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Plater NS Tower Monster

(Ver 1.3) Attempts to select the correct item to defeat the tower monsters

// Plater
// 2008 
// ==UserScript==
// @name           Plater NS Tower Monster
// @namespace
// @description    (Ver 1.3) Attempts to select the correct item to defeat the tower monsters
// @include        http://**
// @version
// ==/UserScript==

// Version 1.0	11/20/2008	First public release!
// Version 1.1	11/21/2008	Stopped script from continuing if an Item was not found for the given Monster
// Version 1.2	11/21/2008	Switched from XPath to getElementById(), added more protection, corrected bugs,
//														If item cannot be found in Select, it is now displayed under monster name
//														and attempts to link to wiki page on it
// Version 1.3	02/03/2009	Hopefully fixed issue with fighting the darkness, set item counter to "empty" on failure

//Populate this with the current fight name
var MonsterName ='';

//Populate this with all the possible choices
var CreatureList = new Object;

//Now perform the search

function SearchForMonster()
//Find and evaluate the monster name
	var spanobj;
  var spltspot = MonsterName.indexOf(' ');
  if(spltspot !=-1)
  {//atempt to remove the begining article, this could be done better
  {//todo: I can either do this, or change it in the CreatureList
  	MonsterName="the darkness";
  //alert("Monster name to search for: '"+MonsterName+"'");
//Grab the item used to defeat monster 
	var ItemName = CreatureList[MonsterName];
	//alert("Item to defeat: '"+ItemName+"'");
//Find the correct Select box
		var selectlist=document.getElementsByName("whichitem");
			var theselect=selectlist[0];//chose the first one
				var Found=false;
				for(var i=0;i<theselect.options.length;i++)
					{//Found the right item in the select
						theselect.options[i].selected=true;//alert("Found at index: "+i);
				{//Display what item is needed if you don't appear to have it
					var ItemNameHTML="<br/>(Use this Item: <font color=\"red\"><a href=\""+ItemName+"\">"+ItemName+"</a></font>)";
					{ spanobj.innerHTML+=ItemNameHTML; }
			}// else {//no options in the select?     //alert("Object returned: "+theselect); }
		}//	else {//Found too many or not enough selects  //alert("Incorrect number of Selects: "+selectlist.length + " Select elements!") }
  }//else {//Monster name was not in the tower monster list }

function BuildCreatureList()
{//Fill in the "Dictionary" with Tower Monsters
	CreatureList["Beer Batter"] = 'baseball';
	CreatureList["best-selling novelist"] = 'plot hole';
	CreatureList["Big Meat Golem"] = 'meat vortex';
	CreatureList["Bowling Cricket"] = 'sonar-in-a-biscuit';
	CreatureList["Bronze Chef"] = 'leftovers of indeterminate origin';
	CreatureList["collapsed mineshaft golem"] = 'stick of dynamite';
	CreatureList["concert pianist"] = 'Knob Goblin firecracker';
	CreatureList["the darkness"] = 'inkwell';
	CreatureList["El Diablo"] = 'mariachi G-string';
	CreatureList["Electron Submarine"] = 'photoprotoneutron torpedo';
	CreatureList["endangered inflatable white tiger"] = 'pygmy blowgun';
	CreatureList["Enraged Cow"] = 'barbed-wire fence';
	CreatureList["fancy bath slug"] = 'fancy bath salts';
	CreatureList["Fickle Finger of F8"] = 'razor-sharp can lid';
	CreatureList["Flaming Samurai"] = 'frigid ninja stars';
	CreatureList["giant bee"] = 'tropical orchid';
	CreatureList["giant fried egg"] = 'black pepper';
	CreatureList["Giant Desktop Globe"] = 'NG';
	CreatureList["Ice Cube"] = 'hair spray';
	CreatureList["malevolent crop circle"] = 'bronzed locust';
	CreatureList["possessed pipe-organ"] = 'powdered organs';
	CreatureList["Pretty Fly"] = 'spider web';
	CreatureList["Tyrannosaurus Tex"] = 'chaos butterfly';
	CreatureList["Vicious Easel"] = 'disease';

function find(xp,location) 
{//Code to search for elements using XPath
	if(!location)location = document;
	var temp = document.evaluate(xp, location, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,null);
	return temp.singleNodeValue;