// ==UserScript==
// @name Flight Rising: Auction House - Dragon - Image Increase, Card Style
// @author https://greasyfork.org/en/users/547396
// @description Increases the size of dragon images on the auction house. Set card style display for easier browsing (optional).
// @namespace https://greasyfork.org/users/547396
// @match https://*.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy/*/dragons*
// @grant none
// @version 3.0
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Settings
const cardStyle = true, // true: display as cards | false: default
minimalData = false, // if cardStyle is true - true: remove excess data for quicker browsing | false: default
showColors = true; // show dragon colors (only renders in card style)
let globalSettings = [ cardStyle, minimalData, showColors ];
// let's goooo
function init() {
const dragonRow = document.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-row'),
listingContainer = document.getElementById('ah-content');
restyleContainer( listingContainer, globalSettings[0], globalSettings[1] );
defineElements( dragonRow );
function defineElements( dragonRow ) {
let dragon;
for ( dragon of dragonRow ) {
let icon = dragon.querySelector('.ah-listing-dragon-icon'),
image = icon.getElementsByTagName('img'),
imageSrc = image[0].src,
content = dragon.querySelector('.ah-listing-left'),
elements = dragon.querySelector('.ah-listing-center'),
price = dragon.querySelector('.ah-listing-right'),
dtip = 'dragontip-' + dragon.getAttribute('data-listing-dragonid'),
tertiaryColor = document.createElement('small');
if ( showColors && cardStyle ) {
setTimeout( function() {
getDragonTipInfo(dtip, tertiaryColor);
}, 500 );
image[0].src = updateImageSizes( imageSrc );
applyStyles( globalSettings, icon, dragon, content, elements, price );
function getDragonTipInfo( dragonid, elem ) {
let dinfo = document.getElementById(dragonid.toString());
let findColors = [dinfo.querySelector('div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(4)').innerText, dinfo.querySelector('div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(5)').innerText, dinfo.querySelector('div:nth-child(2) > div:nth-child(6)').innerText];
let tertColor = findColors[2].split('Tertiary Gene:')[1].split(' ')[1];
let secondaryColor = findColors[1].split('Secondary Gene:')[1].split(' ')[1];
let primaryColor = findColors[0].split('Primary Gene:')[1].split(' ')[1];
renderColorblock(tertColor, elem, '-140px');
renderColorblock(secondaryColor, elem, '-150px');
renderColorblock(primaryColor, elem, '-160px');
function renderColorblock( colour, elem, topPX ) {
let colorBlock = document.createElement('span');
let getHex = frColors.find(x => x.name === colour).hex;
let getID = frColors.find(x => x.name === colour).id;
let defineColor = ( (getID > 13 && getID < 90) || (getID > 132 && getID < 174)) ? '#FFF' : '#000';
colorBlock.style.backgroundColor = getHex;
colorBlock.style.color = defineColor;
colorBlock.style.padding = '1px 3px';
colorBlock.style.position = 'absolute';
colorBlock.style.top = topPX;
colorBlock.style.right = '-12px';
colorBlock.style.fontSize = '7px';
colorBlock.style.maxHeight = '8px';
colorBlock.innerText = colour;
//return colorBlock;
function updateImageSizes( imageSrc ) {
imageSrc = imageSrc.replace('avatars', '350');
imageSrc = imageSrc.replace('.png', '_350.png');
return imageSrc;
function applyStyles( settingStyle, icon, dragon, content, elements, price ) {
let energyBar = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-energy-bar')[0],
coliLevel = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-coli-level')[0],
sellPrice = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-sellprice')[0],
sellPriceLabel = sellPrice.getElementsByTagName('div')[0],
buyButton = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-buy-button')[0],
currency = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-currency')[0],
cost = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-cost')[0],
dragonID = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-dragon-id')[0],
expiry = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-expiry')[0],
barFg = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-energy-bar-fg')[0],
currencyIcon = dragon.getElementsByClassName('ah-listing-currency-icon')[0];
icon.style.width = '135px';
icon.style.height = '135px';
icon.style.margin = '-10px 0 0 0';
if ( settingStyle[0] == true ) {
dragon.style.flex = '0 0 25%';
dragon.style.boxSizing = 'border-box';
dragon.style.height = '330px';
dragon.style.overflow = 'hidden';
dragon.style.borderRight = '1px solid silver';
dragon.style.padding = '10px';
content.style.position = 'relative';
elements.style.position = 'relative';
price.style.position = 'relative';
content.style.left = '0';
elements.style.left = '0';
price.style.left = '0';
content.style.top = '20px';
elements.style.top = '25px';
price.style.top = '20px';
price.style.textAlign = 'left';
sellPriceLabel.style.display = 'none';
sellPrice.style.height = 'auto';
currency.style.marginBottom = '10px';
buyButton.style.width = '100%';
buyButton.style.height = '40px';
buyButton.style.padding = '0';
buyButton.style.textAlign = 'center';
buyButton.style.margin = '0';
buyButton.style.fontSize = '20px';
buyButton.style.lineHeight = '2';
buyButton.style.backgroundImage = 'none';
buyButton.innerText = 'BUY';
dragonID.style.fontSize = '8px';
coliLevel.style.fontSize = '8px';
coliLevel.style.textAlign = 'right';
coliLevel.style.float = 'right';
coliLevel.style.marginTop = '-17px';
expiry.style.fontSize = '8px';
expiry.style.height = '20px';
expiry.style.marginTop = '-5px';
energyBar.style.width = '50px';
energyBar.style.float = 'right';
energyBar.style.margin = '-25px 0 0';
cost.style.fontSize = '15px';
currencyIcon.style.width = '17px';
currencyIcon.style.height = '17px';
currencyIcon.style.bottom = '0';
barFg.style.backgroundSize = '100% 100%';
// bigger!!!!
icon.style.width = '155px';
icon.style.height = '155px';
icon.style.margin = '-25px 0 0 0';
} else {
dragon.style.height = '150px';
content.style.left = '150px';
content.style.top = '52px';
elements.style.top = '52px';
elements.style.left = '410px';
price.style.top = '52px';
if ( settingStyle[1] == true && settingStyle[0] == true ) {
expiry.style.display = 'none';
energyBar.style.display = 'none';
coliLevel.style.display = 'none';
elements.style.top = '15px';
price.style.top = '5px';
dragon.style.height = '300px';
function restyleContainer( parent, style ) {
const rows = document.querySelectorAll('div#ah-content > div');
if ( style == true ) {
parent.style.display = 'flex';
parent.style.flexWrap = 'wrap';
for ( let div of rows ) {
div.style.flex = '0 0 100%';
const frColors = [
"id": 1,
"name": "Maize",
"hex": "#FFFDEA"
"id": 2,
"name": "Cream",
"hex": "#FFEFDC"
"id": 3,
"name": "Antique",
"hex": "#D8D6CD"
"id": 4,
"name": "White",
"hex": "#FFFFFF"
"id": 5,
"name": "Moon",
"hex": "#D8D7D8"
"id": 6,
"name": "Ice",
"hex": "#F1F3FF"
"id": 7,
"name": "Orca",
"hex": "#E1DFFF"
"id": 8,
"name": "Platinum",
"hex": "#C8BECE"
"id": 9,
"name": "Silver",
"hex": "#BBBABF"
"id": 10,
"name": "Dust",
"hex": "#9D9D9F"
"id": 11,
"name": "Grey",
"hex": "#808080"
"id": 12,
"name": "Smoke",
"hex": "#9494A9"
"id": 13,
"name": "Gloom",
"hex": "#545365"
"id": 14,
"name": "Lead",
"hex": "#413C40"
"id": 15,
"name": "Shale",
"hex": "#4D484F"
"id": 16,
"name": "Flint",
"hex": "#636268"
"id": 17,
"name": "Charcoal",
"hex": "#555555"
"id": 18,
"name": "Coal",
"hex": "#4B4946"
"id": 19,
"name": "Oilslick",
"hex": "#352C27"
"id": 20,
"name": "Black",
"hex": "#333333"
"id": 21,
"name": "Obsidian",
"hex": "#1D2224"
"id": 22,
"name": "Eldritch",
"hex": "#252A24"
"id": 23,
"name": "Midnight",
"hex": "#392D43"
"id": 24,
"name": "Shadow",
"hex": "#292B38"
"id": 25,
"name": "Blackberry",
"hex": "#4C2A4F"
"id": 26,
"name": "Mulberry",
"hex": "#6E235D"
"id": 27,
"name": "Plum",
"hex": "#863290"
"id": 28,
"name": "Wisteria",
"hex": "#724D79"
"id": 29,
"name": "Thistle",
"hex": "#8F7C8B"
"id": 30,
"name": "Fog",
"hex": "#A794B2"
"id": 31,
"name": "Mist",
"hex": "#E1CDFE"
"id": 32,
"name": "Lavender",
"hex": "#CCA4E0"
"id": 33,
"name": "Heather",
"hex": "#9778BE"
"id": 34,
"name": "Purple",
"hex": "#A261CF"
"id": 35,
"name": "Orchid",
"hex": "#DA4FFF"
"id": 36,
"name": "Amethyst",
"hex": "#993BD1"
"id": 37,
"name": "Nightshade",
"hex": "#7930B5"
"id": 38,
"name": "Violet",
"hex": "#643F9C"
"id": 39,
"name": "Grape",
"hex": "#580FC0"
"id": 40,
"name": "Royal",
"hex": "#4D2C89"
"id": 41,
"name": "Eggplant",
"hex": "#3F2B66"
"id": 42,
"name": "Iris",
"hex": "#525195"
"id": 43,
"name": "Storm",
"hex": "#757ADB"
"id": 44,
"name": "Twilight",
"hex": "#484AA1"
"id": 45,
"name": "Indigo",
"hex": "#2D237A"
"id": 46,
"name": "Sapphire",
"hex": "#0D0A5B"
"id": 47,
"name": "Navy",
"hex": "#212B5F"
"id": 48,
"name": "Cobalt",
"hex": "#013485"
"id": 49,
"name": "Ultramarine",
"hex": "#1C51E7"
"id": 50,
"name": "Blue",
"hex": "#324BA9"
"id": 51,
"name": "Periwinkle",
"hex": "#4866D5"
"id": 52,
"name": "Lapis",
"hex": "#2F83FF"
"id": 53,
"name": "Splash",
"hex": "#6394DD"
"id": 54,
"name": "Cornflower",
"hex": "#76A8FF"
"id": 55,
"name": "Sky",
"hex": "#AEC8FF"
"id": 56,
"name": "Stonewash",
"hex": "#7895C1"
"id": 57,
"name": "Overcast",
"hex": "#444F69"
"id": 58,
"name": "Steel",
"hex": "#556979"
"id": 59,
"name": "Denim",
"hex": "#2F4557"
"id": 60,
"name": "Abyss",
"hex": "#0D1E25"
"id": 61,
"name": "Phthalo",
"hex": "#0B2D46"
"id": 62,
"name": "Azure",
"hex": "#0A3D67"
"id": 63,
"name": "Caribbean",
"hex": "#0086CE"
"id": 64,
"name": "Teal",
"hex": "#2B768F"
"id": 65,
"name": "Cerulean",
"hex": "#00B4D5"
"id": 66,
"name": "Cyan",
"hex": "#00FFF1"
"id": 67,
"name": "Robin",
"hex": "#9AEAEF"
"id": 68,
"name": "Aqua",
"hex": "#72C4C4"
"id": 69,
"name": "Turquoise",
"hex": "#3CA2A4"
"id": 70,
"name": "Spruce",
"hex": "#8DBCB4"
"id": 71,
"name": "Pistachio",
"hex": "#E2FFE6"
"id": 72,
"name": "Seafoam",
"hex": "#B2E2BD"
"id": 73,
"name": "Mint",
"hex": "#9AFFC7"
"id": 74,
"name": "Jade",
"hex": "#61AB89"
"id": 75,
"name": "Spearmint",
"hex": "#148E67"
"id": 76,
"name": "Thicket",
"hex": "#005D48"
"id": 77,
"name": "Peacock",
"hex": "#1F483A"
"id": 78,
"name": "Emerald",
"hex": "#20603F"
"id": 79,
"name": "Shamrock",
"hex": "#236825"
"id": 80,
"name": "Jungle",
"hex": "#1E361A"
"id": 81,
"name": "Hunter",
"hex": "#1E2716"
"id": 82,
"name": "Forest",
"hex": "#425035"
"id": 83,
"name": "Camo",
"hex": "#51684C"
"id": 84,
"name": "Algae",
"hex": "#97AF8B"
"id": 85,
"name": "Swamp",
"hex": "#687F67"
"id": 86,
"name": "Avocado",
"hex": "#567C34"
"id": 87,
"name": "Green",
"hex": "#629C3F"
"id": 88,
"name": "Fern",
"hex": "#7ECE73"
"id": 89,
"name": "Mantis",
"hex": "#9BFF9D"
"id": 90,
"name": "Pear",
"hex": "#8ECE56"
"id": 91,
"name": "Leaf",
"hex": "#A5E32D"
"id": 92,
"name": "Radioactive",
"hex": "#C6FF00"
"id": 93,
"name": "Honeydew",
"hex": "#D1E572"
"id": 94,
"name": "Peridot",
"hex": "#E8FCB4"
"id": 95,
"name": "Chartreuse",
"hex": "#B4CD3D"
"id": 96,
"name": "Spring",
"hex": "#A9A032"
"id": 97,
"name": "Crocodile",
"hex": "#828335"
"id": 98,
"name": "Olive",
"hex": "#697135"
"id": 99,
"name": "Murk",
"hex": "#4B4420"
"id": 100,
"name": "Moss",
"hex": "#7E7645"
"id": 101,
"name": "Goldenrod",
"hex": "#BEA55D"
"id": 102,
"name": "Amber",
"hex": "#C18E1B"
"id": 103,
"name": "Honey",
"hex": "#D1B300"
"id": 104,
"name": "Lemon",
"hex": "#FFE63B"
"id": 105,
"name": "Yellow",
"hex": "#F9E255"
"id": 106,
"name": "Grapefruit",
"hex": "#F7FF6F"
"id": 107,
"name": "Banana",
"hex": "#FFEC80"
"id": 108,
"name": "Sanddollar",
"hex": "#EDE8B0"
"id": 109,
"name": "Flaxen",
"hex": "#FDE9AC"
"id": 110,
"name": "Ivory",
"hex": "#FFD297"
"id": 111,
"name": "Buttercup",
"hex": "#F6BF6C"
"id": 112,
"name": "Gold",
"hex": "#E8AF49"
"id": 113,
"name": "Metals",
"hex": "#D1B045"
"id": 114,
"name": "Marigold",
"hex": "#FFB53C"
"id": 115,
"name": "Sunshine",
"hex": "#FA912B"
"id": 116,
"name": "Saffron",
"hex": "#FF8500"
"id": 117,
"name": "Sunset",
"hex": "#FFA147"
"id": 118,
"name": "Peach",
"hex": "#FFB576"
"id": 119,
"name": "Cantaloupe",
"hex": "#FF984F"
"id": 120,
"name": "Orange",
"hex": "#D5602B"
"id": 121,
"name": "Bronze",
"hex": "#B2560D"
"id": 122,
"name": "Terracotta",
"hex": "#B24407"
"id": 123,
"name": "Carrot",
"hex": "#FF5500"
"id": 124,
"name": "Fire",
"hex": "#EF5C23"
"id": 125,
"name": "Pumpkin",
"hex": "#FF6841"
"id": 126,
"name": "Tangerine",
"hex": "#FF7360"
"id": 127,
"name": "Cinnamon",
"hex": "#C15A39"
"id": 128,
"name": "Caramel",
"hex": "#C47149"
"id": 129,
"name": "Sand",
"hex": "#B27749"
"id": 130,
"name": "Tan",
"hex": "#C3996F"
"id": 131,
"name": "Beige",
"hex": "#CABBA2"
"id": 132,
"name": "Stone",
"hex": "#827A64"
"id": 133,
"name": "Taupe",
"hex": "#6D675B"
"id": 134,
"name": "Slate",
"hex": "#564D48"
"id": 135,
"name": "Driftwood",
"hex": "#766259"
"id": 136,
"name": "Latte",
"hex": "#977B6C"
"id": 137,
"name": "Dirt",
"hex": "#774840"
"id": 138,
"name": "Clay",
"hex": "#603E3D"
"id": 139,
"name": "Sable",
"hex": "#57372C"
"id": 140,
"name": "Umber",
"hex": "#301E1A"
"id": 141,
"name": "Soil",
"hex": "#5A4534"
"id": 142,
"name": "Hickory",
"hex": "#72573A"
"id": 143,
"name": "Tarnish",
"hex": "#855B33"
"id": 144,
"name": "Ginger",
"hex": "#91532A"
"id": 145,
"name": "Brown",
"hex": "#8E5B3F"
"id": 146,
"name": "Chocolate",
"hex": "#563012"
"id": 147,
"name": "Auburn",
"hex": "#7B3C1D"
"id": 148,
"name": "Copper",
"hex": "#A44B28"
"id": 149,
"name": "Rust",
"hex": "#8B3220"
"id": 150,
"name": "Tomato",
"hex": "#BA311C"
"id": 151,
"name": "Vermilion",
"hex": "#E22D18"
"id": 152,
"name": "Ruby",
"hex": "#CE000D"
"id": 153,
"name": "Cherry",
"hex": "#AA0024"
"id": 154,
"name": "Crimson",
"hex": "#850012"
"id": 155,
"name": "Garnet",
"hex": "#581014"
"id": 156,
"name": "Sanguine",
"hex": "#2D0102"
"id": 157,
"name": "Blood",
"hex": "#451717"
"id": 158,
"name": "Maroon",
"hex": "#652127"
"id": 159,
"name": "Berry",
"hex": "#8C272D"
"id": 160,
"name": "Red",
"hex": "#C1272D"
"id": 161,
"name": "Strawberry",
"hex": "#DF3236"
"id": 162,
"name": "Cerise",
"hex": "#A12928"
"id": 163,
"name": "Carmine",
"hex": "#B13A3A"
"id": 164,
"name": "Brick",
"hex": "#9A534D"
"id": 165,
"name": "Coral",
"hex": "#CC6F6F"
"id": 166,
"name": "Blush",
"hex": "#FEA0A0"
"id": 167,
"name": "Cottoncandy",
"hex": "#EB799A"
"id": 168,
"name": "Watermelon",
"hex": "#DB518D"
"id": 169,
"name": "Magenta",
"hex": "#E934AA"
"id": 170,
"name": "Fuchsia",
"hex": "#E7008B"
"id": 171,
"name": "Raspberry",
"hex": "#8A024A"
"id": 172,
"name": "Wine",
"hex": "#4D0F28"
"id": 173,
"name": "Mauve",
"hex": "#9C4975"
"id": 174,
"name": "Pink",
"hex": "#E77FBF"
"id": 175,
"name": "Bubblegum",
"hex": "#E5A9FF"
"id": 176,
"name": "Rose",
"hex": "#FFD6F6"
"id": 177,
"name": "Pearl",
"hex": "#FBEDFA"