Greasy Fork is available in English.

Colorful Text Ratings *OLD*

Changes game star rating to a colour-coded text rating

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Original Author: Musicdemon
Original Host:
Created: ???
Updated: 03/04/11
Total installs on original host as of 26/03/16: 1,102
Working Status: Defunct (Incompatibility)

[Original Thumb 1 is too large to upload to GreasyFork, so give me a bit -KongScripts]

Dev notes:

Changes somewhat ambiguous star ratings to color-coded text ratings on Kongregate

Version: 1.4

This is a userscript I have created for Greasemonkey that changes somewhat ambiguous star ratings to color-coded text ratings. Here's how it works:

4.5 rating or higher is in blue
4.0 rating or higher is in green
3.5 rating or higher is in orange
3.0 rating or higher is in red
2.5 rating or higher is in purple
2.0 rating or higher is in grey
Ratings below 2.0 are in black

Here's how to get it:

1) If you are using Firefox, download Greasemonkey. If you are using Chrome, just go to step 2.

2) Go to the script page and click the "Install" button

[Obviously these instructions are outdated in terms of Chrome and the link -KongScripts]

Just remember to refresh any open Kongregate tabs/windows to see the results.


Version 1.4

Partially broken from the myriad Kongregate updates. It has become so complex now, I doubt it'll ever be fixed. Thanks to Ventero for some help with code-cleanup.
Version 1.3

Added user content
Fixed Quick Pick game rating
Version 1.2.2

Added (thanks, Kioyoh)
Version 1.2.1

Fixed: Positioning of the rating on mouseover for games browser (thanks again for report, Kioyoh)
Version 1.2

Added User Script Command so YOU can choose how many digits you want the script to display. See screenshot above for information. Support for up to 4 digits.
Added text ratings to More Games tab (thanks for bug report, Kioyoh!)
Version 1.1

Added: Click single-digit ratings to fetch a more precise rating on homepage and game pages
Added: Mouseover single-digit ratings to fetch a more precise rating when browsing games
Fixed: Rating in Game tab
Removed redundant (Avg: x.xx) and (x.xx avg.) messages on homepage and collabs pages
Updated screenshots on kongregate and userscripts
Version 1.0.1

Changed the default colors