @exclude *://*.linkvertise.com/* in the Script

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