Torn City - Travel Run One Click Update by Xiphias[187717]

Update Travel Run and the Travel Thread with one button click.

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v1.0.3.2 25.08.2018 Added CORS hack (thanks to DeKleineKobini [2114440]) and made it so it updates travelrun after a purchase has been made.
  • v1.0.3 22.07.2016 Removed automatic forum posting by request of users
  • v1.0.2 26.04.2016 Hopefully fixes the issue with the button being hidden by the chat boxes
  • v1.0.1 25.04.2016 Changed the title of the script.
  • v1.0.0 25.04.2016