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GLB Skill Points Page Enhancements JS - adds pop up with the needed SPs to next skill cap
Season 100 updated VPB JS - simulate a player's build under the season 100 revisions
Player Value To League Page S104 fix JS - Add player value info to GLB league pages.
Military Time Converter and Time Zone Adjuster with Preference JS - Convert military time to regular time and adjust MST to EST, CST, PST with user preference and storage
GLB Ticket Price Assistant - pabst edit JS - Helps you set prices of tickets.
Bulk Player Retirement JS - Lets you retire players in bulk.
GLB Player Builder JS - simulate a player's build
GLB HomePageRewrite Season 12+ - pabst fix JS - ReWrite Homepage to try to better utilize space script includes player links, next game spread, cash to homepage, contract expiration, training value and some other features.
Rockitsauce's All Time Team Leaders - pabst fix JS - List out your team's all time record holders in Goalline Blitz
GLB Cut CPU Players - pabst fix JS - Cuts CPU players to the minimum
GLB Power Rankings Season 17 fix (Updated Output Design) - pabst_fix JS - This script is a modified version of garrettforster and gongadan's script to work in season 17. CampPen33 EDIT: Just messing around with the output page design.
Overall Stat Number on team page JS - From the team page will pull overal numerical ranking of each team on schedule
Replay Rewrite - AI Testing On Replay JS - Offensive & Defensive AI Buttons On GLB Replay
Replay Rewrite - Follow Player JS - Skip replays that don't have a selected player
Player Value On Skill Point Page JS - Calculates the player value from the skill point page.
Replay Rewrite - Player Paths On Replay JS - Adds player moviement trails to GLB replays viewed with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite - Player Highlight On Replay JS - Highlight players you own when watching GLB replays with the replay rewrite script.
Add Decline To Player Page JS - Add declined attributes into the base attributes on the GLB player page.
Attributes On Roster Page JS - Adds more player info to the GLB roster page.
Extra Info In Play Text JS - Add extra info to the GLB play description text.
Marketplace Filter JS - Filter players on the GLB marketplace based on attributes.
Player Play Watch Or/And/Xor/Not JS - Only show the plays the selected players were in on a GLB play-by-play page.
Cumulative Team Results JS - Get a teams cumulative GLB record.
GLB Game Log Totals JS - Show stat totals on the GLB Player Log page by team, by score, and by game type.
Player Value To League Page JS - Add player value info to GLB league pages.
Replay Rewrite - Custom Graphics On Replay JS - Enables the use of custom fields when viewing plays with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite - First Down Lines On Replay JS - Adds down and scrimmage lines to GLB replays viewed with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite JS - description
Add Agent to Search JS - Show agent on player search pages
GLB Player Value Calculator 1_0 JS - calculate a player value
GLB AI Output Namer JS - renames outputs to match the name of the play chosen
Player Value To League Page S48 fix JS - Add player value info to GLB league pages.
GLB Tag Filter JS - Filter Tag Menu!
GLB Player Value JS - Puts the real player value on the player page
GLB Player Builder JS - simulate a player's build
Rockitsauce GLB Game Scout Tool JS - Scouting Tool
GLB Ticket Price Assistant - pabst edit - SM Tweak https JS - Helps you set prices of tickets.
GLB Player Builder JS - simulate a player's build
Replay Rewrite - Player Paths On Replay JS - Adds player movement trails to GLB replays viewed with the replay rewrite script.
Replay Rewrite - Player Highlight On Replay JS - Highlight players you own when watching GLB replays with the replay rewrite script.
GLB Cut CPU Players - Rc26 fix JS - Cuts CPU players to the minimum
GLB DPC Play Save As New Play JS - Adds a "Save As New" checkbox to GLB Defensive Play Creator
second try updating player builder S100 JS - simulate a player's build
GLB AI Output Namer JS - renames outputs to match the name of the play chosen
Player Value On Skill Point Page JS - Calculates the player value from the skill point page.
GLB Player Page Enhancements Warrior General JS - adds a few options when displaying the atribute values, with or with out items, also displayes ALG values
Sortable Players Table with Persistence and Reset JS - Enables sorting and rearranging players in the table on GLB website with persistence across page refreshes, and provides a "Reset" button to restore the original order
Major/Minors ALGs on Skill Page JS - Displays data from an Excel sheet on a webpage
Attributes On Search Page JS - sdfsdf
GLB Player Scout JS - GLB Speed Script
Player Value To Matchup Page JS - Player Value to Matchup Page
Replay Rewrite -NEWGEN JS - description
Player Value To League Page S104 fix JS - Add player value info to GLB league pages.