Iwara Custom Sort

Automatically sort teaser images on /videos, /images, /subscriptions, /users, and sidebars using customizable sort function. Can load and sort multiple pages at once.

Verzia zo dňa 19.02.2019. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v1.1.0 04.08.2021

    Bug fixes

  • v1.0.9 04.02.2021 バグ修正 (Bug fixes)
  • v1.0.8 02.10.2020 Fix a bug on chrome.
  • v1.0.7 02.10.2020 Replace the default button with a menu to select presets.
  • v1.0.6 30.09.2020 Pagination links will now change along with number of loaded page dynamically.
  • v1.0.5 27.09.2020 Bug fixes; New default sort condition; Increase page count without refreshing.
  • v1.0.2 27.09.2020 Bug fixes, Changes to multi-page loading (Fewer pages are loaded at once for the first few pages to reduce unnecessary loading).
  • v1.0.0 26.09.2020 Bug fix
  • v0.209 16.08.2019 Add "index" variable (0 ~ (n-1) for 1st to nth teaser in the initial order before sorting), bugfixes.
  • v0.206 14.08.2019 Change typescript compile target from es2016 to es2017 to reduce script size, it's using esnext flatMap anyway.
  • v0.204 14.08.2019 Now the script will attempt to reload any broken images seconds after adding teasers.
  • v0.202 14.08.2019 UI bugfixes.
  • v0.200 14.08.2019 Enable sorting on /playlist, more bugfixes.
  • v0.199 12.08.2019 Better alert and some bugfixes. Rebuild the whole script using webpack.
  • v0.197 09.08.2019 Fix a bug.
  • v0.196 05.08.2019 Fix a bug.
  • v0.195 05.08.2019 Fix a recent URL bug.
  • v0.194 01.07.2019
  • v0.193 20.06.2019 Fix a bug about pagination link on subscrition pages.
  • v0.192 29.05.2019 Change the default sorting value
  • v0.191 26.03.2019 Will tell you to refresh the page to apply the change .
  • v0.190 19.02.2019 Multipage Loading should able to use on google chrome now;
  • v0.186 17.02.2019 Bug Fixes
  • v0.185 17.02.2019 SEO
  • v0.184 17.02.2019 Can now load and sort multiple pages at once; UI adjustments.
  • v0.153 16.02.2019 "image" is now correctly applied, add "gallery" variable. The pagination links at the bottom of a page will now change according to the "additionalPageCount"
  • v0.147 14.02.2019 Bug Fixes
  • v0.146 14.02.2019 Bug fixed.
  • v0.143 13.02.2019 Add a button to reset the sort value to default; New variables (''private" , "image"); Experimental feature by setting additionalPageCount in the script to a number > 0
  • v0.121 12.02.2019
  • v0.120 11.02.2019
  • v0.118 11.02.2019 Improved security...probably...
  • v0.117 10.02.2019 Hit enter when editting the sort value will now trigger the sort button. UI will only show up when there are videos to sort.
  • v0.114 08.02.2019
  • v0.113 08.02.2019
  • v0.112 08.02.2019
  • v0.111 08.02.2019
  • v0.11 08.02.2019
  • v0.1 08.02.2019