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HTML5 thingie for Spotify Web Player

Play music on the browser without having to install Flash Player. Yes, I know why SWF bridges exist.

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v2016.01.30 23.02.2016 Synced from GitHub - Test my hg-git support
  • v2016.01.30 30.01.2016 Synced from GitHub - Add a ZeroClipboard.js HTML5 shim, now we can copy things from the Spotify context menu without flash. Neat!
  • v2016.01.29 29.01.2016 Imported from URL
  • v2015.12.17 18.12.2015 Synced from GitHub - s/on/in
  • v2015.12.17 18.12.2015 Imported from URL
  • v2015.12.17 17.12.2015 Imported from URL
  • v2015.12.15 15.12.2015 Implement more swf bindings, and make the returned values more plausible, improving implementation correctness.
  • v2015.12.15 15.12.2015 Prettyfied it up, and reduced the code size and compacted the event listeners neatly.
  • v2015.11.20 15.12.2015 Some additional tweaks and ironing out small quirks that appeared in the player GUI, now the bindings are, no more NaN appearing in the progress UI. html5 audio is much faster, responsive and efficient than its flash counterpart
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 Play, pause and some tweaks.
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 works pretty well already, now it's time for a cleanup, yep, really.
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 Callbacks work, everything works nicely except what's not implemented. neat! almost there! this needs a good cleanup! :D
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 ironing out events, finding out the right place where to post callbacks, this is a bit messy, disassembled from swf
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 sound playter and sound loading works + setting volume, now we have to report back events to make it work consistently
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 works again after cleanup
  • v2015.11.20 14.12.2015 add some reference urls, implementation of the html5 audio backend is next, easy peasy, or that's what it seems
  • v2015.11.20 13.12.2015
  • v2015.12.13.a 13.12.2015 Actually logins and starts, asks for stuff and passes the ping-pong test with synchronous xhr. ugly, but no other alternative.
  • v2015.12.13 13.12.2015 Goes further until the flash callbacks. Neat!
  • v2015.11.20 20.11.2015