
通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制; 只对HTML5播放器生效;

Verzia zo dňa 25.06.2022. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         解除B站区域限制
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      8.2.24
// @description  通过替换获取视频地址接口的方式, 实现解除B站区域限制; 只对HTML5播放器生效;
// @author       ipcjs
// @supportURL   https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/blob/user.js/packages/unblock-area-limit/README.md
// @compatible   chrome
// @compatible   firefox
// @license      MIT
// @require      https://static.hdslb.com/js/md5.js
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/video/av*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/video/BV*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss*
// @include      *://m.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep*
// @include      *://m.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss*
// @include      *://bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/*
// @include      *://bangumi.bilibili.com/movie/*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/blackboard/html5player.html*
// @include      *://www.bilibili.com/watchroom/*
// @include      *://space.bilibili.com/*
// @include      https://www.mcbbs.net/template/mcbbs/image/special_photo_bg.png*
// @run-at       document-start
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

const log = console.log.bind(console, 'injector:')

if (location.href.match(/^https:\/\/www\.mcbbs\.net\/template\/mcbbs\/image\/special_photo_bg\.png/) != null) {
    if (location.href.match('access_key') != null && window.opener != null) {
        document.children[0].innerHTML = '<title>BALH - 授权</title><meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在跳转……';
        window.opener.postMessage('balh-login-credentials: ' + location.href, '*');

function injector() {
    if (document.getElementById('balh-injector-source')) {
        log(`脚本已经注入过, 不需要执行`)
    // @require      https://static.hdslb.com/js/md5.js
    GM_info.scriptMetaStr.replace(new RegExp('// @require\\s+https?:(//.*)'), (match, /*p1:*/url) => {
        log('@require:', url)
        let $script = document.createElement('script')
        $script.className = 'balh-injector-require'
        $script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript')
        $script.setAttribute('src', url)
        return match
    let $script = document.createElement('script')
    $script.id = 'balh-injector-source'

if (!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'XMLHttpRequest').writable) {
    log('XHR对象不可修改, 需要把脚本注入到页面中', GM_info.script.name, location.href, document.readyState)

/** 脚本的主体部分, 在GM4中, 需要把这个函数转换成字符串, 注入到页面中, 故不要引用外部的变量 */
function scriptSource(invokeBy) {
    // @template-content
    var Strings;
    (function (Strings) {
        function multiply(str, multiplier) {
            let result = '';
            for (let i = 0; i < multiplier; i++) {
                result += str;
            return result;
        Strings.multiply = multiply;
        function toSnakeCase(str) {
            return str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, (a) => `_${a.toLowerCase()}`).replace(/^_/, "");
        Strings.toSnakeCase = toSnakeCase;
        function getSearchParam(url, key) {
            return (url.match(new RegExp('[?|&]' + key + '=(\\w+)')) || ['', ''])[1];
        Strings.getSearchParam = getSearchParam;
        function replaceTemplate(template, values) {
            return template.replace(/___(\w+)___/g, (match, name) => {
                return values[name];
        Strings.replaceTemplate = replaceTemplate;
        function escapeSpecialChars(str) {
            return str.replace(/\n/g, '\\\n')
                .replace(/"/g, '\\\"')
                .replace(/\r/g, '\\\r')
                .replace(/\t/g, '\\\t')
                .replace(/\b/g, '\\\b')
                .replace(/\f/g, '\\\f');
        Strings.escapeSpecialChars = escapeSpecialChars;
    })(Strings || (Strings = {}));

    var Objects;
    (function (Objects) {
        function convertKeyToSnakeCase(obj) {
            // log(typeof obj, Array.isArray(obj), obj)
            if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
                for (const item of obj) {
            else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
                const o = obj;
                for (const key of Object.keys(o)) {
                    const value = o[key];
                    o[Strings.toSnakeCase(key)] = value;
            return obj; // 该方法会修改传入的obj的内容, 返回obj只是为了调用方便...
        Objects.convertKeyToSnakeCase = convertKeyToSnakeCase;
        function stringify(item) {
            if (typeof item === 'object') {
                try {
                    return JSON.stringify(item);
                catch (e) {
                    return `${item}`;
            else {
                return item;
        Objects.stringify = stringify;
        function stringifyArray(arr) {
            return arr.map(stringify).join(' ');
        Objects.stringifyArray = stringifyArray;
    })(Objects || (Objects = {}));

    const r_text = {
        ok: { en: 'OK', zh_cn: '确定', },
        close: { en: 'Close', zh_cn: '关闭' },
        welcome_to_acfun: '<p><b>缺B乐 了解下?</b></p>',
        version_remind: ``,
    function _t(key) {
        const text = r_text[key];
        const lang = 'zh_cn';
        return typeof text === 'string' ? text : text[lang];
    const TRUE = 'Y';
    const FALSE = '';
    const r = {
        html: {},
        css: {
            settings: '#balh-settings {font-size: 12px;color: #6d757a;}  #balh-settings h1 {color: #161a1e}  #balh-settings a {color: #00a1d6;}  #balh-settings a:hover {color: #f25d8e}  #balh-settings input {margin-left: 3px;margin-right: 3px;}  @keyframes balh-settings-bg { from {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)} to {background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7)} }  #balh-settings label {width: 100%;display: inline-block;cursor: pointer}  #balh-settings label:after {content: "";width: 0;height: 1px;background: #4285f4;transition: width .3s;display: block}  #balh-settings label:hover:after {width: 100%}  form {margin: 0}  #balh-settings input[type="radio"] {-webkit-appearance: radio;-moz-appearance: radio;appearance: radio;}  #balh-settings input[type="checkbox"] {-webkit-appearance: checkbox;-moz-appearance: checkbox;appearance: checkbox;} ',
        attr: {},
        url: {
            issue: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues',
            issue_new: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/new',
            readme: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/blob/user.js/packages/unblock-area-limit/README.md#%E8%A7%A3%E9%99%A4b%E7%AB%99%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6',
        script: {
            is_dev: GM_info.script.name.includes('.dev'),
        const: {
            mode: {
                /** 默认模式, 自动判断使用何种模式, 推荐; */
                DEFAULT: 'default',
                /** 替换模式, 替换有区域限制的视频的接口的返回值; */
                REPLACE: 'replace',
                /** 重定向模式, 直接重定向所有番剧视频的接口到代理服务器; 所有番剧视频都通过代理服务器获取视频地址, 如果代理服务器不稳定, 可能加载不出视频; */
                REDIRECT: 'redirect',
            server: {
                S0: 'https://biliplus.ipcjs.top',
                S1: 'https://www.biliplus.com',
                CUSTOM: '__custom__',
                defaultServer: function () {
                    return this.S1;
            TRUE: TRUE,
            FALSE: FALSE,
        regex: {
            /** api.bilibili.com的全站代理 */
            bilibili_api_proxy: /^https?:\/\/(?<user_pass>[\p{L}\d:_-]+@)?(?<user_server>[\p{L}\d_-]+(\.[\p{L}\d_-]+)+(:\d+)?)$/u,
        baipiao: [
            { key: 'zomble_land_saga', match: () => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = window.__INITIAL_STATE__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.epInfo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ep_id) === 251255; }, link: 'http://www.acfun.cn/bangumi/ab5022161_31405_278830', message: r_text.welcome_to_acfun },
            { key: 'zomble_land_saga', match: () => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = window.__INITIAL_STATE__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mediaInfo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.media_id) === 140772; }, link: 'http://www.acfun.cn/bangumi/aa5022161', message: r_text.welcome_to_acfun },

    const tag = GM_info.script.name + '.msg';
    // 计算"楼层", 若当前window就是顶层的window, 则floor为0, 以此类推
    function computeFloor(w = window, floor = 0) {
        if (w === window.top) {
            return floor;
        else {
            return computeFloor(w.parent, floor + 1);
    let floor = computeFloor();
    let msgList = [];
    if (floor === 0) { // 只有顶层的Window才需要收集日志
        window.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
            if (event.data instanceof Array && event.data[0] === tag) {
                let [/*tag*/ , fromFloor, msg] = event.data;
                msgList.push(Strings.multiply('    ', fromFloor) + msg);
    const logHub = {
        msg: function (msg) {
            window.top.postMessage([tag, floor, msg], '*');
        getAllMsg: function (replaces = {}) {
            let allMsg = msgList.join('\n');
            for (const k of Object.keys(replaces)) {
                allMsg = allMsg.replace(k, replaces[k]);
            return allMsg;
    function logImpl(type) {
        if (r.script.is_dev) {
            // 直接打印, 会显示行数
            return window.console[type].bind(window.console, type + ':');
        else {
            // 将log收集到util_log_hub中, 显示的行数是错误的...
            return function (...args) {
                args.unshift(type + ':');
                window.console[type].apply(window.console, args);
    const util_log = logImpl('log');
    const util_info = logImpl('info');
    const util_debug = logImpl('debug');
    const util_warn = logImpl('warn');
    const util_error = logImpl('error');

    /** @see https://github.com/yujincheng08/BiliRoaming/blob/f689b138da7ac45d2591d375f19698c969844324/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml#L112-L131 */
    const uposMap = {
        ks3: 'upos-sz-mirrorks3.bilivideo.com',
        ks3b: 'upos-sz-mirrorks3b.bilivideo.com',
        ks3c: 'upos-sz-mirrorks3c.bilivideo.com',
        ks32: 'upos-sz-mirrorks32.bilivideo.com',
        kodo: 'upos-sz-mirrorkodo.bilivideo.com',
        kodob: 'upos-sz-mirrorkodob.bilivideo.com',
        cos: 'upos-sz-mirrorcos.bilivideo.com',
        cosb: 'upos-sz-mirrorcosb.bilivideo.com',
        bos: 'upos-sz-mirrorbos.bilivideo.com',
        wcs: 'upos-sz-mirrorwcs.bilivideo.com',
        wcsb: 'upos-sz-mirrorwcsb.bilivideo.com',
        /** 不限CROS, 限制UA */
        hw: 'upos-sz-mirrorhw.bilivideo.com',
        hwb: 'upos-sz-mirrorhwb.bilivideo.com',
        upbda2: 'upos-sz-upcdnbda2.bilivideo.com',
        upws: 'upos-sz-upcdnws.bilivideo.com',
        uptx: 'upos-sz-upcdntx.bilivideo.com',
        uphw: 'upos-sz-upcdnhw.bilivideo.com',
        js: 'upos-tf-all-js.bilivideo.com',
        hk: 'cn-hk-eq-bcache-01.bilivideo.com',
        akamai: 'upos-hz-mirrorakam.akamaized.net',
    var Converters;
    (function (Converters) {
        // https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/398535-bv2av/code
        const table = 'fZodR9XQDSUm21yCkr6zBqiveYah8bt4xsWpHnJE7jL5VG3guMTKNPAwcF';
        const tr = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < 58; ++i) {
            tr[table[i]] = i;
        const s = [11, 10, 3, 8, 4, 6];
        const xor = 177451812;
        const add = 8728348608;
        function bv2aid(bv) {
            let r = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
                r += tr[bv[s[i]]] * (58 ** i);
            return String((r - add) ^ xor);
        Converters.bv2aid = bv2aid;
        function aid2bv(x) {
            x = (x ^ xor) + add;
            const r = Array.from('BV1  4 1 7  ');
            for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                r[s[i]] = table[Math.trunc(x / (58 ** i)) % 58];
            return r.join('');
        Converters.aid2bv = aid2bv;
        function xml2obj(xml) {
            try {
                var obj = {}, text;
                var children = xml.children;
                if (children.length > 0) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                        var item = children.item(i);
                        var nodeName = item.nodeName;
                        if (typeof (obj[nodeName]) == "undefined") { // 若是新的属性, 则往obj中添加
                            obj[nodeName] = xml2obj(item);
                        else {
                            if (typeof (obj[nodeName].push) == "undefined") { // 若老的属性没有push方法, 则把属性改成Array
                                var old = obj[nodeName];
                                obj[nodeName] = [];
                else {
                    text = xml.textContent; // todo: 强转为非空是否有问题?
                    if (/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.test(text)) {
                        obj = Number(text);
                    else if (text === 'true' || text === 'false') {
                        obj = Boolean(text);
                    else {
                        obj = text;
                return obj;
            catch (e) {
        Converters.xml2obj = xml2obj;
        function generateSign(params, key) {
            let s_keys = [];
            for (let i in params) {
            let data = "";
            for (let i = 0; i < s_keys.length; i++) {
                // encodeURIComponent 返回的转义数字必须为大写( 如 %2F )
                data += (data ? "&" : "") + s_keys[i] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[s_keys[i]]);
            return {
                sign: hex_md5(data + key),
                params: data,
        Converters.generateSign = generateSign;
         * 直接替换host大多数时候似乎不行, 即使可以视频的分辨率也很低, 原因未知
         * @param replaceAkamai 详见:`BalhConfig.upos_replace_akamai`
        function replaceUpos(data, host = uposMap.uptx, replaceAkamai) {
            var str = JSON.stringify(data);
            if (!str.includes("akamaized.net") || replaceAkamai) {
                str = str.replace(/:\\?\/\\?\/[^\/]+\\?\//g, `://${host}/`);
            return JSON.parse(str);
        Converters.replaceUpos = replaceUpos;
    })(Converters || (Converters = {}));

    * 创建元素的快捷方法:
    * 1. type, props, children
    * 2. type, props, innerHTML
    * 3. 'text', text
    * @param type string, 标签名; 特殊的, 若为text, 则表示创建文字, 对应的t为文字的内容
    * @param props object, 属性; 特殊的属性名有: className, 类名; style, 样式, 值为(样式名, 值)形式的object; event, 值为(事件名, 监听函数)形式的object;
    * @param children array, 子元素; 也可以直接是html文本;
    function createElement(type, props, children) {
        let elem = null;
        if (type === "text") {
            return document.createTextNode(props);
        else {
            elem = document.createElement(type);
        for (let n in props) {
            if (n === "style") {
                for (let x in props.style) {
                    elem.style[x] = props.style[x];
            else if (n === "className") {
                elem.className = props[n];
            else if (n === "event") {
                for (let x in props.event) {
                    elem.addEventListener(x, props.event[x]);
            else {
                // 用undefined表示不设置这个属性
                props[n] !== undefined && elem.setAttribute(n, props[n]);
        if (children) {
            if (typeof children === 'string') {
                elem.innerHTML = children;
            else {
                for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
                    if (children[i] != null)
        return elem;

    // 继承系统的[Error]在ES5下可能不生效, 使用这个类替代
    // 详见: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/Breaking-Changes#extending-built-ins-like-error-array-and-map-may-no-longer-work
    class Exception {
        constructor(message) {
            this.message = message;
        toString() {
            return `Exception: ${this.message}`;

    // 在某些情况下, 页面中会修改window.Promise... 故我们要备份一下原始的Promise
    const Promise$1 = window.Promise;
    * 模仿RxJava中的compose操作符
    * @param transformer 转换函数, 传入Promise, 返回Promise; 若为空, 则啥也不做
    Promise$1.prototype.compose = function (transformer) {
        return transformer ? transformer(this) : this;
    var Async;
    (function (Async) {
        function timeout(timeout) {
            return new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                setTimeout(resolve, timeout);
        Async.timeout = timeout;
        class RetryUntilTimeoutException extends Exception {
        // 直到满足condition()为止, 才执行promiseCreator(), 创建Promise
        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40328932/javascript-es6-promise-for-loop
        function retryUntil(condition, promiseCreator, retryCount = Number.MAX_VALUE, interval = 1) {
            const loop = (time) => {
                if (!condition()) {
                    if (time < retryCount) {
                        return timeout(interval).then(loop.bind(null, time + 1));
                    else {
                        return Promise$1.reject(new RetryUntilTimeoutException(`retryUntil timeout, condition: ${condition.toString()}`));
                else {
                    return promiseCreator();
            return loop(0);
        Async.retryUntil = retryUntil;
        * @param promiseCreator  创建Promise的函数
        * @param resultTransformer 用于变换result的函数, 返回新的result或Promise
        * @param errorTransformer  用于变换error的函数, 返回新的error或Promise, 返回的Promise可以做状态恢复...
        function wrapper(promiseCreator, resultTransformer, errorTransformer) {
            return function (...args) {
                return new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                    // log(promiseCreator, ...args)
                        .then(r => resultTransformer ? resultTransformer(r) : r)
                        .then(r => resolve(r))
                        .catch(e => {
                        e = errorTransformer ? errorTransformer(e) : e;
                        if (!(e instanceof Promise$1)) {
                            // 若返回值不是Promise, 则表示是一个error
                            e = Promise$1.reject(e);
                        e.then(r => resolve(r)).catch(e => reject(e));
        Async.wrapper = wrapper;
        function requestByXhr(url) {
            return new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                const req = new XMLHttpRequest();
                req.onreadystatechange = (event) => {
                    if (req.readyState === 4) {
                        if (req.status === 200) {
                            try {
                            catch (e) {
                        else {
                req.withCredentials = true;
                let authorization = '';
                // 理论上来说网页中的请求不应该带username&password, 这里直接将它们替换成authorization header...
                const originUrl = new URL(url, document.location.href);
                if (originUrl.username && originUrl.password) {
                    authorization = "Basic " + btoa(`${originUrl.username}:${originUrl.password}`);
                    // 清除username&password
                    originUrl.username = '';
                    originUrl.password = '';
                    url = originUrl.href;
                req.open('GET', url);
                if (authorization) {
                    req.setRequestHeader("Authorization", authorization);
        function requestByJQuery(url) {
            const creator = () => new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                let options = { url: url };
                const originUrl = new URL(url, document.location.href);
                // 同上
                if (originUrl.username && originUrl.password) {
                    options.headers = { 'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa(`${originUrl.username}:${originUrl.password}`) };
                    originUrl.username = '';
                    originUrl.password = '';
                    options.url = originUrl.href;
                options.async === undefined && (options.async = true);
                options.xhrFields === undefined && (options.xhrFields = { withCredentials: true });
                options.success = function (data) {
                options.error = function (err) {
                util_debug(`ajax: ${options.url}`);
            // 重试 30 * 100 = 3s
            return retryUntil(() => {
                util_debug(`retryUntil.ajaxBy$: ${window.$}`);
                return window.$;
            }, creator, 30, 100);
        function ajax(url) {
            // todo: 直接用fetch实现更简单?
            return requestByJQuery(url)
                .catch(e => {
                if (e instanceof RetryUntilTimeoutException) {
                    return requestByXhr(url);
                else {
                    return Promise$1.reject(e);
        Async.ajax = ajax;
        function jsonp(url) {
            return new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                document.head.appendChild(createElement('script', {
                    src: url,
                    event: {
                        load: function () {
                        error: function () {
        Async.jsonp = jsonp;
    })(Async || (Async = {}));

    function getCookies() {
        var map = document.cookie.split('; ').reduce(function (obj, item) {
            var entry = item.split('=');
            obj[entry[0]] = entry[1];
            return obj;
        }, {});
        return map;
    function getCookie(key) {
        return getCookies()[key];
     * @param key     key
     * @param value   为undefined时, 表示删除cookie
     * @param options 为undefined时, 表示过期时间为3年
     *          为''时, 表示Session cookie
     *          为数字时, 表示指定过期时间
     *          为{}时, 表示指定所有的属性
     * */
    function setCookie(key, value, options) {
        if (typeof options !== 'object') {
            options = {
                domain: '.bilibili.com',
                path: '/',
                'max-age': value === undefined ? 0 : (options === undefined ? 94608000 : options)
        var c = Object.keys(options).reduce(function (str, key) {
            return str + '; ' + key + '=' + options[key];
        }, key + '=' + value);
        document.cookie = c;
        return c;
    const target = {
        set: setCookie,
        get: getCookie,
        all: getCookies,
     * 模仿localStorage
    const cookieStorage = new Proxy(target, {
        get: function (target, prop) {
            if (prop in target)
                return target[prop];
            if (typeof prop !== 'string')
                throw new TypeError(`unsupported prop=${String(prop)}`);
            return getCookie(prop);
        set: function (target, prop, value) {
            if (typeof prop !== 'string')
                return false;
            setCookie(prop, value);
            return true;

    /*! *****************************************************************************
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

    Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
    purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.

    ***************************************************************************** */

    function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
        function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
        return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
            function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
            function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
            function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
            step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());

    var Func;
    (function (Func) {
        function noop() { }
        Func.noop = noop;
        function runCatching(func, onError) {
            let ret = function () {
                try {
                    return func.apply(this, arguments);
                catch (e) {
                    if (onError)
                        return onError(e); // onError可以处理报错时的返回值
                    // 否则打印log, 并返回undefined
                    util_error('Exception while run %o: %o\n%o', func, e, e.stack);
                    return undefined;
            // 函数的name属性是不可写+可配置的, 故需要如下代码实现类似这样的效果: ret.name = func.name
            // 在Edge上匿名函数的name的描述符会为undefined, 需要做特殊处理, fuck
            let funcNameDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(func, 'name') || {
                value: '',
                writable: false,
                configurable: true,
            Object.defineProperty(ret, 'name', funcNameDescriptor);
            return ret;
        Func.runCatching = runCatching;
        Func.safeGet = (code) => {
            return eval(`
                    return ${code}
                    return null
    })(Func || (Func = {}));
     * TS不支持可选链赋值, 详见: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-optional-chaining#not-supported
     * 可以使用该方法简化书写
     * */
    function ifNotNull(value, block) {
        if (value != null) {

    const util_page = {
        player: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/blackboard/html5player'),
        // 在av页面中的iframe标签形式的player
        player_in_av: Func.runCatching(() => util_page.player() && window.top.location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/video/av'), (e) => util_debug(e)),
        av: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/video/av') || location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/video/BV'),
        av_new: function () { return this.av() && (window.__playinfo__ || window.__playinfo__origin); },
        bangumi: () => location.href.match(new RegExp('^https?://bangumi\\.bilibili\\.com/anime/\\d+/?$')),
        bangumi_md: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md'),
        // movie页面使用window.aid, 保存当前页面av号
        movie: () => location.href.includes('bangumi.bilibili.com/movie/'),
        // anime页面使用window.season_id, 保存当前页面season号
        anime: () => location.href.match(new RegExp('^https?://bangumi\\.bilibili\\.com/anime/\\d+/play.*')),
        anime_ep: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep'),
        anime_ss: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss'),
        anime_ep_m: () => location.href.includes('m.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep'),
        anime_ss_m: () => location.href.includes('m.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss'),
        new_bangumi: () => location.href.includes('www.bilibili.com/bangumi'),
        watchroom: () => location.href.includes("www.bilibili.com/watchroom"),
        get ssId() {
            var _a, _b;
            return (_b = (_a = window.__INITIAL_STATE__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mediaInfo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.ssId;

    const cookies = cookieStorage.all(); // 缓存的cookies
    const balh_config = new Proxy({ /*保存config的对象*/}, {
        get: function (target, prop) {
            if (typeof prop !== 'string')
                throw new TypeError(`unsupported prop: ${String(prop)}`);
            if (prop === 'server') {
                const server_inner = balh_config.server_inner;
                // 保证balh_config.server一定指向biliplus
                const server = server_inner === r.const.server.CUSTOM ? r.const.server.defaultServer() : server_inner;
                return server;
            else if (prop === 'server_bilibili_api_proxy') {
                return r.regex.bilibili_api_proxy.test(balh_config.server_custom) ? balh_config.server_custom : undefined;
            if (prop in target) {
                return target[prop];
            else { // 若target中不存在指定的属性, 则从缓存的cookies中读取, 并保存到target中
                let value = cookies['balh_' + prop];
                switch (prop) {
                    case 'server_inner':
                        value = value || r.const.server.CUSTOM;
                    case 'server_custom':
                        value = value || '';
                    case 'server_custom_tw':
                        value = value || '';
                    case 'server_custom_hk':
                        value = value || '';
                    case 'server_custom_cn':
                        value = value || '';
                    case 'server_custom_th':
                        value = value || '';
                    case 'mode':
                        value = value || (balh_config.blocked_vip ? r.const.mode.REDIRECT : r.const.mode.DEFAULT);
                    case 'flv_prefer_ws':
                        value = r.const.FALSE; // 关闭该选项
                    case 'is_closed':
                        if (value == null) {
                            value = FALSE; // 默认为false
                target[prop] = value;
                return value;
        set: function (target, prop, value) {
            if (typeof prop !== 'string') {
                return false;
            target[prop] = value; // 更新值
            cookieStorage['balh_' + prop] = value; // 更新cookie中的值
            return true;
    // 迁移到自定义代理服务器, 只会执行一次
    if (util_page.new_bangumi() && !localStorage.balh_migrate_to_2) {
        localStorage.balh_migrate_to_2 = r.const.TRUE;
        balh_config.server_inner = r.const.server.CUSTOM;
        balh_config.is_closed = FALSE;
    function isClosed() {
        return balh_config.is_closed || !balh_config.server_custom;

     * 构建 mobi api 解析链接
     * host 举例: 'https://example.com'
     * 参考:https://github.com/kghost/bilibili-area-limit/issues/16
    function getMobiPlayUrl(originUrl, host, area) {
        // 合成泰区 url
        if (area == 'th') {
            return `${host}/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/playurl?${generateMobiPlayUrlParams(originUrl, area)}`;
        // 合成完整 mobi api url
        return `${host}/pgc/player/api/playurl?${generateMobiPlayUrlParams(originUrl, area)}`;
    function generateMobiPlayUrlParams(originUrl, area) {
        // 提取参数为数组
        let a = originUrl.split('?')[1].split('&');
        // 参数数组转换为对象
        let theRequest = {};
        for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
            let key = a[i].split("=")[0];
            let value = a[i].split("=")[1];
            // 给对象赋值
            theRequest[key] = value;
        // 追加 mobi api 需要的参数
        theRequest.access_key = localStorage.access_key;
        if (area === 'th') {
            theRequest.appkey = '7d089525d3611b1c';
            theRequest.area = 'th';
            theRequest.build = '1001310';
            theRequest.mobi_app = 'bstar_a';
            theRequest.platform = 'android';
        else {
            theRequest.appkey = '07da50c9a0bf829f';
            theRequest.area = area;
            theRequest.build = '5380700';
            theRequest.device = 'android';
            theRequest.mobi_app = 'android_b';
            theRequest.platform = 'android_b';
            theRequest.buvid = 'XY418E94B89774E201E22C5B709861B7712DD';
            // theRequest.fnval = '0'; // 强制 FLV
            theRequest.track_path = '0';
        theRequest.force_host = '2'; // 强制音视频返回 https
        theRequest.ts = `${~~(Date.now() / 1000)}`;
        // 所需参数数组
        let param_wanted = ['access_key', 'appkey', 'area', 'build', 'buvid', 'cid', 'device', 'ep_id', 'fnval', 'fnver', 'force_host', 'fourk', 'mobi_app', 'platform', 'qn', 's_locale', 'season_id', 'track_path', 'ts'];
        // 生成 mobi api 参数字符串
        let mobi_api_params = '';
        for (let i = 0; i < param_wanted.length; i++) {
            if (theRequest.hasOwnProperty(param_wanted[i])) {
                mobi_api_params += param_wanted[i] + `=` + theRequest[param_wanted[i]] + `&`;
        // 准备明文
        let plaintext = '';
        if (area === 'th') {
            plaintext = mobi_api_params.slice(0, -1) + `acd495b248ec528c2eed1e862d393126`;
        else {
            plaintext = mobi_api_params.slice(0, -1) + `25bdede4e1581c836cab73a48790ca6e`;
        // 生成 sign
        let ciphertext = hex_md5(plaintext);
        return `${mobi_api_params}sign=${ciphertext}`;
    function fixMobiPlayUrlJson(originJson) {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            const codecsMap = {
                30120: 'avc1.64003C',
                30121: 'hev1.1.6.L156.90',
                30112: 'avc1.640028',
                30102: 'hev1.1.6.L120.90',
                30080: 'avc1.640028',
                30077: 'hev1.1.6.L120.90',
                30064: 'avc1.64001F',
                30066: 'hev1.1.6.L120.90',
                30032: 'avc1.64001E',
                30033: 'hev1.1.6.L120.90',
                30011: 'hev1.1.6.L120.90',
                30016: 'avc1.64001E',
                30006: 'avc1.64001E',
                30280: 'mp4a.40.2',
                30232: 'mp4a.40.2',
                30216: 'mp4a.40.2',
                'nb2-1-30016': 'avc1.64001E',
                'nb2-1-30032': 'avc1.64001F',
                'nb2-1-30064': 'avc1.640028',
                'nb2-1-30080': 'avc1.640032',
                'nb2-1-30216': 'mp4a.40.2',
                'nb2-1-30232': 'mp4a.40.2',
                'nb2-1-30280': 'mp4a.40.2' // APP源 高码音频
            const resolutionMap = {
                30120: [3840, 2160],
                30121: [3840, 2160],
                30112: [1920, 1080],
                30102: [1920, 1080],
                30080: [1920, 1080],
                30077: [1920, 1080],
                30064: [1280, 720],
                30066: [1280, 720],
                30032: [852, 480],
                30033: [852, 480],
                30011: [640, 360],
                30016: [640, 360],
                30006: [426, 240],
            const frameRateMap = {
                30120: '16000/672',
                30121: '16000/672',
                30112: '16000/672',
                30102: '16000/672',
                30080: '16000/672',
                30077: '16000/656',
                30064: '16000/672',
                30066: '16000/656',
                30032: '16000/672',
                30033: '16000/656',
                30011: '16000/656',
                30016: '16000/672',
                30006: '16000/672',
            let segmentBaseMap = {};
            function getId(url, default_value, get_filename = false) {
                if (get_filename) {
                    // 作为SegmentBaseMap的Key,在同一个页面下切换集数不至于出错
                    let path = url.split('?')[0];
                    let pathArr = path.split('/');
                    return pathArr[pathArr.length - 1].replace('.m4s', ''); // 返回文件名
                let i = /(nb2-1-)?\d{5}\.m4s/.exec(url);
                if (i !== null) {
                    return i[0].replace('.m4s', '');
                else {
                    return default_value;
            function getSegmentBase(url, id, range = '5000') {
                return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                    // 从 window 中读取已有的值
                    if (window.__segment_base_map__) {
                        if (window.__segment_base_map__.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
                            // console.log('SegmentBase read from cache ', window.__segment_base_map__[id], 'id=', id)
                            return resolve(window.__segment_base_map__[id]);
                    let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open('GET', url, true);
                    // TV 动画 range 通常在 4000~5000,剧场版动画大概 14000+
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('Range', `bytes=0-${range}`); // 下载前 5000 字节数据用于查找 sidx 位置
                    xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
                    let data;
                    xhr.onload = function (oEvent) {
                        data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
                        let hex_data = Array.prototype.map.call(data, x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join(''); // 转换成 hex
                        let indexRangeStart = hex_data.indexOf('73696478') / 2 - 4; // 73696478 是 'sidx' 的 hex ,前面还有 4 个字节才是 sidx 的开始
                        let indexRagneEnd = hex_data.indexOf('6d6f6f66') / 2 - 5; // 6d6f6f66 是 'moof' 的 hex,前面还有 4 个字节才是 moof 的开始,-1为sidx结束位置
                        let result = ['0-' + String(indexRangeStart - 1), String(indexRangeStart) + '-' + String(indexRagneEnd)];
                        // 储存在 window,切换清晰度不用重新解析
                        if (window.__segment_base_map__) {
                            window.__segment_base_map__[id] = result;
                        else {
                            window.__segment_base_map__ = {};
                            window.__segment_base_map__[id] = result;
                        // console.log('get SegmentBase ', result, 'id=', id);
                    xhr.send(null); // 发送请求
            let result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originJson));
            result.dash.duration = Math.round(result.timelength / 1000);
            result.dash.minBufferTime = 1.5;
            result.dash.min_buffer_time = 1.5;
            // 异步构建 segmentBaseMap
            let taskList = [];
            // SegmentBase 最大 range 和 duration 的比值大概在 2.5~3.2,保险这里取 3.5
            let range = Math.round(result.dash.duration * 3.5);
            // 避免 太高或太低 导致 泡面番 和 剧场版 加载不了
            if (range < 1500) {
                range = 1500;
            if (range > 20000) {
                range = 20000;
            // 乱猜 range 导致泡面番播不出
            result.dash.video.forEach((video) => {
                if (video.backupUrl.length > 0 && video.backupUrl[0].indexOf('akamaized.net') > -1) {
                    // 有时候返回 bcache 地址, 直接访问 bcache CDN 会报 403,如果备用地址有 akam,替换为 akam
                    video.baseUrl = video.backupUrl[0];
                taskList.push(getSegmentBase(video.baseUrl, getId(video.baseUrl, '30080', true), range.toString()));
            result.dash.audio.forEach((audio) => {
                if (audio.backupUrl.length > 0 && audio.backupUrl[0].indexOf('akamaized.net') > -1) {
                    audio.baseUrl = audio.backupUrl[0];
                taskList.push(getSegmentBase(audio.baseUrl, getId(audio.baseUrl, '30080', true), range.toString()));
            yield Promise.all(taskList);
            if (window.__segment_base_map__)
                segmentBaseMap = window.__segment_base_map__;
            // 填充视频流数据
            result.dash.video.forEach((video) => {
                let video_id = getId(video.baseUrl, '30280');
                if (!codecsMap.hasOwnProperty(video_id)) {
                    // https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/775
                    // 泰区的视频URL不包含 id 了
                    video_id = (30000 + video.id).toString();
                video.codecs = codecsMap[video_id];
                let segmentBaseId = getId(video.baseUrl, '30280', true);
                video.segment_base = {
                    initialization: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][0],
                    index_range: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][1]
                video.SegmentBase = {
                    Initialization: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][0],
                    indexRange: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][1]
                video_id = video_id.replace('nb2-1-', '');
                video.width = resolutionMap[video_id][0];
                video.height = resolutionMap[video_id][1];
                video.mimeType = 'video/mp4';
                video.mime_type = 'video/mp4';
                video.frameRate = frameRateMap[video_id];
                video.frame_rate = frameRateMap[video_id];
                video.sar = "1:1";
                video.startWithSAP = 1;
                video.start_with_sap = 1;
            // 填充音频流数据
            result.dash.audio.forEach((audio) => {
                let audio_id = getId(audio.baseUrl, '30280');
                if (!codecsMap.hasOwnProperty(audio_id)) {
                    // https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/775
                    // 泰区的音频URL不包含 id 了
                    audio_id = audio.id.toString();
                let segmentBaseId = getId(audio.baseUrl, '30280', true);
                audio.segment_base = {
                    initialization: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][0],
                    index_range: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][1]
                audio.SegmentBase = {
                    Initialization: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][0],
                    indexRange: segmentBaseMap[segmentBaseId][1]
                audio.codecs = codecsMap[audio_id];
                audio.mimeType = 'audio/mp4';
                audio.mime_type = 'audio/mp4';
                audio.frameRate = '';
                audio.frame_rate = '';
                audio.height = 0;
                audio.width = 0;
            return result;
    function fixThailandPlayUrlJson(originJson) {
        return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            let origin = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(originJson));
            let result = {
                'format': 'flv720',
                'type': 'DASH',
                'result': 'suee',
                'video_codecid': 7,
                'no_rexcode': 0,
                'code': origin.code,
                'message': +origin.message,
                'timelength': origin.data.video_info.timelength,
                'quality': origin.data.video_info.quality,
                'accept_format': 'hdflv2,flv,flv720,flv480,mp4',
            let dash = {
                'duration': 0,
                'minBufferTime': 0.0,
                'min_buffer_time': 0.0,
                'audio': []
            // 填充音频流数据
            origin.data.video_info.dash_audio.forEach((audio) => {
                audio.backupUrl = [];
                audio.backup_url = [];
                audio.base_url = audio.base_url.replace('http://', 'https://');
                audio.baseUrl = audio.base_url;
            // 填充视频流数据
            let accept_quality = [];
            let accept_description = [];
            let support_formats = [];
            let dash_video = [];
            origin.data.video_info.stream_list.forEach((stream) => {
                // 只加入有视频链接的数据
                if (stream.dash_video && stream.dash_video.base_url) {
                    stream.dash_video.backupUrl = [];
                    stream.dash_video.backup_url = [];
                    stream.dash_video.base_url = stream.dash_video.base_url.replace('http://', 'https://');
                    stream.dash_video.baseUrl = stream.dash_video.base_url;
                    stream.dash_video.id = stream.stream_info.quality;
            dash['video'] = dash_video;
            result['accept_quality'] = accept_quality;
            result['accept_description'] = accept_description;
            result['support_formats'] = support_formats;
            result['dash'] = dash;
            // 下面参数取自安达(ep359333),总之一股脑塞进去(
            result['fnval'] = 80;
            result['fnver'] = 0;
            result['status'] = 2;
            result['vip_status'] = 1;
            result['vip_type'] = 2;
            result['seek_param'] = 'start';
            result['seek_type'] = 'offset';
            result['bp'] = 0;
            result['from'] = 'local';
            result['has_paid'] = false;
            result['is_preview'] = 0;
            return fixMobiPlayUrlJson(result);
    var BiliPlusApi;
    (function (BiliPlusApi) {
        BiliPlusApi.view = function (aid, update = true) {
            return Async.ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/view?id=${aid}&update=${update}${access_key_param_if_exist()}`);
        BiliPlusApi.season = function (season_id) {
            return Async.ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/bangumi?season=${season_id}${access_key_param_if_exist()}`);
        // https://www.biliplus.com/BPplayurl.php?otype=json&cid=30188339&module=bangumi&qn=16&src=vupload&vid=vupload_30188339
        // qn = 16, 能看
        BiliPlusApi.playurl = function (cid, qn = 16, bangumi = true) {
            return Async.ajax(`${balh_config.server}/BPplayurl.php?otype=json&cid=${cid}${bangumi ? '&module=bangumi' : ''}&qn=${qn}&src=vupload&vid=vupload_${cid}${access_key_param_if_exist()}`);
        // https://www.biliplus.com/api/h5play.php?tid=33&cid=31166258&type=vupload&vid=vupload_31166258&bangumi=1
        BiliPlusApi.playurl_for_mp4 = (cid, bangumi = true) => Async.ajax(`${balh_config.server}/api/h5play.php?tid=33&cid=${cid}&type=vupload&vid=vupload_${cid}&bangumi=${bangumi ? 1 : 0}${access_key_param_if_exist()}`)
            .then(text => (text.match(/srcUrl=\{"mp4":"(https?.*)"\};/) || ['', ''])[1]); // 提取mp4的url
    })(BiliPlusApi || (BiliPlusApi = {}));

    const access_key_param_if_exist = function (isKghost = false) {
        // access_key是由B站验证的, B站帐号和BP帐号不同时, access_key无效
        // kghost的服务器使用的B站帐号, access_key有效
        return (localStorage.access_key && (!balh_config.blocked_vip || isKghost)) ? `&access_key=${localStorage.access_key}` : '';
    const platform_android_param_if_app_only = function () {
        return window.__balh_app_only__ ? '&platform=android&fnval=0' : '';
    class BiliBiliApi {
        constructor(server = '//api.bilibili.com') {
            this.server = server;
        getSeasonInfoByEpId(ep_id) {
            return Async.ajax(`${this.server}/pgc/view/web/season?ep_id=${ep_id}`);
        getSeasonInfo(season_id) {
            return Async.ajax(`${this.server}/pgc/view/web/season?season_id=${season_id}`);
        getSeasonInfoByEpSsIdOnBangumi(ep_id, season_id) {
            return Async.ajax('//bangumi.bilibili.com/view/web_api/season?' + (ep_id != '' ? `ep_id=${ep_id}` : `season_id=${season_id}`));
        getSeasonInfoByEpSsIdOnThailand(ep_id, season_id) {
            const params = '?' + (ep_id != '' ? `ep_id=${ep_id}` : `season_id=${season_id}`) + `&mobi_app=bstar_a&s_locale=zh_SG`;
            const newParams = generateMobiPlayUrlParams(params, 'th');
            return Async.ajax(`${this.server}/intl/gateway/v2/ogv/view/app/season?` + newParams);

    var ui;
    (function (ui) {
        ui.alert = function (message, resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                if (resolve) {
                    if (window.confirm(message)) {
                    else {
                        if (reject) {
                else {
            }, 500);
        function prompt(message, defaultValue) {
            return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
                yield Async.timeout(500);
                return window.prompt(message, defaultValue);
        ui.prompt = prompt;
        ui.copy = function (text, textarea) {
            textarea.value = text;
            try {
                return document.execCommand('copy');
            catch (e) {
                util_error('复制文本出错', e);
            return false;
         * - param.content: 内容元素数组/HTML
         * - param.showConfirm: 是否显示确定按钮
         * - param.confirmBtn: 确定按钮的文字
         * - param.onConfirm: 确定回调
         * - param.onClose: 关闭回调
        ui.pop = function (param) {
            var _a;
            if (typeof param.content === 'string') {
                let template = createElement('template');
                template.innerHTML = param.content.trim();
                param.content = Array.from(template.content.childNodes);
            else if (!(param.content instanceof Array)) {
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        ui.playerMsg = function (message) {
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            util_info('player msg:', msg);
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        AFTER: -1e3,
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        LAST: -1e6,
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        [RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED]: [],
        [RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER]: [],
        [RUN_AT.COMPLETE]: [],
    function showWarn() {
        util_warn(`${GM_info.script.name} ${window.document.readyState} 加载时机不太对, 不能保证正常工作\n\n1. 尝试刷新页面, 重载脚本\n2. 若依然出现该提示, 请尝试'硬性重新加载'(快捷键一般为ctrl+f5)\n3. 若还是出现该提示, 请尝试关闭再重新打开该页面\n4. 若反复出现该提示, 那也没其他办法了_(:3」∠)_\n`);
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            atRun = RUN_AT.LOADING;
        case 'interactive':
            atRun = RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER;
        case 'complete':
            atRun = RUN_AT.COMPLETE;
    util_debug(`atRun: ${atRun}, ${window.document.readyState}`);
    const util_page_valid = () => true; // 是否要运行
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            util_debug(`atRun: ${runAt}, ${window.document.readyState}`);
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    const util_init = function (func, priority = PRIORITY.DEFAULT, runAt = RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED, always = false) {
        func = Func.runCatching(func);
        if (atRun < runAt) { // 若还没运行到runAt指定的状态, 则放到队列里去
                index: callbacks[runAt].length,
        else { // 否则直接运行, TODO: 这种情况下优先级得不到保证...
            let valid = util_page_valid();
    util_init.RUN_AT = RUN_AT;
    util_init.PRIORITY = PRIORITY;

    // @ts-check-off
     * 通知模块 剽窃自 YAWF 用户脚本 硬广:https://tiansh.github.io/yawf/ 
     * 由于目前基本上没用上, 故懒得标注类型(-_-#)
     * */

    var available = {};
    var shown = [];
    var use = {
        'hasPermission': function () { return null; },
        'requestPermission': function (callback) { return null; },
        'hideNotification': function (notify) { return null; },
        'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) { return null; }

    // webkitNotifications
    // Tab Notifier 扩展实现此接口,但显示的桌面提示最多只能显示前两行
    if (typeof webkitNotifications !== 'undefined') available.webkit = {
        'hasPermission': function () {
            return [true, null, false][webkitNotifications.checkPermission()];
        'requestPermission': function (callback) {
            return webkitNotifications.requestPermission(callback);
        'hideNotification': function (notify) {
        'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) {
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                setTimeout(function () { hideNotification(notify); }, delay);
            if (onclick) notify.addEventListener('click', function () {
                onclick.apply(this, arguments);
            return notify;

    // Notification
    // Firefox 22+
    // 显示4秒会自动关闭 https://bugzil.la/875114
    if (typeof Notification !== 'undefined') available.standard = {
        'hasPermission': function () {
            return {
                'granted': true,
                'denied': false,
                'default': null,
        'requestPermission': function (callback) {
            return Notification.requestPermission(callback);
        'hideNotification': function (notify) {
        'showNotification': function (id, title, body, icon, delay, onclick) {
            var notify = new Notification(title, { 'body': body, 'icon': icon, 'requireInteraction': !delay });
            if (delay && delay > 0) notify.addEventListener('show', function () {
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, delay);
            if (onclick) notify.addEventListener('click', function () {
                onclick.apply(this, arguments);
            return notify;
    // 选择用哪个接口
    var choseNotification = function (prefer) {
        return (use = prefer && available[prefer] || available.standard);
    // 隐藏已经显示的消息
    var hideNotification = function (notify) {
        use.hideNotification.apply(this, arguments);
        return notify;
    var afterHideNotification = function (notify) {
        shown = shown.filter(function (x) { return x !== notify; });

    document.addEventListener('unload', function () {
        shown = [];

    // @ts-check-off
     * {@link BiliMessageBox}
     * MessageBox -> from base.core.js
     * MessageBox.show(referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback)
     * MessageBox.close()
    let popMessage = null;
    let alertPopMessage = {
        show: function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) {
            ui.alert(message, buttonTypeConfirmCallback);
        close: Func.noop
    util_init(() => {
        if (!popMessage && window.MessageBox) {
            popMessage = new window.MessageBox();
            let orignShow = popMessage.show;
            popMessage.show = function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) {
                // 这个窗,有一定机率弹不出来。。。不知道为什么
                orignShow.call(this, referenceElement, message.replace('\n', '<br>'), closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback);
            popMessage.close = function () {
                // 若没调用过show, 就调用close, msgbox会为null, 导致报错
                this.msgbox != null && window.MessageBox.prototype.close.apply(this, []);
    }, util_init.PRIORITY.FIRST, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER);
    const util_ui_msg = {
        _impl: function () {
            return popMessage || alertPopMessage;
        show: function (referenceElement, message, closeTime, boxType, buttonTypeConfirmCallback) {
            let pop = this._impl();
            return pop.show.apply(pop, arguments);
        close: function () {
            let pop = this._impl();
            return pop.close.apply(pop, arguments);
        setMsgBoxFixed: function (fixed) {
            if (popMessage) {
                popMessage.msgbox[0].style.position = fixed ? 'fixed' : '';
            else {
                util_log('MockMessageBox', 'setMsgBoxFixed', fixed);
        showOnNetError: function (e) {
            if (e.readyState === 0) {
                this.show(window.$('.balh_settings'), '哎呀,服务器连不上了,进入设置窗口,换个服务器试试?', 0, 'button', window.bangumi_area_limit_hack.showSettings);
        showOnNetErrorInPromise: function () {
            return (p) => p
                .catch((e) => {
                return Promise.reject(e);

    var RegExps;
    (function (RegExps) {
        const _raw = (str) => str.replace(/(\.|\?)/g, '\\$1');
        RegExps.url = (url) => new RegExp(`^(https?:)?//${_raw(url)}`);
        RegExps.urlPath = (path) => new RegExp(`^(https?:)?//[\\w\\-\\.]+${_raw(path)}`);
    })(RegExps || (RegExps = {}));

    function switch_to_old_player() {
        if (util_page.av() && !localStorage.balh_disable_switch_to_old_player) {
            util_init(() => {
                const $switchToOldBtn = document.querySelector('#entryOld > .old-btn > a');
                if ($switchToOldBtn) {
                        content: `${GM_info.script.name} 对新版播放器的支持还在测试阶段, 不稳定, 推荐切换回旧版`,
                        confirmBtn: '切换回旧版',
                        onConfirm: () => $switchToOldBtn.click(),
                        onClose: () => localStorage.balh_disable_switch_to_old_player = r.const.TRUE,
        if (util_page.new_bangumi()) {
            if (cookieStorage.stardustpgcv === '0606') {
                util_init(() => {
                    let $panel = document.querySelector('.error-container > .server-error');
                    if ($panel) {
                        $panel.insertBefore(createElement('text', '临时切换到旧版番剧页面中...'), $panel.firstChild);
                        cookieStorage.stardustpgcv = '0';
                        localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page = r.const.TRUE;
            if (localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page) {
                cookieStorage.stardustpgcv = '0606';
                delete localStorage.balh_temp_switch_to_old_page;

    function version_remind() {
        if (!util_page.new_bangumi())
        util_init(() => {
            if ((localStorage.balh_version || '0') < GM_info.script.version) {
                localStorage.balh_version = GM_info.script.version;
                let version_remind = _t('version_remind');
                if (version_remind) {
                    ui.pop({ content: `<h3>${GM_info.script.name} v${GM_info.script.version} 更新日志</h3>${version_remind}` });

    function isHtml5Player() {
        return localStorage.defaulth5 === '1';
    function check_html5() {
        function checkHtml5() {
            var playerContent = document.querySelector('.player-content');
            if (!localStorage.balh_h5_not_first && !isHtml5Player() && window.GrayManager && playerContent) {
                new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) {
                    var _a;
                    localStorage.balh_h5_not_first = r.const.TRUE;
                    if (window.confirm(GM_info.script.name + '只在HTML5播放器下有效,是否切换到HTML5?')) {
                        (_a = window.GrayManager) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.clickMenu('change_h5'); // change_flash, change_h5
                }).observe(playerContent, {
                    childList: true,
                    attributes: false,
        util_init(() => {
            // 除了播放器和番剧列表页面, 其他页面都需要检测html5
            if (!(util_page.bangumi() || util_page.bangumi_md() || util_page.player())) {

    function jump_to_baipiao() {
        util_init(() => {
            for (let bp of r.baipiao) {
                const cookie_key = `balh_baipao_${bp.key}`;
                if (bp.match() && !cookieStorage[cookie_key]) {
                        content: [
                            createElement('text', '发现白嫖地址: '), createElement('a', { href: bp.link }, bp.link),
                            createElement('div', {}, bp.message),
                        confirmBtn: '一键跳转',
                        onConfirm: () => { location.href = bp.link; },
                        onClose: () => { cookieStorage.set(cookie_key, r.const.TRUE, ''); }
        }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER);

    function biliplus_check_area_limit() {
        if (!util_page.bangumi_md()) {
        // 服务器需要通过这个接口判断是否有区域限制
        // 详见: https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/385
        util_init(() => {
            var _a, _b, _c;
            const season_id = (_c = (_b = (_a = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.__INITIAL_STATE__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mediaInfo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.param) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.season_id;
            if (season_id) {
                    .then(r => util_debug(`season${season_id}`, r))
                    .catch(e => util_debug(`season${season_id}`, e));

    function fill_season_page() {
        function tryFillSeasonList() {
            var _a;
            const error_container = document.querySelector('div.error-container');
            if (!error_container) {
            let season_id = (_a = window.location.pathname.match(/^\/anime\/(\d+)\/?$/)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[1];
            if (!season_id) {
                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                'document.write(unescape("'+escape(xhr.response.replace(/<!DOCTYPE.+?>/,'<!DOCTYPE HTML>'))+'"));window.stop()'
            const msg = createElement('a', { href: '//bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/' + season_id + '/play', style: { fontSize: '20px' } }, [createElement('text', `【${GM_info.script.name}】尝试获取视频列表中...`)]);
            const content = createElement('div');
            error_container.insertBefore(content, error_container.firstChild);
            util_debug('season>:', season_id);
                .then(function (data) {
                var _a;
                util_debug('season>then:', data);
                if (data.code) {
                    return Promise.reject(data);
                function generateEpisodeList(episodes) {
                    const children = [];
                    episodes.reverse().forEach(function (i) {
                        children.push(createElement('li', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part-child', 'data-episode-id': i.episode_id }, [createElement('a', { className: 'v1-complete-text', href: '//bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/' + season_id + '/play#' + i.episode_id, title: i.index + ' ' + i.index_title, target: '_blank', style: { height: '60px' } }, [
                                createElement('div', { className: 'img-wrp' }, [createElement('img', { src: i.cover, style: { opacity: 1 }, loaded: 'loaded', alt: i.index + ' ' + i.index_title })]),
                                createElement('div', { className: 'text-wrp' }, [
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'text-wrp-num' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'text-wrp-num-content' }, [createElement('text', `第${i.index}话`)])]),
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'text-wrp-title trunc' }, [createElement('text', i.index_title)])
                    return children;
                function generateSeasonList(seasons) {
                    function onSeasonClick(event) {
                        var _a;
                        window.location.href = '//bangumi.bilibili.com/anime/' + ((_a = event.target) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.attributes['data-season-id'].value);
                    return seasons.map(function (season) {
                        return createElement('li', { className: season.season_id == season_id ? 'cur' : '', 'data-season-id': season.season_id, event: { click: onSeasonClick } }, [createElement('text', season.title)]);
                if (data.result) {
                    if (((_a = msg.parentNode) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parentNode) != error_container) {
                        util_error('`msg.parentNode?.parentNode != error_container`, 按理来说不可能...');
                    document.title = data.result.title;
                    document.head.appendChild(createElement('link', { href: 'https://s3.hdslb.com/bfs/static/anime/css/tag-index.css?v=110', rel: 'stylesheet' }));
                    document.head.appendChild(createElement('link', { href: 'https://s1.hdslb.com/bfs/static/anime/css/bangumi-index.css?v=110', rel: 'stylesheet' }));
                    document.body.insertBefore(createElement('div', { className: 'main-container-wrapper' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'main-container' }, [
                            createElement('div', { className: 'page-info-wrp' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-wrapper' }, [
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-blurbg-wrapper' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-blurbg blur', style: { backgroundImage: 'url(' + data.result.cover + ')' } })]),
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'info-content' }, [
                                            createElement('div', { className: 'bangumi-preview' }, [createElement('img', { alt: data.result.title, src: data.result.cover })]),
                                            createElement('div', { className: 'bangumi-info-r' }, [
                                                createElement('div', { className: 'b-head' }, [createElement('h1', { className: 'info-title', 'data-seasonid': season_id, title: data.result.title }, [createElement('text', data.result.title)])]),
                                                createElement('div', { className: 'info-count' }, [
                                                    createElement('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-play' }, [createElement('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [createElement('text', '总播放')]), createElement('em', {}, [createElement('text', data.result.play_count)])]),
                                                    createElement('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-fans' }, [createElement('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [createElement('text', '追番人数')]), createElement('em', {}, [createElement('text', data.result.favorites)])]),
                                                    createElement('span', { className: 'info-count-item info-count-item-review' }, [createElement('span', { className: 'info-label' }, [createElement('text', '弹幕总数')]), createElement('em', {}, [createElement('text', data.result.danmaku_count)])])
                                                //_('div',{className:'info-row info-update'},[]),
                                                //_('div',{className:'info-row info-cv'},[]),
                                                createElement('div', { className: 'info-row info-desc-wrp' }, [
                                                    createElement('div', { className: 'info-row-label' }, [createElement('text', '简介:')]),
                                                    createElement('div', { className: 'info-desc' }, [createElement('text', data.result.evaluate)])
                            createElement('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-wrapper clearfix' }, [
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season-wrapper' }, [
                                        createElement('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season-content slider-list-content' }, [
                                            createElement('div', {}, [
                                                createElement('ul', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-season clearfix slider-list', 'data-current-season-id': season_id, style: { opacity: 1 } }, generateSeasonList(data.result.seasons))
                                    createElement('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part-wrapper slider-part-wrapper' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'v1-bangumi-list-part clearfix', 'data-current-season-id': season_id, style: { display: 'block' } }, [
                                            createElement('div', { className: 'complete-list', style: { display: 'block' } }, [createElement('div', { className: 'video-slider-list-wrapper' }, [createElement('div', { className: 'slider-part-wrapper' }, [createElement('ul', { className: 'slider-part clearfix hide', style: { display: 'block' } }, generateEpisodeList(data.result.episodes))])])])
                        ])]), error_container);
                .catch(function (error) {
                util_debug('season>catch', error);
                msg.innerText = 'error:' + JSON.stringify(error) + '\n点击跳转到播放界面 (不一定能够正常播放...)';
        util_init(() => {
            if (util_page.bangumi()) {

    function redirect_to_bangumi_or_insert_player() {
        // 重定向到Bangumi页面, 或者在当前页面直接插入播放页面
        function tryRedirectToBangumiOrInsertPlayer() {
            let $errorPanel;
            if (!($errorPanel = document.querySelector('.error-container > .error-panel'))) {
            let msg = document.createElement('a');
            $errorPanel.insertBefore(msg, $errorPanel.firstChild);
            msg.innerText = '获取番剧页Url中...';
            let aid = (location.pathname.match(/\/video\/av(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1], page = (location.pathname.match(/\/index_(\d+).html/) || ['', '1'])[1], cid, season_id, episode_id;
            let avData;
            if (!aid) {
                let bv = (location.pathname.match(/\/video\/(BV\w+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                if (bv) {
                    aid = Converters.bv2aid(bv);
                .then(function (data) {
                avData = data;
                if (data.code) {
                    return Promise.reject(JSON.stringify(data));
                // 计算当前页面的cid
                for (let i = 0; i < data.list.length; i++) {
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                        cid = data.list[i].cid;
                if (!data.bangumi) {
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                    // return Promise.reject('该AV号不属于任何番剧页');//No bangumi in api response
                else {
                    // 当前av属于番剧页面, 继续处理
                    season_id = data.bangumi.season_id;
                    return BiliPlusApi.season(season_id);
                .then(function (result) {
                if (result === undefined)
                    return; // 上一个then不返回内容时, 不需要处理
                if (result.code === 10) { // av属于番剧页面, 通过接口却未能找到番剧信息
                    let ep_id_newest = avData && avData.bangumi && avData.bangumi.newest_ep_id;
                    if (ep_id_newest) {
                        episode_id = ep_id_newest; // 此时, 若avData中有最新的ep_id, 则直接使用它
                    else {
                        util_debug(`av${aid}属于番剧${season_id}, 但却不能找到番剧页的信息, 试图直接创建播放器`);
                        generatePlayer(avData, aid, page, cid);
                else if (result.code) {
                    return Promise.reject(JSON.stringify(result));
                else {
                    let ep_id_by_cid, ep_id_by_aid_page, ep_id_by_aid, episodes = result.result.episodes, ep;
                    // 为何要用三种不同方式匹配, 详见: https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/forum/discussion/22379/x#Comment_34127
                    for (let i = 0; i < episodes.length; i++) {
                        ep = episodes[i];
                        if (ep.danmaku == cid) {
                            ep_id_by_cid = ep.episode_id;
                        if (ep.av_id == aid && ep.page == page) {
                            ep_id_by_aid_page = ep.episode_id;
                        if (ep.av_id == aid) {
                            ep_id_by_aid = ep.episode_id;
                    episode_id = ep_id_by_cid || ep_id_by_aid_page || ep_id_by_aid;
                if (episode_id) {
                    let bangumi_url = `//www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ss${season_id}#${episode_id}`;
                    util_debug('Redirect', 'aid:', aid, 'page:', page, 'cid:', cid, '==>', bangumi_url, 'season_id:', season_id, 'ep_id:', episode_id);
                    msg.innerText = '即将跳转到:' + bangumi_url;
                    location.href = bangumi_url;
                else {
                    return Promise.reject('查询episode_id失败');
                .catch(function (e) {
                util_debug('error:', arguments);
                msg.innerText = 'error:' + e;
        function generatePlayer(data, aid, page, cid) {
            var _a;
            let generateSrc = function (aid, cid) {
                return `//www.bilibili.com/blackboard/html5player.html?cid=${cid}&aid=${aid}&player_type=1`;
            let generatePageList = function (pages) {
                let $curPage = null;
                function onPageBtnClick(e) {
                    e.target.className = 'curPage';
                    $curPage && ($curPage.className = '');
                    let index = e.target.attributes['data-index'].value;
                    iframe.src = generateSrc(aid, pages[index].cid);
                return pages.map(function (item, index) {
                    let isCurPage = item.page == page;
                    let $item = createElement('a', { 'data-index': index, className: isCurPage ? 'curPage' : '', event: { click: onPageBtnClick } }, [createElement('text', item.page + ': ' + item.part)]);
                    if (isCurPage)
                        $curPage = $item;
                    return $item;
            // 当前av不属于番剧页面, 直接在当前页面插入一个播放器的iframe
            let $pageBody = document.querySelector('.b-page-body');
            if (!$pageBody) { // 若不存在, 则创建
                $pageBody = createElement('div', { className: '.b-page-body' });
                document.querySelector('body').insertBefore($pageBody, document.querySelector('#app'));
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            let iframe = createElement('iframe', { className: 'player bilibiliHtml5Player', style: { position: 'relative' }, src: generateSrc(aid, cid) });
            // 添加播放器
            $pageBody.appendChild(createElement('div', { className: 'player-wrapper' }, [
                createElement('div', { className: 'main-inner' }, [
                    createElement('div', { className: 'v-plist' }, [
                        createElement('div', { id: 'plist', className: 'plist-content open' }, generatePageList(data.list))
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                        createElement('span', { className: 'b-head-t results' }),
                        createElement('span', { className: 'b-head-t' }, [createElement('text', '评论')]),
                        createElement('a', { className: 'del-log', href: `//www.bilibili.com/replydeletelog?aid=${aid}&title=${data.title}`, target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '查看删除日志')])
                    createElement('div', { className: 'comm', id: 'bbComment' }, [
                        createElement('div', { id: 'load_comment', className: 'comm_open_btn', onclick: "var fb = new bbFeedback('.comm', 'arc');fb.show(" + aid + ", 1);", style: { cursor: 'pointer' } })
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            document.head.appendChild(createElement('script', { type: 'text/javascript', src: '//static.hdslb.com/js/core-v5/base.core.js' }));
            document.title = data.title;
            (_a = (document.querySelector('.error-body') || document.querySelector('.error-container'))) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove(); // 移除错误信息面板
        util_init(() => {
            if (util_page.av()) {
        }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.COMPLETE);

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class=\"player-tool-bar\"></div> <div id=\"player_mask_module\" class=\"player-mask report-wrap-module\" style=\"display:none;\"><!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <!----> <div class=\"bar-wrapper\"><div class=\"left-bar\"></div><div class=\"right-bar\"></div></div></div></div> <div class=\"media-wrapper\"><h1 title=\"銀魂(僅限港澳台地區):01-02 \">銀魂(僅限港澳台地區):01-02 </h1> <div id=\"toolbar_module\" class=\"tool-bar clearfix report-wrap-module report-scroll-module\"><div class=\"like-info\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-like\"></i><span>点赞</span> <div id=\"sanlin\"></div> <!----> <!----> <!----></div> <div class=\"coin-info\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-coins\"></i><span>--</span></div> <div class=\"share-info\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-share\"></i><span>分享</span> <!----></div> <div class=\"mobile-info\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-mobile-full\"></i><span>用手机观看</span> <!----></div> <!----></div> <div id=\"media_module\" class=\"media-info clearfix report-wrap-module\"><a href=\"//www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md___mediaInfoId___/\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"media-cover\"><!----></a> <div class=\"media-right\"><a href=\"//www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md28229002/\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"銀魂(僅限港澳台地區)\" class=\"media-title\">銀魂(僅限港澳台地區)</a> <div class=\"media-count\">--&nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;&nbsp;--&nbsp;&nbsp;·&nbsp;&nbsp;--</div> <div class=\"pub-wrapper clearfix\"><a href=\"//www.bilibili.com/anime/\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"home-link\">番剧</a> <span class=\"pub-info\">连载中</span> <!----> <!----></div> <a href=\"//www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md28229002/\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"media-desc webkit-ellipsis\"><span class=\"absolute\">江户时代末期(本作的20年前), 被称为“天人(あまんと)”的谜之异星人来袭。于是地球人与天人之间的战争瞬即爆发,为数众多的武士和攘夷派志士都参与与天人的战斗,幕府见识到天人强大的实力后,最终向天人低头,放弃武士不管,擅自与天人签订不平等条约,准许他们入国。其后更颁布了“废刀令”,夺走了武士的刀,使他们无力反抗。自此,天人横行霸道,幕府为天人所影响,甚至被控制,成为了“傀儡政权”。在这样的时代,有一个武士与同伴愉快地过著异想天开的生活。</span><span>江户时代末期(本作的20年前), 被称为“天人(あまんと)”的谜之异星人来袭。于是地球人与天人之间的战争瞬即爆发,为数众多的武士和攘夷派志士都参与与天人的战斗,幕府见识到天人强大的实力后,最终向天人低头,放弃武士不管,擅自与天人签订不平等条约,准许他们入国。其后更颁布了“废刀令”,夺走了武士的刀,使他们无力反抗。自此,天人横行霸道,幕府为天人所影响,甚至被控制,成为了“傀儡政权”。在这样的时代,有一个武士与同伴愉快地过著异想天开的生活。</span><i style=\"display:none;\">展开</i></a> <div class=\"media-rating\"><h4 class=\"score\">9.7</h4> <p>1368人评分</p></div> <div class=\"media-tool-bar clearfix\"><div report-id=\"click_review_publish\" class=\"btn-rating\"><ul class=\"star-wrapper clearfix\"><li><i class=\"iconfont icon-star-empty\"></i> <!----></li><li><i class=\"iconfont icon-star-empty\"></i> <!----></li><li><i class=\"iconfont icon-star-empty\"></i> <!----></li><li><i class=\"iconfont icon-star-empty\"></i> <!----></li><li><i class=\"iconfont icon-star-empty\"></i> <!----></li></ul><span>点评</span></div> <div report-id=\"click_follow\" class=\"btn-follow\"><i class=\"iconfont icon-follow\"></i><span>追番</span> <div class=\"bangumi-options clearfix\"><ul class=\"opt-list\"><li>标记为 想看</li> <li>标记为 在看</li> <li>标记为 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            origin.result.newest_ep = origin.result.new_ep;
            origin.result.season_status = origin.result.status;
            origin.result.season_title = origin.result.title;
            origin.result.total_ep = input_episodes.length;
            origin.result.rights.watch_platform = 1;
            origin.result.episodes = [];
            input_episodes.forEach((ep) => {
                var _a;
                ep.episode_status = ep.status;
                ep.ep_id = ep.id;
                ep.index = ep.title;
                ep.index_title = ep.long_title;
                (_a = origin.result.episodes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(ep);
            origin.result.style = [];
            (_a = origin.result.styles) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach((it) => {
            let result = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(origin));
            return result;
    let invalidInitialState;
    function fixBangumiPlayPage() {
        util_init(() => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
            var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
            if (util_page.bangumi_md()) {
                // 临时保存当前的season_id
                cookieStorage.set('balh_curr_season_id', (_b = (_a = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.__INITIAL_STATE__) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mediaInfo) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.season_id, '');
            if (util_page.anime_ep() || util_page.anime_ss()) {
                const $app = document.getElementById('app');
                if (!$app || invalidInitialState) {
                    // 这个fixBangumiPlayPage()函数,本来是用来重建appOnly页面的,不过最近这样appOnly的页面基本上没有了,反而出现了一批非appOnly但页面也需要重建的情况
                    // 如:https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md28235576
                    // 故当前默认值改为false🤔
                    let appOnly = (_e = (_d = (_c = invalidInitialState === null || invalidInitialState === void 0 ? void 0 : invalidInitialState.mediaInfo) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.rights) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.appOnly) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : false;
                    try {
                        // 读取保存的season_id
                        const season_id = (window.location.pathname.match(/\/bangumi\/play\/ss(\d+)/) || ['', cookieStorage.get('balh_curr_season_id')])[1];
                        const ep_id = (window.location.pathname.match(/\/bangumi\/play\/ep(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                        const bilibiliApi = new BiliBiliApi(balh_config.server_bilibili_api_proxy);
                        let templateArgs = null;
                        // 不限制地区的接口,可以查询泰区番剧,该方法前置给代理服务器和BP节省点请求
                        // 如果该接口失效,自动尝试后面的方法
                        try {
                            let result = yield bilibiliApi.getSeasonInfoByEpSsIdOnBangumi(ep_id, season_id);
                            if (balh_config.server_custom_th && (result.code == -404 || result.result.up_info.mid == 677043260 /* 主站残留泰区数据,部分不完整 */)) {
                                result = yield fixThailandSeason(ep_id, season_id);
                                appOnly = true;
                            if (result.code) {
                                throw result;
                            const ep = ep_id != '' ? result.result.episodes.find(ep => ep.ep_id === +ep_id) : result.result.episodes[0];
                            if (!ep) {
                                throw `通过bangumi接口未找到${ep_id}对应的视频信息`;
                            const eps = JSON.stringify(result.result.episodes.map((item, index) => {
                                // 返回的数据是有序的,不需要另外排序                                
                                if (/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/.exec(item.index)) {
                                    item.titleFormat = "第" + item.index + "话 " + item.index_title;
                                else {
                                    item.titleFormat = item.index;
                                    item.index_title = item.index;
                                item.loaded = true;
                                item.epStatus = item.episode_status;
                                item.sectionType = 0;
                                item.id = +item.ep_id;
                                item.i = index;
                                item.link = 'https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep' + item.ep_id;
                                item.title = item.index;
                                return item;
                            let titleForma;
                            if (ep.index_title) {
                                titleForma = ep.index_title;
                            else {
                                titleForma = "第" + ep.index + "话";
                            templateArgs = {
                                id: ep.ep_id,
                                aid: ep.aid,
                                cid: ep.cid,
                                bvid: ep.bvid,
                                title: ep.index,
                                titleFormat: Strings.escapeSpecialChars(titleForma),
                                htmlTitle: result.result.title,
                                mediaInfoId: result.result.media_id,
                                mediaInfoTitle: result.result.title,
                                evaluate: Strings.escapeSpecialChars(result.result.evaluate),
                                cover: result.result.cover,
                                episodes: eps,
                                ssId: result.result.season_id,
                                appOnly: appOnly,
                        catch (e) {
                            util_warn('通过bangumi接口获取ep信息失败', e);
                        if (balh_config.server_bilibili_api_proxy && !templateArgs) {
                            try {
                                const result = yield bilibiliApi.getSeasonInfoByEpId(ep_id);
                                if (result.code) {
                                    throw result;
                                const ep = result.result.episodes.find(ep => ep.id === +ep_id);
                                if (!ep) {
                                    throw `未找到${ep_id}对应的视频信息`;
                                const eps = JSON.stringify(result.result.episodes.map((item, index) => {
                                    item.loaded = true;
                                    item.epStatus = item.status;
                                    item.sectionType = 0;
                                    item.titleFormat = "第" + item.title + "话 " + item.long_title;
                                    item.i = index;
                                    return item;
                                templateArgs = {
                                    id: ep.id,
                                    aid: ep.aid,
                                    cid: ep.cid,
                                    bvid: ep.bvid,
                                    title: ep.title,
                                    titleFormat: ep.long_title,
                                    htmlTitle: result.result.season_title,
                                    mediaInfoId: result.result.media_id,
                                    mediaInfoTitle: result.result.season_title,
                                    evaluate: result.result.evaluate,
                                    cover: result.result.cover,
                                    episodes: eps,
                                    ssId: result.result.season_id,
                                    appOnly: appOnly,
                            catch (e) {
                                // 很多balh_config.server_bilibili_api_proxy并不支持代理所有Api
                                // catch一下, 回退到用biliplus的api的读取ep的信息
                                util_warn('通过自定义代理服务器获取ep信息失败', e);
                        if (!templateArgs) {
                            if (!season_id) {
                                throw '无法获取season_id, 请先刷新动画对应的www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md页面';
                            const result = yield BiliPlusApi.season(season_id);
                            if (result.code) {
                                throw result;
                            const ep = result.result.episodes.find((ep) => ep.episode_id === ep_id);
                            if (!ep) {
                                throw '无法查询到ep信息, 请先刷新动画对应的www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md页面';
                            let pvCounter = 1;
                            const ep_length = result.result.episodes.length;
                            const eps = JSON.stringify(result.result.episodes.map((item) => {
                                if (/^\d+$/.exec(item.index)) {
                                    item.titleFormat = "第" + item.index + "话 " + item.index_title;
                                    item.i = +item.index - 1;
                                else {
                                    item.titleFormat = item.index;
                                    item.i = ep_length - pvCounter;
                                    item.index_title = item.index;
                                item.link = 'https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep' + item.episode_id;
                                item.bvid = Converters.aid2bv(+item.av_id);
                                item.badge = '';
                                item.badge_info = { "bg_color": "#FB7299", "bg_color_night": "#BB5B76", "text": "" };
                                item.badge_type = 0;
                                item.title = item.index;
                                item.id = +item.episode_id;
                                item.cid = +item.danmaku;
                                item.aid = +item.av_id;
                                item.loaded = true;
                                item.epStatus = item.episode_status;
                                item.sectionType = item.episode_type;
                                item.rights = { 'allow_demand': 0, 'allow_dm': 1, 'allow_download': 0, 'area_limit': 0 };
                                return item;
                            }).sort((a, b) => {
                                return a.i - b.i; // BP接口返回的数据是无序的,需要排序
                            templateArgs = {
                                id: ep.episode_id,
                                aid: ep.av_id,
                                cid: ep.danmaku,
                                bvid: Converters.aid2bv(+ep.av_id),
                                title: ep.index,
                                titleFormat: ep.index_title,
                                htmlTitle: result.result.title,
                                mediaInfoTitle: result.result.title,
                                mediaInfoId: (_g = (_f = result.result.media) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.media_id) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : 28229002,
                                evaluate: result.result.evaluate,
                                cover: result.result.cover,
                                episodes: eps,
                                ssId: season_id,
                                appOnly: appOnly,
                        const pageTemplateString = Strings.replaceTemplate(pageTemplate, templateArgs);
                        const template = new DOMParser().parseFromString(pageTemplateString, 'text/html');
                        yield cloneChildNodes(template.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], document.head);
                        yield cloneChildNodes(template.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], document.body);
                    catch (e) {
                        util_warn('重建ep页面失败', e);
            if (util_page.new_bangumi()) {
                let $eplist_module = document.getElementById('eplist_module');
                if (!$eplist_module) {
                    const $danmukuBox = document.getElementById('danmukuBox');
                    if (!$danmukuBox) {
                        util_warn('danmukuBox not found!');
                    // 插入eplist_module的位置和内容一定要是这样... 不能改...
                    // 写错了会导致Vue渲染出错, 比如视频播放窗口消失之类的(╯°口°)╯(┴—┴
                    const $template = createElement('template', {}, `<div id="eplist_module" class="ep-list-wrapper report-wrap-module"><div class="list-title clearfix"><h4 title="正片">正片</h4> <span class="mode-change" style="position:relative"><i report-id="click_ep_switch" class="iconfont icon-ep-list-detail"></i> <!----></span> <!----> <span class="ep-list-progress">8/8</span></div> <div class="list-wrapper" style="display:none;"><ul class="clearfix" style="height:-6px;"></ul></div></div>`.trim());
                    (_h = $danmukuBox.parentElement) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.replaceChild($template.content.firstElementChild, $danmukuBox.nextSibling.nextSibling);
    function area_limit_for_vue() {
        if (isClosed())
        if (!((util_page.av() && balh_config.enable_in_av) || util_page.new_bangumi())) {
        function replacePlayInfo() {
            util_debug("window.__playinfo__", window.__playinfo__);
            window.__playinfo__origin = window.__playinfo__;
            let playinfo = undefined;
            // 将__playinfo__置空, 让播放器去重新加载它...
            Object.defineProperty(window, '__playinfo__', {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: () => {
                    util_debug('__playinfo__', 'get');
                    return playinfo;
                set: (value) => {
                    // debugger
                    util_debug('__playinfo__', 'set');
                    // 原始的playinfo为空, 且页面在loading状态, 说明这是html中对playinfo进行的赋值, 这个值可能是有区域限制的, 不能要
                    if (!window.__playinfo__origin && window.document.readyState === 'loading') {
                        util_debug('__playinfo__', 'init in html', value);
                        window.__playinfo__origin = value;
                    playinfo = value;
        function replaceUserState() {
            modifyGlobalValue('__PGC_USERSTATE__', {
                onWrite: (value) => {
                    if (value) {
                        // 区域限制
                        // todo      : 调用areaLimit(limit), 保存区域限制状态
                        // 2019-08-17: 之前的接口还有用, 这里先不保存~~
                        value.area_limit = 0;
                        // 会员状态
                        if (balh_config.blocked_vip && value.vip_info) {
                            value.vip_info.status = 1;
                            value.vip_info.type = 2;
                    return value;
        function replaceInitialState() {
            modifyGlobalValue('__INITIAL_STATE__', {
                onWrite: (value) => {
                    var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
                    if (((_a = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.epInfo) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.id) === -1 && ((_b = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.epList) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length) === 0 && ((_d = (_c = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.mediaInfo) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.rights) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.limitNotFound) === true) {
                        invalidInitialState = value;
                        return undefined;
                    if (value && value.epInfo && value.epList && balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                        for (let ep of [value.epInfo, ...value.epList]) {
                            // 13貌似表示会员视频, 2为普通视频
                            if (ep.epStatus === 13) {
                                util_debug('epStatus 13 => 2', ep);
                                ep.epStatus = 2;
                    if (((_f = (_e = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.mediaInfo) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.rights) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.appOnly) === true) {
                        value.mediaInfo.rights.appOnly = false;
                        window.__balh_app_only__ = true;
                    ifNotNull((_g = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.epInfo) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.rights, (it) => it.area_limit = 0);
                    (_h = value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.epList) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.forEach((it) => ifNotNull(it === null || it === void 0 ? void 0 : it.rights, (it) => it.area_limit = 0));
                    return value;
        modifyGlobalValue('BilibiliPlayer', {
            onWrite: (value) => {
                return value;
            onRead: (value) => {

    function isLogin() {
        return localStorage.oauthTime !== undefined;
    function clearLoginFlag() {
        delete localStorage.oauthTime;
    function updateLoginFlag(loadCallback) {
        Async.jsonp(balh_config.server + '/login?act=expiretime')
            .then(() => loadCallback && loadCallback(true));
        // .catch(() => loadCallback && loadCallback(false)) // 请求失败不需要回调
    function isLoginBiliBili() {
        return cookieStorage['DedeUserID'] !== undefined;
    // 当前在如下情况才会弹一次登录提示框:
    // 1. 第一次使用
    // 2. 主站+服务器都退出登录后, 再重新登录主站
    function checkLoginState() {
        // 给一些状态,设置初始值
        localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v3 === undefined && (localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v3 = r.const.TRUE);
        if (isLoginBiliBili()) {
            if (!localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili // 主站 不登录 => 登录
                || localStorage.balh_pre_server !== balh_config.server // 代理服务器改变了
                || localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v3) { // 设置了"必须提醒"flag
                updateLoginFlag(() => {
                    if (!isLogin() || !localStorage.access_key) {
                        localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v3 = r.const.FALSE;
                            content: [
                                createElement('text', `${GM_info.script.name}\n要不要考虑进行一下授权?\n\n授权后可以观看区域限定番剧的1080P\n(如果你是大会员或承包过这部番的话)\n\n你可以随时在设置中打开授权页面`)
                            onConfirm: () => {
                                var _a;
                                (_a = document.querySelector('#AHP_Notice')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove();
            else if ((isLogin() && Date.now() - parseInt(localStorage.oauthTime) > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) // 已登录,每天为周期检测key有效期,过期前五天会自动续期
                || localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag) { // 某些情况下,必须更新一次
                updateLoginFlag(() => localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag = r.const.FALSE);
        localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili = isLoginBiliBili() ? r.const.TRUE : r.const.FALSE;
        localStorage.balh_pre_server = balh_config.server;
    function showLogin() {
        const balh_auth_window = window.open('about:blank');
        balh_auth_window.document.title = 'BALH - 授权';
        balh_auth_window.document.body.innerHTML = '<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在获取授权,请稍候……';
        window.balh_auth_window = balh_auth_window;
        window.$.ajax('https://passport.bilibili.com/login/app/third?appkey=27eb53fc9058f8c3&api=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mcbbs.net%2Ftemplate%2Fmcbbs%2Fimage%2Fspecial_photo_bg.png&sign=04224646d1fea004e79606d3b038c84a', {
            xhrFields: { withCredentials: true },
            type: 'GET',
            dataType: 'json',
            success: (data) => {
                if (data.data.has_login) {
                    balh_auth_window.document.body.innerHTML = '<meta charset="UTF-8" name="viewport" content="width=device-width">正在跳转……';
                    balh_auth_window.location.href = data.data.confirm_uri;
                else {
                    ui.alert('必须登录B站才能正常授权', () => {
                        location.href = 'https://passport.bilibili.com/login';
            error: (e) => {
    function showLogout() {
        ui.popFrame(balh_config.server + '/login?act=logout');
    // 监听登录message
    window.addEventListener('message', function (e) {
        var _a;
        if (typeof e.data !== 'string')
            return; // 只处理e.data为string的情况
        switch (e.data.split(':')[0]) {
            case 'BiliPlus-Login-Success': {
                localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag = r.const.TRUE;
                    .then(() => Async.jsonp(balh_config.server + '/login?act=getlevel'))
                    .then(() => location.reload())
                    .catch(() => location.reload());
            case 'BiliPlus-Logout-Success': {
            case 'balh-login-credentials': {
                (_a = window.balh_auth_window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.close();
                let url = e.data.split(': ')[1];
                const access_key = new URL(url).searchParams.get('access_key');
                localStorage.access_key = access_key;
                ui.popFrame(url.replace('https://www.mcbbs.net/template/mcbbs/image/special_photo_bg.png', balh_config.server + '/login'));
    util_init(() => {
        if (!(util_page.player() || util_page.av())) {
    }, util_init.PRIORITY.DEFAULT, util_init.RUN_AT.DOM_LOADED_AFTER);
    const biliplus_login = {

    const balh_feature_runPing = function () {
        const pingOutput = document.getElementById('balh_server_ping');
        if (!pingOutput) {
        let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        let testUrl = [r.const.server.S0, r.const.server.S1];
        let testUrlIndex = 0;
        let isReused = false;
        let prevNow;
        let outputArr = [];
        if (balh_config.server_custom) {
        pingOutput.textContent = '正在进行服务器测速…';
        pingOutput.style.height = '100px';
        xhr.open('GET', '', true);
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
            this.readyState == 4 && pingResult();
        var pingLoop = function () {
            prevNow = performance.now();
            xhr.open('GET', testUrl[testUrlIndex] + '/api/bangumi', true);
        var pingResult = function () {
            var duration = (performance.now() - prevNow) | 0;
            if (isReused)
                outputArr.push('\t复用连接:' + duration + 'ms'), isReused = false, testUrlIndex++;
                outputArr.push(testUrl[testUrlIndex] + ':'), outputArr.push('\t初次连接:' + duration + 'ms'), isReused = true;
            pingOutput.textContent = outputArr.join('\n');
            testUrlIndex < testUrl.length ? pingLoop() : pingOutput.appendChild(createElement('a', { href: 'javascript:', event: { click: balh_feature_runPing } }, [createElement('text', '\n再测一次?')]));
    function settings() {
        function addSettingsButton() {
            let indexNav = document.querySelector('.bangumi-nav-right, #index_nav, #fixnav_report');
            let settingBtnSvgContainer;
            const createBtnStyle = (size, diffCss) => {
                diffCss = diffCss || `
                        #balh-settings-btn {
                            bottom: 110px;
                            border: 1px solid #e5e9ef;
                            border-radius: 4px;
                            background: #f6f9fa;
                            margin-top: 4px;
                        #balh-settings-btn .btn-gotop {
                            text-align: center;
                return createElement('style', {}, [createElement('text', `
                        #balh-settings-btn {
                            width: ${size};
                            height: ${size};
                            cursor: pointer;
                        #balh-settings-btn:hover {
                            background: #00a1d6;
                            border-color: #00a1d6;
                        #balh-settings-btn .icon-saturn {
                            width: 30px;
                            height: ${size};
                            fill: rgb(153,162,170);
                        #balh-settings-btn:hover .icon-saturn {
                            fill: white;
            if (indexNav == null) {
                // 信息页添加到按钮右侧
                if (util_page.bangumi_md()) {
                    indexNav = document.querySelector('.media-info-btns');
                    indexNav === null || indexNav === void 0 ? void 0 : indexNav.appendChild(createBtnStyle('44px', `
                            #balh-settings-btn {
                                float: left;
                                margin: 3px 0 0 20px;
                                background: #FFF;
                                border-radius: 10px;
                            #balh-settings-btn>:first-child {
                                text-align: center;
                                height: 100%;
                else if (util_page.watchroom()) {
                    const _indexNav = indexNav = document.body.appendChild(createElement('div', { style: { position: 'fixed', right: '6px', bottom: '45px', zIndex: '129', textAlign: 'center', display: 'none' } }));
                    window.addEventListener('scroll', (event) => {
                        _indexNav.style.display = window.scrollY < 600 ? 'none' : '';
                else {
                    // 新版视频页面的“返回页面顶部”按钮, 由Vue控制, 对内部html的修改会被重置, 故只能重新创建新的indexNav
                    let navTools = document.querySelector('.nav-tools, .float-nav');
                    if (navTools) {
                        let bottom = navTools.className.includes('float-nav') ? '53px' : '45px';
                        const _indexNav = indexNav = document.body.appendChild(createElement('div', { style: { position: 'fixed', right: '6px', bottom: bottom, zIndex: '129', textAlign: 'center', display: 'none' } }));
                        window.addEventListener('scroll', (event) => {
                            _indexNav.style.display = window.scrollY < 600 ? 'none' : '';
                if (indexNav) {
                    settingBtnSvgContainer = indexNav.appendChild(createElement('div', { id: 'balh-settings-btn', title: GM_info.script.name + ' 设置', event: { click: showSettings } }, [createElement('div', {})])).firstChild;
            else {
                // 视频页添加到回顶部下方
                window.dispatchEvent(new Event('resize'));
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        // 2. 显示'问题反馈'
        // 3. 复制成功后请求跳转到GitHub
        // 之后的点击, 只是正常的复制功能~~
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                createElement('h6', { style: { color: '#d01d00', display: balh_config.server_custom ? 'none' : '' } }, [createElement('text', 'BiliPlus已被屏蔽,请填写自定义代理服务, 详见: '), createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/blob/user.js/packages/unblock-area-limit/README.md#%E8%87%AA%E5%AE%9A%E4%B9%89%E4%BB%A3%E7%90%86%E6%9C%8D%E5%8A%A1%E5%99%A8', target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '帮助>自定义代理服务器')])]),
                createElement('form', { id: 'balh-settings-form', event: { change: onSettingsFormChange } }, [
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                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 2 } }, [
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                                type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom', placeholder: '一定要填,形如:https://hd.pilipili.com',
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                            customServerCheckText = createElement('span'),
                    createElement('text', '自定义服务器列表'), createElement('a', { href: 'javascript:;', title: '脚本会缓存当前视频是否属于港/澳/台/泰;修改代理服务器地址后, 建议手动清除下这个缓存。', event: { click: () => localStorage.removeItem('balh_bangumi_area_cache') } }, [createElement('text', '(清除缓存)')]),
                    createElement('div', { style: { display: 'flex', 'flex-wrap': 'wrap' } }, [
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: '1 1 50%' } }, [
                            createElement('text', `台湾: `),
                            createElement('input', {
                                type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom_tw', placeholder: '形如:https://hd.pilipili.com',
                                event: {
                                    input: (event) => {
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                            customTWServerCheckText = createElement('span'),
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: '1 1 50%' } }, [
                            createElement('text', `香港: `),
                            createElement('input', {
                                type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom_hk', placeholder: '形如:https://hd.pilipili.com',
                                event: {
                                    input: (event) => {
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                            customHKServerCheckText = createElement('span'),
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: '1 1 50%' } }, [
                            createElement('text', `大陆: `),
                            createElement('input', {
                                type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom_cn', placeholder: '形如:https://hd.pilipili.com',
                                event: {
                                    input: (event) => {
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                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: '1 1 50%' } }, [
                            createElement('text', `泰国/东南亚: `),
                            createElement('input', {
                                type: 'text', name: 'balh_server_custom_th', placeholder: '形如:https://hd.pilipili.com',
                                event: {
                                    input: (event) => {
                                        customTHServerCheckText.innerText = r.regex.bilibili_api_proxy.test(event.target.value.trim()) ? '✔️' : '🔗️';
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                    createElement('div', { id: 'balh_server_ping', style: { whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', overflow: 'auto' } }, []),
                    createElement('div', { style: { display: '' } }, [
                        createElement('text', 'upos服务器:'), createElement('br'),
                        createElement('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [
                            createElement('div', { title: '变更后 切换清晰度 或 刷新 生效', style: { flex: 1 } }, [
                                createElement('input', { style: { visibility: 'hidden' }, type: 'checkbox' }),
                                createElement('text', '替换upos视频服务器:'),
                                createElement('select', {
                                    id: 'upos-server',
                                    event: {
                                        change: function () {
                                            let server = this.value;
                                            let message = window.$('#upos-server-message');
                                            balh_config.upos_server = server;
                                            document.getElementById('balh-upos-replace-akamai').disabled = !server;
                                }, [
                                    createElement('option', { value: "" }, [createElement('text', '不替换')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "ks3" }, [createElement('text', 'ks3(金山)')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "kodo" }, [createElement('text', 'kodo(七牛)')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "cos" }, [createElement('text', 'cos(腾讯)')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "bos" }, [createElement('text', 'bos(百度)')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "wcs" }, [createElement('text', 'wcs(网宿)')]),
                                    createElement('option', { value: "hw" }, [createElement('text', 'hw(251)')]),
                                createElement('span', { 'id': 'upos-server-message' })
                            createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 }, title: '开启upos替换时, 是否替换`akamaized.net`' }, [createElement('input', { id: 'balh-upos-replace-akamai', type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_upos_replace_akamai', disabled: balh_config.upos_server ? undefined : 'true' }), createElement('text', '替换akamai'), createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/pull/762#discussion_r569911774' }, [createElement('text', '(?)')])]),
                    createElement('text', '脚本工作模式:'), createElement('br'),
                    createElement('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.DEFAULT }), createElement('text', '默认:自动判断')]),
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.REPLACE }), createElement('text', '替换:在需要时处理番剧')]),
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'radio', name: 'balh_mode', value: r.const.mode.REDIRECT }), createElement('text', '重定向:完全代理所有番剧')])
                    ]), createElement('br'),
                    createElement('text', '其他:'), createElement('br'),
                    createElement('div', { style: { display: 'flex' } }, [
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_blocked_vip' }), createElement('text', '被永封的大会员'), createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/blob/user.js/packages/unblock-area-limit/README.md#大会员账号被b站永封了', target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '(?)')])]),
                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_enable_in_av' }), createElement('text', '在AV页面启用'), createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/172', target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '(?)')])]),
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                            createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_remove_pre_ad' }), createElement('text', '去前置广告')]),
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                    ]), createElement('br'),
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                        createElement('label', { style: { flex: 1 } }, [createElement('input', { type: 'checkbox', name: 'balh_is_closed' }), createElement('text', '关闭脚本(脚本当前还有挺多问题, 若影响正常使用, 可以临时关闭它)'),]),
                    ]), createElement('br'),
                    createElement('a', { href: 'javascript:', 'data-sign': 'in', event: { click: onSignClick } }, [createElement('text', '帐号授权')]),
                    createElement('text', ' '),
                    createElement('a', { href: 'javascript:', 'data-sign': 'out', event: { click: onSignClick } }, [createElement('text', '取消授权')]),
                    createElement('text', '  '),
                    createElement('a', { href: 'javascript:', event: { click: function () { util_ui_msg.show(window.$(this), '如果你的帐号进行了付费,不论是大会员还是承包,\n进行授权之后将可以在解除限制时正常享有这些权益\n\n你可以随时在这里授权或取消授权\n\n不进行授权不会影响脚本的正常使用,但可能会缺失1080P', 1e4); } } }, [createElement('text', '(这是什么?)')]),
                    createElement('br'), createElement('br'),
                    createElement('div', { style: { whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap' }, event: { mouseenter: onMouseEnterSettingBottom } }, [
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/25718-%E8%A7%A3%E9%99%A4b%E7%AB%99%E5%8C%BA%E5%9F%9F%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6', target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '脚本主页')]),
                        createElement('text', ' '),
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/blob/user.js/packages/unblock-area-limit/README.md', target: '_blank' }, [createElement('text', '帮助说明')]),
                        createElement('text', ' '),
                        createElement('a', { id: 'balh-copy-log', href: 'javascript:;', event: { click: onCopyClick } }, [createElement('text', '复制日志&问题反馈')]),
                        createElement('text', ' '),
                        createElement('a', { id: 'balh-issue-link', href: 'javascript:;', event: { click: openIssuePage }, style: { display: 'none' } }, [createElement('text', '问题反馈')]),
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/graphs/contributors' }, [createElement('text', '贡献者')]),
                        createElement('text', ' 接口:'),
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://www.biliplus.com/' }, [createElement('text', 'BiliPlus ')]),
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/kghost/bilibili-area-limit' }, [createElement('text', 'kghost ')]),
                        createElement('a', { href: 'https://github.com/yujincheng08/BiliRoaming' }, [createElement('text', 'BiliRoaming ')]),
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    function remove_pre_ad() {
        if (util_page.player()) {
            // 播放页面url中的pre_ad参数, 决定是否播放广告...
            if (balh_config.remove_pre_ad && Strings.getSearchParam(location.href, 'pre_ad') === '1') {
                location.href = location.href.replace(/&?pre_ad=1/, '');

    function injectFetch() {
        // 当前未替换任何内容...
        const originFetch = window.fetch;
        window.fetch = function (input, init) {
            util_debug('fetch', input, init);
            return originFetch(input, init)
                .then(r => {
                // log('then', r)
                return r;
    function injectFetch4Mobile() {
        window.fetch = Async.wrapper(window.fetch, resp => new Proxy(resp, {
            get: function (target, prop, receiver) {
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                        if (target.url.match(RegExps.urlPath('/player/web_api/v2/playurl/html5'))) {
                            let cid = Strings.getSearchParam(target.url, 'cid');
                            return BiliPlusApi.playurl(cid)
                                .then(result => {
                                if (result.code) {
                                    return Promise.reject('error: ' + JSON.stringify(result));
                                else {
                                    return BiliPlusApi.playurl_for_mp4(cid)
                                        .then(url => {
                                        util_debug(`mp4地址, 移动版: ${url}, pc版: ${result.durl[0].url}`);
                                        return {
                                            "code": 0,
                                            "cid": `http://comment.bilibili.com/${cid}.xml`,
                                            "timelength": result.timelength,
                                            "src": url || result.durl[0].url,
                                .catch(e => {
                                // 若拉取视频地址失败, 则返回原始的结果
                                util_debug('fetch mp4 url failed', e);
                                return oriResult;
                        return oriResult;
                    }, error => error);
                return target[prop];
        }), error => error);

    var space_account_info_map = {
        "11783021": { "code": 0, "message": "0", "ttl": 1, "data": { "mid": 11783021, "name": "哔哩哔哩番剧出差", "sex": "保密", "face": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/face/9f10323503739e676857f06f5e4f5eb323e9f3f2.jpg", "sign": "", "rank": 10000, "level": 6, "jointime": 0, "moral": 0, "silence": 0, "coins": 0, "fans_badge": false, "fans_medal": { "show": false, "wear": false, "medal": null }, "official": { "role": 3, "title": "哔哩哔哩番剧出差 官方账号", "desc": "", "type": 1 }, "vip": { "type": 0, "status": 0, "due_date": 0, "vip_pay_type": 0, "theme_type": 0, "label": { "path": "", "text": "", "label_theme": "", "text_color": "", "bg_style": 0, "bg_color": "", "border_color": "" }, "avatar_subscript": 0, "nickname_color": "", "role": 0, "avatar_subscript_url": "" }, "pendant": { "pid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "expire": 0, "image_enhance": "", "image_enhance_frame": "" }, "nameplate": { "nid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "image_small": "", "level": "", "condition": "" }, "user_honour_info": { "mid": 0, "colour": null, "tags": [] }, "is_followed": true, "top_photo": "http://i2.hdslb.com/bfs/space/cb1c3ef50e22b6096fde67febe863494caefebad.png", "theme": {}, "sys_notice": {}, "live_room": { "roomStatus": 1, "liveStatus": 0, "url": "https://live.bilibili.com/931774", "title": "「梦之祭!部」 社团活动最终回", "cover": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/live/c89c499096fa6527765de1fcaa021c9e2db7fbf8.jpg", "online": 0, "roomid": 931774, "roundStatus": 0, "broadcast_type": 0 }, "birthday": "", "school": { "name": "" }, "profession": { "name": "" }, "tags": null, "series": { "user_upgrade_status": 3, "show_upgrade_window": false } } },
        "1988098633": { "code": 0, "message": "0", "ttl": 1, "data": { "mid": 1988098633, "name": "b站_戲劇咖", "sex": "保密", "face": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/face/member/noface.jpg", "sign": "提供bilibili港澳台地區專屬戲劇節目。", "rank": 10000, "level": 2, "jointime": 0, "moral": 0, "silence": 0, "coins": 0, "fans_badge": false, "fans_medal": { "show": false, "wear": false, "medal": null }, "official": { "role": 0, "title": "", "desc": "", "type": -1 }, "vip": { "type": 0, "status": 0, "due_date": 0, "vip_pay_type": 0, "theme_type": 0, "label": { "path": "", "text": "", "label_theme": "", "text_color": "", "bg_style": 0, "bg_color": "", "border_color": "" }, "avatar_subscript": 0, "nickname_color": "", "role": 0, "avatar_subscript_url": "" }, "pendant": { "pid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "expire": 0, "image_enhance": "", "image_enhance_frame": "" }, "nameplate": { "nid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "image_small": "", "level": "", "condition": "" }, "user_honour_info": { "mid": 0, "colour": null, "tags": [] }, "is_followed": true, "top_photo": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/space/cb1c3ef50e22b6096fde67febe863494caefebad.png", "theme": {}, "sys_notice": {}, "live_room": { "roomStatus": 0, "liveStatus": 0, "url": "", "title": "", "cover": "", "online": 0, "roomid": 0, "roundStatus": 0, "broadcast_type": 0 }, "birthday": "01-01", "school": { "name": "" }, "profession": { "name": "" }, "tags": null, "series": { "user_upgrade_status": 3, "show_upgrade_window": false } } },
        "2042149112": { "code": 0, "message": "0", "ttl": 1, "data": { "mid": 2042149112, "name": "b站_綜藝咖", "sex": "保密", "face": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/face/member/noface.jpg", "sign": "提供bilibili港澳台地區專屬綜藝節目。", "rank": 10000, "level": 3, "jointime": 0, "moral": 0, "silence": 0, "coins": 0, "fans_badge": false, "fans_medal": { "show": false, "wear": false, "medal": null }, "official": { "role": 0, "title": "", "desc": "", "type": -1 }, "vip": { "type": 0, "status": 0, "due_date": 0, "vip_pay_type": 0, "theme_type": 0, "label": { "path": "", "text": "", "label_theme": "", "text_color": "", "bg_style": 0, "bg_color": "", "border_color": "" }, "avatar_subscript": 0, "nickname_color": "", "role": 0, "avatar_subscript_url": "" }, "pendant": { "pid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "expire": 0, "image_enhance": "", "image_enhance_frame": "" }, "nameplate": { "nid": 0, "name": "", "image": "", "image_small": "", "level": "", "condition": "" }, "user_honour_info": { "mid": 0, "colour": null, "tags": [] }, "is_followed": true, "top_photo": "http://i0.hdslb.com/bfs/space/cb1c3ef50e22b6096fde67febe863494caefebad.png", "theme": {}, "sys_notice": {}, "live_room": { "roomStatus": 0, "liveStatus": 0, "url": "", "title": "", "cover": "", "online": 0, "roomid": 0, "roundStatus": 0, "broadcast_type": 0 }, "birthday": "", "school": { "name": "" }, "profession": { "name": "" }, "tags": null, "series": { "user_upgrade_status": 3, "show_upgrade_window": false } } },

    function scriptContent() {
        let log = console.log.bind(console, 'injector:');
        if (document.getElementById('balh-injector-source') && invokeBy === GM_info.scriptHandler) {
            // 当前, 在Firefox+GM4中, 当返回缓存的页面时, 脚本会重新执行, 并且此时XMLHttpRequest是可修改的(为什么会这样?) + 页面中存在注入的代码
            // 导致scriptSource的invokeBy直接是GM4...
            log(`页面中存在注入的代码, 但invokeBy却等于${GM_info.scriptHandler}, 这种情况不合理, 终止脚本执行`);
        if (document.readyState === 'uninitialized') { // Firefox上, 对于iframe中执行的脚本, 会出现这样的状态且获取到的href为about:blank...
            log('invokeBy:', invokeBy, 'readState:', document.readyState, 'href:', location.href, '需要等待进入loading状态');
            setTimeout(() => scriptSource(invokeBy + '.timeout'), 0); // 这里会暴力执行多次, 直到状态不为uninitialized...

        log = util_debug;
        log(`[${GM_info.script.name} v${GM_info.script.version} (${invokeBy})] run on: ${window.location.href}`);



        const balh_feature_area_limit = (function () {
            if (isClosed()) return
            function injectXHR() {
                util_debug('XMLHttpRequest的描述符:', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window, 'XMLHttpRequest'));
                window.XMLHttpRequest = new Proxy(window.XMLHttpRequest, {
                    construct: function (target, args) {
                        let container = {}; // 用来替换responseText等变量
                        const dispatchResultTransformer = p => {
                            let event = {}; // 伪装的event
                            return p
                                .then(r => {
                                    container.readyState = 4;
                                    container.response = r;
                                    container.responseText = typeof r === 'string' ? r : JSON.stringify(r);
                                    container.__onreadystatechange(event); // 直接调用会不会存在this指向错误的问题? => 目前没看到, 先这样(;¬_¬)
                                .catch(e => {
                                    // 失败时, 让原始的response可以交付
                                    container.__block_response = false;
                                    if (container.__response != null) {
                                        container.readyState = 4;
                                        container.response = container.__response;
                                        container.__onreadystatechange(event); // 同上
                        const dispatchResultTransformerCreator = () => {
                            container.__block_response = true;
                            return dispatchResultTransformer
                        return new Proxy(new target(...args), {
                            set: function (target, prop, value, receiver) {
                                if (prop === 'onreadystatechange') {
                                    container.__onreadystatechange = value;
                                    let cb = value;
                                    value = function (event) {
                                        if (target.readyState === 4) {
                                            if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('bangumi.bilibili.com/view/web_api/season/user/status'))
                                                || target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/view/web/season/user/status'))) {
                                                log('/season/user/status:', target.responseText);
                                                let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                let rewriteResult = false;
                                                if (json.code === 0 && json.result) {
                                                    areaLimit(json.result.area_limit !== 0);
                                                    if (json.result.area_limit !== 0) {
                                                        json.result.area_limit = 0; // 取消区域限制
                                                        rewriteResult = true;
                                                    if (balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                                                        json.result.pay = 1;
                                                        rewriteResult = true;
                                                    if (rewriteResult) {
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('bangumi.bilibili.com/web_api/season_area'))) {
                                                log('/season_area', target.responseText);
                                                let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                if (json.code === 0 && json.result) {
                                                    areaLimit(json.result.play === 0);
                                                    if (json.result.play === 0) {
                                                        json.result.play = 1;
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/web-interface/nav'))) {
                                                const isFromReport = Strings.getSearchParam(target.responseURL, 'from') === 'report';
                                                let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                log('/x/web-interface/nav', (json.data && json.data.isLogin)
                                                    ? { uname: json.data.uname, isLogin: json.data.isLogin, level: json.data.level_info.current_level, vipType: json.data.vipType, vipStatus: json.data.vipStatus, isFromReport: isFromReport }
                                                    : target.responseText);
                                                if (json.code === 0 && json.data && balh_config.blocked_vip
                                                    && !isFromReport // report时, 还是不伪装了...
                                                ) {
                                                    json.data.vipType = 2; // 类型, 年度大会员
                                                    json.data.vipStatus = 1; // 状态, 启用
                                                    container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/player.so'))) {
                                                // 这个接口的返回数据貌似并不会影响界面...
                                                if (balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                                                    const xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(`<root>${target.responseText.replace(/\&/g, "&amp;")}</root>`, 'text/xml');
                                                    const vipXml = xml.querySelector('vip');
                                                    if (vipXml) {
                                                        const vip = JSON.parse(vipXml.innerHTML);
                                                        vip.vipType = 2; // 同上
                                                        vip.vipStatus = 1;
                                                        vipXml.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(vip);
                                                        container.responseText = xml.documentElement.innerHTML;
                                                        container.response = container.responseText;
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/player/v2'))) {
                                                // 上一个接口的新版本
                                                let json = JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                // 生成字幕
                                                if (balh_config.generate_sub && json.code == 0 && json.data.subtitle && json.data.subtitle.subtitles) {
                                                    let subtitles = json.data.subtitle.subtitles;
                                                    let lans = subtitles.map((item) => item.lan);
                                                    let genCN = lans.includes('zh-Hant') && !lans.includes('zh-CN');
                                                    let genHant = lans.includes('zh-CN') && !lans.includes('zh-Hant');
                                                    let origin = genCN ? 'zh-Hant' : genHant ? 'zh-CN' : null;
                                                    let target = genCN ? 'zh-CN' : genHant ? 'zh-Hant' : null;
                                                    let converter = genCN ? 't2cn' : genHant ? 'cn2t' : null;
                                                    let targetDoc = genCN ? '中文(中国)生成' : genHant ? '中文(繁体)生成' : null;
                                                    if (origin && target && converter && targetDoc) {
                                                        let origSub = subtitles.find((item) => item.lan == origin);
                                                        let origSubUrl = 'http:' + origSub.subtitle_url;
                                                        let origSubId = origSub.id;
                                                        let origSubRealId = BigInt(origSub.id_str);
                                                        let encSubUrl = encodeURIComponent(origSubUrl);
                                                        let encSubId = encodeURIComponent(origSub.id_str);
                                                        let targetSub = {
                                                            lan: target,
                                                            lan_doc: targetDoc,
                                                            is_lock: false,
                                                            subtitle_url: `//www.kofua.top/bsub/${converter}?sub_url=${encSubUrl}&sub_id=${encSubId}`,
                                                            type: 0,
                                                            id: origSubId + 1,
                                                            id_str: (origSubRealId + 1n).toString(),
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                                // https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/775
                                                // 适配有些泰区番剧有返回数据,但字幕为空的问题(ep372478)
                                                if (json.code == -404 || (json.code == 0 && window.__balh_app_only__ && json.data.subtitle.subtitles.length == 0)) {
                                                    log('/x/player/v2', '404', target.responseText);
                                                    container.__block_response = true;
                                                    let url = container.__url.replace('player/v2', 'v2/dm/view').replace('cid', 'oid') + '&type=1'; //从APP接口拉取字幕信息
                                                    Async.ajax(url).then(async data => {
                                                        if (!data.code && data.data.subtitle) {
                                                            // 使用APP接口获取的字幕信息重构返回数据,其它成员不明暂时无视
                                                            const subtitle = data.data.subtitle;
                                                            if (subtitle.subtitles) {
                                                                subtitle.subtitles.forEach(item => (item.subtitle_url = item.subtitle_url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '//')));
                                                            } else {
                                                                // 泰区番剧返回的字幕为 null,需要使用泰区服务器字幕接口填充数据
                                                                let thailand_sub_url = url.replace('https://api.bilibili.com/x/v2/dm/view', `${balh_config.server_custom_th}/intl/gateway/v2/app/subtitle`);
                                                                let thailand_data = await Async.ajax(thailand_sub_url);
                                                                subtitle.subtitles = [];
                                                                thailand_data.data.subtitles.forEach((item) => {
                                                                    let sub = {
                                                                        'id': item.id,
                                                                        'id_str': item.id.toString(),
                                                                        'lan': item.key,
                                                                        'lan_doc': item.title,
                                                                        'subtitle_url': item.url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '//')
                                                            subtitle.allow_submit = false;
                                                            json.data = { subtitle };
                                                            json.code = 0;
                                                            if (balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                                                                json.data.vip = {
                                                                    type: 2, //年费大会员
                                                                    status: 1 //启用
                                                                log('/x/player/v2', 'vip');
                                                            log('/x/player/v2', 'rebuild', json);
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                                        container.response = container.responseText;
                                                        cb.apply(container.responseText ? receiver : this, arguments);
                                                    }).catch(e => {
                                                        util_error('/x/player/v2', e);
                                                        cb.apply(this, arguments);
                                                if ((json.code === -400 || json.code === -404 || (json.code == 0 && window.__balh_app_only__ && json.data.subtitle.subtitles.length == 0)) && balh_config.server_custom_th) {
                                                    // 泰区番剧返回的字幕为 null,需要使用泰区服务器字幕接口填充数据
                                                    // https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep10649765
                                                    let thailand_sub_url = container.__url.replace('https://api.bilibili.com/x/player/v2', `${balh_config.server_custom_th}/intl/gateway/v2/app/subtitle`);
                                                        .then(async thailand_data => {
                                                            let subtitle = { subtitles: [] };
                                                            thailand_data.data.subtitles.forEach((item) => {
                                                                let sub = {
                                                                    'id': item.id,
                                                                    'id_str': item.id.toString(),
                                                                    'lan': item.key,
                                                                    'lan_doc': item.title,
                                                                    'subtitle_url': item.url.replace(/https?:\/\//, '//')
                                                            let json = { code: 0, data: { subtitle: subtitle } };
                                                            // todo: json.data中有许多字段, 需要想办法填充
                                                            if (balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                                                                json.data.vip = {
                                                                    type: 2, //年费大会员
                                                                    status: 1 //启用
                                                            return json
                                                else if (!json.code && json.data && balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                                                    log('/x/player/v2', 'vip');
                                                    const vip = json.data.vip;
                                                    if (vip) {
                                                        vip.type = 2; // 同上
                                                        vip.status = 1;
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                                        container.response = container.responseText;
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/player/playurl'))) {
                                                log('/x/player/playurl', 'origin', `block: ${container.__block_response}`, target.response);
                                                // todo      : 当前只实现了r.const.mode.REPLACE, 需要支持其他模式
                                                // 2018-10-14: 等B站全面启用新版再说(;¬_¬)
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl'))
                                                && !Strings.getSearchParam(target.responseURL, 'balh_ajax')) {
                                                log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'origin', `block: ${container.__block_response}`, target.response);
                                                if (!container.__redirect) { // 请求没有被重定向, 则需要检测结果是否有区域限制
                                                    let json = typeof target.response === 'object' ? target.response : JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                    if (balh_config.blocked_vip || json.code || isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json.result)) {
                                                        container.__block_response = true;
                                                        let url = container.__url;
                                                        if (isBangumiPage()) {
                                                            url += `&module=bangumi`;
                                                            .then(data => {
                                                                if (!data.code) {
                                                                    data = { code: 0, result: data, message: "0" };
                                                                log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'proxy', data);
                                                                return data
                                                    } else {
                                                // 同上
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/view/web/freya/season'))) {
                                                /* 一起看放映室用这个api来识别区域限制 */
                                                let json = JSON.parse(target.response);
                                                log('/pgc/view/web/freya/season', 'origin', `area_limit`, json.data.viewUserStatus.area_limit);
                                                if (json.code == 0 && json.data.viewUserStatus.area_limit == 1) {
                                                    json.data.viewUserStatus.area_limit = 0;
                                                    container.__block_response = true;

                                                    container.responseText = JSON.stringify(json);
                                                    container.response = container.responseText;
                                                    cb.apply(container.responseText ? receiver : this, arguments);
                                                } else {
                                            } else if (target.responseURL.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/space/acc/info?'))) {
                                                const json = JSON.parse(target.responseText);
                                                if (json.code === -404) {
                                                    const mid = new URL(target.responseURL).searchParams.get('mid');
                                                    if (space_account_info_map[mid]) {
                                                        container.responseText = JSON.stringify(space_account_info_map[mid]);
                                            if (container.__block_response) {
                                                // 屏蔽并保存response
                                                container.__response = target.response;
                                        // 这里的this是原始的xhr, 在container.responseText设置了值时需要替换成代理对象
                                        cb.apply(container.responseText ? receiver : this, arguments);
                                target[prop] = value;
                                return true
                            get: function (target, prop, receiver) {
                                if (prop in container) return container[prop]
                                let value = target[prop];
                                if (typeof value === 'function') {
                                    let func = value;
                                    // open等方法, 必须在原始的xhr对象上才能调用...
                                    value = function () {
                                        if (prop === 'open') {
                                            container.__method = arguments[0];
                                            container.__url = arguments[1];
                                        } else if (prop === 'send') {
                                            if (container.__url.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/player/playurl')) && balh_config.enable_in_av) {
                                                // debugger
                                                    .then(data => {
                                                        if (!data.code) {
                                                            data = {
                                                                code: 0,
                                                                data: data,
                                                                message: "0",
                                                                ttl: 1
                                                        log('/x/player/playurl', 'proxy', data);
                                                        return data
                                            } else if (container.__url.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl'))
                                                && !Strings.getSearchParam(container.__url, 'balh_ajax')
                                                && needRedirect()) {
                                                // debugger
                                                container.__redirect = true; // 标记该请求被重定向
                                                let url = container.__url;
                                                if (isBangumiPage()) {
                                                    url += `&module=bangumi`;
                                                    .then(data => {
                                                        if (!data.code) {
                                                            data = {
                                                                code: 0,
                                                                result: data,
                                                                message: "0",
                                                        log('/pgc/player/web/playurl', 'proxy(redirect)', data);
                                                        return data
                                        return func.apply(target, arguments)
                                return value

            function injectAjax() {
                log('injectAjax at:', window.jQuery);
                let originalAjax = $.ajax;
                $.ajax = function (arg0, arg1) {
                    let param;
                    if (arg1 === undefined) {
                        param = arg0;
                    } else {
                        arg0 && (arg1.url = arg0);
                        param = arg1;
                    let oriSuccess = param.success;
                    let oriError = param.error;
                    let mySuccess, myError;
                    // 投递结果的transformer, 结果通过oriSuccess/Error投递
                    let dispatchResultTransformer = p => p
                        .then(r => {
                            // debugger
                        .catch(e => oriError(e));
                    // 转换原始请求的结果的transformer
                    let oriResultTransformer;
                    let oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError;
                    let one_api;
                    // log(param)
                    if (param.url.match(RegExps.urlPath('/web_api/get_source'))) {
                        one_api = bilibiliApis._get_source;
                        oriResultTransformer = p => p
                            .then(json => {
                                if (json.code === -40301 // 区域限制
                                    || json.result.payment && json.result.payment.price != 0 && balh_config.blocked_vip) { // 需要付费的视频, 此时B站返回的cid是错了, 故需要使用代理服务器的接口
                                    return one_api.asyncAjax(param.url)
                                        .catch(e => json)// 新的请求报错, 也应该返回原来的数据
                                } else {
                                    if ((balh_config.blocked_vip || balh_config.remove_pre_ad) && json.code === 0 && json.result.pre_ad) {
                                        json.result.pre_ad = 0; // 去除前置广告
                                    return json;
                    } else if (param.url.match(RegExps.urlPath('/player/web_api/playurl')) // 老的番剧页面playurl接口
                        || param.url.match(RegExps.urlPath('/player/web_api/v2/playurl')) // 新的番剧页面playurl接口
                        || param.url.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl')) // 新的番剧页面playurl接口
                        || (balh_config.enable_in_av && param.url.match(RegExps.url('interface.bilibili.com/v2/playurl'))) // 普通的av页面playurl接口
                    ) {
                        // 新playrul:
                        // 1. 部分页面参数放在param.data中
                        // 2. 成功时, 返回的结果放到了result中: {"code":0,"message":"success","result":{}}
                        // 3. 失败时, 返回的结果没变
                        let isNewPlayurl;
                        if (isNewPlayurl = param.url.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/pgc/player/web/playurl'))) {
                            if (param.data) {
                                param.url += `?${Object.keys(param.data).map(key => `${key}=${param.data[key]}`).join('&')}`;
                                param.data = undefined;
                            if (isBangumiPage()) {
                                log(`playurl add 'module=bangumi' param`);
                                param.url += `&module=bangumi`;
                            // 加上这个参数, 防止重复拦截这个url
                            param.url += `&balh_ajax=1`;
                        one_api = bilibiliApis._playurl;
                        if (isNewPlayurl) {
                            oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError = p => p
                                .then(json => !json.code ? json.result : json);
                        oriResultTransformer = p => p
                            .then(json => {
                                if (isNewPlayurl && !json.code) {
                                    json = json.result;
                                if (balh_config.blocked_vip || json.code || isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json)) {
                                    return one_api.asyncAjax(param.url)
                                        .catch(e => json)
                                } else {
                                    return json
                        const oriDispatchResultTransformer = dispatchResultTransformer;
                        dispatchResultTransformer = p => p
                            .then(r => {
                                if (!r.code && !r.from && !r.result && !r.accept_description) {
                                    util_warn('playurl的result缺少必要的字段:', r);
                                    r.from = 'local';
                                    r.result = 'suee';
                                    r.accept_description = ['未知 3P'];
                                    // r.timelength = r.durl.map(it => it.length).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
                                    if (r.durl && r.durl[0] && r.durl[0].url.includes('video-sg.biliplus.com')) {
                                        const aid = window.__INITIAL_STATE__ && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.aid || window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo && window.__INITIAL_STATE__.epInfo.aid || 'fuck';
                                            content: `原视频已被删除, 当前播放的是<a href="https://video-sg.biliplus.com/">转存服务器</a>中的视频, 速度较慢<br>被删的原因可能是:<br>1. 视频违规<br>2. 视频被归类到番剧页面 => 试下<a href="https://search.bilibili.com/bangumi?keyword=${aid}">搜索av${aid}</a>`
                                if (isNewPlayurl && !r.code) {
                                    r = {
                                        code: 0,
                                        message: 'success',
                                        result: r
                                return r
                    } else if (param.url.match(RegExps.url('interface.bilibili.com/player?'))) {
                        if (balh_config.blocked_vip) {
                            mySuccess = function (data) {
                                try {
                                    let xml = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(`<userstatus>${data.replace(/\&/g, '&amp;')}</userstatus>`, 'text/xml');
                                    let vipTag = xml.querySelector('vip');
                                    if (vipTag) {
                                        let vip = JSON.parse(vipTag.innerHTML);
                                        vip.vipType = 2; // 类型, 年度大会员
                                        vip.vipStatus = 1; // 状态, 启用
                                        vipTag.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(vip);
                                        data = xml.documentElement.innerHTML;
                                } catch (e) {
                                    log('parse xml error: ', e);
                    } else if (param.url.match(RegExps.url('api.bilibili.com/x/ad/video?'))) {
                        if (balh_config.remove_pre_ad) {
                            mySuccess = function (data) {
                                log('/ad/video', data);
                                if (data && data.code === 0 && data.data) {
                                    data.data = []; // 移除广告接口返回的数据

                    if (one_api && oriResultTransformer) {
                        // 请求结果通过mySuccess/Error获取, 将其包装成Promise, 方便处理
                        let oriResultPromise = new Promise$1((resolve, reject) => {
                            mySuccess = resolve;
                            myError = reject;
                        if (needRedirect()) {
                            // 通过proxy, 执行请求
                                // proxy报错时, 返回原始请求的结果
                                .catch(e => oriResultPromise.compose(oriResultTransformerWhenProxyError))
                        } else {

                    // 若外部使用param.success处理结果, 则替换param.success
                    if (oriSuccess && mySuccess) {
                        param.success = mySuccess;
                    // 处理替换error
                    if (oriError && myError) {
                        param.error = myError;
                    // default
                    let xhr = originalAjax.apply(this, [param]);

                    // 若外部使用xhr.done()处理结果, 则替换xhr.done()
                    if (!oriSuccess && mySuccess) {
                        xhr.done = function (success) {
                            oriSuccess = success; // 保存外部设置的success函数
                            return xhr;
                    // 处理替换error
                    if (!oriError && myError) {
                        xhr.fail = function (error) {
                            oriError = error;
                            return xhr;
                    return xhr;

            function isAreaLimitSeason() {
                return cookieStorage['balh_season_' + getSeasonId()];

            function needRedirect() {
                return balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.REDIRECT || (balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.DEFAULT && isAreaLimitSeason())

            function areaLimit(limit) {
                balh_config.mode === r.const.mode.DEFAULT && setAreaLimitSeason(limit);

            function setAreaLimitSeason(limit) {
                var season_id = getSeasonId();
                cookieStorage.set('balh_season_' + season_id, limit ? '1' : undefined, ''); // 第三个参数为'', 表示时Session类型的cookie
                log('setAreaLimitSeason', season_id, limit);
            /** 使用该方法判断是否需要添加module=bangumi参数, 并不准确... */
            function isBangumi(season_type) {
                log(`season_type: ${season_type}`);
                // 1: 动画
                // 2: 电影
                // 3: 纪录片
                // 4: 国创
                // 5: 电视剧
                return season_type != null // 存在season_type就是bangumi?

            function isBangumiPage() {
                return isBangumi(Func.safeGet('window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.season_type || window.__INITIAL_STATE__.mediaInfo.ssType'))

            function getSeasonId() {
                var seasonId;
                // 取anime页面的seasonId
                try {
                    // 若w, 是其frame的window, 则有可能没有权限, 而抛异常
                    seasonId = window.season_id || window.top.season_id;
                } catch (e) {
                if (!seasonId) {
                    try {
                        seasonId = (window.top.location.pathname.match(/\/anime\/(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                    } catch (e) {

                // 若没取到, 则取movie页面的seasonId, 以m开头
                if (!seasonId) {
                    try {
                        seasonId = (window.top.location.pathname.match(/\/movie\/(\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                        if (seasonId) {
                            seasonId = 'm' + seasonId;
                    } catch (e) {

                // 若没取到, 则去新的番剧播放页面的ep或ss
                if (!seasonId) {
                    try {
                        seasonId = (window.top.location.pathname.match(/\/bangumi\/play\/((ep|ss)\d+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                    } catch (e) {

                // 若没取到, 则从search params获取(比如放映室)
                if (!seasonId) {
                    try {
                        seasonId = Strings.getSearchParam(window.location.href, 'seasonid');
                    } catch (e) {

                // 若没取到, 则去取av页面的av号
                if (!seasonId) {
                    try {
                        seasonId = (window.top.location.pathname.match(/\/video\/((av|BV)\w+)/) || ['', ''])[1];
                    } catch (e) {
                // 最后, 若没取到, 则试图取出当前页面url中的aid
                if (!seasonId) {
                    seasonId = Strings.getSearchParam(window.location.href, 'aid');
                    if (seasonId) {
                        seasonId = 'aid' + seasonId;
                return seasonId || '000';

            function isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(json) {
                return (json.errorcid && json.errorcid == '8986943') || (json.durl && json.durl.length === 1 && json.durl[0].length === 15126 && json.durl[0].size === 124627);

            var bilibiliApis = (function () {
                function AjaxException(message, code = 0/*用0表示未知错误*/) {
                    this.name = 'AjaxException';
                    this.message = message;
                    this.code = code;
                AjaxException.prototype.toString = function () {
                    return `${this.name}: ${this.message}(${this.code})`
                function BilibiliApi(props) {
                    Object.assign(this, props);

                BilibiliApi.prototype.asyncAjaxByProxy = function (originUrl, success, error) {
                    var one_api = this;
                        url: one_api.transToProxyUrl(originUrl),
                        async: true,
                        xhrFields: { withCredentials: true },
                        success: function (result) {
                            log('==>', result);
                            // log('success', arguments, this);
                        error: function (e) {
                            log('error', arguments, this);
                BilibiliApi.prototype.asyncAjax = function (originUrl) {
                    return Async.ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl))
                        .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r))
                        .compose(util_ui_msg.showOnNetErrorInPromise()) // 出错时, 提示服务器连不上
                var get_source_by_aid = new BilibiliApi({
                    transToProxyUrl: function (url) {
                        return balh_config.server + '/api/view?id=' + window.aid + `&update=true${access_key_param_if_exist()}`;
                    processProxySuccess: function (data) {
                        if (data && data.list && data.list[0] && data.movie) {
                            return {
                                code: 0,
                                message: 'success',
                                result: {
                                    cid: data.list[0].cid,
                                    formal_aid: data.aid,
                                    movie_status: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : data.movie.movie_status, // 2, 大概是免费的意思?
                                    pay_begin_time: 1507708800,
                                    pay_timestamp: 0,
                                    pay_user_status: data.movie.pay_user.status, // 一般都是0
                                    player: data.list[0].type, // 一般为movie
                                    vid: data.list[0].vid,
                                    vip: { // 2+1, 表示年度大会员; 0+0, 表示普通会员
                                        vipType: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : 0,
                                        vipStatus: balh_config.blocked_vip ? 1 : 0,
                        } else {
                            return {
                                code: -404,
                                message: '不存在该剧集'
                var get_source_by_season_id = new BilibiliApi({
                    transToProxyUrl: function (url) {
                        return balh_config.server + '/api/bangumi?season=' + window.season_id + access_key_param_if_exist();
                    processProxySuccess: function (data) {
                        var found = null;
                        if (!data.code) {
                            for (var i = 0; i < data.result.episodes.length; i++) {
                                if (data.result.episodes[i].episode_id == window.episode_id) {
                                    found = data.result.episodes[i];
                        } else {
                            ui.alert('代理服务器错误:' + JSON.stringify(data) + '\n点击刷新界面.', window.location.reload.bind(window.location));
                        var returnVal = found !== null
                            ? {
                                "code": 0,
                                "message": "success",
                                "result": {
                                    "aid": found.av_id,
                                    "cid": found.danmaku,
                                    "episode_status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : found.episode_status,
                                    "payment": { "price": "9876547210.33" },
                                    "pay_user": {
                                        "status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 1 : 0 // 是否已经支付过
                                    "player": "vupload",
                                    "pre_ad": 0,
                                    "season_status": balh_config.blocked_vip ? 2 : data.result.season_status
                            : { code: -404, message: '不存在该剧集' };
                        return returnVal;
                var playurl_by_bilibili = new BilibiliApi({
                    dataType: 'xml',
                    transToProxyUrl: function (originUrl) {
                        const api_url = 'https://interface.bilibili.com/playurl?';
                        const SEC_NORMAL = '1c15888dc316e05a15fdd0a02ed6584f';
                        let paramDict = {
                            cid: Strings.getSearchParam(originUrl, 'cid'),
                            quality: Strings.getSearchParam(originUrl, 'quality'),
                            qn: Strings.getSearchParam(originUrl, 'qn'), // 增加这个参数, 返回的清晰度更多
                            player: 1,
                            ts: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000),
                        if (localStorage.access_key) {
                            paramDict.access_key = localStorage.access_key;
                        let { sign, params } = Converters.generateSign(paramDict,  SEC_NORMAL);
                        let url =  api_url + params + '&sign=' + sign;
                        return url
                    processProxySuccess: function (result, alertWhenError = true) {
                        // 将xml解析成json
                        let obj = Converters.xml2obj(result.documentElement);
                        if (!obj || obj.code) {
                            if (alertWhenError) {
                                ui.alert(`从B站接口获取视频地址失败\nresult: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}\n\n点击确定, 进入设置页面关闭'使用B站接口获取视频地址'功能`, settings$1.show);
                            } else {
                                return Promise$1.reject(`服务器错误: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`)
                        } else {
                            obj.accept_quality && (obj.accept_quality = obj.accept_quality.split(',').map(n => +n));
                            if (!obj.durl.push) {
                                obj.durl = [obj.durl];
                            obj.durl.forEach((item) => {
                                if (item.backup_url === '') {
                                    item.backup_url = undefined;
                                } else if (item.backup_url && item.backup_url.url) {
                                    item.backup_url = item.backup_url.url;
                        log('xml2obj', result, '=>', obj);
                        return obj
                    _asyncAjax: function (originUrl) {
                        return Async.ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl))
                            .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r, false))
                var playurl_by_proxy = new BilibiliApi({
                    _asyncAjax: function (originUrl, bangumi) {
                        return Async.ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl, bangumi))
                            .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r, false))
                    transToProxyUrl: function (url, bangumi) {
                        let params = url.split('?')[1];
                        if (bangumi === undefined) { // 自动判断
                            // av页面中的iframe标签形式的player, 不是番剧视频
                            bangumi = !util_page.player_in_av();
                            // url中存在season_type的情况
                            let season_type_param = Strings.getSearchParam(url, 'season_type');
                            if (season_type_param && !isBangumi(+season_type_param)) {
                                bangumi = false;
                            if (!bangumi) {
                                params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, ''); // 移除可能存在的module参数
                        } else if (bangumi === true) { // 保证添加module=bangumi参数
                            params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, '');
                            params += '&module=bangumi';
                        } else if (bangumi === false) { // 移除可能存在的module参数
                            params = params.replace(/&?module=(\w+)/, '');
                        // 管他三七二十一, 强行将module=bangumi替换成module=pgc _(:3」∠)_
                        params = params.replace(/(&?module)=bangumi/, '$1=pgc');
                        return `${balh_config.server}/BPplayurl.php?${params}${access_key_param_if_exist()}${platform_android_param_if_app_only()}`;
                    processProxySuccess: function (data, alertWhenError = true) {
                        // data有可能为null
                        if (data && data.code === -403) {
                                content: `<b>code-403</b>: <i style="font-size:4px;white-space:nowrap;">${JSON.stringify(data)}</i>\n\n当前代理服务器(${balh_config.server})依然有区域限制\n\n可以考虑进行如下尝试:\n1. 进行“帐号授权”\n2. 换个代理服务器\n3. 耐心等待服务端修复问题\n\n点击确定, 打开设置页面`,
                                onConfirm: settings$1.show,
                        } else if (data === null || data.code) {
                            if (alertWhenError) {
                                ui.alert(`突破黑洞失败\n${JSON.stringify(data)}\n点击确定刷新界面`, window.location.reload.bind(window.location));
                            } else {
                                return Promise$1.reject(new AjaxException(`服务器错误: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`, data ? data.code : 0))
                        } else if (isAreaLimitForPlayUrl(data)) {
                            util_error('>>area limit');
                                content: `突破黑洞失败\n需要登录\n点此确定进行登录`,
                                onConfirm: biliplus_login.showLogin
                        } else {
                            if (balh_config.flv_prefer_ws) {
                                data.durl.forEach(function (seg) {
                                    var t, url, i;
                                    if (!seg.url.includes('ws.acgvideo.com')) {
                                        for (i in seg.backup_url) {
                                            url = seg.backup_url[i];
                                            if (url.includes('ws.acgvideo.com')) {
                                                log('flv prefer use:', url);
                                                t = seg.url;
                                                seg.url = url;
                                                url = t;

                        return data;
                // https://github.com/kghost/bilibili-area-limit/issues/3
                const playurl_by_kghost = new BilibiliApi({
                    _asyncAjax: function (originUrl) {
                        const proxyHostMap = [
                            [/僅.*台.*地區/, '//bilibili-tw-api.kghost.info/', []],
                            [/僅.*港.*地區/, '//bilibili-hk-api.kghost.info/', [
                                34680, // 安达与岛村
                            [/仅限东南亚/, '//bilibili-sg-api.kghost.info/', []],
                            [/.*/, '//bilibili-cn-api.kghost.info/', []],
                        let proxyHost;
                        for (const [regex, host, ssIds] of proxyHostMap) {
                            if (document.title.match(regex) || ssIds.includes(util_page.ssId)) {
                                proxyHost = host;
                        if (proxyHost) {
                            return Async.ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl, proxyHost))
                                .then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r))
                        } else {
                            return Promise$1.reject("没有支持的服务器")
                    transToProxyUrl: function (originUrl, proxyHost) {
                        return originUrl.replace(/^(https:)?(\/\/api\.bilibili\.com\/)/, `$1${proxyHost}`) + access_key_param_if_exist(true);
                    processProxySuccess: function (result) {
                        if (result.code) {
                            return Promise$1.reject(result)
                        return result.result
                const playurl_by_custom = new BilibiliApi({
                    _asyncAjax: function (originUrl) {
                        return this.selectServer(originUrl).then(r => this.processProxySuccess(r))
                    selectServer: async function (originUrl) {
                        let result;
                        // 对应this.transToProxyUrl的参数, 用`/`分隔, 形如: `${proxyHost}/${area}`
                        let tried_server_args = [];
                        const isTriedServerArg = (proxyHost, area) => tried_server_args.includes(`${proxyHost}/*`) || tried_server_args.includes(`${proxyHost}/${area}`);
                         * @param {string} proxyHost 代理地址
                         * @param {"cn"|"hk"|"th"|"cn"|""} area 区域
                        const requestPlayUrl = (proxyHost, area) => {
                            return Async.ajax(this.transToProxyUrl(originUrl, proxyHost, area))
                                // 捕获错误, 防止依次尝试各各服务器的流程中止
                                .catch((e) => {
                                    // proxyHost临时不可用, 将它添加到tried_server_args中, 防止重复请求
                                    return ({ code: -1, error: e });

                        // 标题有明确说明优先尝试,通常准确率最高
                        if (document.title.includes('僅限台灣') && balh_config.server_custom_tw) {
                            result = await requestPlayUrl(balh_config.server_custom_tw, 'tw');
                            if (!result.code) {
                                return Promise$1.resolve(result)
                        if (document.title.includes('僅限港澳') && balh_config.server_custom_hk) {
                            result = await requestPlayUrl(balh_config.server_custom_hk, 'hk');
                            if (!result.code) {
                                return Promise$1.resolve(result)

                        // 服务器列表, 按顺序解析
                        const server_list = [
                            // 大陆, 通过标题没法区分
                            [balh_config.server_custom_cn, '大陆', 'cn'],
                            // 泰, 通过标题没法区分
                            [balh_config.server_custom_th, '泰国(东南亚)', 'th'],
                            // 港台, 一般能够从标题中匹配到, 因而优先级可以低一点
                            [balh_config.server_custom_hk, '香港', 'hk'],
                            [balh_config.server_custom_tw, '台湾', 'tw'],

                        // 尝试读取番剧区域缓存判断番剧区域进行解析
                        let bangumi_area_cache = {};
                        if (localStorage.getItem('balh_bangumi_area_cache')) {
                            bangumi_area_cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('balh_bangumi_area_cache'));
                            if (util_page.ssId && bangumi_area_cache.hasOwnProperty(util_page.ssId)) {
                                // 缓存存在
                                let server_list_map = {};
                                server_list.forEach((item) => {
                                    server_list_map[item[2]] = item;
                                let area_code = bangumi_area_cache[util_page.ssId];
                                let cache_host = server_list_map[area_code][0];
                                let cache_host_name = server_list_map[area_code][1];
                                if (cache_host) {
                                    result = await requestPlayUrl(cache_host, area_code);
                                    if (!result.code) {
                                        return Promise$1.resolve(result)

                        // 首选服务器解析
                        if (balh_config.server_custom) {
                            // 首选代理服务器的area参数需要为空
                            result = await requestPlayUrl(balh_config.server_custom, '');
                            if (!result.code) {
                                return Promise$1.resolve(result)

                        // 首选服务器失败后开始尝试服务器列表, 按顺序解析
                        for (let server_info of server_list) {
                            const host = server_info[0];
                            const host_name = server_info[1];
                            const host_code = server_info[2];
                            // 请求过的服务器, 不应该重复请求
                            if (host && (!isTriedServerArg(host, host_code))) {
                                result = await requestPlayUrl(host, host_code);
                                if (!result.code) {
                                    // 解析成功,将结果存入番剧区域缓存
                                    if (util_page.ssId) {
                                        bangumi_area_cache[util_page.ssId] = host_code;
                                        localStorage.setItem('balh_bangumi_area_cache', JSON.stringify(bangumi_area_cache));
                                    return Promise$1.resolve(result)
                        return Promise$1.resolve(result)  // 都失败了,返回最后一次数据
                    transToProxyUrl: function (originUrl, proxyHost, area) {
                        if (r.regex.bilibili_api_proxy.test(proxyHost)) {
                            if (area === 'th') {
                                // 泰区番剧解析
                                return getMobiPlayUrl(originUrl, proxyHost, area)
                            if (window.__balh_app_only__) {
                                // APP 限定用 mobi api
                                return getMobiPlayUrl(originUrl, proxyHost, area)
                            return originUrl.replace(/^(https:)?(\/\/api\.bilibili\.com\/)/, `$1${proxyHost}/`) + '&area=' + area + access_key_param_if_exist(true);
                        } else {
                            if (window.__balh_app_only__) {
                                return `${proxyHost}?${generateMobiPlayUrlParams(originUrl)}`
                            // 将proxyHost当成接口的完整路径进行拼接
                            const params = originUrl.split('?')[1];
                            return `${proxyHost}?${params}${access_key_param_if_exist(true)}`

                    processProxySuccess: function (result) {
                        if (result.code) {
                            return Promise$1.reject(result)
                        // 在APP限定情况启用 mobi api 解析
                        if (window.__balh_app_only__) {
                            // 泰区番也是 APP 限定
                            if (result.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
                                return fixThailandPlayUrlJson(result)
                            if (result['type'] == "DASH") {
                                return fixMobiPlayUrlJson(result)
                            return result;
                        return result.result
                const playurl = new BilibiliApi({
                    asyncAjax: function (originUrl) {
                        ui.playerMsg(`从${r.const.server.CUSTOM === balh_config.server_inner ? '自定义' : '代理'}服务器拉取视频地址中...`);
                        return (r.const.server.CUSTOM === balh_config.server_inner ? playurl_by_custom._asyncAjax(originUrl) : (playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl) // 优先从代理服务器获取
                            .catch(e => {
                                if (e instanceof AjaxException) {
                                    if (e.code === 1 // code: 1 表示非番剧视频, 不能使用番剧视频参数
                                        || (Strings.getSearchParam(originUrl, 'module') === 'bangumi' && e.code === -404)) { // 某些番剧视频又不需要加module=bangumi, 详见: https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/494
                                        return playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl, false)
                                            .catch(e2 => Promise$1.reject(e)) // 忽略e2, 返回原始错误e
                                    } else if (e.code === 10004) { // code: 10004, 表示视频被隐藏, 一般添加module=bangumi参数可以拉取到视频
                                        return playurl_by_proxy._asyncAjax(originUrl, true)
                                            .catch(e2 => Promise$1.reject(e))
                                return Promise$1.reject(e)
                            .catch(e => {
                                if ((typeof e === 'object' && e.statusText == 'error')
                                    || (e instanceof AjaxException && (e.code === -502 || e.code === -412/*请求被拦截*/ || e.code === -500/*已爆炸*/))
                                    || (typeof e === 'object' && e.code === -10403)
                                ) {
                                    return playurl_by_kghost._asyncAjax(originUrl)
                                        .catch(e2 => Promise$1.reject(e))
                                return Promise$1.reject(e)
                            // 报错时, 延时1秒再发送错误信息
                            .catch(e => Async.timeout(1000).then(r => Promise$1.reject(e)))
                            .catch(e => {
                                let msg;
                                if (typeof e === 'object' && e.statusText == 'error') {
                                    msg = '代理服务器临时不可用';
                                } else {
                                    msg = Objects.stringify(e);
                                    content: `## 拉取视频地址失败\n原因: ${msg}\n\n可以考虑进行如下尝试:\n1. 多<a href="">刷新</a>几下页面\n2. 进入<a href="javascript:bangumi_area_limit_hack.showSettings();">设置页面</a>更换代理服务器\n3. 耐心等待代理服务器端修复问题`,
                                    onConfirm: window.location.reload.bind(window.location),
                                    confirmBtn: '刷新页面'
                                return Promise$1.reject(e)
                            .then(data => {
                                if (data.dash) {
                                    // dash中的字段全部变成了类似C语言的下划线风格...
                                // 替换后大多数bangumi下的视频都会报CROS错误
                                if (!window.__balh_app_only__ && balh_config.upos_server) {
                                    return Converters.replaceUpos(data, uposMap[balh_config.upos_server], balh_config.upos_replace_akamai)
                                return data
                return {
                    _get_source: util_page.movie() ? get_source_by_aid : get_source_by_season_id,
                    _playurl: playurl,

            if (util_page.anime_ep_m() || util_page.anime_ss_m()) {
                // BiliPlusApi.playurl_for_mp4返回的url能在移动设备上播放的前提是, 请求头不包含Referer...
                // 故这里设置meta, 使页面不发送Referer
                // 注意动态改变引用策略的方式并不是标准行为, 目前在Chrome上测试是有用的
                document.head.appendChild(createElement('meta', { name: "referrer", content: "no-referrer" }));
                util_init(() => {
                    const $wrapper = document.querySelector('.player-wrapper');
                    new MutationObserver(function (mutations, observer) {
                        for (let mutation of mutations) {
                            if (mutation.type === 'childList') {
                                for (let node of mutation.addedNodes) {
                                    if (node.tagName === 'DIV' && node.className.split(' ').includes('player-mask')) {
                                        node.style.display = 'none';
                    }).observe($wrapper, {
                        childList: true,
                        attributes: false,
                let jQuery = window.jQuery;
                if (jQuery) { // 若已加载jQuery, 则注入
                // 需要监听jQuery变化, 因为有时会被设置多次...
                Object.defineProperty(window, 'jQuery', {
                    configurable: true, enumerable: true, set: function (v) {
                        // debugger
                        log('set jQuery', jQuery, '->', v);
                        // 临时规避这个问题:https://github.com/ipcjs/bilibili-helper/issues/297
                        // 新的av页面中, 运行脚本的 injectXHR() 后, 页面会往该方法先后设置两个jQuery...原因未知
                        // 一个从jquery.min.js中设置, 一个从player.js中设置
                        // 并且点击/载入等事件会从两个jQuery中向下分发...导致很多功能失常
                        // 这里我们屏蔽掉jquery.min.js分发的一些事件, 避免一些问题
                        if (util_page.av_new() && balh_config.enable_in_av) {
                            try { // 获取调用栈的方法不是标准方法, 需要try-catch
                                const stack = (new Error()).stack.split('\n');
                                if (stack[stack.length - 1].includes('jquery')) { // 若从jquery.min.js中调用
                                    log('set jQueury by jquery.min.js', v);
                                    v.fn.balh_on = v.fn.on;
                                    v.fn.on = function (arg0, arg1) {
                                        if (arg0 === 'click.reply' && arg1 === '.reply') {
                                            // 屏蔽掉"回复"按钮的点击事件
                                            log('block click.reply', arguments);
                                        return v.fn.balh_on.apply(this, arguments)
                                // jQuery.fn.paging方法用于创建评论区的页标, 需要迁移到新的jQuery上
                                if (jQuery != null && jQuery.fn.paging != null
                                    && v != null && v.fn.paging == null) {
                                    v.fn.paging = jQuery.fn.paging;
                            } catch (e) {

                        jQuery = v;
                        injectAjax();// 设置jQuery后, 立即注入
                    }, get: function () {
                        return jQuery;





        const settings$1 = settings();


        function main() {
                'mode:', balh_config.mode,
                'blocked_vip:', balh_config.blocked_vip,
                'server:', balh_config.server,
                'upos_server:', balh_config.upos_server,
                'flv_prefer_ws:', balh_config.flv_prefer_ws,
                'remove_pre_ad:', balh_config.remove_pre_ad,
                'generate_sub:', balh_config.generate_sub,
                'enable_in_av:', balh_config.enable_in_av,
                'readyState:', document.readyState,
                'isLogin:', biliplus_login.isLogin(),
                'isLoginBiliBili:', biliplus_login.isLoginBiliBili()
            // 暴露接口
            window.bangumi_area_limit_hack = {
                setCookie: cookieStorage.set,
                getCookie: cookieStorage.get,
                login: biliplus_login.showLogin,
                logout: biliplus_login.showLogout,
                getLog: (...args) => {
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        util_warn('日志包含access_key等敏感数据, 请不要发给不信任的人!');
                    }, 0);
                    return logHub.getAllMsg.apply(null, args)
                showSettings: settings$1.show,
                _setupSettings: settings$1.setup,
                set1080P: function () {
                    const settings = JSON.parse(localStorage.bilibili_player_settings);
                    const oldQuality = settings.setting_config.defquality;
                    util_debug(`defauality: ${oldQuality}`);
                    settings.setting_config.defquality = 112; // 1080P
                    localStorage.bilibili_player_settings = JSON.stringify(settings);
                _clear_local_value: function () {
                    delete localStorage.oauthTime;
                    delete localStorage.balh_h5_not_first;
                    delete localStorage.balh_old_isLoginBiliBili;
                    delete localStorage.balh_must_remind_login_v3;
                    delete localStorage.balh_must_updateLoginFlag;


