[RED/OPS/NWCD] Upload Assistant

Accurate filling of new upload/request and group/request edit forms based on foobar2000's playlist selection (via pasted output of copy command), release integrity check, two tracklist layouts, colours customization, featured artists extraction, classical works formatting, coverart fetching from store, checking for previous upload and more. As alternative to pasted playlist, e.g. for requests creation, valid URL to product page on supported web can be used -- see below.

Verzia zo dňa 12.02.2020. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

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Script using GreaseMonkey extensions, tested on Firefox, Chrome, Opera on Windows, Linux and Tampermonkey as script manager. On other platforms, browsers or script managers may not work.
Additional setup: to read audio player's playlist, custom copy format must be set (for foobar2000's native copy command: File > Preferences > Display > Classic User Interface > Title Formatting > Copy command, or Text Tools plugin quick copy command)

$replace($replace([%album artist%]$char(30)[%album%]$char(30)[$if3(%date%,%ORIGINAL RELEASE DATE%,%year%)]$char(30)[$if3(%releasedate%,%retail date%,%date%,%year%)]$char(30)[$if2(%label%,%publisher%)]$char(30)[$if3(%catalog%,%CATALOGNUMBER%,%CATALOG NUMBER%,%labelno%,%catalog #%,%SKU%)]$char(30)[%country%]$char(30)%__encoding%$char(30)%__codec%$char(30)[%__codec_profile%]$char(30)[%__bitrate%]$char(30)[%__bitspersample%]$char(30)[%__samplerate%]$char(30)[%__channels%]$char(30)[$if3(%media%,%format%,%source%,%MEDIATYPE%,%SOURCEMEDIA%,%discogs_format%)]$char(30)[%genre%[|%style%]]$char(30)[%discnumber%]$char(30)[$if2(%totaldiscs%,%disctotal%)]$char(30)[%discsubtitle%]$char(30)[%track number%]$char(30)[$if2(%totaltracks%,%TRACKTOTAL%)]$char(30)[%title%]$char(30)[%track artist%]$char(30)[$if($strcmp(%performer%,%artist%),,%performer%)]$char(30)[$if3(%composer%,%writer%,%SONGWRITER%,%author%,%LYRICIST%)]$char(30)[%conductor%]$char(30)[%remixer%]$char(30)[$if2(%compiler%,%mixer%)]$char(30)[$if2(%producer%,%producedby%)]$char(30)[%length_seconds_fp%]$char(30)[%length_samples%]$char(30)[%filesize%]$char(30)[%replaygain_album_gain%]$char(30)[%album dynamic range%]$char(30)[%__tool%][ | $if2(%MQAENCODER%,%ENCODER%)][ | %ENCODER_OPTIONS%]$char(30)[$if2(%url%,%www%)]$char(30)[$directory_path(%path%)]$char(30)[$if2(%comment%,%description%)]$char(30)$trim([BARCODE=$trim($replace($if3(%barcode%,%UPC%,%EAN%,%MCN%), ,)) ][DISCID=$trim(%DISCID%) ][ASIN=$trim(%ASIN%) ][ISRC=$trim(%ISRC%) ][ISWC=$trim(%ISWC%) ][DISCOGS_ID=$trim(%discogs_release_id%) ][MBID=$trim(%MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID%) ][ACCURATERIPCRC=$trim(%ACCURATERIPCRC%) ][ACCURATERIPDISCID=$trim(%ACCURATERIPDISCID%) ][ACCURATERIPID=$trim(%ACCURATERIPID%) ][SOURCEID=$trim($replace(%SOURCEID%, ,_)) ][CT_TOC=$trim(%CDTOC%) ][ITUNES_TOC=$trim(%ITUNES_CDDB_1%) ][RELEASETYPE=$replace($if2(%RELEASETYPE%,%RELEASE TYPE%), ,_) ][COMPILATION=$trim(%compilation%) ][EXPLICIT=$trim(%EXPLICIT%) ]SCENE=$if($and(%ENCODER%,%LANGUAGE%,%MEDIA%,%PUBLISHER%,%RELEASE TYPE%,%RETAIL DATE%,%RIP DATE%,%RIPPING TOOL%),1,0) [ORIGINALFORMAT=$trim($replace(%ORIGINALFORMAT%, ,_)) ][BPM=$trim(%BPM%) ]),$char(13),$char(29)),$char(10),$char(28))

Note: Text Tools plugin substitutes linebreaks by underscores, making it ambiguous to restore original comment (remap_texttools_newlines=1 to backward substitution), because of that using standard copy command is more reliable.

[Optional] More setup for proper transfer of secondary metadata:
In %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\foobar2000\LargeFieldsConfig.txt (requires restart)
- increase basicMetaMax to 16384 or more
- add fieldBasic=comment
- remove fieldSpam=ITUNES_CDDB_1

Script already fills form with minimal set of required tags (album, artist, title, tracknumber), but requires additional edits. Accuracy and completeness of description improves with increasing amount of expectably filled relevant tags, especially RELEASEDATE/RETAIL DATE, LABEL/PUBLISHER, CATALOG/CATALOGNUMBER, GENRE/STYLE, COUNTRY, URL (for lineage, online integrity check & cover art), COMMENT/DESCRIPTION (for additional album description), MEDIA/SOURCE/FORMAT, RELEASETYPE, COMPILATION (otherwise guessed from various parameters, not reliable), ALBUM DYNAMIC RANGE, DISCNUMBER, DISCSUBTITLE (for multivolume albums). Beyond naming volumes script uses DISCSUBTITLE also for grouping of classical works and logical units within playlist (usually on extensive anthologies).

Supported sites for online capturing of release details:

- Qobuz (store)
- HighResAudio (store)
- BandCamp (store)
- Presto Music (store)
- Discogs (community)
- Supraphonline (store, CZ)
- Bontonland (store, CZ, closing soon)
- NativeDSD (store)
- Juno Download (store)
- HDtracks (store)
- Deezer (store)
- Spotify (store, requires account and application credentials)
- ProStudioMasters (store)
- Google Play Music (store)
- 7digital (store)
- e-onkyo music (store)
- Acoustic Sounds (store)
- Indies Scope (store)
- Beatport (store)
- Traxsource (store)
- Apple Music (store)
- MusicBrainz (community)

For e-books

- Martinus (store, CZ, SK)
- GoodReads (community)
- Databáze knih (community, CZ)

For applications:

- SoftArchive (SAnet - dl blog)

User customization is accessible via GM local storage, no own UI for now (use userscripts control panel to access the complete list of preferences).
How to access user configuration for Tampermonky: Run the script at least once by letting it fill form, then open the script in editor and switch to storage tab (quick way - open upload page, click TM toolbar icon, right click UA)

Enhancements to web form: (except NWCD)

  • custom drag & drop handler for all description fields; accepted content types: local text files, local images (jpg, png, gif) (uploaded), html sourced formatted text, web links and web images (rehosted) // foo_dr.txt handling
    PTPIMG account is required for any image related content (API key is autoconfigured on first use, be logged in to image host with same browser)
  • custom paste handler for all description fields (handles html formatted text)
  • custom drag & drop handler for cover image input (upload local image / rehost web sourced image)
  • Pre-submit description cleanup (remove excessive linebreaks and empty tag pairs), configurable via cleanup_descriptions preference
  • (Orpheus/new upload only) altering upload form to stick with editions standard from other trackers (don't have original release but always use edition); this only affects the form, auto-written data always set to edition; enabled by default, for disabling: set user preference ops_always_edition to 0

Extensions to other scripts: (except NWCD)

  • drag & drop patch to PTPImg It (drop images from shell on the button to directly upload them to PTPIMG host); make sure PTPImg It has lower order number than UA and has configured API key

Release integrity checking online does compare locally stored album with online source.
What is compared: title, main artist, playlist (track names, track artists and duration). Playlist size and overall duration is compared as well. This background check helps to prevent uploading incomplete/damaged albums, or releases that have messed up tracklist.
Requires valid URL tag to supported website (if missing, script tries to look up album in stores)