Quizlet 'Learn' Mode Global Input Stopper

Disable page click from going to the next question without permission. Additionally, "Enter" key will submit answers, and "space" will override incorrect answers. Only accept 'enter', 'space' keys and 'click' events. | https://greasyfork.org/en/users/3656-kaiko

Verzia zo dňa 25.07.2017. Pozri najnovšiu verziu.

Zoznam verzií skriptu, ktorých kód bol aktualizovaný. Zobraziť všetky verzie.

  • v1.3.4 25.08.2017
  • v1.3.4 22.08.2017
  • v1.3.4 22.08.2017 Updated URL rules for Quizlet Update
  • v1.3.3 04.08.2017 Fixed matching of HTTP/HTTPS for Greasemonkey (Firefox) installs.
  • v1.3.2 25.07.2017 Updated HTTP/HTTPS rules
  • v1.3.1 11.12.2016 Updated @description.
  • v1.3 11.12.2016 Updated to conform to Quizlet's new naming conventions.
  • v1.2 25.03.2016
  • v1.1 17.10.2015
  • v1.1 17.10.2015
  • v1 16.10.2015
  • v1 16.10.2015